f^.oct. {(^'5
The Rev. W. S. Ceockett. D.D., Minister of Tweedsmuir, Convener and
General Editor.
Francis James Grant, W.S., Rothesay Herald and Lyon Clerk, Vice-Convener
(ind Joint-Editor.
The Rev. Professor James Mackinxon, D,D., Ph.D.
Sir James Balfour Paul, K.C.V.O., LL.D.
The Rev. Arthur Pollok Sym, D.D.
The Very Rev. David Paul, D.D., LL.D.,
The Rev. Professor Baxter, B.D., St
The Rev. Professor Mackinnon, D D.,
Ph.D., Edinburgh
The Rev. Thomas Burns, D.D., Edinburgh
The Rev. W. W. Coats, D.D., Brechin
The Rev. J. T. Cox, D.D., Dyce
The Rev. J. King Hewison, D.D., Rothesay
The Rev. A. M'Neill Houston, D.D.,
The Rev. Joseph Mitchell, D.D., Mauchline
The Rev. Harry Smith, D.D., Heriot
The Rev. Arthur P. Sym, D.D., Lilliesleaf
The Rev. J. R. Aitken, M.A., Edinburgh
The Rev. James W. Blake, M.A., Temple
The Rev. John Burleigh, Ednam
The Rev. Andrew Burns, Fenwick
The Rev. J. A. Cameron, B.D., Legerwood
The Rev. A. J. Campbell, B.A., Glasgow
The Rev. Alexander A. Duncan, B.D.,
The Rev. Richard Henderson, B.D.,
The Rev. James F. Leishman, M.A.,
The Rev. Angus J. Macdonald, Killearnan
The Rev. Alex. M. MacGregoe, Lochryan
The Rev. John Muirhead, B.D., Avendale
The Rev. John W. Murray, B.A. (Oxon.),
The Rev. W. H. Porter, Cults, Pitlessie
The Rev. William Stephen, B.D., Inver-
C. E. W. Macpherson, C.A., Edinburgh
Sir James Balfour Paul, K.C.V.O., LL.D.,
Thomas Reid, M.A., Lanark
J. H, Stevenson, M.B.E., K.C., Edinburgh
Revised and contimied to the Present Time tmder the Superintendetice
of a Committee appointed by the General Assembly
.**^r '"
With the present Volume the work of preparing a new edition of
Fasti Ecclesice Scoticanoe comes to a completion. The genesis of the
undertaking may be recalled. An Overture was presented to the
General Assembly in the following terms : —
" Whereas the publication known as Dr Hew Scott's Fasti Ecclesice
ScoticanoB contains valuable information relative to the ministers of
the Church from an early period ; whereas it is desirable to continue a
record of the succession of ministers in the various parishes since the
date of that publication ; and whereas this can be most conveniently
carried out by a Committee representing the Church : It is humbly
Overtured by the undersigned Members of the House to the Venerable
the General Assembly to appoint a Committee to collect material for
the continuance of the record up to the present date ; or to do otherwise
as the Assembly may see fit."
Of eight signatories it may be stated that three only survive, while
of ten members who constituted the Editorial Committee of 1914,
four only remain.
During the earlier stages of conference as to the precise arrangement
of the work, a decision was arrived at which entirely altered its
original design of merely continuing Dr Hew Scott's Fasti from 1839
to the present time. That decision involved a complete revision of all
Dr Scott's Volumes, and to this extended scheme the General Assembly
gave cordial approval. The seven Volumes now issued, therefore,
have been compiled and re-written following a careful perusal, not
only of the documents (chiefly Presbytery Registers) available to
Dr Scott, but also of numerous others to which he had no access, and
which, indeed, were unknown to him, many of them having been
discovered within recent years. In addition, the Editors have had the
advantage of reading a very large number of Local, Family and
General Histories published since Dr Scott's day. Full use has been
made of the important Separate Registers belonging to the different
Presbyteries : thus most of what is purely domestic information — in the
shape of family details, etc. — has been derived from official sources.
Further, much genealogical data has come from the parochial and
other documents preserved in H.M. General Register House, Edinburgh,
to which the officials thereof gave courteous and ready access. An
extensive corresjjondence with surviving relatives and friends of
ministers has also ensured completeness and correctness as far as
possible, for the records here brought together.
These Volumes, possible only through much arduous research, have
been undertaken by the Editors as a labour of love, and the work has
been published without expense to the Church. The Editors think it
right to say that the publishers, Messrs Oliver & Boyd, have borne the
brunt of the printing costs which have been considerable, aided by
small bonuses provided by friends of the Church.
Having now reached the end of their long and difficult task, the
Editors rejoice to be able to place before the Church and the public
a compilation of much more than ecclesiastical importance, and of
which critics have declared that it is a work necessary for a true
elucidation of the national spirit and of the national history.
The present Volume (in which Dr Scott's original work ends at page
820) contains material assembled from many quarters and from many
lands. Never before has the story of the Church of Scotland in
England, Ireland, on the Continent of Europe, in the British Colonies,
and in America, been told in biographical detail, and the notices of
Indian Chaplains, Foreign and Jewish Missionaries are here given for
the first time. The biographies of the Episcopal period, as also those
pertaining to the Scottish Universities, and the carefully-collated list
of Moderators, have been added in order to make this Fasti of the
Church a full record of all who have served her in the ministry from
the Reformation to the present year. The Volume now issued has been
brought up to date.
Many helpers have assisted in tlie prejDaration of this Volume. Of
these the Committee record their thanks to the following : —
The various Clerks of Presbyteries; Rev. Angus Macdonald,
minister of Killearnan ; Rev. Donald Beaton, minister of Free
Presbyterian Church, Wick ; Rev. Donald Mackiunon, minister of
Free Church, Portree; Rev. Professor J. H. Baxter and the late
James Maitland Anderson, LL.D., St Andrews; The late Very Rev.
James Nicoll Ogilvie, D.D. ; Rev. John M. Russell, D.D., Cape Town;
Rev. John Burgess, DD., Clerk of New South Wales General
Assembly; Rev. W. Floyd Shannon, Clerk of Presbyterian Church
in South Australia ; Rev. James H. Mackenzie, Clerk of Assembly of
Presbyterian Church of New Zealand ; Rev. Professor John T. M'Neill,
D.D., Toronto, Canada; Rev. Ewen M'Dougall, Charlottetown, Prince
Edward Island; Rev. J. M. Hunt, Kingston, Jamaica; Rev. Duncan
Macfarlane, Grenada , Rev. J. W. MacGill, Colvend (formerly of British
Guiana) ; Kenneth Macleod Black, London ; R. S. Robson, Newcastle-
upon - Tyne ; John Mark, Newcastle - upon - Tyne ; Robert Hyslop,
Sunderland; William R. Shaw, Manchester; W. M. M'Lachlan, M.A.,
W.S., Secretary of Foreign Mission Committee; Thomas Henderson,
Secretary of Church Overseas Committee ; Rev. William Deans,
Secretary of Jewish Mission Committee, and the Superintendent of
Records, India Office, Whitehall, London.
W. S. Crockett.
Francis J. Grant.
April 1928.
Abeeviations ....
Synod of Koss—
I. Presbytery of Chanonry
II. Presbytery of Dingwall
III. Presbytery of Tain .
Synod of Sutherland and Caithness-
I. Presbytery of Dornoch
II. Presbytery of Tongue
III. Presbytery of Caithness
Synod of Glenelg —
I. Presbytery of Lochcarron .
II. Presbytery of Skye .
III. Presbytery of Uist .
IV. Presbytery of Lewis
Synod of Oekney —
I. Presbytery of Kirkwall
II. Presbytery of Cairston
III. Presbytery of The North Isles
Synod of Shetland—
I. Presbytery of Lerwick
II. Presbytery of Burravoe
III. Presbytery of Olnafirtli
Abchbishops ....
Bishops ....
The Univeesities of Scotland .
AiiMY AND Navy Chaplains
Chaplains to Infiemaeies and Othees
Chaplains to Peisons
Synod of the Scottish Chuech in England-
I. Presbytery of North of England
II. Presbytery of West of England
III. Presbytery of London
Chaeges in England, now Extinct oe Meeged with othee Congeegations
Ieeland ....
The CmnjCH of Scotland
Continent of Europe —
Italy .
S\\dtzerli.vnd .
The Mediterranean
Continent of Africa-
East Africa (Kenya
'olony) ...... 558
South Africa .
Continent of Asia —
India (Indian Chap]
ains) ....... 568
Simla .
Commonwealth of Austea
Australia .
Tasmania .
New Zealand
Continent of America—
Dominion of Canada (IMaritime Provinces) —
Cape Breton .....
New Brunswick ....
Nova Scotia .....
Prince Edward Island
Dominion of Canada (Western Provinces) —
Ontario and Quel)cc ....
Dominion of Canada (North-Western Provinces)-
Manitoba, etc.
British Columbia
Bermuda ....
United States of America
British West Indies—
Antigua .
The Baliama Islands
Grenada .
Jamaica .
St Vincent
Tobago .
Central America—
British Honduras .
South America—
British Guiana
Argentina .
Patagonia .
Foreign Missionaries
Jewish Missionaries
Bibliography of Church and
Parish Histories, etc.
Index of Parishes and
Chapels (Scotland and England) .
Index of Ministers .
. admitted
marr. .
min. .
. minister
, baptized
ord. .
. ordained
. collated
pres. .
. presented
. contract
. presbytery
pro, .
res. .
. resigned
. deposed
s.-p. .
. without issue
. inducted
. translated
. university
. licensed
The Eegister of the Synod of Eoss begins at 18th March 1707. As the
Presbytery of Eoss there is a volume commencing 25th July 1693, and
ending 12th December 1701.
[This Court was already at work in 1592. Its Eegister begins at 14th January 1707,
with a blank from 6th February 1753 to 14th September 1762.]
[The church of Avoch belonged to the
Abbey of Kinloss. Its prebend was held by
the chantor of the Cathedral of Fortrose.
At Ormond Castle, in this parish, there
was a chapel of St Mary, and near it was
Our Lady's Well. At Killeain there was
a chapel of St John.]
ALEXANDER PEDDER, vicar at the
1560 Reformation ; died in 1569.
ANDREW MYLNE, exhorter; pres. to
1569 *^^ vicarage by James VI. in 1569, to
which Kilmuir- Wester and Ardersier
were attached after Nov. 1574 ; app. one
of the Visitors of Ross by the Assembly
in 1586, and still min. in 1601.— [^oo^-e of
the Kirk ; Orig. Par. Scot., ii., 541 ; Reg.
Mag. Sig., v., 738.]
ALEXANDER HOME, chantor of Ross,
jj. gave a tack of the chanter's teinds
to Andrew Munro of Davochcartie
in 1586.— [Original at Killearnan.]
JAMES LAUDER^ educated at Univ.
jQQ^ of Edinburgh; M.A. (12th Aug.
1592) ; adm. to Kilmuir- Wester in
VOL. vn.
1596; trans, to Ardersier 1597; trans,
and adm. before 13th July 1607; dem. in
favour of his son in 1642, but still mentioned
4th Dec. 1655. He marr. and had issue-
William, min. of this parish ; James.—
[Original Charter hy Bishoj) of Ross at
Killearnan ; Reg. Mag. Sig., viii. 189,
ix. 1293.]
WILLIAM LAUDER, born about 1614,
1642 ^^^^s* son of preceding ; educated
at King's College, Aberdeen; M.A.
(1632) ; pres. by Charles I. 11th July 1642 ;
was a member of the Commission of
Assembly in 1645. He was suspended by
the Commission of Assembly for subscrib-
ing Seaforth's Remonstrance, 22nd May
1647, and was one of the signatories to the
Letter of the Presb. of Chanonry to the
Commission approving of their proceedings,
8th May 1651 ; still min. 4th April 1665
and died before 1672. He marr. Katherine,
eldest daugh. of Murdoch Mackenzie,
chamberlain of Lewis, of the family of
Davochmaluag, and had issue — William,
commissary clerk of Ross. Publication
—Elogia XXXVIL, XXXVIII. (Forbes's
Funeral Sermons). — [Geneal. of the Mac-
ce /x^ .lot) .' J^f*l-M',uf
LtL^. -f<3ui?,
jQQg at King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A.
(8th July 1649) ; passed trials before
Presb. of Glasgow and had a testimonial
for licence 1st Feb. 1655 ; pres. by Charles
II. 15th May 1668; still min. 25th Feb.
son of John M., archdeacon of Ross
and min. of Fodderty ; educated at
King's College, Aberdeen; M.A. (1681);
adm. as deacon ; recommended for ordina-
tion 7th March 1683 ; was a protester in 1694
against the Commission for the North ; died
7th March 1710. A strong Episcopalian,
he defied the Presb. and held the benefice
till his death. He marr. Elizabeth, daugh.
of the Hon. Simon Mackenzie of Lochslin,
son of Kenneth, Lord_ Mackenzie of Kintail,
and had issue— Johirof Avoch ; Christina
(marr. 1707, Sir Kenneth Mackenzie of
Scatwell) ; Isobel (marr. 1705, Alexander
Mathesonof Bennetsfield) ; Margaret (marr.
John MacRae of Drynie) ; Anna (marr.
Lewis Grant, min.). — [Beg. of Deeds,
Mack., 15th July 1712.]
probationer within the bounds he
was called by the Vresh. jure devoluto
28th Aug. 1711, but owing to the opposi-
tion of the parishioners, who were largely
Episcopalians, access could not be got to
the church and he was ord. at Rosemarkie
4th June 1712. He was obliged to raise
an action in the Court of Session to obtain
access to the church. In Aug. 1713 he
complained he had been unable to carry on
his ministry, the church being still barred
against him and the people antagonistic.
After much wrangling between heritors,
Presb. and Synod, he was given liberty to
seek another charge, and was settled at
Douglas, Lanarkshire, 28th May 1714.
ALEXANDER RAE, chaplain to Mrs
Ross of Balnagowan ; licen. by Presb.
of Tain 13th Jan. 1714 ; called by the
Presb. jure devoluto 22nd Sept., and pres.
by Alexander Brodio of Lethcn 30th Dec.
1715; ord. 28th March 171G ; died 15th
Aug. 1735. It was greatly owing to his
exertions that a process was raised for
recovery of an endowment by Thomas
Forbes, bailie of Fortrose, in the hands of
Elizabeth, Countess of Seaforth,for support
of a minister in that burgh. He marr.
Jean Stewart, who survived him. — [Re-
ligious Lije in Rnss, 247, 253.]
by Alexander Brodie of Lethen 15th
Dec. 1735; ord. 24th Aug. 1736;
trans, to Third Charge, Inverness, 13th
Nov. 1754.
THOMAS SIMPSON, born 1718 ; licen.
1756 ^y ^"^^^^^ of Elgin 1st Nov. 1748;
resided in Banff in 1752 ; pres. to
Cromarty by William Urquhart of Meldrum,
but call was rejected by the Assembly 29th
May 1755; ord. here 14th April 1756 ; died
22nd Sept. 1786. He marr. (1) 6th Dec.
1756, Isobel, daugh. of George Mackenzie
of Pitlundie and Culbo, and had issue-
William, min. of Strathconan, born 6th
Sept. 1757, died 10th May 1799 : (2) 4th
Jan. 1759, Isobel, daugh. of George Mac-
kenzie of Gruinard and Elizabeth, natural
daugh. of Lord President Duncan Forbes
of Culloden, and had issue— George, born
9th Oct. 1759 ; John, born 14th April 1761 ;
Alexander, born 3rd April 1763; Jean, born
23rd Dec. 1764, died at Dingwall 31st Oct.
1835; Thomas, born 30th Dec. 1766;
Margaret, born 6th Sept. 1768 ; Roderick,
born 16th May 1770 ; Duncan, merchant,
London, born 12th Aug. 1771, died at
Bellevue 15th June 1854 ; Geddes, of
Tower Street, London, born 4th Feb. 1775.
JAMES SMITH, born Aberdeenshire,
1758; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; M.A. (30th March 1782) ;
pres. by Miss Brodie of Lethen in July,
and ord. 24th Sept. 1787 ; died 9th Dec.
1830. There was strong opposition to his
settlement, the majority of the congrega-
tion seceding from the church and joining
the Independent (now Congregational)
Church to which a large proportion of
the parishioners still adhere. S. was much
® 0R^I.4../f/f
respected as a consistent and faithful pastor.
He left £30 to the poor of the parish. He
marr. 3rd Oct. 1789, Alexandrina (died
22nd July 1846, aged 86), daugh. of Alex-
ander Houston, provost of Fortrose, and
had issue — James Brodie, M.A., apprenticed
to a W.S., born 1st March 1793, died 27th
Oct. 1813 ; Janet Isabel, born 9th Nov. 1794
(marr. Thomas Munro, min. of Kiltearn) ;
Mary Ann Grace, born 8th July 1796 (marr.
Peter Ferries, min. of Edinkillie) ; Lieut.
Edgar, died 27th Oct. 1813 ; Alexander,
died 31st Jan. 1798 ; Penuel Margaret,
died May 1801. Publication- Account of
the Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, xiv.).—
JAMES GIBSON, born 1800, second son
of John G., farmer, Doune, Perth-
shire ; educated at Univ. of Edin-
burgh ; licen. by Presb. of Linlithgow 1st
Oct. 1821 ; pres. by Sir James Wemyss
Mackenzie of Scatwell, in whose family he
had been tutor, in Jan., and ord. 15th Sept.
1831; D.D. (Glasgow, 28th April 1852),
died 16th April 1866. He marr. 4th Nov.
1834, Ann Isabella (died 15th May 1866),
daugh. of Thomas Mackenzie of Strath-
garve, and had issue— John, min. of this
parish ; Thomas, born 26th Nov. and died
5th Dec. 1836; Isabella, born 26th Sept.
1837 (marr. Arthur Harvey Alexander,
Grenada) ; Margaret Henrietta Wharton,
born 3rd and died 23rd May 1839; Ann
Mackenzie, born 31st March 1841 (marr.
Roderick Hay Nicolson, min. of Apple-
cross) ; Jemima Margaret, born 7th May
1845 (marr. Donald Mackenzie, Hong-
Kong). Publication — Account of the
Parish {New Stat. Ace, xiv.).
4th Aug. 1835, son of preceding;
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen ; M.A. (March 1854) ; licen. by Presb.
of Chanonry 4th May 1858 ; pres. by James
Fletcher of Rosehaugh ; ord. 11th July
1866; dem. 1st Dec. 1891; died at 22
Regent Terrace, Edinburgh, 22nd Sept.
1916. He marr. 9th Oct. 1889, Elizabeth
(died s.p. 28th Aug. 1920), daugh. of John
Watson Wemyss, M.D.
^Cf . CD jii-.^^^'^'
Inverkeithny, 27th March 1860, son
of George Forbes Innes P., min. of
New Deer ; educated at Univ. of Aberdeen ;
M.A. (1880), B.D. (1883); licen. by Presb.
of Aberdeen in 1883 ; ord. to Crown Court
Church, London, 1885; trans, and adm.
nth May 1892; died 14th June 1914.
He marr. (1) 16th Aug. 1889, Florence
Margaret (died 7th Aug. 1894), daugh. of
John Philip, Cape Town, and had issue-
Colin Cameron, M.B., CM., captain Low-
land Field Ambulance in European War,
born 21st July 1890 ; George Morrison,
B.Sc, D.S.O., M.C., mentioned three times
in despatches, lieut. 12th Northumberland
Fusiliers in European War, born 29th
March 1892 ; Florence Margaret, born 13th
Aug. and died 18th Nov. 1894: (2) 19th
Dec. 1900, Isabella Midler, second daugh.
of Gavin Catto, Mains of Gight, and had
issue — Florence Barbara, born 16th Oct.
1901, died 21st Jan. 1902 ; Barbara Violet,
born 11th March 1893, died 12th Feb. 1904.
Publication — The Cathedral Kirk of Ross
{Trans. Scot. Eccl. Soc, 1904.)
born Dundee, 10th Feb. 1874, son
of James B. and Mary Nicoll ; edu-
cated at Dundee High School and Univ.
of St Andrews; M.A. (1897), B.D. (1900);
student missionary at Muthil and Unst ;
licen. by Presb. of Perth 15th May 1899 ;
assistant at Monifieth, St Andrews, Paisley
and West Parish, Aberdeen ; ord. to Scots
Kirk, Paris, 18th May 1902 ; trans, to St
James's, Dulwich, London, 7th Feb. 1907 ;
trans, and adm. 4th Dec. 1914 ; general
superintendent for France of Scottish
Churches' Huts during European War ;
O.B.E. (1st Jan. 1919). Marr. 19th May
1902, Theodora Mary, daugh. of William
Smith, min. of Unst.
[Tlie old church of Cromarty was dedi-
cated to St Benet. Its site has been
overflowed, and is now covered by the
sea. A convent of the Red Friars was
founded at Cromarty by Sir Patrick
Murray in 1271. There were in this parish
chapels of St Duthac, St Rule, and St
Michael. Cromarty had also Wells of Our
Lady, St Benet, and St Duthac. The
Gaelic chapel in the town was built by
George Ross of Cromarty in 1783.]
JOHN ANDERSON, chamberlain of
1560 ^^oray ; vicar at the Reformation ;
refusing to conform was allowed by
the Privy Council, Feb. 1562, to retain
two-thirds of the emoluments ; died 1582.
JAMES BURNET, reader 1569 to
1669 1574.
JOHN ROBERTSON, removed from
--,_. Chanonry, holding also the Treasury
of Ross ; returned to Chanonry
about 1578.
1582 Univ. of St Andrews in 1577 ;
reader at Monykeback in 1578 ;
adm. to Nigg (Aberdeen) in 1580 ; pres. to
the vicarage by James VI. on death of John
Anderson, 29th Jan. 1582. In 1583 the
heritors were ordered by the Privy Council
to pay him the teinds of the vicarage of
Cromarty "under pain of warding in the
Castle of Blackness." He was named by
the Privy Council one of those for the
maintenance of true religion in the Sheriflf-
doms of Inverness and Cromarty 6th March
1589. On a flat triangular stone in the
eastern part of the town his initials with
those of his wife are inscribed with date
1593.— [JJooke of the Kirk.]
WILLIAM LUNAN, M.A. ; adm. before
jQgg 2nd Nov. 1638. The Presb. of Turriff
was ordered by the General Assembly,
13th Feb. 1645, to proceed to his excommuni-
cation. He was afterwards min..of Daviot.
GILBERT ANDERSON of Udol in this
1642 P^"^^' ^°^^ 1^^'^ ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen; M.A. (1626);
adm. to Cawdor before 30th Oct. 1627 ;
trans, and adm. between 5th Oct. 1641 and
11th Jan. 1642 ; died Nov. 1655. He railed
against his patron and family several times
from the pulpit, according to Sir Thomas
Urquhart of Cromarty, " with such opprob-
rious tonnes, more like a scolding tripe-
seller's wife than good minister, squirting
the poyson of detraction and abominable
falshood (unfit for the chaire of verity) in
the eares of his tenandry, who were the
onely auditors." He marr. Elizabeth Bruce
(who marr. (2) Andrew Ross, min. of Tarbat)
and had issue — Hugh, min. of this parish. —
[Urquhart's Jeivel (1652) ; Kirkton's Hist.,
96 ; Brodie's Diary ; Family of Dallas,
HUGH ANDERSON of Udol, born
1658 ^b°^t 1633, son of preceding, edu-
cated at King's College, Aberdeen ;
M.A. (1651) ; was regent there in 1652 ;
adm. 1656 ; deprived by Act of Parliament
and Decreet of Privy Council 1st Oct. 1662,
but was allowed to remain unmolested'until
after assisting at the Communion at Obs-
dale House (now Dalmore) in Sept. 1675,
when he retired to Udol ; restored in 1690 ;
died 3rd June 1704. Hugh Miller says
he lived a part of the time in Moray. He
marr. Grizel, daugh. of John Row, Principal
of King's College, Aberdeen, and had issue —
Barbara, born Jan. 1661, died March 1663 ;
Hugh, min. of Drainie, born 1666 ; Alex-
ander, min. of Duffus, born 28th Aug. 1672 ;
Grizel (marr. Mr Crombie, merchant in
Elgin). — [Wodrow's Hist, ii., 333; Bass
Rock, 239, 241 ; Covenanters in Moray and
Ross, 60, 189, 192; Orem's Old Aberdeen;
ander U., bailie ; was min. in 1673 ;
deprived in 1678; was alive in 1684
according to a Summons of Adjudication
against him, Sir John Urquhart, and others,
by John Macleod of Milton. — [Cromartie
Writs; Inverness Sas., iv., 243-4, 21st
Nov. 1673.]
1678 ^^^^ ^^" °^ Captain Daniel M. and
Nance Dunbar of Avoch, and grand-
son of Major Bernard M., who fell at Auld-
earn 9th May 1645 ; had a bursary from
Presb. of Dingwall 25th Nov. 1673; was
sent to King's College, Aberdeen, by
Kenneth, Earl of Seaforth, who app. him
schoolmaster of Fortrose; ord. by Bishop
of Boss ; pres. to this charge 2nd July
and adm. Aug. 1678 ; deprived by the Act
restoring Presbyterian ministers 25th April
1690. In the year 1689 with other Episco-
pal ministers he petitioned King William,
complaining that although they had taken
the oath of allegiance, they were deprived
of their benefices and denied admission to
parishes to which they had been elected.
He intruded at Tranent in 1691 but was
ordered by Parliament, 9th July 1695, to
remove by August. Dr George Mackenzie
states that he received from King William
a yearly pension of £50 as collector of the
rents of the bishopric of Ross. He appears
as chamberlain of the bishopric before 1700
and held that post for several years. Hugh
Miller observes that he " was a quiet, timid
sort of man with little force of character,
but what served his lurn equally well, a
good deal of cunning,'^ character not borne
out by established facts. He purchased
the estate of Sandilands ; died there 30th
July 1713 and was buried at Fortrose. He
marr. Jean, daugh. of Alexander Clunes of
Dunskeath, and had issue — Alexander of
Sandilands and Kinnock, M.D., born 1678,
died 26th Sept. 1722; George in Cromarty;
John, shipmaster, Cromarty ; Lilias (marr.
Andrew Bayne in Cromarty) ; Anna, bapt.
23rd Nov. 1683. — [Acts of Pari., ix., 423,
App., 119 ; Services of Heirs ; Dr George
Mackenzie's MS. History of the
Mackenzie s ; Allangrange Writs ; Inver-
ness Sas., vi., 345 ; Covenanters in Moray
and Boss, 190.]
1690 mentioned ; restored by Act of
Parliament reinstating Presbyterian
ministers in 1690.
GEORGE GORDON, adm. to Rose-
,,_^ markie 25th April 1700 ; trans, and
adm. 1st April 1707 ; died 28th Dec.
1749. He was reputed an excellent man
and faithful preacher. He marr. (1) Mary
Forrester, and had issue — Ann, born 13th
Feb. 1708; Janet, born 11th Feb. 1709;
Mary, born 23rd April 1711; Ann, born
10th Dec. 1712 : (2) Jean Mofi"at, widow of
John Eraser, min. of Alness.— [Religious
Life in Ross, 257.]
[JAMES ROBERTSON, a native of the
parish, called in 1750, the Presb. being
instructed by the General Assembly to
proceed with his settlement, 17th May
1751, but he withdrew his acceptance on
appointment as Professor of Hebrew in
Univ. of Edinburgh (g.v.)]-
„ educated at King's College, Aber-
deen; M.A. (2nd April 1747)
licen. by Presb. of Ellon 4th Oct. 1748
ord. by Presb. of Deer as assistant at
Pitsligo; adm. Sept. 1751; but the settle-
ment was reversed by a majority of one
vote in the Commission of Assembly, June
1752, on appeal by William Urquhart of
Meldrum, who had presented Thomas
Simpson. He was again called 9th Oct.
and re-adm. 28th Nov. 1753; dep. for
immorality.— [il/ore«'s Annals, 292, 366 ;
Scots Mag., xiv.]
JAMES MUNRO, born Ross-shire, 1716,
j,__g son of James M. and Elspet Mackay ;
educated at King's College, Aberdeen,
1730-4 ; became schoolmaster at Golspie
and Auldearn, and master of Grammar
School, Elgin ; licen. by Presb. of Elgin
20th Nov. 1750 ; ord. 27th Aug. 1755 ;
died 6th Sept. 1789. He marr. (1) 28th
Dec. 1738, Elspeth Murray, who died 29th
May 1762, and had issue — James, born
25th Sept. 1739, died 1771 ; Jean, died in
infancy ; Margaret, born 6th July 1749,
died 1768 ; William, born 20th Nov. 1751 ;
Anne, born 10th May 1754 (marr. Thomas
Fraser), died 1814; Jean, born 9th May
1756, died 8th March 1839; Elizabeth,
born 1st Aug. 1758, died in infancy : (2)
25th Jan. 1763, Mary Stark, who died 6th
April 1822, aged 80, and had issue— Mary,
born 12th Oct. 1764, died young; Jean,
born 17th Jan. 1767 (marr. Robert Hall);
Mary, born 8th March 1768, died young;
Alexander, born 26th March 1769 ; George
Ross, min. of Huntly, born 10th Nov. 1770 ;
James, cabinet-maker, went to Pictou,
Nova Scotia, born 1st July 1772 ; Isobel,
born 26th Aug. 1773 (marr. 16th July 1803,
James Cromar, rector of Aberdeen Grammar
School); Arthur, born 4th Sept. 1774, died
young; Charles, writer, Stonehaven, born
$ Cii.y^J>-'3
t-a^Cf 4l.i,^ tX.5
9th April 1777 ; Mary, born 1st Dec. 1780,
died 19th Feb. 1863 ; Hugh, born 4th Oct.
] 782 ; John Spans, merchant, London ;
Catherine, died in infancy.— [:7o?h6s/.]
ROBERT SMITH, born Inverness, 1764,
1789 ^°° ^^ Robert S. ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (30th March
1784) ; tutor in family of Donald Macleod
of Geanies ; licen. by Presb. of Tain 12th
Dec. 1787 ; pres. by George III. 9th June
1788; ord. (assistant and successor) 21st
May 1789; died 20th March 1824. He
marr. 5th Oct. 1791, Isobel (died 16th Jan.
1844), daugh. of Hugh Rose of Aitnoch,
factor on the Sutherland Estate, and had
issue— Catherine, born 25th March 1794 ;
Hugh, born 3rd Nov. 1795 ; Robert, born
30th July 1797; Barbara, born 14th May
1799; John, born 19th Jan. 1801, adm.
min. of Beckwith, Canada, 3rd Nov. 1833,
died there 18th April 1851 ; Margaret
Crawford, born 29th Nov. 1802 (marr. 28th
April 1821, Dr George Macdonald); Helen,
born 14th Dec. 1804 (marr. 28th Oct. 1852,
John James Aitchison, M.D., Elmsley,
Canada) ; Robert, born 15th Aug. 1807 ;
Isabella Gair, born 30th Jan. 1811 (marr.
12th Sept. 1835, George Romanes, LL.D.,
Professor of Greek, Queen's College, Kings-
ton, Canada, and was mother of George
John R., LL.D., biologist). Publication-
Account of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat.
Ace, v.). — [Croil's Church in Canada,
90; Tomhst.}
Moulin, Perthshire, 25th Sept. 1794,
son of Alexander S., min. of Canon-
gate, Edinburgh ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen, and Univ. of Glasgow ;
licen. by Presb. of Lorn in 1822 ; ord. to
Chapel-of-Ease, Rothesay, 10th Feb. 1824 ;
pres. by George IV. in June, trans, and
adm. 23rd Sept. 1824. Joined the Free
Church in 1843 ; rain, of Free Church,
Cromarty, 1843-7 ; elected to Free St
George's, Edinburgh (as successor to Dr
Candlish), but died before induction, 5th
Nov. 1847, of a fever brought on by the
excitement of his impending removal. He
was reckoned one of the most eminent
preachers in the Cliurch, Hugh Miller
wrote warmly of his extraordinary gifts
in that capacity. Publications— TAe Tree
of Promise (Edinburgh, 1864) ; Man's
Redemption, the Joy of Ani/els, a sermon
on 1 Peter i. 12 (Precious Seed Discourses)
(Edinburgh, 1877); The Mosaic Sacrifices
(Edinburgh, 1883).— [J/ewioiV by Alexander
Beith, D.D.]
ADAM HALL, licen. by Presb. of Edin-
burgh ; ord. to Fisherton 7th March
^^*^ 1842 ; pres. by Queen Victoria 19th
Aug., trans, and adm. 26th Sept. 1843;
died 14th April 1846.
GEORGE RUSSELL, seventh son of
Allan R., Lanarkshire ; educated at
Univ. of Glasgow ; ord. to Leadhills
in 1843 ; pres. by Queen Victoria 29th
May, trans, and adm. 27th Aug. 1846 ; died
8th April 1876. He marr. 12th Nov. 1846,
Pringle (died s.p. 8th Oct. 1873), youngest
daugh. of John Gray of Harrietsfield,
WALTER SCOTT, born 1st June 1846,
son of James S., min. of Dirleton ;
^ educated at Parish School, Royal
High School and Univ. of Edinburgh ;
M.A. (April 1868); licen. by Presb. of
Edinburgh ; assistant at Greenock ; ord.
army chaplain at Colchester and Warley
by Presb. of London 3rd May 1876; adm.
here 14th Sept. that year ; died 3rd Feb.
1925. He marr. (1) 22nd Dec. 1876, Ann
(died 24th Sept. 1880), second daugh. of
Alexander Allan, Edinburgh, and had issue
— Mina Alexandra Allan, born 13th Oct.
1877 (marr. George Ernest Romanes of
Pitcalzean) ; James Walter Montague,
Vancouver, served in 42nd Batt. Canadian
Army in European War, born 28th Dec.
1878 : (2) 12th Nov. 1885, Mary Ann, third
daugh. of Dr William Brydon, C.B., surgeon
in the army, "the last man '' of the Cabul
retreat, 1842, and had issue — Walter
Francis Brydon, farmer, Navity, Cromarty,
born 15th Aug. 1886.
GORDON MOORE, born Lauder, 5th
June 1885, son of William M., school-
master and provost of Lauder, and
Elsie Swinton ; educated at Lauder School
and Univs. of Edinburgh, M.A. (1908) and
St Andrews, B.D. (1915) ; licen. by Presb.
of Earlston 27th April 1915; locum tenens
at St Stephen's Parish Church, Inverness ;
ord. there (as such) 21st Dec. 1915 ; adm.
here (assistant and successor) 25th April
1917. Marr. 25th April 1918, Isabella
Simpson, daugh. of James Fraser, min. of
Greenbank, and has issue— William, born
8th March 1919 ; James Fraser, born 13th
Nov. 1923 ; Gordon Mackenzie, born 12th
June 1925.
[Built in 1783 by George Ross of
Cromarty, known as "the Scotch Agent,"
for the use of the Gaelic speaking people
employed in his factory at Cromarty.]
George III. in March, and ord. 25th
^'^^ Sept. 1782 ; trans, to Nigg 23rd Oct.
WILLIAM ROSS, born Tain, 1739;
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen ; ord. to Rothiemurchus 25th
March 1783; pres. by George III. 18th
March, trans, and adm. 18th Aug. 1788 ;
died 12th Nov. \im.—{Tomhst.'\
HUGH ROSS, M.A. ; pres. by George
III. Dec. 1799; adm. 25th March
1800 jgooj trans, to Fearn 13th April
Sutherland, 1777 ; educated at
^^°^ King's College, Aberdeen; M.A.
(29th March 1798) ; licen. by Presb. of
Dornoch 3rd, and ord. missionary at
Kincardine and Creich 4th April 1804 ;
pres. by George III. 10th May, and adm.
in 1809 ; died 20th June 1821.
George IV. 18th Sept. 1821 ; trans,
from Gaelic Chapel, Dundee, and
adm. that year ; trans, to Uig 21st April
JOHN FINLAYSON, born Ross-shire,
1787 ; educated at King's College,
^^^^ Aberdeen ; M.A. (25th March 1814) ;
licen. by Presb. of Selkirk 2nd April 1822 ;
pres. by George IV. 10th Aug. 1824 ; ord.
(at Chanonry) 29th March 1825 ; died 18th
Jan. 1833. He marr. Christina, daugh. of
John Hoyes, min. of Kinloss, and had issue
— John Hoyes, went to Kingston, Jamaica ;
Jessie Reid (marr. 1853, John Sinclair Mac-
phail, min. of Free Church, Benbecula). —
JOHN MACKENZIE, M.A. ; pres. by
William IV. 8th March, and ord.
^^^^ 25th Dec. 1833 ; trans, to Rosskeen
I9th Sept. 1843.
1847 ^^°™ Tongue; pres. by the Presb. jure
devoluto on a petition from the con-
gregation ; adm. 21st Oct. 1847 ; trans, to
Third Charge, Inverness, 8th June 1848.
JOHN MACLENNAN, born Ross-shire,
1799 ; educated at King's College
Aberdeen ; M.A. (March 1808) ; ord.
(by Presb. of Abernethy) as min. of Bel-
fast, Prince Edward Island, 1823 ; pres.
by Queen Victoria 6th Dec. 1848 ; adm.
22nd Feb. 1849 ; adm. to Kilchrenan, 28th
Aug. 1851 (f/. Vol. IV., 93). His daugh.
Eliza marr. Daniel Miner Gordon, C.M.G.,
D.D., LL.D., Principal of Queen's Univ.,
Kingston, Canada, died 1910. — [Gregg's
Hist, of Canadian Church, 274 ; Macleod's
Hist, of Presbyterianism in Prince Edivard
Island, 99.]
jggg son of John M., min. of U.P. Church
Nigg ; educated at Marischal Col-
lege, Aberdeen, and United Secession
Hall in 1840 ; pres. by Queen Victoria 2nd
Dec. 1851 ; adm. 15th April 1852 ; dep. by
the General Assembly 1st June 1874.
DAVID MACKENZIE, trans, from
Govan Chapel ; elected 8th March
and adm. 12th May 1875 ; trans, to
Lairg 23rd Jan. 1884.
DONALD MACLEOD, ord. 30th April
1885 ; trans, to Tarbat 19th May
10th Dec. 1885 ; trans, to Poolewe
Sept. 1888.
?»^<Ci^U '9e'iAeK>\
1893 ^^^^^ 1832, son of John M., estate
steward, and Ann Fraser ; became
teacher of English in Royal Academy,
Inverness ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; M.A. (March 1857) ; assistant at
Tighnabruaich, missionary at Guisachan,
1864-9; ord. to Tobermory 19th March
1872 ; dem. 18th ;May 1882 ; assistant at
Killearnan in 1889 ; adm. here 1st March
1893 ; died 2Gth Jan. 1918.
[The congregation was dissolved in 1918.]
[The parish church of Fortrose was
dedicated to St Curadan, who ministered
on this side of the Black Isle. He died
in 716. The See of Ross was founded by
King David I. in 1128. In or about 1309
the Cathedral of St Peter was built at
Fortrose. By order of King James VI.
the lead was stripped off the roofs of its
choir and aisles in 1572. The stately fabric
was in use as the parish church of Fortrose
until near the middle of the seventeenth
century. Oliver Cromwell razed the most
part of the building, and took its stones
to Inverness, where he was erecting a fort.
What remained was burned by accident in
1662. On 2nd Feb. 1670, this parish was
united to Rosemarkie. A church was
opened 11th April 1841. The parish was
disjoined again quoad sacra 17th March
1873. There were of old, in the Cathedral,
chapels of St Nicholas and St Katherine.
Near it was a Well of St Curadan. Fortrose
held a Whitsunday fair, and also fairs of
St Peter and St Curadan.]
WILLIAM HAY, reader in 1569 and
1669 in 1580.
JOHN ROBERTSON, min. of Urquhart
15*74 (Ferintosh) in 1565; was charged
by the Assembly, 28th June 1565,
with leaving his vocation and was required
to enter again thereto under pain of dis-
obedience to the Kirk ; was app. by the
Assembly, 5th June 1570, to assist the
Commissioner of Ross who was not con-
versant with the Gaelic tongue and was
again commissioned to visit Caithness and
Sutherland ; trans, and adm. about 1574,
with Rosemarkie and Cromarty in the
charge ; removed to Cromarty about 1576,
but returned before 1578, holding also the
Treasury of Ross. In June of that year
he was app. Commissioner for Ross but
was delated in Oct. following for remaining
half a year in Edinburgh and failing to
discharge his duty as visitor and min.
His commission for Ross was renewed by
the Assembly Oct. 1580 and Oct. 1581. In
the latter year he was one of those
nominated for the erection of Presbyteries
in Caithness, Sutherland, and Ross. He
was app. by the Assembly, Oct. 1583, one
of the Visitors for the bounds north of the
Dee, and commissioner for visiting the
bounds of Ross by the Assembly in 1586
and again in 1588. In 1589 he was app. by
the Privy Council on a committee for the
maintenance of true religion and royal
authority in the sheriffdoms of Inverness
and Cromarty. In 1593 he was selected by
the Assembly for visiting and trying the
ministers of Moray. He died before 26th
May \b^l—[Booke of the Kirk.]
ANDREW CROMBIE, trans, from
Kilmuir-Wester, and adm. in 1595.
The Assembly of that year, because
of " the weakness " of the Presb. of Inver-
ness, ordered them to proceed to discipline
against papists, with the advice of C. and
other brethren. He was also app. to
warn incumbents throughout Ross against
the delapidation of their benefices ; trans,
to Rosemarkie in 1599.
GEORGE MUNRO of Pitlundie, third
son of George M. of ISIilntown ; pres.
to the Chancellorship of Ross 5th
July 1570 and 23rd Jan. 1571, besides being
commissioner with a general superintend-
ence ; pres. as a student to chaplaincy of
Newmore by James VI. 21st Dec. 1570;
adm. to Suddie in 1571. In 1575 he was
accused before the Assembly of non-
residence, when he excused himself "by
reason of deadly feud," which was accepted.
In 1581-2 he was employed to organise the
erection of Presbyteries in the Northern
Counties ; adm. min. of Fearn and Tarbat
in 1590 ; trans, to Suddie about 1594 ;
commissioner of the Kirks in Eoss ; trans,
to Rosemarkie in 1597 ; trans, and adm. in
1599, with Suddie and Kinettas also in the
charge ; was a member of Assembly in
1601, 1602, and 1610; was app. by the
Assembly of 1606 as constant Moderator of
the Presb. in the absence of the bishop,
the members being ordered by the Privy
Council, 17th Jan. 1607, to receive him
within twenty-four hours after notice,
under pain of rebellion ; still in the charge
8th Feb. 1630. He marr. Mary Livingstone,
and had issue— George of Bearcrofts and
Pitlundie, min. of Suddie. — [Hist, of the
Munros, 305 ; Booke of the Kirk ; Calder-
wood's Hist., iii. 350, 587, iv. 569, v. 684,
vii. 105; Melvill's Autob., 302, 549; Original
Charter Antiq. Museum.]
FRANCIS HERVIE, adm. before 17th
1630 '^^'^* 1^"^^' '^^^^ Rosemarkie also in
the charge ; trans, to Yetholm in
[The parish was vacant in 1650 and was
united to Rosemarkie in 1670 by the
Commissioners of Teinds.]
SIMON FRASER, born Boleskine, 1806.
son of Simon F., shepherd, and
Bessie Eraser ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen; M.A. (April 1830);
librarian there 1830-4 ; sent by the Glasgow
Colonial Society as missionary to Scottish
settlers in New Brunswick and ord. by
Presb. there, 16th Jan. 1835, to Alnwick and
Glenelg, where he was a most zealous and
successful pastor, his knowledge of Gaelic
proving of the greatest advantage, many
of the settlers having come from the
Highlands. He returned to Scotland in
1840; called in Dec. 1841 ; adm. here 10th
Feb. 1842. Joined the Free Church in 1843 ;
min. of Free Church, Fortrose, 1843-67 ;
died 6th Sept. 1887. He marr. 1846, Eliza
Ross, and had issue,— [Gregg's Hist, of
Canadian Church, 296, 307 ; Anderson's
King's College, 89.]
j^g^g Strichen, 10th Aug. 1804, son of
Matthew Y. and Margaret Ogston ;
educated at Strichen School and King's
College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (March 1824) ;
licen. by Presb. of Turriff; ord. 27th Nov.
1845 ; died 3rd Dec. 1886. He marr. 28th
Jan. 1841, Jane (died 17th Aug. 1910),
daugh. of Alexander Milne, farmer. West
Crichie, Old Deer, and Anne Jamieson,
and had issue — Catherine, born 27th Feb.
1842; Matthew, captain mercantile marine,
born 16th Aug. 1843, died 1886 ; Alexander,
naval architect, born 4th Aug. 1847 ;
William Ogston Milne, captain mercantile
marine, born 30th July 1849, died 9th
May 1906 ; Margaret Anne, born 8th Feb.
1851, died 20th Oct. 1905; Henry, born
23rd March 1853.
jgg,^ licen. by Presb. of Aberdeen ; ord.
10th March 1887; dem. 15th May
1890 ; dep. 1904.
WILLIAM GREEN, born 1861, son of
1890 •P®*^'^ ^-J farmer, and Margaret
Thom ; educated at Univ. of Aber-
deen ; licen. by Presb. of Aberdeen ; ord.
11th Dec. 1890; died at Forres 15th Feb.
1909. He marr. (1) 7th Nov. 1884, Agnes
(died 13th Sept. 1897), daugh. of Alexander
Grant, draper, and Elizabeth Macfarlane,
and had issue — Blanche, born 9th May
1886; Alexander Grant, born 9th Aug.
1889 ; William, born 5th March 1891 : (2)
12th July 1899, Alice Frances, second
daugh. of James Low Butchart, Gillingham,
Kent, and had issue — Mary Frances Alice,
born 10th Jan. 1901 ; Edward Nicholas,
born 16th March 1902.
Burreldales, Alvah, Banff, 4th June
1857, son of George S. and Ann
Geddes ; educated at Linhead, Alvah, and
Milne's Institution, Fochabers, and Univ.
of Aberdeen ; M.A. (2nd April 1880) ; licen.
by Presb. of Aberdeen May 1886; assistant
at Rapness, Westray, Bower, Sandhaven,
Dreghorn, and Govan ; ord. to St Modan's,
Falkirk, 11th April 1905; trans, and adm.
20th Aug. 1909; died at Strathpeffer 11th
July 1926. He marr. 1st June 1910, Eliza-
beth Macqueen, daugh. of William Smith,
min. of Blackbraes, and had issue — Helen
Ann, born 17th Jan. 1912 ; William George,
born 5th Oct. 1913 ; Elizabeth Mary, born
14th Jan. 1915; Jeanie Leslie, born 31st
Mav 1919.
[The church of this parish was dedicated
to St lurnan. Killearnan was a prebend
of the Cathedral of Fortrose, held by the
Archdeacon of Ross. There was a chapel
dedicated to St Andrew within a mile of
the parish church, at a place now known
as Chapeltown, commonly called St
Palmer's Chapel. Here was held yearly
on 7th July St Andrew's Fair. Close by
was St Andrew's Well, famous for its
curative properties.
DONALD FRASER, son of John F., of
1560 *'^® family of Fruid, Tweedsmuir,
and nephew of John F., Bishop of
Ross, was Archdeacon of the diocese before
the Reformation, when he conformed to
Protestantism. Famous for his courage
and valour, he held the Bishop's Castle
of Chanonry for some time against the
lairds of Kintail, Balnagowan, Fowlis and
Cromarty, and was slain in an engagement
between the Gordons and the Forbeses
at Tulliangus in 1572. He marr. Elizabeth,
daugb. of John Rose of Belivat, son of
Hugh Rose of Kilravock, and had issue —
James of Tomich, ancestor of the family of
Dunballoch ; John of Inchrory ; Alexander,
in Culniill, Kiltarlity ; Andrew of Bannans;
Katherine ; Mary. — [Chiefs of Grant, iii.,
381 ; Mackenzie's Hist, of the Frasers, 717 ;
BeUadrum Writs.']
WILLIAM HAY, as vicar of Killearnan
-gQ,- in 1559, granted a charter of the
vicar's croft to Alexander Mackenzie.
He conformed at the Reformation and was
still in the parish in 15G9, and in 1580
reader at the cathedral church of Ross. —
[Calendar of Deeds, Gen. Reg. Iloxise ;
Cromartie Writs.]
1569 in 1569 ; still in office in 1576.
ROBERT GRAHAM, youngest son of
^^rjQ Patrick G. of Inchbraco, and grand-
son of William, Earl of Montrose ;
pres. to the Archdeaconry 2nd Aug. 1573,
in which year he was appointed conjunct
commissioner for visiting Caithness and
Sutherland. A complaint was made against
him in the Assembly in Aug. 1575 that he
was not diligent in visitation, and that he
had more offices than he could discharge.
He was app. commissioner for Caithness
and adm. by the Assembly in 1586. At the
Assembly of 1587 complaint of his non-
residence in the parish was made, but he
answered that he had no knowledge of the
Gaelic language and had neither manse nor
glebe. The kirk, he said, was served at his
expense. He afterwards resided, and died
in 1602. He was proprietor of the estate
of Drynie in Kilmuir-Wester and was the
founder of the family of Graham of Drynie,
who held that estate till 1874. He marr.
Marjorie Dunbar of Albrack, and had issue
— George ; Thomas. — [Inq. Ret. Ross, 188 ;
Orig. Paroch. Scot., ii., 525.]
JOHN MACKENZIE of Inverlaul,
Lochbroom (which he acquired from
Lovat in 1610), son of Alexander M.
of Kilchrist and Agnes, daugh. of Rorie
Mackenzie of Hilton ; pres. to the Arch-
deaconry of Ross 26th Nov. 1602. In Sept.
1603, during the Raid of Kilchrist, his house
was i)lundered by a band of Glengarry men
led by Allan Macdonald of Lundie, who
was charged at M.'s instance with destroy-
ing 27 dwelling houses, barns, byres, the
minister's library, 400 bolls of oats, 160 bolls
of here, 9 horses, and 70 head of cattle
stolen. There is a constant tradition that
the church was set on fire and the congrega-
tion burned alive, but there is no reference
to this in the complaint made by the
minister in his action against Allan of
Lundie. He died 1635. He marr. 31st
May 1606, Margaret, daugh. of William
Innes of Calrossie, and had issue— Kenneth
of Inverlaul ; Thomas of Inverlaul, min.
of this parish; Alexander, died unmarr.
in 1647 ; James, min. of Nigg ; a daugh.
(marr. Hugh Koss of Tollie) ; a daugh.
(marr. Koderick Mackenzie of Towie) ; a
daugh. (marr. Sir Kenneth Mackenzie of
Coul).— [Douglas's Baronage, 401 ; Hist, of
the Mackenzies, 523 ; Bannatyne MiscelL, iii.]
ablytrans. from Kilmorack in 1633 ;
trans, to Tarbat before 21st Nov.
DAVID MUNRO, mentioned as rector
of Killearnan in a charter by John,
Bishop of Ross, 29th May 1634, and
in another 6th Feb. 1Q35.— [Charters at
son of John M. of Inverlaul, min. of
this parish ; was a member of the
Court of High Commission 21st Oct. 1634 ;
adm. to Tarbat in 1633, deserted his charge
and went to Ireland in 1635, but returned
and adm. here in 1638 ; elected a member
of the Glasgow Assembly that year, but
charges were brought against him and his
commission was rejected. He protested in
behalf of the Presb. against the Assembly as
constituted and adhered to the declinature
by the bishops ; dep. 13th Dec. 1638 and
ordered to be excommunicated, "unless he
satisfied by repentance." He retired to
Inverlaul ; died at CadboU 7th April 1665,
and was buried at Fearn. He marr. Agnes,
daugh. of Hector Douglas of Mulderg, and
had issue — John of Inverlaul ; Thomas,
writer, Edinburgh ; a daugh. (marr. Hector
Douglas, fifth of Mulderg). — [Baillie's
Letters ; Peterkin's Records ; Hist, of the
Mackenzies, 523 ; Seaforth Writs ; Allan-
grange Writs; Meg. of Deeds, 31st Aug.
WILLIAM ERASER of Phopachyj trans.
from Kilmorack and adm. in 1640.
He made a pretence of favouring
Presbyterianism but subscribed Seaforth's
Remonstrance in 1647, for which he had to
undergo discipline in several congregations
within the Synod ; trans, (by Commission
of Assembly) on account of his knowledge
of Gaelic to Second Charge, Inverness,
3rd April 1648.
COLIN MACKENZIE, son of John M.,
fourth of Hilton, and Margaret
Dunbar of Inchbreck ; was min. of
Abernethy in 1633, and of Contin in 1641 ;
trans, and adm. 1651, and was still in the
charge 20th Oct. 1657. He marr.
Dundas, and had issue — Kenneth, deacon of
the Goldsmiths in Edinburgh.— [Mackay's
Presb. of Dingivall, 293; Hist, of the
Afackenzies, 368.]
JOHN MACKENZIE, natural son of ^
Sir Roderick M. of Coigach, tutor of
Kintail ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen; M.A. (1631) ;^pres. by John,
Bishop of Ross, to the Archdeaconry in
1662 as compensation for his having suffered
deprivation and banishment for his loyalty ;
died at Tarrell in 1666 and was buried at
Tarbat. He marr. Christian, daugh. of Sir
John Wemyss of Lathokar, and had issue-
Roderick, min. of Avoch ; Colin ; Kenneth,
surgeon, Elgin ; George ; Alexander ; John ;
James in Meikle Tarrell ;j^ daugh^ (marr. r, lt9o
Kenneth, third son of Kenneth Mackenzie
of Davochmaluag).— [Law's Mem. ; MS.
Hist, of the Mackenzies ; Seaforth Writs.l
[WILLIAM DAVIDSON, educated at
King's College ; M.A. (12th July 1660) ; as
min. here was a consenting party and a
witness to an Agreement between the
Bishop and Chapter of Ross and Colin
Mackenzie of Kilcoy, on 28th Feb. 1669,
for the valuation of the lands of Kilcoy,
but his signature is not adhibited. He
cannot have been Capellanus curatus or
Vicai^ius pensionar-ius of the Archdeacon,
for Robert Williamson was then and had
been for some years minister.]
ROBERT WILLIAMSON, min. in 1664,
witnessed a charter by the Bishop of
Ross, 6th Jan. 1665, mentioned as
min. in 1669, 1678, and 1680, but was dead
in 1686. His tombstone is now buried under
the floor of the church. He marr. Margaret
Burnet, and had issue— Alexander, died Jan.
IQldi.— [Original Charter at Killearnan ;
Allangrange Writs.']
JOHN MACKENZIE, son of Roderick
M. in Ardlair ; adm. about 1686 ; did
not conform to Presbyterianism at
the Revolution but remained in the charge,
Stipend being paid to him by the heritors ;
died it is said " through witchcraft " in 1700.
He marr. Annabel Mackenzie (who marr.
(2) Thomas Fraser, brother to Belladrum),
and had issue— Annabel (marr. Alexander
Mackenzie, notary, Dingwall) ; Margaret ;
Florence. — \^Allanfjrange Writs ; Belladrum
JOHN MACKENZIE, son of Donald
1700 ^^•' known as Donald Carranach,
in Ferintosh, intruded in 1700. In
Dec. 1708 when Hugh Campbell, min. of
Kiltearn, came to preach by order of the
Presb. he was assaulted in the pulpit by
several persons to the danger of his life,
among his assailants being servants of
the intruder. M. occupied the manse, was
paid his regular stipend and was still
officiating in the parish in 1716. In 1721
he was reported as preaching, praying,
baptising, and marrying in the parish of
Gairloch.— [.(4 llangrange Writs.]
JOHN M'AETHUR, called by the
Presb. jure devoluto 13th Jan., and
adm. 26th March 1719, his settle-
ment being opposed by the heritors and the
great body of the parishioners instigated by
the preceding min. The heritors refused to
pay him his stipend and an action being
raised against them, they retaliated by
pulling down his manse. He was reduced
to such straits that appeals for his mainten-
ance were instructed to be made to the
General Assembly by the commissioners
from the Presbs. within the Synod. He was
trans, to Logie-Easter 25th March 1730.
JOHN ROBEPtTSON, born about 1706,
son of William R. of Teachnock,
factor for Lovat ; educated at Univ.
of St Andrews ; licen. by Presb. of Dingwall
5th Nov. 1728 ; ord. to Contin 24th March
1730 ; pres. that year by George, Earl of
Cromarty, but presentation set aside by
the Presb. ; called by the heritors and
communicants, Dec. 1730, the Presb. of
Dingwall opposed but the General As-
sembly sustained call; adm. 1st July 1731;
died 25th Feb. 1743. He marr. Katherine
(marr. again, and died 30th April 1788),
daugh. of Thomas Chisholm, min. of
DONALD FRASER, pres. by George,
Earl of Cromartie, July 1743 ; ord.
^'^ 27th March 1744; was obliged to
leave the parish during the six weeks
the rebels were in the country in 1746 ;
trans, to Urquhart (Ferintosh) 2nd June
DAVID DENOON, born Inverness,
1723, grandson of David D., chamber-
^ ^^ lain to the Earl of Moray ; educated
at King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (31st
March 1748); ord. 3rd May 1758. Dissent
was still strong in the parish, there
being two Episcopal chapels. In 1776
he petitioned the Royal Bounty Committee
for a catechist, stating that the parish
contained 1300 individuals, that until the
Battle of Culloden, the parish min. would
not have more than twenty-four hearers on
a Sunday ; that " the prejudices against the
Church had been deeply rivetted, and like
the king's evil continued to be transmitted
to the rising generation." He died 2nd
Jan. 1792, bequeathing £100 for a bursary
at Inverness Academy. He marr. (1) 3rd
Nov. 1761, Mary (died 30th April 1767),
daugh. of Inglis of Kingsmills, and
had issue — HughV born 18th Sept. 1762 ;
Catherine, born 24th Jan. 1764; David,
min. of this parish ; Jean, born 15th June
1766 : (2) 31st May 1779, Janet (died 14th
Feb. 1802), daugh. of Daniel Beton, min.
of Rosskeen, and widow of John Bethune,
also min. of Rosskeen.— [.Sco^s Mag., liv. ;
DAVID DENOON, born 24th April
1765, son of preceding; educated
^■^^^ at King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A.
(30th March 1784); licen. by Presb. of
Chanonry 6th Oct. 1789 ; pres. by Kenneth
Mackenzie of Cromartie Nov. 1789, and by
George III. Feb. 1790 ; ord. (assistant and
successor) 3rd March that year ; died 31st
Dec. 1806. He was long remembered as
a man of culture, gentleness, and piety.
He marr. 22nd Aug. 1793, Janet Grant,
who died 15th Feb.' 1842, and had issue-
Isabella, born 7th Aug. 1796 ; Mary, born
22nd Nov. 1797 (marr. 26th Nov. 1818,
John Jamieson, banker, Inverness); David,
solicitor, born 16th April 1801 ; Alexander,
London, born 25tli Nov. 1802 ; Anne, born
26th May 1804; Hugh Grant, born 5th
April 1806 ; Charles, born 10th Aug. 1807,
died Nov. 1826. Publication — Account of
the Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, xvii.). —
[The parish was vacant for seven years
(1807-14) during a tedious law-suit between
Mackenzie of Cromartie and the Crown,
regarding the patronage, which was ulti-
mately decided in favour of the former in
1814. In the interval, presentations were
made by the contending patrons in favour
of William Macrae, min. of Barvas, and
Thomas Ross, LL.D., min. of Lochbroom.]
JOHN KENNEDY, born 1772, son of
Donald K., farmer, Rissel, Kishorn,
Lochcarron, and Mary Matheson ;
educated at King's College, Aberdeen ;
M.A. (30th March 1791); licen. by Presb.
of Lochcarron 24th Nov. 1795; app. school-
master of Lochcarron that year ; ord.
assistant at Lochbroom 5th Dec. 1798
(the min. of that parish being under
suspension) ; app. missionary at Eriboll
in 1802 and at Melness ; assistant at
Assynt in 1806; app. in 1812, by the
Barons of Exchequer in Scotland, interim
min. here until appeal before the House
of Lords should be decided. Pres. by
the Hon. Mrs Maria Hay Mackenzie of
Cromartie in Oct., and adm. 8th Dec.
1814; died 10th Jan. 1841. He was one
of the most popular mins. in the North
Highlands for his saintly character, his
acknowledged abilities and preaching
powers. He marr. 1808, Jessie (died 2nd
Feb. 1869), daugh. of Kenneth Mackenzie
of Ledbeg, of the Earl of Cromartie's
family, and had issue — Anne, born 15th
May 1809 ; Mary, born 7th May 1810
(marr. James Macdonald, min. of Urray) ;
Margaret Jess, born 1st Jan. 1812; Donald,
min. of this parish ; Kenneth Mackenzie,
M.A. (King's College), medical officer for
Killearnan and Knockbain, born 26th May
1815, died 1861 ; Alexander Mackenzie,
born 5th Aug. 1817 ; John, D.D., min. of
Free Church, Dingwall, born 15th Aug.
1819, died at Bridge of Allan, 28th April
1884, author of The Apostle of the North,
and the foremost Highland Free Church-
man of his generation ; Jess, born 13th
Jan. 1823 ; Neil, medical practitioner.
Tain, born 12th April 1828. Publications
— Account of the Parish {Neio Stat. Ace,
xiv.). — [The Minister of Killearnan in
The Days of the Fathers in Ross-shire,
157-260, by his son John (Inverness, 1861) ;
Memorabilia Domestica, 264 ; Religiotts
Life in Boss, 261-7 ; Gaelic Elegy, by John
Macdonald, D.D.]
DONALD KENNEDY, born 3rd March
1841 1^1^' ^^^ °^ preceding ; educated
at King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A.
(April 1830) ; licen. by Presb. of Chanonry
16th March 1836; ord. to Newark,
Port - Glasgow, 8th Feb. 1838; pres.
by the Hon. Maria Hay Mackenzie of
Cromartie and John Hay Mackenzie, her
son ; trans, and . adm. 9th Sept. 1841.
Joined the Free Church in 1843 ; min. of
Free Church, Killearnan, 1843-71 ; died
23rd May 1871. He marr. 16th June 1852,
Caroline Isabella (died 22nd Nov. 1893),
daugh. of Dr Macdonald, Cromarty, and
had issue — Margaret, born 22nd April
1853 ; Jessie, born 1st July 1854 ; Caroline
Lsabella, born 3rd June 1856 ; John, in
Australia, born 10th Sept. 1858 ; Georgina,
born 5th Oct. 1860 ; Margaret Anne, born
2nd Feh.l863.—[Beligious Life in Hoss, 267.]
1848 J*^^'^ -R^y Mackenzie of Cromartie
Nov. 1843, but objections having
been lodged by several parishioners, the
Assembly ordered the Presb. to begin de
novo from the sustaining of the presenta-
tion. M. resigned the presentation 9th
July 1844, and was afterwards min. at
JOHN MACRAE, pres. by John Hay
Mackenzie of Cromartie 25th Dec.
1844; adm. 5th Feb. 1845; trans, to
Stornoway 30th Sept. 1847.
PATRICK CAMPBELL, born 27th July
1814, son of Alexander C, min. of
Croy ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; M.A. (March 1832) ; niin. of
St Clement's, British Guiana, Jan. 1845-8 ;
pres. by John Hay Mackenzie of Cromartie
2nd March, and adm. 27th July 1848 ; died
unmarr. 5th Jan. 1860.
WILLIAM MACK AY, born 1836, son of
John M., tailor, and Mary INIacgregor ;
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen; M.A. (March 1845); ord. missionary
in Strathglass 1849-56; pres. by the
Marchioness of Staiford in March, trans,
and adm. 9th May 1860 ; died unmarr.
23rd April 1890.
1890 Griminish, Benbecula, 29th Sept.
1860, son of James M. and Mary
Macrury ; educated at Academy and Univ.
of Glasgow ; licen. by Presb. of Uist 24th
July 1883 ; missionary at Carinish and
Benbecula, 1883-4; ord. to Ullapool 18th
June 1884 ; trans, and adm. 27th Nov.
1890 ; app. clerk of Presb. in 1892. Marr.
(1) 5th June 1890, Marion (died 11th Jan.
1893), daugh. of Charles Macleod, tacksman
of Scottas, Knoydart, and has issue —
James William, served in France with
15th Royal Highlanders of Canada, born
29th March 1891 ; Charles Somerled, served
with 15th Royal Highlanders of Canada,
born 3rd Jan. 1893, twice wounded, killed
in action near Loos 15th Aug. 1917 :
(2) 17th July 1902, Elizabeth, daugh. of
Alexander Hector of Burnside, St Cyrus,
and widow of John Munro of Lemlair,
and has issue — Ranald vEneas Hector,
born 22nd Sept. 1903 ; Marion Morrison,
born 24th July 1906; Flora Alice Eleanor,
born 18th Feb. 1912 ; Mary Diana Anita,
born 6th Jan. 1915. Publications— 7%e
Clan Donald, 3 vols. (Inverness, 1896, 1900,
and 1904) [with Archibald Macdonald,
D.D., min. of Kiltarlity]; Collections of
Ancient and Modern Gaelic Poetry (Inver-
ness, \%\\)\ihid.'\; The Poems of Alexander
Macdonald, the Jacohite Bard, tvith a
Jiiograj)hy of the Bard and an English
Metrical Translation (Inverness, 1924)
\ibid.\ Contributions to Scots Peerage,
v., 559-65 (Edinburgh, 1904-14) and to
periodical literature.
[These two parishes were united by the
Lords Commissioners of Teinds on 14th
July 1756.
Kilmuir- Wester. — The parish church was
dedicated to St Mary. It was removed
from Kilmuir to Knockbain in 1762. At
Munlochy, within the bounds, there was
a chapel of St John. Another chapel, on
the seashore, was dedicated to St Kessog,
and gave its name to Kessock Ferry.
Suddie. — The parish church was dedi-
cated to St Duthac. Suddie was a prebend
of the Cathedral of Fortrose. A small part
of the parish of Killearnan was annexed to
Suddie by the Lords Commissioners of
Teinds, 14th July 1756, when the parish
was united with Kilmuir-Wester.]
GEORGE DUNBAR, rector of Kilmuir
,P_„ in 1557 ; conformed at the Reforma-
tion and is called parson m 1566.
In 1563 he had a charter from Henry,
Bishop of Ross, of the town and lands of
Avoch. He marr. Janet Thomson, and
had issue— Sir John of Avoch ; James,
afterwards of Avoch.— [7'aw«7{e of Innes,
121 ; AUangrange Writs. '\
JOHN REID, reader in 1568 ; pres. by
jggg James VI. in 1569 ; was commissary
of Ross in \b2Q.—[Prig. Paroch.
Scot., ii., 532 ; AUangrange ]Vrits.'\
JOHN ROSS, pres. by James VI. to the
1573 vicarage in 1573 [afterwards at Tain].
ANDREW MYLNE [or MILL], min. in
1574 1574. [See Avoch.]
1574 JOHN ROSS, reader in 1574.
isve °^ Tarbat ; adm. in 1576 with
Ardersier also in his charge ; sus-
))i'nded before \bQ0.—[Orig. Paroch. Scot.,
ii., 532.]
ALEXANDER REID, min. in 1579;
j-„ trans, to Kirkmichael in Ross before
ANDREW CROMBIE, min. in 1586;
1586 P^®^' ^^ ^^® vicarage by James VI.
in 1592 ; trans, to Chanonry about
1594, but returned here before 1597.
JAMES LAUDER, M.A. ; adm. in 1595 ;
1595 trans, to Ardersier after 1596.
ANDREW CROMBIE, abovementioned;
jg ,^ trans, from Rosemarkie in 1597,
which he held in conjunction ; was
Dean of Ross in 1608 ; still min. in 1630.—
[Allangrange Writs ; Belladrum Writs.']
JAMES TROUP, M.A. (King's College,
1638 Aberdeen, 1611); adm. before 2nd
Nov. 1638.
JAMES SMITH, educated at King's
1681 College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (27th April
1659); ord. to Dores before 3rd
April 1666 ; deprived for not taking the
Test in 1681 ; adm. after 10th Oct. that
year ; dep. by the Commission of Assembly
in 1694 for drunkenness; died in Edin-
burgh, 23rd Nov. 1718, aged about 80.
JOHN GRANT, called by the Presb.
1711 ■^"'^^ devoluto 28th Aug., and ord. (at
Rosemarkie) 27th Sept. 1711. At
a meeting of Presb. on 25th Oct. that year,
he reported that, " on the Sunday after his
settlement, accompanied by Muirtown, one
of his heritors, he went by boat to the
church, and when at a small distance from
the boat they were surrounded by a great
many men and women (about two hundred)
who lay in ambush. Some of them had
their faces blackened and a few were in
women's clothes, some armed with swords
(dirks) and heavy batons ; all the women
had batons. G. had his hat knocked off
and torn in pieces, his head badly cut, and
was dragged by his cravat till almost
choked . . . the mob still pursuing . . .
carried him to the top of a hill, and
resolved to have killed him, had not some
more tender-hearted opposed this and
rescued him. John Mackenzie, who preached
in the Episcopal-m.eeting house for that
and neighbouring parishes, stood on a
rising ground, feeding his eyes with their
barbarous usage, and thereafter preached
to the mob, most of them having pieces of
G.'s clothes tied or pinned to the most open
parts of their bodies, as trophies of victory."
Complaint was made to the Lord Advocate,
but nothing apparently was done. The
General Assembly, 13th May 1712, declared
G. transportable to any parish in Scotland
and he was admitted to Auchinleck {q.v.)
9th July 1712.
HUGH CAMPBELL, educated at
1721 M^-rischal College, Aberdeen ; be-
came chaplain to the Laird of
Grange; licen. by Presb. of Forres 16th
May 1705 ; ord. to Ardersier 7th Aug. 1707 ;
trans, to Kiltearn 7th May 1708 ; called
by the Presb. jure devoluto 26th Oct.
1720; trans, and adm. 4th April 1721;
died 18th July 1746. He marr. 16th Feb.
1710, Henrietta (died 24th Dec. 1752),
daugh. of Colin Campbell of Delnies and
Mary Duff, and had issue — Mary ; William ;
Colin ; Catherine ; Archibald ; John ;
Hugh, born 28th Dec. 1730; Anne, born
5th Aug. 1733.
ROBERT MUNRO, born 1720, son of
jiy .^ John M., min. of Suddie ; licen. by
Presb. of Tongue 13th April 1743;
called 1st June, and ord. 23rd Sept. 1747;
died 27th Sept. 1790. He was noted for
his loquacity and sarcasm. He marr. (1)
3rd Dec. 1747, Isabel, daugh. of Colin
Graham of Drynie, and had issue — Burnet,
born 16th Aug. 1751 : (2) 20th July 1754,
Isabel Mackenzie : (3) 6th June 1763,
Seymour Munro, who died 8th March
\?>\Q.—\Memorahilia Domestica, 284 ; Hist,
of the Munros^ 493 ; Tombst,]
._Q^ Cromarty, 1751; educated at Crom-
arty School and King's College,
Aberdeen; M.A. (25th March 1771); licen,
by Presb. of Chanonry 29th Aug. 1 775 ;
ord. to Contin 18th Sept. 1776; pres. by
Kenneth Mackenzie of Cromartie Oct.
1790 ; trans, and adm. (amidst violent
opposition) 11th May 1791 ; died 4th July
1835. Known as " Parson Rory," he was a
man of unbounded charity, very benevolent
and particularly attentive to the poor and
^ A^i^.i
destitute. He was upwards of six feet in
height, with broad shoulders and massive,
well-proportioned limbs, and universally
allowed to be one of the finest looking
Highlanders of his day. He marr. 4th
Dec. 1783, Mary, daugh. of Alexander
Grant of the family of Sheuglie and sister
of Charles G. of Waternish, M.P. (father of
Lord Glenelg), and had issue — Catherine,
born 26th Sept. 1784 j Alexander, born
13th Nov. 1785, died abroad ; Charles
Grant, born 23rd Nov. 1786, died abroad ;
Margaret, born 21st May 1789 ; Jean, born
25th Sept. 1790; Mary, born 26th March
1792 (marr. 12th Aug. 1813, John Edwards,
sheritf-substitute, Inverness). Publications
— Accounts of Contin and of Kilmuir-
Wester (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, vii., xii., and
New Stat. Ace, xiv.). — [Memorabilia
Domestica, 284 ; Religious Life in Ross, 275.]
Sto^^^^^l j^j^^^ MACKENZIE, born iCTTw-l
5«M *f W.i»,*i^l836 ^^°^^^ 1''^^' educated at King's
W Via**** c*-*- College, Aberdeen; M.A. (March
''^^^ «.%,«4. 1817); app. schoolmaster of Stornoway in
; ** ,' ^ 1819; licen. by Presb. of Uist 2nd Dec.
» 5AU(lt« »**'^824 ; pres. by William IV. 3rd Dec. 1835 ;
ord. 31st March 1836 ; died at Inverness
^ytUfU^f^'^^f 11th Dec. 1838, deeply lamented by his
II* *^,Jh'»»f*^<'*'^f attached flock./ His wife died before his
d #♦ )Jp«*«-«'i*lk admission here. — {Religious Life in Ross,
ffA.lv**- C«M*»*»<275. Gaelic elegy on him by William
<,f*C.*rt*^»,-t«~'*Alison, local bard]. fSc^«vt:*» ge^«^»0
JOHN MACRAE, born May 1794, son
of Donald M., farmer, Ardelve,
Lochalsh, was a shepherd in early
life (his father having suffered serious
financial losses thiough the perfidy of a
friend) ; educated at Univs. of Aberdeen
and Edinburgh ; schoolmaster at Arnisdale,
Glenelg, and at Uig ; licen. by Presb. of
Lewis 7th Sept. 1830; assistant at Gair-
loch ; ord. to Cross, Lewis, in 1833 ; pres.
by the Hon. Maria Hay Mackenzie of
Cromartie 4th June, and trans, and adm.
26th Sept. 1839. Joined the Free Church
in 1843; min. of Free Church, Knockbain,
1843-9, Gaelic Free Church, Greenock,
1849-57, Free Church, Lochs, 1857-64,
Free Church, Carloway, 1864-71 ; died at
Greenock 9th Oct. 1876. After 1843 he
was app. to organise and consolidate the
work of the Free Church throughout the
Northern and Western Highlands. He
was a preacher of great power and origin-
ality and enjoyed much popularity, his
name of Macrath Mur, being a household
word. Hugh Miller called him the last of
the Ross-shire ministers. He marr. 26th
Dec. 1833, PeneloD6<Cdied 9t]i De(^ 1859,
jed 54), daugh. of Capmin
Payble, and had issue — John, born 27th '^3/
Oct. 1834, went to Australia ; Donald, born /
28th March 1837 ; Jane, born 20th Aug.
1839 (marr. Donald Macmaster, Free
Church min., Kildalton) ; Ebenezer, born
18th April 1841 ; Anne, born 4th Oct.
1844 (marr. Alexander Macrae, Free Church
min., Clachan), died 14th Feb. 1919.—
[Disrti2)tion Worthies of the Highlands
(portrait), 115; Religious Life in Ross,
275 ; Annals of the Disru2Uion, 663 ;
Nicolson's ^I'he Rev. John Macrae (Inver-
ness, 1895.] •
shire 1798, son of John W., farmer,
and Catherine Ross ; educated at
King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (March
1818); licen. by Presb. of Abertarff 30th
March 1825 ; ord, to Croick 25th Sept.
1828 ; trans, and adm. to St Andrew's
Church, Pictou, Nova Scotia, 24th Sept.
1840 ; pres. by Queen Victoria 29th Sept.,
and adm. 14th Dec. 1843 ; died 25th June
1870. He marr. 26th May 1834, Charlotte
Priscilla Lacon, who died s.p, 21st Nov.
JOHN MACGREGOR, born 1832, son
1868 ^^ Robert M., farmer, Cromdale, and
Elizabeth Stuart; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen; M.A. (March 1854);
became missionary in Strathglass in 1859 ;
ord. to Kinlochluichart, 13th May 1861;
pres. by the Duchess of Sutherland, Countess
of Cromartie; adm. (assistant and successor)
24th Dec. 1868; died 4th May 1892. He
marr. 29th July 1862, Isabella Kennedy
(died 26th April 1914), daugh. of John
Noble, min. of Fodderty, and had issue —
John Bingham Baring, born 8th Aug. 1863,
died abroad ; Elizabeth Adeline, born 28th
April 1866; Annie Mary, born 4th July
1868, died 16th Dec. 1883.
JOHN DOW, born Caputh, 22n(i April
1863, son of Alexander D. and Janet
Robertson ; educated at Madras
College and Univ. of St Andrews; M.A.
(1886) ; licen, by Presb. of Mull 2nd May
1888 ; ord. to Strathfillan 30th Sept. 1888 ;
trans, and adm. 7tli Dec. 1892. Marr. 12th
June 1889, Jessie Simpson, daugh. of
David Harvey, merchant, St Andrews, and
has issue — Daisy Henderson, born 12th
Jan. 1891 (marr. 6th Aug. 1919, J. J.
Mullins, Sydney, Australia) ; Alastair, tea
planter, born 21st June 1892, died 23rd Feb.
1917; Davinia Harvey, born 8th Nov. 1895 ;
Ian, born 11th April 1897, died 21st Sept.
1906; Jessie Simpson, born 24th Nov,
1899 ; Leila Annie, born 15th April 1901 ;
Catherine Marjory Isabel, born 7th March
1903 ; Beatrice Anna Mackenzie, born 23rd
May 1909.
ANDREW LESLIE, parson in 1566.—
1566 [Familie of Innes, 121.]
DAVID THOMSON, pres. by James VI.
jggg ixi 1569; died IblQ.—iOrig. Paroch.
Scot., ii., 538.]
jg,_- pres. by James VI. in I5l0.—[0rig.
Paroch. Scot., ii., 538.]
GEORGE MUNRO of Pitlundie, adm.
,g,y, in 1571 ; Kinettas was also in the
charge with the whole chancellary
of Ross in 1574. He was selected in 1588
to visit the bounds of Orkney, " where the
Jesuits and papists chiefly resort " ; trans,
to Tarbat, but returned in 1594 ; trans, to
Rosemarkie in 1597.
JAMES LAUDER, M.A. ; min. in 1597 ;
-g-,^ trans, to Ardersier that year; pre-
centor of Ross in 1607.
GEORGE MUNRO of Bearcrofts, son
of George M., min. of this parish ;
was granted by James VI. in 1586
for seven years the chaplaincy of Clyne,
now Mountgerald, " for his support in sus-
tanying at the sculis " ; adm. before 1614 ;
was a member of the Court of High Com-
mission 21st Oct. 1634 and of Assembly
in 1639 ; was the only min. in the Presb.
who signed the National Covenant in 1638;
died after 6th April 1642. He marr. Mary
Primrose (died at Edinburgh March 1670),
niece of James Primrose, W.S., and had
issue — George of Pitlundie, min. of Rose-
markie ; Sir Alexander of Bearcrofts, major
in an infantry regiment in Ireland, knighted
for his services and app. commissioner for
Stirling, adm. advocate 26th Feb. 1662,
M.P. for Stirling, 1690-1702, died 4th
Jan. 1704; Lieut.-Colonel David, killed
at the Battle of Worcester, 3rd Sept.
1651.— [Peterkin's Eet. Boss, 98; Baillie's
Letters ; Inq. Becords ; Hist, of the Munros,
JOHN MACKENZIE, formerly of
1644 Urray ; adm. in 1644 ; trans, to
Tarbat in 1645.
1645 ^^ Marischal College, Aberdeen ;
M.A. (1622); became chaplain to
Lord Reay's Regiment in Germany under
Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden ; adm.
about 1645; dep. 22nd May 1647 by the
Commission of Assembly for "preaching
and praying before the Earl of Seaforth,
and eating and drinking with him and
saying grace after his excommunication."
He had also signed Seaforth's Remonstrance.
On 2nd Sept. 1656 he petitioned the Presb.
of Dingwall for reponement, but was refused
chiefly on the ground that he had failed to
defend himself against the miscarriage that
was alleged of him in Tain by " demneing
and drinking." He marr. Isobel M'CuUoch,
and had issue. — [Mackay's ZTowse of Mackay;
Acts of Assembly, 1647, 1648; Mackay's
Presb. of Dingivall, 286.]
GEORGE DUNBAR, educated at King's
College, Aberdeen ; adm. before 8th
May 1651 ; was one of the signatories
to the letter of the Presb. of Chanonry
to the Commission of Assembly, 8th May
1651. Still min, 12th April 1661.
[}']{ESB. OF
THOMAS FRASER, born Moray, about
1669 ^^"^^' "^P^^^^' of "William F. of
Phopacby; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen; M.A. (9tb July 1664); adm.
about 1669 ; was Chancellor of Ross in
1685 ; protested against the Commission of
Assembly for the North in 1694; died in
April or May 1714. He marr. and had
issue— Hugh, on whom he settled the lands
of Cruives and Knockbuy ; Isabel (marr.
Alexander, son of Hugh Fraser of Eska-
dale) ; Katherine (marr. William Fraser in
Kilochy). — {AUangrange Writs; Inverness
Sas., ix., 284, 288.]
JOHN MUNRO, born about 1690, son
of John M., and grandson of Colonel
John M. of Lemlair ; licen. by Presb.
of Tain 11th May 1714 ; called by the Presb.
jure devoluto 6th March, and ord. 25th April
1716. In May 1719, the Presb. instructed
their Assembly commissioners to apply for
a part of the public money to defray his
expenses in a process for maintenance in
his parish. He died last min. of Suddie
13th May 1762. He marr. 18th Jan. 1718,
Isabel, daugh. of John Dallas of Bannans,
and had issue— Andrew ; John ; Isabel ;
Mary ; Hugh— all above 16 years of age in
1744; David, born 2nd Feb. 1733; James,
born 12th April 1734; Robert, min. of
Kilmuir-Wester. — \_Hist. of the Munros,
493; Tombst.]
[These two parishes were united by the
Commissioners of Teinds on 22nd Jan. 1662.
cm jllhicheil. — Cill Mhicheil was a
prebend of the Cathedral of Fortrose.
Its church was dedicated to St Michael.
In 1767 the parish church was removed
from Cill Mhicheil to Resolis. At Drum-
dyre, within the bounds, there was a chapel
of St Margaret, with a Well bearing her
Cullicudden. — Cullicudden was a prebend
of the Cathedral of Fortrose. Its church
I was dedicated to St Martin.]
JAMES GRAY, vicar of Kirkmichael and
jgQ,^ Cullicudden in \bQl. —{Cromartie
1570 1570.
1574 WALTER ROSS, reader in 1574.
„ Thomas M., burgess of Edinburgh ;
was parson of Kirkmichael in 1575 ;
still min. in 1586, probably the same T. M.
pres. by Queen Mary in 1549 ; witnessed a
charter by the Chantor of Ross in 1586. —
[Orig. Paroch. Scot., ii., 556; Munro of
Allan Writs; Allangrange Writs ; M' Gill's
Old Ross-shire, 24.]
ALEXANDER REID, reader at Suddie
jggg 1574 to 1578; adm. to Kilmuir-
Wester in 1579 ; trans, and adm.
before 1585 ; pros, by James VI. to vicarage
14th March 1586, still in the charge in
IQOl.— [Orig. Paroch. Scot., ii., 559.]
THOMAS YOUNG, educated at Univ. of
St Andrews ; M.A. (1606) ; witnessed
a charter by the Bishop of Ross in
1618, and another in 1635. — [Charters at
Killearnan ; Orig. Charter Antiquarian
1649 I^^'^s''^ College, Aberdeen ; M.A.
(1626); was referred in 1649 to the
next visitation by the General Assembly,
and was one of the signatories to the
letter by the Presb. to the Commission of
Assembly 8th May 1651 ; still min. on
28th Aug. 1655.— [Di7igwall P^-esb. Peg.;
Acts of Assembly, 1649; Urquhart's Jetvel.]
JAMES HOUSTON, educated at
1662 Marischal College, Aberdeen ; adm.
before 22nd Jan. 1662; died probably
in 1714 without conforming to Presby-
terianism. He marr. Jane Fouler, and
had issue — George, merchant, Fortrose ;
David. — [Services of Heirs ; Inverness Sas.,
v., 730 ; Laing Charters, 2927.]
THOMAS INGLIS, born 1684 ; licen.
1715 ^y Presb. of Inverness 30th Sept.
1713; pres. by Sir William Gordon
of DalfoUie, and by Sir Kenneth Mackenzie
of Cromartie in Feb., and ord. 26th May
1715 ; died 27th July 1747. He was, for his
meekness and gentleness, known as "The
Lamb of Cullicudden." He marr. 28th Oct.
1725, Anne (died 7th July 1742), daugh. of
Urquhart of Braelangweli, and had
issue — Anne (marr. James Calder, min. of
Croy) ; Thomas William, went to Jamaica
— all above 16 years of age in 1744 , Jean,
born 31st Aug. 1731 ; John, born 12th July
HECTOR MACPHAIL, born Inverness,
w. 1716; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen; M.A. (1st April 1737);
licen. by Presb. of Inverness 20th Dec.
1746; called unanimously 18th July, and
ord. 27th Sept. 1748; died 23rd Jan. 1784.
He has been described as " one of the most
deeply exercised Christians of his time."
He marr. (1) 28th Oct. 1755, Elizabeth (died
5th Dec. 1758), daugh. of John Balfour,
min. of Nigg, and had issue — Isobel, born
7th Aug. 1757 : (2) 13th Nov. 1759, Anne
Cuthbert of the Castlebill family, who died
9th March 1795, and had issue— Jean, born
27th Aug. 1760 ; Paul, born 23rd Oct. 1761 ;
Magdalene, born 18th July 1763 ; George,
born 16th Nov. 1764 ; James, min. of
Daviot, born 27th Feb. 1766; Elizabeth,
born 14th Sept. 1768; William, min. of
Scottish Church, Piotterdam, born 1771.
— [Steven's Scot. Church, Jiotterdam, 243;
Memorahilia Domestica, 265; TombsL]
ROBERT A R T H U R, born Buchan,
j„^. 1744 ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; M.A. (30th March 1767) ;
pres. by William Gordon of Newhall in
June, and ord. 21st Sept. 1774; died 11th
May 1821. He marr. (1) 17th June 1777,
Anne, daugh. of Captain John Munro of
Braemore, and sister of Colonel jNIunro of
Pointzfield, and had issue — George Munro,
born 14th March 1778 ; Thomas, captain,
Engineer Corps, Madras, present at storm-
ing of Seringapatam in 1799; died at
Travancore, India, 1st May 1817; Elizabeth,
born 27th March 1781 (marr. Alexander
Gunn, min. of Watten) ; May, born 1782
(marr. 23rd Sept. 1802, Charles Munro of
Berryhill) ; James Innes, Demerara, born
22nd July 1785, died at sea 20th Aug.
1816 : (2) 19th Feb. 1793, Janet Maclennan :
(3) 14th March 1797, Margaret Gunu,
and had issue — John, born 21st March
1798; Robert, born 15th Oct. 1799;
George, born 30th March 1802; Anne
Munro, born 5th April 1804 (marr. (1)
14th July 1820, Captain William Gallic,
78th Highlanders, (2) Captain John Mathe- ^
son of Bennetsfield), died 13th Feb. 1849 : '^
(4) 30th May 1805, Mary (died 21st May
1826), daugh. of John Turner of Turnerhall
and widow of James Rainy, min. of Old
Meldrum. Publication — Account of the
Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, xiv.). — [Eoss
Tests. ; Memorabilia Domestica, 266 ; Hist,
of the Munros, 550.]
DONALD SAGE, born 20th Oct. 1789,
1822 ^°^ °^ Alexander S., min. of Kildonan,
Sutherland ; educated at Dornoch
School, Marischal College, Aberdeen, M.A.
(1808), and Univ. of Edinburgh ; became
tutor in the families of Sheriff Mackid,
Kirktown, Golspie, and Matheson of Atta- >/
dale, Lochcarron ; licen. by Presb. of Loch-
carron in 1815 ; ord. by Presb. of Dornoch
missionary at Achness 8th Nov. 1816 ;
adm. to Gaelic Chapel, Aberdeen, 1st Feb.
1821 ; pres. by Donald Mackenzie of New-
hall Sept. that year ; trans, and adm. 2nd
May 1822. Joined the Free Church in 1843 ;
min. of Resolis Free Church, 1843-69;
died 31st March 1869. The Sutherland
Clearances of 1819 occurred during his
ministry at Achness, where he and his
entire congregation were driven from their
homes. Summonses of ejection were issued
and dispatched all over the district to a
population of 1600. His farewell services
at Achness and Achna-h'uiaghe " were felt,"
he wrote in his Memorabilia, "by myself
and by the people from the oldest to the
youngest, to be among the bitterest and
most overwhelming experiences of our lives.
... I selected a text which had a pointed
reference to the peculiarity of our circum-
stances, but my diflSculty was how to
restrain my feelings till I should illustrate
and enforce the great truths which it
involved with reference to eternity. The
service began, the very aspect of the
congregation was of itself a sermon, and
a most impressive one. I preached and
the people listened, but every sentence
uttered and heard was in opposition to the
tide of our natural feelings, which, setting
in against us, mounted at every step of our
progress higher and higher. At last all
restraints were compelled to give way. The
preacher ceased to speak, the people to
listen. All lifted up their voices and wept,
mingling their tears together. It was
indeed the place of parting, and the hour.
The greater number parted never again
to behold each other in the land of the
living." He marr. (1) 21st July 1821,
Harriet Gordon (died 7th May 1822), daugh.
of James Robertson of Naval Hospital,
Barbados, and Pitstrunie, Aberdeenshire :
(2) 20th June 1826, Elizabeth (died 25th
Jan. 1889), daugh. of William Mackintosh,
min. of Thurso, and had isue— Christina
Sutherland, born 1st Aug. 1827 ; Alexander,
born 14th Nov. 1828 ; Isabella Fraser, born
24th May 1830; William M'Intosh, born
22nd May 1832 ; ^neas John, born 21st
Nov. 1833 ; James Macintosh, born 12th
Sept. 1835 ; Elizabeth Catherine, born 24th
June 1838, died at Inverness 26th Feb.
1923 ; Donald Fraser, ord. min. at Parkhill,
Ontario, 1874, adm. min. of Free Church,
Keiss, 1880, died 1890; Richard Ramsay,
born 31st Aug. 1843 ; Christina Camilla
Jane, born 26th Sept. 1846 (marr. 1872,
Donald Sutherland, min. of Free Church,
Kilmonivaig), died Dec. 1923. Publications
— Account of the Parish {New Stat. Ace,
xiv.). He left in MS. a mass of inter-
esting genealogical and ecclesiastical re-
miniscences, part of which was edited
by his son Donald, under the title
Memorabilia Domestica, or Parish Life
in the North of Scotland (Wick, 1889,
2nd ed., 1899).
JOHN MACKENZIE, born 1792,
1843 ^"^^ ^^ Donald M. of Taagan, Gair-
loch, and Isabella, daugh. of Simon
Mackenzie of Oldney ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (28th March
1812) ; licen. by Presb. of Lochcarron 1st
April 1817 ; ord. missionary at Glen-
moriston 13th May 1818 ; trans, to Rogart
17th Sept. 1823; pres. by Mackenzie of
Newhall ; trans, and adm. 28th Sept. 1843 ;
died 19th Sept. 1870. He marr. 6th June
1826, Mary (died 20th May 1855), daugh.
of Colin Mackenzie, min. of Stornoway,
and had issue— Duncan Simon, min. of
Gairloch, born 19th Sept. 1827; Colin, min.
of Ardclach, born 2nd Aug. 1828 ; Simon,
born 26th March 1830 ; Alexander Roderick,
student of divinity, born 13th Nov. 1831,
died 16th Aug. 1853 ; Roderick, surgeon,
H.E.I.C.S., born 11th Dec. 1833, died at
Bombay 25th May 1857 ; Jane, born 27th
Nov. 1835, died 2nd Jan. 1853; Ninian
Francis, born 2nd May 1839, died 1st April
1856. Publications — Speaking the Truth
in Love, a sermon (Edin., 1847) ; Account
of Rogart {New Stat. Ace, xv.). ^ ^^-^wvj,
1871 DOUGALL, born 13th April 1839,
son of James M., schoolmaster, Moy,
and Mary Gumming ; educated at Raigbeg
and Grantown Schools, King's College,
Aberdeen, and Univs. of Aberdeen and
Glasgow, 1860-4 ; became missionary at
Campbeltown, Oct. 1865, at North Knap-
dale, March 1866 ; ord. Royal Bounty
missionary at Tayvallich (Inveraray), 18th
Dec. that year ; adm. to Fort Augustus in
1867 ; assistant at Kilmonivaig, 1868-70 ;
pres. by J. A. Shaw Mackenzie of Newhall
6th Jan., and adm. 30th March 1871 ;
died 1st Aug. 1911. He was immersed in
the lore of the Puritans and filled with
the spirit of the Covenanters, a strong
opponent of all innovations in Church
worship and an earnest upholder of the
Protestant faith, a good classical scholar
and an eloquent speaker and preacher.
He marr. 26th April 1876, Jean Maclean
(died 27th June 1882), daugh. of James
Paterson, farmer, Thurso, and Betsy
Mackay, and had issue— James, engineer,
Hudson Bay Company, born 4th Feb. 1877 ;
Donald Joseph, born 29th Oct., and died
18th Nov. 1878; Bessie Paterson (twin),
born 29th Oct. 1878 ; Mary Gumming, born
17th, and died 28th Oct. 1879. Publica-
tions— Memoir of the Rev. Hector Mac-
phail, minister of Resolis. Contributions
to periodical literature chiefly on local and
Church history.
1912 ^^^^^- ^^^ adm. from Lairg 18th
Jan. 1912 ; trans, to Kiltearn 14th
Oct. 1920.
Kishorn, 16th Dec. 1864, son of
Donald M, and Isabella Mackenzie ;
educated at Old Aberdeen Grammar School,
Univ. of Glasgow, and Assembly's College,
Belfast ; Keen, by Northern Presb. of the
Free Presbyterian Church Jan. 1895; ord.
to Free Presbyterian Church, Portree, 25th
Jan. 1895 ; adm. to Kintail 16th March
1898 ; trans, to Urquhart (Inverness) 26th
Nov. 1908 ; trans, and adm. 8th March
1921. Marr. (1) 20th Feb. 1896, Annie
(died 15th Feb. 1911), daugh. of Samuel
Campbell and Marion Maclean, and has
issue — Morag Campbell, born 8th March
1897; Isabella Flora, M.B., Ch.B., born
16th Sept. 1898 (marr. 11th June 1924,
Victor Edmond Milne, M.B., Ch.B., D.Ph.,
Birmingham) ; Duncan Archibald, marine
engineer, born 19th Sept. 1901 : (2) 30th
April 1913, Annie Jane, daugh. of John
Macdonald and Marjorie Douglas.
DAVID DUNBAR, held this charge
before the Reformation, when he
conformed to Protestantism. In
1557 he witnessed a charter by David,
Bishop of Ross ; in 1571 as parson he
granted a discharge to William Ross of
Priesthill, and in 1580 gave a tack of the
teind sheaves to Robert Graham ; died in
1580. — [Charter of 1557 at Killearvan ;
Munro of Allan Writs ; Cromartie Writs.]
WILLIAM MUNRO of Coul, son of
Hugh M. of Ferrytown of Obsdale,
^^^° latterly of Coul; was reader, 1574-8;
pres. to the parsonage by James VI. in
1580 ; still min. in 1608. He marr. Isobel,
daugh. of Donald Thornton of Balgary,
and had issue — Robert of Coul, min.
of Farr ; Hector, min. of Edderton ;
Alexander ; Hugh of Ardullie ; Christian
(marr. Andrew Munro of Lemlair). —
[Orig. Paroch. Scot., ii., 553 ; Hist, of
the Munros, 383.]
THOMAS RAPE, born Ross-shire,
younger brother of William P., min.
of Dornoch ; adm. to Rogart in 1590 ;
was a member of Assembly in 1610 ;
trans, and adm. in 1614 ; still min. 29th
May 1634. — [Orig. Charter Antiq. Museum;
Orig. Charter at Killearnan; Mackay's
Presb. of Dingwall, 249 ; Reg. Mag. Sig.,
vi., 799.]
CHARLES PARE, probably son of
preceding ; adm. before 2nd Nov.
^^^^ 1638 ; was clerk of Presb. ; still in
the charge 28th Aug. 1655. The parish
was vacant in 1662. — [Mackay's Presb. of
Dingwall, 270.]
[The chancellor of the diocese of Ross
held the prebend of Rosemarkie in the
Cathedral of Fortrose. Its parish church
was dedicated to St Peter. At Rosemarkie
St CuradaiXvas buried, and there his relics
were shown to pilgrims, as were also those
of St Moluoc. Rosemarkie had a Well of
St Peter, and kept a fair in his honour.]
GEORGE DUNBAR, probably brother
of David D., min. of Cullicudden ;
^^^° vicar from 1560 to 1566, having been
pres. by Queen Mary in 1549, and had
evidently conformed at Reformation. —
[Orig. Paroch. Scot., ii., 567.]
JOHN ROBERTSON, min. in 1574,
1574 having Chanonry in conjunction.
1576 Ross, min. in 1576.
1576 WILLIAM HAY, reader in 1576.
GEORGE MUNRO, chancellor in
1586 1586.
^<».lcoc$ S't • n<a<*^t^<s»>^c4'
Kilmuir - Wester in 1596 or 1597;
^^^ returned in 1599.
GEORGE MUNRO, trans, from Suddie
1597 in 1597 ; trans, to Chanonry in 1599.
ANDREW CROMBIE, above men-
tioned ; min. in 1599, with Kilmuir-
Wester also in his charge. He was
app. by the Assembly in 1600 to visit the
bounds of Moray, and had the appoint-
ment renewed the next year. He was
Dean of Ross in 1607, and still min. 8th
Feb. 1630. — [Orig. Charter Antiq. Museum ;
Orig. Charter Bishop of Hoss at Kil-
PATRICK DURHAM, min. in 1633
and dean of Ross in 1636.— [Or?V/.
Charter Bishop of Hoss at Kil-
JAMES AINSLIE, educated at Univ.
of Edinburgh; M.A. (25th July
^^^^ 1624); adm. before 11th Feb. 1635;
was one of the few who read Archbishop
Laud's Service-Book as appointed by the
bishop in 1637 ; was still min. 2nd Nov.
1638.— [Berj. Mag. Sig., ix., 355.]
GEORGE MUNRO of Pitlundie, son
1642 °^ George M., min. of Suddie ; had
a gift of the chaplaincy of St
Laurence, called the chaplaincy of Elgin,
in the Cathedral of Moray, from James VI.
in 1616, for his support and maintenance
at the schools ; adm. before 4th Oct. 1642.
On 22nd Dec. 1646 he renounced his adher-
ence to Seaforth's Remonstrance against
the National Covenant and acknowledged
his " frailty " in putting his hand to that
"perfidious Bond." In the "references" of
the Commission of the Assembly appointed
in 1649 for visiting the Kirk of Ross, " the
furder tryall of G. M., minister at Rose-
markie, is referred to a commission to sit
at Aldearne ad hunc actum only, the first
tuesday of November next till appoynt,
witnesses thereanent to be cited be the
presbrie of Chanonrie, and that the said
presbrie have a care of the said Mr George
his chairge." He was one of the signatories
to a letter of the Presb. to the Commission
of Assembly, 8th May 1651, approving of
their proceedings ; died before 21st Sept.
1686. He marr. Barbara, daugh. of James
Forbes of Tolmads, and Agnes, daugh. of
John Forbes of Campbell, and had issue
—John, writer, Edinburgh ; Agnes (marr.
1643, Captain James, son of Duncan
Forbes of Culloden) ; Janet (marr. (1)
Alexander Ross of Nether Pitkerrie, min.
of Fearn: (2) Duncan Davidson); Margaret
(marr. John, son of Colonel John Munro
of Lemlair). — \^Inq. Req. Ross, 98, 145;
Lumsden's House of Forbes, 25 ; Hist, of
the Munros, 309.]
DAVID ANGUS, schoolmaster of
Nairn ; passed trials before the
Presb. of Forres and was recom-
mended for licence 2nd Nov. 1675 ; adm.
before 1689 ; deprived for not praying for
King William and Queen Mary ; removed
to Fortrose and was charged before the
Privy Council, 22nd May 1693, with having
publicly preached and exercised the minis-
terial function within his own house and
parish and elsewhere without qualifying
himself by signing the Oath of Allegiance,
and his deprivation was confirmed and he
was further prohibited from preaching or
exercising any ministerial function. He
went to Edinburgh, and died in the Canon-
gate in 1717. — [Chambers's Dom. Ann. ;
Services of Heirs.]
HUGH ANDERSON, ord. before 29th
,„„. March 1694; trans, to Drainie 17th
'''* Aug. 1698.
GEORGE GORDON, adm. 25th April
,„-- 1700; trans, to Cromarty 1st April
^'°° 1707.
ROBERT FINLAY, son of William F.
in Tarvcs ; educated at Univ. of
Edinburgh ; M.A. (8th March 1699) ;
served heir to his father 20th Dec. 1700;
licen. by Presb. of Dalkeith 25th Dec. 1704;
called by the Presb. juj-e devoluto 27th
July, and ord. 23rd Sept. 1708 ; died 4tli
Dec. 1733. He has been described as "a
pious and sincere pastor, assiduous and
faithful in his sacred office." He marr.
(pro. 30th July 1709) Katherine, daugh.
of David Denoon, bailie of the Canon-
gate ; she was recommended by the
Assembly, 21st May 1736, to the Synods
of Ross, Sutherland, Caithness and
Moray for chaTity.— [Services of Heirs ;
JOHN WOOD, born 1701 ; chaplain to
i'734 ^^'^ William Gordon of Invergordon ;
licen. by Presb. of Tain 22nd March
1732 ; called 4th July, and ord. 11th Aug.
1734; died 10th Nov. 1775. Under his
ministrations a revival of religion took
place in 1744 and he was then " waiting
in the expectation of still greater things."
He gives an account of this awakening in
a letter recorded in Gillies's Historical
Collections, 455. He marr. (1) 5th April
1739, Anne (died 27th April 1745), daugh.
of Collector Ogilvie, BanfiF, and had issue —
a child who died young : (2) 17th June
1747, Sophia (died 28th May 1803), daugh.
of Alexander Irvine, min. of Elgin, and
had issue — Alexander, min. of this parish ;
Anne, born 4th Oct. 1749 ; John, born
25th July, and died Oct. 1752 ; John, born
24th Nov. 1753; Mary, born 24th Feb.
1755 ; Sophia, born 8th Jan. 1758 ; Charles,
min. of Wiston, born 27th Dec. 1759 ;
William, born 15th Dec. 1761 ; James,
commander Racer, cutter, Bristol Channel,
born 12th March 1764, died 16th Nov.
1817; George, born 12th March 1766;
David, born 25th June 1767 ; Joseph, went
to Jamaica, born 29th July 1770, died
21st Feb. 1811 ; Andrew, major in army,
born 26th June 1772, died 20th July 1834.
Publication — Letter on the Revival in
Parish of Rosemarhie (Robe's Monthly
History, 1744). — [Religious Life in Ross,
ALEXANDER WOOD (primits), born
j^„_ 9th Oct. 1748, son of preceding ;
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen ; M.A. (2nd April 1765) ; licen. by
Presb. of Chanonry 12th Dec. 1769 ; pres.
by George III. 27th Feb., and ord. (assistant
and successor) 19th Sept. 1770; died
22nd Aug. 1808. He marr. 4th Dec. 1773,
Janet (died 6th Dec. 1829), daugh. of
Alexander Houston, provost of Fortrose,
and grandson of James Houston, min. of
Kirkmichael (Ross), and had issue — Sophia,
born 4th Oct. 1775 (marr. 29th Dec. 1792,
James Fowler of Grange, Jamaica) ; John,
born 25th Aug. 1776; Janet, born 28th
Aug. 1779 (marr. 2nd March 1805, James
Dallas, min. of Contin) ; Anne Baillie, born
19th June 1782 (marr. 6th Nov. 1805, John
Watson, Jamaica); Charlotte, born 29th
June 1783 ; Alexander, min. of this parish ;
William Abraham, born 16th May 1786;
Henrietta Georgina Jacobina, born 23rd
Oct. 1787 ; George Urquhart, born 28th
April 1789 ; Jemima, born 7th April
1792. Publication — Account of the Parish
(Sinclair's Stat. Ace, xi.). — [Memorabilia
Domestica, 281 ; Tombst.l
ALEXANDER WOOD (secundus), born
10th April 1785, son of preceding;
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen ; M.A. (28th March 1803) ; licen. by
Presb. of Chanonry 14th July 1807 ; pres.
by George III. Oct. 1809. A tedious law
suit regarding the patronage was instituted
by the Hon. Maria Hay Mackenzie of
Cromartie, who presented William Ander-
son, licentiate. The case was decided in
her favour by the Court of Session and
affirmed by the House of Lords July
1814. Anderson withdrew acceptance
having been settled at Kippen, whereupon
Mrs Mackenzie pres. A. W. Jan. 1815,
and he was ord. 16th Feb. 1816 ; died 8th
Jan. 1874. The Woods were mins. of this
parish for 140 years, one of the longest family
successions in the history of the Church.
He marr. 18th Dec. 1821, Agnes (died 27th
March 1861), daugh. of Adam Walker of
Muirhouselaw, Roxburghshire, and had
issue — Alexander, born 5th Dec. 1822, died
at Lancefield near Melbourne, Australia,
3rd March 1858 ; Katherine Gairdner, born
24th Sept. 1824 (marr. 23rd April 1845,
Donald M. Rose) ; died 1st Aug. 1851 ;
Janetta Fowler, born 20tli May 1826, died
July 1831. Publication — Account of the
Parish {]Veiv Stat. Ace, x\i.).— [Religious
Life in Boss, 253.]
JAMES M'DOWALL, born Glenluce,
„g- Wigtownshire, 1833, eldest son of j
James M., fisher ; educated at Glen-
luce, Campbeltown Grammar School, and
Univ. of Glasgow ; licen. by Presb. of Glas-
gow; assistant in Low Church, Kilmarnock,
Kinross, and in this parish ; pres. by Queen
Victoria 18th Feb., and ord. (assistant and
successor) 9th May 1861 ; died unmarr. 2nd
Aug. 1910.
1908 ^°™ Tillietudleni, Lesmahagow, 6th
March 1877, son of James Boe M.
and Agnes Shaw ; educated at Hamilton
Academy and Univ. of Glasgow ; M.A.
(1899) ; licen. by Presb. of Kintyre in
1902 ; assistant at Buenos Aires, Dumfries,
Shettleston, and in this parish ; ord.
(assistant and successor) 20th Aug. 1908,
Marr. 30th Sept. 1913, Helen M'Kean,
daugh. of Peter Craig, Glasgow, and Helen
[We have no evidence of the existence of this Court before 21st November 1638. The
Kegister of the Presbytery begins at 19th June 1649. There are gaps in its record from
30th March to 19th May 1663, from 12th April 1688 to 13th September 1716, and from
7th April 1762 to 13th July 1774.]
[Alness was a prebend of the Cathedral
of Fortrose. There were chapels in this
parish at Fyrish and Culcraigie. Another
stood at Kildermorie {Celtaii- M huiri = the
Shrine of Mary). There were also Wells of
St Mary and St Columba.]
THOMAS BOSS, son of Nicolas R.,
provost of the Collegiate Church of
Tain (who was present in Parliament
in 1560 and voted for the suppression of
Popery) ; parson of Alness in 1560 ; suc-
ceeded his father as Abbot (titular) of
Fearn in 1566; died 4th Feb. 1595. He
marr. Isobel (died 1603), daugh. of Alex-
ander Kinnaird of Culbin, and had issue —
Walter of Morangie ; William ; Andrew,
burgesses of Tain ; Barbara (marr. Andrew
Mornson). ~[Balnagowa7i Writs ; Reid's
Geneal. of Bosses, 55 ; Tai7i Sheriff-Court
Writs; Taylor's Hist, of Tain, 51, 59;
Bain's Hist, of Ross, 126 ; Religious Life
in Ross, 113.]
JOHN DAVIDSON, called vicar in
1560 1560.
JOHN WATSON, was charged in the
Assembly, 28th June 1565, with "leav-
ing his vocation," and was ordered
to return "under pain of disobedience
to the kirk."— [Booke of the Kirk.]
1571 1571 ; reader in 1574.
ROBERT ROSS of Kinloch, second son
jgg of Donald Ross of Shandwick ; min.
in 1588 ; was a member of Assembly
in 1610. He built the manse, west end of
church and bell-house in 1625. In 1630
he dem. in favour of Thomas Ross, min.
of Fearn, whose translation does not seem
to have taken place, R. R. being still min.
in 1636 ; died in 1648, He marr., and had
issue — William of Shandwick, min. of
Fearn ; John ; Thomas, min. of this parish ;
Andrew, min. of Corton ; David, min. of
Logie-Easter ; Esther (marr. Hugh, son of
Hector Munro of Fyrish) ; Catherine (marr.
Farquhar Munro of Teanoird).— [Calder-
wood's Hist, vii., 105 ; M'Crie's Sketches, i.,
149 ; Orig. Charter Antiq. Museum ; Balna-
goivan Writs ; Charter by Bishop of Ross
at Killearnan ; Reg. Mag. Sig., ix., 380.]
THOMAS ROSS, born about 1613, son
of preceding ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen; M.A. (1634);
min. in 1635 ; dep. in 1648, which sentence
was approved by the Assembly on 24th
July 1649. The Assembly recommended
his reponement, which was given effect to
by the Presb. 9th Oct. that year.—
[Mackay's Records of Dingwall Presb.,
153 ; Charter by Bishop of Ross at
JOHN MUNRO, of Culcraigie, son of
Alexander M., min. of Durness ; adm.
7th July 1649. On 20th Aug. 1650 he
informed the Presb. that he was denied
admission to his manse, Thomas Ross, the
preceding min., being still in possession, and
R. was ordered to remove ; app. chaplain to
the Laird of Thornton's regiment ; died in
1662. "He was a man of great readiness
and considerable learning." He marr.
Catherine Abernethy, and had issue-
William ; John ; George ; Andrew ; Isa-
bella (marr. Robert Munro of Findon
family) ; Christian (marr. Andrew Munro,
min. of Thurso). — [Mackay's Presh. of
Dingwall, 192.]
WALTER ROSS, son of David R. of
1664 Balnagowan ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (27th April
1659); adm. in 1664; was clerk to Synod
in 1671; died after 1690. He marr., and
had issue — Hugh. — \^Scot. Antic/., v., 158 ;
Mackay's Presh. of Dingivall, 371.]
JOHN M'KILLICAN of Alness ; licen.
188*7 ^^ ^^® Presb. of Aberdeen and
received by that of Forres 28th
March 1655; adm. to Fodderty 26th Feb.
1656; deprived by Act of Parliament 11th
June and Decreet of Privy Council 1st Oct.
1662 ; dep. May 1663. Complaints were
lodged against him in 1667 for holding
conventicles with Thomas Hog of Kiltearn.
In 1668 complaints were lodged against
him by the bishop, in consequence of which
he was imprisoned in the Tolbooth of
Forres. After his release he returned to
Alness, and another prosecution followed
in 1674, when he was obliged to go into
concealment, but in Sept. 1675 he dispensed
the Lord's Supper in the house of the
Dowager Lady Munro of Fowlis at Obsdale.
For this he was carried prisoner to Fortrose,
Nairn, and Edinburgh, sent to the Bass in
the end of 1677 till the indemnity granted
11th July 1679, when he was liberated.
He was again summoned before the Privy
Council 18th Jan. 1683, and fined £277,
to remain in prison till paid. After six
months' imprisonment at Edinburgh he
was sent to the Bass, but released on
account of his health, and under bond 27th
July 1686, and went to Alness. After
Toleration had been given to the Presby-
terians, 5th July 1687, he built a meeting-
house on his own property with the money
he received for the dama.ge done to his
property by the party of soldiers sent by
Sir Roderick Mackenzie of Findon in 1675
to prevent the celebration of the communion
at Obsdale. He received a call from Elgin
which he declined, and accepted a call to
Inverness, but he was not settled there ;
died 8th June 1689. He marr. (1) Catherine,
daugh. of John Munro of Balchraggan, and
had issue — John, min. of Lochalsh ; Daniel,
min. of this parish ; Janet (marr. Alexander
Munro of Kilchoan), and four others : (2)
Margaret, third daugh. of Donald Mackenzie
of Meddat, who survived him. — [Wodrow's
Hist., iii., 435; The Bass Rock, 235-59;
Inq. Ret. Ross, 151.]
JOHN ERASER of Pitcalzean ; during
jggg the reign of Charles II. suffered
great hardships on account of the
stand he took against the Episcopal govern-
ment of the Church. He was imprisoned
at Newgate and was afterwards sent to
Dunnottar Castle. In Sept. 1685 he was
banished by the Scottish Privy Council to
the American Plantations, where after a
voyage of seventeen weeks he landed at
New Jersey ; licen. to preach in New
England, and took charge of a congregation
at Woodbury, Conn. ; he returned to Scot-
land at the Revolution and was ord. to
Glencorse 23rd Dec. 1691. As a Gaelic
speaker he was app. by the General
Assembly to supply in Ross, Sutherland,
and Caithness, and trans, and adm. here
6th Nov. 1695; died 7th Nov. 1711, aged
about 53. He marr. in America, Jean,
daugh. of James Moffat, farmer, Nether-
barngs (on the Selkirkshire side of the
Tweed, opposite Abbotsford). She had
suffered persecution like himself, survived
him and marr. (2) George Gordon, min.
of Cromarty), and had issue — John, a youth
of high promise, died 9th June 1712; James,
min. of this parish ; Catherine (marr. John
MArthur, min. of Logie-Easter); Isobel.
Publication— Xe^^er to Hugh Rose of Kil-
ravock regarding Sabbath Profanation
(Family of Kilravock).— [7/e?-io< Sess. Reg. ;
Eraser on Sanctification (Life) ; Family of
Kilravock ; Bass Rock, 168 ; Wodrow's
Hist., iv., 332 ; Services of Heirs ; Inverness
Sas., viii., 419 ; Cloud of Witnesses, 531 ;
Toru'oodlee MSS. ; Stewart's Covenanters of
Teviotdale, 198-211 (gives a full account of
Jean Moffat's sufferings) ; Briggs' American
Presbyterianism, 122 ; I'ombst.'\
1714 ^^'' ^^^' °^ *^^^ parish ; licen. by
Presb. of Dunfermline 30th April
1701; ord. to Kilmuir-Easter 25th Sept.
1701 ; called by the Presb. jure devohito
27th Jan. and 22nd July 1713 ; trans, and
adm. 24th Sept. 1714. During the Kising
of 1715 he encouraged his parishioners to
support the Government, and accompanied
as chaplain Sir Robert Munro's (Fowlis)
detachment on their way to join the army
under the Duke of Argyll. In resentment,
the rebels under Seaforth took possession
of the village of Alness, "spulzied and
carried off the Presbyterial library of
Dingwall with two parochial libraries
which were lodged in the manse, with all
M.'s own manuscripts, books, moveables,
household plenishing, and body clothes
to the value of 4000 merks." The manse
itself was so dilapidated that his family
were obliged to reside elsewhere from the
beginning of Sept. 1715 to March 1716.
His case was recommended to the Lord
High Commissioner (Earl of Rothes) by
the Assembly, 27th May 1718, when the
Procurator and Agent were appointed, 16th
May 1720, to concur in a " process of
spulzie " at the public expense. He died
in June or July 1723. He marr. (pro.
25th June 1715) Christian, daugh. of
William Stuart, min. of Kiltearn, and
had issue.— [^c^s of Assembly, 1718, 1720;
Bain's Hist, of Ross, 267, 270; Religious
Life in Ross, 44.]
JAMES ERASER of Pitcalzean, Nigg,
j^26 b*3™ 1Q95, youngest son of John F.,
min. of this parish; educated at
King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (11th April
1715); licen. by Presb. of Chanonry 6th
Nov. 1723 ; called, 11th June, by the Presb.
jure devoluto, and ord. 17th Feb. 1726 ; died
5th Oct, 1769. A certain section of the
congregation (Episcopalian) opposed his
settlement. On the day of his ordination,
the Presb. found the doors of the church
barred, and the service was held in the
churchyard, where F. was obliged to preach
for several Sundays. In a short time the
opposition ceased, and he became one of the
most popular ministers in the North. He
was a correspondent of Robert Wodrow, to
whom he suggested the writing of a treatise
on witchcraft. He marr. 24th April 1735,
Jean (died 13th March 1778), daugh. of
Captain Donald Macleod of Geanies.
Publications— TAe Scripture Doctrine of
Sanctification (an exposition from the
Calvinistic standpoint, which had an
immense circulation all over Europe and
America) (Edinburgh 1774) ;Ze<<er<o^o6er<
Wodrow, min. of Eastwood (Law's Mem.,
Pref,).— [.4c^s of Assembly, 1719; Religious
Life in Ross, 45 ; Diet. Nat. Biog. ;
Memorabilia Domestica, 317.]
ANGUS BETHUNE, born 27th June
j^^^j 1742, son of John B., min. of Glen-
shiel ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; M.A. (2nd April 1764) and Univ.
of Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of Gairloch
8th Oct. 1766 ; ord. 23rd Aug. and adm. to
Harris 28th Sept. 1768 ; pres. by George III.
in 1770; trans, and adm. 25th Sept. 1771;
died 19th Oct. 1801. He was chaplain of
the 71st Foot. He marr. (1) 25th July 1772,
Catherine, daugh. of Colonel Andrew Munro
of Lemlair, and had issue — Janet, born
10th Jan. 1773 ; John in Berbice, born 2nd
Oct. 1774, died 18th April 1819 ; Christian,
born 12th Sept. 1778, died 1869 ; Rose, born
12th March 1780 (marr. Donald Ross, min.
of Loth); Harry Munro, born 12th July
1781, died 12th March 1784 ; Hector, min.
of Dingwall, born 12th Aug. 1782 ; Duncan,
born 3rd May 1785, died 1790 ; Anne, born
16th Dec. 1786 (marr, 4th April 1820,
Roderick Reach, solicitor, Inverness, some-
time proprietor of the Inverness Courier,
and was mother of Angus Bethune R.
(1821-56), author of Clement Lorimer, The
Natural History of Bores, and other works);
Hugh Munro, born 22nd Nov, 1789 ;
Catherine, born 10th Aug. 1792 (marr. 8th
Feb. 1820, John Maclennan of Lynedale
in Skye) : (2) 21st Sept. 1796, Janet Mary
(died 7th March 1846), daugh. of Joseph
Munro, min. of Edderton. Publication —
Account of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat.
Ace, x\.^.).—\_Dict. Nat. Biog. for Angus B.
HECTOR BETHUNE, born 12th Aug.
1802 1"^2, son of preceding; pres. by the
Hon. Mrs Maria Hay ilackenzie of
Cromartie in April, and ord. 28th Sept. 1802 ;
trans, to Ding\vall 31st July 1820.
1820 ^^^^' ^°" °^ James F., builder, and
Elizabeth Robertson ; educated at
King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (29th
March 1805) ; became schoolmaster of
Fearn ; licen. by Presb. of Tain 28th
March 1810; ord. to Chapel - of - Ease,
Rothesay, 23rd March 1811 ; pres. by the
Hon. Mrs Maria Hay Mackenzie of
Cromartie in Aug., trans, and adm. 12th
Oct. 1820. Joined the Free Church in
1843; min. of Free Church, Alness, 1843-66 ;
died 6th Jan. 1866. Tall and erect, with a
snow-white head, a thoughtful brow, and
an expression of finely blended firmness
and gentleness, he was a conspicuous figure
wherever he went— a man greatly beloved.
He marr. 6th July 1814, Elizabeth (died
1863), daugh. of Ronald Bayne, D.D., min.
of Kiltarlity, and had issue — Eliza, born
11th Sept. 1817 (marr. Andrew David-
son Mackenzie, min. of Free Church,
Beauly) ; James, born 8th Oct. 1819, died
in early manhood ; Maria Hay Mackenzie,
born 5th Dec. 1820 (marr. 22nd Dec. 1842,
John Murray Mitchell, LL.D., Indian
missionary) ; Isabella Bently, born 10th
July 1822 (marr. Charles Ross, min. of Free
Church, Tobermory) ; Ronalda Catherine,
born 1st May 1825 ; Margaret Bayne, born
11th May 1828.— [Disruption Worthies of
the Highlatids (portrait), 37-44 ; Annals of
the Disrujytion, 93.]
JAMES MORRISON, born Croy about
184S ^^^'^ ' educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; M.A. (March 1836) ; be-
came schoolmaster of Dores ; licen. by Presb.
of Dingwall in 1841 ; pres. by the Hon.
Mrs Maria Hay Mackenzie of Cromartie,
and ord. 6th Dec. 1843; died 30th Oct.
1881. He marr. 30th May 1844, Margaret
(died 3rd July 1885), eldest daugh. of
Alexander Cormick, Collector of Excise,
Inverness, and had issue — James, born 3rd
April 1845 ; Jane Isabella, born 9th Dec.
1846 ; Mary Margaret, born 1st May 1851 ;
Alexander Cormick, born 27th Nov. 1853 ;
Julia Corbet, born 22nd Nov, 1856.
JAMES MACHARDY, adm. (assistant
and successor) 20th March 1872 ;
trans, to Latheron 5th July 1880.
BROWN, born Starr, Kennoway,
Fife, 2nd June 1848, son of Robert
B., feuar, and Agnes Scott ; educated at
Univ. of Edinburgh; M.A. (1874); licen.
by Presb. of Edinburgh 16th May 1877 ;
assistant at St John's, Dundee, 1880-1 ; ord.
(assistant and successor) 6th Jan. 1881 ;
died 17th March 1918. He marr. 26th
Nov. 1889, Glorianna (born 1837), daugh. of
William Colville Livingston Learmonth
of Craigend and Glorianna Mackenzie,
and widow of Maxwell Gordon, Kenmure
Cottage, Portobello. Publications — Letters
from Sunny Shores (Inverness, 1896) ;
Sundays in the Highlands (Inverness,
1896). '
JOHN MARTIN, born Glasgow, 18th
1918 ^^^- ^^^■^' ^°^ °^ ^^^^ ^" ^^*^
Catherine Maclnnes ; educated at
High School and Univ. of Glasgow ; M.A.
(1903) ; licen. by Presb. of Glasgow in 1906;
assistant at Kelvinside ; ord. to Calderbank
28th Sept. 1910; trans, and adm. 19th
Sept. 1918,
[A parliamentary church was built in
Strathconan in 1830. The parish of Car-
noch was disjoined from Contin on 16th
March 1864.]
JOHN MACKENZIE, born Gairloch,
1799 ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; became schoolmaster of
Kiltearn ; licen. by Presb. of Dingwall 5th
March 1828 ; ord. missionary at Strath-
conan 25th Nov. 1829 ; pres. by William
IV. 23rd July, and adm. 28th Sept. 1830.
Joined the Free Church in 1843 ; min. of
Free Church, Lochgilphead 1843-64; died
at Edinburgh 8th Nov. 1864. He marr.
27th April 1835, Georgiana Robertson
(died 30th Nov. 1874) daugh. of Angus
Kennedy, rain, of Dornoch, and had issue
—Donald, born 13th Aug. 1836, went to
Canada ; Ann, born 27th July 1838 (marr.
19th Nov. 1866, Murdoch Macdonald, D.D.,
rain, of Free Church, Nairn, and Melbourne,
author of The Covenanters in Boss and
Moray) ; Murdoch, died in infancy ; Anne,
born 9th Feb. 1842 • Margaret Parker, died
young ; Isabella, born 20th July 1846 (marr.
2nd Nov. 1869, William Mackenzie of
Bov?enfels, New South Wales).
PETER MACINTYRE, born 1816, son
1844 ^^ Donald M., farmer, Kilchrenan,
Argyll ; educated at Univ. of Glas-
gow; M. A. (1827); pres. by Queen Victoria;
Old. 1st May 1844 ; died 7th May 1847.
1848 1^^^"* ^y Presb. of Selkirk ; mission-
ary at Killin, Perthshire ; pres. by
Queen Victoria ; ord. 8th March 1848 ;
died 1st June 1852.
GRANT, pres. by Queen Victoria
18th Oct. 1852; ord. 3rd March
1853 ; trans, to Durness 6th Aug. 1856.
1856 Q^^^'^ Victoria 17th Sept., and ord.
27th Nov. 1856; trans, to Second
Charge, Paisley Abbey 1st Sept. 1859, He
preached at Carnoch on the occasion of
his jubilee as an ordained minister (cf.
Vol. I., 62). Additional Publications—
An Election Sermon, from the Liberal
Point of Vieiv (Paisley, 1868) (replied
to by James Dodds with an Election
Sermon from, the Conservative Point of
View) ; Biographical Sermon on John
Keble (Paisley, 1870); Leaves from My Log,
or a Sail to Scandinavia (Paisley, 1874) ;
Rollicking Toxir in Ireland (Paisley, 1877) ;
Tour in the Land of the Gael (Paisley, 1878);
M'Stottie's Tour [Rev. Rory M'Rory] (Edin-
burgh, 1880); Heathen Scotland to the
Introduction of Christianity (St Giles
Lectures, 1st ser.) (Edinburgh, 1881);
Mohammedanism (ibid., 2nd ser.) (Edin-
burgh, 1882); Bishop Ewing (ibid., 3rd
ser.) (Edinburgh, 1883) ; The Greek Church
(ibid., 4th ser.) (Edinburgh,' 1884) ; St Giles'
Prayer Book (Edinburgh, n.d.) ; joint editor
of Guild Text Books ; many sermons and
addresses on various occasions.— [Maclean's
Life of James Cameron Lees, 72-96.]
j^ggQ M.A. ; pres. by Queen Victoria 15th
Nov. 1859; adm. Slst Jan. 1860;
trans, to Little Dunkeld 5th July 1866.
j _ shire ; educated at Univ. of Glasgow ;
ord. missionary at Fort Augustus in
1864; pres. by Queen Victoria 21st July,
and adm. 26th Sept. 1866; suspended for
inefficiency 27th May 1897 ; died 21st Jan.
1910. — [Life of James Cameron Lees, 92.]
JOHN MACLEAN, ord. 28th Sept. 1897;
1897 trans, to Lochalsh 19th April 1910.
1910 ^^P*- 1910; trans, to Newcraighall 8th
Nov. 1912 ; trans, to Hutchesontown,
Glasgow, 29th March 1917 ; trans, to Con-
dorrat 7th Dec. 1921; trans, to Carntyne 16th
Sept. 1926 ; trans, to Forth 3rd June 1927.
JOHN SELLAR, M.A. ; ord. 1st May
jgj^g 1913 ; trans, to Urquhart and Logie-
Wester 4th Oct. 1918.
1919 Coupar-Angus 16th May 1874, son
of Peter M., min. of Original Seces-
sion Church, Dundee, and Charlotte Barr ;
educated at Harris Academy, Dundee, and
Univ. of St Andrews ; licen. by Original
Secession Presb. of Perth and Aberdeen
30th July 1902 ; ord. to Original Secession
Church, Aberdeen, 6th May 1903 ; trans, to
Free Church, Glenlyon, 27th Feb. 1908;
trans, to Free Church, Dumfries, 19th Aug.
1916 ; trans, and adm. 14th March 1919 ;
trans, to Carmylie 22nd Sept. 1926. Marr.
14th Feb. 1908, Ina, daugh. of Allan Boath
and MaryLawson, and has issue — Charlotte,
born 8th Dec. 1909; Margaret, born 5th
March 1911; Peter, born 8th Feb. 1913;
Robert Barr, born 26th June 1914.
[These parishes were united in the
sixteenth centurj'.
Contin. — The church of Contin was
founded by St Malrubh. Contin was a
prebend of the Cathedral of Fortrose.
Contin church stands, with its manse
and glebe, on an island in the river
Abhuinn Dubh (" Black Water "'), called of
old the Rasa. The site is very ancient,
and was probably chosen for a burial place
secure from wild beasts. The access cannot
have been easy in early times. From the
Strath Conan side it must always have
been very difficult. St Malrubh's Well
was beside the church. A famous tryst,
called Feill Mhalrnibh (St Malrubh's Fair),
was long held at Contin. Near Coul,
within sight of the church, is the ancient
graveyard of Preas Maree (St Malrubh's
Grove), now the burial ground of the Mac-
kenzies of Coul.
Strathgarve. — The church of Strathgarve
was dedicated to St Finn.]
1574 1574.
1576 JOHN GLAS, reader, 1576 to 1591.
ROBERT BURNETT, vicar at the
jggiy Reformation, appears on record as
vicar of Contin and canon of Ross
in 1581.— [Orig. Paroch. Scot., ii., 505.]
1614 I^oderick, son of Rory Mor M. of
Achilty, was min. in 1614, still min.
8th Feb. 1630. He marr. Margaret Aber-
nethy.— [0?-tj7. Charter Antiq. Museum.}
jggg 1636 j tratts. to First Charge, Inver-
ness, 3rd Sept. 1640.
COLIN MACKENZIE, trans, from
1641 ^bernethy and adm. 12th May 1641 ;
dep. by Commission of Assembly
22nd May 1647 for preaching and praying
before the excommunicated Earl of Seaforth
and eating and drinking with him. He
had also subscribed the Remonstrance.
He was required by the Presb. to make his
repentance in the churches of Dingwall and
Contin ; reponed shortly thereafter and
adm. to Killearnan in 1651.
DONALD ROSS, educated at King's
jggj College, Aberdeen; M.A. (1619);
adm. to Lochbroom before 2nd Feb.
1636 ; suspended for malignancy and
immorality, the sentence being approved
by the Assembly in July 1649 ; reponed by
the Presb. 3rd Dec. 1650 ; trans, and adm.
22nd July 1651 ; still min. 16th June 1674.
—[P. C. Reg., 2nd ser., vi., 182.]
JOHN MACKENZIE, M.A. ; adm. in
jg_. 1674 ; trans, to Lochbroom before
4th Sept. 1683.
ANDREW ROSS, adm. in 1684; trans.
1684 *° Urquhart and Logie- Wester 24th
Sept. 1685.
^NEAS MORRISON, son of John M.
1689 ^^ Bragar, judge of the Lewis; edu-
cated at King's College, Aberdeen,
1679, and Univ. of Edinburgh ; M.A. (28th
March 1683) ; adm. before 1689. He refused
to conform to Presbyterianism and gave
much trouble to the Presb. by his irreverent
conduct and defiance of that authority ;
dep. 12th June 1716, "for sundry atrocious
practices, and for joining in a wicked and
ungodly rebellion for the subversion of the
Protestant religion and introducing Popery
by endeavouring to set a popish pretender
on the throne." Notwithstanding his de-
position he continued to discharge his
duties in the parish and is last mentioned
22nd Aug. 1739, as officiating within a mile
of his former charge ; died at Castle
Leod, in Strathpeffer, shortly thereafter.
Known as " Black Angus," he was noted for
his generosity and good fellowship. Many
stories are told of his sayings and doings.
He was also a composer of Gaelic verse in
a light vein, some of which scarcely befit
his character as a clergyman. He marr.
Anne, daugh. of Donald Mackenzie of
Logie, in Lochbroom, through whom the
small property of Doirenamuc in that
parish jjcame to him, and had issue —
Donaldl; a daugh. (Mrs St Clair), who left
£80 to the poor of the parish. — [Pitteiitveem
Counc. Beg.] »VC»»^. f-v-^--'"'"— ■^'■■^■^,n> ff.
DONALD MACLEOD, MA. ; called by
,^ the Presb. jure devoluto 12tli April,
and ord. ISth May 1720; trans, to
Lochalsh 3rd July 1727.
JOHN ROBERTSON, called by the
j^gQ Presb. jure devoluto 14th Oct. 1729 ;
ord. 24th March 1730; trans, to
Killearnan 1st July 1731.
1732 ^^^^^^ March, and ord. 20th Sept.
1732; trans, to Dingwall 30th July
JOHN MACLENNAN, educated at
the Univ. of St Andrews ; M.A.
(6th May 1725) ; licen. by Presb. of
Chanonry 22nd April 1735; became
missionary at Strathglass ; called 22nd
July and ord. 27th Sept. 1742 ; died 28th
April 1775, aged about 70. He marr. 7th
Feb. 1752, Helen Grant, who died 3rd
March 1804, and had issue— John, born 4th
April 1753, died 11th Nov. 1764; Alexander,
M.D., born 7th May 1754 ; Janet, born 8th
Dec. 1756; Margaret, born 17th Jan. 1758;
Louis, born 27th Jan. 1760; George, born
28th June 1761 ; Isabel, born 17th Oct.
1762, died 22nd Dec. 1763 ; Elizabeth, born
11th Oct. 1764 (marr. 23rd Feb. 1804,
William Tulloch, Calcutta), died 25th Nov.
1815 ; John, born 5th Jan. 1766 ; James,
born 11th Aug. 1769. — [Macaulay's St
Kilda; Tombst.]
-,_„ called 12th June, and ord. 18th Sept.
1776 ; trans, to Kilmuir-Wester and
Suddie 11th May 1791.
JAMES DALLAS, born 1753; licen.
j^gg by Presb. of Nairn 1st Aug. 1786;
was schoolmaster and missionary at
Stornoway Feb. 1787 ; afterwards school-
master at Kincardine ; pres. by George III.
9th March and 8th June 1791 ; but not
ord. till 13th Aug. 1793, owing to a charge
of simony for which the Assembly, 24th
May 1793, believed there was no foundation ;
died 18th Sept. 1825, and was described as
"a straightforward, honest man." He
marr, (1) Margaret, sister of James Clark,
bailie of Inverness : (2) 2nd March 1805,
Janet, second daugh. of Alexander Wood,
min. of Rosemarkie, and had issue— Alex-
ander, born 23rd Jan. 1806; Margaret
Forbes, born 13th Dec. 1813.— [Family of
Dallas, 474 ; Religious Life in Boss, 56.]
CHARLES DOWNIE, born 1804, son of
jggg Alexander D., D.D., min. of Lochalsh ;
educated at King's College, Aberdeen,
1818-22; licen. by Presb. of Lochcarron 29th
Nov. 1825; pres. by George IV. 12th Dec.
that year; ord. 26th Aug. 1826; died 11th
Jan. 1852. He marr. 16th Nov. 1831, Flora
(died 19th March 1846), daugh. of Kenneth
Mackenzie of Inverinate, W.S., and sister
of Thomas M. of Applecross, and had issue
— Jane Catherine Mackenzie, born 15th
Dec. 1832, died 10th April 1849; Janet,
born 18th May 1834 ; Alexander, born 4th
May 1836, died 5th March 1846 ; Charlotte
(marr. Alexander Mackenzie) ; Kenneth
Mackenzie, surgeon in Australia. Publica-
tion— Account of the Parish {j!^ew Stat.
Ace, xiv.).
COLIN MACKENZIE, born 13th Sept.
jgg- 1814, son of John M., min. of Loch-
carron ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; M.A. (April 1830) ; became
schoolmaster of Knockbain ; adm. to Petty
26th Oct. 1843; pres. by Queen Victoria
19th April, trans, and adm. 12th Aug. 1852 ;
died 12th Nov. 1862. He marr. 11th Dec.
1850, Eliza Sophia (died 13th July 1893),
daugh. of Captain Henry Walker of Castle
Stuart, Inverness, and Wilhelmina, daugh.
of William Chalmers, M.D., Professor of
Medicine, King's College, Aberdeen, and
had issue— Elizabeth Fairburn, born 6th
Oct. 1853, died 16th Sept. 1872 ; Wilhelmina
Chalmers, born I7tla April 1855, died
23rd March 1927 ; Henrietta Walker, born
4th March 1858, died 25th June 1876.—
[Abe)-deen Geneal., 8.]
Uiginish 22nd May 1831, second son
of John T., tacksman, of Uiginish,
Skye, and factor for Macleod of Macleod,
and Margaret Hope, daugh. of Dr Donald
Maccaskill, Eigg ; educated privately and at
Marischal College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (1850) ;
became missionary atFort Augustus in 1853 ;
ord. to Strontian 12th Sept. 1854 ; trans, to
Bracadale 28th Feb. 1856 ; pres. by Queen
Victoria 16th March, trans, and adm. 1st
July 1863; died in Edinburgh 25th July
1886. He marr. 16th Dec. 1858, Christina
Mary (died 6th July 1917), daugh. of
Alexander Macdonald of Vallay, and Flora,
daugh. of Captain Duncan Macrae of
Inverinate, and had issue — John in H.M.
llegister House, Edinburgh, born 14th Oct.
1859, died 15th June 1923; Alexander
Macdonald Cornfute, min. of Southend,
born 7th April 1861 ; Margaret Hope, born
10th Jan. 1863 (marr. Archibald Macdonald,
D.D., min. of Kiltarlity) ; Mary Macrae,
born 17th Sept. 1864 (marr. 12th June 1901,
Robert Macgregor Smith, Insurance official,
Edinburgh) ; Flora Macdonald, born 4th
July 1866 (marr. 1888, Charles HoflFmann
Gore Weatherall, M.R.C.V.S., Allahabad),
died in Bombay March 1914 ; Hugh
Maccaskill, born 20th June 1868, died 13th
Nov. 1908; Gregory, born 23rd Jan. 1871,
went to New Zealand ; Catherine Mac-
donald, born 15th, died 29th May 1873 ;
Anne Milne, born 6th June 1874, died
16th March 1875 ; Alexandrina Williamina,
born 10th May 1876.
1884 Alexander M., schoolmaster of Loch-
carron, and Catherine Macpherson ;
educated at Univ. of Aberdeen ; became
schoolmaster of Knoydart ; licen. by Presb.
of Lochcarron 27th July 1876 ; ord. to
Burghead 2nd May 1877 ; trans, to Clyne
12th Sept. 1878 ; trans, and adm. (assistant
and successor) 24th Dec. 1884; died 7th
Sept. 1905. He marr. 29th March 1883,
Christina, daugh. of Peter Robertson,
Abernethy, and had issue — Catherine Mac-
pherson, born 15th Jan. 1884 ; James Peter
Robertson, born 26th Aug. 1887, died in
Buenos Aires, 3rd Aug. 1918.
born Bally groggan, Campbeltown,
26th Dec. 1873, son of Neil M., and
Margaret Colville ; educated at Glcnbarr
and Killean Schools and Univ. of Glasgow ;
licen. by Presb. of Kintyre 27th April 1898 ;
ord. to Lochranza 30th June that year ; trans,
and adm. 24th Jan. 1906. Marr. 25th March
1913, Catherine Ada i\Iary, younger daugh.
of Henry Ross, Brisbane, Queensland, and
Georgina Fanny Alicia Hillcoat, and has
issue— Nigel Ross, born 11th Aug. 1914;
Cairina Ross, born 26th June 1916 ; Sheila
Ross, born 26th March 1918 ; Henry Ross
Colquhoun, born 28th Nov. 1922. Publica-
tions— Notes on Contin Church (1914);
Until the Daxj Break (A Book of Prayer)
(Dingwall, 1916).
[The church of Dingwall was dedicated
to St Colin. It belonged to the Priory of
Pluscarden. There were within the bounds
chapels of St Laurence and St Clement.
A fair of St Malrubh was transferred from
Contin to Dingwall.]
WILLIAM MUNRO, son of Sir William
1561 ^^' °^ Fowlis, and Ann, daugh. of
Lachlan Og Maclean of Duart ; was
pres. by Queen Mary in 1551 to the
chaplainry of St Monan, Balconie ; min.
1561 to 1566; died before \bm.—[Orig.
Paroch. Scot., ii., 484 ; Hist, of the
Munros, 33.]
ROBERT MUNRO of Creichmor, min.
, ^^. of Urquhart and Logie-Wester ; had
1574 , ^, . ,^^ ° '
charge here in 1574.
1574 WALTER ROSS, reader in 1574.
DONALD ADAMSON, trans, from
1576 Urray. In 1569 James VI. pres.
Donald Adamson, an instructor and
teacher of the youth within the church of
Dingwall, to the chaplainries of St Laurence
in Dingwall, and Artafallie in Killearnan.
In that year he was exhorter at Dingwall.
He returned to Urray in 1585.
ROBERT PHILIP, pres. to the vicarage
1579 in 1519.— [Orig. Paroch. Scot., ii., 484.]
James VI. to the parsonage and
vicarage in 1585. — [Orig. Paroch.
Scot., ii., 484.]
JOHN MACKENZIE of Tollie, son of
jggj^ Murdoch M. of Fairburn ; educated
at Univ. of St Andrews ; M.A. (1582) ;
adm. about 1591 ; pres. by James VI. in
1594; was one of the four nominated by
the General Assembly, 25th June 1595, to
act with the Presb. of Inverness, " because
of their weakness"; pres. by James VI.
to Glenelg, Snizort, Kilmuir, Kilmartin,
Kilmore iu Sleat, Kilchrist, Kilmaluag in
Trotternish, and to the parsonage and
vicarage of Lemlair; died at Dingwall,
22nd April 1620, aged about 58. He
acquired the lands of Tollie. He marr. (1)
Margaret (died 27th Oct. 1601), daugh. of
Patrick Grant of Ballindalloch, and had
issue— Murdoch of Tollie, died 8th Sept.
1626 : (2) a daugh. of Thomas Eraser of
Struy, and had issue— Pioderick of Tollie ;
Kenneth, killed at Battle of Worcester, 3rd
Sept. 1651 ; Alexander, a min. ; Catherine
(marr. Colin Mackenzie of Kincraig) ; a
daugb. (marr. Murdoch Mackenzie of Pit-
glassie) ; a daugh. (marr. Thomas Dingwall
of Knockshirlie) ; a daugh. (marr. Alexander
Grant, min. of Urquhart) ; Annabella (marr.
Duncan Mackenzie in Tarbat. — [Edin.Tests.;
Booke of the Kirk ; Hist, of the Mackenzies,
513 ; Inq. Ret. Ross, 139 ; Gener., 6290.]
at Univ. of Edinburgh ; M.A. (25th
July 1612); nominated one of a Com-
mission for the Maintenance of Church
Discipline 21st Oct. 1634, and in 1637 he
was one of the few who introduced Laud's
Service-book to their parishioners. Not
submitting to the authority of the Glasgow
Assembly of 1638 he was dep. in 1639.
An Act was passed by the Assembly, 11th
Aug. 1648, "declaring him incapable for
ever of the ministry." The Commission
of Assembly in 1649 ordered that before
he be absolved he must acknowledge not
only in word but also in writing his
"manifold prevarications," and particularly
the equity of the sentence of the Assembly
and their Commission at Auldearn. He
refused to subscribe a declaration in these
terms drawn up by the Presb., whereupon
they resolved to excommunicate him.
After prolonged negotiations he submitted,
made public acknowledgment of his guilt
and repentance in the churches of Ptose-
markie, Killearnan, and Alness, and was
absolved in the church of Dingwall June
1650. He was alive in 1657, but does not
appear to have occupied a charge. He
marr. Annabel Mackenzie, and had issue —
Alexander, joined Montrose's campaign :
William, 2nd Jan. 1655, craved supply from
the stipend of Fodderty, but the Presb.
refused as his father was able to maintain
him at college ; Elizabeth. — [iMaitland
MiscelL, ii. ; Acts of Assembly, 1648;
Baillie's Letters ; Ardintoul MS. ; Hist, of
the Mackenzies.]
JOHN MACRAE, born 13th March
1614, son of Farquhar M., min.
of Kintail ; educated at Grammar
School, Fortrose, and Univ. of St Andrews,
M.A. (where his rival for honours was the
Earl, afterwards Duke of Lauderdale), and
Aberdeen ; pres. by George, Earl of Sea-
forth, and adm. in 1640. He became a
bitter opponent of Presbyterianism, and in
1658 was rebuked for his " litigiousness,
needless contention and untractableness, his
stubbornness, selfishness, his tediousness,
misapplication of scripture, seeking pas-
sages savouring of much bitterness and
disaffection, and his pertinacity and
loquaciousness." After 1660 the minute of
censure was deleted and characterised on
the margin "as shameless lying and the
spirit of lying and malice." He died Aug.
1673. He marr. (1) Agnes, daugh. of Colin
Mackenzie of Kincraig, and had issue —
Alexander of Conchra; Duncan, bailie of
Dingwall ; Catherine (marr. Donald Ross
of Knoekcartie) ; Isabel (marr. Lauchlan
Mackinnon of Corry, Skye) : (2) Florence
Innes, heiress of Balnain in Urray, and
had issue — John ; James, who succeeded
in right of his mother to Balnain. — [Ardin-
toul MS. ; Hist, of Macraes, 142 ; Inq. Ret.
Gen., 6315 ; Macrae's Dingivall, 299.]
JOHN MACRAE, son of Alexander
M. of Inverinate ; educated at
^^''^ Aberdeen; M.A. (12th July 1660);
became schoolmaster of Dingwall ; recom-
mended for licence by Presb. of Dingwall
4th March 1665 ; ord. to Kilmorack in 1667 ;
pres. by Kenneth, Earl of Seaforth, and
inst. 1st Feb. 1674. Under the Episcopal
government of the Church he was Treasurer
of Ross ; continued without conforming to
Presbyterianism ; died Jan. 1704, and was
buried in Dingwall. He left a MS. History
of the Mackenzies, known as the Ardintoul
MS., and a ]\IS. History and Genealogy
of the Macraes. He marr. before 21st
July 1673, Janet Bayne of Knockbain, and
had issue — Alexander, became a Roman
Catholic priest in Strathglass, and founder
of the mission still carried on at Dornie
in Kintail, died at Scots College, Douai ;
John ; Christopher, born 1682 ; Roderick,
born 1692; Mary (marr. Roderick Dingwall
of Ussie) ; Janet (marr. John Tuach of
Logic) ; Agnes (marr., cont. 9th Dec. 1687,
John Mackenzie, brother of Alexander M.
of Applecross), — {Services of Heirs ; Hist,
of the Macraes, 70 ; Ardintoul MS. ;
[DONALD BAYNE, son of Sir Donald
B., fifth of Tulloch, and a daugh. of
Mackenzie of Applecross ; became chaplain
in Lieut. - General Murray's regiment in
Flanders; called 14th July 1708, but not
settled. Such was the opposition on the
part of the Episcopalians that no Presby-
terian min. could be settled in the parish
for twelve years after the death of last
incumbent. When the min. of Kiltearn
went there early in 1704 to declare the
church vacant, the service was interrupted
by a company of armed men, one of whom
presented a pistol at the min. in the pulpit
and commanded him to be gone. B. con-
tinued in the army and was chaplain to
Colonel John Lamy's regiment at the
Bosch Nov. 1736. —[Macrae's Dingwall,
JOHN BAYNE, born about 1690, son
^ of John B., Dingwall, descended
from the Tulloch family; educated
at Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb.
of Earlston 31st May 1715; called by the
Presb. jure devoluto 28th Aug., and ord.
20th Sept. 1716; died 3rd Feb. 1737. On
24th June 1733 the church was totally
destroyed by an accidental fire raised by
Kenneth Bayne, writer, Dingwall, shooting
at a pigeon. He marr. Ann (who survived
him and marr. (2) Robert Munro of Miltown
of Katewell), daugh. of Peter Bethune of
Culnaskiach and Jane, daugh. of Sir Robert]
Munro of Fowlis, and had issue — John,
born 2nd March 1720; Ann, born 22nd
March 1721 ; Christian (marr. Gilbert
Robertson, min. of Kincardine) ; Jean
(marr. 14th Oct. 1766, Captain William
Douglas of the Marines). — {Kiltearn Sess.
Rec. ; MS. Account of the Baynes of t
Tidloch ; Allangrange Writs ; Macrae's
Dingwall, 112, 302, 334.]
1741 ^ontin ; called 23rd July 1740 ;
adm. 30tli July 1741, his settlement
being so strongly opposed by his co-presby-
ters that it was proposed in the Commission
of Assembly to have them rebuked at the
bar at their next meeting ; trans, to Third
Charge, Inverness, 13th July 1742.
ADAM ROSE, born 1713; educated at
j,^^g King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A.
(30th March 1733) ; licen. by Presb.
of Tain 3rd Dec. 1741 ; called 8th Feb., and
ord. 27th April 1743 ; died 21st March 1780.
He marr. 4th Oct. 1744, Isobel (died 11th
Sept. 1781), daugh. of Daniel Beton, min.
of Rosskeen, and had issue — Grissel, born
13th July 1745; Janet, born 16th Aug.
1753, died 16th June 1767; Daniel, min.
of this parish ; Adam, born 20th Oct. 1757 ;
Isabel, born 20th Nov. 1760; Margaret,
born 8th May 1762, died 30th June 1767.—
{Geneal. of the Bethunes.]
DANIEL ROSE, born 6th Jan. 1755,
-wgo eldest son of preceding ; educated at
Marischal College, Aberdeen ; M.A.
(1771); licen. by Presb. of Dingwall 16th
Oct. 1776 ; pres. by George III. 8th July,
and ord. 21st Sept. 1780. He was an
eloquent preacher. He visited France and
was present when the Bastile was invested
and taken by a revolutionary mob on 1 4th
July 1789; died 7th Jan. 1805. Publica-
tion — Account of the Parish (Sinclair's
Stat. Ace, iii.).— [Macrae's Dingwall, 334 ;
Moulin ; pres. by George III. 8tli
June, and adm. 26th Sept. 1805; trans.
to Canongate, Edinburgh, 13th July 1820.
HECTOR BETHUNE, born 12th Aug.
1782, son of Angus B., min. of Alness ;
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen ; M.A. (27th March 1800) ; licen. by
Presb. of Dingwall 31st March 1802 ; ord.
to Alness 28th Sept. that year; pres.
by George IV. 24th Aug., trans, and adm.
31st July 1820; died 31st Dec. 1849. He
marr. 26th May 1807, Jane (died 5th July
1878, aged 90), daugh. of Kenneth Mac-
kenzie of Millbank, third son of Sir Alex-
ander M., Bart., of Gairloch, and had issue
—Anne, born 26th March 1808 (marr.
George Cranston Mackidd, M.A., Dingwall);
Catherine Munro, born 2nd Feb. 1810,
(marr. Captain Thomas Powrie Ellis,
H.E.I. C.S) ; Angus, rector of Seaham,
born 8th March 1811 ; Kenneth, born 4th
Sept. 1812, died at Wellington, New
Zealand ; Duncan Munro, lieut. - colonel
9th Foot, Order of Medjedieh, born 29th
Jan. 1815; Jane, born 26th Jan. 1817
(marr. Frank Harper, farmer, Torgorm) ;
Alexander Mackenzie, born 2nd Nov. 1821,
died 1st Nov. 1823 ; Janet Munro, born
24th May 1824; Alexander Mackenzie
(twin), secretary P. & O. Company, born
24th May 1824; John Hugh, born 19th
March 1827, went to New Zealand ; Hector
Roderick, born 6th Feb. 1831, died at Aber-
deen 16th Oct. 1853.
1850 ^°^^' 1822, son of John S., merchant,
and Christina Mackay ; educated at
King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (March
1840) ; missionary at Fort Augustus in
1843; ord. to Harris 20th Sept. 1844;
trans, to Laggan 24th Sept. 1846; pres. by
Queen Victoria 23rd March, trans, and
adm. 17th Oct. 1850; died 9th Jan. 1867.
He marr. 26th Dec. 1844, Isabella Clark,
who died 12th Nov. 1896.
JAMES ERASER, pres. by Queen Vic-
ise? *°"^ '^*'^ March 1867; trans, from
Tarbert and adm. 25th Oct. that
year; trans, to Logierait 12th Sept. 1872.
RONALD MACALISTER, eldest son of
jow„ Ronald M., farmer, Kilchrenan ;
educated at Univ. of Glasgow ; ord.
to Gaelic Church, Paisley, 4th Aug. 1864 ;
trans, to Cromdale 1st May 1869 ; pres. by
Queen Victoria 19th Feb., trans, and adm.
1st May 1873 ; died at Manse of Advie 1st
July 1901. He marr. at Rosneath, 2nd Nov.
1869, Euphemia (died 10th Jan. 1911),
daugh. of Thomas Edleston, merchant,
Liverpool, and had issue— Euphemia Eliza
Norah, born 3rd Dec. 1870 (marr. John
Liddell, min. of Advie).
Old Aberdeen, 7th Jan. 1853,
youngest son of Robert M., D.D.,
Professor of Divinity, Aberdeen ; educated
at Gymnasium, Old Aberdeen, and Univ. of
Aberdeen; M.A. (1872), B.D. (1875); licen.
by Presb. of Aberdeen 6th Jan. 1875;
assistant at High Church, Inverness, and
Sandyford, Glasgow ; ord. to Kinnaird 1st
July 1879 ; trans, and adm. (assistant and
successor) 5th Jan. 1899 ; died 29th June
1921. He was well known for his wide
sympathy with all Evangelical movements,
was a regular speaker at the Keswick
Convention and a missioner of the Church
of Scotland, carrying on this work chiefly
in rural parishes. He was also Lecturer to
the Palestine Exploration Fund. He marr.
16th March 1880, Marjorie Louise, eldest
daugh. of John Carmichael, Glasgow, and
Jane Ann Brown, and had issue — Jane
Ann, born 9th Feb. 1881 (marr. 16th July
1921, John Marshall, Belfast and Egypt) ;
Anne Mearns, born 25th April 1882, died 8th
Feb. 1883; Marjory Louisa, born 1st Feb.
1884, died 13th Dec. 1893 ; Robert Duncan
Mearns, M.B., 2nd lieut. 7th Seaforths, born
19th Nov. 1885, killed at Loos 25th Sept.
1915; John Carmichael, banker, Richard,
Sask., served in Canadian Expeditionary
Force, wounded at St Eloi, March 1916,
born 24th Dec. 1886; Audrey Primrose,
born 27th March 1889; George William
Kinnaird, M.A., D.D., born 13th April 1891,
ord. to Carstairs 23rd Nov. 1923, served as
captain 4th Seaforth Highlanders in Euro-
pean War, trans, to Jedburgh 22ndSept. 1927,
marr. 5th Feb. 1924, Irene, fifth daugh. of
Robert C. Buchanan, bailie, Edinburgh.
Publications — '^ Airulfus'' and "Fetellus,"
translated and annotated for the Palestine
Pilgrims' Text Society (1889); The Church of
the Resurrection {Eng. Ilist.Revieiv) (1892).
1921 ^^'^S' Berwickshire, 9th March 1884,
son of Adam R. and Magdalen
Young ; educated at Morrison's Academy,
Crieff, and Univ. of Glasgow ; M.A. (1907) ;
licen. by Presb. of Glasgow 28th May 1910 ;
assistant at Alexandria (Dunbarton) and
Maxwell, Glasgow ; ord. to Bargeddie 23rd
Jan. 1913 ; app. chaplain to 63rd Royal
Naval Division in European War in 1917 ;
trans, to Inverallan 1 5th May that year;
trans, and adm. 15th Dec. 1921. Marr. 20th
Aug. 1914, Janet, daugh. of James Veitch
and Jane Emma Kidd.
[These three parishes were united about
Fodderty. — In the parish of Fodderty there
was a chapel of St Mary at Innis Ruaraidh.
Kinettas.—The, prebend of Kinettas in
the Cathedral of Fortrose was held by
the Chancellor of the diocese of Ross.
Glen Ussic—The, ancient church of Glen
Ussie stood at the village of Tollie. Its
site is now under water. Loch Ussie having
been much enlarged to supply water to
WILLIAM HAY, pres. by James VI.
^g^2 to the vicarage in 1572, then vacant
by simoniacal paction between John
Smyth, last vicar, and William Chalmer.—
{Orig. Paroch. Scot., ii., 498.]
ALEXANDER ANTON, pres. by James
J574 VI. in 1574; still in charge in 1580.
—[Orig. Paroch. Scot., ii., 498.]
ROBERT GRAHAM, archdeacon of the
jggg diocese ; had charge here in con-
junction with Killearnan.
IVER M'lVER, pres. to the vicarage by
1586 J^"^^s V^- 24th Jan. 1582; adm. about
1586 f still in charge in IQOl. -[Orig.
Paroch. Scot., ii., 498.]
ff'Vir'-o . /tir /iJji. Acc«-^^*~»-«^ J n tC
IxiM. »«). - /-^-^Ja« X
g, of Duncan M. of Park ; adm. before
12th March 1619, still min. in 1628.
He marr. Marjory, daugh. of Alexander
Mackenzie of Coul. — {Reg. Mag. Sig., 12th
Feb. 1624, viii., 575 ; Inverness Sas., 15th
Nov. 1630; Cold Writs; Ord Writs; Orig.
Charter Bishop of Ross at Killearnan.'\
.. _._ member of Commission of Assembly
in 1645 ; dep. for malignancy in
1650. He declared, 13th July 1652, the
lawfulness of the Assembly in 1651, and ;
was restored to the ministry, 28th Aug.
1655, having shown sincere remorse and
humility in reference to the particular
cause of his deposition. Afterwards adm.
to Lochbroom 6th April 1656.— [P. C. Reg.,
3rd ser., i., 184.]
JOHN M'KILLICAN, adm. 26th
jggg Feb. 1656; deprived by the Privy
Council 1st Oct. 1662 ; dep. May 1663
for Presbyterianism [afterwards min. of
JOHN MACKENZIE, born about 1613,
1662 ^°" ^^ William M. of Tarrel, min. of
Tarbar; educated at Marischal and
King's Colleges, Aberdeen ; M.A. (1631)^
adm. to Urray in 1636 ; dep. in 1639 for
opposing the Covenant and obliged to flee
to England and afterwards to Ireland ; re-
poned and settled in Suddie in 1644 ; trans,
to Tarbat in 1645 ; deprived between 1st
Dec. 1649 and 19th Feb. 1650; reponed in
1660 and adm. here in 1662 by John,
Bishop of Ross, "inasmuch as he has
suffered deprivation and banishment for
his loyalty." He was archdeacon of Ross.
At a visitation by the Bishop on 9th Aug.
1665, it was stated that the communion
had not been observed " these twelve years
bygone," that the people were not wholly
examined, but that Roderick (son of min.)
did sometimes preach and catechise. M.
was probably in ill-health as he died at
Tarrel in 1666 and was buried at Tarbat.
He man-. Christian, daugh. of Baillie of
Dunain^and had issue— Roderick, min. of
Avoch ; a daugh.r(marr. Roderick Mac-
kenzie of Park).— [Mackay's Presh. of Ding-
wall, ^W.]
JOHN MACKENZIE, Archdeacon of
jggg Ross ; adm. to Kilmorack Sept. 1665 ;
trans, and adm. soon after 28th
Aug. 1666j died July 1721. He marr. and
had issue>— [Mackay's Presb. of Dinfjivall,
son of Charles M. of Letterewe
and Anne, daugh. of John Mackenzie
of Applecross ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen; M.A. (29th March 1720);
librarian to King's College in 1721, and
assistant in Grammar School ; licen. by
Presb. of Aberdeen 1st Dec. 1725 ; called
by the Presb. jure devoluto 2nd May and
12th Oct. 1726; ord. 10th Jan. 1727; died
27th Feb. 1734. He marr. Jean Baillie,
who died 27th June 1796, and had issue —
a daugh. (marr. Rorie Mackenzie of Park). —
[Mackenzie's Hist, of the Mackenzies, 454.]
COLIN MACKENZIE of Glack, born
j^gg 1707, son of Roderick M. of Brae
and Longcroft, chamberlain of the
Lewis, and a daugh. of William Munro
of Ardullie ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; M.A. (1728) ; licen. by Presb. of
Dalkeith 7th Nov. 1733 ; pres. by George,
Earl of Cromartie, 31st July 1734; ord.
(after a reference to the Assembly) 28th
Aug. 1735 ; app. chaplain to 73rd Regiment,
or Macleod's Highlanders, 13th June 1778 ;
died 8th March 1801. He inherited the
Castle of Dingwall, the seat of the Earls
of Ross, and the lands attached thereto,
through his mother, which, with Longcroft,
he sold, and purchased the estate of Glack
in Aberdeenshire in 1765. He was mstru-
mental in keeping his chief. Lord Fortrose,
from going out in 1745. He was the first to
recognise the medicinal properties of the
Strathpeflfer mineral springs. He marr.
(1) Margaret (died 22nd Sept. 1746), daugh.
of Hugh Rose of Clava, and had issue —
Margaret, died 22nd Sept. 1748 : (2) 23rd
Feb. 1754, Mary (died 9th Feb. 1828, aged
91), daugh. of Donald Mackenzie, Balna-
been, and had issue — Anne, born 19th May
1756 (marr. Hector Mackenzie, bailie,
Dingwall); Una, born 26th June 1758;
Isobel, born 24th Sept. 1759 (marr. (1) her
father's coachman, (2) John Gray of Drum-
allan) ; Roderick of Glack, born 9th Feb.
1761, died 1842 ; Johanna, born 15th June
1762 (marr. Dr Miller, Stornoway) ; Mary,
born 19th March 1764 (marr. Captain John
Mackenzie of Kincraig); John, born 4th Nov,
1765, died 8th Oct. 1787; Beatrice, born 13th
May 1767 (marr. Peter Hay, bailie, Ding-
wall) ; Donald, min. of this parish ; Forbes,
major Ross-shire Militia, and a noted agricul-
turist (whose daugh. marr. John Kennedy,
D.D., Dingwall), born 29th Dec. 1769 ; Jean,
born 28th Nov. 1771 (marr. Colin Mac-
kenzie, min. of Stornoway). — [Macrae's
Dincjivall, 59 ; Mackenzie's Survey of Ross
and Cromarty ; Scots Afag., xl. ; Tomhst.']
jiygg Oct. 1768, son of preceding; edu-
cated at Marischal College, Aber-
deen, 1781-5; licen. by Presb. of Dingwall
5th Dec. 1787 ; pres. by John, Lord Macleod,
Sept. 1788; ord. (assistant and successor)
27th May 1789. He accidentally fell while
reaching a book from steps in his library,
and died in a few days, 25th Feb. 1826.
He was for some time chaplain to the 71st
Foot, and took a considerable share in the
business of the Church. He marr. (1) 12th
June 1790, Mary (died 16th Sept. 1796),
daugh. of John Mackenzie of Brae, and had
issue— Beatrix, born 16th May 1791 (marr.
1812, Thomas Stewart, Lieut., R.N.) ; Mary,
born 19th Aug. 1792, died 11th Nov. 1812;
Colin, Colonel R.E., born 19th March 1794 ;
died 1869 ; John of Glack, born 17th March
1796, died 3rd Nov. 1882; Elizabeth (marr.
Lieut. Stewart) : (2) 28th Dec. 1798, Mary
(died 26th March 1828), daugh. of Thomas
Fyers, overseer of the King's Works. Publica-
tion— Account of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat.
Ace, vii.). — [^Hist. of the Mackenzies, 378.]
1826 Dieanach in the Black Isle, born 3rd
Nov. 1797, son of Ronald B., D.D.,
min. of Kiltarlity ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen; M.A. (March 1817);
licen. by Presb. of Inverness 5th Dec. 1820 ;
app. missionary at Berriedale, July 1821 ;
assistant at Croy, March 1822 ; ord. mis-
sionary at Fort William 26th Nov. 1823 ;
pres. by the Hon. Mrs Maria Hay Mac-
kenzie of Cromartie in April, trans, and
M.A. Ul— ^ Cr^
l(.u^ ->. ^ <>v \^\'\ •
% A^ ^. il^/SC-x,^
adm. 13th Sept. 1826; died 11th Oct. 1832.
He marr. 17th July 1828 Isabella Jane
Duguid, who died 16th Feb. 1850, and had
issue— Ronald of Ardmeanach, born 29th
April 1829; Peter, M.A., LL.D., journalist,
author of Life and Letters of Hugh Miller
and other works, born 19th Oct. 1830, died
at Norwood, London, 10th Feb. 1896;
Charles John, born 9th Oct. 1832.— [Z>ic<.
Nat. Biog. for Peter B.]
JOHN NOBLE, born Inverness 1806;
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen ; M.A. (March 1826) ; became
rector of Royal Academy, Tain, in 1830 ;
licen. by Presb. of Tain 24th Nov. that
year ; pres. by the Hon. Mrs Maria Hay
Mackenzie of Cromartie in Jan., and ord.
25th Sept. 1833. Joined Free Church in
1843 ; min. of Free Church, Contin and
Fodderty 1843-6, of Free Gaelic Chapel,
Duke Street, Glasgow, 30th April 1846;
died 19th April 1849. He marr. 14th Feb.
1835, Elizabeth Forbes, daugh. of Neil
Kennedy, min. of Logie - Easter, and had
issue— Anne Downie, born 7th Nov. 1836 ;
William, born 15th June 1837 ; Isabella
Kennedy, born 20th Jan. 1840 (marr. 29th
July 1862, John Macgregor, min. of
Kinlochluichart).— [6'mi</t's Scottish Clergy,
ii., 314.]
JOHN MENZIES, born 1804, son of
1843 J°^" •^^•' farmer, and Ann Cameron ;
educated at Univ. of St Andrews ;
licen. by Presb. of Dunkeld ; pres. by the
Hon. Mrs Maria Hay Mackenzie of
Cromartie ; ord. 16th Nov. 1843 ; died at
Cause wayhead, Stirling, 9th March 1890.
He marr. 17th Feb. 1857, Jane Russell,
who died 24th Sept. 1919, and had issue —
Ann Cameron, born 26th Nov. 1857 ; John,
born 14th March 1859 ; Isabella Russell,
born 19th Nov. 1861 ; Margaret Eraily, born
7th Feb. 1864, died 28th Jan. 1865 ; Alex-
ander Russell, born 24th July 1871, died
at Cause wayhead 15th March 1920.
1885 William about 1859 ; educated at
Univ. of Edinburgh; M.A. (1879),
B.D. (1882); ord. to Gaelic Church,
Greenock, 2nd Nov. 1882 ; trans, and adm.
(assistant and successor) 15th July 1885 ;
dera. 18th May 1896 ; died 19th March 1912.
He marr. 2nd June 1898, Anne C. Kempt.
._g^ trans, from Glengarry and adm. 28th
Oct. 1896 ; trans, to Skelmorlie 14th
Nov. 1899.
1900 Durness 25th March 1873, son of
Torquil N., schoolmaster, and
Margaret Gunn ; educated at Durness
School and Univ. of St Andrews ; M.A.
(1895), B.D. (1899); licen. by Presb. of
Dingwall in 1900; ord. 14th March 1900.
Marr. 23rd Dec. 1902, Catherine May,
daugh. of David Brown, St Andrews, and
Christina Carstairs, and has issue— Chris-
tine Gunn, born 29th June 1904 ; Margaret
Gunn, born 14th Aug. 1905 ; Iain Torcul,
born 16th May 1912, died 3rd March 1916;
Alastair David, born 13th March 1913.
[It has long been suppressed and annexed
to Fodderty.]
ALEXANDER BAYNE, younger, min.
1574 1574 to 1578.
1579 reader, 1579-80.
JOHN MUNRO, min. in 1586 ; probably
1586 same as preceding.
[The church of this parish was dedicated
to St Moroc. The Priory of St John the
Baptist at Beauly, within the bounds, be-
longed to the Order of the Val de Choux.
It was founded by John Bisset of Lovat in
1230. Its ruins include a fine church with
a large aisle of St Katherine. A side
chapel recently re-roofed is the burying-
place of the Mackenzies of Gairloch. A
fair of St Muireach was held at Kilmorack,
and at Beauly there were four yearly trysts
held at Roodmas, Lammas, Michaelmas, and
Hallowmas. There is now a mission church
of St Columba at Beauly.]
Sir JOHN NICOLSON, vicar in
1560 1560.
DONALD FRASER, called "Donald
^ Dubh " or Black Donald ; pres. by
James VI. to the vicarage in 1573 ;
still min. in 1590, having Wardlaw (Kirk-
hill) also in his charge. — [Orig. Paroch.
Scot., ii., 508 ; Belladriim Writs.']
JOHN MALCOLMSON, min. in 1618.
1618 —[Belladrum Writs.]
WILLIAM MACKENZIi; min. in 1624
1624 and 1631 [afterwards of Killearnan].
WILLIAM FRASER of Phopachy, adm.
,_„„ in 1633: trans, to Killearnan in
^^^ 1640.
DONALD FRASER, adm. in 1641 ;
trans, to Urquhart and Logie-Wester,
Jan 1665.
JOHN MACKENZIE, adm. Sept. 1665 ;
1665 trans, to Fodder ty in 1666.
JOHN MACRAE, pres. by John, Bishop
jgg^ of Ross, 20th Sept. 1666; ord. in
1667 ; trans, to Dingwall 1st Feb.
WILLIAM FRASER of Fanellan, born
.pfjA about 1634, son of Donald F., min.
of Urquhart and Logie - Wester ;
educated at King's College, Aberdeen ;
M.A. (19th July 1666); became school-
master at Boyndie ; passed trials before
Presb. of Fordyce and had a testimonial
for licen. 30th July 1673; adm. 12th April
1674; died May 1710. He marr. Jean
Baillie, and had issue — William, M.D.,
served heir to his father in Fanellan in
1735 ; Donald.— [iwg. Ret. Gen., 6658.]
THOMAS CHISHOLM, born 14th Dec.
1711 l^^O' son of Alexander C. of Teawig ;
licen. by Presb. of Inverness 7th July
1709 ; called by the Presb. jure devoluto
26th Sept. 1710. When the Presb. met for
his ordination, 22nd March 1711, entrance
to the church was prevented by a rabble
of men and women who surrounded every
part of the building. The Court having
adjourned to the manse, stones were cast
through the windows and the proceedings
were so interrupted that it was impossible
^ WA C^^-^^ ^^^-^ ^^'c/. '^'^"^
to continue. Clods and other missiles were
thrown at the ministers as they left. The
ordination took place at Kiltearn the
following day. For two years afterwards.
Eraser's widow refused to give up the
manse, and C. was continually obstructed
in his work, two-thirds of the parishioners
being Roman Catholics under the charge
of a resident priest (Peter Macdonald),
while many were Episcopalians. In the
course of time the animosity died down
and C. remained min. of the parish for
fifty-seven years. He died 6th Jan. 1768.
He marr. a lady who predeceased him, and
had issue— Robert, died abroad Aug. 1745 ;
James, tacksman of Platchaick ; David,
min. of this parish ; John ; Thomas ;
Primrose ; Katherine (marr. John Robert-
son, min. of Killearnan).
DAVID CHISHOLM, born 1723, son
1754 ^^ preceding ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen; M.A. (1st April
1741); licen. by Presb. of Dingwall 19th
June 1750 ; called July 1753 ; ord. (assist-
ant and successor) 27th Feb. 1754; died
13th April 1768. He marr. 28th May 1753,
Jean Inglis, who died 1st Nov. 1799, and
had issue— Robert, born 26th Aug. 1756 ;
John, born 18th Dec. 1761 ; Alexander,
born 9th June 1764 ; Jean Wardlaw (twin),
born 9th June 1764; Christian, born 7th
Dec. 1766.
JOHN FRASER, born Inverness, 1746,
1769 ^"^^ ^^ Simon F. ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (2nd April
1764) ; licen. by Presb. of Inverness 6th
March 1767; ord. 3rd March 1769; died
4th April 1804. He marr. 26th Aug. 1775,
Margaret Nicolson, who died 1st Feb.
1828, and had issue— Catherine Bristow,
born 8th June 1776 ; Mary Honyman,
born 28th Aug. 1777; Simon, born 29th
May 1780; Alexander, lieut. 37th Regi-
ment, born 29th July 1781 ; Malcolm, born
17th July 179L Publication— Account of
the parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, xx.).
SIMON FRASER, born 1765, school-
master of Avoch ; educated at
King's College, Aberdeen; M.A.
(29th March 1793); licen. by Presb. of
Chanonry 23rd July 1799; pres. by the
Hon. Archibald Campbell Fraser of Lovat
Aug. 1804 : ord. (after appeal to the
Assembly) 9th July 1806 ; died 26th Sept.
1845. He marr. (1) 6th Jan. 1800, Margaret
Aird, who died 22nd Sept. 1806, and had
issue— Anne, born 26th May 1805 (marr.
Hugh Mackenzie, niin, of Gaelic Chapel,
Aberdeen) : (2) 4th Feb. 1807, Mary Fraser,
who died 20th July 1854, and had issue-
Simon, min. of this parish ; Catherine, born
1st Sept. 1810; William, born 11th March
1812; Mary, born 2nd July 1814; Alex-
ander James, born 1 3th Feb. 1820; Roderick,
min. of Uig, born 7th March 1824.
SIMON FRASER, born 25th Feb. 1808,
son of preceding ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen, 1826-30; adm.
to Ardersier 4th Jan. 1844; trans, and
adm. 14th May 1846; died 17th Feb.
1862. He marr. 22nd June 1841, Catherine
(died 5th March 1900), daugh. of Roderick
Noble and Ann Robertson, and had issue-
Mary Ann Robertson, born 2nd April 1842 ;
Catherine, born 4th Oct. 1844 ; Margaret
Hannah, born 23rd March 1850 ; Simon
Peter, born 28th May 1852 ; William John,
born 14th Feb. 1854.
DONALD CAMERON, born Kilmalie,
1819; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; M.A. (March 1843) ; ord.
to Free Churcli, Ardersier, 1849 ; trans, to
Free Church, Kirkmichael, 1853 ; adm. as
a licentiate of the Church of Scotland by
the General Assembly 25th May 1861 ;
pres. by Mrs Webster of Flemington, and
adm. 11th Sept. 1862; died 16th Dec.
1873. He marr. (l)12th Feb. 1856, Cassilis
Jane Shaw, who died 17th June 1863 : (2)
15th Oct. 1873, Jemima Smith Japp ; she
survived him and marr. (2) 7th Dec. 1876.
PETER ROBERTSON, trans, from
Gaelic Church, Inverness, and adm.
19th May 1874; trans, to Kilbride,
Arran, 21st March 1883.
QUARRIE, trans, from Duncans-
burgh and adm. 21st Sept. 1883;
trans, to Urquhart and Logie-Wester 19th
May 1891.
1891 Kilcalmonell, Kintyre, 27th July
1864, son of William R. and Margaret
Sillars ; educated at Kilcalmonell School,
High School, and Univ. of Glasgow ; M.A.
(1886), B.D. (1888); licen. by Presb. of
Kintyre 16th May 1888 ; assistant at
Ardgour and St Columba's, Glasgow ; ord.
24th Sept. 1891 ; D.D. (Glasgow, 25th June
1919). Marr. 12th Sept. 1898, Elizabeth,
daugh. of Walter George Jackson, Bendigo,
Australia, and Mary Rankin, and has
issue— William Eric, M.A., B.D., born 17th
Aug. 1899, served as 2nd lieut. 13th Black
Watch during European War, ord. to Cock-
burnspath, 2Sth Sept. 1926 ; Archibald Kil-
morack, M.B., Ch.B. (1924), born 8th Feb.
1901 ; Mary Elizabeth, born 19th Aug. 1902.
Publications — " Survival of Judaism "
{Theological Monthly, 1890); The Pro-
gressiveness of our Knowledge of Christian
Truths (1904) ; God's Hierarchy (1916) ;
" The Star in the East " in The Interpreter
(1918). — [Maclean's Typographia Scoto-
Gadelica, 91 ; Parochial and Preshyterial
Libraries in Ross-shire in 1707.]
[These parishes were united about 1618.
Kiltearn. — The church was dedicated to
Our Lord, whence comes its name, Gill
Thighearn, or the Lord's Church. There
were within the bounds four chapels. Two
of these were at Balconie, St Monans, and
St Ninians. One stood at Culnasgiach, and
the other at Wester-Fowlis. There was
also in this parish a Well of St Colmog.
Lemlair. — Lemlair was a prebend of the
Cathedral of Fortrose. Its church was
dedicated to St Mary, but there had been |
an older dedication to St Bride. At I
Kilchoan, in this parish, there was a
chapel of St Coan.]
DONALD MUNRO, son of Alexander
M. of Kiltearn, first appears as
vicar of Snizort and Raasay in 1526 ;
was Archdeacon of the Isles in 1549, when
he made a systematic tour through the
western islands, of which he left an
interesting account along with a compila-
tion on the " Genealogies of the Chief Clans
of the Isles." George Buchanan, who made
use of the first of these manuscripts for
the geographical part of his History of
Scotland, acknowledges indebtedness to its
author as "a pious, diligent, and learned
man, who travelled over all these islands
and viewed them correctly." Conforming
to Protestantism at the Reformation he
was adm. to this charge soon after 1560.
On 26th June 1563, he was app. by the
General Assembly a commissioner to plant
kirks within the bounds of Ross, and to
assist Robert, Bishop of Caithness. On
27th Dec. following, complaint was made
in the As.sembly that he "was not so
apt to teach as his charge required."
A committee of Assembly was app. to
"try his gifts" and to report. On 5th
July 1570, it was again objected that he
was "not prompt in the Scottish (Gaelic)
tongue." Notwithstanding this, his appoint-
ment was renewed in Aug. 1573. About
1574 Lemlair was added to his charge.
Tradition says that having his residence at
Castle Craig on the opposite side of the
Firth, he crossed by boat for his duties at
both churches. He died unmarr. in or
about 1589, and was buried at Kiltearn.
VMh\icd,tions— Description of the Western
Isles of Scotland, called Hyhrides, with
Genealogies of the Chief Clans of the Isles :
noiv first published from the Mamiscrij^t
(Edin., 1773-4 ; another edition, 1805 ;
reprinted 1818 in vol. ii. of Miscellanea
Scotica (Glasgow 1884). Two MS. copies
are in the National Library of Scot-
land.—[Calderwood's Hist., ii. 224, 245,
iii. 275 ; Miscell. Wodroiv Soc, i., 335 ;
Buchanan's Hist, of Scotland {Vl\b), 13, 18 ;
Diet. Nat. Biog.]
ROBERT MUNRO, adm. in 1589;
jggg trans, to Farr before 9th Oct. 1619.
— [Hist, of the Munros, 344 ; Reg.
Mag. Sig., viii., 245.]
DAVID MUNRO of Kilchoan, son of
1627 Donald M. of Tarlogie, of the family
of Milntown, and Christian Ross ;
educated at Univ. of St Andrews ; M.A.
(21st July 1621) ; adm. to Tarbat in 162— ;
trans, and adm. before 1st May 1627 ; was
a member of the Glasgow Assembly in
1638 and that of 1639; dep. in 1648
" for malignancy and joining in the Engage-
ment/' which sentence was approved by
the Assembly in 1649 ; died before 7th
July 1653. He marr. Florence, daugh. of
Andrew Munro of Lemlair, and had issue —
Donald; Robert; John; Hugh, W.S.,
buried 13th Feb. 1672 ; and several daughs.
— [Reg. Mag. Sig., ix., 2028; Inverness
Sas., v., 240 ; Original Charter Antiq.
Museum ; Peterkin's Records ; Hist, of the
Munros, 302.]
ROBERT MUNRO, adm. before 19th
j^g^g June 1649; dem. 15th June 1652;
died 1663.
THOMAS HOG, born Tain, 1628, "of
jgg^ honest parents, native highlanders
somewhat above the vulgar rank " ;
educated at Grammar School, Tain, and
Marischal College, Aberdeen ; MA. (1650) ;
became chaplain at Dunrobin to John, Earl
of Sutherland; licen. in 1654; had calls
from Golspie and other parishes ; ord. 24th
Oct. that year. He joined the Protesters ;
dep. by the Synod July 1661 ; deprived by
Act of Parliament and Decreet of Privy
Council 1st Oct. 1662. He retired to the
farmhouse of Knockoudie in Auldearn,
where he continued to preach and dispense
the sacraments, and memorable communions
were observed in a sheltered hollow of
the Hills of the Arstill, known as " Hog's
Strype." In 1668 a complaint Avas made
to the Privy Council by Murdoch, Bishop
of Moray, whereupon H. was imprisoned
in Forres, but after some months was
liberated unconditionally through the
intervention of the Earl of Tweeddale.
Orders were again given for his imprison-
ment in June 1674, and Letters of Inter-
communing were issued against him on
6th Aug. 1675, forbidding all persons to
harbour or assist him in any way. In
Jan. 1677 he voluntarily surrendered to
the Earl of Moray, was removed to Edin-
burgh Tolbooth and sent to the Bass
Rock, where he became seriously ill. An
Edinburgh physician who was called to
see him, petitioned the Council for his
release, to which some of the members
were disposed, but Archbishop Sharp stated
" the prisoner did and was in a capacity to
do more hurt to their interests sitting in
his elbow chair than twenty others could,
and if the justice of God was pursuing him
to take him off the stage, the clemency of
the Government should not interpose to
hinder it." He was accordingly confined
more closely than before. On hearing his
sentence he exclaimed in bed, "It was as
severe as if Satan himself had penned it."
On 9th Oct. that year he was brought back
to the Tolbooth, but was again returned to
the Bass until set at liberty with others in
July 1679, giving bond for 10,000 merks to
appear before the Council when called.
He remained unmolested till 8th Nov. 1683
when he was fined £277 and committed
prisoner at Edinburgh till the fine was
paid. Having decided to quit the country
he petitioned to that effect and was
enjoined to depart within forty-eight hours.
He lived for a year in Berwick-upon-Tweed
and in 1685 found his way to London,
intending to sail to Carolina, but he was
apprehended on suspicion of beiiigcoucerned
in the Rebellion of the Duke of Monmouth.
On being freed he fled to Holland, where
he became chaplain to William, Prince of
Orange. He returned to Scotland early
in 1688, and being restored by Act of
Parliament, 25th April 1690, was a member
of Assembly that year. He was appointed
one of the King's chaplains and was
preparing to remove to London, but died
after a long and painful sickness, 4th Jan.
1692. He was buried by his own request
in the doorway of the pariah church, where
may be seen the following inscription on
his tomb— "This stone shall bear witness
against the parishioners of Kiltearn if they
bring ane ungodly minister in here." A
commemorative slab was placed in the
parish church and the Hog Memorial
Church was erected in the village of
Evanton. He marr. after 12th A\m\ 105G,
the sister of John Hay of Inshock and
Park, cadet of Errol (she died «.;>.).
Publication — Memoirs of His Life (Andrew
Stevenson, Edinburgh, \lbQ).—\_Edin. Chr.
Inst., XXV. ; Brodie's Diary ; Wodrow's
Corres., i., 166; The Bass Back, 174-98;
Kirkton's Hist, 330 ; Wodrow's Hist., ii.
112 et seq. ; iv. 511-13, and AimL, ii., 162 ;
Reg. Clen. Assembly, 1690; Memoirs of
Catherine Collace ; Scenes in the Life of
James Hog ; Crich ton's Memoir of Black-
ader ; King's Covenanters in the North, 365 ;
Covenanters in Moray and Jioss, 79 et
seq. ; Hugh Miller's Scenes and Legends,
112; Diet. Nat. Biog.; Tombst.]
JOHN GORDON, educated at King's
('oUege, Aberdeen ; M.A. (13th July
1658); adm. before 15th Nov. 1664;
deprived by Act of Parliament, 25th April
1690, restoring Presbyterianism. After his
settlement he had to contend with great
opposition, even Sir John Munro of Fowlis,
a principal heritor, refusing to pay him
stipend till compelled by law.
1690 THOMAS HOG, above mentioned.
WILLIAM STUART, assistant at
Inverness ; was recommended by
Hog as his successor and was adm.
in 1693. When sent by the Presb. to
preach at Dingwall in Jan. 1704 he was
threatened in the pulpit there by followers
of the Earl of Seaforth from Kintail, with
loaded pistols ; trans, to Third Charge,
Inverness, after 9th April 1705 ; trans, to
First Charge, Inverness, 26th Jan. 1720 ;
called by the Presb. jure devoluto 9th Oct.
1722 and again 9th Nov. 1725 ; re-trans,
and adm. 8th Nov. 1726 ; died 10th Oct.
1729. He marr. and had issue— Christian
(marr. Daniel M'Killican, rain, of Alness).
Publications— Account of Mr Macbean of
Inverness (Wodrow's Hist., iv., 524);
A Letter from a Jurant to a Non-
Jurant in 1712 in MS. — [Eeligious Life
in Ross, 79.]
HUGH CAMPBELL, trans, from
Ardersier ; called 29th April and
adm. 7th May 1708 ; trans, to
Kilmuir- Wester 4th April 1721.
1726 mentioned.
j«„, R., Balconie, in the parish, of the
family of Kindeace ; licen. by Presb.
of Tongue 19th May 1725 ; called by the
Presb. jure devoluto 9th Jan., and ord. to
Farr 21st March 1727 ; trans, and adm.
27th July 1731 ; died 6th July 1769. In
1742-3 a revival of religion grew to such
an extent in the parish that Kiltearn was
called "The Holy Land." He marr. 15th
Nov. 1730, Mary (died 29th Jan, 1787),
daugh. of George Oswald, min. of Dunnet,
and had issue — Mary Barbara ; Harry,
merchant, Glasgow ; Margaret, born 20th
Nov. 1740 (marr. Bailie Miller, Tain).—
{^Religious Life in Hoss, 81.]
GEORGE WATSON, trans, from Fort
-,_^- Augustus ; pres. by George III. and
adm. 20th Sept. 1770 ; trans, to
Third Charge, Inverness, 20th Dec. 1775.
He was one of the first mins. in the Presb.
to wear a pulpit gown ; the parishioners
objected to the garb, and a coolness spring-
ing up between them is said to have been
the cause of his removal.
HARRY ROBERTSON, born 2nd Nov.
ilTe 1'^'^^' ^^^ ^^ Gilbert R., min. of
Kincardine ; educated at Univ. of
Edinburgh; licen. by Presb. of Tain 28th
June 1770; ord. to Clyne 8th May 1771;
pres. by George III. in Feb., trans, and
adm. 9th May 1776; D.D. (Marischal
College, Aberdeen, Nov. 1802); died 12th
July 1815. He marr. 23rd April 1772, Anne
Forbes (died 13th July 1826), daugh. of
William Forbes, tacksman of Coulmaillie,
Golspie, and had issue — William, born
1st Feb. 1773, died in London 1837;
Gilbert, born 28th Aug. 1774, died unmarr.
in Edinburgh on his return from Demerara
10th Sept. 1839; Harry, born 19th July
1776, drowned off Demerara in 1795;
Anne, born 17th March 1778, died at
Woodlands, Liverpool, 9th Nov. 1854 ;
Hector, born 19th April, died 15th Oct.
1779 ; Elizabeth, born 14th Dec. 1782 (marr.
15th Dec. 1802, Samuel Sandbach of Wood-
lands, Liverpool), died 26th Sept. 1859 ;
Rose, born 6th Jan. 1785, died 6th Aug.
1795; Hugh Munro, born 24th April 1787,
wrecked off the coast of Ireland 16th
Dec. 1819 ; George Duncan (twin), born
24th April 1787, died 2nd March 1788;
Christian, born 30th Dec, 1788 (marr. (1)
6th June 1800, James Watson of Crantit,
Orkney, factor for Lord Dundas : (2) 26th
July 1811, Thomas Stewart Traill of Tirlot,
M.D., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence
in Univ. of Edinburgh), died 7th May
1842. Publications — Evangelical Discourses
(London, 1779); The Scottish Minister's
Assistant (Inverness, 1802) ; Account of the
Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, i.).
THOMAS MUNRO, born Sutherland,
1816 ^^"^ ' educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; M.A. (1798) ; became
schoolmaster of Alness ; licen. by Presb. of
Dingwall 5th May 1802 ; ord. missionary at
Rosehall 27th Nov. 1810; pres. by George,
Prince Regent, Nov. 1815 ; adm. (after an
appeal to the Assembly) 27th June 1816,
which led to the erection by the opposition
of a United Secession Church ; died 16th
May 1841, He marr. 6th July 1827, Janet
Isobel (died 29th Sept. 1858), daugh. of
James Smith, min. of Avoch, and had
issue — Alexandrina, born 8th March 1829 ;
James Smith Brodie, born 20th July 1830 ;
Anne, born 7th Dec. 1832 ; Thomas Robert,
superintendent of jetties, Calcutta, born
20th Aug. 1835 ; Catherine Janet Isabel,
born 15th Dec. 1838. Publication — Account
of the Parish (JVe^v Stat. Ace, xiv.).— [Scots
Mag., Ixxviii.]
DUNCAN CAMPBELL, born Glenlyon,
1842 l^'^^, son of Duncan C, farmer, and
Ellen Campbell, and brother of
David C, min. of Gaelic Church, Inverness ;
licen. by Presb. of Dunkeld 1st March 1832 ;
ord. to Lawers Mission 23rd Jan. 1834 ;
adm. to Innerwick in Glenlyon 25th April
1837; trans, and adm. 17th March 1842.
Joined the Free Church in 1843; min. of
Free Church, Kiltearn, 1843-73 ; died 21st
Oct. 1873. He marr. 21st May 1835,
Margaret Henderson (died 22nd Jan. 1874),
daugh. of John Macdonald, D.D., min. of
Urquhart and Logie-Wester, and had issue
— Georgina, born 26th June 1836 ; Duncan,
born 2nd June 1839,
JAMES MUNN, licen. by Presb. of
1848 Edinburgh ; pres. by Queen Victoria
15th Aug. 1843 ; ord. 27th Sept.
that year ; died 2nd Sept. 1845.
1846 I^o^^lies^y' 31st Aug. 1793, son of
Alexander M. and brother of Duncan
M.,* min. of Kilniodan ; educated at Univ.
of Glasgow ; ord. by Presb. of Glasgow to
Greenock Church, St Andrews, New Bruns-
wick, 1st May 1824 ; returned home and was
chaplain to Morningside Asylum, Edin-
burgh ; D.D. (Glasgow 1842); pres. by Queen
Victoria 12th Dec. 1845; adm. 26th Feb. 1846;
died 16th Sept. 1874. He raarr. 19th July
1827, Margaret Janet Davidson (died 5th Aug.
1889), daugh. of John Cassilis, U.P. min..
New Brunswick, and Mary Macpherson,
and had issue — Catherine, born 16th March
1828 (marr. Alexander MacCalman, Kil-
berry), died 23rd March 1919 ; Mary, born
2nd July 1829, died 27th Aug. 1831 ; Mary
Janet, born 7th March 1831 (marr. John
Rose, min. of Rosskeen) ; John, born 23rd
Feb. 1833, died 8th Feb. 1848 ; Alexander,
min. of Halkirk, born 24th Jan. 1835 ;
Duncan, born 5th Dec. 1836, died 28th Aug.
1851 ; Archibald, born 1st Jan. 1839, died
12th March 1871; George, M.B., CM.,
Inspector-General Royal Navy, born 18th
June 1841; Henry, born 24th Feb. 1844,
died 2nd Feb. 1849 ; Charles, M.B., CM.,
British Columbia, born 29th Jan. 1846 ;
Mary, born 20th Feb. 1848, died unmarr. ;
Surgeon Rear- Admiral John Cassilis Birk-
myre, CB. (1917), Inspector-General of
Fleets and Hospitals, present at bombard-
ment of Alexandria and in Egyptian
campaign, born 28th Aug. 1849, died at
Devonport Dec. 1925 ; Susan Isabella, born
* Duncan Maclean, min. of Kilmodan (c/. Vol. IV., 32),
had issue— Grace Campbell, born 1835 (marr. 1857, James
M'Gregor, D.D., I'rofessor of Systematic Theology, New
College, Edinburgh, afterwards min. of Oamaru, New
Zealand), died Ui09 ; Catlicrine; Eliza, died 1901 ; George
Campbell, insurance secretary, Edinburgh, born 2nd
Feb. 1840; Alexander, born 80th May 1841, died 7th
Feb. 1876; Charlotte Brodie, born 1842 (marr. Cliarles
M'Combie), died 1921; Susan, born 1844, died 1800;
Duncan; Mary, born 1848, died 1892 ; Georgina Campbell,
born 1850, died 1922.
19th Oct. 1853 (marr. Galbraith) ;
Duncan Henry, born 13th July 1856, died
9th Feb. 1874; James Dymock, born 15th
Aug. 1858, deceased. Publication— Editor
of Missionary Record of the Church of
Scotland, 1844-6. — [Gregg's Hist, of
the Presbyterian Church in Canada,
WILLIAM WATSON, born 8th March
1875 ^^'^"^' ^^'^ °^ David W., min. of Uig ;
educated at Univ. of Edinburgh,
where he was assistant to Professor of
Mathematics ; licen. by Presb. of Edin-
burgh ; assistant at Mayfield, Edinburgh ;
ord. 23rd Sept. 1875 ; died 13th July 1914.
He marr. 22nd April 1886, Isabella, daugh.
of Alexander Allan, tacksman of Drum-
mond, and had issue — Allan, captain
R.A.M.C, D.S.O., M.D., born 27th March
1887, died at Tembura, Northern Sudan,
18th Jan. 1920 ; Margaret Janet, born 9th
June 1888; William Norman, M.B., CM.,
M.C, captain R.A.M.C, 6th K.O.S.B.,
killed in France 29th May 1916 ; Stanley,
D.S.O., B.Sc, M.C, acting lieut. -colonel
12th Cheshire Regiment, manufacturing
chemist, Manchester, born 25th Feb.
-,_ B.D. ; ord. 7th Jan. 1915; trans.
to Rosebank, Dundee, 17th May
donan, Eigg, 15th Jan. 1883, son of
James C and Jessie Campbell ;
educated at Eigg and Kingussie Schools
and Inverness Royal Academy and Univ.
of Glasgow ; M.A. (1904) ; licen. by Presb.
of Skye April 1907 ; assistant at Beauly ;
ord. to Lairg 1st Sept. 1908 ; trans, to
Resolis 18th Jan. 1912; trans, and adm.
14th Oct. 1920. Marr. 17th Nov. 1908,
Isabel, daugh. of Hugh Macdonald, Sea-
view, Uig, and Helen Mackay, and has
issue — James Archibald Uisdean, born
28th Aug. 1910 ; Helen Mairi Iseabel, born
2nd Oct. 1913.
[The church was dedicated to St Mary.
The parish was united to Kiltearn in the
first half of the seventeenth century.]
HENRY KINCAID, was parson of
Lemlair at the Reformation, and
retained the temporalities ; was still
parson in 1584, and disposed of certain
teinds to Munro of Fowlis in 1607. There
is no evidence that he conformed to Pro-
DONALD MUNRO, min. of Kiltearn ;
1574 held this charge in conjunction.
JOHN MACKENZIE, min. of Dingwall ;
1609 P""^^' *'° *^® parsonage and vicarage
by James VI. 1st July 1609. In 1614
Dingwall was also in his charge ; still min.
in 1618.
[In 1825 a parliamentary chapel was
built at the upper end of Loch Luichart.
On 16th March 1864 the parish of Kinloch-
luichart was disjoined from Contin, Fod-
derty, and Urray.]
DAVID TULLOCH, born Thurso,
1827 t)rother of John TuUoch, LL.D.,
Professor of Mathematics, King's
College, Aberdeen ; educated at Univ. of
Edinburgh ; app. schoolmaster of Kil-
learnan in 1816 ; licen. by Presb. of
Chanonry 30tb Sept. 1823 ; pres. by George
IV. 15th June, and ord. 27th Sept. 1827 ;
died 20th April 1841. He marr. and left a
■widow.— [Tombst.]
Elgin, 1802, son of Alexander A.,
baker, and Ann Falconer ; educated
at Univ. of Edinburgh ; pres. by Queen
Victoria 9th Oct. 1841; adm. 16th Feb.
1842. Joined the Free Church m 1843;
min. of Gaelic Free Church, Rothesay,
1844-66; died 1st Dec. 1866. He marr.
1845, Margaret Maclean, who died 18th
Oct. 1889, aged 62.
DAVID WILLIAMSON, pres. by Queen
1844 Victoria 25th Nov. 1843; ord. 21st
March 1844 ; trans, to Assynt 12th
Dec. 1848.
1849 ^^ Queen Victoria, and ord. 30th
Aug. 1849 ; trans, to Gairloch 26th
Sept. 1850.
GREGOR STUART, pres. by Queen
Victoria 3rd March, and ord. 13th
May 1851 ; trans, to Rogart 3rd May
CHARLES MACLEAN, pres. by Queen
Victoria 28th June, and ord. 27th
Sept. 1854 ; trans, to Ullapool 24th
June 1856.
by Queen Victoria 17th Sept. 1856;
ord. 8th Jan. 1857; trans, to Dull
28th Feb. 1861.
JOHN MACGREGOR, missionary at
1861 Strathglass ; pres. by Queen Victoria
9th April, and ord. 13th May 1861 ;
trans, to Knockbain 24th Dec. 1868.
1869 ^^^'^ ^^^*' ■^^^" ^^"^^' ^°" °^ Dugald
M., min. of Daviot ; educated at
Univ. of St Andrews ; licen. by Presb. of
Inverness ; pres. by Queen Victoria 29th
Jan., and adm. 6th May 1869; dem. 18th
June 1874 ; adm. to Barney's River, Nova
Scotia, 22nd Sept. 1874. He marr. 25th
Aug. 1869, Christina Munro, daugh. of
James Reid, min. of Auldearn, and had
issue— James Archibald, born 13th Sept.
1870 ; Isabella Christina, born 9th Jan.
1872; Mary Skene, born 31st Jan, 1873;
Amelia Stirling, born 21st April 1874.
Kinlochbervie and adm. 6th Jan.
1876; trans, to Eddrachillis 5th
March 1879.
SIMON HALLY, born 1837, son of
1879 Greorge H., writer, and Rebecca
Murray ; educated at Univ. of Glas-
gow; M.A. (1871); ord. a min. in Presb.
of St John, New Brunswick, 1873 ;
missionary at Carnwath in 1875 ; adm.
to Kinlochbervie 18th April 1877 ; trans,
and adm. 18th July 1879 ; died 30th Oct.
1880. He marr. 4th June 1877, Mary Anne
Taylor (died 12th April 1878), daugh. of
James Steele, rope maker, and Janet
Neill, and had issue — Mary Catherine
Margaret, born 12th April 1878.
DAVID FERGUSON, born 4th Feb.
1881 1^35, eldest son of Thomas F.,
farmer, Barr, Ayrshire ; educated at
Univ. of Glasgow ; licen. by Presb. of Ayr
3rd Oct. 1860 ; assistant at Bunkle ; adm.
29th March 1881 ; dem. 5th Oct. 1904 ; died
unmarr. at Alness Manse, 25th Jan. 1912.
jQQg M.A.,B.D.; ord. 19th Jan. 1905; trans,
to Kilmuir-Easter 21st July 1914.
GEORGE BRUCE, born Errol, Perth-
1914 ^^^'"^' ^^^^ March 1863, son of George
B. and Eliza Rollo ; educated at
Errol and Dundee High Schools and Univ.
of Edinburgh; M.A. (1887); licen. by
Presb. of Perth 15th May 1890; assistant
at Fauldhouse ; ord. as missionary professor
in the Scottish Churches' College at
Calcutta 24th May 1891 ; adm. here
27th Oct. 1914. Marr. 6th Oct. 1893,
Margaret Christina, daugh. of Thomas
Learmonth and Janet Middlemas, and has
issue — Theodora Janet Middlemas, nurse,
born 23rd Aug. 1894 ; George Macdonald,
lieut. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders,
born 18th Nov. 1897, died in Belgium 17th
Feb. 1919; Marion Eliza Rollo, born 10th
Sept. 1899, died in India 30th April 1903 ;
James Douglas Ferrier, cadet, Henderson
Line S.S., born 1st Oct. 1905.
[These two parishes were united in the
latter half of the fifteenth century.
Urquhart. — The prebend of Urquhart
was held by the Treasurer of the Cathedral
of Fortrose. The church was dedicated to
St Malrubh, who was murdered by pirates
at Ferintosh in 722. At Bridge of Conan,
in this parish, there is a mission church.]
JOHN ROBERTSON, was charged in
the Assembly, 28th June 1565, with
leaving his vocation and required to
return thereto under pain of disobedience
to the Kirk ; was app. by the Assembly,
5th June 1570, to assist the commissioner of
Ross, who was not conversant with Gaelic ;
was again commissioned to visit Caithness
and Sutherland; died \b21.—{Booke of the
Kirk ; Orig. Paroch. Scot., ii., 551.]
ROBERT MUNRO of Creichmor, third
son of John M. of Coul and
Katherine, daugh. of John Vass of
Lochslinn ; pres. by James VI. to the
vicarage in 1560; conformed to Protestantism
before 1569, and was app. reader and ex-
horter; was min. in 1574 when Dingwall
was added to the charge. He was pres. to
the Treasury of Ross by James VI., 16th
June 1597, and after being omitted in the
assignations from 1588, he was restored
in 1599. He granted a lease as vicar of
Urquhart of the chantor's manse in the
Chanonry of Ross in favour of Andrew
Munro of Novar in 1604; was still min.
24th Feb. 1638. He marr. Christian
Munro, and had issue— Margaret (marr.
John, son of John Munro of Fyrish). —
{Hist, of the Munros, 344 ; Orig. Paroch.
Scot., ii., 551 ; Inverness Sas., i. 54, vi. 109.]
GEORGE MUNRO, adm. before 4th
Oct. 1642 ; trans, to Snizort before
15th April 1656.
ROBERT ROSS of Logie-Easter, M.A. ;
adm. Nov. 1657 ; trans, to Tain
^^^"^ before 18th April 1665.
DONALD ERASER, born about 1620,
son of William F., min. of Kiltarlity ;
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen ; M.A. (1637) ; adm. to Kilmorack
in 1641 ; pres. by John, Bishop of Ross,
Dec. 1664 ; coll. 15th, and inst. Jan. 1665 ;
died 8th Oct. 1684. He marr. (cont. 20th
Nov. 1646), Katherine (died 17th Oct.
1672), daugh. of Hugh Eraser of Belladrum,
and widow of Hector M'Alister vie Eachan
of Buntait, and had issue — William, min.
of Kilmorack ; a daugh. (marr. Hugh Eraser
of Aigas).— [/ny. Jiet. Gen., 6658; £ella-
drum Writs.]
ANDREW ROSS, educated at King's
and Marischal Colleges, Aberdeen ;
^^^^ adm. to Contin in 1684; pres. by
James, Bishop of Ross, 2nd, and inst.
24th Sept. 1685; died Nov. 1712. He
marr. Anna Gumming, and had issue —
Andrew, served heir, 19th Aug. 1718. —
[Deed of Inst, by Bishop of Hoss at Kil-
learnan ; Scot. Antiquary, v., 156 ; Services
of Heirs.]
Croy and pres. by John, Earl of
^'^^ Cromartie, 1714 ; adm. 21st April
1715 ; trans, to Second Charge, Inverness,
4th April 1727.
1686 ; educated at King's College,
^'^^^ Aberdeen; M.A. (2nd May 1706);
became schoolmaster of Cromarty ; licen.
by Presb. of Chanonry ; ord. to Ardersier
10th June 1718; called 30th Sept. 1728;
trans, and adm. 21st Jan. 1729; died 8th
April 1756. He marr. (1) and had issue
—William ; Elizabeth : (2) 6th July 1742,
Jean Houston, who died 5th Jan. 1778,
and had issue — Henrietta, born 11th April
1743; Alexander, born 6th April 1745;
Duncan, born 1746.
DONALD ERASER, born 1706, son
of William F., tacksman in Petty ;
educated at Univ. of Edinburgh ;
became teacher in Grammar School of
Inverness; app. schoolmaster of Killearnan,
10th Nov. 1728, and of Alness; licen. by
Presb. of Dingwall 15th Oct. 1734 ; app.
missionary in Strathglass ; tutor to Master
of Lovat in 1739 ; ord. to Killearnan
27th March 1744: summoned to London,
Feb. 1747, to attend the trial of Simon,
Lord Lovat, but not called to give evidence ;
pres. by John Forbes of Culloden 31st July
1756 ; trans, and adm. 2nd June 1757 ;
died 7th April 1773. He was a noted
expositor of the Scriptures. There is a
tradition which has been handed down
that he left the parish of Killearnan
through witchcraft. He marr. 8th June
1747, Jean (died 19th March 1791), daugh.
of Alexander Eraser, min. of Inverness,
and had issue — Simon, born 4th April 1748,
went to India, and died in Calcutta in
1770; Alexander, min. of Kirkhill, born
14th July 1749 ; Isabella, bom 14th Jan.
1751 (marr. 15th March 1784, Alexander
Sage, min. of Kildonan) ; Marjory, born
2nd April 1752 (marr. John Eraser, rain,
of Kiltarlity) ; Donald, born 10th Oct.
1756 ; Jane Forbes (Mrs Eraser), born
June 1757— [Tombst.]
CHARLES CALDER, born 1st Dec.
1748, son of James C., min. of Croy ;
^"^^ educated at King's College, Aber-
deen ; M.A. (30th March 1767) ; licen. by
Presb. of Inverness 28th Sept. 1773; ord.
12th May 1774; died 1st Oct. 1812. He
marr. 8th July 1779, ^Margaret (died at
Tain, 3rd March 1820, aged 77), daugh. of
James Brodie of Spynie, advocate, and had
issue— Emilia, born 19th May 1780 (marr.
Alexander Stewart, D.D., min. of the
Canongate, Edinburgh) ; Anne, born 11th
March 1781 (marr. Angus Mackintosh,
D.D., min. of Tain) ; James, born 23rd
Aug. 1784, went to India, died at sea in
1833. Publication— Account of the Parish
(Sinclair's Stat. Ace, v.).— [Ross Tests.;
Findlater's Memoir of Findlater ; Stewart's
Sermons ; Religions Life in Ross, 90-2.]
JOHN MACDONALD, born Balnabein,
Reay, 12th Nov. 1779, son of James
^^^^ M., or MacAdie, catechist, originally
a weaver ; educated at Reay School and
King's College, Aberdeen, where he was the
most distinguished mathematical scholar of
his time; M.A. (30th March 1801); licen.
by Presb. of Caithness 2nd July 1805;
assistant at Kingussie ; ord. missionary at
Berriedale 16th Sept. 1806 ; adm. to Gaelic
Chapel, Edinburgh, 29th Jan. 1807 ; pres.
by Duncan Forbes' of Culloden in 1812 ;
trans, and adm. 1st Sept. 1813 ; D.D. (Univ.
of New York, U.S.A., 1842). Joined the
Free Church in 1843 ; min. of Free Church,
Ferintosh, 1843-9 ; Joint (Gaelic) Moderator
of the Free Church Assembly in 1845; died
16th April 1849. He was known all over
the Church as " The Apostle of the North,"
and was the most popular Gaelic preacher
in the Highlands. He was so fond of
itinerating that his conduct was at length
brought before the General Assembly,
which, 30th May 1818, issued a declara-
tion " that the conduct of any minister of
the Church who exercises his pastoral
functions in a vagrant manner, preaching
during his journeys from ])lace to place in
the open air in other parishes than his
own, or officiating in any meeting for
religious exercises without the special
invitation of the minister within whose
parish it shall be held, is disorderly and
unbecoming the character of a minister of
this Church." He marr. (1) 6th Jan. 1806,
Georgina (died 18th Aug. 1814), daugh. of
Simon Ross of Gledfield, and had issue —
John, missionary of the Church of Scot-
land in India, born 16th Feb. 1807, died
^ I 18j^7 ; Simon, born 23rd Sept. 1808, died
abroad; Margaret Henderson, born 12th
Aug. 1810 (marr. Duncan Campbell, min.
of Kiltearn) : (2) 11th May 1818, Jessiff(died
22nd June 1868), daugh. of Kenneth Mac-
kenzie of Millbank, and had issue — Anne,
born 28th Aug. 1820; Agnes, born 11th
Aug. 1821 (marr. Alexander Falconer,
Sheriff -substitute of Nairn), died 19th
Jan. 1914 : James, born 25th Aug. 1822 ;
Kenneth, born 25th Sept. 1823; Divie
Bethune, born 20th Oct. 1824 ; Duncan G.
Forbes, born 9th Sept. 1825 ; Alexander,
born 1st Nov. 1826, died 14th March 1827.
Publications — The Righteousness of God
manifested for the Justification of Sinners,
a sermon (Edinburgh, 1825) ; Journal of
his Visits to St Kilda in 1822, 1825, 1827,
and 1830 ; Marhhrann air Maighster Eoin
Robeson (Inverness, 1829); Daoine air an
Comhairleachadh an Aghaidh bhi deanadh
cron orra fein (the cholera sermon) (Inver-
ness, 1832); Da7i Spioradail a rinneadh
air Criosdaidh Araidh (Edinburgh, 1838);
Marbhrann a rinneadh air Diadhairibh
urramach nach mairionn (Edinhnrgh, 1848,
1858, 1868, 1890); Elegies on Eminent
Ministers of the Church in Gaelic (Edin-
burgh, 1848) ; Sj^eech in the General Assembly
in the Case of Rev. Roderick Macleod (Edin-
burgh, 1869).— [Kay's Portraits, ii., 331 ;
Edin. Christ. Inst.; Scot. Mag., Ixxi.;
The Apostle of the North, by John Kennedy,
D.D. (Edin., 1886); Elegy on Dr Mac-
donald (Glasgow, 1862) ; Typographic Scoto-
Gadelica, 196-9 ; Diet. Nat. JJiog.]
PETER MACKENZIE, born 30th Nov.
1844 1S1S> ^0° 0^ John M., min. of Loch-
carron, and brother of Kenneth M.,
LL.D., min. of Kingussie ; educated at
King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (March
1828) ; licen. by Presb. of Lochcarron ;
ord. to Tongue 26th Sept. 1843; pres. by
Arthur Forbes of CuUoden ; trans, and
adm. 29th March 1844 ; D.D. (Aberdeen,
March 1875); elected Moderator of the
General Assembly 22nd May 1884; died
12th Oct. 1913, ''a cultured, shrewd, gentle-
manly man." He marr. 9th Jan. 1845,
Margaret Mackintosh (died 13th Oct. 1913),
daugh. of James Grant, min. of Nairn. —
\_Life of Dr Cameron Lees, 76.]
1891 QUARRIE, born 1843, son of John
M., Stornoway ; educated at Univ.
of Edinburgh, M.A. (1871); ord. to Dun-
cansburgh 14th Nov. 1879 ; trans, to Kil-
morack 21st Sept. 1883; trans, and adm.
19th May 1891 ; D.D. (Edinburgh, 1916) ;
died at Aspatria, Cumberland, 4th May
1923. He marr. 1st Aug. 1871, Elizabeth
Addison, who died 1st June 1922, and had
issue— John, M.B., CM., Carlisle, captain
Royal Army Medical Corps ; Donald, died
JOHN SELLAR,born Newtonmore 31st
July 1884, son of Robert S. and
Barbara Riach ; educated at Kin-
gussie School and Univ. of Edinburgh ;
M.A. (1908) ; licen. by Presb. of Abernethy
in 1910 ; assistant at Riccarton, Kilmar-
nock; ord. to Carnoch 1st May 1913;
trans, and adm. (assistant and successor)
1st Oct. 1918. Marr. 29th July 1913,
Isabelle Fisher, daugh. of George Mac-
donald, Glasgow, and Charlotte Hamilton,
and has issue — Isabel Mary, born 28th Aug.
1915 ; Andrew Gray, born 4th Jan. 1919.
[These parishes were united about 1600.
Urray. — The church of Urray was dedi-
cated to St Constantine. The prebend of
Urray was held by the subchantor of the
Cathedral of Fortrose.
U AM^*,J
Tarradale. — The old church of Tarradale,
long a ruin, was re-roofed about fifty years
ago- Like that of Kiltearn, it was dedicated
to Our Lord. Therefore it is always called
cm Chriosd (the Church of Christ).]
ALEXANDER PEDDER, vicar at the
Reformation, but probably did not
conform ; died 1569.
James VI. in 1569 ; died that year.
— [Orig. Paroch. Scot., ii., 518.]
DAVID ADAMSON, exhorter in 1567;
1569 V^^^- to tts vicarage by James VI.
in 1569 ; in that year the king pres.
him, then an " instructer and teichar of
the youth within the burgh of Dingwall,"
to the chaplainries of St Lawrence in
Dingwall and Artafallie in Killearnan ;
pres. to the parsonage in 1573 ; Contin,
Kilchrist and Fodderty were in the charge
in 1574; dem. in 1579; died \bQ\.—[Orig.
Paroch. Scot, ii., 518.]
WILLIAM RITCHIE, pres. to the
jg„ vicarage by James VI. in 1579, —
[Orifj. Paroch. Scot., ii., 518.]
JOHN MACKENZIE, min. in 1593;
was denounced rebel 25th Dec. 1595
for not appearing to answer a charge
at the instance of Alexander Bayne of
Tulloch and Alexander Bayne of Logie
"for his insolencies, oppin and manifest
oppressions committed upon thame. as
namelie by resett and huirding within his
house of Johnne M'Gillichallum Rasa, ane
commoun and notorious theiff and lymmair
... in the month of May last," John
Macleod of Raasay had, it is alleged, come
on set purpose to murder Hugh and Duncan,
sons of the above-mentioned persons, aided
and abetted by the minister, who after-
wards laid waste the complainer's lands of
Urray. He was still min. in 1601. — [Pit-
cairn's Grim. Trials, i.]
,gQg CAELUM], min. in 1605, was sub-
chantor of Ross in 1608, and was a
burgess of Dingwall ; was still min. 6th
Feb. 1635. He marr., and had issue — Isa-
bel (marr. Alexander, natural son to
Kenneth Mackenzie of Kilchrist).— [OKgr.
Charter in Antiq. Museum, ; Orig. Charters
by Bishops of Ross at Killearnan, 1605,
1608, 1635.]
JOHN MACKENZIE, M.A. ; adm. in
1636 ^^^^ '' ^^P" ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ malignancy
(opposition to the Covenant) and
obliged to flee to England and latterly to
Ireland, which he was compelled to leave
on account of the rebellion. He was re-
poned by the Synod in April 1643 and was
adm. to Suddie in 1644.
DONALD MACRAE, adm. before 21st
1645 '^^^" ^^^^ ' *PP' ^^^P^^^'^ *° t^^
regiment raised by the Earl of
Seaforth for King Charles I. ; was a
member of Assembly in 1651 ; trans, to
Kintail 20th July 1656.
GEORGE GUMMING, born about 1627,
son of Alexander C. of Tomnamoon,
and brother of Michael C, min. of
Drainie ; educated at King's College, Aber-
deen ; M.A. (1647); became schoolmaster
of Elgin, where he was obtruded on the
Grammar School without consulting the
Presb. 19th July 1649; licen. by Presb. of
Elgin 9th Oct. 1655; adm. 13th April 1658;
died in 1705. In 1703 there is a sasine to
him and Janet Dunbar his wife of the lands
of Culbo and Badgrenan.— [J//a»[/rrt7i.r/e
Writs; Reg. of Deeds, Mack., 22nd Sept.
JOHN MORISON, son of John M. of
^^^ Bragar, judge of the Lewis ; \licen. M/A .(^v-tv-n') J4.H^;
by Presb. of Argyll (Inveraray) 30th ^i^^v, ftf<«-0
June 1698;Xord. to Glenelg, Sept. 1699; ^^ f^ i/^,ir ll*A
trans, to Boleskine 3rd Dec. 1706; trans. ^ '{C^^^s.**
to Gairloch in 1711; called by the Presb. .***** i'*!*'***'
jure devoluto 29th Sept. 1716; trans, and ^^jlt'' - '-111*/
adm. 16th Jan. 1717; died 1st July 1747. '»*«•-) , L,
Being opposed by the heritors and the great
majority of the parishioners, many of whom
were Roman Catholics and Episcopalians,
ho had "no peace or satisfaction" during
the whole of his incumbency. He marr.
(1) Mary^ daugh. of John Mackenzie of
Gruinard and Christian Mackenzie, and
had issue — Norman, min. of Uig ; John,!
min. of Petty : (2) Christian (died 18th
March 1770), daugh. of Alexander Munro
of Kilchoan,' and had issue— Alexander ;
Christina. Publication— A Description of
C the Lewis {Spottistcoode Miscellany^ IL). —
[Belir/ions Life in Hoss, 98 ; I'ombst.]
PATRICK GRANT, born 1706; licen.
1*749 ^y Presb. of Haddington 5th ^larch
1734 ; ord. to Cawdor 7tb July 1735 ;
called 14th March 1748 ; trans, and adm.
27th May 1749 ; D.D. (King's College, Aber-
deen, 27th Sept. 1774) ; elected Moderator of
the General Assembly 21st May 1778 ; died
14th April 1787. He marr. 10th March
1738, Anne Spence, who died at Forres
9th Sept. 1793. Publication— TAe Sjnrit
of Moderation in Religion recommended, a
sermon (Edinburgh, Vl'lQ).—{Tomhst.'\
JOHN DOWNIE, born Aberdeen 1727 ;
^ educated at King's College, Aber-
deen; M.A. (2nd April 1752); ord.
to Gairloch 27th Sept. 1758; trans, to
Stornoway 22nd July 1773; chaplain to
78th Highlanders 6th June 1778 ; pres.
by John, Lord Macleod, in Sept. 1787 ;
trans, and adm. 25th Sept. 1788 ; died 3rd
Oct. 1811. He marr. 1st Jan. 1762,
Charlotte (died 14th Sept. 1815), daugh.
of Alexander Mackenzie of Tollie, provost
of Dingwall, and Annabella, eldest daugh.
of Sir Donald Bayne of Tulloch, and had
issue — Margaret, born 26th Sept. 1762;
Annabel, born 16th Feb. 1764; Alexander,
min. of Lochalsh, born 6th July 1765 ;
Donald, born 4th, and died 9th Oct. 1766;
Catherine, born 29th Aug. 1767; Murdoch,
born 7th Nov. 1768; Donald, born 25th
Dec. 1769, died 4th March 1770; Charles,
born 22nd Nov. 1770 ; Jeani*born 8th Aug.
1772 ; Ann, born 15th Sept. 1774, died 12th
Feb. 1775; John, born 22nd Sept. 1775;
Anne, born 27th Nov. 1776 (marr. Neil
Kennedy, min. of Logie-Easter) ; Hector,
born 19th Jan. 1778; George (twin), born
19th Jan. 1778; Charlotte, born 30th
July 1779; Mary, born 7th May 1781;
Hector, born 4th April 1783. Publications
— The Substance of a Speech addressed to
the Very Rev. tlce Synod of Ross (Inverness,
1810) ; Lash to the Old Seceder, merited by
his 7?e7?iar/<:s (Inverness, 1812); Account of
the Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, viii.).—
[Macrae's Dingwall, 110; Tombst.]
1812 ^^^^^- ^y Presb. of Lochcarron 10th
July 1784 ; ord. missionary at
Torridon, and Kishorn, Applecross, April
1785; adm. to Barvas 6th May 1790; pres.
by the Hon. Maria Hay Mackenzie of
Cromartie in Jan., trans, and adm. 16th
April 1812; died 17th Dec. 1835. He
marr. 23rd Aug. 1794, Anne Macdonald,
who died 27th Oct. 1838, and had issue-
Margaret, born 5th Oct. 1795 (marr. 8th
Oct. 1821, Alexander Mackenzie of Kinna-
haird) ; Donald, born 5th March 1798;
Mary, born 15th Nov. 1799 ; Anne, born
5th April 1802 ; Johanna Simpson, born
14th Sept. 1803 ; James, min. of this parish ;
Janet, born 20th May 1806 ; Francis Proby,
born 20th Oct. 1807; Williamina, born
Aug. 1814. Publication — Account of Barvas
(Sinclair's Stat. Ace, xix.).
JAMES MACDONALD, born 1st Oct.
1804, son of preceding ; educated
at King's College, Aberdeen, 1821-5 ;
licen. by Presb. of Dingwall 15th Dec. 1829 ;
pres. by the Hon. Mrs Maria Hay Mackenzie
of Cromartie in Sept., and ord. (assistant
and successor) 18th Nov. 1830. Joined the
Free Church in 1843 ; min. of Free Church,
Urray, 1843-82; died 14th Feb. 1882. He
took a leading part in the Skye revival,
1841-2. He marr. 23rd April 1840, Mary (died
1st Sept. 1885), daugh. of John Kennedy,
min. of Killearnan, and had issue— John
Kennedy, born 11th Jan. 1841 ; Donald,
born 13th June 1842; Janet, died 17th
May 1917 ; Kenneth Mackenzie, born 1847,
died 8th Dec. 1923.
1844 P^^tou, Nova Scotia ; pres. by the
Hon. Mrs Maria Hay Mackenzie of
Cromartie ; adm. 29th Feb. 1844 ; trans, to
Edderton 23rd Nov. 1854.
1823 ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen, 1840-6; licen. by Presb.
of AbertarfF; app. missionary at Fort
Augustus in 1854 ; pres. by the Hon. Mrs
Maria Hay Mackenzie of (Jromartie ; adm.
1st May 1856 ; died 15th Oct. 1860.
fAct. Ca-^C ciutieM. ms"
jggj Glasgow, 3rd Feb. 1832, second son
of Andrew M., wright, and Jean Mac-
Ewan ; educated at Univs. of Glasgow and
St Andrews ; licen. by Presb. of Skye in
1856; ord. to Kinlochbervie 4th Sept.
1856 ; trans, and adm. Sth Aug. 1861 ;
died 3rd Oct. 1915. He marr. 28th Oct.
1873, Agnes Goodsir (died Sth May 1923),
daugh. of James Macfarlane, D.D., min.
of Duddingston, and had issue— Agnes
Jane, bom 10th Aug. 1874 ; Andrew, D.D.,
D.S.O., chaplain 42nd Highlanders, senior
chaplain Bombay, born 28th Oct. 1875 ;
Helen Muriel, born 31st Jan. 1877 ; James,
superintending engineer, born 23rd Feb.
1878; Eliza Alexandra, born 28th May
1879; John Adam, born 14th Feb. 1883;
Walter Malcolm, born 18th Nov. 1885;
Margaret Alice, born 28th Oct. 1887 (marr.
11th Sept. 1917, Cyril Ernest Barber, of
H.M. Customs) ; Mary Christie (marr. 5th
March 1918, Thomas Cheeseborough, H.M.
1916 Magherafelt, co. Derry, 4th Feb.
1875, son of James J., J. P., and
Sarah Davidson ; educated at Queen's
College, Belfast, and Royal University of
Ireland ; B.A. (1896), and Univ. of Edin-
burgh ; licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh in
1899 ; assistant at Rosemount, Aberdeen,
Ayr, and Dean Parish, Edinburgh ; ord. to
Stromness 11th Jan. 1906 ; trans, and adm.
18th May 1916. Marr. 13th Sept. 1907,
Margaret Mary, daugh. of John Geddie,
sub- editor of Scotsman, Edinburgh, and
Isabella Young, and has issue— Isabella
Hulda, born 20th March 1909.
1569 Kilchrist and at Killearnan in 1569.
DONALD ADAMSON, min. in 1574.—
1574 [Orig. Paroch. Scot., ii„ 523.]
DONALD DOW ERASER, min. in 1579,
1579 ^^^^^ other churches in his charge ;
still rain, in 1589.
[A church built here in 1841 was retained
by the Free Church in 1843.]
GEORGE M'LEOD, born Latheron 10th
1841 '^^^^ 1803, son of Neil M., farmer,
and Janet Mitchell ; was engaged in
business until his twenty-eighth year, when
coming under strong religious influences,
he resolved to study for the ministry;
educated at Univ. of Edinburgh, during
which period he was employed as an agent
of the City Mission ; licen. by Presb. of
Dunoon Nov. 1839; ord. in 1841. Joined
the Free Church in 1843 ; min. of Free
Church, Maryburgh, that year ; adm. to
Free Church, Lochbroom, 18th July 1844 ;
died at his son's manse, Newport, Fife,
2nd May 1871. During Disruption times
he travelled upwards of 9000 miles mostly
in open boats. He marr. Janet M'Leod,
and had issue — Neil, D.D., min. of Free
Church, Newport, born 1827, died 1895.
— [Disrvption Worthies of the Highlands
(portrait), 187-95.]
[This Court was erected by the General Assembly on 11th Dec. 1706. The Presbytery
Register begins at 31st Dec. 1706. There is a gap in its record from 28th Sept. 1785
to 15th April 1786.]
Liberty (Edinburgh, 1917).— [Macrae's Life
of Gustavus Aird, D.D. (Stirling, 1907);
MacNeill's An-t-urr Gustavus Aird (Glas-
gow, 1896) ; Beaton's Bibliography of
Gaelic Books, 7.]
[A parliamentary church was built here
in 1827. The parish of Croick was disjoined
from Kincardine on 4th March 1846.]
1828 Greorge IV. 9th April, and ord. 25th
Sept. 1828 ; trans, to St Andrew's
Church, Pictou, Nova Scotia, and adm. 24th
Sept. 1840 ; returned to Scotland and adm.
to Knockbain 14th Dec. 1843.
GUSTAVUS AIRD, born 29th June
1813, son of Gustavus A., tacksman
of Heathfield, Kilmuir-Easter, and
Anne, daugh. of John Grant, tacksman of
Polnicol ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen; M.A. (April 1830); licen. by
Presb. of Tain 27th Jan. 1841. Joined the
Free Church in 1843 ; min. of Free Church,
Croick, that year; trans, to Free Church,
Creich, 16th Aug. 1843; D.D. (Aberdeen
1885) ; elected Moderator of the Free Church
General Assembly held at Inverness, May
1888; dem. 1896; died at Sale, Manchester,
20th Dec. 1898. He was one of the best
known of Highland ministers. He collected
much valuable material bearing upon
religious life in the counties of Ross and
Sutherland, part of which has been pub-
lished. He marr. IGth Jan. 1861, Mary,
daugh. of William Sim, Scotsburn. Publi-
cations— Searmon a rinneadh leis an ure
(Glasgow, 1889) ; Fareivell Gaelic and
Enfjlish Sermons jn-eached in Creich Free
Church, 15th Nov. 1896 (portrait) (Inver-
ness, 1897) ; Sermon (Dingwall, n.d.) ;
Sermon (Edinburgh, 1916) ; Bondage and
JOHN MACDONALD, ord. 23rd July
1844 1844 ; trans, to Rogart 29th Jan. 1858.
loco Queen Victoria 23rd April, and adm.
14th May 1858; trans, to Halkirk
1st June 1865.
1865 ^^ Queen Victoria 3rd July, and ord.
28th Sept. 1865; trans, to Kinloch-
Rannoch 15th April 1869.
jggg McCONNACHIE, born 31st May
1835, son of Donald M., min. of
Glen Urquhart ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; app. missionary at Tighna-
bruaich ; pres. by Queen Victoria 23rd
April, and adm. 28th Sept. 1869 ; deni.
16th May 1871.
JAMES BARNETT, born Resolis, 1825,
iR'71 ^*^'^ ^^^ James B., farmer, and Ann
Logan ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; pres. by Queen Victoria 24th
June, and ord. 21st Sept. 1871; died
unmarr. 25th Aug. 1888.
born Cape Breton, Canada, 1848, son
of Donald M., schoolmaster, and
Christina Campbell ; educated at Univs. of
Glasgow and Edinburgh ; adm. to Knoydart
2nd May 1883 ; trans, and adm. 9th May
1889 ; died unmarr. 5th Nov. 1897.
jggg ord. 22nd Feb. 1898; trans, to
Durness 7th May 1918.
•JOHN COUTTS, born Nigg, Kincardine-
jgjg shire, 2nd Aug. 1856, son of William
C and Margaret Grassick ; educated
at Grammar School and Univ. of Aberdeen ;
M.A. (1889) ; licen. by Presb. of Aberdeen in
1902 ; assistant at Turriff, Keith, Markinch,
Culsalmond, and Alvah ; ord. 28th Jan.
1919; B.Sc, D.Sc. (1923).
[The incumbent was formerly sub-dean
of Ross.]
Sir JOHN ROSS, vicar in 1550, but
jgQQ there is no evidence that he con-
formed at the Reformation.
FARQUHAR REID, exhorter in
1667 1567.
WILLIAM STRACHAN, vicar in 1568 ;
1568 died in 1583.
DONALD SIMSON, reader, 1576 to
jggg 1580 ; pres. by James VI. 26th Oct.
1583.— [Orig. Paroch. Scot., ii., 414.]
ROBERT MUNRO, min. in 1607.-
1607 [Mimro of Allan Wi-its.]
HECTOR MUNRO of Daan, second
jQj^ son of William M., min. of Culli-
cudden ; educated at Univ. of St
Andrews; M.A. (1610); adm. in 1614;
was a member of the Glasgow Assembly
in 1638 ; still min. 28th Aug. 1655 ; died
before 10th Feb. 1665. He acquired the
estate of Meikle Daan in 1626. He marr.
(1) Euphemia, daugh. of William Ross of
Invercharron, son of Sir David R. of
Balnagowan, and had issue — William,
died unmarr. in London ; Alexander of
Meikle Daan ; John : (2) Isabel, daugh. of
James Davidson, provost of Dundee, and
widow of Thomas M'CuUoch of Kindeace. —
[Geneal. of the Mackenzies ; Hist, of the
Munros, 384 ; Scot. Antiquary, xii., 171 ;
P. C. Peg., 3rd ser., ii., 24.]
WILLIAM ROSS, educated at Univ. of
jggg St Andrews ; M.A. (13th May 1653) ;
licen. by Presb. of Forres 14th Nov.
1657 ; adm. in 1665 ; proposed for Auld-
earn in 1671 and Stirling in 1676; died
April 1679, aged about 46. He marr. (cont.
30th June 1660), Isobel, daugh. of Andrew
M'CuUoch of Glastullich (she marr. (2)
Hugh Ross, writer, Inverness).
jggQ at King's College, Aberdeen; M.A.
(14th July 1674) ; adm. about 1680 ;
died April 1708, aged about 54. He marr.
Janet (died 17th April 1748), daugh. of
Alexander Ross of Easterfearn, and had
issue — John, min. of Tain ; David ;
William, dyer in Ord ; Robert, square-
wright. Tain; Usltj.— [Services of Heirs;
Peg. of Deeds, Mack., clxxxv., pt. i., 18th
March 1759.]
HECTOR ERASER, licen. by Presb. of
j,yQg Linlithgow ; ord. to Kincardine 25th
April 1699; called 17th Oct. 1708;
trans, and adm. 4th May 1709 ; died 17th
May 1729. He marr. Margaret Ross (died
1752), widow of John Robertson, min. of
ROBERT ROBERTSON, born 1692, son
1780 *^^ Colin R. of Kindeace and Rebecca,
daugh. of Sir Robert Munro, Bart.,
of Fowlis ; educated at Univ. of Edin-
burgh; M.A. (13th April 1710); licen. by
Presb. of Peebles 16th March 1720 ; ord.
to Loth 10th May 1721; trans, and .adm.
29th July 1730; died 18th Dec. 1740.—
[Macdonald's MS. Diary, Douglasses of
JOSEPH MUNRO, born 1714, son of
1742 ^°bert M., min. of Kincardine ; edu-
cated at Univ. of St Andrews ; licen.
by Presb. of Haddington 5th March 1739;
pres. by George, Earl of Cromartie, 2nd
June 1741, but not ord. till 16th Sept. 1742,
in consequence of a competing call. A con-
siderable number of parishioners opposed
to his settlement, seceded and joined a
Secession congregation at Nigg ; died 16th
March 1785. He marr. 20th Nov. 1746,
Barbara (died 17th Aug. 1789, aged 71),
daugh. of Walter Ross, D.D., min. of
Tongue, and had issue— Annabella Stewart,
born 16th Nov. 1747 (marr. George Douglas,
min. of Tain) ; Walter Ross, born 23rd
Oct. 1748 ; Elizabeth, born 26th Oct. 1749 ;
Robert, born 30th Jan. 1750 ; Joseph Drew,
born 24th Jan. 1752 ; Janet Mary, born
13th May 1753 (marr. Angus Bethune,
min. of Alness) ; Helen Lilias, born 25th
Sept. 1754, died 15th April 1755 ; Barbara
Margaret, born 23rd Feb. 1756 (marr.
John Bethune, min. of Dornoch) ; Matthew
William Charles, born 23rd March 1760.—
[Hist, of the Muni'os.]
^ Ferintosh, 1756 ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (31st March
1777); licen. by Presb. of Dingwall 29th
Sept. 1784 ; pres. by John, Lord Macleod,
in July, and ord. 28th Sept. 1785; died
30th Oct. 1820. He encountered consider-
able opposition from the majority of his
parishioners, being inducted without their
concurrence, but a high character for piety,
amiability, and diligence eventually secured
for him their affection and esteem. He
marr. 22nd June 1781, Margaret Cooper,
who died 24th July 1797, and had issue-
Hugh, merchant, Lisbon, born 10th Aug.
1782; Mary: (2) 24th Oct. 1798, Simona
(died 9th Dec. 1834), daugh. of Simon
Mackenzie of Scotsburn, and had issue —
Margaret Mackenzie, born 6th Aug. 1799;
John, born 18th Sept. 1804 ; Vere Menzies,
medical practitioner, born 15th Dec. 1806.
Publication — Account of the Parish
(Sinclair's Stat. Ace, xi.).
jg2i Ardersier, 1793; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (25th
March 1814) ; app. rector of Tain Academy
11th May 1817; licen. by Presb. of Tain
12th Aug. 1818; pres. by the Hon. Mrs
Maria Hay Mackenzie of Cromartie ; ord.
13th Sept. 1821 ; died 5th Sept. 1835. He
was an able preacher and much loved by
his parishioners. He marr. 4th Aug. 1819,
Katherine (died Nov. 1843), daugh. of
Robert Irvine, merchant, London, and had
issue — Martha Isabella, born 8th Sept.
1820 (marr. William Cameron, min. of
Lochbroom) ; Isabella, born 16th Nov-
1821 ; William, born 3rd June 1823 ; Alex-
ander Robert Irvine, born 17th Oct. 1827,
died 24th March 1830.
DONALD GORDON, born Strathaven,
1836 ^''^^ > educated at King's College,
Aberdeen; M.A. (March 1819), and
Univ. of Glasgow ; became schoolmaster
of Farr 14th May 1817 ; licen. by Presb. of
Tongue 28th Nov. 1822 ; ord. (assistant) to
Eddrachilis same day ; trans, to Stoer
2nd Sept. 1829; pres. by the Hon. Mrs
Maria Hay Mackenzie of Cromartie 5th
Dec. 1835 ; trans, and adm. 7th April 1836.
Joined the Free Church in 1843 ; min. of
Free Church, Edderton, that year; died
30th Aug. 1847. He marr. 24th Sept. 1833,
Donaldina Ross, Scourie, who died 7th
Feb. 1902, and had issue— John, born 20th
Sept. 1834 ; Charles, born 11th July 1836 ;
Mary, born 21st Dec. 1837 ; Janet Helen,
born 15th Dec. 1839; Donella, born 12th
Feb. 1843.
JOHN CAMERON, born Inverness-
1844 ^^^^^' 1799; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen; M.A. (March
1818) ; licen. by Presb. of Inverness 1st
July 1823 ; ord. to Stornoway 18th Aug.
1825; trans, and adm. 28th March 1844;
died 30th May 1854. He marr. 26th Oct.
1825, Margaret Bruce, Dumfries, who died
29th Sept. 1888, and had issue — James
Bruce, born 20th Dec. 1827 ; Margaret
Bruce, born 7th Sept. 1829 (marr. Adam
Smith, Ballarat, Victoria) ; Emily Mac-
kenzie, born 19th Feb. 1832 ; Eliza, born
22nd March 1835 ; Alexander, born 12th
May 1837 ; Joanna, born 20th April 1839 ;
John William, born 8th July 1841, died 7th
Dec. 1854 ; Murdo, born 12th Sept. 1845.
Publication — Account of the Parish of
Stornoway (New Stat. Ace, xiv.).
son of Alexander M., farmer, Killear-
nan, and Isabel Noble ; educated at
King's College, Aberdeen, 1817-25; ord. by
Presb. of Lochcarron to West River, Pictou,
Nova Scotia, 1833 ; trans, to Urray 29th
Feb. 1844 ; trans, and adm. 23rd Nov.
1854; died 2nd July 1859. He marr. 10th
April 1839, Jane Lydiard, who died 22nd
Feb. 1896, and had issue — Lydiard, born
3rd May 1840, died 9th April 1849 ; Edward,
engineer, Burmah, born 6th May 1843;
Howard Lydiard, born 15th June 1845 ;
Flora Downie, born 6th Oct. 1846 ; Mary
Charlotte, born 19th July 1848; Lydiard,
born 20th May 1850 ; Charles Downie, born
25th Sept. 1852.— [Gregg's Hist, of the
Presbyterian Church in Canada, 335.]
adm. from Brae Lochaber Mission
24th Nov. 1859 ; trans, to Golspie
25th Oct. 1866.
EWEN MACE WEN, born near Loch-
jgg^ earnhead, 1822, son of John M,,
farmer, and Janet Maclaren ; edu-
cated at Univ. of St Andrews ; ord.
missionary at Amulree 28th March 1854 ;
trans, to Kenmore (assistant) Jan. 1862 ;
trans, and adm. 18th April 1867 ; died 14th
June 1889. He marr. Ellen (died at Forres,
19th Jan. 1924, aged 99), daugh. of Owen
Elliot, farmer, and Helen Brydon.
NEIL MACLEOD, ord. 24th Oct. 1889 ;
jggg dem. 6th Dec. 1901 [afterwards min.
of Lochranza].
DONALD MACRAE, born Aviemore,
10th Jan. 1864, son of Donald M.
and Helen Riddock ; educated at
Raining's School, Inverness, and Univs. of
St Andrews, MA. (1887), and Aberdeen,
B.D. (1890) ; licen. by Presb. of Dornoch ;
missionary at Ardgour ; ord. to Lairg 29th
Sept. 1890; trans, and adm. 18th Feb.
1902; clerk of Presb., 1915-23; died at
Inverness, 5th Sept. 1923. He marr. (1)
15th Jan. 1891, Anne, daugh. of William
Stephen, farmer, Culrain, and Annie
Stephen, and had issue— Donald Alastair,
lieut. 5th Seaforths and Machine Gun
Corps, born 26th Oct. 1891, died of pneu-
monia at Tournai, 16th Nov. 1918 ; Ronald
Stephen Bruce, Toronto, born 15th March
1893 ; Colin Frederick, lance-corporal 4th
Seaforths, born 19th Feb. 1895, died at St
Omer, 21st Dec. 1914 ; Charles Eric, lieut.
4th Seaforths and R.A.F., born 16th Feb.
1897, killed in air fight at St Omer, 10th
Nov. 1916; James Douglas, wireless tele-
graph officer, H.M.S. Salient, born 3rd July
1899 ; William Edwin, born 26th Feb. 1902 ;
Isabel Helen, born 1st June 1903 (marr.
Peter Robertson of Castlecraig, Nigg) : (2)
23rd Nov. 1916, Margaret, daugh. of Dun-
can Cameron, banker. Tain, and Barbara
Mathieson. Publications — iVo^es on the
History of the Parish of Lairg (Wick,
1898) ; Latin Articles in Latin Journals
Vox Urhis and Alma Roma, 1895-1922.
1924 ^'"*°s- ^'■o™ Weem {q.v.) and adm.
14th Feb. 1924.
(" The Parish of the Monastery ")
[The parish of Fearn was disjoined from
that of Tarbat in or about 1628, but
the erection of the new parish was not
carried through until 1640. Within the
bounds assigned to it stood the disused
Premonstratensian Abbey of St Ninian at
Fearn, and the Abbey Church was restored
for the use of the parish. The monastery
of Fearn had been first founded in 1227 by
Farquhar, first Earl of Ross, at Fearn in
Edderton. Patrick Hamilton, Abbot of
Fearn, who was burned as a heretic at St
Andrews on 28th Feb. 1527, was Superior
of this monastery. He was not, however, a
monk, but held the Abbey in commendam.
On 10th October 1742, during service,
the church was struck by lightning,
the roof of the ancient Abbey gave way
and fell in upon the worshippers. Forty-
two were killed and many were badly
injured. James Robertson, min. of Loch-
broom, the preacher that day, placed his
shoulder under the lintel of one of the
doors which was giving way, and so helped
to prevent its fall till the greater number of
the people escaped. He was known there-
after as An ministear ladair — " the strong
minister." The fine fabric was much
damaged. It has been but partially re-
stored. There is a Well of Our Lady at
. OF
GEORGE MUNRO, min. of Fearn and
Tarbat in 1590 : trans, to Suddie
about 1594, but still min. in 1616.
THOMAS ROSS, min. of Fearn ; was
recommended in 1630 by Robert
Ross, min. of Alness, as his successor,
but he was not settled there.
WILLIAM ROSS of Shandwick, born
1593, son of Robert R. of Kinloch,
min. of Alness ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen, 1614; adm. to Kincar-
dine before 1624 ; trans, to Nigg 13th April
1633 ; pres. by Presb. of Tain ; trans, and
adm. in 1644 ; suspended and the sentence
approved by the General Assembly in July
1649, but he was still in the charge 3rd
April 1660 ; died at Shandwick 20th April
1663. He marr. (1) Elizabeth, daugh. of
William Campbell of Delnies, Nairn, and
had issue — David, murdered at Invereshie
in 1651 ; Andrew, sixth of Shandwick, died
Oct. 1675 ; Alexander ; Katherine (marr.
James Eraser of Pitcalzean) : (2) (cont.
11th Nov. 1639) Isobel, daugh. of Hector
Douglas of Mulderg (she marr. (2) Andrew
Fraser, portioner of Pitcalzean), and had
issue— Janet, marr. (cont. 7th Nov. 1666)
Donald Ross, Dean of Guild and merchant.
Tain ; Isobel (marr. 1680, Alexander Munro
of Teannaird) ; Elizabeth, marr. (cont. 8th
Dec. 1680) William Ross in Shandwick.—
[Dingwall Presb. Beg. ; Reid's Ueneal. of
the Rosses.']
kerrie, son of Thomas R., min. of
Kincardine ; adm. about 1670 ; died
before 4th Oct. 1700, when his widow had
sasine of part of Pitkerrie. He marr. Janet,
daugh. of George Munro of Pitlundie (she
marr. (2) Duncan Davidson), and had issue
— Alexander of Nether Pitkerrie ; Charles.
.g,__ M., min. of Glenelg ; pres. by John,
Bishop of Ross, and inst. in 1677 ;
had escheat of his fatlier from the King 1st
Aug. 1683; died March 1689.
- _gg Ranitries ; educated at King's Col-
lege, Aberdeen; M.A. (4th July
1682); adm. to Kincardine before 21st
Aug. 1686 ; trans, and adm. in 1689 ; dep.
for "quarrelling" in 1691 ; was alive in 1701,
He marr. Jean, daugh. of Donald Mac-
kenzie of Meddat, and had issue— George ;
HUGH DUFF, born Ross-shire, recom-
-_Qg mended by the General Assembly
18th Jan. 1697 to pass trials before
Presb. of Dalkeith by which he was licen.
13th July that year; sent north by the
Assembly to supply vacant churches ; called
in May, and ord. 29th Dec. 1698 ; died 3rd
July 1739. "He displayed great energy and
zeal in the discharge of his duties." He
marr., and had issue — William, Professor
of Philosophy, Marischal College, Aberdeen,
1727-38; Hugh, farmer, Fearn,
DONALD ROSS, born 1692 ; licen. by
Presb. of St Andrews 24th Oct. 1730 ;
ord. to Lochbroora 11th Aug. 1731 ;
trans, and adm. 27th March 1742. He was
seriously injured by the falling of the
Abbey roof (see above) but recovered ; died
2nd Sept. 1775. He marr. 6th Oct. 1733,
Elizabeth Ross of Glend field, who died in
1783, and had issue— Ann, born 27th July
1734 (marr. John Sutherland, min. of
JOHN URQUHART of Mounteagle;
yj^j^ educated at Marischal College, Aber-
deen ; pres. by George III. in April,
and ord. (assistant and successor) 12th June
1771 ; died 27th Sept. 1800. He marr. 2nd
Jan. 1779, Katherine (died 24th Feb. 1836),
daugh. of Alexander Houston, provost of
Fortrose, and had issue — John, born 11th
May 1783 ; Alexander, born 21st May 1784 ;
Janet, born 14th July 1785, died 26th June
1816; Elizabeth Baillie, born 10th July
1786; Mary, born 28th June 1787;
Katherine, born 16th June 1788; George
Roderick, lieut. 33rd Foot, born 26th May
1790; Charles Farquharson, major 54th
Bengal Light Infantry, born 10th Aug.
1792, died 17th Feb. 1856; Alexandrina
Sophia, born 8th Sept. 1793; Christina,
born 27th Sept. 1794, died 24th Nov. 1854 ;
Joan, born 14th July 1798. Publication —
Account of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat.
Ace, iv.).
WILLIAM SIMPSON, born Ross-shire
1802 ^^°^^ ^^^^ '' educated at King's
College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (27th March
1783); licen. by Presb. of Chanonry 4th May
1784; assistant at Kilmuir - Wester ; ord.
missionary at Kincardine and Creich 23rd
Nov. 1790 ; trans, to Gaelic Chapel, Paisley,
in 1796 ; pros, by George III. Dec. 1800, but
owing to opposition to his settlement not
admitted till 7th July 1802 ; died 17th Aug.
1808. He marr. 17th Sept. 1798, Katherine
(died 4th Sept. 1801), daugh. of Alexander
Baillie of Little Tarrel, and had issue —
Katherine, born 4th Aug. 1800 (marr. Lewis
Rose, min. of Tain) ; Jean, born 2nd Sept.
HUGH ROSS, born 1760, son of Robert
1809 ^' ^'^ Tarbat ; educated at Marischal
College, Aberdeen; M.A. (28th March
1782); licen. by Presb. of Tain 22nd May
1788 ; ord. missionary at Fort Augustus
Julyl799; trans, to Gaelic Chapel, Cromarty,
13th April 1800 ; pres. by George III. 24th
Aug. 1808 ; trans, and adm. 13th April
1809. A determined spirit of opposition
followed his ministry throughout, the great
bulk of his parishioners refusing to accept
his services. He died 30th April 1844. He
marr. 6th Feb. 1818, Ann (died 4th Aug.
1846), daugh. of Hugh Ross of Tarlogie,
and had issue — Catherine, born 3rd Nov.
1821 (marr. Hugh Macleod, min. of Logie-
Easter). Publications — Accounts of Evie
and of Fearn [with William Mackenzie,
min. of Tongue] (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, iii. ;
New Stat. Ace, xiv.).
Queen Victoria 20th Oct. 1844 ; ord.
7th Aug. 1845 ; trans, to Strath 12th
Aug. 1856.
DONALD FRASER, born 1822, son of
James F., teacher, and Sarah Scott ;
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen ; app. missionary at Glengarry in
1855 ; pres. by Queen Victoria 5th Nov.
1856 ; adm. 12th March 1857 ; died 4th
Feb. 1869. He marr. 7th June 1857, Sophia
(died 2nd Feb. 1900), daugh. of George
Gillanders, Inspector of Poor, and Sophia
M'Kid, and had issue — James Alexander,
born 29th Dec. 1864.
HUGH FRASER, born 1835, son of
1869 Thomas F., caretaker of the Bridge
of Oich, and Jessie Robertson ; edu-
cated at King's College, Aberdeen ; ord. in
1860 ; adm. to Berriedale 31st March 1864 ;
pres. by Queen Victoria 1st June, trans, and
adm. 23rd Sept. 1869; died 22nd Nov.
1894. He marr. 15th June 1865, Mary
M'Nab (died 29th Oct. 1912), daugh. of
Hugh M'Calman, min. of Latheron, and
had issue — Hugh, born 2nd Aug. 1866 ;
Alexander M'Calman, born 27th Nov.
1867 ; Ursula Gilmour, born 1st April
1869; Janet Isabella, born 29th June
1871 ; Julia Gilmour, born 9th Aug. 1872 ;
John M'Calman, born 26th April 1874;
Andrew Robertson, born 6th Oct. 1879.
michael, Perthshire, 1st July 1856,
son of C!harles R., and Jane Robert-
son ; educated at Kirkmichael and Black-
burn schools and Univ. of Edinburgh
M.A. (1874), B.D. (1884) ; was for sometime
a teacher; licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh
April 1884; assistant at St Andrew's Church
Buenos Aires, and at Govan ; missionary
at Winchburgh 11th July 1886 to Dec,
1888 ; ord. to Assynt 3rd Jan. 1889 ; trans,
and adm. 5th Nov. 1895 ; died 15th Jan
1925. He took an active interest in edu
cational aflfairs and was chairman of County
Education Authority. He marr. 17th June
1915, Agnes Shaw Cameron, s.p., daugh. of
Finlay Munro of Rockfield and Elizabeth
1925 '^"^'^ ^^^^ ^^^' ^^^^' ^°" °^ Jackson
M., min. of Badony Presbyterian
Church, Newton Stewart, Ireland ; edu-
cated at Royal Academical Institution,
Belfast; Trinity College, Dublin; B.A.
(1912), M.A. (1919) and Univ. of St
Andrews ; licen. by Presb. of Perth in 1917 ;
assistant at St Michael's, Dumfries, and
Greenside, Edinburgh ; ord. to Kirkmaiden
7th April 1921 ; trans, and adm. 2nd
June 1925.
[The church of this parish was dedicated
to St Mary. There was a prebend of Kil-
muir in the Chapter of Fortrose Cathedral.
At Delny in the parish there was a chapel
of St Mary. At Balnagowan also there
was a chapel.]
1560 GEORGE DUNBAR, vicar in 1560.
WILLIAM ROSS, pres. by James VI. in
1569 ^^6^' ^^™' ^^ 1575. — [Orig. Paroch.
Scot., ii., 459.]
1572 DONALD REID, reader in 1572.
NEIL MUNRO, reader in 1574; pres.
1575 ^^ James VI. in 1575 ; dep. in 1585
for non-residence and not serving
the cure.— [Ort'r/. Paroch. Scot., ii., 459.]
JOHN MUNRO of Pitlundie, pres. by
jggg James VI. in 1585. He marr.
Finguala, daugh. of Alexander Ross
of Cuilich, and had issue — Hugh ; Alex-
ander ; John, min. of Reay : David, niin.
of Latheron ; Hector of Nonikill.
JOHN ROSS of Little Tarrel, trans.
. ggg from Logie-Easter ; was a member
of Assembly 10th May 1 586 ; returned
to Logie-Easter before 1604.
jgjg 1618; still min. in 1639. He marr.
Isobel Ross, and had issue— William;
David. — [Orig. Charter Antiq. Museum ;
Reg. of Deeds ( Warrants) 6th Jan. 1647 ;
Scot. Antiquxiry , v., 156.]
1658 Univ. of St Andrews ; M.A. (1628) ;
adm. before 15th Dec. 1653; still min.
25th Jan. 1671. — [Logie-Easter Sess. Recoi-J.]
WILLIAM DENOON, min. 5th May
1684, when he witnessed a deed at
Tarbat by Sir George Mackenzie,
afterwards Earl of Cromartie.
DONALD FORBES, educated at King's
1687 ^o'^^fc'^' Aberdeen ; M.A. (Uth July
1676) ; passed trials before the Presb.
of Dingwall and had a testimonial for licence
6th April 1686; adm. about 1687; dep. by
the Presb., June 1700, for immorality,
sabbath-breaking " to a most scandalous
degree," and other misdemeanours, which
sentence was confirmed by the Commission
of Assembly at Tain 19th July 1700. He
appears as a bailie in a sasine, July 1702.
DANIEL M'KILLICAN, called 21st
1701 "^"'y' ^'^'^ °^*^" ^^^^ ^^P^' ^"'^•^•
Owing to dififerences with his .heritors
as to the temporalities, he accepted a call
to Alness, and was admitted there 24th
Sept. 1714.
WALTER ROSS, born 1678, son of
j,--g Alexander R. of Torranlish, sheriflF-
clerk of Ross ; educated at Maris-
chal College, Aberdeen ; licen. by Presb. of
Aberdeen 14th Dec. 1714 ; called by the
Presb. jure devoluto 29th March, and ord.
15th Sept. 1715 ; died 29th Dec. 1733. He
found the parish in a rude and unruly state,
but by a severe discipline and his own firm
example he reduced it in a large degree to
order and decorum. He marr. 14th Aug.
1726, Catherine, daugh. of James Wilson,
Edinburgh (she marr. (2) Daniel Bethune,
min. of Rosskeen. — [Scot. Antiquary, iv.,
JOHN PORTEOUS, born Inverness,
1734 l^^'*' ^^^^ ^'^ ^^ '^ relative of Beilby P.,
Bishop of London, and a grandson
of one of Cromwell's English soldiers who
settled in Inverness, and brother of William
P., min. of RaflFord ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (29th March
1720); licen. by Presb. of Elgin 24th Oct.
1727 ; pres. to Daviot and Dunlichity in
1729, but when he went to preach his trial
sermon at Dunlichity he was stoned and
driven out of the parish by a band of
women ; called 8th Aug., and adm. 27th
Nov. 1734 ; he was compelled to reside at
Halmadary in Kildonan owing to his
Hanoverian sympathies, during the rebel-
lion of 1745-6; died 7th Jan. 1775. He
was eminently popular, was reckoned a
preacher of great eloquence and power and
a man of deep piety. His personal appear-
ance was striking, unusually tall and erect
in his figure, light in his step, he was very
unlike the picture a southron would be dis-
posed to draw of the highland ministers of
that period. He marr. Jane Innes, who died
nth Dec. , aged '•21.— [The Days of the
Fathers in Ros$-shire (1895), 39-45 ; Tombst.]
JOHN MATHESON, born StrathpeflFer,
.„^g 1747; became schoolmaster of the
parish ; licen. by Presb. of Tain 9th
Aug. 1769; ord. missionary at Kincardine
and Creich 2nd Oct. 1771 ; pres. by
George III. in May, and adm. 22nd Sept.
1775; died 19th April 1814. He marr.
20th Aug. 1778, Anne (died 12th June 1823),
daugh. of John Montgomery, merchant in
Milntown, and had issue — IVIargaret, born
4th Jan. 1785; Charles Ross, min. of this
parish ; Anne Helen, born 13th Dec. 1790 ;
Joanna, born 22nd Feb., died 28th Sept.
1793; John, born 8th March 1794; David,
born 1st June 1795 ; Magdalene, born 23rd
Feb, 1798. Publication — Account of the
Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, vi.).
22nd Sept. 1786, son of preceding;
educated at King's College, Aberdeen ;
M.A. (30th March 1804); licen. by Presb.
of Tain 18th May 1809 ; ord. (assistant) here
5th Feb. 1812 ; adm, to Gaelic and English
Chapel, Edinburgh, 29th July 1813; pres.
by the Hon. Maria Hay Mackenzie of
Cromartie in July, trans, and adm. 22nd
Sept, 1814, Joined the Free Church in
1843 ; min. of Free Church, Kilmuir,
1843-66; died 14th May 1866. He marr.
19th Aug. 1817, Caroline (died 22nd Aug.
1830), daugh. of Colin Shaw of Culblair,
and had issue— Jean, born 6th June 1818;
John, rain, of Free Church, Forgue and
at Hampstead, London, born 3rd Sept. 1819,
died 1893; Colin Shaw, born 13th March
1821 ; Charles Shaw, born 19th Sept. 1822,
died 2nd June 1825 ; William Francis, born
25th Feb. 1824 ; Edward Hay Mackenzie,
banker, Tain, born 19th Oct. 1825; Anne
Montgomerie, born 2nd Feb. 1827 (marr.
Hector Eraser, min. of Free Church,
Halkirk) ; George, born 16th Aug. 1829.
DANIEL MACBRIDE, adm. 21st Sept.
1843 ^^^^" -^^ md^vn. 18th Sept. 1845,
Anna, daugh. of Donald Stewart,
Balure, Argyllshire {cf. Vol. IV., 159);
trans, to Little Dunkeld 27th Feb, 1851,
son of James M., farmer, Kirk-
michael, Banff, and Penuel Grant;
educated at King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A.
; 1851
(March 1845); ord. 11th Sept, 1851; died
1st Jan. 1866. He marr. 5th June 1854,
Catherine (died 11th July 1904), daugh. of
John Duncan, solicitor, London, and grand-
daugh. of Captain David Ross of Milncraig
and Shandwick, and had issue — Sir Duncan
James, C.I.E., Indian Civil Service, born
14th May 1855 ; John Ross, born 15th Aug.
1856, died ; Major-General Sir William
Grant, Deputy Director General, Medical
Staff, European War, K.C.M.G., C.B., LL.D.,
editor of The Official Medical History of the
War, author of other works on military
medical subjects, born 27th Jan. 1858, died
15th Oct. 1927 ; Charles Edward Walker,
C.A., Collector of Ministers' Widows' Fund,
born 19th April 1860 ; Katherine Penuel,
born 26th May 1863.
DONALD STUART, born Cromdale,
1866 l^'^O' ^^° °^ Robert S., educated at
Univ. of Aberdeen; M,A, (1861);
licen, by Presb, of Abernethy ; pres. by
Duchess of Sutherland ; ord. 20th Sept.
1866 ; dem. 25th Jan. 1900 ; died 7th Jan.
1914, He marr. 6th April 1869, Elizabeth
(died 2nd July 1916), youngest daugh. of
James Macdonald,Aberdeen, and had issue —
William Laing.born 16th June 1871 ; Robert
James, born 13th Aug. 1872 ; Elizabeth Jane,
born 12th June 1874, died 26th July 1875 ;
John Macdonald, born 19th May 1877.
1900 ^^"^^ Clova and adm, 24th May
1900 ; trans, to Duffus 4th Jan, 1907.
DUGALD ISrCALLUM, M.A., ord, 14th
^ May 1907 ; trans, to First Charge,
Campbeltown, 13th Feb, 1914,
born Glasgow, 29th Jan. 1871, son of
James M., D.D., min, of Abbotsford,
Glasgow ; educated at High School and
Univ. of Glasgow; M,A. (1892), B.D. (1895);
licen. by Presb. of Glasgow 6th Nov. 1895 ;
missionary at Brae Lochaber, Ford of
Lochawe, and Kilfinan ; ord. to Kinloch-
luichart 19th Jan. 1905 ; trans, and adm.
21st July 1914, Publication— rAe Celtic
Church and the See of Peter (Oxford,
[The church of Kincardine was dedicated
to St Columba. In the Chapter of Fortrose
Cathedral there was a prebend of Kin-
cardine. Within the bounds was a Well
of St Mary.]
FARQUHAR REID, exhorter in
1567 1567.
ALEXANDER LESLIE, pres. to the
jg,yg vicarage before 1566 by Queen Mary ;
became parson before 1573.— [OW^.
Paroch. Scot., ii., 411; M'Gill's Old Hoss-
shire, 20.]
HUGH ROSS, reader at Rosskeen in
jg^g 1576 ; adm. in 1578 ; still min. in
JAMES ROSS, adm. in lQlQ.—[Orirj.
1616 Charter Soc. of Antiq.]
WILLIAM ROSS, adm. before 1624;
1624 trans, to Nigg 18th April 1633.
HECTOR MUNRO, educated at Univ.
1634 °^ Glasgow; adm. in 1634; was a
member of Assembly in 1638; dep.
for malignancy in 1651. In 1652 he received
help for himself and "his poore indigent
familie" from the stipend of Lochbroom ;
re-adm. in 1662; died 18th March 1670,
aged about 59.
THOMAS ROSS of Nether Pitkerrie,
j^ggg bom about 1614, son of George R.
of Nether Pitkerrie ; adm. before
28th Aug. 1655; deprived by Act of
Parliament and Decreet of Privy Council
1st Oct. 1662, and went to Tain, where he
made himself useful in the work of the
Gospel. He was in Moray in 1669 where
he was accused of keeping conventicles,
and was imprisoned in 1675 in the Tolbooth
of Nairn. In 1076 he was removed to the
prison of Tain and confined till 9th Oct.
1677, when he was liberated on finding
caution for 2000 merks to appear when
called upon. He died in his own house in
Tain 13th Jan. 1679. James Eraser of
Brea dedicated his Memoirs to him as a
"singularly pious minister." He marr.
Lilias Dunbar, and had issue — Alexander
of Nether Pitkerrie, min. of Fearn ; George,
min. of this parish.— [Wodrow's Hist.,\. 324,
iii. 437 ; The Bass Bock, 97, 105 ; Brodie's
Diary ; Crichton's Life of Blackader ;
Memoirs of Mrs Boss, 33.]
HECTOR MUNRO, above men-
1662 tioned.
GEORGE ROSS, son of Thomas R.,
jg^j min. of this parish ; educated at
King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A.
(19tli July 1666) ; adm. about 1671 ; died
Feb. 1683, aged about 47. He marr.
Katherine Ross, and had issue — David,
min. of Tarbat. — [Scot. Antiquary, iv., 105.]
100Q before 21st Aug. 1686; trans, to
Fearn in 1689.
WALTER ROSS, born Ross-shire about
1689 ^^^"^ '' educated at King's College,
Aberdeen; M.A. (13th July 1675);
adm. before the Revolution. Refusing to
take the Oath of Allegiance, he dem. 26th
Sept. 1695. He was summoned by the
Presb., 28th July 1700, for intrusion and
baptising irregularly ; died before 12th
April 1705. He marr. Ellen (died before
1704), daugh. of William Munro of
Culcraggie, and had fourteen children,
for whom charitable contributions were
recommended in the Synods of Lothian
and Tweeddale, GlasgoAv and Ayr, and
Fife, by the General Assembly, 30th ^Larch
1704.— [»S'co<. Antiquary, v., 156.]
HECTOR ERASER, ord. 25th April
1COO 1699; trans, to Edderton 4th May
ROBERT MUNRO, third son of George
1711 ■^^'' sheriff-depute and commissary
of Ross, and brother of Hugh M.,
min. of Tain ; educated at Univ. of St
Andrews ; recommended by the Assembly,
13th April 1706, to the Synod of Fife for a
bursary ; licen. by the Presb. of Tain
1st Dec. 1708 ; called 31st Oct. 1709, but
(from difficulties regarding a sufficient
stipend) not ord. till 29th March 1711 ;
died 10th Feb. 1741. He marr. Janet
(died 5th Jan. 1771), daugh. of Robert
Pirrie, merchant, Glasgow, and had issue
— Joseph, min. of Edderton ; William,
student at Edinburgh Univ.
DAVID BOSS, born about 1711, nephew
_. of DavidR.,min.of Tarbat ; educated
at Marischal College, Aberdeen ; had
a bursary from the Synod of Fife 26th Sept.
1728 ; was schoolmaster at Nigg and Tarbat ;
licen. by the Presb. of Tain 2nd July ]740;
pres. by George, Earl of Cromartie, 6th Aug.
1741 ; ord. 7th April 1742; died 11th May
that year, having survived his ordination
four weeks.
Sept. 1702, son of George R., fanner,
Balconie, Kiltearn, and grandson of
Gilbert R. of Kindeace ; became tutor to
Sir Harry Munro of Eowlis, whom he
accompanied to the academy of Dr Philip
Doddridge at Northampton, under whom
he studied theology ; licen. by the classis
of Presbyterian dissenters in that place
22nd Aug. 1737; ord. 7th June 1739;
called to Dingwall by the Presb. jure
devoluto in 1740, but the Commission of
Assembly reversed the appointment ; called
to Edderton in 1741, but the Synod
preferred another, 7th April 1742. On a
petition by the whole parish, he was pres.
by George, Earl of Cromartie, 10th July,
and adm. 31st Aug. 1742; called to
Tarbat in 1750, which was not sustained.
He was obliged to leave his parish in the
spring of 1746 on account of the number
of Jacobites encamping near his manse.
To disguise himself he donned the
Highland garb, and during this period
preached under cover of the high broom
then growing in profusion between Ardgay
and Bonar Bridge. He died at Creich
Manse 17th March 1774, "one of the
most faithful of Highland ministers." He
marr. 13th Oct. 1747, Christian (died 12th
Sept. 1767), daugh. of John Bayne, min.
of Dingwall, and had issue — Harry, min. of
Kiltearn, born 2nd Nov. 1748 ; Anne, born
2nd March 1750 (marr. 12th Nov. 1772,
George Rainy, min. of Creich) ; John, born
24th Nov. 1751, died in Tobago; George,
born 16th Nov. 1756, died in Demerara 1799.
ANDREW GALLIE, born Tarbat about
; J,-,-. 1730 ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen; M.A. (3rd April 1750);
licen. by Presb. of Tain 28th Nov. 1753;
ord. missionary at Fort Augustus 27th July
1756; trans, to Laggan 6th Sept. 1758;
pres. by George III. in Aug., trans, and
adm. 11th Sept. 1774; died 15th May
1803. He was an intimate friend of James
Macpherson and his defender during the
Ossian Controversy. He marr. 19th Jan.
1760, Christian, daugh. of Thomas Ross of
Calrossie, and had issue— Isobel, born 27th
July 1762 (marr. James Ross, merchant.
Tain), died in London 7th July 1845 ;
Katherine, born 24th April 1766 ; Barbara,
born 24th Dec. 1767 ; Alexandrina, born
1st June 1769 (marr. Donald Mackenzie,
officer of Excise, iPanbride) ; Gordon, born
25th Nov. 1770 ; Elizabeth, born 25th April
1772; Helen, born 26th March 1775; John
Lockhart, born 11th Jan. 1781 ; Alexander,
born 10th Oct. 1783. Publication— Account
of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, iii.).
-go^ Inverness, 1774, son of Alexander
M. ; educated at Marischal College,
Aberdeen, 1790-4; was schoolmaster at
Fearn and Cromarty ; licen. by Presb.
of Chanonry 1st Oct. 1799; pres. by the
Hon. Maria Hay Mackenzie of Cromartie
May 1803 ; ord. 25th April 1804 ; died 21st
Aug. 1820. He marr. (1) Margaret Ross,
who died 23rd Nov. 1816, and had issue —
William, writer, Edinburgh, born 9th July
1794 ; Charles Munro, born 11th June 1797,
went to South America : (2) 8th May 1817.
Helen (marr. (2) 2nd Aug. 1822), daugh. of
William Murray, banker. Tain, and had
issue — Alexander, born 4th March 1818;
Christina, born 28th Feb. 1819 ; Margaret,
born 14th Aug. 1820.
HECTOR ALLAN, born Alness, 1790,
son of Donald A., land steward to
Sir Hector Munro of Novar; edu-
cated at King's College, Aberdeen; M.A.
(30th March 1810) ; ord. missionary at Fort
William 15th June 1819; pres. by the Hon.
Maria Hay Mackenzie of Cromartie in Feb.,
trans, and adm. 12th April 1821. Joined
the Free Church in 1843; min. of Free
Church, Kincardine, 1843-53; died 9th Dec.
1853. He marr. 8th Aug. 1821, Catherine
(died 13th Jan. 1836), daugh. of Alexander
Stewart, D.D., min. of the Canongate,
[press, of
Edinburgh, and had issue — Alexander
Stewart, major-general H.E.T.C.S., author
of Statistical Accounts of Kincardine and
Eddertoii, born 19th Aug. 1822; Catherine
Louisa, born 24th Dec. 1835.
LEWIS ROSE, trans, from Gaelic
Chapel, Duke Street, Glasgow, and
^^^ adm. 20th Sept. 1843 ; trans, to Tain
nth April 1844.
DONALD M'INTYRE, born 1814, third
son of John M., farmer, Kilmalie ;
educated at Univ. of Glasgow ; ord.
missionary in Lochaber in 1839 ; assistant
at Creich ; adm. here 28th Aug. 1844 ; died
21st Dec. 1869. He marr. 28th Nov. 1844,
Catherine (died 7th Oct. 1873), daugh. of
Alexander Clark, C.E., Corpach, Fort
William, and had issue— Catherine Mar-
garet, born 20th June 1846; John Dugald,
born 6th May 1848 ; Alexander Clark, born
26th Oct. 1851 ; Jessie Macdonald,born 25th
June 1 853; Donald Archibald , born 24th Feb.
1855 ; Thomas Clark, born 10th July 1857.
Gildermory, Alness, 22nd April 1829,
son of Roderick M. and Catherine
Macdonald ; educated at Kincardine Parish
School and Univ. of Glasgow ; became tutor
in the family of Norman Macleod, D.D. ;
licen. by Presb. of Glasgow in 1866 ; assist-
ant at Monkton and Newton-upon-Ayr, and
missionary at St John's, Perth ; pres. by
Anne, Duchess of Sutherland ; ord. 28th
Aug. 1870 ; died 16th Jan. 1920. He marr.
5th Oct. 1876, Margaret (died 17th June
1919), daugh. of John Mitchell and Christian
Walker, and had issue — John Roderick,
private London Scottish, born 11th May
1881, killed in action at Bullecourt, France,
29th Aug. 1918 ; Ada Catherine, born 13th
Dec. 1885.
jgjg Tongue, Sutherland, 15th Dec. 1861,
son of Archibald M., schoolmaster,
and Mary Fraser ; educated at Tongue
School and Univs. of St Andrews and
Aberdeen ; licen. by Presb. of Inverness in
1890 ; assistant at Stroma, Canisbay, and
Blair Atholl ; ord. to Foss 28th June 1899 ;
trans, and adm. (assistant and successor)
17th Dec. 1919.
[In the Chapter of Fortrose Cathedral
there was a prebend of Logie-Easter.]
1560 Sir THOMAS HAY, rector in 1560.
Sir DONALD REID, vicar before the
Reformation ; conformed and was
reader 1572 to 1586.
JOHN ROSS of Little Tarrel, son of
-ggj Alexander R. of Little Tarrel and
Sarah, daugh. of Thomas Ross of
Greenhill ; was min. of Kilmuir-Wester in
1573; trans, to Tain in 1580; pres. by
James VI. 25th April 1581. He was
appointed by the General Assembly in that
month as one " who best knew the bounds
of the country" for selecting the number
of Presbyteries, with the kirks of each, for
Ross ; was trans, to Kilmuir-Wester before
1585, but returned here about 1589, and
was appointed by the Assembly in 1606
constant Moderator of the Presbytery, who
were charged by the Privy Council, 17th
Jan. 1607, to receive him as such within
twenty-four hours after notice under pain
of rebellion ; died 22nd Oct. 1616. He
marr. Christian, daugh. of Hugh Monro of
Assynt in Easter Ross, and had issue —
Hugh, fourth of Little Tarrel, served heir
21st Jan. 1617; Marion (marr. David
Munro of Allan) ; David ; Alexander, first
of Pitkerrie, died 1st Feb. 1649; George
of Nether Pitkerrie; Nicolas, burgess of
Tain; \Ni\\i3im.—[lJooke of the Kirk; Feme
MSS. ; Inq. Ret. Ross, 46 ; Orig. Paroch.
Scot., ii., 466.]
DAVID ROSS, born about 1591, son of
1624 I^*^^^''*' r^-' ^i"^- of Alness ; educated
at Univ. of Edinburgh ; M.A. (27th
July 1609) ; called min. in 1624 ; signed a
charter of the Bishop of Ross, 6th Feb.
1633, as min. of Logic; was a member of
Assembly in 1639, and still in the charge
28th Aug. 1655. He marr. (1) before 1638,
Margaret Morrison, and had issue— Robert,
min. of Tain ; Andrew ; Margaret (marr.
John Munro of Logie) ; Ellen (marr.
William Munro of Culcraggie) : (2) (cont.
18th April 1655), Janet, daugh. of Andrew
Munro of Lemlair, and widow of Alexander
Ross of Pitkerrie. — [Reid's Geneal. of the
Rosses ; Hist, of the Munros, 485 ; Reg.
Mag. Sig., ix., 1943.]
A. DUNDAS, adm. before 8th Feb.
1630; still min. in 1634.— [Charter
hy David, Bishoji of Ross, at Kil-
learnan ; Orig. Charter Antiq. Museum.']
jggg David M. of Meddat ; pres. by Sir
George Mackenzie of Tarbat, and
adm. 19th Feb. 1665. He had an adjudica-
tion of the lands of Dunskeath and Cubine,
26th March 1680, and his name appears on
the list of heritors in Ross in 1685 as of
Little Reynie. He sought admission to
the Presbyterian Church in 1708, but was
found unqualified by a committee appointed
to examine him; died 20th March 1715.
He marr. Katherine Douglas, and had
issue — John, farmer, Achoylie, Kilmuir-
Easter [father of William M., min. of
Tongue] ; Daniel, min. of Third Charge,
Inverness ; George. — \_Invei-ness Sas., vi.
481, vii. 94.]
JOHN BALFOUR, called by the Presb.
1*716 i^*"^ devohito 13th Sept., and adm.
27th Nov. 1716 ; trans, to Nigg 26th
March 1729.
JOHN M'ARTHUR, licen. by Presb. of
1730 ^hanonry 16th Dec. 1718; ord. to
Killearnan 26th March 1719 ; pres.
by George, Lord Tarbat, Sept. 1729, and
by the Vve&h.jure devolnto 14th Jan., trans.
and adm. 25th March 1730; died 23rd
March 1744. He marr. Katherine (died
3rd Jan. 1785), daugh. of John Eraser of
Pitcalzean, min. of Alness. After her
husband's death she resided at Pitcalzean.
PATRICK GRANT, educated at King's
1744 College, Aberdeen, 1728-32 ; licen.
by Presb. of Abertarff 12th April
1738 ; ord. missionary at Fort Augustus
and Glenmoriston 1st Aug. 1739 ; pres. by
George, Earl of Cromartie, 3rd July, and
adm. 25th Sept. 1744; died 19th July
1778. He marr. 30th Oct. 1746, Anne
(died 3rd Sept. 1799), daugh. of Colonel
Lewis Grant, fifth son of Ludovic Grant
of Grant, and had issue — Margaret, born
17th Sept. 1747 (marr. William Mac-
kenzie, min. of Assynt) ; Anne, born 25th
Sept. 1748 ; Ludovic, born 3rd Dec. 1749,
died 24th April 1750 ; Christina, born 12th
Jan. 1750, died 27th March 1751 ; Christina,
born 18th Feb., died 26th May 1752;
James, born 20th Aug. 1753 ; John, born
6th Jan. 1755 ; Marion, born 24th Sept.
1761 (marr. George Goldie, Cromarty).
JOHN ROSS, pres. by George III. in
,,_„_ March, and adm. 22nd Sept. 1779;
trans, to Rosskeen 16th June 1813.
NEIL KENNEDY, born Sept. 1778,
1813 ^^^ ^^ Donald K., farmer, Kishorn,
Lochcarron, and Mary Matheson, and
brother of John K., min. of Killearnan ;
educated at Marischal College, Aberdeen,
1793-7 ; became tutor in the family of Mac-
kenzie of Dundonnell, and schoolmaster
of Contin ; licen. by Presb. of Lochcarron
23rd Dec. 1800 ; ord. by Presb. of Ding-
wall as missionary at Strathconan 23rd
Dec. 1801 ; adm. min. of Gaelic Chapel,
Aberdeen, 20th Dec. 1804 ; locum tenens
at Killearnan in 1811 ; pres. by the Hon.
Maria Hay Mackenzie of Cromartie in
July, and adm. 19th Aug. 1813 ; died 29th
April 1836. He was one of the best known
ministers in the North, a man of great
pulpit power and apostolic zeal. He marr.
15th July 1806, Anne (died 17th June
1832), daugh. of John Downie, min. of
Urray, and had issue — Charles Downie,
born 19th May 1807, died 10th Oct. 1814 ;
Donald, born 16th May 1808, min. of this
parish ; Elizabeth Forbes, born 1st Nov.
1809 (marr. John Noble, min. of Fodderty) ;
John Downie, missionary at Rosehall,
1834-43, and min. of the Free Church
there (father of Neil John Downie K.,
K.C., LL.D., Lord. K., chairman of the
Scottish Land Courl), born 7th Jan. 1811,
died 1873; George, born 20th July 1812;
Mary (twin), born 20th July 1812 ; Charlotte
Downie, born 4th April 1814 ; Cnarles
Downie, born 23rd Aug. 1815, died 10th
May 1816 ; Anne Isabella, born 16th Dec.
1817. Publication — Account of the Parish
{Neiv Stat. Ace, xiv).
DONALD KENNEDY, born 16th May
1808, son of preceding; educated
at King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A.
(March 1825) ; licen. by Presb. of Tain
2nd Sept. 1829 ; ord. to Helmsdale in
1835 ; pres. by the Hon. Maria Hay
Mackenzie of Cromartie in July, and
adm. 22nd Sept. 1836; dep. 30th Nov.
1836, for an alleged " heinous crime
committed with his sister," of which
he was afterwards found to be inno-
cent. He went to America and died in
HUGH MACLEOD, born Tongue, 23rd
April 1803 ; educated at Tongue
^^^ School and King's College, Aber-
deen ; M.A. (3rd March 1826) ; app. school-
master of Tongue in 1827 ; licen. by Presb.
there 30th Nov. 1831 ; ord. missionary at
Melness and Eriboll 28th Nov. 1833 ; adm.
to Gaelic Chapel, Edinburgh, 10th Nov.
1837 ; trans, and adm. 19th Sept. 1839.
Joined the Free Church in 1843; min. of
Free Church, Logie-Easter, 1843-50; visited
Canada in 1845 and 1848, as deputy of
the Free Church, chiefly to the highland
settlers in the Eastern Province ; adm.
min. of Free Church, Mira Ferry (now
Albert Bridge), Cape Breton, 2nd Oct.
1850 ; D.D. (1857) ; Moderator of the
Presbyterian Church of Canada in 1877 ;
died 23rd Jan. 1894. His congregation
covered half the county of Cape Breton,
and he did more for the advancement of
his people, spiritually and materially,
than anyone who could be named in the
whole history of the Canadian Church.
He marr. 6th April 1841, Catherine, daugh.
of Hugh lloss, min. of Fearn, and had issue
—Hugh, born 18th Nov. 1842 ; Barbara,
born 19th Oct. 1844, died 30th June 1847 ;
George, born 5th Oct. 184G ; Anne, born
10th Nov. 1849 ; Barbara, born at Sydney,
Cape Breton, 21st Oct. 1851 ; William
Mackenzie, born 4th July 1854 ; Anne,
born 10th May 1857 ; Catherine, born 6th
Jan. I860.— [Murray's Ilht. of the Presby-
terian Church in Cape Breton (portrait),
68-70 ; The Presbyterian Witness, 27th
Jan. 1894.]
1843 ^^^^' ^°° °^ Alexander M., farmer,
and Margaret Morrison ; educated
at King's College, Aberdeen ; licen. by
Presb. of Tain ; pres. by the Hon. John
Hay Mackenzie of Cromartie ; ord. 21st
Sept. 1843; M.A. (King's College, Aber-
deen, 1859) ; died 7th June 1880. He marr.
2nd March 1852, Helen (died 30th May
1891), daugh. of Andrew Scott, Kildary,
factor on the Cromartie estates, and had
issue — Alexander William (M.A.) 1874,
M.B., CM. (1876), lieut.-colonel I.M.S.
(Bengal), born 23rd Oct. 1853; Helen
Graham, born 6th Feb. 1856; Andrew,
born 2nd June 1857 ; Mary, born 13th June
1859 ; John Hay, born 2nd June 1860 ;
George, born 27th Oct. 1862.
from Stornoway and adm. 4th
March 1881 ; trans, to Gaelic parish,
Greenock, 19th Nov. 1885.
JAMES MUNRO, son of Alexander M.,
shoemaker, and Isabella Mackie ;
educated at Univ. of Edinburgh ;
M.A. (1880) ; ord. missionary at Glen-
moriston in 1883 ; trans, and adm. 19th
April 1886; died 9th Sept. 1915. He
marr. 10th April 1895, Christina (died at
Inverness, 8th Dec. 1924), eldest daugh.
of George Millie, St Mary's, Cupar, Fife,
and had issue — Alexander, private 4th
Seaforth Highlanders, born 13th Aug. 1896,
killed in action at Arras, 7th Sept. 1917;
Mary Christina, born 25th Oct. 1898;
George Millie, born 24th March 1900;
noch, Glencoe, 29th May 1864, son of
James M. and Christina Macdonald ;
educated at Ballachulish School and Univ. of
St Andrews ; licen. by Presb. of St Andrews
6th May 1903; ord. to Poolewe 16th Sept.
that year ; trans, to Lochcarron 20th Jan.
191 1 ; trans, and adm. 22nd Feb. 1916 ; died
3rd March 1924. He marr. 3rd Nov. 1904,
Isabel, daugh. of Alexander Eunson and
Isabel Eunson, and had issue— Elizabeth,
born 20th July 1905, died 11th March 1909 ;
Christina (twin), born 20th July 1905;
Isabel, born 3rd May 1911.
jg24 Delting, Shetland, 28th Oct. 1875,
son of James F., min. of St Mary's,
South Ronaldshay, and Mary Tough ; edu-
cated at Academy, St Margaret's Hope,
Banff Academy, and Univ. of Aberdeen ;
licen, by Presb. of Kirkwall 12th April
1898 ; ord. to Deerness 27th Dec. that
year ; trans, to Canisbay 26th Feb. 1902 ;
trans, and adm. 30th July 1924. Marr.
4th March 1910, Alice Margaret, daugh.
of the Rev. William Duffus, Swatow, China,
and Margaret Webster, and has issue —
Margaret Robertson, born 5th April 1911 ;
Mary Elizabeth, born 4th Aug. 1914 ; John
Seivwright, born lUh Dec. 1915.
[The church of Nigg was a mensal kirk
of the Bishop of Ross. In the parish there
were chapels at Culliss and Shandwick.
Also within the bounds were two holy
Wells, Tobar Chormaig and Tobar Eoin
Bhaiste, dedicated respectively to St Cormac
and St John the Baptist. Nigg Cross is
considered the best specimen of the ancient
sculptured stones of Scotland.]
FINLAY MANSON, son of Sir Alex-
jg^ ander M., a priest ; app. reader at
Nigg, Beltein, 1568 ; pres. to chap-
laincy of Tollie by James VI. 19th June
1569 ; became exhorter in Nov. that year ;
pres. to vicarage there by James VI. 31st
Dec. that year ; reader at Kincardine ;
adm. to Tain in 1574 ; trans, and adm. in
1578 ; died at Nigg 1612. He marr. a
daugh. of William Munro of Allan. — [Orig.
Paroch. Scot., ii. 454 ; Booke of the Kirk.}
WILLIAM RAPE [or POPE], brother of
1613 Charles P. of Meikle Reny ; educated
at Univ. of St Andrews; M.A. (1587) ;
app. schoolmaster of Dornoch in 1585 ; adm.
to Dornoch in 1588; was commissioner
for Sutherland from 1593-99; pres. by
James VI. to Chantory of Caithness
22nd Nov. 1599; app. by the General
Assembly constant Moderator of Presbytery ,-^
in 1606. In endeavouring to quell a riot . " \ ^^
with his two younger brothers iu Juub IQO'a(
he and Thomas P., min. of Rogart, were ^
badly wounded, while Charles P., sheriff-
clerk of Sutherland, was killed ; was a
member of Assembly in 1610; trans, and
adm. about 1613. He marr. Christian
Monypenny.— [P. C. Reg., viii., 189 ; Beg.
Mag. Sig. ix., 1967; Gordon's Hist, of
House of Sutherland, 256, 257.]
GEORGE CORBET, educated at Univ.
jQj^ of St Andrews ; M.A. (1610) ; adm.
in 1614; died in 1633.— [i?e(/. Mag.
Sig., vii., 1786.]
WILLIAM ROSS, trans, from Kin-
1633 c^rdine and inst. 13th April 1633;
trans, to Fearn in 1644.
WILLIAM HOSACK, min. about
1650 1650.
JAMES MACKENZIE, born about 1630,
jggg fourth son of John M. of Inverlaul,
Archdeacon of Ross and min. of
Killearnan ; adm. before 1653 ; died in
April 1701. He marr. about 1670, Jean,
daugh. of John Rose of Braidley, a cadet
of Kilravock, and is said to have had
twenty children — Kenneth in government
service ; Thomas, writer ; Alexander in
Captain Conyngham's regiment ; William,
lieutenant in army ; George of Beechhill,
chamberlain to the Earl of Cromartie ;
James, army chaplain in Flanders ; Henry,
lieutenant in Edinburgh Castle, and others.^
Among his descendants were Hugh Miller,li^
Cromarty, Henry Mackenzie, " The Man of
Feelin?," and Joshua Henry Mackenzie,
senator of the College of Justice. — [Geneal.
of the Mackenzies ; Family of Kilravock ;
Inverness Sas., v., 534 ; G. R. Sas., 2nd ser.,
XV., 406.]
GEORGE MUNRO of Culcraggie, second
son of William M. of Culcraggie and
Ellen, daugh. of David Ross, min. of
Logie-Easter ; licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh
in 1704; app. by Assembly that year to go
to Sutherland ; adm. here in 1706 ; declined
a presentation by John, Earl of Cromartie,
to Suddie 25th Oct. 1714; died at Edin-
burgh in 1728. He succeeded his father
in Culcraggie. He marr. (1) July 1706,
® 5o
..«^t L^
Catherine, daugh. of Alexander Burnet,
Tain, and had issue— William of Culcraggie,
merchant, Glasgow : (2) Katherine, daugh.
of Robert !Munro of Pittonachy, and had
issue — Anna (marr. John Ross, Tain);
Catherine (marr. 16th Sept. 1730, John
More, coal-viewer, Prestonpans). He is
represented in the male line by Sir Thomas
Munro of Lindertis, Bart. — [Fdin. Tests. ;
Hist, of the Munros, 364.]
JOHN BALFOUR, licen. by Presb. of
1'729 Caithness 2nd Nov. 1715 ; ord. to
Logie-Easter 27th Nov. 1716 ; called
30th Dec. 1728 ; trans, and adm. 26 th
March 1729. In 1739-41 a remarkable
revival took place under his ministry. He
was a singularly notable minister and was
known as Maighstir Balfour Mor. A
number of his sermons are extant in MS.
He died 6th Feb. 1752. He marr. 17th July
1714, Isabella Dow, who died 1st Feb. 1754,
and had issue— George, min. of Tarbat :
Christian; Jean; Elizabeth, born 17th
Jan. 1730 (marr. Hector Macphail, min.
of Resolis); John, bapt. 16th Nov. 1731.
Publication— 6'ermo?i (on Mai. iii., 16). He
left in MS. "A Treatise on the Scriptural
Authority for, and the advantage arising
from. Christian Conference." — [Macfarlane
on Revivals ; Gillies's Historical Collections,
453 ; Religious Life in Ross, 163.]
PATRICK GRANT, born Cromdale, about
j-gg 1715, son of James G. ; ord. to Duthil
3rd Dec. 1740 ; pres. by George II.
13th May 1752, but his settlement being
opposed he was inducted only after four
years' tedious litigation on 27th July 1756.
The parishioners seceded in a body and
joined the Antiburger denomination, a
congregation now represented by Nigg
United Free Church. He died 19th Jan.
1788. He marr. (1) 27th Dec. 1740, Isabella
(died 27th June 1745), daugh. of Andrew
Ker, min. of Rathven, and had issue-
Elizabeth, born 1st Jan. 1742 ; Andrew,
born 27th Feb. 1743, died 27th Aug. 1762 ;
John, born 27th June 1744: (2) 3rd April
1753, Ann (born 14th March 1729, died
29th Dec. 1771), daugh. of George Grant,
min. of Kirkmichael, and had issue —
James, born 19th April 1756; Jean, born
14th March 1758 ; Anne, born 9th Aug.
1759; Isobel, born 10th April 1762 (marr.
William Keith, min. of Golspie) ; Sophia,
born 3rd Nov. 1763 (marr. 15th Dec. 1780,
John Forsyth of Deanhaugh, merchant,
Elgin) ; William, lieut. H.E.I.C.S.. Madras,
born 2l3t March 1765 ; Lewis, born 19th
March 1766 ; Patrick, born 19th Oct. 1767,
died 19th Feb. 1768 ; Margaret, born 10th
Feb. 1769, died 30th April 1784; Grizel,
born 17th Oct. 1771, died Aug. 1830 ; a
daugh. (marr. 12th Jan. 1784, William
Forsyth, merchant, Cromarty). Publica-
tion—^ Pastoral Apology for a Flock in
Ross-shire (1757).
-.tjoo son of William M., farmer, Auldearn ;
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen ; M.A. (30th March 1769) ; became
schoolmaster of Cromarty ; licen. by Presb.
of Chanonry 4th May 1779 ; supplied the
Little Kirk, Elgin ; app. to Gaelic Chapel,
Cromarty, 25th Sept. 1782 ; pres. by George
III. 13th Feb., trans, and adm. 23rd Oct.
1788; died 8th June 1817. He was a
learned theologian. He marr. Isobel (died
16th Aug. 1802), daugh. of John Macleod,
merchant, Cromarty, and had issue —
Elizabeth, born 5th Dec. 1784 ; Margaret,
born 30th June 1786, died 5th Sept. 1811 ;
William, H.M. Attorney, Tobago. Publica-
tion—Account of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat.
Ace, xiii.). — [Tombst.]
LEWIS ROSE, pres. by George, Prince
1818 E'Sgent, 4th July, and adm. 24th Sept.
1818 ; trans, to Gaelic Chapel, Duke
Street, Glasgow, 21st Jan. 1836.
JOHN MACALISTER, born Kilpatrick,
Arran, 1789, fourth son of Donald
M., farmer, and Isabella M'Kinnon ;
educated at Kilmarnock and Univ. of
Glasgow ; licen. by Presb. of Glasgow in
1824 ; assistant at Anderston ; ord. to
Glenlyon 9th Sept. 1824 ; trans, to Gaelic
Church, Edinburgh, 1st Dec. 1831 ; pres.
by William IV. 3rd Feb., trans, and adm.
20th April 1837. Joined the Free Church
in 1843 ; min. of Free Church, Nigg, 1843-4 ;
adm. to Free Church, Brodick, 29th May
1844 ; died at Glasgow from the effects of
a gig accident at Inveraray, 17th Dec. that
year, and was buried at Shiskine. He marr.
9th Dec. 1829, Margaret (died 2nd July 1873),
eldest daugh. of John Cuthbertson of Over
Carswell, Neilston, merchant in Glasgow,
and had issue — John Cuthbertson, born
17th Aug. 1830; Donald Mackinnon, min.
of Buccleuch Free Church, Edinburgh, born
28th Aug. 1832, died 23rd Sept. 1909.
Publication — Gaelic a^id English Sermons,
tvith Memoir (portrait) (Inverness, 1896). —
[Disruption Worthies, 169.]
DAVID FEASER, born Moulin, 25th
1844 ^®P*'- 1794, son of Peter F., carpenter,
and Elizabeth Munro ; educated at
King's College, Aberdeen; M.A. (31st
March 1815); licen. by Presb. of Nairn
17th July 1820 ; ord. to Rothesay Chapel
16th Oct. 1821 ; trans, to Dores 25th Sept.
1823; pres. by Queen Victoria 10th Jan.,
trans, and adm. 29th March 1844 ; died
8th June 1865. He marr. 17th Aug. 1824,
Katherine (died 25th March 1863), third
daugh. of James Stormonth, min. of Airlie,
and had issue— Isabella Wedderburn, born
6th Jan. 1828 ; John of Parkburn, Kilsyth,
M.D., born 7th April 1831 ; Peter James,
Glasgow, born 17th Oct. 1833, died 22nd
Aug. 1892 ; David, died March 1843.
JOHN FRASER, born Kiltarlity ; edu-
- -g cated at King's College, Aberdeen,
1840-4 ; became schoolmaster of
Kiltarlity ; pres. by Queen Victoria 19th
June, and ord. 19th Oct. 1865; died 10th
Dec. 1900. He marr. 19th April 1866,
Anne Mackay (died 6th Nov. 1909), and
had issue — Simona Annie, born 15th May
1867 ; Barbara Alice, born 23rd Aug. 1868
(marr. John Ross, tacksman of Pitcalnie).
1901 C!ross, Lewis, 28th Dec. 1871, son of
Donald M., min. of Knock ; educated
at Garnethill School and Univ. of Glasgow ;
licen. by Presb. of Lewis in 1899 ; assistant
at Acharacle and Newtonmore ; ord. 4th
April 1 901. Marr. 24th Oct. 1912, Gertrude,
daugh. of Jabez Garsed, Elland, Yorkshire,
and Mary Alice Noble, and has issue —
Mary Flora Macdonald, born 3rd Sept.
1913; Eileen Gertrude, born 14th April
1917 ; Catherine Yvonne (twin), born 14th
April 1917.
[The church was dedicated to St Ninian
and was a prebend in the Chapter of
Fortrose Cathedral.]
JAMES HERING, pres. to the parsonage
1572 and vicarage, but not settled.
WILLIAM ROSS, son of Thomas R.
1572 °^ Logie.; was exhorter at Logie-
Easter and Kilmuir in 1567 ; pres. to
the parsonage and vicarage by James VI.
14th March 1572. In 1574 Newynkill, Kin-
cardine, Kilmuir-Easter, and Logie-Easter
were also in the charge; died Nov. 1592.
He marr. Margaret Munro, and had issue —
Alexander of Logie ; Elizabeth (marr. John
Munro of k\^\Q).—{Orig. Paroch. Scot., ii.,
469 ; Scot. Antiquary, iv., 172.]
JOHN FRASER, eldest brother of
1595 Willi^"^ F., min. of Kiltarlity ; min.
in 1595 ; died in 1606. He marr.
Catherine Finlayson.— [ TFarc^/aic MS., 120 ;
M'Gill's Old Church Times, 32.]
DAVID MUNRO, son of John M. of
Coul and Katherine, daugh. of John
Vass of Lochslinn ; pres. by James
VI., 7th Feb. 1607 ; died in \QU.—iHist.
of the Munros, 347.]
ROBERT MUNRO, son of Hector M.
of Milntown ; min. in 1609, still in
the charge in 1655. He marr., and
had issue— Hector ; Robert.— [CAar^er of
John, Bishop of Boss, at Killearnan ; Orig.
Charter Antiq. Museum ; P. C. Peg., viii.,
Murdoch M. of Kildun ; adm. before
9th Aug. 1665 ; died 14th March 1714.
He marr. 1665, Elspet, daugh. of Hugh
Eraser of Belladrum, and had issue-
John ; Colin, farmer, Achintoul, Rosskeen.
—[Geneal.ofthe Mackenzies ; Liverness Sas.,
iv., 359.]
Beutanach Beag, born 1679, eldest
son of Kenneth B. of Skeabost;
educated at Grammar School and Mariscbal
College, Aberdeen, 1703-7 ; licen. by Presb.
of Aberdeen 1711 ; ord. to Ardersier 24th
Sept. 1713 : called by the Presb. jure devoluto
24th Jan., trans, and adm. 25th April 1717 ;
found dead in his bed at Newmore while on
a visit 15th March 1754. He succeeded in
putting an end to shinty playing on Sunday
by making the leader of the shinty players
an elder. In 1742 and 1743 a remarkable
revival of religion occurred in the parish.
He marr. (1) Grizell (died 28th Nov. 1732),
daugh. of James Russell, chamberlain to
the Earl of INIoray, and had issue —
Isobel (marr. Adam Rose, min. of
Dingwall) ; Anne (marr. Thomas Whyte,
min. of Liberton) ; Janet (marr. (1) John
Bethune, min. of this parish : (2) David
Denoon, min. of Killearnan) ; Margaret ;
James; Peter; James; William; Eliza-
beth ; Kenneth, which last seven all died
before 1732 : (2) 11th May 1735 Katherine
(died 13th Dec. 1757), daugh. of James
Wilson, merchant, Edinburgh, and widow
of Walter Ross, min. of Kilmuir-Easter. —
[Geneal. of the Bethunes, 21 ; Tomhst.']
JOHN BETHUNE, born 1725, son of
i'754 Farquhar B., min. of Croy, and
nephew of preceding ; educated at
Marischal College, Aberdeen, 1738 - 42,
and Univs. of St Andrews and Edin-
burgh ; became tutor in the family of
Carruthers of Holmains, Dumfriesshire; licen.
by Presb. of Lochmaben 6th March 1750 ;
called 18th Sept., and ord. 2nd Oct. 1754 ;
D.D., F.R.S.; died 15th April 1774. He
marr. 16th Dec. 1755, his cousin Janet,
daugh. of Daniel Bethune, min. of this
parish, and had issue— Grizell ; Margaret ;
Mary, who all predeceased their father.
Publications — A Short View of the Human
Faculties and J'assions (1766, 2nd ed. 1771) ;
Essays and Dissertations on various Subjects
relating to Human Life and Happiness, 2
vols. (London, 1771) ; Discourses and Poems.
— [Geneal. of the Dethtmes, 17 ; Tombst.]
JOHN CALDER, born 25th Nov. 1743,
eldest son of James C, min. of Croy ;
educated at King's College, Aberdeen;
M.A. (2nd April 17G4); licen. by Presb. of
Ellon 23rd Feb. 1757; ord. to Weem 26th
June 1770 ; pres. by George ITT. Oct. 1774 ;
trans, and adm. 21st Sept. 1775 ; died on
Sunday morning, 1st June 1783. He marr.
8th May 1773, Marjory (died 18th Dec.
1835), daugh. of William Shaw of Craig-
field, Culblair, and had issue— James, born
3rd March 1774, died at Nassau, New
Providence, 27th Feb. 1818 ; William, born
12th May 1777 ; Mary, born 9th Feb. 1781 ;
John, born 27th June 1183.— {Diari/ of
Lady Glenorcliy.l
THOMAS URQUHART,born 16th Dec.
1752, second son of Thomas U. of Kin-
beachie, Resolis, and Isobel Macleod ;
educated at King's College, Aberdeen ;
M.A. (Feb. 1775); ord. by Presb. of Tain
missionary at Kincardine andi Creich 3rd
May 1780 ; pres. by George III. 13th June
1783 ; adm. 1st Sept. 1784 ; died 16th May
1812. His settlement was much opposed
but he proved himself a faithful and
zealous minister. He marr. 3rd Nov. 1777,
Johanna (died 17th Jan. 1837, aged 78),
daugh. of John Clunes, tacksman of Crakaig,
and had issue— Thomas, born 7th July 1781 ;
Isabella Macleod, born 23rd I Aug. 1782
(marr. John M'Innes of Auchenfroe) ; John
Clunes, went to Dominique, born 17th Jan.
1784, died 1st Sept. 1799 ; Crawford, born
31st March 1785, died 20th March 1786;
Crawford, born 4th Aug. 1786, died 20th
March 1787 ; Gordon, lieut. 96th Regiment,
born 23rd Feb. 1788, died at St Croix,
West Indies, 5th Sept. 1808; Donald, born
16th March 1789 ; Colin, born 19th March
1793 ; James, went to Grenada, born 18th
Aug. 1794, died 8th April 1823 ; Alexander,
min. of Newburn, born 28th May 1797 ; Janet
(marr. (1) 2nd April 1812, John Maclean of
Carriacou) : (2) Captain Field. Publication
— Account of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat.
Ace, xiv.).
JOHN ROSS, born 1750, son of Alex-
ander R., burgess of Tain, and Helen
Ross ; licen. by Presb. of North Isles
28th Oct. 1772 ; ord. (assistant) at Lady ;
app. missionary at Kincardine and Creich
in 1776; adm. to Logie-Easter 22nd Sept.
1779 ; pres. by the Hon. Mrs Maria Hay
Mackenzie of Cromartie Aug. 1812 ; trans,
and adm. 16th June 1813; died 8th Feb.
1824. He marr. Margaret, daugh. of William
Smith, tacksman of Brugh, Westray, and
had issue— Sibilla, born 9th Jan, 1771, died
30th July 1808 ; Alexander, born 11th
May 1772; Helen, born 31st May 1775;
Katherine, born 27th April 1777, died 14th
April 1795 ; Elizabeth, born 25th April
1779; David, lieut. Koyal Marines, born
27th Dec. 1780, died in London, 14th Oct.
1809; Marjory, born 11th Oct. 1782, died
in Gibraltar, 1813; John, captain Grenadier
Company Portuguese Infantry, born 23rd
July 1784, killed on Heights of Mayo, 31st
Aug. 1830; Margaret, born 26th Jan.
1787. Publication— Account of the Parish
(Sinclair's Stat. Ace, iv.).
DAVID GARMENT, born Keiss, 28th
Sept. 1772, son of James C, school-
master (a native of Irongray, vphere
his father was baptised in the hills by
John Welsh, the Covenanter) ; educated at
Canisbay School and King's College, Aber-
deen ; M.A. (1745) f^ became tutor in the
j family of George Monro, min. of South
I Uist, 1792; was schoolmaster of Strath,
Skye, 1795-9 ; licen. by Presb. of Skye 4th
April 1799 ; became tutor in the family of
Macdonald, tacksman of Scalpa ; assistant
at Croy, 1803-10; ord. by Presb. of Nairn
27th Feb., and adm. to Gaelic Chapel,
Duke Street, Glasgow, 25th April 1810;
pres. by the Hon. Maria Hay Mackenzie
of Cromartie 11th Dec. 1821 ; trans, and
adm. (assistant and successor) 14th March
1822. Joined the Free Church in 1843;
min. of Free Church, Rosskeen, 1843-56 ;
died 26th May 1856. He was a ready,
frequent, and humorous speaker in Church
courts — a man of large bodily presence
and of almost herculean strength. He
marr. 30th May 1815, Margaret (died 24th
Oct. 1874), daugh. of James Stormonth of
Kinclune, min. of Airlie, and had issue —
James, min. of Comrie, born 23rd March
1816 ; John, LL.D., S.S.C, Edinburgh, born
5th Aug. 1817, died 10th Dec. 1901 ; David,
born 19th March 1819, died 12th June
1839; Isabella, born 28th Jan. 1821, died
9th March 1835; Elizabeth, born 21st
Sept. 1823, died 21st Dec. 1873; Samuel,
born 10th Aug. 1825, died 8th Feb. 1834;
Malcolm, born 22nd Dec. 1827, died 29th
Sept. 1842 ; Margaret, born 25th May 1830,
died 13th April 1834; Joseph, born 23rd
Jan. 1832 ; Jane, .born 27th July 1834.
Publications — The Fiery Cross (Edinburgh,
1842); Moderatism and Evangelicism, Con-
trasted ; Sermon CV. {Free Church Pulpit) ;
Account of the Parish {New Stat. Ace,
x\-v.). — [The Wedderhurn Booh, i., 324;
Disruption Worthies in the Highlands
(portrait) 31-6.]
JOHN MACKENZIE, educated at
King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A.
^^*^ (March 1822); licen. by Presb. of
Dingwall 27th Aug. 1828; ord. to the
Gaelic Chapel, Cromarty, 25th Dec. 1833 ;
pres. by John Hay Mackenzie of Cromartie ;
adm. 19th Sept. 1843 ; died 25th Feb. 1845.
JOHN ROSE, born 1815, son of Hugh
R., farmer, and Jane Macnishie ;
^ pres. by John Hay Mackenzie of
Cromartie ; ord. 26th Dec. 1845 ; died 9th
July 1869. He marr. 29th April 1864,
Margaret Janet (died 30th Dec. 1886),
daugh. of Alexander Maclean, D.D., min. of
Kiltearn, and had issue — Janet, born 27th
May 1865 ; Margaret Cassilis, born 7th
Nov. 1866 ; Mary Mackenzie, born 27th
Jan. 1868 ; Christina, born 10th April
dale, 25th Jan. 1838, son of Donald
M. and Margaret Grant; educated
at Cromdale Grammar School and Univ.
of Aberdeen; M.A. (1861), B.D. (1870);
licen. in 1867 ; ord. to Eddrachillis 15th
Jan. 1868 ; trans, and adm. 9th Aug. 1870 ;
died 8th Oct. 1919. He marr. 1st Oct.
1878, Catherine, daugh. of William Rae of
Gateslack and Catherine Kinnear, and had
issue— William Rae, C.A., Edinburgh, born
11th Sept. 1880; Margaret Grant, born 17th
May 1882; Katherine Kinnear, born 22nd
April 1883 ; Margaret Grant, born 13th June
1884 (marr. John Robertson, bank-agent,
Invergordon); George, M.B., Ch.B., London,
captain R.A.M.C, born 14th Dec. 1885;
Mary Brown, born 15th Feb. 1888 ; Donald
James, farnier. New Zealand, trooper 9th
Squadron Wellington Mounted Rifles, born
25th July 1889.
^ ClK^ rAc^rch
DUGALD M'CALLUM, born Killean,
jg^g Kintyre, 15th Feb. 1875, son of
Donald M. and Janet Stewart ;
educated at Hutcheson's Grammar School
and Univ. of Glasgow ; ISI.A. (1904) ; liccn.
by Presb. of Lewis 2nd May 1906 ; assistant
at Beauly; ord. to Kilmuir-Easter 14th
May 1907 ; trans, to Campbeltown 13th
Feb. 1914 ; trans, and adm. (assistant and
successor) 1st March 1918. Marr. 19th
Aug. 1914, Mary Gillies, daugh. of Captain
Archibald Baxter and Catherine Cameron,
and has issue— Catriona Cameron, born 4th
Oct. 1915; Aenea Janet, born 15th June
[These two parishes were united before
the end of the sixteenth century.
Tain. — The church of Tain, which has
been well restored, and is kept with worthy
care, was dedicated to St Duthac. In it
the Saint's relics were kept, and thither
many pilgrims came to see them. Hence
comes the Gaelic name of the place, Baile
Dhudich (Duthac's town). A collegiate
foundation was given to this parish, on
12th September 1487, by Thomas, Bishop
of Ross. In the Cathedral Chapter at
Fortrose there was a prebend of Tain, held
by the sub-chantor of the Cathedral. Tain
was a highly privileged sanctuary, and to
it many refugees fled. Thus, when an
English army laid siege to Kildrummy
Castle, Queen Isobel, the wife of Robert I.,
eluded the English forces, and came, with
her young daughter Marjorie, to Tain.
The sacred place, however, failed to save
them. They were taken from the sanctuary
by William, Earl of Ross, and were sent
prisoners to England. Many visitors also
were drawn to Tain by the fame of St
Duthac's relics. To see them, James IV.
made repeated pilgrimages. His last visit
was in 1513, when he was about to set
forth on his fatal invasion of England.
In 1527 James V. too came as a pilgrim
to Tain, At Tarlogie, in this parish, there
was a chapel of St Talorgan. Fairs were
held at Tain at Midsummer, Lammas, and
Michaelmas, as well as on the feasts of
St Duthac, St Berchan, and St Cormac.
Near the church was a Well of Our Lady.
Morinnis.— In the Chapter of Fortrose
Cathedral there was a prebend of Morinnis.]
NICOLAS ROSS.provost of the collegiate
church, who voted in Parliament for
the abolition of Popery and the
adoption of the Protestant confession, was
probably the first Protestant min. of the
parish ; died 11th Sept. 1569. He purchased
the estate of Geanies from Balnagowan for
his three sons, for whom he obtained letters
of legitimation.— [Taylor's Tain, 80.]
THOMAS FERGUSON, reader from
1568 1568 to 1574.
FINLAY MANSON, reader at Kin-
.^-. cardine; promoted to Tain, with
Edderton, Nigg, and Tarbat in the
charge ; trans, to Nigg in 1578.
brough, parson of Assynt ; pres. to
the sub-deanery of Ross by James
VI. 8th Jan. 1577-8 ; dep. 2nd Oct. 1594 by
Synodical Assembly of Ross for plurality
of livings and adultery. He marr. Margaret
Gourlay.— [il/MTO?'0 of Allan Writs.l
JOHN ROSS of Little Tarrel ; trans,
from Kilmuir- Wester in 1580 ; was
a member of Assembly in 1581 ;
trans, to Logie-Easter in 1581.
WALTER ROSS, raised a process against
Alexander Ross of Balnagowan for
payment of stipend Dec. 1582. —
[Balnagowan WritsJ]
JAMES ROBERTSON, min. in 1586,
having Edderton also in charge,
was a member of Assembly 6th
Aug. 1588, and on the leet for Moderator ;
in that year he was commissioner of the
Kirks of Ross ; died in 1597, when the
stipend for that year was assigned to his
wife and h?i\xx\s..— \_Excheq. Book.]
JOHN MUNRO, born about 1569, third
son of Hugh M. of Assynt and
nephew of Robert Mor Munro, first
Protestant baron of Fowlis : educated at
Univ. of St Andrews; M.A, (1590); adm.
early in 1599 ; was a member of Assembly
in March that year. As sub-dean of Ross
he was one of nineteen ministers who
constituted a General Assembly at Aberdeen
in 1605, contrary to the King's wish, and
was on a leet of three for the Moderatorship.
When summoned before the Privy Council
he (with six others) maintained that the
said Assembly was a "very lawful" one.
He was accordingly sentenced to banish-
ment and was imprisoned within Doune
Castle, Perthshire, his ultimate destination
being a remote part of Kintyre. From
Doune he escaped with the connivance of
the constable of the Castle, and finding
his way back to his parish resumed his
ministry, his stipend, paid through the
Crown authorities, being withheld. A
Privy Council letter, 24th May 1610,
ordered the magistrates to "keep him
prisoner in some chalmer of your toune
quhil he purge himself of his rebellion."
What followed does not appear, no burgh
records of the period being extant. He
died shortly after 1st June 1630. He marr.
Helen, eighth daugh. of Andrew Monro of
Milntown, but had no issue.— [Taylor's
Tain, 69 ; Laing's Original Letters, i., 425 ;
Hist, of the Munros, 466.]
GILBERT MURRAY, educated at Univ.
1622 °^ ^* Andrews ; M.A. (28th July
1610); adm. before Sept. 1622; was
a member of the Glasgow Assembly in
1638 and that of 1639; died 29th Nov.
1644, aged about 54. He marr. and had
issue— a daugh. (marr. Alexander Munro of
Daan). — [Orig. Charters Antiq. Museum ;
Bannatyne MiscelL, iii. ; Feme MSS.]
JOHN DALLAS of Budzet; adm.
1649 ^®^°^® 4*^ J"^y IQ4:9, when he was a
member of Commission of Assembly;
trans, to Ardersier before 18th April 1665.
ANDREW ROSS, educated at Univ. of
jggg Glasgow ; M.A. (1654) ; deprived by
Act of Parliament, 11th June, and
Decreet of Privy Council, 1st Oct. 1662, for
refusing to conform, and attending Dio-
cesan Synod.— [Wodrow's Hist., i., 329.]
JAMES MACKENZIE, a native of
jggg Aberdeenshire ; educated at King's
College in 1660; adm. before 19th
Feb. 1665.
ROBERT ROSS of Ballon, son of David
jggg R., min. of Logie-Easter ; educated
at King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A.
(1652) ; adm. to Urquhart and Logie-Wester
in 1657 ; trans, and adm. before 18th April
1665 ; dep. by the Presb., 28th June 1699,
for refusing to acknowledge its authority,
etc. He marr. Barbara, daugh. of George
Munro, chancellor of Ross, and had issue-
Robert, writer, Edinburgh ; James ; Alex-
ander, merchant, Tain ; Jean (marr. Walter
Ross, town clerk and provost of Dornoch) ;
Hannah (marr. Andrew Munro of Lemlair
family).— [(?. B. Inhih., 9th March 1663.]
HUGH MUNRO, son of Andrew M. of
yjQ^ Teanaird ; educated at Univ. of St
Andrews ; M.A. (19th Nov. 1695) ;
ord. to Tarbat 27th April 1699 ; trans, and
adm. 27th Aug. 1701 ; died 16th May 1744,
aged about 69. He marr. (1) Jean, daugh.
of James Thomson, merchant, Inverness,
and had issue— Jean : (2) 19th April 1715,
Christina (died 1st Jan. 1770), daugh.
of John Ross of Achnacloich, sheriflf of
Ross, and had issue — Alexander ; Robert ;
Christina, marr. (pro. 9th June 1751),
James Tait, mason, Edinburgh ; Mary ;
John, born April 1721, died in infancy;
John, born 20th Sept. 1722 ; Anna, born
23rd Sept. 1723; Andrew, born 7th Dec.
1724 ; Hugh, born 8th July 1726 ; Margaret
(marr. Alexander Ross of Aldie, sheriflF-
clerk of Ross); Janet (marr. William Munro
of Teanaird) ; Duncan. His widow became
the first annuitant on the Ministers'
Widows' Y\ind.—\_Reg. of Deeds, Dal., 27th
Nov. 1728.]
DANIEL MUNRO, educated at Mari-
y-AQ schal College, Aberdeen ; licen. by
Presb. of Edinburgh 20th March
1734 ; ord. to Auldearn 23rd Sept. 1736 ;
called 12th Dec. 1744 ; trans, and adm.
13th June 1745 ; died 10th Nov. 1748. He
marr. 7th Nov. 1739, Margaret Spence, and
had issue — Anne, born 27th Aug. 1740;
Andrew, born 31st Jan. 1742; James, born
5th Dec. 1743 ; Katherine, born 4th May
1745 ; Robert, born 8th March 1747, died
2nd March 1748 : John, merchant, Glasgow,
born 17th Sept. 1748.
JOHN SUTHERLAND, son of Arthur
1752 ^•' "^^'^" ^^ Edderton ; ord. to Golspie
30th April 1731 ; called 22nd April,
trans, and adm. 29th July 1752 ; died 25th
Nov. 1769. He encouraged opposition to
the settlement of ministers who had not
the popular voice in their favour, and gave
ordinances to such as withdrew from their
regular pastors. For disobeying the in-
structions of the General Assembly in
reference to the settlement at Nigg, he and
four others were rebuked at the bar of the
Assembly, 27th May 1756. In the pulpit
he used considerable freedom of speech and
stories are still related of some of his sallies.
He marr. (1) 7th May 1734, Christina Ross
(died 26th Oct. 1752), and had issue-
Elizabeth, born 3rd Jan. 1735 (marr. John
Sutherland, min. of Dornoch) ; Margaret
Janet, born 14th May 1736 (marr. Hugh
MacCulloch, writer, Dornoch) ; William,
min. of Wick, born 27th Jan. 1738 ; David,
born 11th May 1742 ; John, born 21st April
1744, died 30th July 1745; Walter, born
1st Nov. 1746, died 12th Oct. 1755: (2)
26th Dec. 1755, Ann (died 14th March
1780), daugh. of Donald Ross, min. of
Fearn, and had issue— Sybilla, born 30th
Nov. 1756; Donald, born 3rd May 1758;
Janet, born 16th Feb. 1763 ; George, born
31st Jan. 1765 ; Simon, born 11th Jan., died
28th April 1767 ; Anne, born 26th July 1768.
HUGH ROSE, born Easter Ross, 1730 ;
1T70 educated at Univ. of St Andrews ;
M.A. (1750); schoolmaster at Inver-
gordon; licen. by Presb. of Tain 10th July
1754 ; ord. missionary at Fort William 15th
April 1767 ; removed to mission at Creich
and Kincardine May 1758 ; adm. to Creich
26th Sept. 1759 ; prcs. by Oorge III. in
Feb., trans, and adm. 27th June 1770;
died 23rd Sept. 1774. His people were
deeply attached to him for his general
character and pulpit gifts. He marr. 22nd
June 1758, Mary (died 17th Dec. 1793),
daugh. of David M'Culloch of Glastullich,
and had issue — George Mackay, born 24th
Aug. 1759 ; David, born 7th Dec. 1761 ;
James, writer and depute-clerk of Session,
Edinburgh, born 29th Dec. 1763, died
25th Jan. 1821 ; Roderick, born 13th Nov.
1766; Hugh (made a fortune in the
West Indies, purchased the estates of Cal-
rossie, Glastullich, Arabella, Tarlogie, Mor-
angie, and others in Easter Ross, succeeded
to the Cromarty estates on his marriage
with Miss Munro of Culcairn, and was
represented by Brig.-General Sir Walter
Charteris Ross of Cromarty), born 31st Oct.
1767; Christian Macleod, born 13th Oct.
1768, died 18th Nov. 1770 ; William Baillie,
afterwards of Rhynie, born 7th Oct. 1771.—
[ Weekly Mag., xxvi., etc. ; Tomhst.]
GEORGE DOUGLAS, born 1740, son
^^^^ of Robert D. of Balconie, Kiltearn ;
ord. to Second Charge, Kirkwall, 5th
April 1769 ; pres. by George III. in March,
trans, and adm. 6th Sept. 1775 ; died 3rd
Oct. 1794. He marr. 19th Feb. 1779, Anna-
bella Stewart (died 12th Oct. 1823), daugh.
of Joseph Munro, min. of Edderton, and had
issue — Barbara, born 6th May 1780; Janet,
born 13th Sept. 1781 ; Elizabeth, born 30th
Oct. 1782 (marr. 22nd July 1802, Joseph
Julian Labalmondiere) ; Annabella, born
5th Dec. 1783; Robert, born 26th April
1786, died 5th April 1826 ; Mary, born 16th
March 1789, died 9th May 1864 ; Joseph,
barrister, London, born 18th Jan. 1790,
died 1849. Publication — Account of the
Parish (Sinclair's ,Stat. Acc.,in.).—[7''omhst.]
,,__,- Strathdearn, 1763 ; educated at
Fortrose Academy and King's Col-
lege, Aberdeen ; M.A. (1784) ; became
tutor at Balnagowan and Scotsburn, and
schoolmaster at Alness ; licen. by Presb.
of Tain 23rd Sept. 1789; ord. to Gaelic
Chapel-of-Ease, Glasgow, 18th Oct. 1792 ;
pres. (after a dispute as to right of patronage
between the Crown and Mackenzie of
Cromartic) by both ; trans, and adm. 11th
May 1797 ; D.D. (King's College, Aberdeen,
19th April 1823); died 3rd Oct. 1831. He
was one of the originators and secretary to
the Northern Missionary Society. A man
of eminence in the Church in the North,
he was a powerful and eloquent preacher ;
his voice was like the sound of a silver
trumpet arresting the. attention and holding
spell-bound his immense audiences in the
church and in the open air. One of his
sermons continued for decades to be spoken of
as Bord na trocair (" The table of mercy '')•
He marr. 6th June 1800, Anne (died 23rd
Jan. 1857), daugh. of Charles Calder, min.
of Ferintosh (Urquhart), and had issue —
Margaret Isabella, born 8th March 1801,
died 2nd April 1810 ; James, born 1st
Sept. 1802, died in Calcutta 15th Aug.
1829; Elizabeth Baillie, born 12th July
1804 (marr. John Dallas) ; Charles Calder,
min. of this parish ; Alexander Brodie,
born 27th July 1809 ; Margaret Isabella,
born 6th Sept. 1811 (marr. Simon Fraser
M'Lauchlan, min. of Cawdor) ; Angus,
born 1st Feb. 1814 ; Jemima Calder, born
24th Jan. 1818; John, born 26th Feb.
1822. Publications — The Imj^ortance of
Christian Knowledge, a sermon (London
1815).— [Findlater's Memoir of Findlater.]
1828 ^°™ ^^^ ^^*" ^^^^' ^°" °^ preceding ;
educated at Tain Academy and Univ.
of Aberdeen ; licen. by Presb. of Tain 28th
Nov. 1827 ; pres. by the Hon. Mrs Hay
Mackenzie of Cromartie ; ord. (assistant
and successor) 19th June 1828. Joined
the Free Church in 1843 ; min. of Free
Church, Tain, 1843-54 ; D.D. (Union Col-
lege, Shenactady, Sept. 1850) ; min. of Free
Church, Dunoon, 1854-68; died at Pau,
France, 24th Nov. 1868. He marr. 8th
Sept. 1847, Anne (died 9th July 1899),
daugh. of Robert Brown, min. of Free
Church, Fairlie, Ayrshire, and had issue —
Anne, born 25th June 1848 ; Jane Brown,
born 18th May 1850 (marr. Miller,
Glasgow) ; Jemima Helen, born 13th Aug.
1852; Elizabeth Gordon, born 16th Oct.
1853 (marr. Dr Bannerman, Glasgow) ;
Eneas, min., born 13th Dec. 1855; Robert,
Congregational min. in Dumfriesshire, born
23rd May 1858; Alexandra, born 20th
March 1863 (marr. 1890, Robert Stephenson
Simpson, D.D., min. of Free High Church,
Edinburgh).— -[J/emo7-m^s of the Life and
Ministry by Rev. William Taylor, M.A.,
Stirling (Edinburgh 1870).]
LEWIS ROSE, born 10th Dec. 1791, son
1844 ^^ Alexander R., tacksman, Auld-
earn, and Janet M'Adam ; educated
at Nairn School and King's College, Aber-
deen ; M.A. (30th March 1810) ; became
schoolmaster of Pencaitland in 1812 ; licen.
by Presb. of Haddington 20th Dec. 1814;
ord. missionary at Kincardine and Creich
26th Feb. 1817; trans, to Nigg 24th Sept.
1818 ; trans, to Gaelic Chapel, Duke Street,
Glasgow, 21st Jan. 1835 ; trans, to Kin-
cardine 20th Sept. 1843; trans, and adm.
11th April 1844 ; died 6th Nov. 1876. He
marr. 15th May 1820, Katherine (died 29th
Jan. 1877), daugh. of William Simpson,
min. of Fearn, and had issue — William
Simpson, born 5th March 1821, died
abroad ; Alexander M'Adam, born 15th
June, died 17th Dec. 1822 ; Lewis, born
23rd June 1823, went to America; Hugh,
born 2nd Oct. 1824, died 19th Oct. 1825;
Katherine, born 3rd March 1826, died in
Inverness ; Mary, born 27th Oct. 1827,
died young ; David, min. of Ferryport-on-
Craig, born 5th Aug. 1829; Janetta, born
5th May 1831 (marr. 2nd Oct. 1856,
William Moffat, procurator fiscal, Dingwall),
died 10th Feb. 1885; Margaret Baillie,
born 18th July 1833 (marr. 31st July 1861,
Donald Archibald Macleod, C.E., Ding-
wall), died in Australia ; Baillie, born 6th
Sept. 1834, died 7th Jan. 1835 ; John, born
7th June 1836, died young; George Duff,
born 23rd June 1843. Publications— Two
Synodical Sermons (Glasgow, 1838, Edin-
burgh, 1845) ; A Humble Attempt to jmt an
End to the Present Divisions of the Church
of Scotland and to Promote her Usefidness
(Glasgow, 1840) ; Account of Nigg {New
Stat. Ace, xiv.).
j^g,-„ from Third Charge, Inverness, and
adm. 20th July 1877; trans, to St
Columba's, Glasgow, 5th Oct. 1882.
1883 Knocksapplebeg, Southend, Argyll,
14th Sept. 1838, son of Neil M.,
farmer, and Mary Macmillan ; educated at
Southend School, Campbeltown Grammar
School, and Univ. of Glasgow ; licen. by
Presb. of Kin tyre 26th Sept. 1867 ; assistant
at Lochgilphead and West St Giles's,
Edinburgh ; ord. to Killearn 16th March
1871 ; trans, and adm. 25th April 1883 ;
clerk of Presb. 1899-1915; died 6th
Dec. 1924. He marr. 11th Aug. 1886,
Mary, daugh. of William Robertson, ship-
owner, Stornoway, and Elizabeth Lindsay,
and had issue — Ethel Mary, born 3rd
June 1887 (marr. 31st March 1916, H.
M'Ewen Grant, captain R.G.A.) ; Clare,
born 9th March 1890 (marr. 30th Dec.
■ , Arnold Welby) ; Ian Alister, lieut.
R.N.R., born 2nd Jan. 1892 ; Blanche Jane,
born 3rd Nov. 1894 (marr. 14th May 1918,
Henry Mordaunt of Barings, London) ;
Colin, born 23rd June 1903. Publication—
Church Life in Ross and Sutherland,
1688-1914 (Inverness, 1915).
jggQ Edinburgh, 8th March 1887, son of
James T., C.E., and Jane Haswell
Smith ; educated at Daniel Stewart's
College and Univs. of Edinburgh, M.A.
(1909), B.D. (1915), and Oxford, B.A. (1912) ;
licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh Nov, 1915 ;
assistant at South Leith and Peebles ; ord.
25th March 1920; trans, to St Boswells,
11th June 1924; served as captain in the
Royal Scots in France and as interpreter
in Arabic in Palestine in European War;
app. to Chair of Systematic Theology, Aber-
deen, Jan. 1928. Marr. 4th July 1918, Chris-
tian Isabel, daugh. of Thomas Martin, D.D.,
min. of Peebles, and has issue— Hugh
Haldane, born 30th May 1920.
JOHN MACECHERN, born 28th Aug.
1924 ^^^'^' ^'^^ "^ Charles M., min. of
Third Charge, Inverness ; educated
at schools in Canada, High School, and
Raining's School, Inverness, and Univ. of
Edinburgh ; licen, by Presb. of Inverness
in 1892 ; assistant at Kilberry, Dalwhinnie,
Beauly, and Dingwall, locum tenens Kinloss
in 1897 ; ord. to Bower 11th May 1899 ;
trans, to Kinloss 12th Feb. 1908 ; trans, to
Moy and Dalarossie 26th March 1915 ;
trans, and adm. 18th Dec. 1924 ; chaplain
1st Vol. Batt. Cameron Highlanders ; Huts
Superintendent in France, Belgium, and
Germany in European War. Marr. 3rd
Dec, 1910, Margaret, fourth daugh. of
Gilbert Black, Tiretigan, Kilberry, and has
issue— Margaret Lorna, born 17th Oct. 1912 ;
Charles Gilbert, born 12th Jan. 1916,
Publication—" With the Scottish Churches'
Huts Overseas " {The Sword of the North,
113-125) (Inverness, 1923).
[The vicarage of Tarbat belonged to the
Abbey of Fearn. The parish church was
dedicated to St Colmog. Not far from it
were Wells of St Colmog and St Mary.
Near the church too is the harbour of
Portmahomack {Port Mo Cholmoig = St
Colmog's Haven). At AUtansallach stood
a chapel of St Bride. Other chapels and
shrines in this parish were dedicated to St
Colmog, St Kiaran, St Finn Barr, and St
John the Baptist.]
jg^2 at Beltein in 1572 [afterwards min.
of Kilmuir- Wester].
GEORGE MUNRO, trans, from Suddie,
jggQ with Fearn also in the charge in
1590; was chancellor of Ross in
1586. On 25th April 1593 he was ap-
pointed with others to visit the Presb. of
Moray ; trans, to Suddie about 1594.
JOHN MUNRO of Feme, son of Andrew
1593 ^^' ^^ Newmore, "of convenient age
to enter on the study of gramer,"
was pres. to chaplaincy of St Monan at
Balconie, Kiltearn,for seven years, by King
James VI. 30th July 1577, and also to
parsonage and vicarage of Tarbat, March
1593. He was several times a member of
Assembly and in that of 25th June 1595,
was appointed one of four "because of their
weakness to proceed with the Presb. of
Inverness." In 1602 he had a conversion
of his stipend ratified. In July 1624 the
Privy Council wrote to Patrick, Bishop of
Ross, requesting him to admonish M. " for
his contemptuous rebellion and disobedi-
ence and failing his purging himself of the
scandal he has given to the Church, to sus-
pend him from the ministry," He died
18th March 1626. He marr. Isabel, daugh,
of Lachlan Mor Mackintosh of that ilk,
widow of George Ross of Balnagowan,
and had issue — Christian (marr. Malcolm
Mackintosh of BT'm).—[Eeg. 3fag. Sig., vi.
1115, viii. 613 et. seq. ; Fer^ie MSS. Test.
Reg.; Machintoshes and Clan Chattan, 191.]
1627 DAVID MUNRO, adm. before 1627.
THOMAS MACKENZIE, adm. in 1633 ;
1633 ^^^ ^ member of the Court of High
Commission 21st Oct. 1634. His
parishioners having opposed his setting
up of the Liturgy, he deserted his charge in
1635 and went to Ireland. He was adm.
to Killearnan in 1638.
1638 ■^■' ^'^^ °^ Rorie Mor M. of Achiltie ;
educated at King's College, Aber-
U^l/ deen ; M.AJ; adm. to Kilmorack about
• 1624 ; transw;o Killearnan in 1633 ; trans.
and adm. before 21st Nov. 1638 ; was
a member of Assembly that year; died
29th Sept. 1642. He marr. a daugh. of
Murdoch Mackenzie of Redcastle, and had
issue — Alexander, died in Skye, Oct. 1669 ;
John, min. of Fodderty; Margaret (marr.
I Peter, son of John Grant of Corrimony),
died Feb. 1664 ; Mary (marr. John, son of
Hector Munro, min. of Edderton).— [i/rst
of the Mackeiizies, 537 ; Feme MSS. ;
Douglas's Baronage ; Tombst.}
JOHN MACKENZIE, trans, from
Suddie and adm. in 1645. He
declared before the Presb., June
1646, that he would not intimate to his
congregation the declaration made by the
Commission of Assembly, Dec. 1645, against
the Remonstrance, unless the Assembly
ordered him, the said declaration being
against his Chief, George, Earl of Seaforth.
He was dep. between 1st Dec. 1649 and
19th Feb. 1650 for immoral conduct,
but was reponed in 1660 ; was awarded
£166, 3s. 4d. as damages, and became min.
of Fodderty.
ANDREW ROSS, son of Alexander R.
1652 °^ Pitkerrie ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen; M.A. (1647);
adm. Oct. 1652 ; died in 1692, aged about
65. He marr. Elizabeth Bruce, widow of
Gilbert Anderson, min. of Cromarty, and
had issue — Alexander ; Benjamin, third of
Pitkerrie. — [Scot. Antiquary, iv., 104.]
JOHN MACKENZIE, formerly of Inver-
jggg chaolain ; was summoned before the
Presb. of Ross 26th Sept. 1695 to
answer for his intrusion to the vacant parish
of Tarbat, and not appearing, was enjoined
not to preach any more in the church there.
He became min. of Kingussie.
HUGH MUNRO, M.A. ; ord. 27th April
1699 1699 ; trans, to Tain 27th Aug. 1701.
DAVID ROSS, born 1673, son of George
j^,_Q^ R., min. of Kincardine ; educated at
Univ. of St Andrews ; M.A. (22nd
July 1693) ; became schoolmaster of Tain ;
ord. 25th Sept. 1707; died 18th Oct. 1748.
He marr. Margaret (died 11th Jan. 1730),
daugh. of Alexander Ross of Pitkerrie.—
GEORGE BALFOUR, born 1724, son of
j^gQ John B., min. of Nigg ; educated at
Marischal College, Aberdeen ; was
apprenticed to William Tod, merchant,
Edinburgh, May 1741 ; licen. by Presb. of
Tain 1st Aug. 1749; called 18th Jan., and
ord. 16th Sept. 1750 ; died 18th Oct. 1798.
He marr. 20th June 1770, Barbara (died
21st March 1806), daugh. of William Rose,
min. of Loth, and had issue — Chalmers,
born 12th Jan. 1772; Isobel, born 25th
July 1773, died 4th Nov. 1822 ; John, born
1st Oct. 1775 ; Jean, born 3rd Aug. 1777
(marr. the Rev. John Mackechnie, Glasgow) ;
Katherine, born 8th April 1779 (marr.
George Mackenzie Ross of Aldie). Pub-
lication— Account of the Parish (Sinclair's
Stat. Ace, vi.).
WILLIAM FORBES, born Avoch, 1767,
son of William F., factor for Sir
Roderick Mackenzie, Bart., of Scat-
well ; educated at Fortrose Academy and
Univs. of Edinburgh and Aberdeen ; be-
came tutor in the family of Rose of Kil-
ravock ; licen. by Presb. of Nairn 29th
Aug. 1791 ; assistant at Croy and Strachur ;
ord. to Gaelic Chapel, Aberdeen, 5th Nov.
1798 ; pres. by Mrs Henrietta Gordon of
Newhall (on a unanimous petition by the
congregation) ; adm. 24th April 1800 ; died
12th May 1838. He marr. 26th Nov. 1813,
Jane (died at Edinburgh 29th Dec. 1852),
daugh. of Alexander Sage, min. of Kildonan,
and had issue — William, born 14th Feb.
1815, died while a student at King's
College, Aberdeen; Alexander, born 1816,
died while a student at King's College,
Aberdeen; Isabella, born 4th May 1818;
Jane, born 16th Aug. 1820; Margaret
Macleod, born 30th July 1823; Elizabeth
Rose, born 30th Oct. 1824.
DAVID CAMPBELL, born Glenlyon,
1799, son of Duncan C, farmer, and
Ellen Campbell ; educated at Univ.
of Edinburgh ; ord. to Glenlyon 24th July
1832; trans, to East Church, Inverness,
17th Nov. 1836; pres. by Queen Victoria
29th May, trans, and adm. 20th Sept. 1838.
There was a revival in the parish in 1840.
Joined the Free Church in 1843 ; min. of
Free Church at Tarbat 1843-55, of the
Free Church at Lawers 1855-77; died
25th Jan. 1877. He marr. 20th Nov. 1833,
Margaret, daugh. of D. Macbean, Kilmalie.
GEORGE CAMPBELL, born 1815, son
of James C, farmer ; ord. to Cawdor
21st Dec. 1843 ; trans, and adm.
1st May 1845 ; dem. 23rd Dec. 1884 ; died
at Perth 5th Dec. 1888. He marr. 18th
Dec. 1843, Isabella Clark, Leuchars, Fife,
who died 1st Jan. 1891, and had issue
—Isabella, born 27th Aug. 1845 (marr. P.
M. Campbell, brewer, Greenock), died at
Moffat, June 1880 ; Georgina Murray, born
1st Sept. 1851 ; Margaret, born 4th June
1855 (marr. Alexander Patrick Munro of
Rockfield) ; James, born 21st Aug. 1856 ;
William, born 1st May 1859.
DONALD MACLEOD, born Cromore,
Lewis, 9th Oct. 1855 ; son of Murdo
M., and Annabella Smith ; educated
at Cromore School and Glasgow Normal
College and Univ. of Glasgow; licen.
by Presb. of Kintyre in 1884 ; assistant
at Greenock ; ord. to Gaelic Chapel,
Cromarty, 30th April 1885 ; trans, and
adm. (assistant and successor) 19th May
1885. Marr. 23rd July 1885, Kate, daugh.
of John Rodger and Jean Isles, and has
issue — Murdo Smith, born 30th May
1886, died 6th April 1890 ; Jean Annabella,
born 17th Feb. 1888; Katherine Mary,
born 13th Jan. 1890 (marr. 22nd April
1916, Archibald Kenneth Maclean, lieut.
South African Rifles, Windhoek, South
Africa) ; Donald Stanley (twin) lieut. R.N.,
born 13th Jan. 1890; Murdo, oflScer,
mercantile marine, born 24th Feb. 1891,
wounded at Gallipoli ; Lizzie, born 19th
Feb. 1893; Hector Ian, South African
Scottish, born 16th Jan. 1895, killed in
action at Butte de Warlencourt, Oct. 1916 ;
Isabella, born 10th Nov. 1896; Barabel,
born 9th July 1898, died 7th Nov. 1923;
Norman, student in medicine, born 10th
Jan. 1900, wounded in France, May 1918 ;
Margaret (twin), born 10th Jan. 1900 ;
Roderick Galium, engineer, born 30th
Aug. 1902.
trans, from Kirkraaiden (q.v.) and
adm. (assistant and successor) 11th
Nov. 1920 ; trans, to Cowdenbeath 24th
March 1927. He has issue (cf. Vol. II.,
342) — Marion Baton Inglis, born 5th May
1916 ; Agnes Bethia, born 14th July
MURDO MACLEOD, trans, (assistant
„ and .successor) from Uig (q.v.) 20th
^^ July 1927.
This Court was not fully organised till towards the middle of the seventeenth
century. On 15th June 1646 the General Assembly annexed the Presbytery
of Orkney and Shetland to this Synod. In 1725 the parishes of Orkney
were incorporated as a separate Synod. Those of Shetland had been severed
from Sutherland and Caithness in 1715. After that date they were several
times transferred from one jurisdiction to another. It was only in 1830
that the Synod of Shetland was erected. The Eegister of the Synod of
Sutherland and Caithness begins at 6th August 1656. This Court now
holds its meetings at Wick.
[As early as 1581 the General Assembly had in view the erection of a local Church
Court at Dornoch. We do not, however, come upon any mention of the actual existence
of this Presbytery until 21st November 1638. From 1690 to 1726 the Presbytery of
Dornoch was under the jurisdiction of the Synod of Ross. On 11th May 1726 this
Presbytery was again assigned to the Synod of Sutherland and Caithness. The
Presbytery Register begins in 1707, There is a blank between 16th April 1719 and
28th Aug. 1732.]
[In the Cathedral of Dornoch there was
a prebend of Assynt. When the Presb.
of Tongue was founded, 11th May 1726,
this parish was taken from the Presb. of
Dornoch and annexed to the new Court
at Tongue. On 19th May 1736 the parish
of Assynt was disjoined from the Presb.
of Tongue and placed again under the
jurisdiction of the Presb. of Dornoch.
The old church stood at Inchnadamph,
east end of Loch Assynt.]
WILLIAM GRAY, removed from Rogart
jg^g in 1576, having that parish, Lairg
and Kilmalie also in his charge ;
still min. in 1589.— [Or/gr. Paroch. Scot.,
ii., 693.]
ALEXANDER ROSS, mentioned as
1599 min. in 1599.
jgjg Angus M. ; had his stipend assigned
by the commissioners 5th June 1618 ;
trans, to Alvie after 1627.
JAMES THOMSON," min. of Lairg 6th
1638 "^^y ^^^'^ ' trans, to Iioth before
1635; trans, and adm. about 1638, in
which year he intromitted with the vacant
stipend ; petitioned the Synod, 22nd Oct.
1662, for extracts of his deposition by
Presb. of Sutherland.
JOHN GRAY, ord. 8th Oct. 1668 ; dep.
1668 ^^ *^® bishop and Synod before 7th
June 1676. — [Inverness Pres. Beg.]
ALEXANDER GRAY, a native of the
1682 district ; educated at Marischal Col-
lege, Aberdeen ; being an eminent
classical scholar and linguist, was selected
as tutor to John, Lord Strathnaver, and
made a tour of Europe with him ; adm.
^ AM^
(^JC^. /C/M— ^
before 13th July 1682. At a visitation of
the parish on 7th Aug. 1718, the Presb.
required him to give in his demission,
"seeing by reason of his age and indis-
position of body he is rendered incapable
to go about his duties." This he undertook
to do (chiefly at the solicitation of John
Mackay, min. of Lairg) at Martinmas that
year, provided the Prcsb. gave him security
for 300 merks payable Martinmas 1719.
When about to sign the agreement, he
was forcibly prevented by his wife and
children, who refused to allow him to do
so. The only duties he performed latterly
were solemnizing marriages and baptising
in bed. He died after 18th May 1727. He
marr. and had issue— Christian died aged
100 or upwards ; and others.— [Macrae's
Lairg, 22.]
WILLIAM SCOBIE, licen. by Presb. of
j^28 Strathbogie 22nd Feb. 1727; app.
missionary in the parish ; called by
Presb. of Dornoch jure devohito 7th Aug.,
and ord. 12th Sept. 1728 ; died 24th Nov.
1763. He marr. 3rd March 1731, Jane (died
19th Feb. 1762), fifth daugh. of John Mackay
of Kirtomy, and had issue — Kenneth of
Achimore, born 17th April 1732; John of
Melness, major Reay Fencibles, born 26th
Nov. 1733; James, min. of Wick, born
25th Sept. 1735 ; Elizabeth, born 13th Oct.
1738; Janet, born 23rd Nov. 1740; William,
born 1st May 1744, died 9th June 1745;
Katherine, born 2nd Aug., died 1st Nov.
1745 ; George, born 2nd May 1747, died
4th IMarch 1748.— [^oo^ of Mackay, 319.]
1765 ^^•^- (Marischal College, Aberdeen,
1755) ; was schoolmaster of Storno-
way ; licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh 13th
Aug. 1761, and preached his first sermon in
the pulpit of Hugh Blair, D.D. ; ord. to
Harris 13th Aug. 1762 ; pres. by William,
Earl of Sutherland, in May 1764; trans,
and adm. 13th Feb. 1765 ; died 27th Nov.
1816. He marr. 19th June 1765, Margaret
(died 29th May 1785), daugh. of Patrick
Grant, min. of Logie-Easter, and had issue
— Wilhelmina Maxwell, born 2nd Aug. 1766
(marr. 20th Jan 1788, Roderick Mackenzie,
tacksman of Ledmore, As.synt); Anna,
born 16th March 1768, died 15th May 1769 ;
John, born 8th June 1769, died 8th Sept.
1770; Patrick, born 8th Dec. 1771, died
8th May 1799 ; Robson, born 12th March
1773 ; John, born 4th June 1775, died 12th
June 1778 ; Alexander, born 10th Oct. 1778 ;
Jean Young (twin), born 10th Oct. 1778
(marr. 25th April 1812, John Campbell in
Balnoe, Creich) ; Elizabeth, born 11th Feb.
1782, died 27th April 1806; Colin, born
2nd July 1783, died 11th March 1805;
Joseph, born 9th May 1785. Publication —
Account of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace,
xvi.). — [Memorabilia Domestica, 52.]^
1813 ^^ George, Marquess, and Elizabeth,
Marchioness of Stafford, 28th April,
and adm. (assistant and successor) 24th
Aug. 1813. The people desired the appoint-
ment of John Kennedy [afterwards min. of
Killearnan], then assistant in the parish.
At M.'s settlement there was a riot and
assault for which three parishioners were
tried before the Circuit Court of Justiciary
at Inverness 17th Sept 1813, and sent to
prison for nine months ; trans, to Lairg
12th Aug. 1817.
HUGH MACKENZIE, M.A. ; pres. by
1817 Greorge, Marquess, and Elizabeth,
Marchioness of Stafi'ord, in Aug.,
trans, from Eriboll and adm. 24th Sept.
1817 ; trans, to Clyne 3rd Aug. 1825.
CHARLES GORDON, born 24th July
1825 ^'^^^' ^'^^ °^ George G., min. of
Loth ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen, 1815-19, and Univ. of Edinburgh;
licen. by Presb. of Dornoch 25th Nov. 1823 ;
pres. by George, Marquess, and Elizabeth,
Marchioness of Stafford ; ord. 22nd Sept.
1825. Joined the Free Church in 1843;
min. of Free Church, Assynt, 1843-73 ; died
26th Sept. 1873. He marr. 6th Sept. 1826,
Sarah (died 5th Sept. 1843), daugh. of David
Tyre, farmer, Newton, Edinkillie, and had
issue— George, born 23rd July 1827 ; David
Tyre, born 8th May 1829 ; John, born 2nd
Feb. 1831 ; Isabella Margaret, born 18th
Jan. 1834; Sarah Rose, born 11th April
1838 ; Hugh William, M.A., licentiate of
the Church of Scotland, ord. min. of Bolton
Presbyterian Church, Lancashire, 13th June
r^/U,(^^ i'/-^^ ^)
1872, born 6th Feb. 1843, died 6th July 1873.
Publication— Account of the Parish {Neiv
Stat. Ace, XV.).
DUNCAN STCLAIE, adm. 18th Jan.
1844 1844 ; trans, to Loth 14th March 1848.
DAVID WILLIAMSON, born 1799, son
of Robert W., farmer, and Lilias
Ross ; ord. to Kinlochluichart 21st
March 1844; trans, and adm. 12th Dec.
1848 ; dem. 16th. May 1888 ; died unmarr.
at Tain 24th Sept. that year.
ord. 3rd Jan. 1889 ; trans, to Fearn
5th Nov. 1895.
1896 f''^™ Glencoe, and adm. 16th April
1896 ; trans, to Tobermory 17th
March 1898.
JOHN RUGGAN, M.A. ; ord. 8th June
1898 ^^^^ ' *''"^^^' ^^ Logie-Colstone 7th
March 1902.
JOHN MACCALLUM, ord. 23rd July
2 1902; trans, to Kin tail 10th May
,g-„ trans, from the Free Church, Lairg,
and adm. 5th Sept. 1917; trans, to
Freuchie 4th April 1919.
1919 Stornoway 14th July 1897 ; trans,
to Glengarry 30th Sept. 1903 ; trans,
to Kilninian and Kilmore 6th July 1909 ;
trans, to Milton, Glasgow, 18th May 1914 ;
trans, and adm. 13th Aug. 1919.
[Clyne. — The church at Clyne was dedi-
cated to St Aloyne. A prebend of Clyne
in the Cathedral of Dornoch was held by
the Dean of Caithness. In this parish
there were at least four chapels : St
Columba's, at Killcholumkill on the east
side of Loch Brora ; St Machan's, at Kill-
machain near Doll ; St John the Evangelist's,
at Killiain ; and St Peter's at Kilpheadair.
At Inverbrora, near the church, various
fairs were held. They included trysts of
St Aloyne and St Peter, a Lady Day Fair
in December, a Lammas Fair, and one at
Michaelmas. There is a mission chapel in
this parish at Inverbrora.]
WILLIAM HEPBURN, dean of Caith-
-^^_ ness in 1557; died after 1562. —
[Orig. Paroch. Scot., ii., 617.]
GAVIN BORTHWICK, son of Michael
1566 ■^' °^ Glengelt, Channelkirk ; coll.
by the bishop to the deanery 1st
June 1566 ; res. about 1607. — [Orig. Paroch.
Scot., ii., 617 ; Craven's Diocese of Caith-
ness, 28.]
ANDREW ANDERSON, exhorter at
Loth in 1567, min. here in 1574, with
Loth and Kildonan also in his
charge ; returned to Loth in 1590.
JOHN GRAY, third son of Gilbert G. of
1608 Suardell and Christian, daugh. of
Robert Munro of Foulis ; pres. to
the deanery by James VI. 15th Jan. 1608 ;
trans, to Dornoch before 1614 ; min. again
about 1621.
JAMES GRAY, trans, from Creich in
1614 1614, but probably not settled.
JOHN GRAY, above noticed ; re-trans.
1621 ^^°^ Dornoch about 1621 ; died 21st
Jan. 1638. He marr. (1) Barbara,
daugh. of John Keith of Ludquharn, min.
of DuflFus, and had issue — Robert of
Auchinloynge, provost of Dornoch; Gilbert;
Christian (marr. Patrick Dunbar of Sidera) :
(2) Elizabeth, daugh. of Douglas of Spynie,
widow of Patrick Dunbar, min. of DuflFus.
— [Gordon's Hist, of Sutherland ; Inq. Ret.
Sutherland, 8 ; Orig. Paroch. Scot., ii., 617 ;
Reg. of Deeds, dxxx., 24th July 1641.]
WILLIAM GRAY, son of James G.,
jggg min. of Lairg; adm. before 21st
Nov. 1638; still min. in 1673. He
marr. (cont. 3rd April 1640) Catherine,
daugh. of Oliver Gordon of Drumoy, and
had issue — James. — \_Reg. of Deeds, dxli.,
44 ; Inverness Sas., iv., 200; Orig. Paroch.
Scot., ii., 622.]
JAMES GRAY, M.A. (St Andrews, 27th
1682 "^"'y 1667); adm. before 13th July
1682 ; dep. after 4th July 1688 for
charming and swearing. He marr. Christian
M'lvor, and had issue — Catherine, marr.
(cont. 9th May 1705) George, son to James
Hay, min. of Kildonan). — [(/. 7?. In/n'h.,
xxxix., 31st Jan. 1706.]
EYE MACKAY of Pettifine, eldest son
1697 °^ William M., min. of Rogart, passed
part of his trials before Presb. of
Moray ; licen. by Presb. of Ross 18th Nov.
1696 ; called in Feb., and ord. 18th Aug.
1697 ; dep. for adultery and incest 3rd
Sept. 1701. He marr. (cont. 6th July 1693,
Katherine, daugh. of Patrick Dunbar of
Ledderlay (? Sidera), and had issue — Hugh,
sergeant in Lord Balgonie's Company in
General Handyside's Regiment of Foot in
Flanders ; Patrick, served heir to his father
and grandfather 14th Jan. 1730; Helen
(marr. Captain' Patrick Mackay of Borley).
—{Edin. Test., 16th March 1747; Inverness
Sas., vi., 241.]
ROBERT THOMSON, called by the
^ Presb. ju7-e devoluto 10th, and ord.
24th Sept. 1713; trans, to Kirkhill
22nd April 1717.
.,_,g Francis R. in Balcony and Helen,
daugh. of Hugh Ross of Easter
Fearn ; educated at Univ. of St Andrews ;
M.A. (3rd May 1710) ; became schoolmaster
of Tain; licen. by Presb. of Dornoch 17th
Dec. 1718 ; pres. by the Presb. Jwre devoluto
20th Jan., and ord. 7th May 1719. Having
suflfered serious losses from fire and expenses
of law-suits, a contribution on his behalf
was recommended by the General Assembly,
23rd May 1737, to be made in all the
parishes of Scotland. He died 14th May
1763. He marr. Jan. 1723, Jane (died
14th May 1776), daugh. of Sutherland of
Gills, and had issue — Francis, died in
England June 1749; Gilbert, born 1727;
Charles, licentiate, died 15th June 1752;
James, born 26th July 1733, died 10th Jan.
1749 ; Margaret, born 15th March 1738 ;
Mary, born 17th April 1740 (marr. John
Thomson, min. of Durness); Janet, born
8th Aug. 1742 ; Jean, born 13th June 1744
(marr. Captain George Sutherland of Mid-
gartly) ; Henrietta, born 22nd Sept. 1748.
GEORGE GORDON, son of George G.,
1764 G''^i'*'^y) spent all his patrimony on
his education and at college; was
recommended by Presb. of Tongue, 30th
July 1759, to the Synod for supply ; licen.
by that Presb. 7th July 1763 ; pres. by
William, Earl of Sutherland, Nov. that
year; ord. 10th April 1764, died 2nd Sept.
1770. He marr. 18th May 1764, Eliza-
beth (died June 1784), daugh. of George
Graham of Drynie, and had issue — Anne,
born 24th May 1765, died 19th May 1768;
Robert, born 3rd April 1767 ; Anne, born
1st Feb. 1769.
HARRY ROBERTSON, M.A. ; pres. by
the tutors of Elizabeth, Countess of
Sutherland, Oct. 1770 ; ord. 8th May
1771 ; trans, to Kiltearn 9th May 1776.
WALTER ROSS, M.A. (Marischal
-„-^ College, Aberdeen, 1771); licen. by
Presb. of Tain 1st May 1776 ; pres.
by the tutors of Elizabeth, Countess of
Sutherland, Oct. 1776. The presentation
was so unpopular it is stated, 9th Feb.
1777, that "he probably would have been
murdered, had he not been protected and
rescued by the gentlemen, as even the elders
instigated and countenanced it " ; ord. 7th
May 1777 ; died 14th May 1825, aged about
74. He marr. 16th Feb. 1787, Elizabeth
(died 30th June 1804), daugh. of Captain
John Sutherland, tenant of Clyneleish,
and had issue — William Baillie, physician.
Tain, born 21st Feb. 1790 ; Janet, born
27th May, died 15th July 1793. Publica-
tion—Account of the Parish (Sinclair's
Stat. Ace, X.). — {^Memorabilia Domestica,
54, 109, 138.]
1825 •'^''°"'' -^ssynt; pros, by George,
Marquess, and Elizabeth, Marchioness
of Stafibrd, in June, and adm. 3rd Aug.
1825 ; trans, to Killin 26th June 1828.
GEORGE MACKAY, born 1796, son of
jggg Alexander M., Reay ; appointed
schoolmaster of Loth in 1819;
educated at King's College, Aberdeen ;
licen. by Presb. of Dornoch 5th April
1825 ; assistant at Tain Nov. 1827 ; pres.
by Elizabeth, Marchioness, and George,
Marquess of Stafford, in April, and ord.
3rd Sept. 1828. Joined the Free Church in
1843; min..of Free Church, Clyne, 1843-5;
min, of Free North Church, Inverness,
1845-86 ; D.D. (Aberdeen 1878) ; died 27th
June 1886. He marr. (1) 28th April 1831,
Louisa (died 1845), daugh. of Gabriel Reid,
Gordonbush, and had issue— Gabriel, born
12th May 1832 ; Alexander, born 24th Dec.
1833; Alexandrina, born 22nd Oct. 1835,
died 24th May 1837 ; George, born 23rd
Oct. 1837 : (2) 9th Oct. 1847, Catherine
(died 6th Feb. 1885), daugh. of Thomas
Fraser, min. at Inverness. — [Disrvption
Worthies of the Highlands (portrait),
jg^g 1843 ; trans, to Moy 25th July
DUGALD M'KELLAR, only son of
1844 ^^g^'ld M., Argyllshire; educated
at Univ. of Glasgow; adm. 18th
Sept. 1844 ; dep. 28th May 1863 ; died at
Glasgow 16th Nov. 1878.
PETER CALDER, born 1829, son of
1884 John C, farmer, and Janet Fergu-
son; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen; M.A. (March 1854); schoolmaster
of Gran town ; ord. to Fort Augustus in 1860;
adm. to Kinlochbervie 10th April 1862 ;
trans, and adm. 14th Jan. 1864; died 30th
Sept. 1870. He marr. 2nd June 1857, Jessie
M'Gregor, who died 25th Nov. 1877, and
had issue — James M'Gregor, born 21st
Aug. 1858 ; Jessie Louisa, born 4th March
1860; John Gregor, born 24th Oct. 1861 ;
Margaret Ann, born 12th May 1863;
Partick, born 26th Aug. 1865, died 3rd
July 1870.
ANDREW MELDRUM, ord. 20th June
jg^j 1871 ; trans, to Logierait 7th Nov.
DONALD GRANT, ord. 22nd March
1877 ; trans, to Dornoch 30th Jan.
J ,^g from Burghead and adm. 12th Sept.
1878; trans, to Contin 24th Dec. 1884.
,„„^ 1st July 1885 ; trans, to Creich 19th
'^^^ Oct. 1887.
JOHN SPARK, born Montrose 26th
1889 '^^^' ^^'^^' ^^^ °^ Archibald S. and
Barbara Reith ; educated at Ythan
Wells School, Old Grammar School, Aber-
deen, and Univ. of Glasgow ; M.A. (1874) ;
licen. by Presb. of Glasgow May 1876;
assistant at Airth ; ord. to St James's,
Kirkcaldy, 18th Oct. 1877 ; trans, and
adm. 13th Aug. 1889 ; died 1st July 1926.
He marr. 4th Feb. 1890, Christina, youngest
daugh. of Charles Fyfe, Glasgow, and had
issue — John Archibald, lieut. 19th Punjabis,
Indian Army, born 31st Jan. 1891 ; Christina
Mary, born 5th April 1892 ; Anna Caroline,
nurse, born 2nd Aug. 1894 (marr. 10th June
1924, Sydney Brown, London) ; Charles
Frederick, engineer, R.A.F., born 24th
March 1896; Barbara Wilhelmina, student
of medicine, iDorn 29th Dec. 1898 ; Alexander
JOHN FAULDS, trans, from Milton of
1926 Balgonie (q.v.) 1926 ; trans, to Sea-
field, 18th May 1927.
B.D., trans, from Snizort, 23rd Nov.
VOL. Vil.
[The church of Creich was dedicated to
St Deavanach. A prebend of Creich was
held by the Chantor of the Cathedral of
Dornoch. There were chapels in this
parish at Knockan and Achness. A
mission chapel within the bounds was
built at Rosehall in 1891.]
WILLIAM GRAY, min. of Dornoch, had
1569 charge also here.
DONALD LOGAN, reader here and in
1583 *^® Gaelic tongue at Moy in 1569;
adm. chantor of Caithness about
1583 ; still min. in 159T.—[Orig. Fai^och.
Scot, ii., 618.]
JAMES GRAY, trans, from Lairg in
1607 1607 ; trans, to Clyne in 1614.
ALEXANDER DUFF, adm. before 28th
1616 ^°^- ^^^^-- ^'^™- ^^^^ "^"^- ^^^^
through not having the Gaelic tongue,
and adm. to Kilmalie [Golspie]," where there
are some who have the Scottish tongue."
jggg SOUN] of Creich, son of Hugh M.
of Assynt, and grandson of Robert M.
of Foulis ; min. of Dornoch and Creich in
1623. He had issue— Christian (marr.
Donald Mackay of Borley).— [Macfarlane's
Geog. Coll., i., 203 ; Mackenzie's Hist, of
the lilunros, 469.]
College, Aberdeen 1619) ; suspended
by General Assembly in July 1649 ;
dep. before 16th Aug. 1656 when parish
was declared vacant. He continued to
marry and baptise notwithstanding. —
[Macfarlane's Geog. Coll., i., 203.]
JOHN DEMPSTER, adm. before 20th
April 1664 ; trans, to Lairg before
7th Oct. 1668.
JOHN ALEXANDER, licen. by George,
Bishop of Edinburgh, 21st May 1666 ;
ord. 16th Jan. 1668; trans, to Kil-
drummy 28th May 1682.
HUGH ROSE, son of Alexander R.,
1682 Morayshire ; adm. before 13th July
1682 ; was summoned before Privy
Council, 7th Nov. 1689, for not reading the
Proclamation of the Estates, etc., but the
charge was not proceeded with ; afterwards
dep. but continued to preach, celebrate
marriages and baptisms, for which he was
highly censured by the Presb. in 1699 ;
died at an advanced age after 1726. He
marr. Margaret Sutherland, Pronsie, and
had issue — Angus, miller at Livershin. —
[Macfarlane's Geog. Coll., i., 203.]
ANDREW MUNRO, son of John M.,
1707 Lemlair ; licen. by Presb. of St
Andrews 11th Oct. 1704; ord. 6th
May 1707 ; died 1712.— [Macfarlane's Geog.
Coll., l, 203.]
WALTER ROSS, ord. 14th Jan. 1714;
1714 trans, to Tongue 11th June 1730.
JAMES SMITH, born 1684 ; licen. by
j,ygj Presb. of Haddington 20th Oct. 1719 ;
ord. (at Dingwall) to Gairloch 11th
May 1721 ; trans, and adm. 29th April
1731 ; died 17th Nov. 1758. He marr.
25th Feb. 1724, Katherine Munro, who
died 11th Dec. 1758, and had issue-
Christian ; Katherine ; George, born 20th
April 1729; John, born 18th Feb. 1733;
Elizabeth, born 28th Nov. 1735; Isobel,
born 17th April 1737.
HUGH ROSE, M.A. ; pres. by George
j,^gg II. 11th April, and adm. '26th Sept.
1759 ; trans, to Tain 27th June 1770.
GEORGE RAINY, born Aberdeen-
-,_,_, shire, 1734, son of John R. (originally
Rennie), farmer, Turriff (a Hanoverian
who suffered for his anti- Jacobitism during
the '45) ; educated at Univ. of Aberdeen ;
licen. by Presb. of Chanonry 19th July
1763 ; ord. by Presb. of Tain as mission-
ary in Creich and Kincardine 8th May
1766; pres. by George III. 14th Feb.
and 20th Nov. 1770, and by tutors of
Elizabeth, Countess of Sutherland ; adm.
2nd April 1771; died 23rd Oct. 1810.
He marr. 17th Nov. 1772, Anne (died
13th Aug. 1833), daugh. of Gilbert Robert-
son, min. of Kincardine, and had issue —
Margaret and two others who all died
young; Margaret, born 16th April 1774
(marr. 7th Dec. 1797 Charles Stewart
Parker of Blochairn), died 17th Jan. 1844 ;
Christina, born 13th June 1776 (marr. 9th
Nov. 1804, Hugh Tennant of Wellpark,
manufacturer, Glasgow); Isabella, born 18th
Dec. 1780 (marr. Angus Kennedy, min. of
Dornoch); Gilbert, born 14th Oct. 1782,
died of fever at Demerara, June 1808 ;
Anne, born 17th March 1787 (marr. 30th
March 1820, Robert Brown of Fairlie,
merchant, Glasgow), died 1872 ; George of
Raasay, merchant, Demerara, born 6th
June 1790, died 9th June 1863 ; Harry, M.D.,
professor of Forensic Medicine, Glasgow
(father of Robert R., D.D., LL.D., Principal
of the U.F. College, Edinburgh), born 21st
Oct. 1792, died 6th Aug. 1876. Publication
— Account of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat.
Ace, viii.). — {The Life of Principal Rainy,
i., 4, 13; Memorabilia Domestica, 51,
shire ; educated at King's College,
^^^^ Aberdeen ; M.A. (29th March 1787) ;
licen. by Presb. of Chanonry 2nd July
1799; ord. missionary at Strathglass
2nd Sept. 1799; res. 1st May 1805;
assistant in this parish till May 1810 ;
assistant at Croy Aug. that year; pres.
by George, Prince Regent, and Elizabeth,
Marchioness of Stafford, 15th Feb., and
adm. 25th Sept. 1811 (under protection of
the military, when a riot ensued in which
Captain Kenneth Mackay of Torboll, who
commanded, had his sword shivered to
pieces by stones thrown at him by an
old woman of seventy); died unmarr.,13th
Dec. 1853. Publication— Account of the
Parish {New Stat. Ace, xv.). — {Memorabilia
Domestica, 206.]
NEIL MACKINNON, born about 1819,
jggg son of Dr Farquhar M., Kyleakin ;
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen, 1831-5 ; ord. to Bracadale 22nd Sept.
1843 ; pres. by Queen Victoria 19th June,
trans, and adm. 27th Sept. 1855 ; died 27th
Oct, 1886. He marr. 30th April 1850,
Elizabeth Flora Ann (died 20th Nov. 1896),
daugh. of James Thomas Macdonald of
Balranald, and had issue — Catherine, born
10th Feb. 1851 (marr. James Ross of Polio,
Ross-shire); Farquhar, born 31st May 1853;
Jane, born 31st Oct. 1855 ; Jemima Alex-
andrina, born 4th July 1859 (marr. James
Ross, distiller, Easter Ross); James Donald,
born 25th Nov. 1861 ; Christina, born 5th
Dec. 1863.
Tobermory, 13th March 1859, son
of Captain George R., lona, and
Mary Lament ; educated at Parish School,
Ayr Academy, and Univ. of Glasgow ;
licen. by Presb. of Kintyre 13th May
1884 ; assistant at Killearn ; ord. to Clyne
1st July 1885 ; trans, and adm. 19th
Oct. 1887. Publication— ^o??ie Unpublished
Gaelic Songs by Angus Lamont, Bard of
Mull (Inverness, p.p., 1899). — [Trans.
Gaelic Soc. Inverness, xxiv., 66.]
[The ancient parish church of Dornoch
was dedicated to St Finn Barr. In Dornoch
stood also St Gilbert's, the Cathedral
church of Caithness. In the later years
of the sixteenth century St Gilbert's was
made the church of the parish. It took
its name from St Gilbert, Bishop of Caith-
ness, its founder. He was buried in the
Cathedral in 1245. There was within it a
chapel of St James. St Gilbert's Cathedral
was burned down in 1570. In 1605 it was
greatly ruined by a very violent storm.
In 1835 the restoration of the venerable
building was begun by Elizabeth, Duchess
of Sutherland, and the work went on for
a number of years. In 1924 on the occasion
of the Septcentenary of the founding of
Dornoch Cathedral, a mural tablet was
erected in memory of St Gilbert. A
convent of the Red Friars was founded at
Dornoch in 1271. Fairs of St Finn Barr
and St Gilbert were held in the town.]
WILLIAM GRAY, exhorter in the
jggg Gaelic language in 1567, and in 1569
supplied Creich by ministration of
the sacraments ; trans, to Lairg in 1580.
min. in 1588 ; trans, to Nigg about
^^^^ 1613. [In the Dunrobin Museum
there is an old stone with coat-of-arms and
initials, M. W. P. and C. M., probably those
of P. and his wife (see p. Qb).\— [Illustration
in BentincKs '■''Dornoch^'' 174.]
JOHN GRAY, trans, from Clyne before
1614 1614 ; re-trans, to Clyne about 1621.
ROBERT MONRO, called min. of Creich
and Dornoch in 1623.— [i?e^. of Deeds,
ccc, Ixi., sup. 333.]
JOHN GRAY, app. Justice of the Peace
jgg^ in 1634.— [P. C. Reg., 2nd ser., v.,
M. of Pittonachy; min. of Golspie 18th
Sept. 1634 ; trans, and adm. in 1639 ;
was a member of Assembly that year ; had
a gift of 300 merks yearly from Charles I.,
12th Nov. 1641, and of 800 merks or eight
chalders of victual in augmentation of his
stipend, on condition of giving 300 merks
yearly to uphold the Church and 200 merks
to the master of the Grammar School ; this
was ratified by Parliament 17th Nov. that
year. He was dep. for intemperance and
the sentence approved by the Assembly
July 1649. He marr. a daugh. of Alex-
ander Ross of Balblair.— [^er/. Sec. Sig. ;
Orig. Paroch. Scot., ii., 616.]
GEORGE GRAY, son of James G.,
min. of Lairg ; educated at Univ.
^^*^ of St Andrew.s; M.A. (1646); was
a member of Commission of Assembly
11th Aug. 1648; obtained a warrant from
English commissioners at Leith, July 1655,
for drawing his bygone stipend ; died 18th
April 1662, aged about 36. He marr.
Elspeth Monypenny, and had issue —
Robert, apprenticed to George Child,
saddler, Edinburgh, 23rd Sept. 1668.—
[Lamont's Diary, 90, 148 ; Feme MSS.}
JOHN ROSS, a native of Moray ; edu-
cated at King's College, Aberdeen;
^^^° M.A. (27th April 1663); adm. to
Latheron before 5th Feb. 1668 ; trans, and
adm. in 1680 ; summoned before the Privy
Council, 7th Nov. 1689, for not reading the
Proclamation of the Estates and not pray-
ing in terms thereof, but having shown
that he had no scruple to read it and had
prayed for William and Mary, he was
acquitted ; dem. in 1691.
WILLIAM MACKAY, entered at
Martinmas 1690 ; trans, to Crom-
^®®° dale after l7th April 1694.
[HUGH DUFF had calls to Dornoch
and Fearn, but, 23rd Dec. 1698, declared
" he could not think of settling in Dornoch
without violence to his conscience." —
[Bentick's Dornoch, 249.] ]
ARCHIBALD BOWIE, ord. in 1702,
1702 *^*^'' "' ^*^f^"^y of G\^^\i years ; trans,
to Monzie 7th Sept. 1710.
ROBERT KIRK, born about 1690, son
of Robert K., min. of Aberfoyle ;
educated at Univ. of Edinburgh ;
M.A. (15th June 1710); licen. by Presb.
of Haddington 27th May 1712 ; pres. to
Morham Sept. that year, but was called
to this parish by Presb. of Dornoch jure
devoluto 28th July, and ord. 23rd Sept.
1713; died 27th Feb. 1758. He lodged
John, Earl of Loudoun, during the Rebel-
lion in 1745-6, was noted for his piety,
diligence, and zeal, and is stated to have
been "an Israelite indeed, in whom was
no guile." He marr. (1) 3rd Dec. 1714,
Lilias (died 19th May 1746), daugh. of
Alexander Sutherland of Pronsie, and had
issue — Christian (marr. 11th Feb. 1738,
Hugh Macdonald, sheriff-clerk of Suther-
land); Margaret; Robert, M.A. (1747), died
19th Aug. 1750; Alexander, born 19th
Sept. 1731 : (2) 9th April 1747, Jean (died
14th July 1800), daugh. of George Ross
of Pitkerrie, and had issue— George, born
1st Aug. 1751, died Oct. 1752; Ann,
born 21st July 1753 ; Jean, born 6th
Dec. 1754 (marr. 1782, Colonel Duncan
Munro of Culcairn). — [Reid's Earls of
Boss, 40.]
JOHN SUTHERLAND, born Dornoch,
^^- 1731, son of William S. ; educated
at Univ. of St Andrews ; M.A.
(1752) ; licen. by Presb. of Perth 28th Jan.
1756 ; ord. as missionary at Moidart 18th
Nov. that year; trans, to Kilmalie 11th May
1758 ; pres. by William, Earl of Sutherland,
Nov. that year ; trans, and adm. 22nd Feb.
1759 ; died 10th Sept. 1777. He marr.
22nd March 1759, Elizabeth (died 3rd May
1812), daugh. of John Sutherland, min. of
Tain, and had issue— William, born 11th
Oct. 1760 ; Maxwell, born 24th April 1762 ;
James Colquhoun, born 22nd Sept. 1763,
died 22nd March 1764 ; Christian, born 4th
Jan. 1765 (marr. Sheriff Hugh MacCulloch) ;
John, born 12th April 1767, died 17tb May
1768 ; Mary Macdonald, born 18th Feb.
1770; ^Eneas, born 24th Aug. 1772; Eliza-
beth Wemyss Matilda, born 10th Aug.
1775 ; John, lieut. 85th Foot, born 24th
April 1778, died in Jamaica 11th Oct.
JOHN BETHUNE, born 1746, son of
John B., min. of Glenshiel ; educated
at King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A.
(2nd April 1764); licen. by Presb. of
Gairloch 4th April 1770; ord. to Harris
13th May 1772; pres. by the trustees and
tutors of Elizabeth, Countess of Suther-
land, in March, trans, and adm. 16th Sept.
1778; D.D. (Aberdeen, 15th Aug. 1812);
died 8th Oct. 1816. He was an eloquent
classical scholar, and has been described as
"one of the most finished gentlemen" of
his time. He had piercing black eyes and a
cocked nose which gave a strong expression
of good humour to his face. He marr.
19th Feb. 1779, Barbara Margaret (died 7th
March 1835), daugh. of Joseph Monro, min.
of Edderton, and had issue — Christina,
born 16th May 1780 (marr. 7th Nov. 1801,
Captain Robert Sutherland of the Royal
Invalids, Tower of London) ; Joseph,
captain 78th Foot, born 21st Dec. 1781 ;
John, born 17th Aug. 1783^ died at Berbice,
5th July 1804; Barbara®born 11th Aug.
1785 (marr. 7th June 1817, Lieut.-Colonel
John Ross of Strathgarvie, 2nd West
Indian Regiment) ; Walter, born 6th Nov.
1787, died 6th March 1838; Janel^born
1st June 1789, died unmarr. at Inverness ;
Matthew Townsend, surgeon, Inverness,
born 26th Feb. 1792, died 1820; Walter
Angus of Dunrobin, Tasmania, born 22nd
July 1795; Robert, farmer in the Black
Isle, and afterwards in America, born 16th
Dec. 1796. Publication — Account of the
Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, viii.).— [il/emor-
ahilia Domestica, 52, 115, 120.]
ANGUS KENNEDY, born Lochcarron,
isi"? l'^^^' ^^^ ^^ Donald K., farmer,
Kishorn, Applecross, Ross-shire, and
Mary, daugh. of ^Eneas Sage ; educated at
King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (29th
March, 1798); schoolmaster at Lochalsh ;
licen. by Presb. of Lochcarron 18th June
1801 ; assistant at Lairg that year ; ord.
(assistant and successor) to Lairg 23rd
Nov. 1802 ; pres. by George, Marquess, and
Elizabeth, Marchioness of Stafford, in May,
trans, and adm. 3rd July 1817. Joined the
Free Church in 1843 ; min. of Free Church,
Dornoch, 1843-55 ; died 22nd June 1855,
He marr. 16th Jan. 1806, Isabella (died
22nd Jan. 1860), daugh. of George Rainy,
min. of Creich, and had issue— Georgiana
Robertson, born 15th April 1807 (marr.
29th April 1835, John Mackenzie, min. of
Carnoch) ; Donald, born 9th March 1811,
died 10th March 1829 ; George Rainy, min.
of this parish ; ^Eneas Sage, went to Canada,
born 12th Feb. 1815 ; Charles Stewart
Parker, merchant, Kingston, Canada, born
18th April 1819, died before 1865 ; John
Alexander, born 8th July 1823, died 19th
Feb. 1825. Publication— Account of the
Parish (Ifeiv Stat. Ace, x\ .)—\_Memorahilia
Domestica, 13, 213.]
.g„« Nov. 1812, second son of preceding ;
educated at Univ. of Glasgow ; licen.
by Presb. of Dornoch 26th Nov. 1834;
assistant at Kildonan ; pres. by Elizabeth,
Duchess of Sutherland, in Oct., and ord.
(assistant and successor) 23rd Nov. 1837.
Joined the Free Church in 1843; min. of
Free Church, Dornoch, 1843-80 ; died 29th
June 1899. He marr. 1848, Ann Eliza
(died 12th Aug. 1865), daugh. of Hugh
Tennant of Wellpark, Glasgow, s.p. : (2)
Aug. 1865, Mary Margaret (daugh. of
Hugh M'Intyre, and had issue — Harry
Angus Alexander, D.D., D.Sc, professor of
New Testament language, literature, and
theology. New College, Edinburgh, born 4th
July 1866 ; George Rainy born 15th Dec. 1867.
ALEXANDER M'lVER, born 1801,
son of Colin M., min. of Glenelg ;
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen ; M.A. (30th March 1816) ; app.
schoolmaster of Glenelg 29th May 1816;
licen. by Presb. of Lochcarron 21st July
1820 ; ord. missionary at Arnisdale and
Knoydart 11th Dec. 1821 ; missionary at
Glenmoriston, 1824-6 ; adm. to Sleat 26th
April 1826 ; trans, and adm. 22nd Nov.
1843 ; died 5th Aug. 1852. He marr. 20th
Nov. 1833, Alexa Hume (died 26th Sept.
1875), daugh. of Kenneth Campbell of
Stroid, Harris, and had issue — Anne Mary,
born 28th Aug. 1834 (marr. Thomas Stephen,
min. of Kinloss) ; Kenneth, born 16th Oct.
1836. Publication — Account of Parish of
Sleat {Neiu Stat. Ace, xiv.).
^/ O
®H.M. Mo.ck<
.^ ^ Clo^D^.vio.U^ltg
1853 ^^^^ Ardersier, and adm. 27th April
1853 ; trans, to Abernethy and Kin-
cjirdine 24th April 1863.
DONALD MACLEOD, pres, by Duke
jggg of Sutherland, and adm. 14th Aug.
1863 ; trans, to Greyfriars' Church,
Dumfries, 1st Feb. 1866.
DUNCAN STEWART, trans, from
1866 Grolspie, and adm. 19th June 1866 ;
trans, to Elgin 21st Aug. 1873.
CHARLES M'GREGOR, trans, from
1874 -■^f'^och, and adm. 12th March 1874 ;
trans, to East Church, Aberdeen,
9th Aug. 1877.
DONALD GRANT, born 1848, son
1878 °^ Donald G., clothier, and Jane
Rattray ; educated at Univ. of Edin-
burgh ; licen. by Presb. of Abernethy 8th
June 1875 ; ord. to Clyne 22nd March
1877 ; trans, and adm. 30th Jan. 1878 ;
D.D. (St Andrews 1903) ; died 20th Nov.
1906. He marr. 14th Feb. 1889, Henrietta
Phillipina, daugh. of James Hall of Evelix,
formerly of Jamaica, and had issue— Mary
Georgina Jane, born 26th Nov. 1893 (marr.
19th Feb. 1919, George Hunter Morrison,
captain Canadian Forestry Corps) ; Donald
James, M.C., captain A. & S. Highlanders,
born 2nd April 1896. Publication— 2)or7ioc'A
in the Eighteenth Centurt/ (Trans. Inver-
ness Field Club, iv., 339-55).
1907 ^^'"^ Kingussie, 24th Jan. 1866, son
of John Henry B. and Flora Wilson ;
educated at Kingussie School, George
Watson's College, Edinburgh, and Univs.
of Edinburgh, M.A. (1886), and St Andrews,
B.D. (1888) ; licen. by Presb. of Abernethy
June 1888 ; assistant at St Columba's
Church, Glasgow; ord. to Kirkhill llth
July 1889 ; trans, and adm. 7th June 1907 ;
D.D. (St Andrews, 26th June 1925). Marr.
15th Sept. 1891, Helen Green, daugh. of
James Eraser, min. of Erchless, and has
issue — Henry James Eraser, lieut. Sea-
forth Highlanders), born 4th Oct. 1892;
George Alexander, M.C., captain 9th Royal
Scots, born 19th Sept. 1893 ; Flora Eliza-
beth, born 2nd Oct. 1894 (marr. 2nd Oct.
1917, Finlay William Nugent Finlayson,
lieut. Gordon Highlanders) ; Catherine
Frances Letitia, born 25th April 1898
(marr. 2nd Oct. 1918, Major W. Eric Hugh
Gardner, 129th Canadian Forestry Corps) ;
Marjory Isabel Elspeth, born 16th Feb.
1902 (marr. 25th Jan. 1921, Robert Balfour
Kerr, Barney Mains, Haddingtonshire) ;
Charles ]\Iacpherson, born 26th Dec. 1905 ;
Evelyn Helen, born 14th July 1907 ; Eliza-
beth Hoyes, born 3rd Sept. 1910 ; Gilbert
Evan, born 7th June 1913. Publications —
"Wardlaw Church and Clergy" {Trans.
Gael. Soc. Inverness, xxv., 273-96), " Letters
of a Jacobite Chief [Simon, Lord Lovat]
and a Loyalist Lady" {Trans. Gael. Soc.
Inverness, xxvi., 157-82) ; "The Bishops and
Clergy of the Diocese of Caithness " {Trans.
Gael. Soc. Inverness) ; Dornoch Cathedral
and Parish (Inverness, 1926).
[The ancient church of this parish, which
stood at Kilmalie, was dedicated to St
Maliew. It belonged to the Bishop of
Caithness. That church having fallen out
of repair, the parish church was removed
from Kilmalie to the chapel of St Andrew
at Golspie, in another part of the parish,
and St Andrew's was fitted up of new for
that purpose. At Golspie a fair of St
Andrew was held. At Dunrobin, within
the bounds, there was a Well of St John.]
ROBERT FERNE, a curate under the
Roman Church in 1546 ; exhorter
and reader from 1567 to 1585. —
[Orig. Paroch. Scot., ii., 649.]
WILLIAM GRAY, min. of Assynt ; had
1574 charge here in 1574.
ALEXANDER DUFF, adm. to Creich
jggg before 28th Nov. 1616; dem. 13th
Aug. 1623, and adm. here; ratified
his promise, 19th April 1626, to marry
Jean, daugh. of John Douglas, burgess of
Elgin, but in 1626 for failing to implement
the same, his horse was seized and he was
ordered to be warded if found within Elgin.
—[The Book of the Duffs, ii., 532 ; Reg. of
Deeds, dl., 374 ; Elgin Sess. Hec]
ALEXANDER MONRO, min. here 18th
Sept. 1634, when he was app. a
Justice of the Peace for Sutherland ;
trans, to Dornoch before 12th Aug. 1639.
shire, son of John M., educated at
King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A.
(1652) ; adm. before 16th Aug. 1656 ; died
before 11th Dec. 1671. He marr. Beatrix
Gray, who survived him, and had issue —
John, student. King's College, Aberdeen,
1676 ; George ; Barbara. — [G. R. Homings,
13th Dec. 1678 and 12th July 1687 ; G. R.
Inhib., 11th Dec. 1671.]
HUGH ROSE, M.A. (King's College,
1682 Aberdeen, 1670) ; adm. before 13th
July 1682 ; dem. before 1689.
WALTER DENUNE, M.A. (King's Col-
jggQ lege, Aberdeen, 1650) ; app. by
Bishop of Ross to enter on trials
before Presb. of Dingwall 21st Nov. 1677;
entered on ministry between 11th April
and 13th July 1678 ; was accused of keeping
conventicles in Culbin with Lemlair's
widow, though prohibited by the Earl of
Seaforth and complained against to Bishop
Paterson. He was arrested, 12th Feb.
1679, and ordered to be taken to the Tol-
booth of Edinburgh, but was rescued at the
South Ferry of Dundee, preached at Dup-
plin Mill, 30th May that year, and con-
tinued to hold conventicles, but no further
proceedings taken against him. He was
adm. here about 1690 and died March 1729,
aged about 100. By his will, dated 11th Nov.
1725, he left 1000 merks Scots to provide a
bursary in the New College of Aberdeen
for a relative or other student. — [Brodie's
Diary ; Wodrow's Hist., iii., 38 ; Anal.,
iv., 4 ; Arbroath Sess. Reg.]
1781 1731 ; trans, to Tain 29th July 1752.
1754 ^°^ ^^ John M., schoolmaster at
Orbost ; licen. by Presb. of Skye 2nd
March 1748; assistant at Rothesay and
missionary at Badenoch and Lochaber ;
adm. to Glenelg 18th Dec. 1751; pres. by
commissioners for William, Earl of Suther-
land, 5th and 22nd Jan., trans, and adm.
1st May 1754 ; died 10th Sept. 1773. He
marr. 3rd Nov. 1755, Elizabeth (died 3rd
May 1807), daugh. of Hugh Gordon of
Carrol, and had issue — Lucy, born 16th
Dec. 1756 ; Jean, born 3rd Feb. 1758 ;
Margaret, born 30th June 1 759 ; Ann, born
15th March 1761 ; Barbara, born 23rd May
1762 ; John, born 27th Nov. 1763, died 5th
May 1771 ; Elizabeth, born 15th June 1765 ;
Hugh, M.D., Sub-Principal, Professor of
Greek, and sometime Professor of Hebrew,
King's College, Aberdeen, born 12th Aug.
1767, died 12th March 1854 ; William, born
17th July 1769; John, born 30th April
1771 ; Norman, born 20th July 1772 ;
Martina, born 14th May 1774. Publication
— "A Letter to the Author of the Treatise
on the Second Sight " {Miscell. Scot., iii.). —
[Anderson's King's College, 43.]
JOHN CAMPBELL, licen. by Presb. of
.^yj. Dunkeld in 1772 ; pres. by tutors
of Elizabeth, Countess of Suther-
land; ord. 27th Sept. 1774; dem. 14th
Dec. 1775 and lived in retirement at
WILLIAM GUNN, son of Adam G.,
tacksman of Milbuie, Dunbeath ;
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen; M.A. (28th March 1771); school-
master of Tongue ; licen. by Presb. of
Tongue 25th Oct. 1774 ; pres. by tutors
of Elizabeth, Countess of Sutherland, in
Feb., and ord. 15th Aug. 1776 ; died 28th
Dec. 1785, aged about 34, one of the most
popular preachers in the North. He marr.
9th July 1779, Anne (died senior annuitant
of Ministers' Widows' Fund 3rd July 1841),
daugh. of David Henderson of Stemster,
and had issue — Cecilia, born 16th June
1780, died 14th Nov. 1785; Adam, born
18th Jan. 1782; Mary, born 14th Nov,
WILLIAM KEITH, born Easter Ross,
j^g,y 1741 ; educated at LTnivs. of Aber-
deen and Edinburgh ; licen. by
Presb. of Tain 6th May 1767 ; became
schoolmaster of Creich and afterwards tutor
in family of Mrs Rose at Daan ; assistant at
Fearn ; ord. (assistant) to Kilbrandon 9th
Feb. 1773 ; trans, to Kildonan 23rd April
1776; pres. by Elizabeth, Countess of
Sutherland, and her husband, June 1786 ;
trans, and adm. 5th April 1787 ; died 11th
June 1816. He marr. 13th Feb. 1779, Isa-
bella (died 5th June 1811), daugh. of
Patrick Grant, min. of Nigg, and had issue
—Patrick, born 27th June 1780, died at
Berbice 10th Aug. 1805; ^largaret, born
9th March 1783 (marr. 14th Nov. 1814,
Evan Evelyn Arthur, merchant, London),
died 25th May 1845 ; William, born 26th
July 1784, died in Bengal 24th Aug. 1803 ;
Sutherland, born 19th Jan. 1787 ; George,
born 3rd Sept. 1788, died 6th May 1808;
Elizabeth Forsyth, born 21st Sept. 1792
(marr. 16th Sept. 1815, Charles Sutherland,
merchant, Golspie); Anne, born 25th April,
died 25th Oct. 1793 ; James, born 14th Feb.
1795 ; Sophia, born 27th Nov. 1798 ; Lewis,
born 5th July 1802. Publication— Account
of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace. ix., xxi).
— [Memorabilia Domestica, 53.]
Gairloch, 1782, son of Kenneth M.,
farmer, and Christian Ross; educated
at King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (28th
March 1803) ; licen. by Presb. of Fordoun
25th March 1812 ; became rector of
Tain Academy in 1814 ; pres. by George,
Marquess, and Elizabeth, Marchioness of
Stafford, Nov. 1816; ord. 5th March 1817.
Seized with melancholy and conceiving he
had offended his patrons and could not
fulfil the duties of his charge, he resigned
23rd Nov. 1819, but on steps being taken
to fill the vacancy, he withdrew his resigna-
tion, and the Presbytery refusing to ac-
quiesce, he appealed to the General As-
sembly, which on 23rd May 1820, declared
him to be still minister. D.D. (King's Col-
lege, Aberdeen, 10th Feb. 1849) ; died 6th
Aug. 1861. He marr. (1) 26th July 1814,
Harriet (died 1816), second daugh. of
Captain Donald Matheson of Shinness, and
had issue— Christina, born 13th July 1815
(marr. 14th Sept. 1837, Hugh Matheson,
merchant, Liverpool) : (2) 7th July 1823,
Agnes (died 30tli Jan. 1870), daugh. of
Robert Young, writer, Edinburgh, and had
is.sue— Agnes, born Otli June 1824 (marr.
19th Aug. 1852, Patrick Plenderleath, son
of Patrick Sellar of Ardtornish) ; Catherine
Alexandrina, born 26th March 1826; Jane,
born 26th Feb. 1828 ; Kenneth Hector, born
23rd March, died April 1830; Robert
George, born 27th July 1832 ; Kenneth
Donald, born 27th Oct. 1834, died at Tacna,
Peru, 17th Feb. 1858. Publications— 6)«
the Perspinnty, Perfection, and Poiver of
the Holy Scriptures, a sermon (Edinburgh,
1836); Account of the Parish {New Stat.
Ace, XV.). — {Memorabilia Domestica, 206,]
[DONALD ROSS, M.A. ; min. of Kil-
muir, Skye ; pres. by George, Marquess,
and Elizabeth, Marchioness of Stafford,
in Jan., and adm. 26th April 1820, but
this was annulled by General Assembly
23rd May that year, as above mentioned.]
1862 ^^°™ Third Charge, Inverness, and
adm. 20th March 1862 ; trans, to
Dornoch 19th June 1866.
jggg 8th April 1830, son of John J., guard
of mail coach between Aberdeen and
Inverness ; educated at Inverness Royal
Academy, Grammar School, and King's
College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (March 1850) ;
tutor in family of Mr Scott, Tullich, Loch-
carron ; app. missionary at Kilmonivaig
(Brae Lochaber) in 1855 ; ord. to Edderton
24th Nov. 1859 ; pres. by Duchess of
Sutherland; trans, and adm. 25th Oct. 1866;
(LL.D., Aberdeen, 1875) ; died unmarr.
8th June 1914. Publications— Two Days'
Diggings in Sutherland {Proc. Soc. Antiq.
Scot, v., 242-7, Edinburgh, 1865); A'^otes
on Ancient Divellings in Stitherland
{Anthropological Eevietv, ii., iii., London);
Notice of a Cist in Edderton {ibid., v.,
311-15, Edinburgh, 1865) ; Notes of various
objects of Antiquity in Strathnaver {ibid.,
v., 357-60, Edinburgh, 1865); Notes of
Various Antiquities in Ross and Stitherland
{ibid., vl, 327, Edinburgh, 1868) ; Notes on
Some Northern Antiquities {ibid., vi.,
386-8, Edinburgh, 1868); Notice of the
Discovery of Cists . . . at Torran Dubh,
near 'Tain {ibid., vi., 418-19, Edinburgh
1868) ; Notes on the Sutherland Goldfield
{Quart. Journ. Geol. Science, xxv., 314-26,
London, 1869); Note of Five Kists found
under a Tumulus on the Glehe of Edderton,
Ross (Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot., vii., 268-9,
Edinburgh, 1870) ; JVotes of the Discovery
of a Necklace of Beads, etc. . . . at Torrish
Kildonan {ibid., viii., 408-11, Edinburgh,
1871); The Brochs or Pictish Towers of
Cinn-Trolla, Carn-Liath, and Craig Carrel
in Sutherland {Archcelog. Scotica, v., 95-130,
Edinburgh, 1874 : Inverness Scientific Soc.
and Field Club, 11th Dec. 1917); Note
on Cup-marked Stones in Sutherlandshire
{Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot., v., 240-1, Edin-
burgh, 1881) ; Notes on the Curach and
Ammir in Ross-shire {ibid., xv., 179-80,
Edinburgh, 1881) ; Dunrobin {Old Lore
Misc., ii., 199-201, London, 1909).— [Nichol-
son's Golspie and its Folk-lore (London,
1913 ^°™ ^^^'^ "^^^^ ^^^^' ^^'^ °^ '^®^*^''
Lorimer C, advocate, Edinburgh,
and Jane Bladworth Hardie, and brother
of Joseph Hardie C, min. of Kirkurd ;
educated at George Watson's College and
Univ. of Edinburgh; M.A. (1904); licen.
by Presb. of Edinburgh in 1911 ; assistant
at Park Parish, Glasgow ; ord. (assistant
and successor) 20th June 1913; served as
a gunner and as 2nd lieut. R.F.A. in
European War; trans, to Hobkirk 8th
March 1922. Marr. 29th April 1914,
Dorothy Agnes, youngest daugh. of John
A. Leechman, Edinburgh, and has issue—
Isobel Mary Lorimer, born 29th May 1915 ;
Dorothy Joan, born 4th May 1921.
JOHN TAYLOR, born Glasgow, 22nd
1922 J^^6 1891, son of John T. and
Margaret Wallace ; educated at John
Street Higher Grade and Albert Schools,
and Univ. of Glasgow ; M.A. (1916); licen.
by Presb. of Glasgow 25th June 1919;
assistant at Peebles ; ord. 20th June 1922 ;
trans, to CoUessie 10th Dec. 1925. Marr.
22nd Aug. 1922, Margaret, only daugh. of
Joseph Strathern, schoolhouse, Edderton,
and has issue — a child born 7th Dec. 1927.
jggg Meerut, India, 20th Dec. 1869, son
of George Green G., D.D., min. of
Carmunnock ; educated at Ayr Academy and
Univ. of Glasgow ; M.A. (1890), B.D. (1893) ;
licen. by Presb. of Glasgow 7th Sept. 1892 ;
assistant at Hamilton ; ord. to Indian
chaplaincy 14th July 1897 ; app. chaplain
Ptoyal Air Force (Cranwell) 1st April 1920 ;
adm. here 7th April 1926. Marr. 20th Jan.
1906, Helen, daugh. of James Drummond
and Christina Cameron, and has issue—
John Woodburn, born 4th July 1907; Agnes
Christian, born 20th July 1908; David
Hedley Drummond, born 23rd Jan. 1912.
[The church of Kildonan was dedicated
to St Donan. In the Cathedral of Dornoch
there was a prebend of Kildonan. When
the Presb. of Tongue was erected, on 11th
May 1726, the parish of Kildonan was
taken from the jurisdiction of Dornoch,
and assigned to that of Tongue. On 18th
May 1727, the General Assembly again
annexed Kildonan to the Presb. of Dor-
noch. There were two chapels within the
bounds, St Peter's at Kilpheadair, and
St Mary's at Kilmuir. A fair of St Donan
was held at Kildonan. There was in the
parish a Well of St John the Baptist.
There are two mission chapels in this
parish, that of St Donan at the Kirkton
of Kildonan in Strathuilie, and the other
at Kinbrace. At the time of the Sutherland
Clearances many Kildonan people emigrated
to the Selkirk colony at Manitoba, where
they named their settlement Kildonan, and
erected a church, a replica of that in
which they had worshipped at home. [See
" Kildonan in Manitoba," by W. S. Crockett,
Life and Work, Dec. 1909.] ]
ANDREW BAIN, reader.— [OWj/.
1567 Paroch. Scot., ii., 736.]
ANDREW ANDERSON, min. of Clyne ;
1574 had charge here in 1574.
1574 1574.
GEORGE RUTHVEN, pres. to parson-
age and vicarage by James VI. in
1577, but probably not settled.
1584 James VI. 28th Dec. 1584.
WALTER ANDERSON, min. in 1602
1602 ^"'^ ^^^^ ^^^^ 1615.— [Orig. Paroch.
Scot., ii., 736 ; P. C. Beg., viii., 700.]
GABRIEL MAXWELL, min. in 1641.-
1641 [G. E. Sas., I, 97.]
(St Andrews 1621) ; adm. before
6th Aug. 1656, then sick and unable
to travel ; still min. 20th April 1664.
JAMES HAY, a native of Moray; edu-
1673 ^^**^^ ^* King's College, Aberdeen ;
M.A. (19th July 1666); ord. 22nd
Oct. 1673 ; died Aug. 1705. He marr., and
had issue — George. — [Thu7'so Sess. Peg. ;
G. R. Inhih., Ixxxix., 30th Jan. 1706.]
1712 '^^^^' ^^^ ^'"*^- ^^*^ ^^^^' ^'^^^ =
trans, to Reay 14th May 1723.
WILLIAM ROSE, ord. 31st March 1725 ;
1725 trans, to Loth 5th Sept. 1739.
1740 ^^^illiam, Earl of Sutherland, Oct.
1739; ord. 23rd April 1740; trans.
to Rogart 12th Sept. 1753.
HUGH ROSS, born about 1720, son
,^-g of John R., overseer in Craigroy,
Edderton ; educated at Marischal
College, Aberdeen; M.A. (April 1736);
licen. by Presb. of Tain 21st March 1744 ;
pres. by commissioners for William, Earl
of Sutherland, 7th Feb. 1754; ord. 28th
May 1755 ; died 2nd Feb. 1761. He marr.
18th Aug. 1759, Ann, daugh of Hugh
Hoastoun in Ferry town, Dornoch, and had
issue— Elizabeth Kerr, born Oct. 1760. His
widow marr. (2) 8th Oct. 1779.
JOHN ROSS, born 1733, son of James
1761 ^^■' ^^^'^ °^ Hole, and nephew of
Walter R., min. of Tongue; became
schoolmaster of Drummond ; licen. by
Presb. of Dingwall 26th March 1755 ; ord.
missionary at Farr 26th Sept. 1759; pres.
by William, Earl of Sutherland, in July,
and adm. 18th Nov. 1761 ; died 28th March
1775. He marr. 7th Sept. 1770, Ann (died
28th Feb. 1793), daugh. of William Rose,
min. of Loth, and widow of Captain
Alexander Gunn, tacksman of Badenloch,
and had issue — David, a soldier and after-
wards miller, Cloggan, Strathbeg, born 12th
June 1771 ; Katherine, born 12th June 1773
(marr. David Gunn), died 1827.
WILLIAM KEITH, adm. from Kil-
1776 Brandon ; pres. by tutors of Elizabeth,
Countess of Sutherland, in 1775 ;
adm. 23rd April 1776 ; trans, to Golspie
5th April 1787.
ALEXANDER SAGE, born 2nd July
j„„^ 1753, youngest son of ^Eneas S., min.
of Lochcarron ; educated at Cromarty
School (where his teacher was John Russel
— the " Black Russel " of Burns [afterwards
min. of Stirling]) and King's College, Aber-
deen ; M.A. (31st March 1772) ; became
schoolmaster of Tongue ; licen. by Presb.
of Tongue 2nd April 1779; assistant at
Reay, 1779-82 ; ord. missionary at Dirlot
and officiated in the higher parts of
Latheron and Halkirk, 1784-7; pres. by
Elizabeth, Countess of Sutherland, and
George, Lord Gower, in April, and adm.
10th May 1787 ; died 14th April 1824. He
marr. (1) 19th March 1784, Isabella (born
14th Jan. 1751, died 27th Nov. 1792), eldest
daugh. of Donald Eraser, min. of Urquhart,
and had issue— Elizabeth, born 7th Dec.
1785 (marr. Finlay Cook, min. of Reay);
Jane, born 21st March 1787 (marr. William
Forbes, min. of Tarbat) ; iEneas, born 31st
Aug. 1788 ; Donald, min. of Resolis, born
20th Oct. 1789 ; and two others died young :
(2) nth Dec. 1794, Jean (died s.p. 25th
June 1819), third daugh. of Major George
Sutherland of Mid Garty, second son of
Sutherland of Langwcll. Publications —
Ossianic Fragments (known as the Sage-
Pope Collections) ; in Reliqui(je Celticce, i.,
371-99 [edited by Alexander Cameron,
LL.D.] (Inverness, 1892-4) ; Account of
the Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, iii., xxi.).
— \^Merri,(yrabilia Domestica, 23, 42, 77 et
seq. ; Beaton's Bibliography of Gaelic Books
of Caithness and Sutherland, 10.]
JAMES CAMPBELL, born Creich 1782,
tutor in family of Mr Munro of Tigh-
na-aonich, Alness ; licen. by Presb. of
Dingwall 10th Feb. 1819 ; assistant at
Rogart ; pres. by Elizabeth, Marchioness,
and George, Marquess of Stafford ; ord.
15th Sept. 1824; dem. 18th June 1845;
died at Pictou, Nova Scotia, 7th June
1859. He marr. 22nd March 1821, Johanna
Poison, youngest daugh. of Alexander
Urquhart, min. of Rogart, and had issue —
Alexandrina, born 21st March 1822 ; Isabella,
born 27th Sept. 1825 ; George, born 5th May
1827 ; a daugh., marr. Sutherland,
about 1802 ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (March
1822) ; licen. by Presb. of Nairn ; ord. to
West Gwillimburg, Canada, 1834 ; trans,
to St Thomas in 1840; dem. in 1842;
adm. here 24th Sept. 1845; died 24th
June 1847. He marr. 21st May 1834,
Margaret Anderson, Nairn (died 19th
March 1855), and had issue — William, born
27th April 1839, died 8th Aug. 1854.
1848 ^^^^^^' ^^^ ^^^- •^^^^' ^^^ ^^ '^^^^ ^^•
and Mary Macfarlane ; educated at
Univ. of St Andrews ; licen. by Presb. of
Inveraray in 1844 ; assistant at Lochgilp-
head; ord. 7th Sept. 1848, died 28th Jan.
1866. He marr. 2nd July 1844, Jessie
(died 1st March 1908), daugh. of John
M'Vean, Ardrishaig, and had issue — John,
min. of Bucklyvie, born 15th Aug. 1845 ;
Norman, Episcopal clergyman, Auchter-
muchty, born 31st July 1847 ; Mary Alice,
born 15th Aug. 1849 (marr. Peter Strang,
Sydney, Australia) ; Alexander, merchant,
Winnipeg, born 20th May 1851 ; Flora
Margaret, born 9th July 1853 (marr. Robert
Barr Dickson, min. of Stair); George
William, born 24th Nov. 1855, died 29th
April 1863; Eliza Ellen, born 13th July
1858, died 22nd Oct. 1867; Jessie, born
25th June 1861 (marr. William Moncrieff
Taylor, min. of Aberfoyle) ; Georgina, born
10th July 1863, died 23rd Feb. 1915.
1866 Lybster, and adm. 6th Sept. 1866;
trans, to Canisbay 11th July 1867.
1867 from Tighnabruaich, and adm. 3rd
Oct. 1867 ; trans, to Gamrie 2nd
Sept. 1875.
DANIEL FRASER,bornNairn,1818;edu-
isTs <^^ted at King's College, Aberdeen ;
M.A. (1838) ; ord. to Free Church,
Scone, 1844 ; trans, to Free Church, Ler-
wick, 1846. Joined the Church of Scotland
in 1872 ; missionary in Strathglass ; adm.
to this parish 30th Dec. 1875 ; died at
Southampton, 3rd Sept. 1900. He marr.
5th April 1849, Margaret Affleck (died 12th
Jan. 1897, aged 76), daugh. of James
Bain, Lerwick, and had issue — Gilberta
Wilhelmina, born 24th Nov. 1850 (marr.
Alexander Dallas, M.D., Bayonne, New
Jersey), died 20th April 1898 ; Daniel, born
9th Dec. 1851 ; Robert Bain, born 1st July
1853; Donald Ballantyne, born 11th Sept.
1854 ; George Charles Hay, born 10th Dec.
1855 ; William Goodsman, born 2nd Jan.
1857 ; James Bain, born 8th April 1858 ;
Margaret Affleck, born 1st June 1859, died
23rd May 1875 ; Whampo, born 23rd Nov.
1860; Philadelphia Bain, born 13th Jan.
1862 ; Isabella Bain, born 24th Dec. 1866
(marr. J. D. Basset, Southampton), died
12th April 1918.
1894 Turriff, 21st Dec. 1864, son of Alex-
ander Milne S., and Mary, daugh,
of Archibald Black, merchant, Glasgow ;
educated at Turriff School and Univ. of
Glasgow; M.A, (1889); B.D. (1892); licen.
by Presb. of Glasgow 18th July 1892;
assistant at St Mungo's, Glasgow ; ord.
(assistant and successor) 5th April 1894 ;
chaplain colonel 5th Seaforth Highlanders,
brigade chaplain to the Forces, 1914-19, T.D.
Publications— ^of/wm/c/, Earl of Orkney
{Celtic Monthly, x., 1902); Nynia in
Northern Pictland {Scot. Hist. Review, ii.,
1905) ; Saint Donnan the Great and his
Muinntir (Aberdeen, 1906) ; Saint Maol-
rubha {Scot. Hist. Bevieiv, vi., 3, 1909);
Saint Moluag of Bangor and Lismore :
His Work and Inflvence (Aberdeen, 1912) ;
The Pictiah Xation : Its People and Its
Chxirch (Edinburgh, 1918); Saint Kinian,
Apostle of the Britons and Picts: a Research
Study of the First Founding of the Church
in Britain (London, 1916, 1918); Saiiit
Columba (Columcille) the Gaidheal : His
Relations tvith the Picts (Trans, of Gaelic
Society of Inverness, xxviii., 1918) ; 2'he
Celtic Monastery and Roman Abbey of
Fearn, Ross {ibid.) ; Salute the Sacred
Dead, a sermon preached at Dundee on day
of public intercession (Dundee, 1918) ;
Columbanus of Luxenil and Bobhio {Trans-
of Gaelic Society of Inverness, xxix., 1920) ;
numerous articles on educational, historical,
and literary subjects in newspapers and
[The church of Lairg was dedicated to
St Malrubh, and a fair of St Malrubh was
held beside it. A prebend of Lairg was
held by the treasurer of the Cathedral of
J 1565 ; died Nov. lbQ8.—[Acts and
Dec, xxxiv., 236.]
1574 HEW POLSON, reader in 1574.
THOMAS MURRAY, reader from 1578
1578 to 1580.
WILLIAM GRAY, son of Thomas G.,
1574 sub-chantor of Ross ; exhorter at
Dornoch in 1567 ; min. here in 1574,
with Rogart and Kilmalie (Golspie) also
in the charge ; pres. by James VI. 29th
July 1580; dem. before 16th June 1606
on appointment to Creich, but apparently
did not go there, being still min. here
in 1615. He marr. Elizabeth, co-heiress
of John Wishart, indweller in Kirkwall,
she survived him, and had issue — James,
his successor. — [Excheq. Book ; Orig.
Paroch. Scot., ii., 620 ; Reg. Mag. Sig.,
X., 602.]
JAMES GRAY, son of preceding ; pres.
1607 ^y James VI. 16th June 1607 ; trans,
to Creich that year, also to Clyne
in 1614, but probably not settled. He was
min. here and treasurer of Caithness in
1625 and 1638; still min. in 1649; died
about 1652. He marr. (1) Janet M'Culloch,
and had issue — George, min. of Dornoch ;
William, min. of Clyne ; John ; Janet
(marr.Thomas Manson, provost of Dornoch);
Barbara (marr. David Munro, min. of this
parish) ; Margaret (marr. John Dempster
of Bishopfield, burgess of Dornoch) : (2)
Isabella M'Gill.— [Inverness Sas., iii., 119,
9th April 1649; Reg. of Deeds, dxxvii.,
JAMES THOMSON, min. at 6th May
1627; trans, to Loth before 18th
Sept. 1634.
[Parish vacant 1652-8.]
ROBERT ROSS, M.A. ; adm. before
16th June 1658 ; trans, to Logie-
DAVID MUNRO, fourth son of John M.
of Pitlundie ; min. of Kilmuir-
Easter ; adm. to Latheron before
18th Sept. 1634; dep. in 1649 for sub-
scribing Montrose's articles ; petitioned the
Synod, 21st Oct. 1662, to be recommended
to some place in the diocese ; adm. here
before 7th May 1663. He marr. (cont. 7th
June 1638, Barbara, daugh. of James Gray,
min. of Lairg. — [Hist, of the Munros, 506 ;
Reg. of Deeds, dxxvii., 310.]
WILLIAM MACKAY of Golvall, eldest
son of Eye M. of Golvall and
Margaret Gordon ; adm. to Rogart
before 21st Oct. 1662 ; trans, and adm.
before 7th Oct. 1668. He marr. Margaret,
daugh. of David Sutherland of Morvich,
and had issue — Eye, min. of Clyne; David
of Pitfure ; William of Forsinain, died
1720; Jane (marr. (1) Alexander Suther-
land of Morvich : (2) Alexander Suther-
land of Braegrudie); Angus; Mary.— [T'Ae
Book of Mackay, 309.]
JOHN DEMPSTER, adm. to Creich
before 20th April 1664 ; trans, and
adm. before 7th Oct. 1668 ; deprived
by Privy Council 7th Nov. 1689 for not
reading the Proclamation of the Estates
and for praying for King James, but he
continued minister ; died about 1705.
JOHN ROBERTSON, app. by the
I'TOB Gleneral Assembly 4th April 1705 to
supply vacancies in Sutherland for
one year, settled here in 1706 ; clerk of
Presb. in 1707; died between 2nd July, when
he had gone to Peterhead Well, and 2nd
Sept. 1712. He marr. Margaret Ross, (who
survived him and marr. (2) Hector Eraser
of Edderton) and had issue — William,
student of divinity at Aberdeen.— [Macrae's
Lairg, 24-33.]
[THOMAS CHISHOLM, min. of Kil-
morack ; was called 11th Feb. 1713, but
after consultation with the Synod, the
Presb. decided that he "be not trans-
ported," 30th May 1713.]
JOHN MACKAY, born 1680, second
j,^, . son of Captain William M. of Borley
of the Scourie family, and Elizabeth
Corbet ; educated at Univ. of Edinburgh
M.A. (13th March 1701) and at Utrecht;
licen. in 1706 ; ord. to Durness 14th March
1707 ; called by the Presb. of 'Dovnoch. jure
devoluto (the people petitioning in his
favour) 28th July 1713 ; trans, and adm.
2nd March 1714; died 23rd Feb. 1753.
He possessed a herculean bodily frame and
corresponding vigour of mind which gained
for him the name of Am Ministear Laidir,
and enabled him to reform the parish from
the disorderly habits and immorality pre-
vailing on his coming thereto. He was
given authority by John, Earl of Suther-
land, as sheriff, to inflict corporal punish-
ment wherever necessary. He marr. (cont.
29th Aug. 1709) Catherine (died 1724), eldest
daugh. of John Mackay of Kirtomy (de-
scended from Lady Jean Mackay of Farr,
daugh. of Alexander, eleventh Earl of
Sutherland), and had issue — Thomas, min.
of this parish ; John, died young ; Eliza-
beth, born 20th Sept. 1710 (marr., cont. 19th
July 1728, ^neas Sage, min. of Lochcarron);
Janet (marr. John Poison of Navidale) ;
Barbara (marr. George Munro, min. of
Farr). — \^Book of Mackay, 294 ; Memorabilia
Domestica, 7, 9 ; Macrae's Lairg, 36-67 ;
THOMAS MACKAY, born 2nd Aug.
1749 1^1'^) so"^ °f preceding; educated at
Marischal College, Aberdeen, 1735-9
licen. by Presb. of Aberdeen in 1744 ; called
12th Dec. 1748; ord. (assistant and suc-
cessor) 15th Nov. 1749; died 28th Aug.
1803. Father and son had thus been 96 years
ministers, 89 of these in this parish. He
marr. 10th June 1758, his cousin Margaret
(died 9th Nov. 1773), daugh. of John
Montgomery, mason, Drummond, Kiltearn,
and had issue— Katherine, born 27th March
1759, died 7th April 1760 ; Katherine, born
7th June 1760 (marr. 13th June 1783,
Captain Donald Matheson of Shinness,
and was mother of Sir James M., Bart., of
The Lewis) ; John of Rockfield, one of the
clerks to the Commissioners of Affairs in
India and author of Life of Lieut.-General
Hugh Mackay of Scoury, born 7th Oct.
1761, died at Edinburgh 8th April 1841
[he left £400 to the parish, part being used
for the support of needy blind persons, the
donor himself having lost his sight] ; Hugh,
captain 4th Regt. Madras Native Cavalry,
born 27th Sept. 1763, killed at Assaye 23rd
Sept. 1803 [he left £500 for the poor of the
parish]; Joseph, born 21st Oct. 1764, died
24th April 1765 ; William, born 15th Nov.,
died 7th Dec. 1765; Harriet, born 29th
Nov. 1766 (marr. 29th Oct. 1798, George
Gordon, min. of Loth) ; Anna, born 21st
Dec. 1767, died young; a daugh. born
1st Oct. 1769, died in infancy ; William,
H.E.I.C.S., second officer of the Juno,
author of a " Narrative of the Wreck (1795)
of the Juno on the coast of Aracan "
(London, 1798) [used by Byron in depict-
ing a scene in Don Juan], born 6th Feb.
1771, died at Calcutta 27th March 1804.
— \^Book of Mackay, 295 ; Memorabilia
Domestica, 8, 50 ; Macrae's Lairg, 67-70 ;
" A Monument in a Highland Churchyard "
(in reprint (Edin. 1892) of Narrative of the
" Juno ") ; Tombst.'\
1804 '"assistant 23rd Nov. 1802; pres. by
George, Marquess, and Elizabeth,
Marchioness of Stafford, in March, and
adm. 24th April 1804 ; trans, to Dornoch
3rd July 1817.
Banchor Uan Strathdearns, May
1764, son of Finlay M. and Elizabeth
Mackintosh of Kyllachie family ; educated
at King's College, Aberdeen; M.A. (27th
March 1795) ; licen. by Presb. of Tain 7th
May 1800 ; ord. missionary at Achness 2nd
April 1801 ; transferred to Berriedale in
1807, returning to Achness in six months ;
adm. to Assynt 24th Aug. 1813; pres. by
George, Marquess, and Elizabeth, Mar-
chioness of Stafford, in July, trans, and
adm. 12th Aug. 1817. Joined the Free
Church in 1843; min. of Free Church,
Lairg, 1843-9; died 11th Feb. 1849. He
marr. 14th May 1802, Jean (died 31st Aug.
1816), daugh. of Robert Gordon, farmer,
Achness, and Elizabeth, granddaugh. of
John Mackay of Kirtomy, and had issue-
Elizabeth, born 22nd April 1803; Angus
Mackintosh, min. of Dairsie, born 8th Jan.
1805 ; Christian, born 16th June 1806 (marr.
Dr Henderson, Dingwall), died 1860;
Philip, born 9th Sept. 1809, went to
Jamaica, died 1850; Robert, licentiate of
the Church of Scotland, born 27th Aug.
1811, died 1839 ; Janet, born 5th March
1813 (marr. Duncan Macpherson, Tasmania),
died 1879 ; Alexander Gordon, D.D., min.
of Roseburn Free Church, Edinburgh, born
18th Dec. 1814, died 11th May 1889 ; Jean,
born 9th Aug. 1816, died 1860. Publica-
tion—Account of the Parish {Neiv Stat.
Ace, XV.).— [Memorabilia Domestica, 193;
Wreck of the "./mwo " (1892) 71-95.]
third son of John M. of Attadale and
Margaret, daugh. of Captain Donald
Matheson of Shinness ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen, 1824-8 ; ord. 31st Aug.
1843; dem. 16th May 1888; died unmarr.
at Inverness 20th March 1894.— [Hist, of
the Mathesons, 69.]
ROBERT ROBERTSON, born 1845, son
of John R., farmer, and Ann Baton ;
ord. to Mossgreen 2nd June 1870 ;
dem. 23rd Aug. 1876 ; adm. (assistant and
successor) 15th Jan. 1879; died 13th July
1883. He marr. Mary Simpson.
DAVID MACKENZIE, born 1836, son
of Donald M., saw-miller ; ord. to
St Kiaran's, Govan, 22nd Aug. 1872 ;
trans, to Gaelic Churcb, Cromarty, 12th
May 1875 ; trans, and adm. (assistant and
successor) 23rd Jan. 1884; died 3rd March
1888. He marr. Elizabeth Grant, and had
issue — a son. Inspector of Poor, Fort-
Jan. 1858, son of Alexander M.,
farmer, Remony, Kenmore ; educated
at Grammar School and Univs. of Aberdeen
M.A. (1881), Cambridge, Heidelberg and
Berlin ; assistant at Spott ; ord. 25th Sept.
1888; dem. 16th May 1890; app. Professor
of Greek, Kingston College, Canada, 1889;
Professor of Classics, M'Gill University,
Canada, 1903. Marr. Jean Reikie.
DONALD MACRAE, M.A., B.D. ; ord.
29th Sept. 1890; trans, to Edderton
18th Feb. 1902.
trans, from Farr, and adm. 24th June
1902 ; trans, to Morven 14th April
1st Sept. 1908 ; trans, to Resolis 18th
Jan. 1912.
JOHN MACKECHNIE, trans, from
Stronsay, and adm. 2nd Aug. 1912;
trans, to Edrom 22nd May 1916.
WALTER SHAW, adm. from Robertson
Mission Church, Edinburgh, 23rd
Aug. 1916 ; trans, to Barrowfield,
Glasgow, 8th Jan. 1919.
born Donagheady, Co. Tyrone, 4th
June 1857, son of Turbitt M. and
Dorcas Pollock ; educated at Sandville
School and Magee College; licen. by
Presb. of Glendermott 5th May 1891;
ord. at Virginia, Co. Cavan, 8th July
1891 ; adm. min. of Scone Free Church,
1905-14; adm. to South Yell 16th Feb.
1915; trans, to Delting 1st Feb. 1916;
trans, and adm. 3rd July 1919. He marr.
2nd Aug. 1893, Marguerite Maxwell Lowry,
daugh. of Hugh Hunter Patterson and
Esther Lowry, and has issue — Cora Muriel
Cunningham, born 4th Aug. 1894 (marr. (1)
8th Jan. 1920, Major Andrew Mowat, M.B.,
Ch.B., R.A.M.C. : (2) 1st Feb. 1928, E. D. E.
Maconachie, M.B., F.R.C.S., Edin.) ; Louis
Lowry Patterson Cunningham, fruit farmer.
West Australia, born 8th Jan. 1896 ; Bille
Esther Dorcas Althea Cunningham, born
26th Aug. 1897 ; Irene Marguerite Edgar
Macgregor Cunningham, born 20th Oct.
1898; Kenneth Hugh Turbitt Cunningham,
clerical assistant. Chief Engineer's Depart-
ment, London County Council, born 15th
April 1900 ; Stephen Maxwell Cunningham,
clerk, London, born 17th Jan. 1906.
[The church of Loth was dedicated to
St Curadan. It belonged to the Bishop
of Caithness. At Helemsdale, in the north
end of the parish, there was a Hospital of
St John the Baptist. Within the bounds
there were at least three chapels, St
Tridwal's at Kintradwell, St Inan's at
Easter Garty, and the chapel at Navidale,
which was probably dedicated to St
Naomhan. A fair of St Curadan was
held at Loth. In 1927 Loth was sup-
pressed as a separate charge and united
with Kildonan and Clyne.]
ANDREW ANDERSON, exhorter in
-gg^ 1567, which office he afterwards held
with Clyne ; was min. here in 1574,
with Clyne and Kildonan in the charge ;
returned here in 1590 ; pres. to the vicarage
by James VI. in 1595 ; still min. in 1618,
when he signed a deed with his mark, as
"I cannot wreitt myself," probably from
1627 ^^'^^^Se Aberdeen 1622), was com-
plained against to the Synod of
Moray, 13th April 1624, for marrying a
couple irregularly at Inverness ; min.
here 12th May 1627 .—[Taxations Miscell.
Papers, 1606-1714.]
JAMES THOMSON, trans, from Lairg
1634 *b°^* 1634, when he was app. a
Justice of the Peace for Sutherland ;
trans, to Assynt about 1638. — [Inverness
Sas., vi., 70.]
HECTOR MUNRO,son of Hector M. of
1640 Milntown of Katewell, and Margaret
Baillie, and grandson of Hugh M. of
Ferrytown of Obsdale, min. here about
1640. He marr. Margaret, daugh. of Sir
Hector Munro of Foulis, and had issue —
Lieut. Hector, killed at Philiphaugh, 13th
Sept. 1645 ; John, min. of Lochgoilhead and
Rothesay. — [Douglas's Baronage, 84 ; Hist.
of the Munros, 390.]
JOHN ROSE, M.A. (King's College,
J Aberdeen, 1638); adm. before 6th
Aug. 1656 ; still min. 20th April 1664.
GEORGE GRAY, ord. 7th April 1669;
jQgg died before 1674. He marr. 1670,
Katherine, daugh. of John Murray
of Pennyland. She marr. (2) William
Cuming, min. of Falkirk.
HECTOR PAIP [POPE], educated at
1682 Marischal College, Aberdeen ; M.A.
(1672) ; adm. before 13th July 1682 ;
died 15th Jan. 1719. He was the last parish
min. who appeared in the pulpit clothed in a
surplice. He marr., and had issue — Alex-
ander, min. of Reay.
-,^2 1721 ; trans, to Edderton 29th July
1730. During his ministry the last
witch from this parish was burnt at
JAMES GILCHRIST, trans, from
j„„2 Kilmalie ; called by the Presb. jure
devoluto and adm. 10th Feb. 1732;
trans, to Thurso 8th Aug. 1738.
WILLIAM ROSE,licen. by Presb. of
j_gg Aberdeen 6th March 1723; ord. to
Kildonan 31st March 1725; called
5th June, trans, and adm. 5th Sept. 1739;
died 12th Feb. 1755. He marr. 6th June
1727, Jean Anderson, who died 2nd Oct.
1778, and had issue — Catherine, born 5th
June 1730 ; Ann, born 12th Sept. 1733
(raarr. (1) Captain Alexander Gunn, tacks-
man of Badenloch : (2) John Ross, rain,
of Kildonan) ; Jean, born 8th March
1736, died 6th Aug. 1745; Barbara, born
14th May 1738 (marr. George Balfour,
min. of Tarbat) ; William, born 27th
Aug. 1740.
GEORGE M'CULLOCH, born about
1756 ^"^^' ^ native of the Black Isle,
Ross-shire ; educated at Marischal
College, Aberdeen, 1744-8 ; became school-
master of Golspie ; licen. by Presb. of
Dornoch 26th May 1754 ; pres. by the
commissioners for William, Earl of Suther-
land, 2nd July 1755 ; ord. 19th May 1756 ;
was for some years chaplain to 2nd
Sutherland Fencibles ; died 27th Dec.
1800. His sermons were intensely con-
troversial ; " his Calvinistic antagonist
stood continually in his mind's eye like
a phantom." He marr. 16th Nov. 1758,
Elizabeth (died 5th April 1814), daugh.
of William Forbes, gardener to the Earl
of Sutherland at Dunrobin, and had issue
—Anne, born 15th Sept. 1759 ; William,
born 21st March 1761, died 28th April
1763; Isobel, born 29th March 1763:
Elizabeth, born 4th Jan. 1765 ; Katherine,
born 13th May, died 22nd Aug. 1766 ;
William, born 7th May 1767, died 11th
Sept. 1769 ; Grizel, born 15th June, died
22nd Dec. 1769 ; George, surgeon, Berwick-
shire Militia, born 27th Oct. 1770 ; David,
born 30th April 1772; Thomas, born 1st
June 1774; Duncan, born 29th May 1776,
died 16th March 1790 ; Susannah, born
18th June 1778 ; William, l)orn 24th Jan.
1780. Publication — Account of the Parish
(Sinclair's Stat. Ace, vi.). — [^Memorabilia
Domestica, 54, 98.]
GEORGE GORDON, eldest son
1802 °^ Adam G., tacksman of Rinavie,
Strathnaver, and nephew of Charles
G.of Pulrossie; tutor in the family of Gordon
of Carroll ; licen. by Presb. of Tongue ; ord.
by Presb. of Tongue, 30th Nov. 1796, as
missionary at Achness ; assistant at Lairg,
Oct. 1797 ; pres. by Elizabeth, Countess
of Sutherland, 1801 ; adm. 9th Feb. 1802 ;
died 27th Oct. 1822. He marr. 12th Oct.
1798, Harriet (died 30th Nov. 1848), daugh.
of Thomas Mackay, min. of Lairg, and had
issue— Charles, min. of Assynt, born 24th
July 1799 ; ]\Iargaret (twin), born 24th July,
died 8th Sept. 1799; Adam, born 15th Dec.
1800, died 28th March 1811 ; John, lieut.
Madras Infantry, born 16th Jan. 1802;
Margaret, born 5th Nov. 1803 (marr. 24th
July 1821, James Anderson, surgeon,
Brora) ; Isabella, born 5th March 1806 ;
Thomas, born 5th Jan, 1808.— [I'he House
of Jfackai/, 566 ; Memorahilia Domestica,
105, 150; Tombst.]
DONALD ROSS, M.A. (King's College,
Aberdeen, 30th March 1801 ) ; licen. by
^^^ Presb. of Dingwall 1st May 1805 ; ord.
assistant at Dyke 16th April 1807; trans,
and adm. to Kilmuir 12th July 1809; trans,
to Golspie (q.v.) 26th April 1820, but settle-
ment set aside by the General Assembly
23rd May that year ; trans, to Rogart 7th
May 1822 ; pres. by Elizabeth, Countess
of Sutherland, in March, and adm. 18th
June 1823; died 12th Nov. 1847. He marr.
24th Aug. 1810, Rose (died 31st Aug. 1850),
daugh. of Angus Bethune, min. of Alness,
and had issue— Angus Bethune, born 10th
Dec. 1811; Andrew, born 28th July 1813;
Catherine Monro, born 27th Aug. 1814
(marr. 20th Aug. 1834, William Ross, Isle
of Grenada); Duncan Monro, born 11th
Sept. 1815 ; Alexander Macleod ; Helen
(marr. 21st Feb. 1845, William Donaldson,
DUNCAN ST CLAIR, born 1814, eldest
son of Archibald St C, Argyllshire;
^^*^ educated at Univ. of Glasgow;
ord. to Assynt 18th Jan. 1844 ; trans, and
adm. 14th March 1848; died 29th Dec.
1860. He marr. 7th Oct. 1844, Susan,
third daugh. of Captain John Young,
Montrose, and had issue— John Suther-
land Campbell, born 9th Nov. 1845; Archi-
bald William Alexander, born 18th July
1848; William Wallace, born 26th June
1850, died 4th July 1852 ; Rachel Jane,
born 6th March 1852 ; Henry Kobert
Young, born 30th Nov. 1853 j Anne Stafford,
born 3rd Nov. 1855 ; Duncan Charles Colin
Campbell, born 1st Feb. 1858.
son of John M., blacksmith, Kil-
muir and Mary M'Intyre ; educated
at Univ. of Glasgow ; ord. to Berriedale
26th Sept. 1850 ; trans, and adm. 29th Aug.
1861 ; dem. 1st Oct. 1902 ; died at Hunter's
Quay, 28tb Sept. 1908.' He marr. 19th Oct.
1858, Agnes (died 12th March 1912), daugh.
of John Macfarlane, farmer, Dunoon, and
Janet Forrester. Publications — Reminis-
cences of the North ; Kildonan ; Donald
Mbhr ; The Stag Fight ; The Apparition ;
Ignis-fatuus ; The Electric Cloud; ''''The
Men"; Sandy Gair (Inverness, 1905).
born 9th June 1870, son of Alex-
^^^ ander M. and Violet Bruce M'lvor ;
educated at Pulteneytown Academy and
Univs. of Aberdeen and Edinburgh ; licen.
by Presb. of Edinburgh 27th Sept. 1899;
assistant at Trinity Parish, Edinburgh,
Wallacetown, Dundee, and Canongate ;
ord. 24th Feb. 1903; died 8th July 1921.
He marr. 27th Feb. 1903, Mary Knox,
second daugh. of James Philip, Invergarry,
and had issue — Mary Violet Katherine, born
20th Nov. 1903 ; Alastair M'lvor, born 10th
April 1906 ; James Philip, born 2nd Sept.
1907 ; Josephine Farquharson, born 27th
Sept. 1910 ; Ian M'lvor, born 23rd Jan. 1914.
23rd Nov. 1869, son of Alexander
^^^ and Camilla M. ; educated at High
School and Univ. of Glasgow ; M.A. (1890),
B.D. (1894); licen. by Presb. of Glasgow
in 1892 ; assistant at Rutherglen and
Paisley Abbey ; ord. to St Mary's, British
Guiana, 20th Dec. 1896; trans, to St
Andrew's there, 27th Oct. 1909 ; trans,
and adm. 29th March 1922 ; trans, and
adm. to Lundie and Fowlis 1st Dec. 1926.
Marr. 19th Jan. 1897, Susan, daugh. of
William H. Carswell, and has issue —
William Alexander, oflBcer British Guiana
Police, born 2nd April 1899 ; Mona Hardie,
born 23rd Nov. 1900 ; Donald Lamond,
bom 28th July 1906.
[Parish suppressed in 1927 and divided
between Kildonan and Clyne.]
[The church of Rogart was dedicated to
St Colin. There was a prebend of Rogart
in the Cathedral Chapter of Dornoch. A
fair of St Colin was held at Rogart.]
WILLIAM GRAY {elder), exhorter at
Creich in the Irish tongue in 1567,
and in this parish in 1568 ; min. here
in 1574, with Lairg and Kilmalie also
in the charge ; removed to Assynt in
son of George, fourth Earl of Caith-
ness ; app. Chancellor of Caithness
in 1572; "being charged for the whole
fruits of the Chancellarie for non-residence
upon allegeance of deidlie feid," obtained
decreet of absolvitor in 1574 ; was accused
at the Assembly, Aug. 1575, of not serving
his cure ; still min. in 1585 ; died in
1616. He marr. before 1583, Margaret,
sixth daugh. of William, seventh Lord
Forbes, and had issue — Sir William of
Mey, who as a boy attending the High
School of Edinburgh shot John M'Moran,
one of the bailies of Edinburgh, during a
disturbance among the scholars 15th Sept.
1595 ; Sir John of Geanies and Dunbeath,
Bart. ; James, died young ; Alexander of
Latheron, ancestor of the Sinclairs of
Barrock and Brabster ; Janet (marr.
Walter Innes of Inverbrakie ; Margaret
(marr. 1608, Alexander Sinclair of Forss) ;
Barbara (marr. 1610, Alexander Keith of
Pittendrum) ; Elizabeth (marr. William
Dunbar of Hempriggs); Anne.— [Steven's
High School, 23 ; Pitcairn's Grim. Trials,
i., 349 ; Scots Peerage, ii., 351 ; Henderson's
Caithness Families, 60.]
THOMAS POPE [or PARE], min. in
1590; trans, to Cullicudden about
S., mill. ; adra. about 1614 ; still min.
^®^* in 1634. He niarr. Margaret Munro.
—[Beg. of Deeds, Hay, 14th Aug. 1638, dliv.,
Assembly 12tb Aug. 1639 [possibly a
^^^® mistake for preceding].— [Peterkin's
THOMAS ROSS, M.A. (King's College,
Aberdeen, 1651); adm. before 6tli
^^^ Aug. 1656 ; dem. or died before 16th
June 1658.
WILLIAM MACKAY, adm. 21st Oct.
,„^„ 1662 : trans, to Lairg before 7th Oct.
WALTER ROSE, born Ross-shire, about
1661 ; educated at King's College,
^^^^ Aberdeen; M.A. (1681); adm. before
11th July 1683; summoned before the Privy
Council, 7th Nov. 1689, for not reading the
Proclamation of Estates and still praying
for King James, but case not proceeded
with; died in or after 1720. He marr.
and had issue — William of Kintraid ;
Katherine (marr. John, son of Thomas
Sutherland of Btot&).— [Services of Heirs;
Recj. of Deeds, Mack., 28th Aug. 1751.]
JOHN MONRO, son of Hugh M. ; ord.
21st April 1725; died 3rd Feb. 1753.
^'^^ He marr. 11th Dec. 1729, Elizabeth
(died 3rd Feb. 1756), daugh. of George
Monro of Culrain, "a very wicked woman
and thorn in his side," and had issue — Ann,
born 1st Nov. 1730; George, born 13th
Nov. 1734; Gustavus, born 13th Oct. 1735.
—[Hist, of the Munros, 382.]
of the family of Braegrudie ; licen.
^'^^ by Presb. of Dornoch 17th April
1734; ord. to Kildonan 23rd April 1740;
pres. by commissioners for Willian), Earl
of Sutherland, in July, trans, and adm.
12th Sept. 1753; died 8th April 1773. He
marr. 23rd April 1740, Janet Maclean, who
died 6th March 1783, and had i.ssue—
Lieut. William, born 6th Aug. 1741 ; Alex-
ander, born 28th Nov. 1743
ANGUS MACLEOD, born about 1744.
sou of Norman M. ("Tormaid Ban "),
^''''* author of the song " Cabar Feidh^'
and other pieces, and brother of Hugh M..
D.D., Professor of Church History, Univ.
of Glasgow ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; M.A. (2nd April 1764) ; licen.
by Presb. of Caithness 3rd Oct. 1 769 ; pres.
by tutors of Elizabeth, Countess of Suther-
land, Aug. 1773 ; ord. 4th May 1774 ; was
sometime chaplain to 2nd Batt. 73rd Foot ;
died 18th May 1794. A man of consider-
able erudition and brilliant parts. He
was an intimate of the poet Rob Donn,
from whose recital he prepared the manu-
script for the edition of the poems edited
in 1829 by Dr Mackay. He marr. 21st
April 1780, Jane (died 19th Dec. 1838),
daugh. of William Mackay at Morvich,
and had issue — Donald Crawford, born
5th March 1781; William, born 22nd Oct.
1782; Esther, born 15th May 1784; Jane
Forbes, born 19th Jan. 1786 ; Hugh, born
8th Sept. 1787 ; James, born 30th Sept.
1789; Elizabeth Baillie, born 1st Aug.
1791 ; Wemyss, born 2nd April 1793. Pub-
lication—Account of the Parish (Sinclair's
Stat. Ace, in.).— [Memorabilia Domestica,
51 ; Celtic Monthly, xiii., 178.]
^ born about 1750; M.A. (Marischal
College, Aberdeen, 1771); became
schoolmaster of Tarbat ; licen. by Presb.
of Tain 6th March 1776 ; ord. missionary
at Farr 12th June 1781 ; pres. by Eliza-
beth, Countess of Sutherland, Aug. 1794;
adm. nth June 1795 ; died 27th Aug. 1812.
He marr. 29th March 1786, Wilhelmina
(died 2nd Feb. 1838), daugh. of John
Poison, tacksman of Navidale, and had
issue— Janet Katherine, born 14th June
1787 ; George, min. of this parish ; Alice
Gregory, born 16th March 1792; Johanna
Poison, born 28th Oct. 1793, died young;
Elizabeth Sutherland, born 4th Aug. 1795 ;
Johanna Poison, born 7th March 1801 (marr.
James Campbell, min. of Kildonan.)
GEORGE URQUHART, born 20th Nov.
1790, son of preceding; educated at
Marischal College, Aberdeen ; M.A.
(1st April 1809) ; pres. by George, Marquess,
and Elizabeth, Marchioness of Stafford, in
Feb., and ord. 22Dd Sept. 1813; died in
Florence, where he had gone for the benefit
of his health, 3rd May 1821.
DONALD ROSS,M.A.; trans, from Kil-
muir, Skye ; pres. by George, Mar-
quess, and Elizabeth, Marchioness of
Stafford, Nov. 1821; adm. 7th May 1822;
trans, to Loth 18th June 1823.
JOHN MACKENZIE, M.A. ; pres. by
1823 Grsorge, Marquess, and Elizabeth,
Marchioness of Stafford, in July,
and adra. 17th Sept. 1823 ; trans, to Resolis
28th Sept. 1843.
DUNCAN M'ARTHUR, ord. 8th May
1844 ^^'^'^' ^^^'^ ^'**^ ^^^- ^^^^- -^^
marr. 8th May 1838, Janet (died 30th
April 1865), daugh. of William Mitchell,
Gordonhall, Kingussie, and had issue —
Alexander, born 8th May 1840; William,
born 16th Sept. 1841 ; Peter, born 13th
Jan. 1843 ; James, Inveran, born 7th Dec.
1845, died 22nd Aug. 1919.
GREGOR STUART, trans, from
-g_^ Kinlochluichart, and adm. 3rd May
1854 ; trans, to Kingussie 24th Sept.
JOHN MACDONALD, born Liverness-
1858 ^^^''^' 1802, son of Donald M., tenant,
and Jane Mackay; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen; M.A. (1826); ord. to
Croick 23rd July 1844 ; trans, and adm.
25th Feb. 1858; died unmarr. 23rd Oct.
jg^g son of Murdo M., schoolmaster, and
Anne Mackenzie ; ord. to Knock 7th
Sept. 1870; trans, and adm. 24th July
1873 ; died 6th Nov. 1918. He marr. 30th
March 1875, Isabella Janet (died 25th
Nov. 1877), only daugh. of Andrew Hall
of Calrossie, Ross-shire, and had issue —
Andrew Hall, born 16th Dec. 1876. Publi-
cation — The Chronicles of Stratheden, a
Highland Parish of To-day [by A Resident]
(Edinburgh, 1881).
ALLAN MACKENZIE, born Poolewe,
jgjg 16th Feb. 1857; son of Alexander
M. and Margaret Mackenzie ; edu-
cated at Free Church School, Inverasdale,
New College and Univ. of Edinburgh ;
licen. by Free Presbyterian Presb. Hth
Aug. 1893 ; ord. to Free Presbyterian
Church, Inverness, 22nd Nov. 1898 ; adm.
by the General Assembly as an ordained
min. May 1900 ; adm. min. of Eraser Street
Church, Inverness, that year ; adm. to Uig
7th Feb. 1906 ; trans, and adm. 17th July
1919; trans, to Tiree 16th Sept. 1925;
died at Uig Manse 15th June 1926. He
marr. (1) 17th Oct. 1883, May (died a3th
April 1915), daugh. of Donald FraserXand
had issue — John Kennedy, min. of Storno-
way : (2) 17th Aug. 1916, Catherine, daugh.
of Kenneth Macleod, Stornoway, and had
issue — Allan Kenneth, born 29th March
1919; Alasdair Ian, born 20th Jan. 1921.
Publications — Church and. State Qiiestion
(Inverness, 1896) ; Sabbath Question (Inver-
ness, 1897) ; Patrick Hamilton, Martyr ;
Development of Education in the Lewis.
1926 Cupar-Fife, 3rd May 1882, son of
John T. and Williamina Dorothy
Leighton ; educated at Bell-Baxter School,
Cupar, and Univ. of St Andrews ; M.A.
(1903), B.D. (1907); licen. by Presb. of
St Andrews in 1907 ; assistant at Bothwell,
Dundee, Alloway 1912, and Dalwhinnie
1913; ord. to Berriedale 5th April 1917;
trans, and adm. 13th May 1926. Marr. 10th
July 1924, Catherine Bruce, daugh. of Angus
Bruce Georgeson and Williamina Farquhar,
schoolhouse, Berriedale, and has issue —
Williamina Dorothy, born 29th April 1925 ;
Elizabeth Caird, born 4th Jan. 1927. Publi-
cations— " Scottish Students in Heidelberg,"
1386-1662 (Scot. Hist. Revieiv, Oct. 1907).
Contributions to Review of Theology and
Philosophy, viii. No. 6, ix. No. 2.
[There was of old a chapel at Stoer,
which was then in the parish of Assynt.
A parliamentary chapel was built here in
1829. The parish of Stoer was disjoined
from Assynt 18th March 1878.]
\ lO^nUi^ ^-tk*. b«^/<4) (Tfr-t^i L,2i^)
DONALD GORDON, M.A. ; pres. by
1829 Cteorge IV. 21st April, Irans. from
Eddracliillis, and adm. 2nd Sept.
1829 ; trans, to Edderton 7th April 1836.
PETER DAVIDSON, born 1788, second
1887 ^^^ ^^ John D., farmer, Glenrosa,
Kilbride, Arran ; educated at Univ.
of Glasgow ; missionary at St Kilda, 1829,
ord. by Presb. of Caithness as missionary
at Achrennie or Dirlot in 1830 ; pres. by
William IV. 6th July 1836 ; adm. 18th April
1837. Joined the Free Church in 1843 ; min.
of Free Church, Shiskine, Arran, 1845-52,
and Free Church, Kilbride, 1852-75; died
at Lamlash 15th April 1875. He marr.
1824, Margaret Fullarton. Publication —
Poems on various Religions Subjects (Glas-
gow, 1877). — [Cameron's Church in Arran,
137, 143; Marbh-Roinn (Glasgow, 1877),
contains an Elegy on P. D.]
ord. 4th May 1852 ; trans, to Gaelic
Church, Edinburgh, 21st Feb. 1854.
DONALD MACKAY, pres, by Queen
Victoria 1st July, and ord. 1854 ;
dem. in 1876 and went to Canada
[afterwards min. of St Columba's, Paisley
jg^,- toul, June 1842, son of Charles
G. ; educated at Tomintoul School
and Univ. of Aberdeen ; schoolmaster of
Alvie ; licen. by Presb. of Dornoch ; ord.
4th May 1877 ; dem. in 1917. Marr. 15th
Jan. 1879, Barbara, daugh. of Peter Grant,
schoolmaster of Alvie, and has issue —
Anne Jane, born 7th Jan. 1880 (marr. 19th
Nov. 1914, Thomas Thomson, town-clerk,
Airdrie) ; Helen Elizabeth Gumming, born
3rd Jan. 1881 (marr. Kennedy Adams,
min. of Harthill) ; Charles Peter, min.
of Wellpark, Greenock, born 3rd Jan,
1882 ; Alexander George Macpherson,
medical superintendent of the Manchester
Sanatorium, Abergele, born 5th Aug.
jgjg M.A. ; assistant at St Margaret's,
Edinburgh, elected min. in 1919, but
died from a motor accident near Lochinver,
31st March 1919, the day before that fixed
for his ordination.
1919 Portree, 11th May 1876, son of John M.
and Jane M. ; educated at Portree
School ; licen. by Presb. of Dornoch 12th
Sept. 1919; Royal Bounty missionary,
Rosehall; ord. 25th Sept. 1919. Marr. 19th
Nov. 1907, Margaret, daugh. of Donald
Smith and Christina Mackay, s.p.
[This Court was set up by the General Assembly on 11th May 1726. Of the seven
parishes then united to form it, Eddrachillis, Durness, Farr and Reay were taken from
the Presbytery of Caithness. To these were added Assynt and Kildonan, which had
belonged to Dornoch, and the new parish of Tongue erected at that meeting of Assembly
in 1726. Kildonan, however, was given back to the Presbytery of Dornoch on 18th May
1727, and, on 19th May 1736, Assynt also was put again under the jurisdiction of the
latter Court. The Register of the Presbytery of Tongue begins at 15th Oct. 1726.
There is a gap in its Record from 7th July 1763 to 17th Aug. 1774.]
[Durness was a prebend of the Cathedral
of Dornoch.]
JOHN REID, exhorter after ] 560 to his
1560 death.
FARQUHAR REID, min. in 1574,
1574 ^^^^ -^^^^ ^^^ Reay in the charge.
— [Wodrow MisceL, 332.]
GEORGE MERNIS, pres. to the vicarage
1576 ^^ James VI. 21st Dec. 1576 ; dem.
before 8th March 1580 ; still styled
min., however, in 1585.— [^egr. Assig.]
WILLIAM MERNIS, pres. to the
[ 1580 '^i'^arage by James VI. 8th March
' 1580.
ROBERT MUNRO, min. in 1603 ; with
-P^„ his wife he resigned half davoch of
Culmellochie in favour of his son
2nd April 1623 ; still min. 26th April 1632.
He marr. Elspet Munro, and had issue —
Hector. — [Scot. Antiquary,v.,lb5 ; Inverness
Sas., iii. 236, v. 62, 269 ; Reid's Uarls of
Boss, 82 ; Eeay Charter Chest.]
ALLAN MACLORGANE, min. at 15th
1613 Feb. 1613.— [C^a^i Donald, iii., 649.]
1684 ^^^^' ^^^ °^ Hector M. of Milntown of
Katewell, dyer, Inverness ; originally
a teacher in Strathnaver, was converted
under the ministry of Robert Bruce, Edin-
burgh, while the latter was confined to
Inverness. Soon after, M. imagined he
heard a voice from heaven imploring his
service in the ministry and informing him
of his settlement here. This being several
times repeated, he studied at the Univ. of
Aberdeen, was entered on trials, and licen.
and ord. in 1634. At his entry the people
are stated to have been almost heathen, but
his labours met with much success. He
translated many passages of Scripture into
Gaelic verse, which were known and learned
oracularly as " Sandy Munro's Verses.'"' Of
these only two specimens are known to
be extant, consisting of 108 lines in the
Fernaig Manuscript. He died before 22nd
Dec. 1653. He marr. Janet Gumming, and
had issue— Hew, his successor ; John, rain,
of Alness ; Donald, schoolmaster, Alness ;
Hector ; Agnes (marr. David Munro of
Katewell) ; Christian (marr. (1) John, eldest
son of Murdoch Mackay of Achness : (2)
Robert Munro of Milntown of Katewell).
— [Wodrow's Anal., i., 267; Hist, of the
Munros, 391 ; Mackay 's House of Mackay,
558 ; Inverness Sas., v., 293 ; Sutherland and
the Reay Country, 333 ; Reliquiae Celticae,
ii., 19 ; Trans. Gaelic Soc. Inverness, xi.,
329; The Fernaig Manuscript (Dun-
dee, 1924) ; Beaton's Bibliography of
Gaelic Books of Caithness and Suther-
land, 11.]
HEW MUNRO, son of preceding, born
about 1637 ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen; M.A. (1657);
ord. (at Watten) 20th Jan. 1663; coll.
before 2nd March 1664 ; was censured 6th
June 1666, notwithstanding his excuse of
distance of place and tediousness of journey,
for non-attendance at Presb. He did not
take the Test in 1681. but on petitioning
Privy Council, 16th March 1682, was allowed
to do so ; died between 2nd July 1701 and
2nd June 1703, aged about 59. He marr.
and had issue — Isabella (marr. Robert
Mackay of Achness).— [Mackay's House of
Mackay, 559 ; Wodrow's Anal., i., 267 ;
P. C. Re(j., 3rd ser., vii., 364 ; Sutherland
and the Reay Country, 344 ; Hist, of the
Munros, 391.]
[The Parish vacant 1698-1707.]
JOHN MACKAY, M.A. ; ord. 14th
,«.,_ March 1707, when he had a promise
from George, Lord Reay, that the
parish should be divided, but this not being
fulfilled, he personally pursued a disjunc-
tion before the Lords of Session but was
unsuccessful ; trans, to Lairg 2nd March
GEORGE BRODIE, called by the Presb.
1715 -^'"^ devoluto 14th Aug., and ord. (at
Reay) 22nd Sept. 1715 ; trans, to
Eddrachillis on its erection 15th July 1724.
1726 I^urness, 3rd May 1696, son of
Donald ]\L, and nephew of Walter
Ross, min. of Tongue ; educated at Fearn
School and Univ. of St Andrews ; M.A.
(9th May 1722); licen. by the Presb. there
15th Sept. 1725 ; became tutor in family of
Mackay of Rhenovie ; pres. by the Presb.
jure devoluto 24th Aug., and ord. 28th
Sept. 1726 ; sometime clerk of Presb. ; died
23rd Aug. 1763. He was an accomplished
musician, "a most melodious and powerful
singer," and composed many Gaelic airs.
He took a lively interest in the controversy
in the Synod of Caithness and Sutherland
for the curtailment of the number of days
observed at the dispensation of the Sacra-
ment of the Lord's Supper. Rob Donn
composed a beautiful elegy in Gaelic on him.
He marr. 23rd May 1728, Anna (died 18th
Jan. 1784), daugh. of Patrick Couper, min.
of Pittenweem, and had issue — Patrick,
min. of Kilmore, born 22nd April 1729 ;
Mary, born 9th Oct. 1730; Margaret, born
21st Oct. 1731, died Feb. 1756; Donald,
born 21st Nov. 1732, died Sept. 1751 ;
Florencei born 23rd Sept. 1736 (marr. John
Touch, D.D., min. of St Cuthbert's Chapel-
of-Ease (Buccleuch), Edinburgh) ; Annabel,
born 22nd May 1737 ; Joseph, born 26th
Feb. 1739 ; John ; Marion ; Jenny ; Jean
(marr.)r He left an MS. Diary in eight
octavo vols, extending to over 4000 pages of
very small but legible writing. It is chiefly
a record of the diarist's spiritual experi-
ences. Portions were published in Trans.
Gaelic Soc. Inverness, xi., 293-310 (1884-5).
— [Siitherland and the Reay Country,
JOHN THOMSON, born Avoch, 6th
1764 '^°^' ^'^^ '' ^^^ schoolmaster of
Golspie ; licen. by Presb. of Dornoch
13th Sept. 1763 ; called by the Presb.
jure devohito ; ord. (at Tongue) 1st Nov.
1764; died 12th June 1811. He marr.
(1) 20th May 1765, Mary (born 17th April
1740, died 13th Sept. 1768), daugh. of
Francis Robertson, min. of Clyne, and
had issue — Janet, born 13th Feb. 1766,
died 7th April 1785 ; Kenneth, born 29th
Dec. 1766, died in Kingston, Jamaica, 24th
July 1794 ; Francis, born 29th Aug., died
24th Nov. 1 768 : (2) 28th Sept. 1770, Margaret
(born 8th June 1741, died 19th July 1772),
daugh. of John Clunes of Neilstown, and
had issue— Margaret Gordon, born 7th July,
died 3rd Dec. 1771 ; Robertson, born 27th
June 1772, died 3rd Sept. 1773: (3) 5th
Nov. 1776, Christian (born Aug. 1753, died
2nd April 1804), daugh. of Kenneth Mac-
kenzie, tacksman of Inchdaff, and had
issue — Sibella, born 21st Sept. 1777 (marr.
12th Sept. 1801, Lieut. Donald Mackay in
Clashneach); Elizabeth, born 23rd Sept.
1779; Ann Helen, born 17th May 1781,
died 4th March 1783 ; Georgina, born 8th
Feb. 1783; Mackay, born 11th Dec. 1784,
died in Jamaica, spring 1803; Mary, born
28th Sept. 1790 (marr. William Findlater,
I ^
■-€. [;^c^i,J y^.Zoij
X ^V 1 j .3 M
:f ic-re^AKj^*^^ (A.tv^ . I'T^ij^ C4M2.
min. of this parish) ; Elizabeth Fairly, born
10th June 1794. Publication — Account
of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, iii.). —
{^Memorabilia Domestica, 30.]
jgj2 May 1784, eldest son of Robert F.,
dyer, Drummond, Kiltearn, and Helen
M'Rae ; educated at Univ. of Edinburgh
licen. by Presb. of Dingwall 26th Nov. 1806
app. missionary at EriboU 28th May 1807
ord. there 6th April 1808 ; pres. by George,
Prince Regent, 21st Oct. 1811; adm. 30th
April 1812. Joined the Free Church in 1 843 :
min. of Free Church, Durness, 1843-65:
died at Tain 29th June 1869. He was a
retiring man whose piety, stores of informa-
tion, cheerfulness, quiet playfulness and
wit, made him a general and delightful
companion. He marr. 15th March 1810,
Mary, fourth surviving daugh. of John
Thomson, min. of this parish, and had
issue — Eric John, min. of Ardentinny, j
born 5th April 1813; Helen, born 26th
Nov. 1816 ; Robert, born 22nd Aug., died
1st Sept. 1818 ; Robert Buchanan, born
8th June 1820, died 17th Sept. 1840 ; Janet
Thomson, born 26th April 1822 ; Christian,
born 6th May 1828; Kenneth M'Kay
Thomson, medical student, born 16th June
1830, died at Edinburgh 23rd Feb. 1851 ;
Robina, born 2nd July 1833. Publications
— Memoir of the Rev. Robert Findlater of
Inverness (Glasgow, 1830) ; Gaelic Elegies
(Edinburgh, 1850) ; Parting Exhortations
(Edinburgh, 1856) ; Account of the Parish
{Neiv Stat. Ace, xv.). — [Beaton's Biblio-
graphy of Gaelic Books of Caithness and
Sutherland, 23 ; Memorabilia Domestica,
205 ; Disruption Worthies of the Highlands
(portrait), 61-5.]
jg.g Donald M., farmer, and Catherine
Campbell ; pres. by Queen Victoria
16th Dec. 1844; adm. 17th April 1845;
died unmarr. 29th March 1856.
jggg GRANT, born Kirkmichael, 22nd
Nov. 1825, son of G. and
Penuel ]\Iiddleton ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen; M.A. (March 1848);
tutor in family of the Rev. Z. M. Hamilton,
D.D., min. of Bressay ; ord. to Carnoch in
1853 ; pres. by Queen Victoria 2nd May,
trans, and adm. 6th Aug. 1856 ; died 16th
April 1900. He marr. 6th Jan. 1858, Penuel
(died 15th June 1902), daugh. of James
Macpherson, farmer, Kirkmichael, Banff,
and Penuel Grant, and had issue — Penuel
born 10th June 1859, died 19th April 1868
Anne, born 24th Oct. 1860 (marr. 7th Jan
1897, William HannayShand,L.R.C.P.&S.)
John, St Andrews, born 23rd March 1862
James in New Zealand, born 19th May
1863; William Charles Middleton, born
15th Nov. 1864, died at Johannesburg, 15th
July 1918 ; Alexander Donald Mackenzie,
M.B., Johannesburg, born 29th Jan. 1866 ;
Wilhelmina Catherine Macpherson, born
nth June 1867, died 3rd July 1919 ; Penuel,
born 16th Sept. 1868, died 30th Oct. 1897 ;
Isabella Elizabeth, born 4th Feb. 1870
(marr. John Elliot Scott, Board of
Agriculture) ; Catherine Jane, born 12th
Sept. 1871 (marr. William Eraser, sur-
veyor) ; Sophia Mary, born 27th Sept.
1900 Kinlochbervie, 4th Sept. 1872, son
of Peter M., schoolmaster, and Jane
Mackenzie ; educated at Raining's School,
Inverness, and Univs. of Edinburgh, M.A.
(1912), and Glasgow; licen. by Presb. of
Greenock April 1898 ; assistant at Gaelic
Church, Greenock and Strachur ; ord. 28th
Nov. 1900 ; trans, to St Oran's, Edinburgh,
8th June 1917.
1918 ^°™ Tullymet, Perthshire, 26th
May 1856, son of James M. and
Janet Wallace ; educated at Logierait
School and Univs. of Edinburgh, M.A.
(1887), and Glasgow, B.D. (1892) ; licen. by
Presb. of Weem in 1892 ; assistant at Ford
of Lochawe ; ord. to Croick 22nd Feb.
1898 ; trans, and adm. 7th May 1918. Marr.
26th Dec. 1918, Helen, daugh. of George
Poison, Tillycairn, Cluny, Aberdeenshire,
and widow of Robert Fairburn.
[On 16th May 1724 the General Assembly
appointed a collection to be taken for
building a church at Eddrachillis. In the
same year, the Lords Commissioners of
Teinds disjoined the parish of Eddrachillis
from those of Lairg and Durness.]
GEORGE BRODIE, licen. by Presb. of
Inverness 15th Sept. 1714 ; ord. to
Durness 22nd Sept. 1715; became
rain, of this parish on its erection 15th July
1724 ; adm. before 5th Oct. 1726 ; died 1st
March 1740. He marr. Barbara, only
daugh. of Alexander Mackay, and had issue
—William ; Henrietta (marr. William Gor-
don, Langdale); Margaret (marr. Alexander
Oliphant, min. of Bower) ; Christian, cele-
brated for her beauty and virtue by the
bard Rob Donn (marr. John Mackay, Auld-
anrine) ; a daugh. (marr. George Mackay,
min. of this parish).— [Mackay's House of
Mackay, 253 ; F. R. Sas., Inverness, 20th
Sept. 1762, X., 97 ; Trans. Gaelic iSoc.
Inverness, xi., 300.]
GEORGE MACKAY, born about 1713,
,^. J eldest son of John M. of the family
of Achness ; licen. by Presb. of
Tongue 31st July 1738 ; called jure devoluto
9th, and ord. 23rd April 1741 ; died 18th
June that year. His illness and death
vi^ere popularly believed to have been
brought about by a reputed witch, whose
daughter he had severely rebuked. He
marr. 1741, a daugh. of George Brodie,
min. of this parish, but had no issue. —
[IVans. Gaelic Soc. Inverness, xi., 300 ;
House of Mackay, 559.]
son of John H., schoolmaster at
Knockbreck, Durness ; educated at
Marischal College, Aberdeen, 1725-9 ; licen.
by Presb. of Tongue 16th Nov. 1732 ; ord.
by Presb. of Dornoch 24th Aug. 1736, as a
missionary within their bounds ; called by
the Presb. jm-e devoluto 11th, and adm.
18th Aug. 1742 ; died unmarr. after long
illness 19th May 1743.
JOHN MUNRO, born Uist, about
1744 I'^O^- s°^ <^f Captain Robert M. of
Erribol, of Dunbarton's Regiment,
and Christian, daugh. of Hugh Eraser of
Aigas ; educated at King's College, Aber-
deen ; M.A. (1728) ; was chaplain in the
family of George, Lord Reay ; licen. by
Presb. of Tongue 8th Aug. 1732 ; ord.
to South Uist, 14th Jan. 1737 ; called by
the Presb. jure devoluto 7th March, trans,
and adm. 21st June 1744 ; died 13th
Feb. 1755. He marr. 13th July 1741,
Christian (died 9th March 1795), daugh.
of William Macleod of OJffe and Waterstein, 5/
and widow of Kenneth Bethune, min. of '
Kilmuir, and had issue— Katherine, born
12th Aug. 1742; George, min. of South
Uist, born 3rd July 1743; Robert, born
22nd June 1744, died 19th July 1745;
Alexander, born 13th May, died 28th July
1745 ; Mary, born 6th April 1746 ; Hugh,
min. of Uig, born 16th April 1747; Christian,
born 10th May 1748 ; Robert, born 7th June
1750.- — {Geneal.qf the Bethunes ; Mackenzie's
Hist, of the Munros, 354.]
JOHN M'KAY, ord. (at Tongue) 1st Jan.
j,^ 1756 ; trans, to Tongue 27th May
jiygg Inverness, 1730; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (3rd April
1750); licen. by Presb. of Dalkeith 19th
Aug. 1757; ord. missionary at Fort Augustus
13th June 1758; called by the ViQ&h. jure
devoluto 5th, and adm. 7th July 1763. In an
action at his instance, the Court of Session
found, 14th Nov. 1781, that a minister had
no right to the sea ware upon the shore
of his glebe, except for the purpose of
manuring his land and feeding his cattle.
He died 14th May 1802. He marr. 23rd
Aug. 1764, Mary (died 26th May 1827),
sister of George M'lntosh of Dunchattan,
and had issue— Helen, born 23rd May 1765
(marr. Captain Alexander Mackay of Duart-
beg) ; Fairly, born 23rd May 1769 ; Barbara,
born 14th Feb. 1771 ; Joanna, born 16th
Nov. 1773; Mary, born 1st Sept. 1775;
Anne, born 6th Nov. 1777 ; John, born 15th
Nov. 1779; James, born 27th Oct. 1781,
died 1785 ; Alexander, born 20th March
1784 : James, born 26th June 1786 ; George,
bornVth July 1788, died 1798; Lachlan,
born 18th Sept. 1790. Publication-
Account of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat.
Ace, vi.).
JOHN MACKENZIE, born 1759;
licen. by Presb. of Tain 2nd May
1792 ; ord. missionary at Kincardine
and Creich 4th May 1797 ; pres. by George
III. 16th Sept. 1802 ; adm. 6th April 1803 ;
died 14th March 1837.
(assistant) 28th Nov. 1822 ; adm. to
Stoer 2nd Sept. 1829.
GEORGE TULLOCH, born 1799, son
of James T. in Skaill, Reay ;
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen; licen. by Presb. of Caithness 22nd
July 1825; ord. as missionary at EriboU
2nd April 1829 ; pres. by William IV. ;
adm. (assistant and successor) 13th Oct.
1831. Joined the Free Church in 1843 ;
min. of Free Church, Eddrachillis, 1843-80 ;
died 27th Jan. 1880. He marr. 29th Jan.
1835, Mary M'Intosh Clarke, who died 15th
Feb. 1897, and had issue— James, born 8th
Jan. 1836 ; Johanna Clarke, born 28th Sept.
1837 ; Ann Swanson, born 26th May 1839 ;
John, born 9th and died 27th Nov. 1840 ;
David Robert, M.D., Helmsdale, Winnipeg,
born 1st Jan. 1842 ; John Thomas, student
at Marischal College, 1859, born 12th Sept.
1843, vi^ent to British Columbia ; Hughina,
born 14th Dec. 1845 ; Alexa, born 17th June
1847 ; Alexander, born 2nd May 1849, died
8th Aug. 1850: Mary Bayne, born 7th
March 1851 ; Alexandrina Clarke, born
14th March 1853.
JAMES STEWART, born 1780, son of
1844 J°^^ ^-t farmer, and Catherine
Stewart; ord. to Ardgour in 1816;
became missionary at Fort Augustus, 1829 ;
pres. by Queen Victoria 12th March, and
adm. 2nd May 1844 ; died 28th Aug. 1867.
He marr. 18th Dec. 1830, Christina Mac-
donald. Fort Augustus, who died 22nd June
1880, and had issue— John Allan, born 24th
Feb. 1832, died young ; Ann Catherine, born
6th June 1834 ; John Allan, min. of North
Parish, Paisley, born 2nd Jan. 1836 ;
Christina, born 26th June 1837 ; James
Angus, born 20th July 1842 ; Duncan, born
28th July 1846.
1868 Q'^^®^ Victoria 12th Sept. 1867;
ord. 15th Jan. 1868 ; trans, to
Rosskeen 9th Aug. 1870.
DONALD MACAULAY, pres. by Queen
^ Victoria 27th Dec. 1870 ; trans, from
Hallin-in-Waternish, and adm. 11th
May 1871 ; trans, to Reay 6th June 1878.
1879 ^*^^ ^^ Alexander M., farmer, and
Ann Lyon ; educated at Univ. of
Edinburgh ; ord. in 1863 ; adm. to Kinloch-
bervie 29th Dec. 1864 ; trans, to Kinloch-
luichart 6th Jan. 1876 ; trans, and adm. 5th
March 1879; dem. 25th Nov. 1903; died
6th Feb. 1915. He marr. 8th Nov. 1861,
Anne, daugh. of James Macpherson, farmer,
Kirkmichael, and Penuel Grant.
son of George H., general merchant,
and Elizabeth Eraser ; educated at
Univ. of Edinburgh; M.A. (13th April 1898) ;
B.Litt. (Oxon); Ph.D. (Vienna); licen.
by Presb. of Edinburgh in 1900; ord.
(assistant and successor) 19th June 1901 ;
app. lecturer in Celtic in Univ. of Glas-
gow in 1906; dem. 15th May 1911;
died at Rutherglen 26th June 1912. He
marr. Agnes D. Niebuhr. Publications
— Dain Iain Gohha : The Poems of
John Morrison, the Songsmith of Harris,
edited with Memoir, 2 vols. (Glasgow,
1893-6); The Book of the Glens, with
Zimmer on Pictish Matriarchy (Edinburgh,
1898) ; Symphonia Gadelica (Inverness,
1899); Fled Bricrend : The Feast of
Bricriu [Irish Texts Soc] (London, 1899) ;
The Gaelic Classics, No. 1 (Edinburgh,
1901) ; Memoirs of a Highland Gentleman
(Edinburgh, 1905) ; The Norse Influence on
Celtic Scotland (Glasgow, 1910) ; Survivals
in Belief among the Ce^^s (Glasgow, 1911);
"The Geste of Fraoch and the Dragon"
[Campbell's The Gaelic Dragon Myth]
(Edinburgh, 1911); Arthurian Motifs in
Gadhelic Literature (Halle, 1912); "The
Fionn Saga" {Celtic Review, i., 193 et seq.) ;
"A Manuscript from Ratisbon " (Trans.
Gael. Soc. Inverness, xxvi., 87); ^' (bJnijhus
Nan Aoir" (ibid., xxvi., 458); ^Za7nh-
S'jriohhainnean Mhic Neacail " (ibid.,
xxvii., 340-409).— [Beaton's Bibliography of
Gaelic Books of Caithness and Sutherland,
28, 74 ; Celtic Eeview, viii., 245-9 (portrait)].
1912 ^^'^^^^ 1912, trans, to Unst 4th
Nov. that year.
March 1882, son of David L., min.
of Tongue ; educated at Miller
Institution, Thurso, and Univ. of St
Andrews ; licen. by Presb. of Tongue April
1913; assistant at Golspie; ord. 6th May
that year.
[The church of Farr was a commune kirk
of the Cathedral of Dornoch. There is
within the bounds a mission chapel in
1567 DONALD REID, reader in 1567.
Adam D., Thurso ; pres. by James
VI. 28th April 1572, but not known
if settled.
FARQUHAR REID, min. in 1574, with
Reay and Ardurness also in his
charge ; still min. in 1580.
WALTER ANDERSON, reader at Clyne
and Loth from 1574 to 1580; min.
in 1585 ; was still in the charge 20th
Dec. 1603. — [Beg. Assig. ; Wodroiv Miscell.,
333 ; Craven's Diocese, 48.]
DONALD REOCH, min. in 1588; still
1588 min. in 1595.
WILLIAM ROSS, min. in 1596, with
Kirkibole and Ardurness in his
charge; still min. in \bQd.—\_Reg.
Andrews 1595) ; pres. by James VI.
10th May 1584 ; adm. to Reay about
1601 : trans, and adm. before 16th June
1603; still min. in 1608; had charter of
a tenement in Thurso from James Sinclair
of Murkle in 1618. He marr. Agnes
Blackadder.— [^^r/. Mag. Sig., vi., 1467 ;
Reg. Assig. ; G. R. Sas., ii., 178.]
ROBERT MUNRO of Coul, eldest son
1619 °^ William M., min. of Cullicudden,
and Isobel Thornton ; adm. to
Kiltearn in 1589 ; trans, and adm. before
9th Oct. 1619; still min. 13th Aug. 1635.
He marr. Elizabeth, daugh. of Robert
Munro of Foulis, and had issue — Hector
of Coul ; John, major in army ; Elizabeth
(marr. David Dunbar, merchant, Inver-
ness) ; Margaret (marr.). — [Mackenzie's
Hist, of the Mtmros, 385 ; Reg. Mag. Sig.,
viii., 118, 245; Inverness Sas., vi., 15; Reg.
of Deeds, dxliv., 377 ; P. C. Reg., 2nd ser.,
vi., 222.]
JOHN MUNRO, son of Major Hector
1663 ^^' ^^ ^°^^ ^"*^ Isabella Ross, and
grandson of preceding ; app. (col-
league and successor) by Patrick, Bishop
of Caithness 14th May 1663; coll. before
2nd March 1664. He marr. Isobel Ander-
son, and had issue — William ; Thomas ;
David, min. of 'Reay.—[Laing Charters,
2603, 2815 ; Mackenzie's Hist, of the
Munros, 386 ; The Sutherland Booh, ii.,
DONALD M'INTOSH, ord. 15th July
.,-w- 1674 ; received into communion by
the committee appointed by the
Assembly for the north of Tay, July 1694 ;
trans, to Duthil in 1695.
JOHN MACPHERSON, born 1656 ; a
1697 PJ'^aching deacon under Episcopacy
and schoolmaster of Thurso, was
referred by the Assembly 8th Jan. 1697 to
the Presb. of Edinburgh in order to his
being licensed ; ord. in 1697 ; died 28th
Jan. 1726. He marr., and had issue —
Isobel (marr., cont. 22nd April 1714, William
Munro of Achany. — [Inverness Sas., vii.,
395; Tombst.l
ANDREW ROBERTSON, called by the
1727 Pi'csb. jure devoluto 9th Jan. and
ord. 21st March 1727 ; trans, to
Kiltearn 27th July 1731.
JOHN SKELDOCH, a native of Lorn ;
1734 educated at Univ. of Glasgow ; ord.
to Kilmonivaig 5th May 1725 ; called
28tli Oct. 1732 ; trans, and adm. 18th July
1734 ; died 25th June 1753. He was con-
stantly warned and rebuked by the Presb.
for his worldliness and inattention to his
pastoral duties. He bought and sold
cattle to such an extent that the people
regarded him more as a drover than a
minister. In 1748 he was suspended by
the Synod, a motion for deposition being
lost by a small majority. Page after page
of the Presb. Register is taken up with his
case. He marr. 8th June 1725, Jane Thrift,
who died 5th July 1794, aged \Q0.— {Suther-
land and the Reay Country, 355 ; Old Lore
MiscelL, vii. pt. 4, 164, viii. pt. 3, 111-15 ;
Trans. Gael. Soc. Inverness, xi., 308.]
GEORGE MUNRO, born Dunrobin
-,-g. 1705, son of George M., farmer, and
grandson of George Squair, min. of
Eddrachillis ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen, 1736-40; licen. by Presb. of
Tain 19th Feb. 1752 ; pres. by trustees of
William, Earl of Sutherland, in March ;
ord. 24th May 1754; died 1st May 1779,
"a man of marked piety." He marr. 16th
Dec. 1754, Barbara (died 3rd Feb. 1792),
daugh. of John Mackay, min. of Lairg, and
had issue — Katherine, born 5th Nov. 1755,
died 16th Feb. 1762 ; Mary Menzies, born
11th July 1760. — [Sutherland and the Reay
Country, 356.]
JAMES DINGWALL, born 26th May
j,ygQ 1743, third son of Alexander D.,
tenant of Seafield, Tarbat ; app.
schoolmaster of Tarbat ; educated at
King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (1766) ;
licen. by Presb. of Tain 4th Oct. 1769;
ord. missionary at Achness 30th Oct. 1772 ;
pres. by Elizabeth, Countess of Sutherland,
and her curators, 9th July 1779 ; adm. 30th
March 1780; died 16th Sept. 1814. He
was of weak bodily constitution and though
latterly unable to stand in the pulpit, was
never absent from preaching to the last
Sunday of his life. He marr. 14th July
1767, Christian Dow, who died 24th June
1827, and had issue— George Balfour, born
20th Sept. 1771 ; Alexander, born 23rd
Feb. 1780; Christian, born 15th March
1786. Publications — *S'?rwons on several
interesting subjects, ^vith a lecture on the
Seventy-third Psalm (Edinburgh, 1816);
Account of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat.
Ace, in.).— [Memorabilia Domestica, 181.]
DAVID MACKENZIE, born 20th Sept.
jgjg 1783; son of Hugh M., tacksman at
Pulrossie, Sutherland [who died at
the age of 102 years, elder and catechist,
and a descendant of Row the Reformer],
and brother of Hugh, min. of Tongue ;
wrought in early life in the factory at
Spinningdale ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen; M.A. (30th March 1810) ; school-
master of Tongue ; became tutor in the
family of M'Leod of Dalvey ; licen. by
Presb. of Forres 2nd Aug. 1813; ord.
missionary at Achness 25th Nov. 1813 ;
pres. by George, Marquess, and Elizabeth,
Marchioness of Stafibrd, in 1814 ; adm. 3rd
May 1815. Joined the Free Church in
1843; min. of Free Church, Farr, 1843-68;
died 24th Feb. 1868. During his ministry
the " Sutherland Clearances " at Strath-
naver and other parts of his parish were
carried out. He was asked to give his con-
currence but resolutely refused. He was a
most conscientious minister and a man of
sound judgment. On the occasion of his
jubilee he was presented with a handsome
sum of money by his many friends through-
out Caithness and Sutherland. He marr.
30th Nov. 1815, his cousin, Barbara Grace
(died 6th Sept. 1841), only daugh. of Robert
Gordon, tacksman of Langdale, and had
issue— Hugh, born 23rd May 1817, died at
Georgetown, Demerara, June 1844 ; Grizel,
born'lSth Feb. 1819 (marr. John Macdonald,
General Treasurer of Free Church, Edin-
burgh); Helen, born 9th Oct. 1820, died
4th May 1851 ; William, born 28th Sept.,
died 14th Nov. 1822; John (twin) born
28th Sept., died 11th Nov. 1822; William
John, born 5th Dec. 1823, died at Otago,
New Zealand, 23rd March 1861 ; Christian,
born 25th May 1826 (marr. 17th June 1845,
William Denoon Young, Edinburgh), died
7th Aug. 1849 ; Robert, born 7th Feb. 1828 ;
Donald, born 24th April 1830, died 14th
Jan. 1850; Marion Macleod, born 24th
July 1832, died 20th Aug. 1857; David,
born 22nd June 1840, died 2nd July 1841.
Publication— Account of the Parish (]\^eu>
Stat. Ace, XV.) — [Disru2ition Worthies of
the Highlands (portrait), 89-96 ; Memor-
abilia Domestica, 204.]
1844 scorrieclett, Halkirk, 1799, son of
Robert S., crofter, and Ann Mackay;
educated at King's College, Aberdeen, 1830-4;
ord. to Lybster 16th Sept. 1841 ; trans, to
Strathy in 1842; trans, and adm. 18th
April 1844; died 13th July 1880. He
marr. (1) 17th Nov. 1836, Jessie Hughina
Duncan, who died 3rd Feb. 1853, and had
issue — Christian Gunn, born 29th Sept.
1837 (marr. John Mackay), died in Glasgow
15th Feb. 1924; Roberta, born 4th June 1839
(marr. Hector Swanson, Rispond) ; Ann
Mackay, born 13th June 1841 ; John,
born 2nd May 1846, died 9th Jan. 1848;
Helen Jane, born 9th Jan. 1852, died 19th
June 1853: (2) 19th Sept. 1854, Christian
Macleod (died 22nd Feb. 1899), and had
issue— Robert John, born 17th Feb. 1856,
died 29th May 1860 ; Jessie Duncan, born
15th March 1861 ; Christian Mackay, born
4th Nov. 1863 ; Andrewina Sutherland,
born 28th Feb. 1865.
1881 ^^^^^ Lismore and adm. 31st March
1881 ; trans, to Kilmore 17th Sept.
1892 ^"^"^"^ Hallin-in-Waternish. and adm.
10th May 1892 ; trans, to Lairg 24th
June 1902.
1902 •^^'^" ^^'-^^ > ^^^^^- *° ^^^y 23rd Sept.
1910 Kinlochspelvie, and adm. 4th May
1910 ; trans, to Brodick 5th June
JOHN DEAS LOGIE, born Buckhaven,
1920 ^^^^ ^'^^^' ^^^^' ^°" ^^ James L. and
Elizabeth Deas ; educated at Buck-
haven Higher Grade School, Univ. of
Edinburgh, and Free Church College ; licen.
by Free Church Presb. of Edinburgh, Aug.
1896 ; assistant at Leith, Paisley, Falkirk
and West Calder ; ord. to Free Church,
Kinglassie, 1905 ; trans, to Free Church,
Kirkcaldy, March 1914 ; trans, to Rousay
15th Dec. 1916 ; trans, and adm. 15th June
1920; trans, to Gleni-sla 15th Sept. 1926;
trans, to Stanley 8th Sept. 1927. Marr.
6th Sept. 1905, Frances Glen (died s.p.
10th Feb. 1918), daugh. of John Mitchell
and Agnes Benson. Publications — The
Coming of May (London 1907); The
Church and the Open Door, Projyosed
Social Service League Organisation, General
Princi-jyles and Sketch ofSchem,e (Edinburgh,
1920) ; The Church\and the Closed Door, or
Ecclesiasticism in its Dotage (Edinburgh,
1922) ; The Church of Scotland and Com- '
mission of General Assembly and the Future
Church (Edinburgh, 1923) ; Model Method
for Presbyterian General Assemblies and
their Order of Business and Rearrange-
ment of Committees (Edinburgh, 1923) ;
Presbyterian Reunion in Scotland (Edin-
burgh, 1926).
NORMAN MORRISON, trans, from
1927 Bernera 15th Sept. 1927.
[The parish of Kinlochbervie was disjoined
from Eddrachillis on 4th Feb. 1846.]
DAVID MACKENZIE, born Caithness,
1800; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen, 1817-21; app. school-
master of Reay in 1821 ; pres. by George
IV. 24th April, and ord. 20th Aug. 1829 ;
dep. 19th Sept. 1833 for contumacy, and
emigrated to America. He received a call
to St Thomas's Church, Presb. of York,
Canada. He marr. Ann Dodds.
ROBERT CLARK, born Sutherland,
1834 l'^^4, son of Robert C, farmer, and
Margaret Clark; schoolmaster of
Eddrachillis and Tongue ; educated at
King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (25th
March 1814) ; licen. by Presb. of Tongue
7th April, and ord. as missionary at EriboU
24th Nov. 1819 ; adm. to Gaelic Chapel,
Aberdeen, 20th June 1822 ; adm. to Gaelic
Church, Duke Street, Glasgow, 8th May
1823 ; pres. by William IV. 3rd Dec.
1833; trans, and adm. 24th April 1834;
died 15th April 1856.
by Queen Victoria 30th June, and
ord. 4th Sept. 1856; trans, to
Urray 8th Aug. 1861.
PETER C ALDER, missionary at Fort
Augustus; pres. by Queen Victoria
8th Nov. 1861; adm. 10th April
1862 ; trans, to Clyne 14th Jan. 1864.
Queen Victoria 17th Sept., and
adm. 29th Dec. 1864 ; trans, to
Kinlochluichart 6th Jan. 1876.
SIMON HALLY, adm. 18th April 1877 ;
trans, to Kinlochluichart 18th July
DAVID LUNDIE, adm. 31st March
„o- 1880; trans, to Tongue 27th March
jggg charry, Fortingall, 12th Nov. 1836,
son of John C. and Janet Robert-
son ; educated at Kenmore and Fortingall
Schools, Grammar School and Univ. of
Aberdeen ; M.A. (1859) ; licen. by Presb.
of Weem in 1869 ; min. of New Presby-
terian Congregation, Southport, Lanca-
shire ; assistant at Ardchattan ; ord. Royal
Bounty missionary in the Glens, adm. to
Royal Bounty Mission, Dalavich in 1874;
adm. to this charge 11th Sept. 1889.
[The parish of Strathy was disjoined from
Farr on 4th Feb. 1846.]
jggg LIVRAY, pres. by George IV. 9th
April, and ord. 25th Sept. 1828;
trans, to Dairsie 10th Sept. 1841.
1842 Q*^^®^ Victoria 18th Jan., and trans,
from Lybster in 1842 ; trans, to Farr
18th April 1844.
jggQ son of Kenneth M., shoemaker, and
Mary M'Lennan ; educated at Univ.
of Edinburgh; ord. 9th May 1850; died
8th Feb. 1890. He marr. 25th April 1884,
Mary Hamilton (died 12th May 1905),
daugh. of John Sinclair, Inland Revenue,
Armadale, and had issue — John Kenneth,
born 3rd July 1886; Maggie Anne, born
1st Sept. 1887.
son of James M., farmer, and
Christina Murray ; ord. in 1863 ;
missionary at Stroma in 1883 ; adm. 23rd
July 1890 ; died unmarr. 6th Dec. 1908.
jgQQ Pitsligo, 26th Dec. 1841, son ol
Alexander Y., baker, Rosehearty ;
educated at Univ. of Aberdeen ; M.A.
(1861); schoolmaster of Skene, 1862-77;
licen. by Presb. of Aberdeen 4th Sept.
1877; ord. to Newmill 4th Sept. 1877;
dem. 1st June 1896 ; app. to Stroma Mission
in 1899 ; adm. 21st July 1909. Marr. 27th
Dec. 1870, Elizabeth Catherine, daugh. of
Captain William Young, and has issue —
Helen Agnes, born 1871 ; Emilie Russell,
born 1873 (marr. John Begg); Mary Murray,
born 1874; Alice Eliza, born 1875 ; Alex-
ander William, chief engineer. Transport
Service, born 1876; Elizabeth Catherine,
born 1878 (marr. Thomas M. Martin).
[On 16th May 1724, the General Assembly
appointed a collection to be made for build-
ing a church at Tongue. On 11th May
1726, the parish of Tongue was disjoined
from that of Durness by the Lords Com-
missioners of Teinds. There was a chapel
of St Columba within the bounds on
Eilean Chaluim, an island in the Kyle of
Tongue. There is a mission chapel at
Melness, in this parish.]
WILLIAM MACKAY, third son of
j^g,^ Alexander M. of the family of Ach-
ness, and daugh. of Andrew Fearn
of Pitcalzean, the Covenanter ; became
tutor to Donald, Master of Reay; licen,
by Presb. of Caithness 8th March 1727 ;
called by the Fresh, jure devoluto 21st, and
ord. 26th April 1727 ; died 21st Oct. 1728.
— [House of Mackaj/, 385.]
WALTER ROSS, uncle of Murdoch
ilao ^I^cdonald, min. of Durness ; licen.
by Presb. of Dalkeith 17th Aug.
1713; ord. to Creich 14th Jan. 1714;
called by the Presb. jia-e devoluto 6th Jan.,
trans, and adm. 11th June 1730; dem.,
being unable from ill-health to exercise his
duties, 8th Nov. 1761 ; died at Manse of
Edderton 9th Sept. 1762. His "reserved
manners and secluded habits were not
calculated to gain upon the rough, frank
Highlander." His nephew in his diary
remarks freely on R.'s worldliness and
parsimony. He marr. 7th June 1714,
Annabella (died 19th Feb, 1762), daugh. of
Matthew StcAvart of Newton, and had
issue— an only child, Barbara (marr. Joseph
Munro, min. of Edderton. Publication —
An Address to the General Assembly. —
[P. R. Sas., 10th Aug. 1743; Canongate
Marr. Reg.; Inverness Sas., March 1721 ;
Trans. Gael. Soc. Inverness, xi., 306 ; Old
Lore Miscellany, viii., pt. 3, 105.]
JOHN M'KAY, licen. by Presb. of
j^Q2 Edinburgh 22nd Oct. 1755 ; ord. to
Eddrachillis 1st Jan. 1756; called
by the Presb. jwre devoluto 13th, trans, and
adm. (when a quorum was got together
with difficulty) 27th May 1762 ; died 9th
Dec. 1768. He was of a weak and sickly
constitution, and unable to labour efficiently
in the parish. He marr. 24th Sept. 1759,
Isobel Dewar, who survived him. — [7Vrt«s.
Gael. Soc. Inverness, xi., 307.]
■,,jQa son of John M., farmer, Kilniuir-
Easter, and Grace Crombie; edu-
cated at King's College, Aberdeen, 1754-8;
licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh 28th April
1762 ; ord. by the Presb. missionary at
Achness 28th Oct. 1767 ; called 4th, and
adm. 7th Dec. 1769 ; died 5th Jan. 1834.
At his entrance to the parish, there was
much apathy to religion, but he succeeded
in making a marked change in the religious
conduct of his people. He marr. Jean
(died 5th Feb. 1814, aged 70), daugh. of
William Porteous, min. of Ratford, and had
issue — Grizel, born 26th Sept. 1769 (marr.
Lieut. Robert Cordon, tacksman of Lang-
dale), died 25th July 1797 ; Hugh M'Kay,
min. of this parish ; William, born 30th
July 1773, died 1774 ; Helen, born 2nd Jan.
1775 (marr. 29th Sept. 1815, Hugh Mac-
kenzie, M.D., min. of Killin) ; Anne Suther-
land, born 13th Feb. 1778, died 13th June
1798; John, surgeon, Jamaica, born 28th
June 1781, died March 1809 ; Jean, born
11th Feb., died 27th May 1783. Publica-
tion—Account of the Parish [jointly with
William Ross] (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, xv.).—
[Sutherland and the Reay Country, 357-61 ;
Memorabilia Domestica, 31, 180.]
1806 ^^^^ ^^^^ 1771, son of preceding;
educated at Marischal College, Aber-
deen, 1784-8 ; licen. by Presb. of Tongue
30th Nov. 1792; ord. (by Presb. of Caith-
ness) chaplain to the Reay Fencibles in
1796, and afterwards chaplain to the
Eraser Fencibles in Ireland, until they
were disbanded in 1802 ; assistant at Dyke,
1802-6 ; adm. (assistant and successor)
26th Nov. 1806. Joined the Free Church
in 1843 ; min. of Free Church, Tongue,
1843-5; died 30th June 1845. One who
knew hira intimately wrote : " I never
knew any minister so loved and admired
by his people. We were all proud of him,
and as we counted ' Ben Loyal ' nobler and
more beautiful than any other mountain,
so we counted 'Mr Hugh' the loveliest
and noblest of men." He marr. 15th July
1813, his cousin, Grace Mackenzie or
Russel, who died at Trinity, Edinburgh,
12th April 1866, aged 93, and had issue-
William (only child), min. of this parish.
Publication— Account of the Parish (Ifetv
Stat. Ace, XV.). — [DisrujHion Worthies of
the Highlands (portrait), 233-7 ; Memoir of
Tliomas Guthrie, D.D., ii., 92 [gives an
affecting account of the last days of father
and son] ; Memorabilia Domestica, 205.]
1843 J^^"^ 1816, son of preceding; edu-
cated at King's College, Aberdeen,
and Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb.
of Tongue in 1839 ; assistant at Tain ; ord.
(assistant and successor) Feb. 1843. Joined
the Free Church in 1843 ; colleague min.
of Free Church, Tongue, 1843-5 ; died
unmarr. 28th July 1845. — {Disruption
Worthies of the Highlands, 235.]
PETER MACKENZIE, M.A. ; pres. by
1843 Q^^sii Victoria 15th Aug., and adm.
26th Sept. 1843 ; trans, to Urquhart
29th March 1844.
1844 Q"^^^"^ Victoria 24th July, and adm.
11th Sept. 1844 ; dem. 21st Oct. 1847,
on appointment to Gaelic Church, Cromarty
[afterwards min. of Third Charge, Inver-
ANGUS LOGAN, born 1814, son of
1848 ^'^^^ L., collector of taxes, Argyll ;
educated at Univ. of Glasgow ; ord.
to Berriedale 17th July 1844 ; pres. by
Queen Victoria 24th Feb., trans, and adm.
24th Aug. 1848; died unmarr. 12th Dec.
jg,yg trans, from Ulva, and adm. 30th
Dec. 1875; trans, to Strath 15th
Aug. 1888.
DAVID LUNDIE, born Rhidorach,
1889 Gllenshee, 23rd Nov. 1846, son of
John L. and Elspeth Lamond ; edu-
cated at Perth Academy and Univ. of St
Andrews; M.A. (10th April 1869); Keen,
by Presb. of St Andrews 8th May 1872 ;
assistant at Boarhills Nov. 1872 ; ord. to
Kinlochbervie 31st March 1880 ; trans, and
adm. 27th March 1889. Marr. 22nd June
1881, Elspeth Fleming, second daugh. of
William Aitken Butter, farmer, Upper
Kenley, St Andrews, and has issue —
William John, min. of Eddrachillis, born
11th March 1882; Lamont Duncan, born
6th Feb. 1883; James David, 2nd lieut.
5th Seaforth Highlanders, born 11th Aug.
[A local Cliurcli Court for the district of Caithness was erected at some time between
1581 and 1593. On 12th Jan. 1697, for the reorganising of the government of the Church
in the North, the General Assembly remitted to its Commission to set up a Presbytery
of Caithness so soon as a competent body of ministers should be settled in the parishes
there. As a temporary arrangement, the Court thus formed was attached to the Synod
of Orkney. On 15th May 1725 this Presbytery of Caithness was severed from Orkney,
and placed under the jurisdiction of the Synod of Ross. This change, however, lasted for
a year only. On 11th May 1726 Caithness was taken from the Synod of Ross, and was
annexed, as of old, to that of Sutherland. The Register of the Presbytery of Caithness
begins at 6th April 1709. There is a gap in its Record from 17th Aug. 1773 to 8th Jan.
1799. Written evidence shows that there was an earlier volume of Minutes reaching from
5th Oct. 1654 to 7th Oct. 1668, but of its existence nothing more is known.]
[A parliamentary church was built here
in 1826. The parish of Berriedale was dis-
joined from Latheron on 9th Dec. 1846.
There is a mission chapel in this parish at
A mission was maintained at Berriedale
and Bruan by the S.P.C.K., and was
served by the following licentiates: —
William Mackintosh, ord. 2nd Dec.
1795 ; adm. to Thurso 29th Aug. 1805.
John Macdonald, app. July 1805 ; ord.
16th Sept. 1806 ; trans, to Gaelic Church,
Edinburgh, 31st Jan. 1807.
Duncan M'Gillivray, 1807; returned to
Achness same year [afterwards min. of
Donald Macgillivray, missionary at
Fort William ; adm. 1811 [afterwards min.
of Kilmallie].
William Sutherland, licen. by Presb.
of Caithness 20th Jan. 1813; ord. 16th
Sept. 1814 ; deserted his charge and went
to America before 16th Sept. 1818.
George Davidson, ord. 30th March 1819;
trans, to Latheron 15th June 1820.
Charles John Bayne, app. July 1821
[afterwards of Fodderty].
Archibald Cook, app. 15th Jan. 1823;
trans, to North Church, Inverness, 31st
Aug. 1827.
George IV. 19th Sept., and ord. 27th
Dec. 1827; trans, to North Knapdale
27th Sept. 1836.
Knapdale, 1790, second son of
Dugald C, farmer, Kilmichael-
Glassary ; educated at Univs. of Edin-
burgh and Glasgow ; became tutor in the
family of Hamilton of Kames, Bute; licen.
by Presb. of Dunoon 11th Oct. 1831;
assistant at Glenorchy and North Knap-
dale ; afterwards missionary at Perth ;
pres. by William IV. 19th Dec. 1836 ; ord.
12th April 1837. Joined the Free Church
in 1843 ; min. of Free Church, Berriedale,
1843-68; died unmarr. 15th Dec. 1868.
He had studied medicine and dispensed
medical advice among the poor of his
charge. — [Brown's Annals of Disriqytion,
185, 214.]
ANGUS LOGAN, pres. by Queen
Victoria 31st Jan., and ord. 17th
^^*^ July 1844; trans, to Tongue 24th
Aug. 1848.
Sept. 1850: trans, to Loth 29th
^«^° Aug. 1861.
HUGH FRASER, pres. by Queen
Victoria 6th Jan., and ord. 13th
^^^^ March 1862; trans, to Macduff 26th
Nov. 1863.
HUGH FRASER, pres. by Queen
Victoria 10th Dec. 1863; adm. 31st
^^^* March 1864; trans, to Fearn 23rd
Sept. 1869.
j^Q son of Donald S., spirit merchant,
and Catherine Macdiarmid ; pres. by
Queen Victoria 9th Feb., and ord. 11th May
1870; died unmarr. in Edinburgh, 14th June
1876 ^^^ °^ Alexander M., teacher, and
Margaret Macdonald ; educated at
Univ. of Edinburgh ; missionary at Buch-
lyvie in 1858 ; ord. 1864 for service in
Canada (q.v.) ; adm. (assistant and suc-
cessor) 28th Dec. 1876; dem. 23rd May
1904; died at Stirling, 22nd April 1909.
He marr. Margaret Isabella (born 22nd
July 1846, died at Stirling, 21st Oct. 1918),
daugh. of Andrew Milroy and Susannah
Sawers Nixon.
JAMES GRIEVE, trans, from North
j^QQ. Ronaldshay and adm. 15th Nov.
1904 ; trans, to Logiealmond 14th
Sept. 1916.
jgjiy B.D. ; ord. 5th April 1917; trans,
to Rogart 13th May 1926.
j^ggw Earlston, Berwickshire, 2nd July
1866, second son of Morrison Scott
B., schoolmaster, and Mary Dickson Scott ;
educated at Earlston School, Univ. of Edin-
burgh, and U.P. Theological HaU; licen.
by U.P. Presb. of Melrose in 1891 : ord. to
U.P. Church, Firth, Orkney, 27th Sept. 1893 ;
trans, to Arthur's Hill (Presbyterian Church
of England), Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 8th Feb.
1897 ; dem. that charge [afterwards min.
of Keiss U.F. Church and Broughton U.F.
Church] ; adm. to Abbey St Bathan's
Parish, 19th Sept. 1918; trans, and adm.
8th April 1927. Marr. 24th Nov. 1909
Ella Cormack, M.A., Keiss (.s.^j.).— [Small's
Hist, of U.F. Congs., ii., 509.]
[Bower was a prebend of the Cathedral
of Dornoch, held by the Archdeacon of
Caithness. There were chapels in the
parish at Scarmclet and Lyth.]
JOHN ANDERSON, reader from Nov.
1570 1570 to 1580.
jgiyg min. of Canisbay; had Bower in
his charge at this date.
ROBERT INNES of Thursater, son of
15S0 ^^^^li*^ I- ^^ Thursater and Bryms ;
adm. to Clatt in 1579 ; pres. by
James VI. 4th May 1580; app. commissioner
for Caithness Feb. 1587, Aug. 1588, and
1589; died before 2nd Sept. 1608. He
marr. Margaret Sinclair, daugh. of John,
Master of Caithness, and had issue — John
of Thursater ; Robert of Owst ; George of
Skaill ; Alexander of Borrowstoun ; James
in Watten. — [Calderwood's Hist., iv., 672,
688 ; Booke of the Kirk ; " Inneses of
Caithness" in Northern Ensign, 1902.]
ZACHARY PONT, younger son (by his
1608 ^^^* wife) of Robert P., min. of St
Cuthbert's, Edinburgh, one of the
Lords of Session, and brother of Timothy
P., the topographer; educated at Univ.
of St Andrews; M.A. (about 1583); app.
chief printer to His Majesty 28th Oct.
1590 ; pres. by James VI. 2nd Sept. 1608 ;
died before 20th Jan. 1619, aged about 55.
He marr. before 13th Nov. 1599, Margaret,
second daugh. of John Knox, the Reformer,
and Margaret Stewart, and had issue —
Robert ; Samuel, bapt. at Prestonpans,
26th Oct. 1609. Mr Pont, min. of Ramelton
in Ireland, was probably a son or descendant.
He fled to Scotland, and died before May
1641. — [Lee's Additional Memorial, App.
ix., 13; Reg. of Deeds, xxvi. : Reid's Ire-
land, i., 228 ; M'Crie's Knox, vi., Ixxi. ;
Preston2)ans Sess. He;/.]
(Edinburgh, 1595); elected janitor
^^^^ to the Univ. in 1595; adm. to
Edzell in 1597 ; trans, by the Synod of
Angus and Mearns 3rd April 1611 ; adm.
in 1612 ; app. a J. P. for the county that
year ; D.D. (29th Jan. 1619) ; after a life
of much trouble with his parishioners, he
was drowned in the Water of Wick by the
Roman Catholic adherents in the parish
before 26th March 1633, in revenge for
mutilating the statue of St Fergus, the
patron saint of Wick. He marr. and had
issue — David, min. of Ormiston, ancestor of
Thomas Chalmers, D.D. ; Thomas, appren-
ticed to Thomas Leslie, tailor, Edinburgh,
8th June 1631, died Dec. IQSG. — iUdin.
Retours, 718 ; Edin. Tests. ; Crawfurd's
Hist, of Univ. of Edin. ; Bannatyne Miscell.,
iii. ; The Northern Ensign, 22nd Dec. 1908
and 5th Jan. 1909 ; Hanna's Chalmers,
i., 2 ; Rec. Sec. Sig., xiii., 350 ; Calder's
Caithness, 219; Beaton's Caithness, 180.]
GEORGE LESLY, M.A. (King's College,
1687 Aberdeen, 1609); min. in 1637; was
a member of Glasgow Assembly 21st
Nov. 1638 and 12th Aug. 1639 ; died before
1664. He marr. and had issue— Harry,
who had sasine of lands of Stainterwick in
1664.— [&. R. Sas., xlvi., 10; Peterkin's
1641 ; trans, to Alves 16th Aug.
1649 ^^'^^^ ' "^'"" ^"' ^^^^^ ' ^^^ '^^ °"'^
min. in the Presb. who did not
adhere to Montrose, by whose adherents
he is said to have been carried to Thurso,
ordered to be towed to a boat in the
harbour, dragged through the sea to
Scrabster roads, a distance of two miles,
and then laid in irons on board ship, where
he lay till the execution of the Marquess,
when he was liberated ; on 29th July 1650
the Commission of Assembly recommended
him for the " vacant stipends " of Bower ;
deprived by Act of Parliament 11th June
and Decreet of Privy Council 1st Oct. 1662.
He retired to Thurso, where he died before
1669. He marr. Sara Davidson, who was
buried in Greyfriars, Edinburgh, 5th March
1690, and had issue— Elizabeth, buried in
Greyfriars 18th Sept. 1673. — [Mackay's
House of Mackay, 340 ; Nicoll's Diary ;
G. R. Inhib., 14th Dec. 1669; Peterkin's
Records; Calder's Caithness, 172; Craven's
Diocese of Caithness, 113 ; Gen. Ass. Com.
Records, iii., 8.]
1630, son of John G., Edinburgh,
and brother of John G., min. of
Holm, and Adam G., min. of St Andrews
and Deerness ; educated at Univ. of Edin-
burgh ; M.A. (15th April 1652) ; licen. by
Presb. of Orkney 20th Jan. 1658 ; adm. 8th
March 1659 ; was alive in 1692, but probably
died soon afterwards. He marr. Katherine,
eldest daugh. of John Sinclair of Assery,
and had issue — Alexander, min. of Canisbay;
John, min. of Evie ; Archibald of Hemisgar;
George, schoolmaster, Stromness ; Elizabeth
(marr. Francis Sinclair in Brabsterdorran).
— [Caithness Sas., ii., 65 ; Inq. Ret. Gen.,
6400 ; Henderson's Caithness Fam., 304 ;
Craven's Diocese of Caithness, 194.]
HUGH CORSE, born 1676; studied
,^ theology at Univ. of Glasgow ; licen.
by Presb. of Hamilton 21st June
1700 ; ord. 25th Sept. 1701 ; died 6th July
1738. He marr. Nov. 1702, Janet (died
April 1748), daugh. of Andrew Munro, min.
of Thurso, and had issue— John, D.D., min.
of Tron, Glasgow ; Isobella (marr. James
Brodie, min. of Canisbay).— [Macfarlane's
Geog. Coll., i., 178. J
.^_Q 1710, eldest son of James O., min. of
Wick ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; M.A. (1st April 1730) ; licen. by
Presb. of Caithness 10th Feb. 1738 ; pres.
by the Presb. jure devoluto [John Corse,
son of preceding, was presented by Sir
James Sinclair of Dunbeath, but the General
Assembly sustained the Presbytery's ap-
pointment] ; ord. 5th Sept. 1739 ; died 2nd
Nov. 1779. He marr. 17th Oct. 1 740, Margaret
(died 12th Oct, 1784), daugh. of George
Brodie, min. of Eddrachillis, and had issue
— Katherine, born 18th Oct. 1742, died 11th
Jan. 1747; Marjory, born 29th Nov. 1743;
Barbara, born 27th June 1746; James,
min. of this parish ; John, born 11th June
1749; Katherine, born 22nd Feb. 1751;
Elizabeth, born 28th March 1753 ; George,
born 6th June 1755, died at Grenada June
1773; Mary, born 27th April 1757 (inarr.
John Clunie, min. of Borthwick); Anna,
born 7th Aug. 1764, died 27th Aug. 1767.—
[Morren's Annals, i., 10, 346 ; Beg. of Deeds,
ccccxx., 585.]
JAMES OLIPHANT, born 4th Nov.
^g 1747, son of preceding ; educated at
King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A.
(31st March 1766) ; became schoolmaster
of Wick 18th Oct. 1768 ; licen. by Presb. of
Caithness 22nd Oct. 1771 ; ord. 5th July
1780 ; died unmarr. 7th May 1788.
\VILLIAM SMITH, born 4th April
j_gg 1768, son of Alexander S., min. of
Olrig, and brother of James S., min.
of Canisbay ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen; M.A. (30th March 1785); licen.
by Presb. of Caithness 9th Sept. 1788 ; ord.
6th May 1789 ; died 3rd June 1846. He
was noted for his eccentricities. He marr.
16th Jan. 1813, Ann Longmore,\vhom he had
baptized (died 4th Sept. 1856), third daugh.
of John Sinclair of Barrock, and had issue
—Alexander Sinclair, born 27th Oct. 1814,
died 22nd April 1829 ; Anna Maria, born
12th April 1817, died 31st Jan. 1833;
Thomas, born 13th May 1819; Elizabeth
Sinclair, born 12th Feb. 1823 (marr. James
Bisset, min. of Bourtrie) ; William, born
30th May 1824; Robert, schoolmaster of
Dunnet in 1841, afterwards surveyor of
taxes, Edinburgh, born 30th July 1825 ;
Margaret, born 18th Dec. 1826 (marr.
William Paul, D.D., min. of Banchory-
Devenick); James, born 26th June 1828,
died 7th June 1831 ; Jane Sinclair, born
3rd Sept. 1831 (marr. John Clark, min. of
Knockando); Janet Sinclair, born 24th
Aug. 1833, died 2nd Jan. 1835; Maria
Catherine Sutherland, born 13th Dec. 1836,
died 23rd Aug. 1840. Publications— J
Sermon on the Coming of Jesus (London,
1804) ; The Apostolic Commission (London,
1804 and 1810) ; Sacred Lessons and Exer-
cises, in English and Gaelic (Edinburgh,
1810) ; Reflections and Considerations on
Celehrnting the Communion (Edinburgh,
1819) ; On the Christianas Pursuit and
Preference for Heavenly and Eternal Objects,
a sermon (Wick, 1835) ; Accounts of the
Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, vii., and New
Stat. Ace, XV.). — [Beaton's Eccles. Hist, of
Caithness, 185 ; Calder's Caithness, 235 ;
Memorabilia Domestica, 159, 163, 309;
Beaton's Bibliography of Gaelic Books
for the Counties of Caithness and Suther-
land, 70.]
JOHN FERGUS, born Dunfermline,
1805, son of Henry F., U.P. minister,
and Anne Paterson ; educated at
Univ. of Edinburgh ; ord. 11th May 1847 ;
died 7th March 1898. He marr. 6th Nov.
1851, Agnes (died 29th March 1891), daugh.
of Andrew Robertson, min. of Inverkeithing.
Leamington, Warwickshire, 23rd
March 1849, son of William W.
and Christina Lawrence ; educated at
Leamington School and Univ. of Edin-
burgh; M.A. (1871); B.D. (1874); app.
army chaplain, Meerut, India ; ord. in 1875 ;
ind. here 22nd Sept. 1898 ; dem. 27th Dec.
that year ; died 9th May 1915. He marr,
27th April 1875, Maria Hamilton (died 13th
March 1926), daugh. of John Johnston,
and had issue— Jean Austin Gordon, born
20th Feb. 1876 (marr. 3rd Sept. 1903,
Robert George Jamieson, min. of Dunkeld) ;
William, born 27th Oct. 1877; Christina
Laurence, born 15th Oct. 1879 ; John
Laurence, born 13th Feb. 1883; Andrew
Gordon Johnston, born 23rd Sept. 1888.
JOHN MACECHERN, ord. 11th May
j^ggg 1899 ; trans, to Kinloss 12th Feb.
burgh, 25th Oct. 1867, son of Charles
M., min. of St Mary's (Gaelic),
Inverness, and brother of preceding ; edu-
cated at Tiverton and Sangeen Schools,
Canada, Edinburgh and Glasgow Schools,
Raining's School, Inverness, and Univ. of
Edinburgh; M.A. (1887), B.D. (1890);
licen. by Presb. of Inverness May 1890 ;
assistant at Birsay, Acharacle and Kyle-
akin ; min. at Lochranza in 1891 ; ord. to
Coll 20th April 1898 ; trans, and adm. 13th
May 1908 ; bard to the Gaelic Society of
Inverness, on nine occasions he won the
Highland ]\Iod prizes for Gaelic poetry ;
lieut. 5th Seaforth Highlanders, on special
service under the Admiralty, and railway
military officer on lines of communication,
1914-17. Marr. 3rd Oct. 1917, Margaret
Louttit, only daugh. of John Baikie, Loch-
view, Bower. Publications — Poems and
Sketches (Inverness, 1905) ; Coll of the
Waves (n.p. 1907); Clarsach-nan-Gaidheal
(" Harp of the Gael "), with English Trans-
lation (Inverness, 1911); Poems, English
and Gaelic in The Celtic Monthly ; The
Angels of Mons (Stirling, 1915) ; The Su'ord
of the North (Inverness, 1923) ; Place-
Names of Coll {Trans. Gael. Soc. of Inver-
ness, xxix., 314).— [IVie Sword of the North
(portraits), 503; Mitchell's Book of Highland
Verse, 349.]
[The church of Canisbay was dedicated to
St Anne. Canisbay was a prebend of the
Cathedral of Dornoch. There were in this
parish at least six chapels, that of St John
the Evangelist at the Dun of Mey near St
John's Head, St Modan's at Freswick, St
Drostan's at Brabster, the Lady Kirk of
St Mary at Duncansby, St Irchard's, and
two on the island of Stroma, where now
there is a mission chapel.]
1667 SON, exhorter, entered at Nov. 1567.
1572 ^^ James VI. 23rd July 1572, with
Dunnet and Bower also in his charge
in 1574 ; feued the manse and croft in July
1573 to Alexander Lovell of Pitgrudy and
his spouse ; accused by the Assembly of
dilapidating the benefice in Aug. 1575 ;
dem. before 8th Dec. 1577. — [07~ig. Paroch.
Scot, ii., 792 ; Booke of the Kirk ; Feu
Charters of Kirklands, v., 318.]
1672 ANDREW RAG, reader in 1572.
JOHN DUNNET, rector; was min. of
jg,-w Bower and Dunnet in 1576 till 1580
when Bower was excluded ; pres. by
James V. 8th Dec. 1577 ; still min. in 1599.
—[Orig. Paroch. Scot., ii., 792.]
ANDREW OGSTON, born 1568, a
1601 o^tive of Buchan ; became school-
master of Turriff, where he had as
a pupil, Thomas Dempster, author of
Ilistoria Ecclesiastica G'entis Scotorum
(1627); pres. by Patrick Mouat of Bal-
quholly about 1601 ; was a member of
Assembly in 1610 ; complained to the
Assembly of 1639 that Sir William Sinclair
of Mey had used his influence to keep the
parishioners of Canisbay from observing the
fast appointed to supplicate a blessing on
the preceding Glasgow Assembly ; died
31st March 1650. Publication— /'oema^o.
varia, lib. i. — [Macfarlane's Geog. Coll., i.,
155 ; Calderwood's Hist., vii., 104 ; Booke
of the Kirk ; Orig. Paroch. Scot., ii., 792 ;
Irving's Scottish Writers ; Collect. Aberdeen
and Banff, i., 461 ; Craven's Diocese of
Caithness, 49 ; Calder's Caithness, 164.]
jgg2 n^i"- ^" Ireland ; began his ministry
here 21st March 1652; adm. 17th
Feb. 1655 ; app. dean of Caithness 7th
May 1663 ; trans, to Birsay 18th Oct. 1666.
JAMES INNES, born 1638, descended
1667 °^ ^^^ family of Blackhills in Moray ;
educated at Marischal College, Aber-
deen ; M.A. (11th June 1666) ; entered 22nd
Dec. 1667; did not conform to Presby-
terianism in 1690, but was allowed to remain
in the charge till his death on 24th Dec. 1704.
He marr. Jean Munro, who died before 1725,
and had issue — Theodore, merchant, Edin-
burgh ; James, settled in South Carolina,
who left £80 to the poor of the parish ;
Barbara, marr. (cont. 19th Aug. 1732)
John Sutherland, merchant, Thurso. —
[Caithness Sas., i., 441 ; Services of Heirs ;
Macfarlane's Geog. Coll., i., 155 ; 2'ombst.]
1705 ^^^ ^^ Alexander G., min. of Bower ;
licen. by Presb. of Orkney 7th Sept.
1704; ord. 29tli Aug. 1705; declined a
presentation to Wick in 1727; died 1st
May 1745. He marr. Feb. 1709, Margaret
(died 4th Feb. 1762), daugh. of John Sinclair
of Batter, and widow of Alexander Sinclair
of Brabster, and had issue — John, sheriff-
substitute of Caithness ; George, merchant,
Thurso. — [Henderson's Caithness Fam.,
306 ; Macfarlane's Geog. Coll., i., 155.]
JAMES BEODIE, born 1708, a native
i'747 °^ ^^^ county ; M.A. (King's College,
Aberdeen, 1728) ; became school-
master of Auldearn ; licen. by Presb. of
Tongue 11th April 1736; pres. by William
Sinclair of Freswick in 1745 ; ord. 22nd
Sept. 1747 ; died 5th Dec. 1779. He marr.
15th Sept. 1748, Isabella (died 5th June
1789), daugh. of Hugh Corse, min. of
Bower, and had issue — William, sheriff-
substitute of Caithness, born 5th Nov.
1749, died 13th May 1808; Henrietta,
born 2nd Oct. 1752, died 1753.
JOHN MORISON.born 18th Sept. 1746,
1780 ^^^ ^^ George M., farmer, Whitehill,
parish of Cairney, and Isobel, daugh.
of John Robertson, farmer, Newtack, Cair-
ney ; educated at Ruthven School (Cairney)
and King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (28th
March 1771) ; was tutor at Greenland,
Dunnet, and in 1770 tutor in the family
of Williamson of Banniskirk, Halkirk ;
schoolmaster at Thurso, where he formed
a close intimacy with John Logan [after-
wards min. of South Leith, then tutor at
Thurso Castle] ; licen. by Presb. of Caithness
in 1773 ; went to Edinburgh for a further
period of study (chiefly classics) in 1774,
and became tutor in the family of Colonel
Sutherland of Uppat, near Golspie ; pres.
by John Sinclair of Freswick, and ord.
26th Sept. 1780; was a member of Assembly
the following year, when, on 26th May, he
was app. member of a committee engaged
in revising theTranslations and Paraphrases;
D.D. (Edinburgh, 3rd Aug. 1792); died of
consumption 17th June 1798 [his tomb-
stone says 12th, but this is wrong]. He
was an accomplished classical scholar and
an eloquent preacher. His chief claim to
remembrance rests on his work as author
of some of the best known of the Scottish
Paraphrases. The Scottish collection of
1781 (still in use) contains at least seven
from his pen — xix., xxi., xxvii., xxviii.,
xxix., XXX., and xxxv. While these were
in the main by Morison, emendations on
the originals were perhaps suggested by
John Logan and William Cameron, min.
of Kirknewton. Regarding xxxv. see under
William Archibald, Unst. He marr. 13th
Nov. 1786, Catherine (died 1830), daugh.
of James Black, tacksman of Daach,
Cairney, local factor for the Duke of
Gordon (she marr. (2) James Leslie, school-
master of Canisbay, afterwards min. of
Enzie), and had issue — Mary, born 10th
March 1790 ; Anne, born 21st March
1792, both living at Fochabers 'in 1867;
Catherine, died before 1798 ; a son died
in infancy. Publications [under the
pseudonym " Musseus "] — " Ophelia : or
Innocence Betrayed" (1772); "An Universal
Prayer" (1772); "Elegy on the Death of a
Friend" (1773); "Cheerfulness": an Ode
(1773); "A Paraphrase of the Eighth
Psalm" (1773); "Mediocrity: a Dialogue
betwixt MusEeus and Eugenis" (1774);
"Retirement": an Ode (1774); " Epithal-
amium on the Marriage of Eliza" (1776);
"On the Approach of Winter" (1776);
"Lexina Indisposed" (1777); "An Ode
on the Countess of Sutherland's Birthday "
(1778); "A Convivial Ode" (1778) (Ruddi-
man's Edinburgh Weekly Mag., xxxiii.,
xxxv., xl.) ; " Elegy on the Death of
James Sinclair " (first published in Joh?i 0'
Groat Journal, 30th July 1847) ; Account
of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, viii.).
He collected the topographical history of
Caithness for George Chalmers's Caledonia,
and made a translation of Herodian's
History from the Greek, but this was
not published. — [Orkney and Zetland Old
Lore, Oct. 1912 ; Maclagan's Scottish
Paraphrases, 42 et. seq. ; Julian's Diet, of
Hymnology, 1033; Beaton's The Rev. John
Morison, D.D. [portrait] (London, 1913);
Edin. Christian Instructor, xxvi. ; Calder's
Caithness, 232 ; Memorahilia Domestica
(1889), 55 ; Diet. Nat. Biog. ; Tablet in
Cairney Church; Portrait in General
Assembly Hall ; Tombst.^
JAMES SMITH, born 22nd June 1775,
1799 ^'^^ °^ Alexander S., min. of Olrig ;
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen ; M.A. (28tli March 1794) ; pres. by
William Sinclair of Freswick 23rd Nov.
1798 ; ord. 24th April 1799; died 31st Jan.
1826. His sermons were written with
great care after the style of Hugh Blair,
D.D. He marr. 24th Dec. 1808, Jean
M'Beath, who died 15th March 1826.—
[Calder's Caithness, 237.]
WILLIA^I MILNE, born Banffshire,
1769 ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen; M.A. (20th Feb. 1789);
became schoolmaster of this parish, and
afterwards of Wick ; pres. by William
Sinclair of Freswick 5th July 1826 ;
objections were lodged by a number of
parishioners on account of his age, but
were withdrawn in the General Assembly
25th May 1827 ; ord. 28th June that year ;
died 6th June 1832. He marr. 12th Oct.
1816, Jane (died at Edinburgh, 13th Jan.
1855), daugh. of William Sutherland, min.
of Wick, and had issue— Catherine Ander-
son, born 31st Jan. 1819, died young;
William, born 17th June 1820, died young ;
Johanna, born 12th March 1826 (marr. 23rd
Feb. 1855, James Loutit, M.R.C.S., London).
— {^Memorabilia Domestica, 422 ; Auld's
Ministers and Men in the Far North, 41.]
PETER JOLLY, pres. by William
jggg Sinclair of Freswick 22nd Oct. 1832 ;
ord. 18th April 1833; trans, to
Dunnet 21st May 1845.
1804, son of George W., farmer, New
Deer ; educated at Marischal College,
Aberdeen ; M.A. (1823) ; schoolmaster at
Gamrie, 1824-44 ; licen. by Presb. of Turriff
30th July 1828 ; ord. to Burghead 26th Dec.
1844 ; trans, and adm. 28th Feb. 1846 ;
died 17th Dec. 1866. He marr. 3rd June
1845, Georgina Mackie (died 13th Oct.
1895), and had issue — Catherine Elizabeth,
born 15th Oct. 1847 ; Matilda Erica, born
14th July 1850.
1867 ^o"r-on-Spey 1836, youngest son of
James M., farmer, Kirkmichael,
Banff, and Penuel Grant ; educated at
King's College, Aberdeen ; app. missionary
at Lybster in 1862 ; ord. to Kildonan 6th
Sept. 1866; trans, and adm. 11th July
1867; died at Bothwell, 11th March 1904.
He marr. 27th June 1861, Catherine Camp-
bell (died 4th November 1912), and had
issue— William Grant, M.B., CM., born
2nd April 1862, died at Bothwell, 31st
March 1916; James Eraser, M.B., Ch.B.,
late of Basingstoke, born 25th Oct. 1863.
1902 ^^°"^ Deerness, and adm. (assistant
and successor) 26th Feb. 1902 ; trans,
to Logie-Easter 30th July 1924.
1924 Barnsoul, Irongray, 19th Dec. 1882,
son of William M. and Mary Wilson ;
educated at Nithsdale Academy, Dum-
fries, and Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen. by
Presb. of Edinburgh 30th March 1921;
assistant at St Paul's, Leith ; ord. 10th Dec.
1924; trans, to Hillside, Montrose, 24th
Feb. 1927. Marr. 3rd July 1925, Dr Jean
MacMurray, daugh. of Hugh Crawford,
21 Stafford Street, Edinburgh, and Jessie
Hayna Crawford.
[Dunnet was a prebend of the Cathedral
of Dornoch. Its parish church was dedi-
cated to St Faelchu. There was a chapel
of St John the Evangelist at St John's
Loch, at Reaster, Ham, Scarfs Kerry, and
another chapel on Dwarick Head. A fair
of St Fumach was held at Dunnet, and
also a fair of St Luke in October. At
Reaster, in this parish, there was a tryst on
Lady Day in Harvest.]
JOHN PROUTHOCK, exhorter at
1569 Lammas 1569.
j__. had charge of this parish and of
Canisbay. I
THOMAS DUNNET, reader in
1574 1574.
JOHN DUNNET, min. in 1576, with
_ Bower also in the charge ; pres. to
Canisbay 8th Dec. 1577.
TIMOTHY PONT, born about 1560,
elder son of Robert P., min. of St
Cuthbert's, Edinburgh, one of the
Lords of Session ; had a charter of certain
church lands in parish of Strathmartin and
of Pentempler from his father, 10th July
1574, to enable him to i)rosecute his
studies, which was confirmed 18th April
1583 ; educated at St Leonard's College and
Univ. of St Andrews ; M.A. (1583) ; adm.
I about 1601. He made a tour of Scotland
in 1608 to explore "the most barbarous
parts of the country." He had a royal
grant of two thousand acres in Ulster on
25th July 1609, at the price of £400, in
connection with a scheme for the colonisa-
tion of that province. He was a profound
mathematician and the first projector of a
Scottish atlas, for which he personally
surveyed all the counties and islands of
the kingdom, noting all their antiquities.
He died between 1625 and 1630 before his
i collections were finished. The original maps,
now preserved in the Scottish National
Library, are minutely and elegantly penned,
and show wonderful accuracy for the time.
After nearly being destroyed through the
carelessness of his representatives, by the
exertions of Sir John Scott of Scotstarvet,
they were revised and corrected by Robert
Gordon of Straloch, and afterwards by his
son, James Gordon, min. of Rothiemay,
I lin 1654, and were published in Bleau's
VAtlas Major, v. and vi. (Amsterdam, 1654
land 1662). Publications — A Neiv Descrij)-
tion of the Schyres Lothian and Linlithgoiv
(Amsterdam, 1630 and 1631); "Observa-
tions of Dyverse Parts of the Highlands
and Islands of Scotland " (Macfarlane's
Geog. Coll., ii., 509) ; De Vestigiis Valli
AgricolcB ; " Topographical Account of the
District of Cunninghame, Ayrshire " (Glas-
gow [Ulaitland Club], 1858), reprinted as
Cunninghame Topogra2)hised u'ith Continu-
ations and Illustrative Notices, by James
Dobie [edited by his son, John Shedden D.]
(Glasgow, 1876). — [Chalmer's Caledonia,
il ; Reg. Sec. Sig., viii., 330 ; M'Crie's
X C>J^
J:::=:L , i^ - X^
Melville, ii. ; Wodrow's Biog., i. ; Orig.
Paroch. Scot., ii., 789; Die. Nat. Biog.]
WILLIAM SMITH, M.A. (St Andrews,
1614 ^^^^y> °^i°- i'^ 161^5 d^P- i'l 1650
with other mins. of the Presb. except
one, for their association with James, Mar-
quess of Montrose. He petitioned the
Synod 21st Oct. 1662 "to get his mouth
opened." He marr. Margaret, daugh. of
John Sinclair of Reaster and Rattar, and
had issue — John; Barbara (marr. 1657,
Walter Bruce of Ham). — {,Reg. Assig. ;
Forres Presb. Beg. ; Craven's Diocese of
Caithness, 131 ; P. C. Beg., 2nd ser., iii.,
168; Tombst.]
student at King's College, Aberdeen,
in 1644 ; adm. before 5th Oct. 1654 ;
complained to the Synod, 6th Aug. 1656,
that the former incumbent retained the
manse, and that the heritors would not pay
his stipend. He was in possession of the
manse 18th June 1657, and was at the
point of death 21st Nov. 1659, He marr.
Catherine Rose, who survived him.
JOHN SMART, min. of Wick before
1634, when he was a J.P. for the
county ; member of Glasgow As-
sembly 21st Nov. 1638; dep. for his com-
pliance with James, Marquess of Montrose,
about 1650, but reponed, on the Synod's
instructions, 4th Oct. 1659; called 16th
Feb. 1661, but Lord Chancellor Glencairn
was appointed by Parliament, 15th March, to
write the Presb. to stay his admission [the
letter was not laid before the Presb. until
20th April]; adm. 28th March that year;
had a grant of 1000 merks from Parlia-
ment for his sufferings 12th July 1661 ;
died Aug. 1668. He marr. Janet Sinclair
(marr. (2) David Bruce, portioner of Lyth,
min. of Olrig), and had issue — John, appren-
ticed to Robert Penman, writer, Edinburgh,
19th Oct. 1664 ; Elizabeth (marr. James
Dundas in Canisbay).— [4c<s of Pari., vii.,
25, 84 ; Macfarlane's Geog. Coll., i., 162 ;
G. B. Sas., xlvi., 10.]
NEIL BETHUNE, M.A.; adm. before
5th June 1670; trans, to Latheron
in 1679.
JAMES FULLARTON, adm. before 7th
1679 ^^P*' ^^^^ > *''^"s. to St Ninians
12th April 1684.
JAMES MUNRO, adm. 19th Aug. 1685 ;
1685 <i6serted his charge in 1689, or
was obliged to abscond on account
of immoral and flagitious conduct ; was
charged before the Presb. 6th Jan. 1698
with adultery but failed to appear.
GEORGE OSWALD, born 1664, son
jg_,_ of James O., bailie of Wick, and
Barbara Coghill ; educated at Univ.
of Edinburgh; M.A. flSth July 1692) ; ord.
by Presb. of Edinburgh by appointment of
the General Assembly in 1697 ; died 25th
Jan. 1725. He marr. Margaret (died 17th
May 1747), daugh. of Richard Murray of
Scotscalder, and had issue — James, D.D.,
min. of Methven ; Richard of Auchincruive,
born 1704, died 1785; Jean (marr. David
Manson, merchant, Thurso) ; Elizabeth
(marr. William Anderson, merchant, Wick) ;
Mary (marr. Andrew Robertson, min. of
Kiltearn). — [Henderson's Caithness Fam.,
235; Mackay's House of Mackay, 517;
JAMES OSWALD, son of preceding;
1726 P''®^' ^^ ^^^ Fresh, jure devoluto 14th
June, and ord. 30th Aug. 1726 ; trans,
to Methven 12th Dec. 1750.
GEORGE TRAILL of Hobbister, born
j^gj 1723, son of George T. of Hobbister
and Isobel Louttit of Lyking ; licen.
by Presb. of North Isles 28th March 1743;
pres. by George Sinclair of Ulbster. Dec.
1750 ; ord. 1st May 1751 ; succeeded his
brother James in the estate 20th Jan.
1756; D.D. (Aberdeen, 23rd Jan. 1773);
died 9th April 1785. He marr. 1st Dec.
1753, Jean (died 17th May 1810), daugh. of
James Murray of Clairden, and had issue —
Margaret, born 17th Sept. 1754, died un-
marr. 7th Oct. 1827 ; George, born 4th July
1756, died 11th March 1775 ; James of
Hobbister and Rattar, advocate, sheriff of
Caithness, born 2nd June 1758, died 19th
July 1843; Isobel, born 13th Feb. 1760,
died 14th Nov, 1761 ; Barbara Isobel,
born 1st March 1764, died unmarr.—
[Henderson's Caithness Fani., 230.]
THOMAS JOLLY, born 24th Jan. 1754,
1784 ^^^ °^ William J., farmer, Glenbervie,
and Janet Peter ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (30th March
1775); licen. by Prosb. of Caithness; pres.
by Sir John Sinclair, Bart. ; ord. (assistant
and successor) 10th Aug. 1784 ; died 2nd
Dec. 1844, the oldest officiating min. in the
Church. He was a distinguished classical
scholar and declined the offer of a Pro-
fessorship of Humanity in America. He
marr. 8th Jan. 1791, Christian Swanson,
who died 27th Dec. 1855, and had issue-
William, M.D., Wick, born 18th Nov. 1791,
died 6th March 1837; Janet, born 29th
April, died 7th May 1793 ; James Traill,
(twin), born 29th April 1793, died 4th May
1851 ; Thomas, min. of Bowden, born 9th
Dec. 1795 ; George Traill, born 15th Dec.
1797 ; died 30th April 1831 ; Peter, min. of
this parish ; Daniel, born 13th Dec. 1804,
died 16th Dec. 1824 ; John Traill, surgeon,
born 20th Oct. 1808, died at Dunnet 10th
June 1839. Publications — Oxen as substi-
tute for Horses (Highland Socy. Essays,
1799); The Redeemed from the Earth in
a Future State, a sermon (Edinburgh,
1822) ; Accounts of the Parish (Sinclair's
Stat. Ace, xi. ; New Stat. Ace, xv.). He
left in MS. a Treatise on Justification
(unpublished). — [Calder's Caithness, 230 ;
Memorabilia Domestica, 307.]
PETER JOLLY, born 26th Jan. 1800,
son of preceding ; educated at Univ.
of Edinburgh ; became schoolmaster
of this parish in 1818 ; licen. by Presb. of
Caithness 25th Nov. 1829 ; ord. to Canisbay
18th April 1833 ; trans, and adm. 21st May
1845; died 15th Dec. 1875. He marr. 2nd
Oct. 1833, Isabella (died 4th Dec. 1873),
daugh. of John Sinclair of Barrock, and
had issue — Jessie, born 11th July 1834,
died 5th June 1894 ; Christian, born 11th
July 1836, died 25th May 1845 ; Isabella,
born 18th Sept. 1839 (marr. 13th Oct. 1859,
James Purves, farmer, Lochend, Caith-
ness), died 4th Nov. 1916 ; Christian,
born 29th March 1846, died young.
Publication— Account of Canisbay {New
Stat. Ace, XV.). — [The Wheat and the
Chaff, 99.]
ARCHIBALD JOLLY, born 22n(i AprU
^_ 1840 ; son of Thomas J., min. of
Bowden, grandson of above Thomas,
and nephew of preceding ; educated at
Univs. of Glasgow and Edinburgh, Free
Church College, Glasgow, and New College,
Edinburgh; ord. to Free Church, Walls,
Shetland, 1st Aug. 1869. Joined the Church
of Scotland and adm. by Presb. of Olnafirth
29th March 1876 ; adm. to this parish 8th
June that year ; died 22nd May 1889.
[The Jollys were thus mins. of the parish
for 105 years.] He marr. 15th July 1874,
Agnes, daugh. of John Dunlop Paxton,
min. of Free Church, Musselburgh, and
Isabella Black, and had issue — Isobell
Edith, born 7th May 1875, died 11th Feb.
1876 ; Elizabeth Katherine, born 23rd Jan.
1877 (marr. Edward Hutchison, C.A.,
Glasgow, Major 17th H.L.I.) ; Agnes
Gertrude, born 5th Oct. 1878 ; Joanna
Dunlop, born 12th Jan. 1880 (marr. Charles
Macleod, tea-planter, Assam) ; Catherine
Piobertson Ramsay, born 29th Aug. 1882 ;
Mary, born 11th Oct. 1884 (marr. 25th Nov.
1920, Frederick Hope Mackay, captain
Cheshire Regiment). — [John 0' Groat
Journal, 15th June, 1876.]
jggg FALCONER, born Forres, 3rd Nov.
1845, son of William F. ; educated
at Univ. of Aberdeen ; M.A. (1868), B.D.
(1878) ; assistant at Portobello ; ord. 7th
Nov. 1889 ; died at Forres 9th May 1901.
He marr. 22nd Feb. 1893, Matilda Rose {s.p.\
elder daugh. of Alexander Elmslie,Warthill.
1901 ^^^^ June 1866, son of Robert James
S., min. of Dolphinton ; educated
at Dolphinton School and Univ. of Edin-
burgh ; licen. by Presb. of Biggar May
1895 ; assistant at Lady Glenorchy's Parish,
Edinburgh, and Boarhills ; ord. 26th Sept.
1901 ; dem. 12th Oct. 1915 ; died at Porto-
bello 16th May 1924, He marr. 2nd June
1903, Elizabeth (s.^:>.), daugh. of John
Stroyan of Kirkchrist, Wigtown.
DAVID SCOTT, born North Ronalds-
jgjQ hay, 6th July 1868, son of David S. and
Mary Thomson ; educated at North
Ronaldshay School, Grammar School, Old
Aberdeen, and Univs. of Aberdeen and
Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh
10th May 1910 ; assistant at Woodside
Parish, Aberdeen ; ord. to Mid and South
Yell 5th Dec. 1910 ; trans, to Lybster 22nd
Oct. 1914 ; trans, and adm. 15th Feb. 1916.
[These three parishes were united in the
sixteenth century.
Halkirk. — Halkirk was a prebend of the
Cathedral of Dornoch. Its parish church
was dedicated to St Fergus. There were
chapels of St Peter at Olgrinbeg, St
Columba at Dirlot, St Kiaran in Strath-
more, St Drostan at Westfield, and another
chapel of St Drostan at Westerdale, at
Sibster, Gerston, Banniskirk, Dorrery
(Gavin's Kirk), and Olgrinmore.
Skinnet. —^'kmxi&i or Sken was a com-
mune kirk of the Cathedral of Dornoch.
Its parish and church was dedicated to
St Thomas.
Sjnttal. — There was here an ancient
hospital, from which the parish got its
name. Both the hospital and the parish
church were dedicated to St Magnus.
There was also within the bounds, at
Banniskirk, a chapel of St Magnus, and
one of St David at Dorrerie. Other three
chapels stood at Dale, Gerston, and Achar-
1567 JAMES SCOTT, reader in 1567.
1574 prebendary of Helmsdale in 1574,
formerly a Romish priest, conformed
and became exhorter at Watten Nov. 1569 ;
adm. here about 1574, with Skenand and
Watten also in his charge ; still min. in
1585, and again in 1588.— [0W(/. Paroch.
Scot., ii., 781 ; Wodrow Miscell.']
jggg Watten from 1574 to 1585; adm.
about 1585 ; became reader at
Skenand from 1588 to \bU.— {Wodrow
THOMAS BRADIE, above mentioned,
again min. in 1588, with Spittal
and Skenand also in his charge in
1590; still min. in 1593.
-_Q^ mentioned; returned before 1594;
still min. in 1601.
1614 DAVID BRUCE, min. in 1614.
ALEXANDER CUMING, min. in 1624 ;
1624 Pi'^'bably dep. in 1650; i)etitioned
Presb. for support 3rd Jan. 1656.
He marr., and had issue — Jasper,
apprenticed to John Kinross, merchant,
Edinburgh, 19th Jan. 1648. — [Inverness
Sas., iii., 171 ; P.O. Beg., 2nd ser., iii., 75,
College, Aberdeen, 1628); was a
student of divinity or preacher at
Halkirk and Reay in 1654 ; called 15th
Aug., and ord. 4th Dec. 1655 ; died before
15th May 1683. He marr. Isabel, daugh.
of James Sinclair of Wester Brims, and
had issue — James, served heir 15th May
1Q83.— [Thurso Sess. Reg. ; Inq. Ret. Gen.,
6478; TombsL]
WILLIAM C U M I N G, a native of
^ Moray ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen; M.A. (1661); ord. to
Dores in 1663 ; trans, to . . . after 4th
Oct. 1664; inst. 11th March 1677; still
min. 4th July 1688; suspended in 1698.
He marr. 1674, Katherine, daugh. of John
Murray of Pennyland, and widow of George
Gray, min. of Loth, and had issue— Patrick ;
Jean (marr. Sept. 1724, William Cuming of
Craigmiln) ; a daugh. (marr. Bruce) ;
Barbara, marr. (cont. 23rd April 1703)
Patrick Sinclair of Brabsterdorran ; Eliza-
beth, marr. George Sinclair, founder of the
family of B-drrock.— [Caithness Sas., L, 9,
357 ; Douglas's Baronage, 254 ; Henderson's
Caithness Fam., 192.]
JOHN MUNRO, son of Robert M., of
1706 ^^^ Lemlair family ; adm. before
2nd Aug. 1706; died 18th April
1743. He marr. Janet, only child of
George Gun of Braemore, and had issue —
John Gun of Braemore ; Sir George of
Poyntzfield, died 9th Jan. 1785 ; Henry ;
Robert ; David ; Janet. — [Caithness Sas.,
ii., 270.]
Andrew S., one of the Ross-shire
" Men " ; licen. by dissenting mins.
in and about London ; ord. by Presb. of
Dornoch as min. of the Presbyterian con-
gregation at Staines, Middlesex, 28th July
1741 ; called unanimously 30th May, and
adm. 27th Nov. 1745 ; dep. in 1753, on what
was afterwards found to be a false charge
of immorality, and went abroad. He marr.
(1) 23rd July 1745, Mary Preston, and had
issue — William, born 31st Dec. 1746, died
11th Feb. 1748 ; Hugh, born 5th May 1750 ;
Solomon, born 2nd Aug. 1752, died 1753 :
(2) Elizabeth, fourth daugh. of John
Mackay of Kirtomy. — [Mackay's House
of Mackay, 573 ; Book of Mackay, 319 ;
Ministers and Men in the Far North,
14, 51.]
JAMES NICOLSON, born 13th April
1766 ^'^^^' ^^'^ °^ Patrick N., min. of
Kiltarlity ; educated at King's Col-
lege, Aberdeen; M.A. (25th April 1759);
licen. by Presb. of Caithness 24th Nov.
1761 ; ord. to Duirinish 12th May 1762 ;
pres. by George Sinclair of Ulbster, trans,
and adm. 24th Sept. 1766; drowned 25th
Sept. 1768.
JOHN CAMERON, born Ferintosh,
1769 ^'^^^ '' educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; M.A. (30th March 1767) ;
licen. by Presb. of Tain 4th Sept. 1766;
was schoolmaster at Tain ; pres. by George
Sinclair of Ulbster 2nd Feb., and ord. 19th
Sept. 1769 ; died 9th Dec. 1821. He had
a strong vein of poetry, chiefly of a satirical
character. He marr. 20th Dec. 1782, Mary
Lee, governess in the patron's family (she
died 5th Jan. 1784), and had issue— Sarah,
born 5th Dec. 1783 (marr. James Dunbar of
Scrabster), died 9th April 1810. Publica-
tion—Account of the Parish {Stnt. Ace,
xix.).— [}^e Book of Halkirk, 19; Memor-
abilia Domestica, '^21, 41.]
JOHN MUNRO, born 28th Oct. 1768,
son of Alexander M., Kiltearn, and
Janet Munro ; became a carpenter in
Aberdeen ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen; MA. (30th March 1801); was
schoolmaster at Eesolis and Tarbat ; licen.
by Presb. of Tain 7th May 1806; ord.
missionary at Strathmore and Strath-
halladale 13th Aug. 1806 ; adm. to Gaelic
Chapel, Edinburgh, 14th Dec. 1815; pres.
by Sir James Colquhoun of Luss, Bart.,
21st Jan., trans, and adm. 4th July 1822.
Joined the Free Church in 1843 ; min. of
Free Church, Halkirk, 1843-7; died 1st
April 1847. He marr. 16th Sept. 1807,
Isabella (died 16th Oct. 1848), daugh. of
William Forbes, factor to Scatwell. Publica-
tion—Account of the Parish {Neiv Stat.
Ace, XV.). — [Memorabilia Domestica, 308.]
NEIL MACLEAN, born 1797, son of
Charles M., farmer, Morven, and
Isabella Campbell ; educated at
Univ. of Glasgow ; licen. by Presb. of
Mull 8th April 1822 ; ord. missionary at
Ulva 15th March 1826; adm. to that
parish 26th Aug. 1828 ; trans, and adm.
6th Feb. 1844 ; died 8th Dec. 1864. He
marr. 8th Dec. 1840, Clementina (died 23rd
Oct. 1880), sister of Francis William Clark
of Ulva, and had issue — Agnes Wright,
born 25th Jan. 1842, .died 1860; Clementina
Anderson, born 5th June 1843, died at
Edinburgh, 28th April 1878 ; Charles, min.
of Matale District, Ceylon (1875-97), born
6th Jan. 1845, died 19th Nov. 1897 ; Isabella
Campbell, born 12th June 1846; Neil,
third officer s.s. l^ennassarim, born 6th
June 1848, died at sea, 7th June 1878;
Francis William Clark, Caledonian Insur-
ance Co., Edinburgh, born 19th Nov. 1849,
died 1885 ; John Anderson, solicitor and
banker, Forfar, born 1st March 1853, died
21st April 1912. Publication— Translated
into Gaelic the Rev. John Barr's Baptismal
Catechism (Glasgow, 1836 and 1839).—
\Clan Gillean, 488.]
Jan. 1835, son of Alexander M.,
D.D., min. of Kiltearn; educated
at King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (1852) ;
ord. to Croick 14th May 1857 ; trans, and
adm. 1st June 1 865 ; died in Edinburgh,
13th Nov. 1887. He marr. 15th June
1865, Isabella Maclean (died 2nd April
1927), daugh. of Hugh M'Calman, min. of
Latheron, and had issue — Margaret Ursula,
born 1st June 1866 ; Alexander, born 10th
Jan. 1868.
WILLIAM M'BEATH, born Olrig, 8th
Aug. 1858, son of John M., min. of
Free Church, Bower [afterwards
United Original Secession min. at Castleton,
Olrig] ; educated at Univ. of Aberdeen ;
M.A. (1880) ; ord. min. of United Original
Secession Church, Castleton, 1883. Joined
the Church of Scotland and adm. by General
Assembly May 1887 ; adm. (assistant and
successor) to 'Strathmiglo in 1887; trans,
and adm. 18th July 1888; dem. 7th Aug.
1903, and went to Sydney, Australia. He
marr. 20th Sept. 1883, Jessie Somerville
(died at Winnipeg, 17th Sept. 1922), daugh.
of Professor Aitken, Mains Street Original
Secession Church, Glasgow, and had issue
—John, born 26th May 1884; William
Arthur (twin), born 26th May 1884 ; James
Welsh, born 10th April 1887; George
Riddell, born 22nd Sept. 18S8 ; Hannah
Sutherland, born 27th April 1890 ; Arthur
Groat, born 24th June 1891 ; David Arthur,
born 3rd July 1892.
JOHN RITCHIE, born Edinburgh, 8th
Dec. 1852, son of James R. and
Christian Johnston ; educated at
Moray House Training College and Univ.
of Edinburgh; M.A. (1890); became a
teacher at Inverurie and Drumblade,
thereafter farmer in Manitoba ; licen. by
Presb. of Edinburgh May 1894 ; assistant
at Tolbooth Parish ; app. to Ardwall
Chapel, Stoneykirk, 1897 ; ord. to Robert-
son Memorial Church, Grassmarket, Edin-
burgh, 15th Jan. 1902 ; trans, and adm.
31st Dec. 1903 ; died at Port Elphinstone,
Inverurie, 4th March 1924. He marr. 17th
Jan. 1878, Jean Singer, daugh. of William
Bisset, farmer.
JOHN LAMB, born Lenzie, 29th June
1893, son of John Cameron L. and
^®^* Elspeth Stretton Young; educated
at Univ. of Edinburgh; M.A. (1920);
Student missionary at Lochmaddy, North
Uist, 1922 ; licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh
Dec. 1922; served in France and held
commission as lieut. in Cameron High-
landers; afterwards lieut. R.N.V.R. (H.M.S.
Riviera) in Black Sea and Levant, and
captain in Lovat Scouts ; ord. to Sand-
wick, Shetland, 24th Feb. 1922 ; trans.
and adm. 30th July 1924. Marr. 1st Oct.
1915, Jean Mary, daugh. of David Paton
Duguid and Alexandrina MacGregor, and
has issue— Lyston Morven, born 9th July
1917; John Kevan MacGregor, born 3rd
March 1920; lona Mara Stretton, born
6th May 1925.
[There was of old a chapel at Keiss. In
1827 a parliamentary church was built
here. The parish of Keiss was disjoined
from Wick and Canisbay on 4th March
THOMAS JOLLY, pres. by George IV.
^g^^ 19th Sept., and ord. 31st Dec. 1827 ;
trans, to Bowden 20th Aug. 1829.
THOMAS GUNN, born 11th Oct. 1800,
son of Robert G., min. of Latheron ;
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen, M.A. (March 1818) and Univ. of Edin-
burgh; elected schoolmaster of Latheron'in
1819; licen. by Presb. of Caithness 19th
July 1827; pres. by George IV. 13th July,
and ord. 29th Sept. 1829. Joined the Free
Church in 1843; min. of Free Church,
Madderty, 21st Aug. 1844-86 ; died 8th
March 1886. He marr. 11th Jan. 1830,
Helen S. Innes Gunn, and had issue —
Robert, born 31st Aug. 1833 ; Helen Innes,
born 15th April 1843.
ROBERT STOBIE, born Abernethy,
Perthshire, May 1797, son of James S.
and Ramsay ; educated at Univ.
of Edinburgh ; assistant at Stockbridge (St
Bernard's); pres. by Queen Victoria 8th Nov.,
and adm. 21st Dec. 1843; died 21st Oct.
1885. He marr. Lillias, daugh. of William
Thomson, R.N., and had issue— Robert,
physician and surgeon, Edinburgh, born
14th Feb. 1840 ; William Crichton, indigo-
planter, India, born 9th Sept. 1841 ; James,
lawyer, born 1st May 1843; John, banker,
born 22nd Sept. 1845 ; Charles, min. of
Whalsay, born 26th Dec. 1847 ; Margaret,
born 28th March 1850.
JOHN SCOTT, ord. (assistant and
jggj successor) 28th April 1881 ; trans,
to Glenbuchat 6th July same year.
HUGH MAIR, born 11th Feb. 1838, son
of the Rev. James M., M.A., school-
master, Savoch of Deer, and Christian
Johnston, and brother of William M., D.D.,
min. of Earlston ; educated at -Savoch of
Deer Parish School, Grammar School, and
Marischal College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (1859) ;
became schoolmaster at Tullynessle and
Forbes, and MacduflF; teacher in England ;
licen. by Presb. of Turriflf in 1871 ; assistant
at Fyvie ; ord. to Colonial Mission, Ceylon,
28th Sept. 1876 ; missionary in North Isles,
Orkney ; adm. (assistant and successor) 6th
Oct. 1881; dem. 30th Sept. 1909; died
unmarr, at Aberdeen, 5th Jan. 1922.
ROBERT WILSON, trans, and
1910 ^•^™- froin North Ronaldshay 6th
April 1910 ; trans, to Lybster 6th
Nov. 1919.
GEORGE WALSH, born Bo'ness, 12th
May 1876, son of George W.,
master mariner, and Elizabeth
Nimmo Gerrie ; educated at Carriden
School, Daniel Stewart's College, and
Univ. of Edinburgh, 1894-1901 ; licen. by
Presb. of Linlithgow 27th Nov. 1901 ;
assistant at Dalrymple Nov. 1901 to April
1902 ; missionary at Rusness, Orkney,
Sept. 1902 to May 1903, Elchies Aug. 1903
to Feb. 1905, Milton of Campsie Feb. 1905
to Oct. 1906; ord. to Unst 5th Oct. 1906;
dem. his charge and status as a min. 28th
May 1911; went to Canada; reponed by
the General Assembly May 1920 ; adm, to
this charge 1st Dec. 1920. Marr. (1) 11th
Dec. 1902, Agnes (died at Bo'ness, 12th Oct.
1908), younger daugh. of Allan Duncan,
South Craig, Ayrshire, and Agnes Kil-
patrick : (2) 6th April 1909, Ann Watson,
only daugh. of George Burnett, Aberdeen,
and Annie Watson, and has issue— Rupert
Andrew, born 30th Jan. died 6th Feb.
1910 ; Manuel George Patrick Watson,
born 4th Jan. 1911 ; Kenneth Williana
Nimmo Gerrie, born 19th Sept. 1913;
Samuel, born 29th, died 30th Nov. 1915;
Elizabeth May Annie Burnett, born 31st
March 1917.]
[These two parishes were united in the
sixteenth century. Latheron was a prebend
in the Cathedral of Dornoch belonging
to the Bishop of Caithness. There were
chapels at Braemore, Braenaheglish, Bal-
achly near Rangag ; Mid Clyth, Dunbeath
and Strath.]
1567 in 1567.
ANDREW PHILIP, min. in 1574.-
15*74 [Wodrow MiscelL, 333.]
WILLIAM SINCLAIR, reader in 1574,
1574 Pi'obably the former vicar. — [Orig.
Paroch. Scot., ii., 763.]
. g^g exhorter at Dunnet, Lammas 1569 ;
adm. in 1576, with Wick also in the
charge ; trans, to Wick in 1580.
1580 ^O-^' exhorter at Canisbay Nov.
1567; was reader at Olrig in 1574;
min. here in 1580.— [Wodrow MiscelL, 333.]
GEORGE MYLNE, min. in 1593-4.—
1593 [Eeg. Assig.]
GILBERT ANDERSON, min. in 1599 ;
-ggg st^l mlu. lu 1637. He had issue —
William. — [Inverness Sas., iii., 119,
1625 ; G. R. Sas., 2nd ser., xv., 27.]
DAVID MUNRO, adm. before 18th
1634 ^®P*- ^^^^^ ^^P- ^^ ^^^^ ^°^ ^^^'
scribing Montrose's Articles; adm.
to Lairg before 7th May 1663.
. g, in 1651 ; trans, to Second Charge,
Inverness, before 12th August 1663.
He marr. (1) 1653, Esther, probably daugh.
of Robert Elliot of Reidheuch.— [(?. E. Sas.,
2nd ser., v., 7.
JOHN ROSS, M.A.; adm. before 5th
1R68 ^^^" ^^^^ ' ^^^^^- *° Dornoch in
j^ggj M.A. (Marischal College, Aberdeen,
1660) ; session-clerk and school-
master of Thurso ; adm. to Dunnet before
5th June 1670 ; was clerk of Synod ; trans,
and adm. in 1681 ; did not conform to
Presbyterianism but allowed to remain in
his charge ; died March 1715. He marr.
and had issue — a daugh., who marr., (cont.
11th Feb. 1710), William, eldest son of
Robert Henderson, portioner of Wester-
dale). — [Macfarlane's Geog. Coll., i., 169 ;
Craven's Diocese of Caithness, 142 et seq. ;
Beaton's Eccles. Hist, of Caithness, 228.]
[The parish was vacant two years.]
.^j^^ 1690, son of John S., tailor burgess
of Dornoch ; became schoolmaster of
Wick ; licen. by Presb. of Caithness 4th
Jan. 1714 ; ord. 27th Aug. 1717 ; died Jan.
1732. He marr. (cont. 27th Nov. 1718)
Beatrix, daugh. of John Mackay of Kirtomy,
and had issue — John ; James ; George ;
Robert ; William ; Elizabeth.- — [Services of
Heirs, 13th Feb. 1747; D. Murray Rose in
Northern Chro7iicle, 1st March 1911.]
JAMES BRODIE, born 1707, son of
j„ . Alexander B., min. of Reay ; edu-
cated at King's College, Aberdeen ;
M.A. (1728) ; licen. by Presb. of Aberdeen ;
called 10th Dec. 1733 ; ord. 7th May 1734 ;
died at Aberdeen, 6th Nov. 1774. He
marr. 6th Dec. 1735, Anne (died 3rd March
1776), daugh. of James Murray of Clairden,
and had issue— Samuel, born 1st Sept. 1736,
died young ; James, born 28th Nov, 1737,
died young ; Margaret, born 8th June 1739,
(marr. 17th Dec. 1757, John Grant, excise
officer, Dunbeath) ; Patrick, born 21st Feb.
1743 ; Alexander, min. of Carnbee, born
30th June 1745 ; George, born 1st Dec.
1747, died young ; Richard, M.D., born 6th
Nov. 1752, died in East Indies.— [Cotran
Fed. Tables ; Henderson's Caithness Fam.,
ROBERT GUNN, born 1750, son of
^^^ Adam G., tacksman of Mulbuie,
Dunbeath ; was tutor in the family
of Sinclair of Dunbeath; licen. by Presb.
of Caithness 27th Feb. 1775 j ord. 27th
Sept. that year; died 29th Nov. 1819.
He marr. (1) 6th June 1778, Mary (died 8th
Nov. 1784), daugh. of David Henderson of
Stemster, and had issue— Cecilia, born 28th
July 1780, died 26th Feb. 1811 ; Adam,
born 11th May, died 5th Aug. 1783 ; David,
born 19th Aug. 1784, died 5th Feb. 1785 : (2)
1st Sept. 1787, Louisa (died 22nd May 1794),
daugh. of Colonel Clunes, Crakaig, and had
issue— Mary, born 30th Sept. 1788 ; Gordon,
born 26th Dec. 1789, died 4th March 1790;
William, born 30th Dec. 1790 ; Gordon, born
8th May 1792 ; John Hugh, born 14th March
1794 : (3) 31st Aug. 1798, Elizabeth Gun,
Forres, who died at Dunbarton, 6th Nov.
1843, and had issue — Thomas, min. of
Keiss, born 11th Oct. 1800; Adam, min.
of Hope Street Gaelic Church, Glasgow,
born 7th Aug. 1802 ; Louisa, born 26th Oct.
1803, died at Greenock, 27th Dec. 1854;
Margaret, born 2nd April 1805; Robert,
born 5th April 1806, died 27th Feb. 1818;
James, born 29th Aug. 1807 ; Cecilia, born
8th March 1811 ; Eliza, born 2nd July 1813;
William Gordon, born 14th April 1815 ;
John Arthur, born 11th Nov. 1816, died 7th
March 1869. Publication — Account of the
Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, xvii.).
GEORGE DAVIDSON, born 15th Jan.
1791, fifth son of John D., Buckles,
Caithness, and Elizabeth, eldest
daugh. of Simon Ross of Gledfield, Ross ;
educated at King's College, Aberdeen ;
M.A. (31st March 1809); licen. by Presb.
of Caithness 22nd Nov. 1814 ; ord. mission-
ary at Berriedale 30th March 1819 ; pres.
by Sir James (JoLjuhoun of Luss, Bart.,
22nd Feb., and adm. 15th June 1820.
Joined the Free Church in 1843; min.
of Latheron Free Church, 1843-73; died
14th Aug. 1873. He marr. (1) 27th Feb.
1823, Maria Serina (died 3rd Nov. 1827),
daugh. of James Robertson of Pitstrumie,
M.D., R.N., and had issue— Harriet Gordon
Sage, born 30th Sept. 1824 (marr. 1843,
James ]\Iill, surgeon, Thurso), died 28th
May 1911 ; John Henry Hall, farmer. Old
Watten, born 30th April 1826, died 18th
Nov. 1923; Maria Serina, born 28th Oct.
1827 (marr. 15th Sept. 1847, Robert Mac-
lachlan, sheriff-clerk of Caithness), died
March 1910 : (2) 21st Sept. 1844, Angelica
Chisholm (died 1st Aug. 1851), youngest
daugh. of William ^lurray of Pitcalzean,
banker, Tain, and Christian Rose, and had
issue— Christian Elizabeth, born 8th July
1845, died 2nd Aug. 1847; Anne Isabella,
born 12th April 1847 (marr. 1870 James
Duff M'Culloch, D.D., Principal of the Free
Church College, Edinburgh). Publication —
Account of the Parish {Xetv Stat. Ace,
XV.). — \^The Fismption in Caithness (Parker
MS.) ; Life and Times of Rev. George
Favidson, by Alexander Mackay, LL.D.
(Edinburgh, 1875) ; Free Church Assembly
Blue Book, 1861 ; Northern Ensign, 25th
Aug. 1903 ; Brown's Annals, 50 ; Memorials
of the Life of James 3fill.]
HUGH M'CALMAN, born Barmore,
16th Dec. 1805, eldest son of John
M., merchant, Tarbert, Argyll ;
educated at parish school of Tarbert and
Univ. of Glasgow ; ord. (at Colonsay) in
1834, and had charge of the Seamen's
Mission, Glasgow (supported by various
Churches) ; adm. here 5th Dec, 1843 ; died
30th Dec. 1879. He joined the Free Church
in 1843, but withdrew his adherence 22nd
July that year, regretting that for so short
a period he should " ever have fallen into
the sin of schism." He marr. 21st Nov.
1836, Ursula (died 2nd March 1903), daugh.
of Robert Gilmour, Paisley, and had issue —
John, born 29th Dec. 1837, min. of Inch ;
Julia Gilmour, born 19th June 1839, died
17th Aug. 1856; Mary M'Nab, born 9th
April 1841 (marr. Hugh Eraser, min. of
Fearn) ; Isabella MacLean, born 28th Nov.
1842 (marr. Alexander MacLean, min. of
Halkirk) ; Helen Gilmour, born 23rd Jan.
1845 ; Robert Gilmour, M.D., born 13th
June 1846 ; Anne Campbell, born Feb.
1848; Hugh, M.D., lieut. -colonel I.M.S.,
born 5tli Nov. 1849.— [J/te Wheat and the
Chaff, 111; John 0' Groat Journal, 27th
Oct. 1843.J
JAMES M'HARDY, born Shiangarn,
1880 Iiiveraven, 15th Nov. 1840, son of
George M. and Margaret Grant ;
educated at Inveraven School and Univ.
of Aberdeen ; licen. by Presb. of Aberdeen ;
ord. 20th March 1872 (assistant and suc-
cessor) at Alness ; trans, and adm. 11th Aug.
1880; died at Edinburgh 29th May 1910.
He marr. 13th Aug. 1872, Elizabeth Jane
daugh. of John Sim, accountant. North of
Scotland Bank, Aberdeen, and had issue —
Janie Raid, born 1 1th Sept. 1873 (marr. 19th
Oct. 1917, Arthur Eraser, min.of Edgerston);
John Sim, born 12th Nov. 1874 ; Margaret,
born 24th Nov. 1879 ; George Innes, born
10th Nov. 1882 ; Elizabeth, born 10th July
jgjQ B.D. ; ord. 5th Oct. 1910 ; trans, to
Second Charge, Haddington, 22nd
July 1913.
^gj3 M.A., B.D. ; ord. 24th Sept. 1913;
trans, to Battlefield, Glasgow, 12th
Dec. 1918 ; trans, to Riccarton, Kilmarnock,
24th Nov. 1926.
. Londonderry, 19th Oct. 1878, son
of William Bond G. and Margaret
Long Mitchell ; educated at Academical
Institution and Magee College, London-
derry; licen. by Free Church Presb. of
Glasgow 12th July 1904 ; assistant at Hope
Street Free Church, Glasgow ; ord. to Free
Church, Kirkcaldy, 5th July 1905 ; trans.
to Free Church, Olrig, 30th Sept. 1908;
trans, to Lybster 11th May 1916 ; trans.
and adm. 18th June 1919. Marr. 5th
Nov. 1908, Margaret Smeaton, daugh. of
Archibald MacNeilage, Glasgow, editor of
The Scottish Farmer, and has issue —
Kathleen Mary Smeaton, born 13th June
1912 ; Eileen Margaret Mitchell, born 31st
May 1914.
[Of old there was at Lybster a chapel
of St Mary, and near it was St Mary's
Well. Within the bounds also lies the site
of a chapel at Clyth. At Lybster a
parliamentary chapel was built in 1836.
The parish of Lybster was disjoined from
Latheron 14th March 1887.]
JAMES NOBLE, elected 17th Oct. 1838 ;
1839 ^^^' ^°^ '^^^' ^^^^ ' ^^^^^- *^ Gaelic
Church, Edinburgh, 1st Sept. 1840.
1841 ^^P^- 1^41 ; trans, to Strathy in
ROBERT WAUGH, ord. in 1844 [after-
1844 wards assistant at Dunsyre].
JOHN DANGERFIELD, app. in 1854
1854 [afterwards min. of Lady, Orkney].
JAMES RODDICK, born 28th May
jgg^ 1832, son of James R., min. of
Gretna, and cousin of Robert
Murray M'Cheyne, min. of St Peter's,
Dundee (at whose house he was resident
at the time of M.'s death) ; educated at
Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of
Annan ; app. in 1857 ; went to South
Australia in 1864 ; min. at Mount Crawford
that year and at Mount Pleasant in 1865 ;
died there 29th Nov. 1872. He marr. 29th
Dec. 1863, Margaret (died 26th Oct. 1920),
daugh. of James Reid, min. of Kirkinner,
and had issue — James Reid, banker, London,
born 7th Jan. 1865, died 13th Sept. 1905 ;
Robert Murray M'Cheyne, actuary and
manager Life Association of Scotland, born
21st June 1867 ; Mary Davidson, born 28th
Sept. 1868 (marr. 27th Dec. 1898, William
Murray Gerrard, banker. Bangalore) ; Elliot
William Davidson, British Linen Bank,
born 25th Feb. 1871, died 4th May 1913;
Annie Effie, born 21st May 1873 (marr.
30th June 1896, Lockhart Dobbie Corson,
S.S.C.). — [The South Australian Register,
3rd Dec. 1872.]
1862 missionary in 1862 ; trans, to Kil-
donan 6th Sept. 1866.
,„„„ ord. 27th Feb. 1867; trans, to
Burray m 1872.
JAMES FORBES, M.A., formerly of
j^g-j Gardenstown ; adm. in 1871 ; ord.
to St Mary's, South Ronaldsay,
20th July 1880.
,„,-_ 1875 ; afterwards missionary at
Auchmithie, North Walls, and
other stations ; died 2nd Nov. 1912.
DUFF MACDONALD [afterwards of
1876 Pulteneytown].
CHARLES DUNN, born Wester
,gg„ Leochel, 30th June 1843, son of
Alexander D. and Barbara Ritchie ;
educated at Grammar School and Univ. of
Aberdeen ; licen. by Presb. of Alford 27th
Oct. 1869 ; assistant at Fraserburgh ; ord.
(by Presb. of Deer) to Stellarton and West-
ville, Canada, 21st Dec. 1870; trans, and
adm. 15th Nov. 1887; dem. 11th Nov.
1900; died at Aberdeen 10th Jan. 1925.
He marr. (1) 2nd Jan. 1871, Mary, daugh.
of Samuel Stewart, and had issue — Alex-
andrina Barbara, born 10th Sept. 1871,
died 10th June 1881; Mary Stewart, born
20th Jan. 1874 (marr. 26th July 1900,
Donald Robert Morrison, bookseller,
Lerwick) ; Samuel, born 15th Dec. 1876 ;
Charles, born 11th March 1879, died 6th
May 1881 ; Lexie, born 23rd July 1882 ;
Peter Alexander, min. of Greenside, Edin-
burgh, born 24th Nov. 1884 ; James John,
corporal 106th Nova Scotia Rifles, born 3rd
Jan. 1887 : (2) 19th Sept. 1922, Tina Ann
DONALD MACLEOD, ord. 23rd April
1901 ^^^^ '' *'''^"s. to Glencoe 27th Aug.
WILLIAM NEIL, trans, from Whitc-
jQQQ ness, and adm. 17th Feb. 1909;
trans, to Newburn 17th June 1914.
Publication — The (Jleghorn Paj/ers : A Foot-
note to History (London, 1927).
DAVID SCOTT, trans, from Mid and
South Yell, and adm, 22nd Oct.
1914; trans, to Dunnet 15th Feb.
from Free Church, Olrig, and adm.
11th May 1916 ; trans, to Latheron
18th June 1919.
ROBERT WILSON, born Dreghorn,
1919 -^ys^ire, 18th June 1866, son of
David W. and Jean Gilchrist ; edu-
cated at Dreghorn and Springside Schools,
Irvine Academy, and Univ. of Glasgow ;
licen. by Presb. of Irvine 7th May 1895 ;
assistant at Whiting Bay, Newton (Cam-
buslang), Anderston (Glasgow), and Airdrie;
ord. to North Ronaldsay 10th May 1905 ;
trans, to Keiss 6th April 1910 ; trans, and
adm. 6th Nov. 1919 ; clerk of Presb. 1919.
[The church was dedicated to St Trothan.
In the Cathedral of Dornoch there was
a prebend of Olrig. At Coomskirk in this
parish stood a chapel of St Columba. It
has been overblown with sand, which now
covers its site.]
FRANCIS WRIGHT, exhorter at Nov.
1570 1570.
1572 J^'"^^ ^I- 12th Jan. 1572, with
Thurso and Braenaheglish also in the
charge, he sustaining a reader (Alexander
Patrick Grahamson) here ; accused at the
Assembly, Aug. 1575, of dilapidating his
benefice and not waiting on his charge ;
dem. before 1st Jan. IblQ. — [Wodroio
Miscell. ; Orig. Paroch. Scot., ii., 787.]
THOMAS KEIR, min. of Wick in 1576 ;
jg^g pres. to the vicarage by James VI.
1st Jan. 1576. — [Feu Charters of
Kirklands, ii., 274.]
DAVID CARMICHAEL, pres. to Canis-
jggg bay by James VI. 18th April 1572,
but apparently not settled ; min.
here in \b^b.—{Orig. Paroch. Scot., ii.,
JOHN HUTCHESON, min. in 1588 and
1588 1595.— [Beg. Assig.]
SAUL BRUCE, of the Stanstill family,
1599 ^^^' °^ Reay in 1591 ; trans, in
1599 ; was app. Constant Moderator
of Presb. in absence of the bishop by the
General Assembly in 1606.— [P. C. Beg.,
vii., 301, 413 ; Calderwood's Hist, vi., 622 ;
Orig. Paroch. Scot., ii., 747 ; Craven's
Diocese of Caithness, 44.]
DAVID BRUCE, son of Saul B.,
1625 Portioner of Lyth ; min. in 1625 ;
died in 1633. He marr. Janet
Sinclair, widow of John Smart, min. of
Wick, but had no issue. — [Inverness Sas.,
iii. 119, V. 234; G. R. Sas., xxxiv. 333,
xlix. 68 ; Keg. of Deeds, dxxx., 406 ;
Henderson's Caithness Fam., 271 ; P. C.
Reg., 2nd ser., vii., 344.]
DAVID ALLARDYCE, adra. before
1636 ^^"^ June 1 636 ; probably dep. about
1650 for compliance with James,
Marquess of Montrose ; was restored to
the ministry and called to Dron, but not
settled ; app. clerk of Presb. 20th May 1656.
On 12th Aug. 1663, he was apparently in
destitute circumstances, and asked aid from
the Presb. which was granted, "everyone
of the Presb. condescending to give him a
boll of victual." He marr., and had issue
—David, apprenticed to Alexander Charles,
merchant, Aberdeen, 16th Sept. 1653 ; a
daugh. (marr. William Campbell, min. of
this parish). — [Macfarlane's Geog. Coll., i.,
175 ; Craven's Diocese of Caithness, 141.]
JAMES ADAM, M.A. ; called 15th
jg-g April, and adm. before 19th June
1656 ; trans, to Cortachy before 30th
Oct. 1659.
jggj from Alves; called 13th Sept. 1659 ;
adm. 2nd Jan. 1661 ; trans, to Watten
about 1668.
ROBERT TARRES, born about 1640,
1668 ^^° °^ Robert T., min. of St Andrews-
Lhanbryd ; educated at King's Col-
lege, Aberdeen; M.A. (12th July 1660);
adm. before 20th Sept. 1668 ; did not
conform to Presbyterianism in 1689 ; died
in 1694. He marr., and had issue— James ;
Jean (marr. Alexander Calder in East
Thurso ; Margaret ; Katherine. — [Mac-
farlane's Geog. Coll., i., 175 ; Craven's
Diocese, 177.]
j^ggg ord. 22nd Sept. 1699 ; died in June
or July 1734. He marr. Isobel,
daugh. of John Forbes of Torrisdale, Strath-
naver, and had issue — John ; James ;
Margaret (marr. cont. 4th Feb. 1725, John
Monro of Kilchoan) ; Jean, served heir 26th
Dec. ll'i?,.— [Inverness Sas., viii. 249 ; ix.
250 ; Services of Heirs ; Macfarlane's Geog.
Coll., i., 175 ; Tomhst.']
DAVID DUNBAR, born about 1716,
j^gg third son of John D. of Kincorth ;
licen. by Presb. of Biggar 17th Aug.
1732; pres. by Sir James Sinclair of
Dunbeath, Bart., in 1734 ; ord. 22nd April
1735 ; pres. to Wick 21st Feb. but died 13th
July 1761. He marr. 25th Nov. 1736, Mary
(died 28th Dec. 1780), daugh. of Sir Robert
Dunbar of Northfield, Bart., and had issue
—Mary, born 20th Sept. 1737 (marr. Francis
Mackay, Bruan) ; Marjory, born 28th May
1742; Margaret, born 26th Sept. 1743; John,
born 28th Feb. 1747, died young.
1762 (P^ili^PS the A. S. from Aberluthnot,
who graduated M.A., King's College,
Aberdeen, 9th April 1753); pres. by Colonel
John Scott 13th April 1761 ; ord. 23rd Feb.
1762 ; died 19th Dec. 1784. He marr. 2nd
April 1767, Elizabeth Sinclair, who died
at Thurso, 15th Oct. 1831, aged 88, and
had issue — William, min. of Bower, born
4th April 1768; John, born I4th Aug.
1769; Jean,.born 23rd April 1771 ; Thomas,
born 3rd Feb. 1773, died 31st July 1774;
James, min. of Canisbay, born 22nd June
1775; Margaret, born 17th Feb. 1778;
Alexander, born 4th Jan. 1783.
j^^gg 1750, third son of Alexander M. of
Ardloch ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; M.A. (29th March 1770) ; adm.
schoolmaster of Bower 20th Aug. 1770 ; ord.
6th April 1778 as deputy chaplain to Lord
Seaforth's Regiment ; adm. to this parish
20th Sept. 1785 ; died 21st Jan. 1825. He
marr. (1) 28th Feb. 1787, Jean Oswald (died
12th Sept. 1802), daugh. of Peter (Patrick)
Brodie, son of James B., min. of Latheron,
and had issue— Jean, born 10th Aug. 1791
(marr. Thomas Adie, Forres and London) ;
Patrick, oflBcer in West India Regiment,
born .31st Oct. 1792 ; William, min. of this
parish ; David, a sailor, born 7th July
1796; Isabella Ann, born 13th Oct. 1797
(marr. 8th March 1823, Alexander Waters,
lieut. 92nd Foot) ; George Morrison in
G.P.O., born 6th June 1800 ; Janet Brodie,
born 8th Jan. 1801 (marr. Donald Coghill,
merchant, Castleton) : (2) 18th Oct. 1806
Abigail Cheesborough M'Lennan, Forres
(died Sept. 1816), and had issue — Joanna
Sinclair Traill, born 14th Aug. 1810 (marr.
24th March 1835, James Lumsden, mis-
sionary to Canada); Margaret Elizabeth,
born 31st Jan. 1813, died 20th Nov. 1850.
Publication— Account of the Parish (Sin-
clair's Stat. Ace, xii.). — {Hist, of the
Mackenzies, 565.]
1825 J^^® 1795, son of preceding; licen.
by Presb. of Caithness 1st Oct.
1816; ord. 21st July 1819 min. of Park
Chapel, Monkwearmouth ; dem. 29th Dec.
1822 (when he was presented by his con-
gregation with a silver snuff-box) and
became assistant to his father ; pres. by
Sir James Colquhoun of Luss, Bart., 13th
June, and adm. 4th Aug. 1825. Joined
the Free Church in 1843; min. of Free
Church, Olrig, 1843-57; died 20th June
1857. He marr. 15th Dec. 1825, Catherine
Sinclair Brodie, who died 10th July 1884.
Publication — Account of the Parish (JVeiv
Stat. Ace, XV.).— [^ Sliort Hist, of Preshy-
terianism in Sunderland, 45.]
WILLIAM PHIN, born Craigsford,
jQ^g Earlston, 19th Oct. 1815; son of
William P. (or Thin), farmer, and
Janet Broomfield ; educated at Earlston
School and Univ.of Edinburgh; schoolmaster
at Gateside, Fife, in 1833 ; licen. by Presb.
of Dunfermline in March, and ord. 14th Dec.
1843 ; sometime clerk of Synod ; died 1st
Oct. 1876. He took a deep interest in edu-
cational matters and instituted a library
and reading-room in connection with the
Trail Public Hall, of which he was a chief
promoter. He marr. 10th Jan. 1850, Mary
Ann (died 28th Oct. 1902), only daugh. of
Alexander Adam, banker, Wick, and had
issue — Jane Adam, born 2nd Nov. 1851 ;
Mary Ann, born 27th Dec. 1852 (marr.
Archibald Hamilton Gillieson, min. of this
parish); William, born 3rd April 1854;
Alexander Adam, born 19th June 1855 ;
Janet Dodds, born 16th Oct. 1856 ; Thomas
Adam, born 30th April 1858 ; James Adam,
born 26th March 1860; Kenneth Macleay,
born 24th May 1862 ; John Fergus, born
18th April 1866, died at Melbourne 7th
June 1891 ; George Trail, born 16th May
1869 ; Margaret Trail Dodds, born 4th Oct.
lQlZ.—{Tahlet in Church; The Southern
Reporter, 14th Dec. 1876.]
1874 SON, born Broomslea, Wamphray,
29th Sept. 1847 ; son of Thomas G.
and Joan Hamilton and cousin of Archibald
Hamilton Charteris, D.D., LL.D. ; educated
at Wamphray Parish School, Univs. of Edin-
burgh M.A. (1869), B.D. (1872) and Leipzig ;
licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh in 1873;
assistant to preceding; pres. by the trustees
of Sir James Colquhoun, Bart.; ord. (assist-
ant and successor) 24th Sept. 1874 ; clerk
of Presb., 1876-1919 ; dem. 16th May 1919,
died at Moffat 7th Jan. 1924. He marr.
(1) 24th July 1877, Mary Ann (died 12th
Dec. 1909), daugh. of William Phin, min.
of this parish, and had issue — Thomas,
born 9th April 1878, died 19th Aug. 1879 ;
William Phin, min. of First Charge, Ayr,
born 25th June 1879; Margaret Adam Phin,
born 5th Aug. 1880 ; Joan Hamilton, born
10th Nov. 1881 (marr. Duncan MacLaren,
min. of Turriff); Thomas, min. of St Bride's,
Edinburgh, born 11th Dec. 1882; Susan
Smith Jane Collie, born 21st Jan. 1884
(marr. 14th Nov. 1917, George Mowat,
accountant, Banff) ; Margaret Theodora,
born 25th Dec. 1885 ; Catherine Anderson
Charteris, born 15th May 1888 (marr. 5th
June 1917, William Hunter Mackenzie,
Turriff) ; Isabella Dodds, born 4th May
1890 : (2) 18th Nov. 1915, Jane, daugh. of
John Murray, Claremont, Moffat.
Shapinsay and adm. 12th May 1920 ;
trans, to Dallas 26tli Feb. 1925.
WILLIAM M'NUTT, born Burnfoot,
Londonderry, 9tli Aug. 1881, son of
John M. and Margaret Whan ; edu-
cated at Foyle College and Magee College.
Londonderry, Presbyterian College, Belfast,
New College, Edinburgh, and Royal Univ.
of Ireland; B.A. (1903); licen. by Presb.
of Derry, May 1906 ; assistant at Trinity
Church, Cork ; ord. to Drumachose, Co.
Derry, 12th Nov. 1907 ; trans, and adm.
11th June 1925; trans, to Olrig 1928.
Marr. 1st Jan. 1918, Louise, daugh. of
William Campbell, Sibmister, Caithness,
and has issue — Margaret Rosemary, born
7th March 1923 ; a son born 6th May 1927.
Publication — The Call to Heroism (Belfast,
[The parish of Pulteneytown was disjoined
from Wick on 18th March 1878.]
DAVID MITCHELL, born Madderty,
1839 1'^^'^' ^o'^ ^^ David M., farmer, and
Jane Neilson ; educated at Univ.
of Edinburgh ; adm. in 1839. Joined the
Free Church in 1843 ; min. of St Luke's
Free Church, Glasgow, 1843-82 ; died 1882.
He marr. (1) 13th Dec. 1843, Elizabeth,
daugh. of James Young, merchant, Crieff :
(2) 12th Jan. 1859, Marion, daugh. of
William Wilson, banker, and Anna Sinclair.
Publications — Valedictory Sermon jyreached
to the Congregation of the Neiv Churchy
Pulteneytown (1843) ; Christian Fidelity
in the House of Mourning; Prophetical
TJtterwnces and their Accomplishment.
jggg 1852 ; ind. to Russeltown Flats
(Presb. of Montreal), Canada, 13th
June 1853 ; died at Montreal 7th Feb. 1855.
JAMES GEMMEL, app. in 1854 ; ord.
jggg 20th Aug. 1855; trans, to Watten
19th Aug. 1860.
WILLIAM SMITH [afterwards min. of
1861 Unst].
1865 SOUTTER, app. in 1865.
DAVID RAIT JACK, ord. 21st March
1867 1867 ; trans, to Holm 8th Feb. 1872.
ROBERT WALKER, app. in 1872 ; trans.
, oH,„ to St Mary's, South Ronaldsay, Feb.
^^'^ 1874.
jg,^^ ord. 24th Dec. 1874 ; trans, to Watten
16th Sept. 1875.
DUFF MACDONALD, ord. 22nd March
jg^„ 1877 ; app. missionary at Blantyre,
Nyasaland, in 1878 [afterwards min.
of South Dalziel] {cf. Vol. III., 250);
D.D. (Aberdeen, 1923). Publication— TAe
Revised Catechism (revised edition) (Aber-
deen, 1923).
1878 ^^^ ^^ John A., schoolmaster ; edu-
cated at Dalgety School, Church of
Scotland Normal Training College, Univ.
of Edinburgh, M.A. (1871), and U.P.
Theological Hall; licen. by U.P. Presb.
of Edinburgh ; assistant at St John's
U.P. Church, Glasgow; ord. in 1877;
adm. 16th May 1878 ; dem. 6th Dec. 1893 ;
died 6th July 1900. He marr. 4th June
1872, Mary, daugh. of William Benvie, jute
manufacturer, Dundee, and had issue —
Isabella Robertson, born 26th Sept. 1873 ;
Jessie Philip, born 28th May 1875 ; John
Golland, born 14th April 1877, died 24th
May 1878 ; Mary Benvie, born 22nd Feb.
1879, died; William Benvie, born 14th
March 1881; Harley Christian Erskine,
born 3rd Feb. 1884 ; Amelia Jane Golland,
born 22nd Feb. 1889, died. Publication—
A Lecture on Disestablishment (Wick, n.d.).
ALEXANDER ROSS, born Aberdeen
jgg^ 4th Dec. 1858; son of David R.
and Violet Crowe ; educated at
Grammar School and Univ. of Aberdeen ;
M.A. (1879); B.D. (1882); licen. by Presb.
of Strathbogie 11th May 1882; assistant
at Huntly and St George's-in-the-West,
Aberdeen ; ord. 14th May 1894.
[The old church of Reay, dedicated to
St Colman, stood at the village of Reay
near the sea-shore. The prebend of Reay,
in the Cathedral of Dornoch, belonged to the
Bishop of Caithness. There were at least
four chapels in this parish, St Mary's and
St Peter's, both at Lybster in Keay, St
Magnus' at Shebster, and chapels at Skaill
and Baillie. A fair of St Colman was held
at Reay in December.]
FARQUHAR REID, min. in 1574, with
1574 Farr and Durness in the charge.
1574 1574.
MACPHILIP, reader in
1576 in 1576.
SAUL BRUCE, min. in 1591 ; trans, to
1591 Olrig in 1599.
,„„, in 1601: trans, to Farr before 15th
June 1603.
GEORGE OLIVER, min. in 1607;
1R07 obtained a decree for stipend in
1621 ; died in 1622.— [Reg. Assig. ;
Macfarlane's Geog. Coll., i., 185.]
JOHN MUNRO, third son of John M.
J of Pitlundie, min. of Kilmuir-
Easter ; educated at Univ. of St
Andrews; M.A. (1619); adm. about 1623;
dep. about 1650 for compliance with James,
Marquess of Montrose ; petitioned the
Synod for reponeraent 6th Aug. 1656 " that
he might assist his son in preaching." —
[Mackenzie's Hist, of the Munros, 504 ;
Inverness Sas., vi., 61 ; P. C. lieg., 3rd scr.,
i., 195.]
DAVID MUNRO, son of John M., min.
1657 ^^ Farr; adm. 3rd June 1657; still
min. 11th July 1683; died before
1694. He marr. Margaret, daugh. of Robert
Munro, Findon, and had issue — John,
min. of this parish ; Robert ; Hector ;
Elizabeth (marr. James Mackay of Borgie-
more ; Florence (marr. William Innes of
Isauld). — [Thurso Sess. Reg. ; Macfarlane's
Geog. Coll., i., 185 ; Book of Mackay, 318 ;
Mackenzie's Hist, of Munros, 505 ; Innes of
Caithness {Northern Ensign, 29th Sept.
1903); Laing Charters, 2603, 2815; Caith-
ness Sas., i. 212, 241, 242, ii. 365.]
JOHN MUNRO of Craigston, born
1704 ^^^^^ 1660, eldest son of preceding ;
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen ; M.A. (3rd July 1679); intruded in
1697, but was received into communion by
the committee at Edinburgh before 6th
June 1704; died July 1722. He marr.
22nd Aug. 1710, Janet, daugh. of David
Barclay of Touch, and had issue — John,
served heir 4th Dec. 1751 ; David of Craig-
ston.— [Macfarlane's Geog. Coll., i., 185 ;
Services of Heirs ; Mackenzie's Hist, of
M^mros, 506 ; Caithness Sas., i. 242,
ii. 83.]
j^,^2g King's College, Aberdeen, 1697-1701 ;
schoolmaster of Kingussie ; licen. by
Presb. of Abernethy 17th Oct. 1711; ord.
to Kildonan 18th Sept. 1712; called 10th
Feb. and by Presb. jure devoluto ; adm.
14th May 1723; died between 11th Nov,
1729 and 6th Jan. 1730. He marr., and
had issue— James, min. of Latheron. —
[Henderson's Caithness Fam., 308.]
ALEXANDER POPE, born about 1706,
son of Hector P., min. of Loth ;
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen, a contribution being recommended
for him by the Synod in 1720 to enable
him to prosecute his studies for the Church ;
M.A. (15th April 1725) ; became school-
master of this parish shortly afterwards, as
appears from an instruction given by the
Presb. of Caithness to their commissioner
to the General Assembly of 1721, who bore
with him a recommendation for "the
encouragement of Alexander Pope, school-
master of Reay, a hopeful young man
having the Irish language " ; elected session-
clerk and precentor at Dornoch 28th July
1730. In the summer of 1732 he rode his
pony from Dornoch to Twickenham to
visit his namesake, Alexander Pope, the
poet, who presented him with a copy of the
subscription edition of his Odyssey in five
quarto volumes, along with the Abbot de
Vertol's History of the Roman Republic,
and an ornamental snuflf-box, all which
mementoes have been preserved. He was
licen. by Presb. of Dornoch 19th Feb.,
called unanimously 2nd April, and ord. 5th
Sept. 1734; pres. to Halkirk 26th Sept.
1743, but withdrew his acceptance Jan.
1744; died 2nd March 1782, having been
sometime afflicted with paralysis, which
compelled him to be carried to the pulpit
in a sort of litter. At his admission here
the parish was in a state of semi-barbarism.
Donald Sage says, "they were not only
ignorant, but flagrantly vicious — Episco-
palians in name but heathens in reality.
P. soon discovered that they required a
very rough mode of treatment, and being
from his strength furnished with a sufficient
capacity to administer any needful chastise-
ment, he failed not vigorously to exercise
it. He usually carried about with him a
short thick cudgel, which, from the use he
was compelled to make of it, as well as
from a sort of delegated constabulary
authority he had from Sinclair of Ulbster,
the sheriff of the county, was known as
' the bailie.' " Sage relates several incidents
in which " the bailie " figured prominently.
In course of time the habits of the people
changed for the better, the parish gradually
conforming to the arts of civilised life. A
man of considerable literary talent and
much intellectual vigour, P. was a popular
preacher and a learned archaeologist. He
marr. (1) 3rd July 1735, Margaret (died
22nd Dec. 1744), daugh. of Andrew Suther-
land of Pitgrudy, and had issue — William,
born 5th April 1736; Alexander, born 7th
Nov. 1737 ; Harry, born 9th Jan. 1739 : (2)
2nd Dec. 1745, Janet Koss, who died 13th
Feb. 1793, and had issue— Abigail, born 7th
June 1747 (marr. James Campbell); Thomas,
born 20th Nov. 1749 ; John, born 14th Dec.
1750, died 9th Jan. 1752 ; James (twin), his
assistant and successor ; Charles, born 14th
Aug. 1752. Publications— ^7^c•^■e?i« History
of Orkney, Caithness, and the North, by
Thormodus Torfseus, translated with
copious notes (Wick, 1866). [This transla-
tion of Torfseus's Orcades seu rerum
Orcadensium Histories [Havnise, 1697 and
1715] was prepared by Pope for the press in
1780, but owing to his death its publication
was delayed. After a lapse of sixty years
the MS. was printed in instalments in the
John 0' Groat Journal. When it was
nearly completed, the transcriber died.
The remainder of the copy, along with a
biographical sketch of the author, by
Donald Sage, minister of Resolis, went
amissing. Failure to find the lost portion
resulted in the sheets already in type being
then bound together and issued as above
in 1866. In 1905 the original MS. was dis-
covered in a London bookseller's catalogue,
by John Mowat, compiler of A Bibliography
of Caithness, and purchased for Wick Free
Library, where it now is.] " The Description
of the Dune of Dornadilla" (Archceologia,
v., 216); Appendix V. (Pennant's Toiir
in Scotland) [deals with statistics and
antiquities of Caithness, Strathnaver, and
Sutherland]. He made the first Albano-
Gaelic collection of Ossianic literature
about 1739. Found in a drawer in the
Advocates' Library in 1872, it was printed
in Leabhar na Feinne, vol. i., edited by
John Francis Campbell (London, 1872).
See also Reliquice Celtica;, i., 393. He
gave much interesting information to
Bishop Pocock for his Tours in Scotland.—
[Beaton's The Rev. Alexander Pope [Viking
Club] (Coventry, 1910) [has facsimile of
Pope's MS. of Torfseus]; Sage's Memorabilia
Domestica (1899), 32-36 ; Proc. Soc. Antiq.
Scot. (1855), 19 and 21 ; Acts of Assembly,
1727 ; Trans. Gael. Soc. Inverness, xxii., 288 ;
Diet. Nat. Biog. ; Cordiner's Antiquities;
Mackay's Memories of our Parish (Eeay),
1-22; Northern Ensign, 6th and 13th May
1902 ; Calder's Caithness, 192 ; Memorial
Slab at Reay ; Sinclair's Caithness Events,
JAMES POPE, born 14th Dec. 1750,
son of preceding ; educated at
^ Marischal College, Aberdeen ; M.A.
(8th Feb. 1773) ; pres. by George III. 15th
June 1779 ; ord. (assistant and successor)
soon after. He died before his father.
DAVID MACKAY, born 1752, son of
George M., ferryman, Bonar; edu-
cated at King's College, Aberdeen ;
M.A. (28th March 1776); licen. by Presb.
of Dornoch 3rd May 1780; pres. by George
III. 2nd July 1782 ; ord. 8th April 1783 ;
died 10th Jan. 1835. He marr. 24th July
1787, Jane M'Pherson, who died 12th
July 1840, and had issue — Elizabeth, born
14th Dec. 1788 (marr. 2nd July 1810,
William Sutherland, merchant, Thurso) ;
George, D.D., min. of Rafford, born Gth Nov.
1791. Publication— Account of the Parish
(Sinclair's Stat. Ace, vii.).
FINLAY COOK, born 1778, third son
of Charles C, farmer, Kilmory,
Arran, and brother of Archibald C,
min. of Free Church, Daviot ; educated at
Univ. of Glasgow; employed by Robert
Owen in summer as a catechist at the
Lanark cotton mills ; licen. by Presb. of
Lanark 21st Aug. 1816 ; ord. missionary at
Halsary, Achreny, and Halladale; adm. to
Cross 29th July 1829 ; trans, to East
Church, Inverness, Nov. 1833 ; pres. (on
the petition of the parishioners) by William
IV. 10th Feb., trans, and adm. 19th Aug.
1835. Joined the Free Church in 1843;
min. of Free Church, Reay, 1843-58 ; died
12th June 1858. In personal appearance
he was about the middle height, of dark
complexion, and of manly gait and air.
He had a remarkable eye, black and
brilliant, giving unmistakable evidence of
intelligence and thought. He had a great
reputation all over the North, and was one
of the most saintly of men. He marr. 5th
June 1819, Elizabeth (died 14th Oct. 1838,
aged 53), daugh. of Alexander Sage, min.
of Kildonan, and had issue— Alexander,
min. of Free Church, Stratherrick, born 1st
Nov. 1823, died 25th Oct. 1861 ; two others
who died in infancy. Publication — Account
of the Parish (Netv Stat. Ace, xv.). —
[Memoirs and Letters of Revs. Finlay and
Archibald Cook (Inverness, 1895); Disrup-
tion Worthies of the Highlands, 97-105 ;
Memorabilia Domestica, 212, 294 ; Afemories
of our Parish {Reay), 38-55 ; Crowe's 2^he
Fathers of Caithness (Glasgow, 1896) ;
JAMES MURRAY, born 1802, son of
1844 J°^" ^^-^ merchant, and Isabella
Conacher ; pres. by Queen Victoria
3rd Nov. 1843 ; ord. 7th Feb. 1844 ; died
27th Oct. 1877. He marr. 29th Feb. 1860,
Catherine Munro Mackay (died 23rd May
1897). — [Mackay's Memories of our Parish
(Reay), 73-6.] ^ ^^ Petc^bt^, »t^a .
DONALD MA0AULAY, born North ^
Uist, *8S3f, son of a«eb»T^ M.'^andl>«"'«l«l
Margaret Christisoi^; educated atjTiJkt^^
Univ. of Glasgow ; ord. missionary at
Locharkaig March 1868 ; adm. to Hallin-
in-Waternish 3rd Feb. 1870; trans, to
Eddrachillis 11th May 1871 ; trans, and
adm. 6th June 1878 ; died 12th April 1909.
He marr. 16th April 1872, Jane (died 21st
Dec. 1918), eldest daugh. of James Robert-
son, Hazelrigg, Chatton, Northumberland,
and had issue — Alice Hall, born 22nd Feb.
1873; Margaret Christie, born 2nd July
1874 (marr. 29th April 1896, Hugh A. C.
Davidson, L.R.C.P. & S., Coupar-Angus) ;
Jane Robertson, born 22nd Oct. 1875
(marr. Norman Maclean, D.D., min. of St
Cuthbert's, Edinburgh), died 2nd May 1927;
Alexa Mary, born 12th Sept. 1877 (marr.
John Kenneth Maclean, min. of Morven) ;
Agnes Macmillan, born 16th Feb. 1880
(marr. Dugald Carmichael, min. of this
parish) ; Helen Black, born 7th June 1883
(marr. 5th March 1910, Donald Begg,
farmer, Brims, Caithness); Charlotte, born
28th Nov. 1884 (marr. Alexander Mac-
donald, min. of Stevenston). — [Mackay's
Memories of our Parish {Reay), 77-84.]
more, 1st Jan. 1874, son of Hugh
C. and Mary Campbell ; educated
at Baligrundle, Lismore, Benderloch, and
Greenock Schools, and Univ. of Glasgow ;
licen. by Presb. of Lorn in 1901 ; ord. to
Farr 26th Nov. 1902 ; trans, and adm. 23rd
Sept. 1909. Marr. 14th Sept 1905, Agnes
Macmillan, daugh. of Donald Macaulay,
min. of this parish, and has issue — Hugh,
born 10th Nov. 1906 ; Donald Macaulay,
born 22nd May 1908 ; John, born 3rd
May 1910 ; Dugald Lome, born 2nd Oct.
7— — *
4 )[Lu^^:^.JU Att^O-iZ-y I (>^Ji^.
a,,^^<^(L-.c.^^y.ML ^L.^'uja^'^ . g^ . /?
[Of old there was at Shurrery a chapel
of St Benet. In 1838 William Innes of
Sandside built a church and manse here.
The parish of Shurrery, disjoined from
Eeay, Halkirk, and Thurso on 7th March
1902, was endowed by Mr Pilkington of
Sandside as a memorial of Lieut. T. D.
Pilkington, who fell at Nitrals Nek, South
Africa, 11th July 1901.]
TuUochgarban, Speyside, 1821, son
of Duncan C, farmer, TuUochgarban,
and Isabella Macintosh ; a licentiate of
the Free Church ; app. in 1880 ; died
unmarr. 22nd Feb. 1896, and was buried
at Reay. He was extremely eccentric but
much liked by the people of his mission. —
[Mackay's Memories of ou?- Parish {Reay),
min. of this parish 17th April 1902 ;
^^^ trans, to Appin 13th Oct. 1903 ; trans,
to Enzie in 1926.
JOHN KERR, ord. 28th Feb. 1904;
1904 trans, to Harris 14th Sept. 1910.
son of William C, loom weaver,
and Sarah Houston ; educated at
Univs. of St Andrews and Cambridge ;
B.A. ; assistant at Unst, Rapness, Stroma,
Techmuiry, Dull, Blackridge, Aviemore,
and Benholme ; ord. 23rd Feb. 1911 ; died
unmarr. 25th May that year.
WILLIAM FRASER, born 1864, son of
Alexander F., newspaper sub-editor,
and Margaret Knowles Donald ; edu-
cated at Univs. of Aberdeen and Glasgow ;
licen. by Presb. of Aberdeen in 1897 ;
assistant at Old Machar and St George's-in-
the-West, Aberdeen; ord. to St Stephen's,
Inverness, 2nd May 1905 ; trans, and adm.
5th Sept. 1911 ; dem. 10th Oct. 1916 ; died
unmarr. at Aberdeen, 26th April 1920.
HENRY DODD, L.R.C.P.(Edin.),
jgj^ F.P. & S.(Glasg.) ; adm. 19th April
1917 ; trans, to Downfield, Dundee,
4th June 1919.
born Elgin, 16th Sept. 1867, son of
Robert Ross W., draper, and Helen
Bannerman ; educated at Elgin Academy
and Univs. of Aberdeen, M.A. (1889), and
Edinburgh; licen. by Presb. of Elgin in
1893 ; assistant at Craigellachie, 1898, and
St Mary's, Dundee, 1902 ; ord. to Chascomus,
Argentina, 25th June 1903 ; adm. to South
Yell 8th May 1916 ; res. Nov. 1919 ; adm.
here 15th April 1920; D.Litt. (Lincoln-
Jefferson Univ., Illinois, U.S.A., Sept. 1922).
Publication — Natural Scenery in an Argen-
tine Lake District (Buenos Aires, 1908).
[The church of Thurso was dedicated to
St Peter. It belonged to the Bishop of
Caithness. The ancient fabric was rebuilt
in the earlier part of the seventeenth
century and was then made the Cathedral
of the restored See of Caithness. Its ruins
still stand. Like other churches of its
time, it is cruciform, and is a quaintly
interesting example of the curiously mixed
architecture then in vogue. There was in
this parish a chapel of the Holy Rood,
known as the Cross Kirk. Other chapels
stood at Pennyland, Brims, and Murkle.
There was another chapel. Kirk Ebb, which
stood on the sea-shore, but all vestiges of
it have been swept away by the sea. There
was also a chapel between Stainland and
Bleachfield . Thurso held fairs on Petermas,
Georgemas, and Marymas.]
WALTER INNES, vicar and min. in
1561 1561.— [Cowifj^. of Collector of Thirds,
vi., 95 ; Reg. of Deeds, viii., 373.]
JOHN RAG, min. in imi.—[Orig.
1567 Paroch. Scot, ii., 748.]
1574 Olrig; also min. here in 1574.
1574 JOHN DAVIDSON, reader in 1574.
ANDREW PHILP, pres. to vicarage
^g,yg of Wick 25th Nov. 1567; trans,
about 1576, with Olrig also in his
charge ; still min. in 1588.— [^e^. Assig.]
./<Cjl^ ■*tf *■«• /<rt^*-C- / '<^«««^ ^
C<. t^-,n,JLj„^^
ALLAN BUTTON, adm. in 1589;
,g__ trans, to Westray between 1591 and
DAVID COLVILL, adm. in 1593;
1593 Still min. in 1608.— [Reg. Assig.]
JOHN BRODIE, M.A. (St Andrews,
1614 28th July 1610); min. in 1614.
1622 ■^•' -^i-^^oP °f Caithness ; adm. before
10th Feb. 1622; was waylaid after
preaching in the church of Halkirk, by
Mahan Eyan, at the river below the Castle
of Brawl, who, on account of A.'s having
exercised church discipline towards him for
immoral conduct, tumbled him from his
horse into the river, then bruised and
almost suflfocated him, so that he was
carried home nearly dead; dep. in 1650
for compliance with James, Marquess of
Montrose ; had a testimonial from the
Presb. 12th April 1659; died May 1662.
He marr. before 1st June 1635, Henrietta,
daugh. of John Sinclair of Ulbster and
Jean Chisholm (she survived him), and had
issue — William. — [Inverness Sas., iii., 100,
318; Caithness Tests.; Macfarlane's Geog.
Coll., i., 174; G. R. Sas., xli. 482, liii.
144 ; Henderson's Caithness Fam. Hist. 69.]
ANDREW MUNRO of Coull, son of
Hector M. of Coull, Ross-shire; edu-
cated at King's College, Aberdeen ;
M.A. (1650); called 14th Feb., and ord. 4th
Nov. 1655; retired before 13th Dec. 1662,
"upon .some grounds and reasons known to
himself"; again min. in 1664 ; deprived in
1681 for refusing to take the Test ; restored
by Act of Parliament 25th April 1690 ;
died Dec. 1693, aged about 65. He marr.
1662, Christian, daugh. of John Munro of
Culcraggie, min. of Alness, and had issue —
Dr John of Coull ; Robert, writer, Edin-
burgh ; George ; William, bookseller ;
Isabel (marr. (1) James Fullarton, min. of
Dunnet and St Ninian's : (2) Barr) ;
Mary ; Janet (marr. Hugh Corse, min. of
Bower) ; Margaret (marr., cont. 17th July
1702, Arthur, son of Duncan Taylor,
merchant, Thurso). — [Caithness Sas., i..
104, 243, 259, 342 ; Mackenzie's Hist, of the
Mtinros, 360, 386 ; Macfarlane's Geog. Coll.,
i., 174.]
JOHN WOOD, a native of Kincardine-
1682 ^^^'"^ J M.A. (King's College, Aber-
deen, 1670) ; adm. prior to 10th
Sept. 1682 ; deprived by Act of Parliament
25th April 1690. He had no knowledge of
Gaelic. — [Craven's Diocese of Caithness, 166.]
1690 mentioned.
WILLIAM INNES, born 1670; licen.
1696 '^^ united Presb. of Chirnside and
Duns 13th Oct. 1692; ord. to Car-
nock 18th Oct. 1693 ; trans, and adm. May
1696; died 1st April 1737. He marr. 10th
Sept. 1696, Mary (died 11th July 1729),
daugh. of George Spence in St Andrews
Fife, and had issue — iQ&n.— [Caithness Sas.,
i., 376 ; Fdin. Marr. Reg. ; Law's Memorial,
Macfarlane's Geog. Coll., i., 174 ; Auld's Min-
isters and Men in the Far North ; Tornhst.^
17^8 M'Gilchrist, writer in Kilmichael-
Glassary ; educated at Univ. of Glas-
gow ; ord. to Kilmallie 15th April 1724; app-
by the Assembly to supply the garrison of
Fort William as frequently as possible 16th
May 1726; trans, to Loth 10th Feb. 1732;
app. by William, Earl of Sutherland, sheriff-
depute within his own parish in 1734, but
the Presb. discharged him from exercising
said office either by himself or a substitute
in the capacity of a civil judge 9th Feb.
1735 ; called unanimously 9th, pres. by the
Presb. jure devoluto 10th May, trans, and
adm. 8th Aug. 1738; in 1745 he had to leave
his parish on account of the strong Jacobite
feeling in the place; died 14th Dec. 1751. He
marr. 4th Sept. 1725, Susaima Myles, who
died 14th Sept. 1766, and had issue — Daniel,
lieut. 63rd Regiment, born 18th March
1727; Margaret, born 23rd Nov. 1728
(marr. Thomas Baikie, merchant, Thurso) ;
Sarah, born 19th Feb. 1732 ; William, born
16th March 1734; George, born 6th Nov.
1738 ; James, born 14th May 1746, died
23rd July 1748 ; Jean, born 17th Jan. 1749 ;
Dougal, born April, died May 1751. —
[Trans. Gaelic Soc. Inverness, xi., 304.]
son of Patrick N., min. of Kiltarlity ;
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen; M.A. (27tli March 1740); licen. by
Presb. of Garioch 24th June 1747 ; pres. by
George Sinclair of Ulbster in June, and
ord. 2nd Sept. 1752 ; died 28th Aug. 1785.
He marr. (1) 6th July 1754, Mary Dunbar,
who died 1st May 1759, and had issue-
Margaret, born 14th April 1755 ; Patrick,
his successor ; James, M.D., born 16th Jan.
1759: (2) 15th Feb. 1765, Mary (died at
Edinburgh, 5th Nov. 1817, aged 89), daugh.
of Patrick Honyman of Graemesay, and
had issue— Janet, born 27th Sept. 1769
(marr. (1) Alexander Macleod of Lynegar :
(2) William Sinclair, writer, Thurso). —
[Henderson's Caithness Fam. Hist., 317.]
1786 -^P"^ 1757, son of preceding; edu-
cated at King's College, Aberdeen ;
M.A. (28th March 1776); ord. 3rd May
1786 ; died 17th Jan. 1805. He marr. 29th
Dec. 1787, Mary Maxwell (died at Rose-
markie, 30th Jan. 1806), second daugh. of
Captain Thomas Dunbar of Westfield, and
had issue — Alexander, born 29th Nov.
1788 ; Janet Dunbar, born 12th March
1790; Thomas, born 22nd Oct. 1791;
Malcolm, major in army, born 5th Dec.
1792 ; Mary, born 14th April 1794 ; William,
born 18th Nov. 1795 ; Isabella, born 9th
Jan. 1797 ; Margaret, born 24th April
1798; Elizabeth Moodie, born 4th Oct.
1799, died 18th July \mO.—iMemorahilia
Domestica, 40 ; Henderson's Caithness
Fam. Hist., 318 ; Lives of Robert and
James Haldane, 177.]
._-_ Inverness - shire 1764 ; licen. by
Presb. of Inverness 2nd Dec. 1795;
ord. missionary at Bruan and Berriedale
that year ; pres. to this parish by Sir
John Sinclair of Ulbster, Bart., 12th June,
and adm. 29th Aug. 1805 ; died while on
a visit to Strathpeffer 18th July 1830,
and was buried at Cullicudden, Resolis.
He was an eloquent preacher and an
indefatigable parish minister. He marr.
22nd Aug. 1805, Christian (died at Edin-
burgh, 29th April 1856), second daugh. of
William Sutherland, min. of Wick, and had
issue — Catherine, born 20th July 1806
(marr. 14th Aug. 1823, John Sutherland,
captain 3rd Foot) ; Elizabeth, born 13th
Oct. 1807 (marr. Donald Sage, min. of
Resolis); William, born 26th March, died
25th April 1810; Christian, born 14th Jan.
1813; John Sinclair, born 26th July, died
11th Oct. 1814; James Sutherland, born
23rd April 1816 ; Camilla Manners, born
6th June \S\Q.—\_Memorahilia Domestica,
Cromarty, 11th Nov. 1805, eldest
son of James T., sheriff-clerk of
Cromarty, and Flora Ross of Nigg, sister
and heiress of Colonel Walter Ross of
Nigg ; educated at Cromarty School (where
Hugh Miller was his companion). King's
College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (March 1823),
and Univ. of Glasgow; licen. by Presb.
of Chanonry 14th Oct. 1828 ; ord. 23rd
Oct. 1829, min. of the Scots Church,
Chadwell Street, London ; pres. by Sir
John Sinclair of Ulbster, Bart., with con-
sent of his trustees, 11th and 12th Nov.
1830 ; adm. 14th April 1831. Joined the
Free Church in 1843 ; min. of Free Church,
Thurso, 1843-96; D.D. (Aberdeen, 1879);
elected Moderator of Free Church General
Assembly 22nd May 1884 ; died 5th Oct.
1896. He was considered one of the ablest
theologians of his day. He marr. (1) 9th
May 1833, Isobel (died March 1884), second
daugh. of William Murray of Pitcalzean,
Ross, and sister of William M. of Geanies,
and had issue — Christina Barbara Ross,
born 28th July 1834 (marr. 1857, Alexander
Auld, min. of Free Church, Olrig) ; Flora
Ross, born 14th May 1836 (marr. F. R.
Johnstone) ; Walter Ross, D.D., min. of
Kelvinside United Free Church, Glasgow,
Moderator of the Free Church General
Assembly in 1900, born 11th April 1838,
died 6th Dec. 1907 ; Esther Murray, born
13th June 1841 (marr. Alexander Middleton,
Rose Farm, Invergordon) ; Jemima Alexa,
born 11th March 1843 (marr. Provost
William Mackay, Thurso) : (2) 23rd March
1887, Isabella (born 25th Oct. 1843, died 6th
April 1928), daugh. of William Macdonald,
Pennyland, Thurso. Publications — The
Reception of the Gospel and a Conversation
becoming It,& sermon (London, 1830) ; Last
Sermon Preached in the Old Church of
Thurso (Thurso, 1832, 1833, and 1841);
Assembij/ Addresses (■p.]).,ii.p.,l884) ; Sermon
on Psalm LXXX P., 10 (p.p.) ; Account of
the Parish {Neiv Stat. Ace, xv.) ; Sermon
XLIV. (Free Chtirch Puljnt, i.) ; Sermons
and Assembly Addresses in Memorials of
Caithness }[inisters. — [Memorabilia Domes-
tica, 325 ; Auld's Memorials of Caithness
Ministers, 1-68 (Edinburgh, 1911).]
1790, son of Walter D., farmer, and
Catherine Clark ; educated at Univ.
of Edinburgh ; licen. by Old Light Burgher
Presb. of Edinburgh 30th Nov. 1813; ord.
to Dunfermline 11th Oct. 1815. Joined
the Church of Scotland in 1839 ; pres. by
Sir George Sinclair of Ulbster in 1843 ;
adm. 27th Sept. that year; died 10th
Oct. 1859. He marr. 20th May 1817, Jane
Manuel (died 8th July 1883), and had
issue — Walter, born 22nd April 1818 ;
James, born 15th May 1820, died 16th
Nov. 1846 ; William, born 27th May 1822 ;
John, born 30th June 1824, died 23rd March
1827; Elizabeth, born 16th Oct. 1826;
Robert, born 5th March 1829 ; Christina,
born 27th May 1831 ; George, born 30th
Jan. 1834, died 20th Jan. 1841 ; Janet
Manuel, born 31st July 1837. — [Scott's
Annals of Originxil Secession Church, 316,
1860 ^'^^S^' l"**^ '"^^P^- 1^29, son of John
M. and Catherine Stewart ; educated
at Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of
Edinburgh 28th July 1858 ; assistant at
Stewarton ; ord. 7th June 1860 ; died 31st
May 1910. He marr. 23rd Aug. 1860,
Alison (died s.p. 16th Feb. 1863), daugh.
of Robert Clark, solicitor, Edinburgh.
1910 ^°™ Urray, 2nd Oct. 1864, son of
John M. and Isabella Harvy ; edu-
cated at Grammar School and Univs. of
Aberdeen M.A. (1888) and Glasgow ; licen.
by Presb. of Kintyre April 1891 ; assistant
at Campbeltown and Aberfoyle ; ord. to
Coll 9th Dec. 1895 ; trans, to St Oran's,
Edinburgh, 8th Dec. 1897 ; trans, and adm.
11th Nov. 1910. He marr. (1) 20th April
1893, Barbara, daugh. of Robert Johnston,
and had issue — Ian Douglas, Seaforth
Highlanders, born 16th April 1894, killed
in action 15th Jan. 1915 ; Serla J , born
6th April 1896 : (2) 20th Dec. 1904, Annie,
daugh. of Donald Mackenzie.
[The church of Watten was dedicated to
St Magnus. A prebend of Watten, in the
Chapter of Dornoch Cathedral, belonged
to the Archdeacon of Caithness. There
were chapels in this parish at North Dun
and Scowthal. At Watten were held fairs
of St Magnus and St Fumach, and a Rood
fair on Roodmas Day.]
1574 THOMAS BRYDIE, min. in 1574.
Q Alves ; called 2nd Dec. 1656, but not
settled, infra.]
JAMES DUNBAR, called 6th July 1658 ;
adm. 9th March 1659 ; had sasine
of St Katherine's Manse in Moray
in 1667 ; trans, to Mertoun, and coll. 21st
Jan. 1667.
jggg Moray ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen; M.A. (1633); adm. to
Bower in 1641 ; was a member of Com-
missions of Assembly in 1644 and 1646;
trans, to Alves 16th Aug. 1649 ; called here
2nd Dec. 1656, but not settled ; trans, to
Olrig 2nd Jan. 1661 ; trans, and adm.
about 1068. He marr. (1) a daugh. of David
AUardyce, min. of Olrig : (2) Christian
Waill, and had issue — John ; William ;
Jean ; Elizabeth (marr., cont. 13th July
1682, John Shilpes, min. of St Andrew's,
Orkney). — [Macfarlane's Geog. Coll., i.,
181 ; Alves Sess. Record, 7th Dec. 1652.]
JAMES OSWALD, born 26th Jan. 1654,
son of James O., bailie of Wick, and
Barbara Coghill ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (Uth July 1674) ;
session-clerk and teacher, Thurso, 7th Sept.
1679 ; called 28th Dec. 1682 ; adm. before
11th July 1683; died 4th Nov. 1698. He
marr. 1683, Mary (died 29th June 1738),
daugh. of Richard Murray of Scotscalder,
and had issue — Richard of Scotstoun,
merchant, Glasgow, born 1687, died 1763 ;
Alexander, merchant, Glasgow, born 1694,
died 1766; Margaret (marr. James Baird
of Chesterhall, W.S.) ; Isabella (marr.
James Campbell of 'Lochend).— [Caithness
Sas., i., 383 ; Henderson's Caithness Fam.,
232; Calder's Caithness, 270-1.]
1*701 College, Aberdeen, 21st June 1694) ;
ord. 24th Sept. 1701 ; died Jan.
1731, aged about 57. He marr. and had
issue — Elizabeth (marr. James Ferme, min.
of Wick) ; Margaret (marr. Robert Baikie,
merchant, Kirkwall). — [Caithness Sas., ii.
364; Macfarlane's Geog. Coll., i., 181.]
JOHN SINCLAIR, born about 1706,
I'yss ^*^^ "^^ John S. of Forse, and
Barbara, daugh. of John Sinclair of
Rattar ; licen. by Presb. of Caithness 9th
March 1731 ; pres. by John Sinclair of
Ulbster July that year. On 19th Oct.
1731, he was suspended for alleged breach
of a marriage engagement " to a young
gentlewoman in this county whom he was
for a long time in suit of " ; called again
by heritors and others in March and 5th
April 1732 ; ord. (by a committee of
Synod) 4th Jan. 1733 ; died 11th May 1753.
He marr. 6th March 1741, Esther (died
28th June 1782), daugh. of Alexander
Sinclair of Olrig, and had issue — Alex-
ander, born 3rd Sept. 1743. — [Beaton's
Eccles. Hist, of Caithness, 293.]
JAMES TAYLOR, M.A. (Marischal Col-
j,^g. lege, Aberdeen, 1742); licen. by
Presb. of Garioch 18th July 1744;
became chaplain in Lady Sinclair of
Ulbster's family ; pres. by George Sinclair
of Ulbster 27th Sept. 1750; ord. 12th June
1754 ; died 10th Aug. 1778, aged about 57.
He marr. 16th June 1756, Emilia Clark,
who died 22nd Dec. 1794.
JOSEPH TAYLOR, ord. 21st April
jiy^g 1779 ; trans, to Carnbee 2nd Aug.
ALEXANDER GUNN (primus), born
J Lochend of Watten, 1773; eldest
son of John G., tacksman of Hesti-
grow, Bower, and Jane Home ; educated
at King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (1797) ;
licen. by Presb. of Caithness 6th April
1801 ; ord. assistant at Orphir 21st Dec.
1803 ; pres. by Sir John Sinclair of Ulbster,
Bart., 16th July, and adm. 26th Sept. 1805;
died 28th Aug. 1836. He was a preacher of
eminent ability. He marr. 25th June 1806,
Elizabeth (died 16th June 1841), daugh. of
Robert Arthur, min. of Resolis, and had
issue — Mary Ann Monro, born 3rd March,
died 13th Sept. 1807 ; Alexander, his suc-
cessor ; Jean, born 21st Dec. 1810, died 18th
May 1811 ; Elizabeth, born 6th June 1812
(marr. Eric Sinclair, M.D., Wick), died 2nd
Sept. 1834; Robert John, M.D., Wentby,
Ontario, born 17th Feb. 1814; Thomas
Arthur, born 28th Dec. 1815 ; James, born
13th Jan. 1817; George Monro, born 16th
Dec. 1818, went to Canada ; William, born
26th Sept. 1820 ; Charles, born 30th July
1823; Sinclair Manners, born 5th June
1825. — [Auld's Ministers and Men in the
Far North, 21 ; Beaton's Eccles. Hist, of
Caithness, 294 ; Hist, of the Munros, 550.]
ALEXANDER GUNN {secundm), born
^ 24th May 1809 ; son of preceding ;
educated at Univs. of Edinburgh
and Aberdeen ; licen. by Presb. of Caith-
ness, 22nd Nov, 1831 ; assistant at Trinity
Parish, Aberdeen, 1834-6; pres. by Sir
James Colquhoun of Luss, Bart., 5th Dec.
1836; ord. 6th April 1837. Joined the
Free Church in 1843 ; min. of Watten
Free Church, 1843-92; died 14th Dec.
1892. He marr., 3rd Oct. 1837, Alison,
daugh. of Joseph Murdoch, fish-curer,
Wick, and had issue— Elizabeth Arthur,
born 16th July 1838; Alexander James,
Singapore, born 30th June 1840; Janet
Brown, born 28th April 1843 (marr.
William Nicholson, factor, Watt on) ;
Patrick Joseph, died in infancy; Alice, born
13th Jan. 1847 ; Robert John, in Java, born
8th July 1848,died 1908; James in Sumatra;
Mary (marr. 1885, John Ross Macneill,
min. of Free Church, Tongue). Publica-
tion— Letter to the Parishioners of Watten
(Wick, 1842). He left a History of the
Gunns in MS. — [Auld's Memorials of
Caithness Ministers, 278-81 ; Hist, of the
Munros, 550.]
about 1796, son of Captain John D.
of Gothenburg and Janet, daugh.
of George Moir, min. of Peterhead ; edu-
cated at King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A.
(30th March 1816); ord. to South Yell in
1841 ; trans, and adra. 28th Sept. 1843 ;
died at Edinburgh 13th Jan. 1890. He
marr. 16th July 1835, Isabella (died 23rd
July 1895), daugh. of William Grant, min.
of Cross and Burness, and had issue-
George William, Professor of Anatomy,
Veterinary College, Edinburgh, born 5th
June 1836 ; Isabella Louisa, born 16th
Dec. 1838, died 13th Sept. 1844; John
Kerr, M.D., Blackburn, born 29th May
1840; Janet, born 1st Jan. 1842, died
1844 ; Patrick Moir, M.D., Congleton, born
3rd Feb. 1844 ; James Andrew, born 22nd
May 1845 ; Robert, born 30th April 1848 ;
David Charles, surgeon, Indian Army, born
5th Aug. 1850.
DONALD M'CAIG {cf Vol. IV., 101) ;
educated at Univ. of St Andrews ;
assistant at St Columba's, Glasgow ;
adm. (assistant and successor) 23rd Nov.
1858 ; trans, to Muckairn 28th Sept. 1859,
JAMES GEMMEL, born 1818, son of
,gg- Alexander G., joiner, Kirkoswald,
Ayrshire; educated at Univ. of
Glasgow ; adm. to Pulteneytown 20th Aug.
1855 ; trans, and adm. (assistant and suc-
cessor) 19th Aug. 1860 ; died 8th Sept. 1874.
near, Chapel - of - Garioch, 1st Dec.
1836, son of Alexander R. and Mary
Laing; educated at Kemnay School and
King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (1855),
B.D. (1870); licen. by Presb. of Garioch
in 1863 ; assistant at St Mary's, Dumfries,
and Udny ; ord. to Pulteneytown 24th
Dec. 1874 ; trans, and adm. (assistant and
successor) 16th Sept. 1875 ; died 22nd Oct.
1891. He marr. 7th Oct. 1875, Annie, daugh.
of Donald Sutherland, and had issue —
George Alexander, engineer, born 18th July
1876; Jane Miller, born 11th May 1878,
died 1900 ; Donald Sutherland, born 3rd
May 1880, killed in action 27th Oct. 1914;
William Laing, born 4th March 1882, died
1912; Mary Patricia, born 30th Jan. 1884,
died 1900 ; Anna Henderson, born 20th
Oct. 1888.
DAVID LILLIE, born 19th Oct. 1854, son
of William L., D.D., min. of Wick ;
educated at Pulteneytown Academy,
Wick Parish School, and Univ. of Aberdeen ;
M.A. (1874), B.D. (1877); licen. by Presb.
of Aberdeen 2nd May 1877 ; assistant at
Mortlach, Ruthrieston, Dalziel, and Bower;
ord. to Eday 25th Sept. 1889 ; trans, and
adm. 16th May 1892. Marr. 1st Nov.
1889, Frances Margaret, daugh. of George
Brown, Watten Mains, and has issue —
Helen Lillie, M.A., M.B., Ch.B., born 31st
Aug. 1890 (marr. 22nd Dec. 1925, John
Garrett, M.A., Professor in Murray Col-
lege, Sialkot, India) ; Isobel Milne, M.A.,
B.Sc, born 12th April 1892 ; Mary Purves,
M.A., born 18th May 1893 ; Adziel, born
31st Oct. 1894; William, M.A., Professor
in Murray College, Sialkot, India, born
15th Sept. 1899.
[The church of Wick was dedicated to
St Fergus. It belonged to the Bishop of
Caithness. In this parish there were at
least eight chapels — St Mary's, on the north
side of the Water of Wick ; St Ninian's, at
the Head of Wick Bay; St Martin's, at
Ulbster ; St Cuthbert's, at Hauster ; St
Duthac's, at the Kirk of Moss ; and the
chapels at Thrumster, Ackergill (St Tears),
and Strubster. Fairs of St Fergus and St
Margaret were held at Wick. There is
now within the bounds a mission chapel
at Thrumster.]
ANDREW GRAHAM, vicar before the
Reformation ; retained possession of
^^^ the benefice till Aug. 1574.-[P. C.
Re(j., ii., 381 ; Orig. Paroch, Scot., ii., 771.]
ANDREW PHILP, pres. to the vicar-
age by James VI. 25th Nov. 1567 ;
had Latheron also in the charge in
1574 ; trans, to Thurso before 1576.
THOMAS KETR, min. in 1576; trans.
1576 to Olrig before 1580.
JOHN PRUNTO, trans, from Latheron
in 1580; still min. in 1595 and 1601.
1580 _|-^g^ ^gg^g-^
JOHN INNES, min. in 1607; excom-
municated for divers crimes and
slanders committed by him ; was
imprisoned in Edinburgh Tolbooth before
17th May 1615. He marr. and had issue —
John.— [P. C. Reg., x. 328, xii. 614 ; Caith-
ness Sas., v., 112.]
THOMAS ANNAND, son of John A.,
burgess of Elgin ; pres. to parsonage
^®^* of Moy by James VI. 15th May 1584 ;
probably trans, to Keith in 1599, and
hither in 1614; died before 1634.— [Mac-
farlane's Geog. Coll., i., 162 ; Bannatyne
JOHN SMART, min. in 1634, and J.P.
for Caithness that year ; dep. about
1650 for compliance vpith James,
Marquess of Montrose [afterwards min. of
[HARRY FORBES, M.A. ; officiated for
three or four years, but was not settled ;
adm. min. of Auldearn 10th Oct. 1655.]
WILLIAM GEDDES, a native of |
1659 ^^oray ; educated at King's College, [
Aberdeen; M.A. (1650); app. school- j
master of Keith 13th Nov. 1650 ; was tutor
to Hugh Rose of Kilravock in 1652 ; called [
13th Sept., and ord. 23rd Nov. 1659 ; trans. ,
to Urquhart (Moray) 3rd June 1677 ; dem. j
on account of the Test in 1682 ; re-adm. 1
here in 1692 ; died in 1694, aged about 64.
He marr. before 1st June 1664, Katherine,
daugh. of John Dunbar of Hempriggs.
[His marriage was celebrated without pro-
clamation, for which he was censured and
James Dunbar, min. of Watten, rebuked.]
Publications — Memoriale Historicuvi, or
An Historical Memorial concerning the
Most RemarJcahle Occurrences and Periods
of the Histcn-ies of Scripture ; the Universal
Histories of the Four Monarchs ; the Scottish,
English, Frerbch, and Turkish Histories
[no copy is known ; it is possible the book
was not published]; The Saint's Recreation,
third pa7-t, ujmn the Estate of Grace [a
curious volume of hymns and spiritual
songs adapted to old ballad tunes] (Edin-
burgh, 1683; Glasgow, 1753) [edited by
George Park]. He represented to the
Privy Council that he had also prepared
other works for the itress— Geographical
and Arithmetical Memorials ; Memoriale
Hehraicum for facilitating the Hebrew
Language ; Vocahidarium Latino- Hebrai-
cum in Hexameter Verse, and Familice
Famigeratce — all of which were recom-
mended to be printed, but though G.
acknowledged having received " the price "
for these books, they do not seem to have
been published. — [Shaw's Moray, iii., 390 ;
Fa?n. of Kilravock, 349 ; Macfarlane's
Geog. Coll., i., 162 ; Wick Burgh Records
(1660) ; Brodie's Diary, 491 ; P. C. Reg.,
iii., ser. viii., 93; Craven's Diocese, 121-6;
Diet. Nat. Biog. [where his age is given
as about 94].]
PATRICK CLUNIES, a native of Ross ;
1682 ^^■^- (King's College, Aberdeen, 17th
July 1662) ; adm. before 1st March
1682 ; died in 1691, aged about 49.— [Mac-
farlane's Geog. Coll., i., 162.]
1692 mentioned.
CHARLES KEITH, licen. by Presb. of
Caithness 2nd, called unanimously
^ 20th July, and ord. 3rd Sept. 1701 ;
died 14th June 1705.— [Macfarlane's Geog.
Coll., i., 162; Beaton's Eccles. Hist, of
Caithness, 299.]
JAMES OLIPHANT, licen. by Presb.
of Linlithgow 26th Feb., called
unanimously 14th, and ord. 25th
Sept. 1707; died between 30th Aug. and
19th Oct. 1726. He marr. Mary Dunbar,
who survived him, and had issue — Alex-
ander, min. of Bower, and others. — [Mac-
farlane's Geog. Coll., i., 162 ; Reg. of Deeds,
ccccxx., 585.]
JAMES FERME, ord. 27th Nov. 1727 ;
died 9th Oct. 1760. He raarr. (1)
^'^' 12th Dec. 1738, Elizabeth (died in
winter 1744), eldest daugh. of Hector
Munro, min. of Watten : (2) 3rd Sept. 1747,
Margaret Dunbar, who died 10th Nov. 1788.
— [Caithness Sas., ii., 364.]
[DAVID DUNBAE, min. of Olrig;
pres. by Lieut.-Colonel John Scott, 3rd
Foot Guards, 21st Feb. 1761, but died
13th July same year.]
JAMES SCOBIE, born 25th Sept. 1735,
son of William S., min. of Assynt ;
educated at Mari.schal College, Aber-
deen ; M.A. (1754) ; liccn. by Presb. of
Haddington 7th April 1761 ; pres. by
commissioner for Lieut. - Colonel John
Scott, 7th Jan., and ord. 4th May 1762;
died 3rd July 1764. He marr. 10th Nov.
1762, Elizabeth Calder, who died 20th
Dec. 1766.
Jan. 1738, eldest son of John S.,
min. of Tain ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (27th April 1758);
pres. by Sir William Dunbar of Hempriggs,
Bart., 4th Oct. 1764; ord. 1st May 1765;
died 23rd June 1816. He marr. 25th May
1767, Catherine Anderson, who died 3rd
Oct. 1813, and had issue — William, born
14th May 1768; John, linen manufacturer,
Dunfermline, born 25th Jan. 1770; George,
born 9th March 1771, died March 1773;
James, born 11th April 1772, died 24th
April 1789; Elizabeth, born 11th Oct.
1773 (marr. 19th Sept. 1801, James Miller,
merchant, Leith and St Petersburg), died
25th May 1862 ; Christian, born 26th Feb.
1775 (marr. William Mackintosh, min.
of Thurso); David, born 11th May 1776,
died 3rd Oct. 1779; Richard, born 19th
July 1777 ; Ramsay, born 19th Nov. 1778 ;
Jane, born 27th July 1780 (marr. William
Milne, min. of Canisbay) ; Alexander, born
26th Oct. 1781, died 15th June 1780;
George, born 12th Feb. 1783; Catherine,
born 5th Oct. 1784; Benjamin, born 12th
Feb. 1786, died 18th June 1796 ; Johanna
Alexandrina, born 5th Oct. 1787 ; Mary,
born 23rd Dec. 1788, died 20th Jan. 1867 ;
James, judge in India, born 1st June 1790;
Margaret, born 22nd April 1792, died 1st
Oct. 1855. Publication — Account of the
Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, x.). — [Memora-
bilia Domestica, 318.]
ROBERT PHIN [originally pronounced
and spelt THIN], born Earlston,
1778, son of William P. ; educated
at Associate Burgher Divinity Hall (1797)
and Univ. of Aberdeen. Joined the Church
of Scotland as a student ; objections were
made to his passing trials as a preacher
on the ground that he had entered the
army as a lieutenant of Volunteers, but
the General Assembly, 24th May 1805,
ordered the Presb. to proceed ; licen. 7th
Feb. 1809 ; pres. by Sir Benjamin Dunbar
of Hempriggs, Bart., 22nd Dec. 1812 ; ord.
(assistant and successor) 13th March 1813 ;
died 22nd March 1840. He marr. 3rd
March 1815, Margaret Elizabeth (died 7th
Sept. 1822), second daugh. of William
M'Leay, provost of Wick, and had issue
— Kenneth M'Leay, D.D., min. of Gala-
shiels, born 23rd April 1816; Barbara
Rose, born 3rd Sept. 1817, died 8th Sept.
1840 I^alserf, 1795, third son of William
T., farmer, Lesmahagow ; educated
at Univs. of Edinburgh and Glasgow ; ord.
to Presbyterian Church, North Shields,
1823; trans, and adm. 17th Sept. 1840.
Joined the Free Church in 1843 ; min. of
Free Church, Wick, 1843-71; died 26th
April 1871. Of a commanding presence,
endowed with a powerful mind, possessed
of great and ready powers of utterance,
combining uncommon force of character
with an equally uncommon generosity of
nature, he proved himself a most valuable
leader on all questions relating to ecclesi-
astical and public matters, and was a tower
of strength throughout the North. He
took a considerable share in the Apocrypha
controversy along with Dr Andrew Thomson
and his supporters. He marr. 27th April
1825, Janet Ballantyne, Hawick (died 21st
Feb. 1892), and had issue — Frances Ballan-
tyne, born 3rd Feb., died 6th Aug. 1826;
James Prentice,born 28th Mayl827,died 17th
April 1861 ; Isabella, born 27th June 1828
(marr. 19th April 1853, the Rev. William
Henderson,Australia); Margaret Ballantyne,
born 16th Sept. 1831, died 14th April 1842 ;
Janet Brown, born 20th Sept. 1833, died
12th Feb. 1842 ; Thomasina Grace, born
30th June 1835, died 8th Aug. 1844;
Francis Ballantyne, born 19th April 1837 ;
Caroline Frances, born 13th Aug. 1839;
Barbara Henderson, born 18th Dec. 1841,
died 9th April 1842; Charles Ebenezer,
born 6th Feb. 1843; George, born 15th
Dec. 1845. Publications — Notices of the
Martyrs and Confessors of Lesmahagotv
(1832) ; Letters and Life of Samuel Ruther-
ford with an Introduction, 2 vols. (London,
1836); Pastoral Letters to the Wich F.C.
Congregation (Wick, 1862-67). — [Disrup-
tion Worthies of the Highlands (portrait),
WILLIAM LILLIE, born New Pitsligo,
jg^^ 13th Oct. 1801, son of John L., feuar,
Crossgight ; educated at King's Col-
lege, Aberdeen ; M.A. (March 1820) ; school-
master at Ellon in 1824 ; licen. by Presb. of
Ellon 4th April 1827 ; Murray Lecturer,
Aberdeen, 1828-9; ord. 14th Feb. 1844;
D.D. (Aberdeen, 21st Nov. 1857); died at
Lybster 1st Oct. 1875. He marr. 5th April
1831, Isabel (died 11th Dec. 1858, aged 51),
daugh. of Thomas Milne, Ellon, and had
issue — William, born 22nd Jan. 1832,
died at Greenland 1st April 1852 ; Ann,
born 30th July 1833, died 5th Sept. 1838;
Sophia, born 4th May 1835, died 30th June
1836 ; Thomas, born 3rd Nov. 1836, died at
San Francisco 15th March 1893; John,
born 15th Aug. 1838, died in California,
1878; Alexander, born 12th July 1840,
died 27th May 1875; James, min. of
Castle Douglas, afterwards Indian chaplain
iq.v.), born 24th April 1842, died at sea
30th Aug. 1891 ; Robert Innes, Honolulu,
born 15th Feb. 1845 ; Mary Jane, born
22nd Dec. 1847 (marr. James Mowat,
Lybster), died 16th May 1916; George,
inspector of poor, Latheron, born 5th Dec.
1849; Adamina, born 4th Nov. 1851, died
5th March 1852; David, born 19th Oct.
1854, min. of Watten . Publications — Lecture
on the Reasonableness of Christianity (Aber-
deen, 1830) ; The Fireside : A Homily for
Single and Married (Wick, 1863) ; Letter
to Members and Adherents of Wick Parish
Church (Wick, 1866); The Alternate:
National Religion or National ^zmi(Wick,
1871). Editor of Aberdeen Magazine.
ALEXANDER CLARK, born 1832, fifth
jg,_g son of James C, farmer, Sorn ;
educated at Univ. of Glasgow ; M.A.
(1856) ; ord. missionary to Gyah, India,
1859 ; afterwards of Madras ; dem. in 1873 ;
adm. to this parish 9th March 1876; res.
his status as a min. 26th Oct. 1900; died
at Glasgow 27th Nov. 1908. He marr.
15th Feb. 1870, Gertrude Eliza Anstey
(died 21st May 1895), and had issue-
Eliza Gertrude, born 1st Jan. 1871 ; George
Alexander, born 11th Aug. 1873; Edith
Julia Aird, born 7th Sept. 1874, died at
Kilsyth 18th Aug. 1925; Helen Maria,
born 16th April 1879 ; Edward Anstey
(twin), born 16th April 1879, died 24th
July 1894; Mary Louisa, born 24th Dec.
1881 ; Julia Stuart, born 15th April 1887.
Publications — The Church of Scotland, an
address (Wick, 1885) ; Molecidar Forces
and Newtonian Laws (Glasgow, 1905).
jQQj B.D. ; ord. 3rd May 1901; trans,
to New Parish, Rothesay, 18th May
1911 trans, from South Parish, Aberdeen,
and adm. 8th Sept. 1911 ; trans, to
Uddingston 4th July 1918.
JOHN M'DOUGALL, born Glasgow,
jgjg 7th Oct. 1887, son of John M. and
Agnes Keir ; educated at Abbotsford
School, Bellahouston Academy, and Univ.
of Glasgow; M.A. (1909), B.D. (1913);
licen. by Presb. of Paisley May 1913 ;
missionary at Giffnock March that year to
Dec. 1914 ; assistant at Shettleston Jan.
1915 ; ord. to Cross and Burness 21st July
that year; trans, and adm. 11th Dec. 1918.
Marr. 10th Oct. 1916, Rose Adelaide,
daugh. of John Sullivan, London, and
Ann Bailey, and has issue — Margaret
Adelaide, born 19th Sept. 1919. Publica-
tion — The Modern Conflict {Light from
the Epistle of St James) (London, 1922).
The Synod of Glenelg was disjoined from that of Argyll and erected by the
General Assembly 19th May 1724. The Eegister begins 7th July 1725.
The Synod now meets at Kyle of Lochalsh.
[This Presbytery was erected by the General Assembly on 19th May 1724 as the
Presbytery of Gairloch. The name was changed to that of Lochcarron 5th June 1775.
The Register begins 13th Aug. 1724, but there is a blank from 14th Aug. 1724 to January
1726. The Presbytery of Kinlochewe is mentioned 11th April 1671. Its bounds may
have been nearly the same, but none of its records are known to be in existence. All the
parishes now included in the present Presbytery, with the exception of Glenelg, which
was in the Presbytery of Lorn, belonged in the seventeenth century to the Presbytery
of Dingwall.]
his hearers." He died 15th Jan. 1760. He
marr. 28th Sept. 1743, May Macleod, who
survived him, and had issue — Donald, born
29th Sept. 1745 ; Marion, born 30th Aug.
1746, died 11th Dec. 1747 ; Katherine, born
17th March 1748; Ebenezer, born 30th April
1749, died young; Murdo, born 19th May
1750; Marion, born 25th July 1751 ; Janet
born 28th June 1752 ; Donald, born 17th
May 1754 ; Ebenezer, born 6th July 1755 ;
William, born 28th July 1756; John^born
20th Sept. 1757 ; ^neas, born 10th Dec.
COLIN M'FAKQUH AR, born Killearnan
about 1733; educated at Marischal
College, Aberdeen, 1749-53; licen.
by Presb. of Chanonry in 1756 ; ord. to Fort
Augustus in 1759; called 25th Dec. 1760;
adm. 1st April 1761. He petitioned the
Presb. 6th April 1774, for leave to go to
America to fix a settlement there for him-
self and others who wished to emigrate.
The Presb. agreed to his request, "com-
mending his public spirit and enterprising
turn." They further put on record that,
" since inoculation from smallpox had been
introduced the country had become far
[The church of Applecross was dedicated
to St Malrubh. It was a commune kirk
of the Cathedral of Ross. The great
monastery of Applecross was founded in
673 by St Malrubh, who remained its
first abbot until his death in 722. Apple-
cross was long a great resort of pilgrims.
On 30th Dec. 1726, the lands of Torridon
and Kishorn were taken from the parish
of Lochcarron and added to Applecross.]
MURDO JOHNSTON, reader from
1574 to 1578; min. in 1579; still
min. in 1590.— [Or^V/. Paroch. Scot.,
ii., 404.] ^
iENEAS MACAULAY, born 1704, son
of Daniel M., min. of Bracadale ,"7
called by the Pre-sb. jure devoluto 4th
Nov. 1730 and adm. 17th Feb. 1731. He !
displeased the Synod of Glenelg in 1759 j
by some improper and obscure expressions |
used in a sermon and was recommended by j
them " not to preach above the capacity of i
kU^ '-"^^
^ /3 -t^vvtvC y^A^ ii^ /Vw»-^
CAJU-^-Ou^-^ -^ tA.K. (^31^ /iM— ^^
1! jL^:2 A<1-^
more populous than it was before, and yet
no trade, manufacture, or branch of industry
had opened to employ the supernumerary
hands. They stated that the land rents
all over the Highlands had been raised so
high that to all appearance farming would
become a distressful occupation and poverty
was likely to be considerably on the in-
crease.'' M. having settled in Pennsylvania,
dem. his charge here 17th May 1775.
He marr. 15th May 1764, Betty, daugh. of
Ninian Jeffry, overseer of a manufacturing
station at Lochcarron, and had issue —
Ninian, born 24th April 1765; Mary, born
9th Jan. 1767 ; Anne, born 3rd Sept. 1768 ;
Janet, born 3rd Dec. 1772 ; Betty, born 1st
Aug. 1774,
1776 Creorge III. 14th July 1775 ; ord.
(at Lochcarron) 2nd April 1776 ;
trans, to Lochbroom 31st July 1776.
JOHN MACQUEENfborn 1750, son of
Donald M., min. of Kilmuir, Skye ;
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen ; licen. by Presb. of Skye ; called 1st
Aug., and ord. (at Lochcarron) 13th Aug.
1777 ; declined a presentation to Gairloch
20th March 1802; died 30th July 1831.
He marr. 8th Feb. 1781, Jane (died 6th
March 1847), daugh. of Farquhar Macrae
of Inverinate, and had issue — Jane ;
Donald; John, major 74th Highlanders ;
and others. Publication — Account of the
Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, iii.).
1762, son of James M., farmer ; edu-
cated at Marischal College, Aberdeen,
1784-8 ; licen. by Presb. of Lochcarron 20th
Sept. 1792 ; became schoolmaster of Loch-
alsh ; ord. 1st July 1793 as missionary at
Applecross, Kinlochewe and Torridon ;
adm. to Shieldaig 21st Aug. 1827 ; pres. by
William IV. 16th Dec. 1831; trans, and
adm. 4th April 1832 ; died unmarr. 6th
Nov. 1843. In early manhood he assisted
on his father's farm, in the evenings he
applied himself to diligent reading of the
classics, in which he was greatly aided and
encouraged by Daniel Rose, the parish
schoolmaster. His favourite study in later
life was church history, Professor David
Welsh declaring that he had "never met
his equal in the knowledge of the Fathers."
He was the chief means of procuring the
General Assembly's deliverance in favour
of ministers of parliamentary churches
having representation in ecclesiastical
courts. He took an active part in obtain-
ing from the Government an increased
provision for religious instruction in the
Highlands and Islands. Publications —
Accounts of Lochbroom and Applecross
(Sinclair's Stat. Ace, xi., xxii ; Neiv Stat.
Ace, xiv.); An Essay on Miracles (Inver-
ness, 1803) ; Observations on a Letter from
the Rev. Thomas Ross, LL.D. [Lochbroom],
regarding the Parliamentary Churches in
the Highlands and Islands (Inverness, 1830).
JOHN REID, pres. by Queen Victoria
1844 "^^^^ ^^^V, and adm. 25th July 1844 ;
trans, to Barvas 18th Dec. 1856.
^gg^ Stornoway, 1830, fourth son of
Roderick N., merchant and ship-
owner ; educated at High School and
Univ. of Glasgow; ord. to Shieldaig 14th
May 1856 ; Vpres. by Queen Victoria 7th
Jan., trans, and adm. 8th April 1857 ; dem.
14th June 1876 ; was afterwards Scottish
chaplain in the Brigade of Guards, London ;
retired and died at Ravenswood, Tighna-
bruaich, 4th May 1907. He marr. 1st Nov.
1860, Ann Mackenzie (died 23rd Feb.
1921), daugh. of James Gibson, min. of
DUNCAN DEWAR, born 1839, son of
John Archibald D. and Christina
Haggart ; educated at Univ, of Edin-
burgh ; ord. to Innerwick in Glenlyon 13th
Aug. 1863 ; trans, to Appin 20th Aug. 1868 ;
trans, and adm. 29th Nov. 1876; died
26th Jan. 1916. He marr. 9th Nov. 1871,
Margaret Janet (died s.}). at Dingwall 20th
Oct. 1925, aged 87), daugh. of Charles Gib-
son, Pitlochry,
1916 ^^^^^ Salen and adm. 1st Aug. 1916 ;
trans, to Glenshiel 21st March 1917,
MALCOLM LAING, M.A. ; ord. 3rd
1917 S^P*- ^917 ; trans, to South Uist
31st March 1926.
• T
[The old church of Gairloch stood at
Kinlochewe. It was dedicated to St
Malrubh, and was a commune kirk of the
Cathedral of Ross. Within the bounds
lies Loch Maree, named after the patron
saint of the jiarish. At Innis Mhalruibh,
an island in the Loch, are the remains of
St Malrubh's chapel, whither pilgrims
came in large numbers to see his relics.]
j_gg 11th Jan. 1582 Letters of Presenta-
tion under the Privy Seal were
addressed to John Robertson, commissioner
of the diocese of Ross, in favour of A. M.,
first to make trial of his qualifications, and
if found qualified, to admit him to the
parsonage and vicarage. He w^as coll. 1st
April 1583 ; is mentioned in a contract of
amity between Kenneth Mackenzie of Kin-
tail and the Paynes of Tulloch in 1599
when he was still in this charge.— [Chaiter
Chest of Gairhch ; Seaforth Papers.]
FARQUHAR MACRAE, was selected
1608 ^^ ^^^ Bishop of Ross as "the
properest man to be min. of Gairloch
that he might thereby serve the colony of
English which Sir George Hay of Airdry,
afterwards Chancellor of Scotland, kept at
Letterewe making iron and casting cannon."
In 1610 he went on a mission with Kenneth,
Lord Mackenzie of Kintail, to the island of
Lewis, and was translated to Kintail in
1618.— [Dixon's Gairloch, 395.]
1608 ^* Univ. of Edinburgh ; M.A. (31st
July 1606) ; adm. in 1608; trans, to
Kintail in 1618.
MURDO M'LENNAN, min. in 1636;
1636 ^PP" ^ Justice of the Peace 2nd Feb.
that year.— [i'. C. Beg., 2nd ser.,
vii., 182.]
of Roderick M. of Knockbackster
and Giles Baync ; adm. before 8th
Aug. 1649 ; died March 1710. On 6th Aug.
1678 he informed the Presb. that he had
summoned for that day " Hector Mackenzie
in ]\Iellan in the parish, and John, Murdoch,
and Duncan, sons, and Kenneth, grandson
to the said Hector, for sacrificing a bull in
ane heathenish manner in the island of
St Rufi'us, for the recovering of the health
of Cristan Mackenzie, spouse to the said
Hector." He marr. (cont. 18th Dec. 1643),
Isobel,daugh. of Alexander Bayne of Knock-
bain, and had issue— Kenneth, served heir
21st July 1724; Rory; Murdoch of Kernsary,
— [Hist, of the Mackenzies, 517 ; Case of
C reenshields ; Index of Services ; Dixon's
Gairloch, 65, 411, 416; Inverness Sas., iv.
462, V. 605 ; Reg. of Deeds, dxxxiv., 135.]
JOHN MORRISON, trans, from Bole-
^ , skine. A call in his favour by
several heritors was given in to
the Presb. Nov. 1710. His translation to
Gairloch was agreed to by the Presb. of
Inverness early in Feb. of the following
year. The united Presb. of Dingwall
and Chanonry, in whose bounds Gairloch
was then situated, appointed Thomas
Chisholm, Kilmorack, to serve the edict,
but access to the church of Gairloch was
denied him. He reported to the Presb.
that after he had come near the church
he was seized upon by a party of men and
carried back six miles to Kinlochewe, where
he was detained a prisoner. He, however,
contrived to read the edict before six or
seven persons in a house there, Kinlochewe J
being one of the preaching places of the ■
parish. The admission of M. took place
at Kiltearn 1st March 1711, largely no
doubt from fear of facing the Gairloch ,
rabble, but ostensibly on account of the
great distance from the parish and the
inclemency of the weather. At a meeting
of the Presb. on 4th April, M. reported that
he could find no access to his parish. He
was then sent to supply vacancies in the
bounds of Sutherland. A complaint was
made to the General Assembly, and the
Lord Advocate was recommended to raise
criminal letters against Sir John Mac-
kenzie of Coull and his tenants in Gairloch
in order to jirosecute them for the " mal-
treatment given by them to John Morrison
and Thomas Chisholm in their bounds."
Mackenzie's brother Colin now gave
an undertaking that Sir John Mackenzie
would "give all countenance in planting
vacancies in the bounds wherein he is
concerned," but when a deputation from
the Presb. waited on him and chased him
from house to house, he insolently threw
down the document they handed to him
and left them, saying he would have nothing
to do with the Presb. of Dingwall. M. now
reported that, " after two days' sojourn in
going to preach, he was interrupted at
Kinlochewe by the tenants of Sir John
Mackenzie of Coull, who laid violent hands
on him and his servant, rent his clothes,
made prisoners of them, and kept them
three days under guard in a cottage full of
cattle and dung, without meat or bedding
the first two days, the tenants relieving one
another in turn by a fresh supply every
day. When the fifth day came, he was
carried to Sir John's house, who declared
"no Presbyterian should be settled in any
place where his influence extended, unless
Her Majesty's forces did it by the strong
hand." On 23rd Oct. 1711 he gave to the
Presb. a representation of his grievances,
requesting an act of transportation, and
stated, 12th Nov., " that having no glebe,
manse, or legal maintenance, he was obliged
to take a tack of land, and that for three
or four years successively his crops were
destroyed by cattle ; that, in the time of
the Rebellion, the best of his cattle were
taken away by the rebels, and very lately
his house plundered of all provisions to the
value of 400 merks." His request was
granted, and he was trans, to Urray 14th
Nov. 1716.— [^ces of Ass., 1711 ; Wodrow's
Corresp., i., 216.]
JAMES SMITH, called by the Presb.
1721 ■^^^'^ devoluto 25th April and ord.
(at Dingwall) 11th May 1721. On
petitioning the Assembly a sum of £1000
was allowed him, and the heritors provided
a manse, garden, and glebe. He was a man
of energy, and effected much in the way of
reforming the morals of the people and
spreading religion among them. In 1725
he had a missionary catechist at work, and
he established a presbyterial library ; trans.
to Creich, Sutherland, 29th April 1731.
.ENEAS MACAULAY, born 1704 /S
jiygg educated at King's College, Aber-
deen; M.A. (31st March 1726); called
in 1731 ; ord. 7th June 1732 ; died 1st Feb.
1758. He marr. 30th Jan. 1747, Lilias
(died 25th Feb. 1789), daugh. of John
Mackenzie of Gruinard, and had issue —
Donald, born 6th Nov. 1747, died 27th
Sept. 1748; Donald, born Feb. 1749;
Alexander, born March 1752 ; Katherine,
born April 1753.
JOHN DOWNIE,|called by the Presb. !^^'
1758 ^'^'''^ devoluto 23rd Aug., and ord.
27th Sept. 1758 ; trans, to Stornoway
22nd July 1773. Pennant, in the course of
his Tour in 1772, visited Gairloch and
stayed a night with D., of whom he speaks
in high terms.
1773 educated at King's College, Aber-
deen, 1749-53 ; missionary in Strath-
glass ; pres. by George III. in July, and
adm. 28th Oct. 1773; died 8th Jan. 1802.
He was greatly assisted in his parochial
work by Sir Hector Mackenzie of Gairloch,
Bart., and his wife. He marr. 3rd June
1775, Katherine (died 24th March 1802),
daugh. of William Mackenzie of Gruinard,
and had issue — Lilias, born 21st July 1777 ;
Annabella, born 20th Oct. 1779 (marr.
Murdoch Macrae, Shiel House) ; Christian,
born 17th July 1781 (marr, George Mac-
kenzie)!; Simona, born 12th April 1783;
William, born 27th March 1785 ; Alexand-
rina, born 10th July 1786 (marr. 22nd Sept.
1807, John Elder, merchant, Glasgow).
Publication — Account of the Parish (Sin-
clair's Stat. Ace, iii.).— [Dixon's Gairloch,
68, 417 ; Hist, of the Mackenzies, 618.]
[JOHN MACQUEEN, min. of Apple-
cross ; pres. by George III. 20th
March 1802, but declined accept-
JAMES RUSSELL, born 12th Feb.
1761, son of James R., tacksman
of Cotes of Innes and Cardon, and
factor for the Earl of Fife; educated
at King's College, Aberdeen; M.A. (15th
Jan. 1787); licen. by Presb. of Dingwall
21st Sept. 1796 ; pres. by George III. 12tli
May, and ord. 16th Sept. 1802. Objection
was made to the appointment on account
of his imperfect knowledge of Gaelic, which
had not been his native tongue. Many
ludicrous mistakes made by him both in
the pulpit and out of it are still repeated
among the people. In 1825, the Presb.,
having instructed him to deal with one of
his parishioners charged with immorality,
and finding that he was too remiss in
dealing with the case, suspended him from
the office of the ministry. On appeal to
the General Assembly he was reinstated,
and the Presb. were admonished to exercise
its jurisdiction over the brethren "with
prudence, forbearance, and brotherly kind-
ness.'' He died 12th Jan. 1844. He marr.
11th Jan. 1811, Isabella Munro (died 23rd
April 1853), daugh. of Alexander Fraser
of Bught, shipowner, Inverness, and had
issue— Annabella, born 8th Dec. 1811 (marr.
11th Aug. 1830, Colonel Roderick Matheson,
Perth, Canada), died 10th Nov. 1854 ; Eliza
Jean, born 29th March 1813 (marr. 28th
Nov. 1832, Alexander Allan, Evanton), died
2nd June 1886 ; Alexander Fraser Russell,
born 24th Oct. 1814 [educated at King's
College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (March 1831) ;
licen. by Presb. of Lochcarron in 1835;
assistant to his father, 1836-43. Joined the
Free Church in 1843 ; ord. min. of Kil-
modan and South Hall Free Church 5th
Dec. 18 14 ; died 10th Nov. 1892. He marr.
2nd July 1845, Madeline Rose (born
7th May 1815, died 3rd April 1899),
eldest daugh. of Donald Munro, excise
officer, Skye, and had issue — Sir James
Alexander Russell, M.D., Lord Provost of
Edinburgh]; Jessie, born 21st Nov. 1816
(marr. Donald Macrae, min. of Poolewe);
James, born 16th April 1818, drowned at
Hamilton, Ontario, 22nd Nov. 1854 ; John,
writer, Inverness, born 23rd Nov. 1820,
died 3rd Nov. 1850 ; William Fraser, born
28th Sept. 1822, died at Rothesay, 18th
March 1897. Publication — Gaelic Sch.
Jieport.—lDixon'a d'airloch, 68, 114, 118.
(Information from D. K. C. Russell, C.E.,
JOHN CAMPBELL, pres. by Queen
1845 ^^"^toria 5th March 1844 ; ord. 24th
Sept. 1845 ; dep. by the General
Assembly 3rd June 1850 [afterwards
reponed and adm. min. of lona in 1876
jggQ born 19th Sept. 1827, son of John
M., min. of Resolis ; educated at
King's College, Aberdeen, 1846-50 ; licen.
by Presb. of Chanonry ; ord. to Kinloch-
luichart 30th Aug. 1849; pres. by Queen
Victoria 10th July, trans, and adm. 26th
Sept. 1850 ; died at Inverness, 31st Dec.
1908. He marr. 11th Oct. 1853, Catherine
Mary (died 25th June 1910), daugh. of
William Brown, D.D., Professor of Divinity,
StAndrews,and had issue— John Alexander,
M.D.,born 28th Aug. 1854, died at Bombay,
25th Sept. 1904; William Brown, born 22nd
June 1856 ; Elsie Innes, born 3rd July
1858 ; Roderick Ninian, born 16th Dec.
1860 ; Colin, born 8th April 1862, died 7th
Nov. 1893; Mary Jane, born 26th Aug.
DUGALD MACLEAN, trans, from
1906 Hylipol and adm. (assistant and
successor) 16th May 1906; trans, to
Alvie 15th Jan. 1914.
DONALD MACLEOD, born Achilti-
1914 ^^^^^ Coigach, 20th Jan. 1868, son
of John M. and Margaret J\Iatheson ;
educated at Raining's School, Invei-ness,
Grammar School and Univ. of Aberdeen ;
licen. by Presb. of Lochcarron 27th April
1898; assistant at Kilmonivaig that year
and at Duthil in 1900 ; ord. to Lybster 24th
April 1901 ; trans, to Glcncoe 27th Aug.
1908 ; trans, and adm. 13th May 1914.
Marr. 14th April 1905, Amelia, daugh. of
John (funn and Anne Gunn, and has issue
—Margaret Florence, l)orn 7tli Feb. 1907;
John Gunn, born 9th March 1908; Donald
Alexander, born 6th July 1910; Anne
Cameron, born 6th May 1913 ; Marjory
Mackenzie, born 27th July 1914; Roderick,
born 19th May 1917; William Campbell,
born 28th May 1918; Amilius J., born
19th Dec. 1920.
[The church of Glenelg was dedicated
to St Cuimen. On 1st May 1650 this
parish was severed from the Presb. of
Lorn and incorporated in that of Skye.
This arrangement lasted but a short time,
and Glenelg was given back to the Presb.
of Lorn. On 19th May 1724 the Presb. of
Gairloch, now called Lochcarron, and the
Synod of Glenelg were both erected. To
these new Courts this parish was then
joined. Glenelg was at the same time
made the seat of the Synod. There are
mission chapels within the bounds at
Arnisdale and Lochhournhead.]
ALAN CLERK,^educated at Univ. of
St Andrews; M.A. (11th May 1637) ;
pres. by John Macleod of Dunvegan;
ord. before 6th May 1641. He was enjoined
by the Synod, 26th May 1642, to serve
Knoydart, and was allowed that benefice
Q pro tempore. He petitioned the Synod,
10th Oct.' 1649, to have his parish united
to Presb. of Skye, which was granted at
next meeting of Synod. He was exempted
by the Synod in 1670 from attending
meetings of Presb. during winter, and
app. 7th June 1671 "to keep them once
a year." The Synod in 1680 enjoined him
to attend twice at Kilmore. He probably
^'^' died before 1689, when the parish was
lUo^^ya-cant. He marr. a daugh. of Murdoch/
/Mackenzie of Pttgkwm^. — [^Ilist. of the
Mackenzies, 508.] <
*^ ALLAN MACLENNAN, called min. in
1665 and 1688. He marr. and had
issue— Piorie ; Donald, min. of Fearn ;
Isobel (marr. Donald Macleod of the Gesto
family). ^
JOHN MORRISON, ord. Sept. 1699';
1699 trans, to Boleskine 3rd Dec. 1706.
j^^Qiy 1678 ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen; M.A. (4th July 1695);
licen. by Presb. of Aberdeen 22nd Sept.
1703; ord. 12th Sept. 1707; dem. from
old age and infirmity, 29th May 1755, but
was afterwards dep. by the Presb. for
immorality on his own written confession
3rd Oct. that year. He marr. (1) 13th
March 1723, Marion Macleod, who died
Aug. 1749, and had issue— Isobel ; John ;
Mary: (2) 8th Sept. 1757, Mary Mac-
donald, who died 15th June 1761, and had
issue — Norman. — [Isles Tests., vi., 222.]
j^gj^ at Badenoch and Lochaber ; called
4th Nov., and adm. (assistant and
successor) 18th Dec. 1751 ; trans, to
Golspie 1st May 1754.
DONALD MACLEOD, born about
1729 ; schoolmaster of Sleat ; licen.
by Presb. of Skye 16th Jan. 1754 ;
pres. by Norman Macleod of Macleod in
1755; ord. 6th May 1756; died 11th July
1781. He marr. 3rd Nov. 1761, Margaret
(died 10th May 1825), daugh. of John
Beaton, min. of Glenshiel, and had issue —
Christina, born 16th Aug. 1762; John,
min. of Lerwick, born 30th Nov. 1763;
Anne, born 20th Dec. 1764 ; Roderick, born
19th May 1766 ; Peggie, born 20th June
1767; Donald, born 10th Sept. 1769;
Anne, born 28th Aug. 1771 ; Norman,
born 28th Feb. 1776 ; Catherine, born 12th
April 1778; Alexander, born 7th Nov.
1779. Publications— l^rro Letters {Treatises
on the Second Sight) ; Letter to Dr Blair
on the Ossianic Controversy (1764). —
\_Miscell. Scot., iii.]
COLIN MACIVER, born 1759, son of
John M., merchant, Stornoway^ ^
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen; M.A. (30th March 1779); licen. by
Presb. of Lochcarron 22nd Nov. 1781 ;
pres. by the commissioner for Norman
Macleod of Macleod Dec. that year ; ord.
27th March 1782; died 16th Dec. 1829.
He marr. 2nd Jan. 1785, Anne (died 19th
May 1833), second daugh. of Donald Mac-
leod of Drynoch, and had issue— Janet,
born 8th Oct. 1786, died 1865; Donald,
born 4th Jan. 1787, died young; Mar-
garet, born 17th Dec. 1787, died 1873;
John, min. of Kilmuir, born 27th Dec.
1788; Donald, lieut. 70th Foot, born 1st
June 1790, died 1844; Norman Macleod,
lieut. 8th West Indian Regiment, born 7th
Sept. 1792; Mary, born 21st April 1794
(marr. Ewen Cameron, Tallisker) ; George
Evander, captain 42nd Iliglilanders, born
23rd July 1795, died 1847 ; Alexander, min.
of Dornocli ; Colin, jilanter in India, died
1837; Katberine (marr. Farqnbar Robertson
of Scalasaig) ; Alexandrina (marr. Lacblan
Chisholra in Queensland). Publication —
Account of the Parish (Sinclair's Slat.
Ace, xvi.).
ALEXANDER B E IT H, trans, from
Kilbrandon ; pres. by Charles Grant
of Glenelg in June, and adm. 24th
Sept. 1830 ; trans, to Stirling 26th Sept.1839.
JOHN MACRAEyborn 22nd Nov. 1799,
son of John M., min. of Glenshiel ;
educated at King's College, Aberdeen,
1814-18; ord. to Glenshiel 8th April 1824;
trans, and adm. 27th Feb. 1840 ; clerk of
Presb. of Lochcarron 1836-75, and of Synod
of Glenelg 1854-75; died 7th July 1875.
He marr. 1st March 1826, Jamesina Eraser
(died 27th July 1851), daugh. of Norman
Macleod of Drynoch, and had issue —
Alexandrina Jessie, born 4th June 1827
(marr. 4th Feb. 1847, Hugh Bogle, mer-
chant, Glasgow); Forbes Johanna, born
15th April 1829 ; John Kenneth, deputy
commissioner of Rangoon, born 17th April
1831 ; Madeline Charlotte, born 1st Feb.
1835 (marr. Colin Campbell, min. of Lyne
and Megget) ; Catherine Christina, born
5th Nov. 1838, died at Edinburgh 11th
Jan. 1919 ; James Norman, missionary at
Madras, born 25th Dec. 1842. Publication
— Account of the Parish {Neiv Stat. Ace,
xiv.).—[I/ist. of the Macleods, 226 ; Hist, of
the Macraes, 107.]
shire, 1825, son of Peter M., farmer,
and Janet Scrimgeour ; educated at
Univ. of Edinburgh ; ord. to Knock in 1861 ;
dem. 20th June 1864 ; app. to Fort Augustus
Mission in 1868; adm. to' Oban lltli Nov.
1869; trans, and adm. 1st Feb. 1876; died
28th April 1890. He marr. 20th Aug. 1868,
Isabella (died 22nd Oct. 1900), daugh. of
John Macrae, min. of Stornoway, and had
issue — Patrick, M.A. (Aberdeen 1900),
M.B., CM. (1894), Acomb, Yorkshire, born
16th April 1870; John Macrae, physician,
born 20th May 1872 ; Elizabeth, born 26th
Dec. 1873 (marr. Lyon Scott, banker, India).
Bowmore, Islay, 27th Oct. 1864, son
of Archibald M. and Betsy ^lacnab ;
educated at Bowmore School, Roj^al High
School, and Univ. of Edinburgh ; M.A.
(1886) ; licen. by Presb. of Islay 15th May
1889 ; missionary at Knoydart June to
Sept. 1889, and Kilbride Mission, Kilfinan,
Oct. 1889 to Sept. 1890; ord. 25th Sept.
1890 ; app. clerk of Presb. in 1897, and of
Synod of Glenelg in 1911. Marr. 17th
Dec. 1896, Mary, daugh. of John Robertson,
Boharm, and Jane Sellar, and has issue —
Murdoch Islay, tea-planter in India, born
12th Oct. 1897; Alastair Archibald Ian,
sheep-farmer in Argentine, born 4th July
1901 ; Elizabeth Jane Flora, born Nov.
[The parish of Glenshiel was disjoined
from Kintail by the Lords Commissioners
of Teinds on 30th Dec. 1826. At Cill
Chaonteart in Glenshiel there stood of old
a chapel of St Kentigerna. At Cill Irch-
aird also there was a chapel of St Irchard.]
eldest son of Angus B. of Dounel-
riach and Florence jNIacleod of Gesto
family ; educated at Marischal College in
1713, and King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A.
(1723) ; licen. by Presb. of Kincardine
O'Neil 17th Sept. 1729; called by the Presb.
jure devoluto 8th April, and ord. (at Loch-
alsh) 16th June 1730 ; died at Alness,
20th Aug. 1781, He marr. 18th Jan.
1739, Christian (died 6th Feb. 1759), eldest
daugh. of Donald Macleod, min. of Loch-
alsh, and had issue — Margaret, born 22nd
Feb. 1741 (marr. Donald Macleod, min.
of Glenelg) ; Angus, min. of Alness, born
27th June 1742 ; Norman, born 12th
Oct. 1743, died 4th Nov. 1744 ; Duncan,
born 6th Jan. 1745, died 4th Jan. 1746;
Colin, born 28th Feb. 1740 ; Jean, born
25th April 1748, died 15th June 1749;
Patrick, born 17th April 1750, died 18th
Feb, 1753; Flora, born 27th Feb. 1752;
Anne, born 10th Dec. 1756, died 27th
Dec. 1759; .John, min. of Dornoch.— [J/.S".
Geneal. of the Bethunes, 29.]
/IAAcouJUXut i
yi^ ..jC:a_ri*'vlj
JOHN MACRAErborn Ross-shire
j^,_^ 1748 ; educated at King's College
Aberdeen ; MA. (31st March 1772)
pres. by George III. I4th April, and ord
(assistant and successor) 16th Dec. 1777
died nth May 1823. He marr. 27th June
1782, Madeline (died 21st Jan. 1837), daugh.
of Farquhar Macrae of Inverinate, and had
issue— Alexander, born 29th June 1783,
died 29th May 1784; Mary, born 15th
March 1785 (marr. Donald Munro), died
1844 ; Isobel, born 15th May 1786 (marr.
John Campbell, farmer, Duntulm), died
1849 ; Beatrice, born 5th April 1790
(marr. Alexander Campbell, min. of Croy);
Farquhar, born 27th May 1792, died 27th
April 1793; Anne, born 14th May 1794,
died 12th April 1795 ; Duncan, born 16th
April 1796, died in Florida; Christina,
born 19th Sept. 1797 (marr. Farquhar
Macrae, lieut. 78th Foot) ; John, min. of
Glenelg, born 22nd Nov. 1799 ; Kenneth,
born 20tb Nov. 1802, died in Florida;
Florence (marr. Duncan Macrae).— [/A's«.
of the Macraes, 105.] .
JOHN MACRAE, son of preceding;
1824 P^^^" ^^ George IV. 10th July 1823 ;
ord. 8th April 1824; trans, to
Glenelg 27th Feb. 1840.
Ross-shire, 1792, son of John M.,
schoolmaster, and Margaret Kemp ;
educated at King's College, Aberdeen ;
M.A. (31st July 1815) ; app. missionary at
Glenmoriston in 1828 ; pres. by Queen
Victoria 5th May, and adm. 28th Sept.
1840 ; died 20th Sept. 1863. He marr. 12th
June 1844, Lillias (died 19th Aug. 1877),
daugh. of Roderick Morison, min. of Kintail.
1833, son of Farquhar M., farmer,
and Catherine Mathieson ; educated
at Univ. of Edinburgh ; pres. by Queen
Victoria 25th Nov. 1863 ; ord. 3rd May
1864; clerk of Presb., 1875-90; died
unmarr. 3rd Jan. 1890.
DUNCAN MACRAE, born Glenshiel,
1837, son of Duncan M., farmer,
Liachachan, and Mary Maclennan ;
ord. to Skipness, Kintyre, 30th June 1880;
trans, and adm. 9th June 1891 ; died
unmarr. 13th Aug. 1916.
peffer, 11th Nov. 1863, son of Alex,
ander F., Achnadarroch, Lochalsh,
and Catherine Macdonald ; educated at
Plockton School, Grammar School, Aber-
deen, and Univs. of Glasgow and Princeton,
U.S.A., M.A. (1897); licen. by Presb. of
Toronto 10th June 1897 ; ord. to Mosa,
Ontario, 7th July that year ; adm. min. of
United Free Church, Strath, 1903; adm.
to Small Isles 9th June 1909 ; trans, to
Salen 11th July 1911 ; trans, to Apple-
cross 1st Aug. 1916 ; trans, and adm. 21st
March 1917.
[The church of Kintail was dedicated to
St Duthac. It was a commune kirk of
the Cathedral of Ross. Within the bounds
were a chapel of St Fillan at Cill Fhaolain,
and a chapel of St Donan at Eilean
Dhonain, near the head of Loch Alsh. At
Dornie, in this parish, there is a mission
The parish is known as Cro-Chinntaile.]
JOHN MURCHISON^a Romish priest
who conformed at, or soon after, the
Reformation, and became reader in
this parish ; pres. to the parsonage and
vicarage 25th Nov. 1574. There is a
contract between him and Kenneth Mac-
kenzie of Kintail in 1597. He marr. Janet
Grant, and had issue — Murdoch, min. of
this parish. — [Cromartie Muniments.^
DONALD MURCHISON, pres. to the
parsonage and vicarage 16th Dec.
^^^^ 1582.
1614 ^y^®' ^'^'^ °^ John M., min. of this
parish ; pres. to the vicarage of
Lochalsh 19th July 1582 ; trans, and adm.
before 1614; died in 1618. He was
Constable of Eilean - Donan Castle for
^ M^j-l'i Ti^, ^1^,
C-f. Qoctc^i
o'r ^cLi.
\a>^r^h Grre»-^^a^tJ^% ,"7.
Mackenzie of Kintail. He marr. and had
issue — Mary (marr. Murdoch Mackenzie |
of Hilton); a daugh. (marr. William,
son of John Mackenzie of Gairloch) ;
a daugh. (marr. Christopher Macrae). —
[Douglas's Baronage, 395 ; Hist, of the
Mackenzies, 4:-\^.'\ lLf\S -
FARQUHAR MACRAE, born 1580, son
of Christopher M., Constable of
^^^^ Eilean-Donan Castle; educated at
Grammar School, Perth, and Univ. of
Edinburgh, where he greatly distinguished
himself; was master of the Grammar
School of Fortrose for fifteen months. In
1610 he went on a mission with Kenneth,
Lord ^Mackenzie of Kintail, to Macleod of
Lewis, where he remained for some time
organising Church services ; adm. to Gair-
loch in 1608 ; trans, and adm. in 1618, and
became Constable of Eilean-Donan at same
time. Many suggested that he had become
too secular, but he was reckoned "a sound,
eloquent, and grave preacher." Bishop
Maxwell of Ross said of him that he was
"a man of great gifts but unfortunately
lost in the Highlands." He died Jan. 1662.
He marr. 1st Dec. 1611, Christian, daugh.
of Duncan M'Culloch of Park, and had
issue — Alexander of Inverinate ; John, min.
of Dingwall ; Donald, min. of this parish ;
Miles ; Murdoch ; Christopher ; Thomas ;
Isabel (marr. (1) Malcolm Macrae, killed
at the Battle of Auldearn : (2) William
Mackenzie) ; Helen. — \Ilist. of the Macraes,
52 ; Inq. Ret. Gen., 7747-9.]
DONALD MACRAE, son of preceding;
adm. to Urray before 21st Jan. 1645 ;
^^^® pres. by the Presb. 24th June, trans.
and adm. (assistant and successor) 20th
July 1656 ; died about 1681. He marr.
Isobel, daugh. of Murdoch Mackenzie of
Hilton, and had issue — Alexander, tacks-
man of Druidaig; John; Colin; Mary
(marr. John Matheson of Bennetsfield). —
\^IIist. of the Macraes, 160 ; Douglas's
Baronage, 395.]
(probably assistant) after 21st July
^®'^* 1674.
DONALD MACRAE, born about 1656,
fourth son of Alexander M. of Inver-
^^^^ inate and Jklary Mackenzie ; became
schoolmaster of Fortrose ; adm. prior to
7th July 1681 ; still in the charge in 1716,
though he refused to conform to Presby-
terianism. An ardent Jacobite, he and
his family took a prominent part in the
Jacobite Rising of 1715, and also in
the Attempt of 1719, which resulted in
the defeat of the Jacobites under Seaforth
at Glenshiel. His church was burned
down by the crew of one of the ships of
war which sailed into Loch Duich at that
time. He died shortly afterwards. He
marr. Catherine, daugh. of John Grant of
Glenmoriston, and had issue — Alexander,
lived at Ruroch in Kintail ; John, died
1741 ; Duncan ; Colin, killed at SheriflF-
muir in 1716 ; Christopher, killed at
Sheriffmuir ; John Og, joined the Roman
Catholic Mission in Kintail ; Mary ; Isa-
bella (marr. John Macrae of Conchra) ;
Katherine (marr. Donald Macrae of Torly-
sich) ; Christina (marr. Donald Macrae of
Morvich).— [///s<. of the Macraes, 76.]
JOHN MACLEAN, educated at
Marischal College, Aberdeen, 1714;
called by the Presb. jure devoluto
8th April, and ord. (at Lochalsh) 16th
June 1730. After the Battle of Culloden,
the Hanoverian troops under Lord George
Sackville entered the parish, driving cattle
and plundering. To protect his parishioners,
then loyal subjects, the minister appeared
before him, but from the simplicity of his
dress Sackville took him for an impostor,
drew a loaded pistol and ordered him to
bring his library forthwith. This M. did
and brought a volume of Poole's Annota-
tions, which was deemed satisfactory. He
died 3rd Feb. 1774. He marr. 10th Sept.
1734, Sybilla (died 8th Dec. 1747), daugh.
of Roderick IMackenzie of Applecross, and
had issue— Alexander, born 7th Feb. 1739 ;
Evan, born 25th March 1740; Kenneth,
born 6th Oct. 1742 ; Anne, born 22nd Dec.
1743; John, born 13th Aug. 1745, died
1746; Margaret, born 2nd June 1747, died
26th March 1755.— [Douglas's Baronage,
''" George III. 31st Jan., and ord.
21st Sept. 1774 ; died 4th July
a native of Stratbglass ; educated
^'^^^ at King's College, Aberdeen; M.A.
(1773); became schoolmaster of Killearnan;
licen. by Presb. of Chanonry 13th May
1777 ; ord. as missionary at Strathglass
23rd Sept. 1778 ; pres. by the Presb. jtire
devohito 18th Jan., and adm. 2nd May
1781 ; died 14th April 1826. He marr. 27th
May 1786, Jean (died 29th Jan. 1830), third
daugh. of Colonel Alexander Eraser of Cul-
duthil, and had issue — Alexander, lieut.
..78th Highlanders, born 24th April 1787,
^died in the island of Java, 29th July 1812 ;
Mary, born IGth Nov. 1788 (marr. Alex-
ander Mackenzie of Kernsary) ; William,
born 10th Aug. 1790, died in Demerara,
15th May 1814 ; Millicent, born 25th May
1792, died 3rd March 1879; Grizell, born
16th April 1796, died 9th Jan. 1881; James,
min. of this parish ; Lillias, born 7th June
1801 (marr. Farquhar Macrae, min. of
Glenshiel) ; Roderick, farmer, Aigas, born
14th May 1804, died 6th May 1870. Publi-
cation— Account of the Parish (Sinclair's
Stat. Ace, vi.).
JAMES MORRISON, born 24th May
1798, son of preceding ; educated
^^ at King's College, Aberdeen, M.A.
(March 1817), and Univ. of Edinburgh;
licen. by Presb. of Lochcarron 4th April
1822 ; pres. by George IV. in Jan., and
ord. (assistant and successor) 5th May 1825;
died 19th Jan. 1882. He marr. 27th Sept.
1838, Johanna, daugh. of Lachlan Mac-
kinnon of Letterfearn, and had issue —
Roderick, min. of this parish ; Anne
Catherine, born 3rd Sept. 1842 (marr.
William Dick), died 11th March 1916;
Alexander William, born 14th Aug. 1844,
died 4th Jan. 1851 ; Jane Eraser, born
20th March 1847, died unmarr. Publica-
tion— Account of the Parish {Few Stat.
Ace, xiv.).
1R7R ^^^y 1839, son of preceding; edu-
cated at Univ. of Edinburgh ; ord.
to Bracadale 18th Feb. 1864; trans, to
Tarbert 17th Dec. 1874 ; trans, and adm.
(assistant and successor) 14th March 1878;
clerk of Presb. 1890-7; died 11th June
1897. [The Morrisons were thus ministers
of the laarish for 116 years.] He marr. 7th
Sept. 1886, Janet (died 25th Dec. 1916),
daugh, of Joseph Alexander, Broxburn
Hall, West Lothian.
Free Presbyterian Church, Portree ;
^^^^ adm. 9th March 1898; trans, to
Glenurquhart 26th Nov. 1908.
,-„- March 1909; trans, to Orphir 13th
^^°^ Oct. 1916.
JOHN MACCALLUM, trans, from
Assynt 10th May 1917; trans, to
St Kiaran's, Glasgovs^, 2nd Dec. 1919 ;
trans, to Dores 11th April 1924.
born Kingussie, 4th May 1860, son
^^^° of Alexander M. and Helen Macrae ;
educated at Kingussie School, Royal High
School and Univ. of Edinburgh, M.A,
(1880), and New College, Edinburgh ; licen.
by Free Church Presb. of Nairn in 1886 ;
assistant at Nairn and Inverness ; ord. to
Free Church, Glenelg, 7th July 1887 ; dem.
in 1903 and went to New Zealand: min.
at Waipu, Auckland, 1903-6; Chalmers's
Church, Dunedin, 1906-9; Edendale, South-
land, 1909-14 ; adm. to Church of Scotland
by the General Assembly in 1915; adm.
24th Sept. 1920. Marr. 29th Jan. 1893,
Isabella Margaret (died at Inverness, 18th
March 1927), daugh. of Donald Mac-
pherson, factor, Eigg, and Mary Macrae,
and has issue— Norman Macpherson, M.D.,
Kenya, born 24th Sept. 1895; Roderick
Diarmid, M.A., licentiate, lecturer in
Philosophy, Univ. of Edinburgh, born 13th
Oct. 1898.
[Knoydart is an ancient parish. Its
churcli was dedicated to St Coan. In
the sixteenth century this parish was
united to Glenclg. It remained so until
20th i\Iay 1863, when Knoydart was dis-
joined from Glenelg as a parish (juoad
ALEXANDER M'lVER, ord. 11th Dec.
1821 ; removed to Glenmoriston
[afterwards min. of Sleat].
jggg (King's College, Aberdeen, March
1817) ; missionary at Carloway,
Lewis, 1820-6.
1827 min. of Trumisgarry].
1831 Benbecula in 1834.
GEORGE CORBETT, born Cromarty,
1836 ^^^^ ' educated at King's College,
Aberdeen, 1822-6; ord. in 1836.
Joined the Free Church in 1843 ; mission-
ary at Arnisdale ; died at Inverness,
19th Sept. 1863. He marr. 1840, Mary
JOHN HAGGART, ord. 29th July
1863; trans, to Lochcarron 10th May
^^^^ 1867.
JOHN MACLEAN, ord. 25th July
,g-„ 1867; trans, to Bracadale 4th Jan.
'^' 1876.
jgiyg Dec. 1876; trans, to Strontian 15th
Sept. 1882.
Old. 2nd May 1883 ; trans, to Croick
^^^^ 9th May 1889.
Aberfeldy, 24th July 1864, son of
^ Robert M. and Christina Forbes ;
educated at Univ. of St Andrews ; M.A.
(1884) ; licen. by Presb. of Mull in 1887 ;
missionary at Connel Ferry in 1887; ord.
JSv,^s^^ ^Uc^l^:, l^^oL+)
29th Jan. 1890; dem. 16th May 1903 ; died at
Bloemfontein, South Africa, 17th Sept. 1914.
He marr. 8th Oct. 1890, Charlotte Kerr,
daugh. of Donald Stewart Macphail, Ach-
nashie, Oban, and Janet Smith Kerr, and
had issue— Alistair Forbes, D.S.O., B.A.
(Manitoba Univ.), captain Royal Fusiliei's,
born 1st June 1893, killed in action 4th
May 1918 ; Donald Robert, banker, born
14th Oct. 1894, lieut. Cameron High-
landers, wounded in European War ; Violet
Christina Margaret, born 28th Sept. 1899
(marr. 1921) ; Ian Malcolm Kerr, born 21st
March, and died 23rd Aug. 1901.
1903 ^^^' ^^^^ > ^'"'^°^- ^° Kilninver and
Kilmelfort 2nd March 1911.
M.A. ; ord. 27th Feb. 1913; trans.
^®^^ to Tibbermore 11th Aug. 1916.
JOHN MACKAY, born Smithtown,
1916 ^'ulloden, 16th March 1854, son of
Hugh M. and Elizabeth MAlpine ;
educated at Culloden School, High School,
Inverness, and Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen.
by Presb. of Inverness 18th May 1894;
ord. by Presb. of Dunoon to Gaelic Church,
Rothesay, 12th May 1898 ; adm. to Cross,
Lewis, 16th Jan. 1900 ; trans, to Plockton
4th April 1905 ; trans, and adm. 28th Nov.
1916; dem. 15th June 1926. Marr. 18th
April 1895, Grace, daugh. of Alexander
Mackay and Margaret Munro, and has
issue — Margaret Hughina, born 24th Nov.
1896; Elizabeth Catherine Louisa, born
31st Jan. 1899.
[St Fillan built the earliest church here
about the year 600. He dedicated it to
his uncle St Coan. The church of Lochalsh
was a commune kirk of the Cathedral of
Ross. There is a mission chapel in this
parish at Kyle of Lochalsh.]
ALEXANDER ERASER, pres. to the
parsonage and vicarage by James
1569 yj 24th June 1569 ; reader here and
at Lochcarron in 1574 ; still min. in 1580. ^
the vicarage of Loclialsh and Loch-
carron by James VI. 19th July and
29th Dec. 1582 ; trans, to Kintail before
1614. %M5
DONALD CLARK, educated at Univ.
of Edinburgh ; M.A. (31st July 1606);
adm. before 1614 ; still min. 18th
0 Sept. 1634. He mim. a dciu^h. uf Johri
« Mnrlinnnio of Ord, and had issue — Rorie,
^•Vtnl/ a student at St Andrews Univ. in 1642-
!(\\u.'? A Christian :(marr., ^cont. 27th April 1631^
Tluy~tc,lMfttthoWMatheson in Balmacaraji— [P. C.
Reg., 2nd ser., v., 388.]
JOHN MACKENZIE, M.A. ; min. in
-_„„ 1622 ; trans, to Lochbroom about
DONALD MACRAE, born about 1636,
son of Farquhar M. ; educated at
1663 j^jjjg'g College, Aberdeen ; M.A.
(1653); adm. before 11th Aug. 1663 said
to have been still min. in March 1710.S He
marr. Annabel, daugh. of William Mac-
kenzie of Shieldaig, and had issue— John ;
Donald ; Duncan ; Farquhar ; Maurice ;
Christopher.— [//zs<. of the Macraes, 189.J
FINLAY MACRAE, son of Donald
M., chamberlain of Kintail ; edu-
^^^ cated at Univ. of St Andrevi's ; M.A.
(24th July 1679) ; said to have been min. in
Cumbrae, and to have left at the Revolu-
tion; intruded here on a presentation
from Frances, Countess of Seaforth, but
never having taken the oaths prescribed
by Government, and having incited his
parishioners' to take up arms under William,
Earl of Seaforth, in 1715, he vv'as deposed
for his Jacobitism after 21st Sept. 1716.
He was a philosopher, a clear preacher, of
dignified appearance, and much given to
hospitality and charity. He marr. Mar-
garet daugh. of Duncan Macrae of Inver-
inatef and had issue — John, served heir 15th
Oct. 1728 ; Hector, tacksman of Ardelve ;
Donald ; Marion (marr. John Matheson
of Achtaytoralan) ; Isabel (marr. Duncan,
son of Alexander Macrae of Conchra). —
{Hist, of the Macraes, 46.]
JOHN M'KILLICAN of Alness, son
of John M., min. of Alness ; resided
sometime in the parish of Newbattle ;
educated at King's College, Aberdeen ; was
taken on trials by Presb. of Dalkeith and
licen. by Presb. of Ross 15th July 1696 ;
called by the Presb. jure devoluto 7th Jan.,
and ord. (at Dingwall on account of remote-
ness of parish from the Presb. seat) 17th
April 1719 ; died 1st April 1725. He docs
not seem to have ever resided in the parish.
The Presb. calling him to account for this,
appointed a visitation of the parish to be
held on 16th Sept. 1724, but the brethren
were " rabbled " and the meeting was not
held. He marr. Margaret Mackenzie, who
survived him, and had issue — David, served
heir 14th Nov. 1728 ; Robert ; Andrew ;
Isabel ; Ann.— [/%i;emess Sas., viii,, 387 ;
Seaforth PajJers.^
about 1695 ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen; M.A. (12th April
1715) ; licen. by Presb. of Aberdeen 12th
Aug. 1719; ord. to Contin 13th May 1720;
called by the Presb. jure devoluto 27th Oct.
1726; adm. 3rd July 1727 ; died 18th Aug.
1769. He marr. 21st Oct. 1721, Rebecca
Beaton, who died 12th Jan. 1772, and had
issue — Christian, born 4th March 1723
(marr. John Beaton, min. of Glenshiel) ;
Robert, born 5th July 1725; Ann, born
11th April 1731.
son of Donald M., tacksman of
Tolsta, Stornoway ; educated at
King's College, Aberdeen; M.A. (30th
March 1763) ; app. missionary at Harris ;
pres. by George III. 19th Jan., and adm.
2nd July 1770 ; drowned going by sea from
Lochalsh to Gruinard 2nd Feb. 1790. He
marr, (1) 11th March 1775, Mary, daugh.
of John Mackenzie of Hilton, and had^
issue— Helen? born 10th Dec. 1775 ; Isobel,*
born 4th Dec. 1776 ; Donald, merchant,
New York, born 1st Nov. 1778, d^d in
Bermudfj/^^(2) 21st July 1789, SybillaT(died
10th Aug. 1824), daugh, of William Eraser
of Bught, town-clerk of Inverness.
1791 ^''^^' ^<^" of John D., rain, of Urray;
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen; MA. (30th ISIarch 1781); licen. by
Presb. of Lewis 6th Nov, 1787 ; pres. by
the Presb. Jifj-e devoluto 5th, and by George
III. -IZYdi July, and ord. 21st Sept. 1791 ;
chaplain to the 1st Batt. 78th Highlanders
8th March 1793 ; was an active supporter
of the Gaelic School Society; D.D. (Aber-
deen, 15th Aug. 1812); died 31st May
1820. He marr. 19th Oct. 1795, Janet
(died 9th June 1846), daugh. of Charles
Mackinnon of Corrichatachan, and had
issue— John, born 4th May 1797, died 1820;
Anne, born 28th June 1798 ; Flora, born
16th Nov. 1799 (niarr. 1826, Alexander
Kenneth Mackinnon of Corry, factor for
Lord Macdonald); Margaret, born 13th
Nov. 1800 ; Charlotte, born 4th Dec. 1802
(marr. 19th June 1821, Alexander Allan
Mackenzie) ; Charles, min. of Contin, born
1804 ; Annabella (marr. Charles Macleod
(Drynoch), tacksman of Scottus) ; Sir
Alexander Mackenzie, M.D., born 1810, died
1852. Publication — Account of the Parish
(Sinclair's Stat. Ace, xi.).—{The Family
of Mackinnon, 6.]
HECTOR MACLEAN; born 3rd June
1786, son of Donald M., min. of
Small Isles ; licen. by Presb. of Mull
2nd May 1820; pres. by George IV. 17th
Aug. that year ; ord. 4th April 1821 ; died
5th Feb. 1869.
NEIL MACINTYRE, eldest .son of
John M., Saddell, Argyll; educated
at Univ. of Glasgow ; ord to Rothie-
murchus 18th July 1855; pres. by Queen
Victoria 8th May, trans, and adm. 12th
Aug. 1869 ; died 7th July 1874. He marr.,
19th Dec. 1871, Amelia Maria Cooper (died
9th Feb. 1908).
JAMES BAIN, trans, from Kilfinan
24th Nov. 1875; trans, to Dutliil
^^^^ 30th Aug. 1877.
JOHN BARNETT, trans, from the
Gaelic Parish, Greenock, 13th March
^^'^ 1878; trans, to Kilchomaii 15th Jan.
born May 1833, son of Donald D.,
farmer, and Ellen Macintosh ; edu-
cated at King's College, Aberdeen, and
Univ. of St Andrews ; ord. to Glencoe in
1876; trans, to Stenscholl 14th Feb. 1882;
trans, and adm. 5th May 1886 ; dem. 13th
Oct. 1909; died unmarr. at Fodderty, 7th
July 1916.
JOHN MACLEAN, born North Uist,
24th Feb. 1870, son of Donald
M., schoolmaster, and Isabella Mac-
lennan ; educated at Bayhead School and
Univs. of Glasgow and Aberdeen ; licen.
by Presb. of Uist in 1895 ; assistant at
Dalavich ; ord. to Carnoch 28th Sept.
1897 ; trans, and adm. 19th April 1910.
[The church of Lochbroom was dedicated
to St Donan. It was a commune kirk of the
Cathedral of Ross. At Little Lochbroom
in this parish, there was a chapel of St
Sir JOHN MUNRO, son of Donald M. ;
. coQ formerly a priest ; was vicar and
reader Nov. 1569. He marr., and
had issue — John, slain by the Mackenzies,
1573-4.t-[i?e^. of Deeds, xiii., 459.]
j^^. [Farquharson being the patronymic,
probably a M^t^me] ; reader in 1574 ;
pres. to the parsonage and vicarage by
James VI. 25th Nov. 1574; still in the
charge in 1593. — [Orig. Paroch. Scot, ii.,
DONALD CLARK, called min. 22nd
1579 "^^"^ ^^^^ ' ^*^^^ "^^"' "^ 1613.—
[Jfackenzie of Ord Pajnrs ; Reg.
.]r<ig. Sig., v., 665.] ORS , No,!**-! ,
"JOHN MACKENZIE, born about 1598,
1630 ^^" °^ Kenneth M. of Davoch-
maluag, and Christian Ross of
Balnagowan ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen; M.A. (1616); ord. to Lochalsh
about 1622 ; trans, and adm. about 1630.
He marr. his cousin, a daugh. of Hector,
son of Alexander Mackenzie of Davocb-
maluag (she marr. (2) Hector Mackenzie
of Melan), and bad issue — ■ William ;
Kennetb. — [Douglas's Baronage^ 403 ; Hist,
of the Mackenzies, 500.]
DONALD ROSS, M.A. ; adm. before
2nd Feb. 1636, wben be was app. a
Justice of tbe Peace. A woman of
loose character having accused him of
being the father of one of her illegitimate
children, he was suspended andithe sentence
was confirmed by the Commission of
Assembly at Auldearn in 1649, which found
"much imprudence in not goeing solemnlie
and wyslie about his own cleiring quhen
this scandell broke out." The sentence was
recalled by the Presb. 31st Dec. 1650 ; trans,
to Contin 22nd July 1651.
jgg^ after 22nd July 1651 and before 6th
April 1656.
1656 preceding ; formerly of Fodderty ;
called by the parishioners ; pres. by
the Presb. to be conjunct with his father
and adm. 6th April 1656 ; dem. before 9th
June 1663 [afterwards min. of Strath in
1675]. ;, ,
1663 P^'Oderick M. of Knockbaxter ; adm.
before 9th June 1663; on 11th April
1665 he regrets that he is constrained to
leave his ministry for want of maintenance ;
still min. 7th July 1681. Marr. a ^daugh.
of MacCulloch of Park. — [//isi!. of the
Mackendes, 517 ; Mackay's Inverness and
Dingwall Fresh. Records, 309.]
JOHN MACKENZIE, educated at
jggg King's College, Aberdeen; M.A.
(1670); adm. to Contin in 1674;
trans, and adm. before 4th Sept. 1683;
still min. March 1716. He marr. Isabel,
daugh. of Roderick Mackenzie of Davoch-
maluag, and had issue — Alexander^
[Douglas's Baronage, 404 ; Inverness Sas.,
V. 328, viii. 153.]
j,y2g mended by the Assembly 26th May
1724 for a Presbytery bursary and
by Royal Bounty Committee 26th May
1725 ; catechist in parish of Kilmallie ;
licen. by Presb, of Abertarff 5th July that
year; called by the Presb. jure devoluto
13th July, and ord. 14th Sept. same year ;
trans, to Ardchattan 9th June 1730.
DONALD ROSS, called by the Presb.
1731 "^^''^ devoluto 6th April, and ord.
11th Aug. 1731 ; trans, to Fearn
27th March 1742.
1718, son of John M., in the parish of
Gairloch ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; M.A. (1st April 1736) ; licen.
by Presb. of Lochcarron in 1738; ord.
min. of a congregation at Staines,
Middlesex, 20th June 1739 ; called by the
Presb. jure devoluto 19th Jan., and adm.
9th Feb. 1743, but the settlement was
reversed by General Assembly, the time
for moderating the call not having been
intimated to the patron and principal
heritor. M. was app. missionary within
the bounds 2nd Sept. 1744, but afterwards
became min. in England, whence he came
and preached at the admission of Thomas
Boston, younger, formerly of Oxnam, to
the dissenting congregation at Jedburgh
9th Feb. 1757, which led in 1761 to the
formation of the Presbytery of Relief. In
1758 he was settled at Nigg as min. of
an independent chapel, but resigned in
1761 and again returned to England, where
he held a charge.]— Publications— 7?ea.c/mr/
No Preaching (London, 1744); A Letter
showing the Consequence of the Present
Pulpit Language (London, 1751); The
Extreme Cruelty and Danger of Intro-
ducing Natural Plans of Supposed
Happiness in room of the Scheme of Jesus
{1188).— [Scots. Mag., xix. ; Mackelvie's
Annals, 255; Tait's Border Church Life,
i., 269 ; Ullapool and Lochbroom, 26.]
1701, son of John R. of Arnhall,
farmer, Quay in AthoU, of the family
of Lude; educated at Marischal College,
^ CS-C. ^n^OO
158 LOCHBROOM [presb. of
Aberdeen, 1726, and Univ. of St Andrews ;
licen. by Presb. of Dunkeld 5th Nov. 1734 ;
assistant in this parish, 1734-40; pres. by
George, Earl of Cromartie, 1744 ; ord. 8th
May 1745 ; died March 1776. He was
known as "^;/i ^linisteir L()idii\'' or the
" Strong Minister," on account of his many
feats of physical strength, particuh\rly the
incident in connection with the collapse of
the roof of Fearn church, mentioned under
that parish. ]\Iany of his parishioners, dis-
regarding his remonstrances, were involved
in the Eising of 1745. After Culloden he
waited on the Duke of Cumberland at
Inverness, and Avas thanked for his services
to the Earl of Loudoun in his difficult march
to the Highlands. Cumberland made him
a present of twelve stand of arms, to be
put into such hands as he might think
proper to entrust them with, and a regular
correspondence followed between E. and
the Duke. These letters, uniformly signed
"Everard Faulkener," were carefully pre-
served, but disappeared after E.'s death.
In 1746 he greatly exerted himself in the
interest of the captive prisoners at London,
travelling thither at his own expense, and
interceding with the Government. On one
occasion he pleaded with the Duke of
Newcastle for the life of Hector Mackenzie
who had been condemned to death. The
Duke, either stimulated by a sincere desire
to save the man's life, or to get rid of E.'s
importunity, held out his hand as a token
of assurance of mercy, whereupon, in his
ecstasy of joy, the minister gave it so
powerful a grip that, in evident pain, his
Grace cried out, " Yes ! yes ! for God's sake
let go my hand ; you shall have him, you
shall have him ! "—a promise faithfully
kept. On returning to his parish he was
received with demonstrations of gratitude.
He marr. 26th March 1752, Anne, second
daugh. of Murdoch Mackenzie of Letterewe,
Gairloch, and Catherine, daugh. of Simon
Mackenzie of Torridon, and had issue —
John, born 4th March 1753, died 1776;
Alexander, captain in army, born 19th Dec.
1754, died in Nova Scotia; James, collector
of Customs, Stornoway, who printed a
Memoir of his father, born 13tli Nov.
1756, died 31st Aug. 1840; Janet, born 4th
June 1758 (marr. Alexander Mackenzie of
Badachrof: Katherine, born 8th July 1760,
died 10th April 1762 ; Charles, born 27th
Jan. 1763; Hector, born 11th Feb. 1765;
!Mary, born 26th May 1767 ; Murdoch,
officer in navy ; Margaret (marr. John
Fisher, Eothesay).— [Burke's Landed Gentry
(1845), 1130; Ullapool and Lochhroom,
26-34 ; Hist, of the Mackenzies, 455.1 _
Eoss-shire, about 1746; educated
at King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A.
(2nd April 1764) ; licen. by Presb. of Tain
14th Feb. 1770; ord. to Applecross 2nd
April 1776 ; pres. by George III. in May,
trans, and adm. 31st July same year ; was
under suspension, 1798-1802, when John
Kennedy [afterwards min. of Killearnan]
was locum tenens ; died 21st June 1807.
He marr. 20th Dec. 1770, Margaret (died
Nov. 1819), daugh. of Alexander Mac-
kenzie of Ballone, and Katherine, daugh.
of George Mackenzie of Gruinard, and had
issue — Alexander^ born 21st Sept. 1771 ;
Katherine (twin) born 21st Sept. 1771 ;
Margaret, born 4th June 1773 (marr. John
Mackenzie of Atachol) ; Henry, born 16th
Aug. 1775 ; Barbara, born 12th Nov. 1777
(marr. George Black, Ullapool). — {Ullapool
and Lochhroom, 34.]
THOMAS EOSS, born Creich, Suther-
land, 1768, son of Alexander E., farm
grieve ; educated at Univ. of Edin-
burgh ; was tutor in the family of John
Kemp, D.D., min. of Tolbooth Parish, Edin-
burgh ; licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh 10th
Feb. 1802; ord. by that Presb. one of
the mins. of the Scots Church, Eotter-
dam, 14th April that year; returned to
Scotland in a few months on account
of his health and was employed by the
S.P.C.K. in superintending the publication
of a second edition of their Gaelic Bible ;
pres. by the Hon. ]\Irs Maria Hay Mackenzie
of Cromartie 12th Nov. 1807 ; LL.D. (Glas-
gow 1807) ; adm. 25th May 1808 ; died 25th
July 1843. His name was given in by his
family as joining the Free Church in 1843,
but though he lived two montlis after the
Secession, he never signed the Deed of De- '
mission. He assisted Sir David Brewster
with the Edinburgh Encyclopaedia. He
marr. 10th Jan. 1810, Jane (died at Cromarty,
13th July 1840), daugh. of George Mackenzie
of Dundonnell, and had issue— Abigail, born
20th June 1812 ; Alexander Mackenzie,
born 26th Nov. 1813 ; Georgina, born 21st
March 1815 ; Lily, born 28th July 1816 ;
Captain Kenneth, born 4th Sept. 1817 ;
Thomas, born 16th May 1820; George,
born 17th Nov. 1821 ; Jane, born 2nd Aug.
1823; Catherine, born 11th June 1825;
Anne, born 7th March 1827 ; Elizabeth,
born 19th Sept, 1828 (marr. William Sin-
clair, min. of Free Church, Plockton) ;
Patrick Campbell, Ullapool, born 18th
June 1831 ; Donald, died in New York,
8th Jan. 1853. Publications— i^e^ier to the
Rev. John Campbell, Edinburgh, on the
Subject of a False Report (Edinburgh,
1807) ; An Amended Translation of Mac-
farlan's Psalter (Edinburgh, 1807) ; Poems
of Ossian in Original Gaelic {Highland
Society of London, 1807) ; A Neiv Spelling
Book in Gaelic (Edinburgh, 1815); The
Shorter Catechism in Gaelic (Edinburgh,
1820; Glasgow, n.d. ; Glasgow, 1842);
Letters and other Documents on the Subject
of a New Translation of the Scriptures into
Gaelic (Edinburgh, 1821); A Letter to
'''' Lnverness Journal" on the Act of Parlia-
ment for Building Additional Places of
Worship in the Highlands and Islands
(Inverness, 1830) ; Account of the Parish
{New Stat. Ace, xiv.); Conip)endious System
of Geography in connection with Astronomy
and illustrated by the use of Globes. — [Mac-
lean's Typographia Scoto-Gadclica, 79, 300 ;
Steven's Scots Church in Rotterdam, 243 ;
Brown's Annals, 96, 104, 140; Beaton's
Bibliography of Gaelic Books for Suther-
land and Caithness, 66-70.]
[JOHN MACLEOD, min. of Morven ;
was pres. by John Hay Mackenzie of
Cromartie, but after preaching at Loch-
broom was so disappointed with the
congregation that he returned his presenta-
WILLIAM CAMERON, born Ferintosh
jg^^ about 1806; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen ; became school-
master at Loth, Sutherland ; ord. 8th May
1844; died 11th Feb. 1895. He marr. 1st
Nov. 1844, Martha Isabella, daugh. of
Alexander Cameron, min. of Edderton,
and had issue— Alexander, min. of Sleat,
born 14th Oct. 1845 ; Katherine, born 20th
Nov. 1847, died at Edinburgh 28th July
1925 ; John, born 1st Nov. 1849, died 10th
May 1850; Elizabeth Mary Anne, born
25th July 1851 ; Isabella, born 13th May
1853, died 16th Jan. 1925; William, born
7th Oct. 1855, died at Guisachan, Kilowara,
British Columbia; Harriet Grace Urquhart,
born 21st July 1857 ; John Hay Mackenzie,
born 21st Jan. 1859.
1895 Stornoway Dec. 1854, son of William
S. and Ann Brown ; educated at
Strathy School and Univ. of St Andrews ;
M.A. (1884); licen. by Presb. of St
Andrews ; ord. to Glencoe that year ;
trans, to Tobermory 14th Jan. 1890 ;
trans, and adm. 29th Aug. 1895; died
6th March 1927. He marr. 11th Jan. 1894,
Catherine Margaret, daugh. of Francis
William Clark of Ulva, sheriff of Lanark-
shire, and had issue — Malvina, born 4th
Dec. 1894 (marr. 20th April 1919, Donald
Macaskill Begbie, min. of St John's, Leith)
William Francis, born 23rd May 1897
Annie Isabella, born 13th May 1899
Dugald MacLachlan, born 5th April 1903
Hugh Brown, born 21st July 1907, died
16th Feb. 1919.
1927 Gaelic Church, Greenock, 28th Sept.
1927 (q.v.).
[The church, dedicated to St Maelrubh,
was a common kirk of the Canons of Ross
and the parish was erected by the Court
of Teinds 30th Dec. 1726. The lands of
Torridon and Kishorn were then joined
to the parish of Applecross. At Seipal
Dhonain, within the bounds, there was
of old a chapel of St Donan.]
1587 1587.
^ 1
Hector M., chamberlain of Locb-
carron ; educated at Marischal Col-
lege, Aberdeen, 1624 ; adm. before 2nd
Feb. 1636, when he was app. a Justice of
the Peace ; died before 7th July 1681. At
a meeting of Presb. held at Applecross
5th Sept. 1656, he declares "some of his
parochiners to be superstitious, especiallie
in sacrificeing at ccrtaine tymes at the
Loch of Mourie (Maelrubha)." At a later
meeting on 9th Sept. he is ordained by the
Presb. " to cause summond Murdo M'Conill
vie Wurchie vie Conill vie AUister in
Torritan and Donald Smyth in Applecross
for sacrificeing of beasts upon ye 25
August, as also in poureing of milk upon
hills as oblationes." He marr. a daugh.
of Hector Mackenzie of Fairburn, and had
issue— Alexander, min. of this parish ;
TiodeYick^iDingwaU Presb. Eec. ; Hist,
of the Jlackenzies, 514 ; Pro. Soc. Antiq.
Scot., iv. ; G. R. Homings, 10th Aug. 16771;
P. G. Reg., 2nd ser., vi., 182.]
1664 in 1664. — [Chisholm Writs.']
above Alexander M. ; educated at
Marischal College, Aberdeen, 1674;
adm. before 18th Oct. 1686; died Feb.
1 1721. He marr. a daugh. of Kenneth
\ Mackenzie of the Lochslinn family.—
[Dingivall Pres. Rec; Geneal. of the
^NEAS SAGE, born Chapelton,
Killearnan, 12th March 1694, son of
^ ^ Murdoch S., farmer and messenger-
at-arms in Chapelton [who was shot and
mortally wounded by Donald Mackenzie
of Kilcoy in the act of serving a summons
on him for debt], and a daugh. of Angus
Macdonald of Ardnafuaran^ "entered King's
College, Aberdeen, 1715, and was present
early next year at the ebullition of
Jacobitism at that College gate. Accom-
panied by others he carried a picture of
the Duke of Brunswick fixed behind the
muzzle and rammer of his gun, which was
then committed to the flames. For this
he had to appear before the College
authorities, was fined 50 merks and
expelled. Became schoolmaster of Logie-
Easter in 1719 and of Cromarty in 1722;
licen. by Presb. of Tain 18th Aug. 1725;
soon afterwards he was app. missionary in
the parishes of Lochcarron, Applecross,
and Gairloch ; called by the Presb. jure
devolnto 7th Jan., and ord. 10th Feb. 1726 ;
died 17th July 1774. At the time of his
settlement the parishioners were in a very
barbarous state. An attempt was made on
his life by firing the barn in which he slept
on the evening before his ordination. He
caught the incendiary, but instead of
handing him over to punishment he set
meat and drink before him, saying, "Go
and tell your neighbours how the Whig
ministers avenge their wrongs." He was
frequently ofi"ered personal violence in the
performance of his duties and found it
necessary to carry arms in self-defence.
Being a man of gigantic size and great
strength, he held more than his own in
his encounters with his unruly parishioners.
Persevering in his duty, his resolution and
firmness in the enforcement of Church
Discipline, he struck the vicious with terror,
while his prudence in composing differences,
his benevolence and hospitality gradually
conciliated and gained the goodwill of his
people. Having accused a co-presbyter of
heterodox opinions, he was enjoined by the
General Assembly, 29th May 1759, "not to
be over-ready to fish out heresies without
very good and justifiable reasons." He
marr. 29th Aug. 1728, Elizabeth (died 10th
Feb. 1780, aged 74), daugh. of John Mackay,
min. of Lairg, and had issue — Katherine,
born 26th Oct. 1729 (marr. 1749 Charles
Gordon of Pulrossie, Sutherland) ; Anne,
born 29th Sept. 1731, died 15th March
1739; Mary, born 6th Feb. 1734 (marr.
Donald Kennedy, farmer, Kishorn); Flora,
born 22nd Aug. 1736, died 22nd March
1737 ; John, born 19th Aug. 1740, died 7th
Feb. 1753; Margaret, born 20th Sept.
1742, died 22nd May 1744; Murdo, born
10th June 1741, died 8th Oct. 1745;
William, born 15th Dec. 1746, died a
student about 1760; George, born 27th
Nov. 1748, died 27th Dec. 1752; Thomas,
born 12th Feb. 1750, died 16th Dec. 1752;
Alexander, min. of Kildonan, born 2nd July
llbZ.~[M€niorahilia Domestica (2nd ed.,
1899), 1-22 ; Acts of Ass., 1722, 1723, 1759 ;
Mackay's Book of Mackay, 180, 295 ; Hist.
. Papers relating to Jacobite Period \ Trans.
f Inverness Field Ghib, iv., ^8^; Beaton's
Bibliography of Gaelic Books for Caithness
and Sutherland, 10.] Cetf-J . C<»M . X,^*iif
DONALD MUNRO, son of Colin M.,
farmer. Con tin ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen; M.A. (20th
March 1770) ; pres. by George III. in
1774; ord. 10th May 1775; died 6th Aug.
1781. He is spoken of as "an agreeable
person, who preached the gospel in its
purity."— [7'o»i6s^.]
son of Donald M., Urray^ educated
at Marischal College, Aberdeen,
1772-6; became schoolmaster of Apple-
cross and afterwards of this parish ; licen.
by Presb. of Lochcarron 4th Oct. 1780 ;
pres. by George III. 23rd Sept. 1781 ; ord.
4th April 1782. He stated in 1811 that 231
of his parishioners could read English, only
two were capable of reading Gaelic, while
no fewer than 645, exclusive of children,
could read neither language. He died
unmarr. 20th April 1819. A man of sincere
and deep piety, his manners were primitive,
and his habits were often highly eccentric.
He was one of the most widely followed
preachers in the North. Dr John Kennedy
of Dingwall said of him that " owing to his
genius, his peculiar Christian experience,
and his great acceptance as a preacher, he
retained a firmer hold of the memories of
the people than any other besides." Publi-
cations — Redempttion and Other Poems ;
Christ, the Rock; An-t-uisge 7ieo[" Living
Water"], a sermon (Edinburgh, 1830 and
1831 ; London, n.d. ; Edinburgh, n.d.) ;
Gleanings in Gaelic and English, from the
Sayings and Writings of the Rev. L. M.
(Inverness, 1877) ; Sermons and Verses
(Glasgow, 1896) ; Ros o Sharon [" Eose of
Sharon "], a sermon (Glasgow, 1897) ;
Sermon on Prayer (Inverness, 1899) ; Celt
Mhor agus Mr Lachlainn ["Big Kate"]
(n.p., n.d.) ; Account of the Parish [ending
in verse] (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, xiii.).—
[Gaelic School Report, 1811; Ross Tests.;
Memorabilia Domestica, 187 ; Maclean's
Typographia Scoto-Gadelica, 252 ; TombsLl
JOHN MACKENZIE, born 1773, son
of Colin M., Contin, a natural son
of Rorie M. of Kilchulladrumlf^edu-
cated at King's College, Aberdeen; M.A.
(30th March 1797). He was nick-named
" Potato John " from a thoughtless and
foolish trick. When going to College with
several others and halting for refreshment
by the way, one of them offered up a long
and tedious blessing which so tired the
others that M. is said to have whispered
to Duncan M'Gillivray [afterwards min.
of Lairg] to put a hot potato into the hand
of the student who was praying. This he
did and the grace came to a speedy close.
When M. applied for licence to the Presb.
of Tain some of the members opposed his
application and brought the case before the
General Assemblies of 1802 and 1803. The
Assembly found the proceedings "irregular
and injurious to him," and instructed the
Presb., 24th May 1803, to license him at
next meeting, and to enjoin the attendance
of the four dissentient ministers who were
to remain till the proceedings were over.
Francis [afterwards Lord] Jeffrey made his
first appearance in the Assembly as Counsel
for the Presb. in this case 20th May 1803.
M. was licen. 22nd June that year ; ord.
missionary at Strathconon 15th Jan. 1806 ;
pres. by (George, Prince Regent, 10th May,
and ord. 22nd Sept. 1819 ; died 6th Dec.
1861. He marr. 20th Jan. 1809, Eliza
(died June 1853), daugh. of Peter Fairbairn,
secretary to Lord Seaforth at Berbice, and
had issue — Colin, born 20th, and died 26th
Nov. 1809 ; Peter^D.D., min. of Urquhart
(Ferintosh) ; Margaret, born 20th Sept.
1812 ; Colin,^ min. of Contin, born 13th
Sept. 1814 ; James, C.E., born 14th June
1816 ; Kenneth, born 14th Aug. 1818, died
7th Nov. 1828; John, C.E., born 23rd
July 1820 ; Jane, born 8th June 1822, died
25th Sept. 1840 ; Frances Eliza, born 9th
Aug. 1826 ; Kenneth Alexander^ LL.D.,
min. of Kingussie, born^l9th July 1829 ;
:^ Ajl^ju
CC. \S.
Eliza Isabella, born 15tli May 1831 (marr.
Colin Mackenzie, min. of Ardclach.) —
[Acts of Ass., 1802, 1803; Gaelic School
Report, 1825 ; Cockburn's Life of Jeffrey!]
KENZIE, son of preceding; ord.
(assistant and successor) 2nd April
185G ; trans, to Kingussie Ttli March 18G7.
JOHN HAGGART, born Aberfeldy,
1833, son of James H., dyer ; educated
at Mariscbal College, Aberdeen ;
ord. to Knoydart 29tb July 1863 ; trans.
and adm. 10th May 1867 ; clerk of
Synod, 1875-1910; D.D. (St Andrews
1908); died 27th June 1910. He marr.
15th March 1866, Mary (died 2nd April
1867), daugh. of Angus Campbell, Arnis-
dale, and had issue — Mary Campbell, born
26th March 1867.
Poolewe and adm. 20th Jan. 1911 ;
trans, to Logie - Easter 22nd Feb.
Glencoe, 5th April 1889, son of John
M. and Louisa Robertson ; educated
at Ballachulish and Kingussie Schools and
Univs. of Glasgow and Edinburgh, M.A.
(1915); licen. by Presb. of Lorn in 1914;
assistant at St Paul's, Leith ; ord. 27th
Sept. 1916 ; dem. 19th June 1918 ; became
chaplain to the Forces, 1918-22 ; adm. to
Calderbank 4th July 1923 ; died 3rd Dec.
1924. He marr. 27th Dec. 1917, Mary,
daugh. of John Forbes White Youngson,
D.D., missionary of the Panjab, India, and
had issue — Ailidh Margaret, born 8th Oct.
1918; Liusi Robertson, born 20th Sept.
finichen. Mull, 5th Dec. 1864, son of
Alexander M. and Sarah Maclntyre;
educated at High School and Univ. of
Glasgow ; M.A. (1889) ; licen. by Presb. of
Mull May 1890 ; assistant at Kincardine-
on-Spey in 1890 ; ord. to Kilmcny 17th
Sept. 1891 ; trans, to Kilmodan 19th Sejit.
1901 ; trans, to St Kiaran's, Govan, 22nd
April 1909; trans, and adm. 20th Feb.
1919; trans, to Glenaray 4th Jan. 1923;
died at Glasgow I7tli Oct. 1927. Marr. (1)
31st Oct. 1901, Elizabeth (died 17th March
1903), youngest daugh. of Alexander Mac-
lachlan, Carleith, Old Kilpatrick, and had
issue — Elizabeth Margaret Morris, born
2nd March 1903 : (2) 23rd Dec. 1909, Julia
Crawford, L.L.A., M.B., Ch.B., youngest
daugh. of Adam White, advocate, Glasgow.
DONALD MACPHAIL, born Cornaig,
Tiree, 8th Aug. 1894, son of Hugh
^^^^ M. and Elizabeth Macdougall ; edu-
cated at Kingussie School and Univ. of
Glasgow; M.A. (1917) ; licen. by Presb. of
Glasgow March 1919 ; assistant at Buenos
Aires; ord. to Benbecula 29th March 1922;
trans, and adm. 4th Sept. 1923. Marr. 16th
Nov. 1926, ]\Iay, daugh. of D. F. Fleming,
Gollanhead, Rosemarkie.
[A parliamentary church was erected
here in 1828. The parish of Plockton was
disjoined from Lochalsh by the Court of
Teinds 19th Feb. 1897. There is a mission
chapel at Strome.]
jgg,^ Claiseach, Halkirk, 16th May 1791,
elder son of George M. and Marsali
Douglas ; educated at Thurso and Halkirk
Schools, King's College, M.A. (March 1819),
and Marischal College, Aberdeen ; became
tutor in the family of John Macdonald,
D.D., min. of Ferintosh, 1816-23; licen.
by Presb. of Dingwall 3rd Aug. 1823;
ord. Royal Bounty missionary at Strath-
conon and Strathgarve 3rd Nov. 1824;
l)res. by George IV. 15th June, and adm.
28th Sept. 1827. Joined the Free Church
in 1843 ; min. of Free Church, Plockton,
1843-4 ; of Urquhart and Glenmoriston
Free Church 25th Dec. 1844; died 15th
Aug. 1864. He was one of the most popular
])rtacliers on the west coast of ]\.oss and
Inverness-shire. He had a fine presence,
tall and dignified, with a good countenance,
his hair silvered with grey, a i)air of dark-
blue eyes that shone with intelligence and
intense earnestness as lie warmed up in
course of preaching. He was a good scholar,
a man of wide reading and was very helpful
to young men studying for the ministry.
He marr. (1) 11th Dec. 1828, Frances Julia
(died 17th May 1831), daugh. of James
Robertson, M.D., Pitstrunie, Aberdeenshire:
(2) 10th Nov. 1846, Jane, daugh. of
John Elder, Sleat, Skye. — {Disrujitio-n
Worthies of the Highlands, 106-14.]
JOHN STEWART, born 1805, son of
William S., farmer, and Jessie
Kennedy ; ord. 8th July 1847 ; died
unmarr. 21st Feb. 1883,
1884 '^0'"^'^' Braemar, 28th Sept. 1819, son
of a farmer ; ; educated at Dundee
High School and Univs. of Aberdeen
and Edinburgh ; became tutor in the
family of Forbes-Leith of Whitehaugh,
Aberdeenshire ; afterwards schoolmaster
of Keig and New Machar ; licen. by Presb.
of Aberdeen ; was a farmer at Tullybraecat,
Forfarshire, for some time ; app. to Royal
Bounty Mission at Kincardine-on-Spey ;
ord. to this parish 13th May 1884; died
26th May 1904. He marr. Oct. 1867,
Christina Coutts, and had issue — Helen
Jane Christina, born Dec. 1869 ; Charlotte
Georgina, born Oct. 1871.
JOHN MACKAY, trans, from Cross,
jQQg Lewis, and adm. 4th April 1905 ;
trans, to Knoydart 28th Nov. 1916.
^g^g Durness, 29th Nov. 1874, son of
Torquil N., schoolmaster, and Mar-
garet Gunn ; educated at Durine School,
Madras College, and Univ. of St Andrews ;
licen. by Presb. of St Andrews 1st May
1901 ; assistant at Oatlands, Glasgow,
and Newtonmore ; ord. to Gaelic Chapel,
Rothesay, 15th April 1903 ; trans, to Shiel-
daig 30th Nov. 1904 ; trans, and adm. 21st
Feb. 1918. Marr. 1st Nov. 1907, Annabella
Mary, daugh. of Eoghan Matheson, Plock-
ton, and has issue— Torquil, born 23rd April
1910; Eoghan Matheson, born 11th Sept.
1911 ; Margaret Macrae Gunn, born 29th
April 1914.
[A parliamentary church was built here
in 1828 and the district declared a quoad
sacra parish by Act of Assembly 25th May
1833. The parish of Poolewe was disjoined
from Gairloch by the Court of Teinds on
3rd Dec. 1851. There is a mission chapel
within the bounds at Aultbea.]
1828 by George IV. 11th Dec. 1828.
DONALD MACRAE, born 12th Jan.
1830 ■^^^^' ^°^ °^ Donald M., Achintee,
Lochcarron ; educated at King's Col-
lege, Aberdeen ; M.A. (March 1823) ; app.
schoolmaster of Applecross in 1824; licen.
by Presb. of Lochcarron in 1828 ; ord. by
Presb. of Uist, 23rd Dec. 1829, as mission-
ary at Benbecula and Carinish ; pres. by
George IV. 9th Sept. 1829, and adm. 13th
May 1830. Joined the Free Church in
1843 ; min. of Free Church, Tarbert, Loch-
fyne, 1843-5, and of Kilmory, Arran,
1845-68; died 6th Aug. 1868. He marr.
2nd Aug. 1834, Jessie (died 18th Dec.
1883), daugh. of James Russell, min. of
Gairloch, and had issue — Mary Johanna,
born 2nd Sept. 1836 (marr. 15th Aug.
1855, John Stewart, min. of Free Church,
Moulin) ; Donald, medical practitioner,
Iowa, U.S.A., born 3rd Oct. 1839 ; Isobella,
died 1855; Jessie Russell (marr. 1871,
John Teed Maclean, min. of St Columba's
Free Church, Govan), died 1888; James
Russell, farmer, near Council Bluffs, U.S.A.;
John Farquhar, min. of Free Church,
Cockpen [afterwards at Toorak, Mel-
bourne], born 1852 ; Duncan, min. at
Woodburn, London ; Finlay Alexander,
grain merchant. Wood Green, London,
born 18th Nov. 1858. Publication —
Account of the Parish of Gairloch {Neiv
Stat. Ace, xiv.). — [Hist, of the Macraes,
231 ; Dixon's Gairloch, 403.]
jg^g ord. 30th April 1846; trans, to
Strachur 27th April 1848.
1849 ^^^^ Golspie, 1816, son of Roderick
M., farmer, and Marion Sutherland ;
educated at King's College, Aberdeen ;
M.A. (March 1840); ord. to Lochgilphead
20th Dec. 1844 ; trans, to Gaelic Chapel,
Duke Street, Glasgow, 1847 ; trans, and
adm. 11th Jan. 1849 ; died 3rd Dec. 1888.
He marr. (1) 18th Oct. 1849, Mary Ann
Macgillivray,daugh. of James Loban, Airds
House : (2) Jessie Fraser.
jgg^ M'LEAN, ord. 6th Aug. 1884;
trans, to Boddam 11th March 1886.
WILLIAM CAMERON, born Lochalsh,
jggg 19th Nov. 1857, son of John C. ;
educated at Univ. of Aberdeen ;
M.A. (1883) ; licen. by Presb. of Aberdeen ;
ord. to Gaelic Chapel, Cromarty, 10th Dec.
1885 ; became assistant in this parish Sept.
1888 ; adm. 20th Feb. 1889 ; dem. 18th May
1903, and went to Pendennis, Manitoba,
Canada. Marr. 19th Dec. 1889, Elizabeth
Florence, eldest daugh. of Robert Ogilvy,
London, and has issue — Ruby Margaret
Noble, born 22nd March 1891 ; Constance
Marianne, born 12th March 1892 ; Evan
William Houldsworth, born 7th June 1893.
1903 ^^P*- ^^'^^ > trans, to Lochcarron
20th July 1911.
JOHN MACLEAN, an ordained min.
1911 '^^it^o^*' ^ charge ; adm. 19th July
1911; trans, to Trumisgarry 13th
Feb. 1913.
JOHN CAMERON, M.A., B.D. ; ord.
1914 ^^^^ Sept. 1914; trans, to Ladhope,
Galashiels, 5th April 1917 ; trans, to
Glassary 2nd March 1922.
1918 1^^1'OSH, born CuUoden, Inverness,
1866, son of John M. and Isabella
Campbell ; educated at Inverness Academy,
Univ. of Aberdeen, and New College,
Edinburgh ; licen. by U.F. Presb. of
Inverness ; ord. to United Free Church,
Rogart, 1897 ; trans, to Ardeonaig in 1907 ;
trans, to St Luke's U.F. Church, Glasgow,
1912 ; trans, and adm. 17th July 1918 ;
died 18th August 1919. He marr. 18th
Dec. 1901, Elizabeth Margaret, daugh. of
William Fraser and Lsabella M'Dougall, and
had issue — John James Fraser, electrical
engineer, born 20th Oct. 1902 ; Wilfrid
Campbell, student, born 13th Sept. 1907.
1920 ^^^^ '^''^"" ^^^^' ^^° °^ "^^^^ ■^■' ™^°*
of Grange, Banfishire ; educated at
Milne's Institution, Fochabers, Old Aber-
deen Grammar School, and Univs. of
Aberdeen and Edinburgh; M.A. (1888);
licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh in 1891 ;
assistant at Dalziel, Dreghorn, Dumfries,
and Boarhills ; ord. to Scots Kirk, Kandy,
Ceylon, 15th March 1903; dem. in 1909.
adm. to this parish 12th Jan. 1920 ; trans,
to Arisaig 29th March 1926 ; trans, to Inver-
keithny 12th Aug. 1926. Marr. 13th April
1922, Penelope Ann, daugh. of James
Summers, Aberdeen, and Barbara Edward.
[The first of the parliamentary churches,
was declared a quoad sacra parish by the
General Assembly, 25th May 1833, and was
disjoined from Applecross and Lochcarron
by the Court of Teinds 19th Feb. 1897.]
William IV. 15th June, and adm.
21st Aug. 1827 ; trans, to Applecross
4th April 1832.
COLIN MACKENZIE, born 17th July
1832 1"^^' ^^^ ^^ Colin M., min. of
Stornoway ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (31st March
1815); licen. by Presb. of Dingwall 5th
May 1819 ; ord. missionary at Lyndale 6th
April 1831 ; pres. by William IV. 12th April,
and adm. 12th Sept. 1832. Joined the
Free Church in 1843 ; min. of Free Church,
Arrochar, 1844-82; died 8th Dec. 1882.—
[Brown's Annals of the Disruption, 180.]
DONALD MURRAY,born Drumcuddin,
Resolis, 1795, son of Donald M.,
farmer, and Ann Murray ; educated
at King's College, Aberdeen ; ord. 26th
Sept. 1845 ; died 16th Dec. 1855. He
marr. Christina Macdonald (l)orn Lewis
1796, died 1872) and had issue— Donald,!
secretary of the Liberal Club, London,]
born 14th Feb. 1850, died 11th Oct. 1912;!
Christina Ann, Egham, Surrey, born 1851 ;
James Macdonald, Railway Clearing House,
London, born 1852, died 17th July 1886;
Annie Jane (Mrs Boss, London), born 19th
July 1854. — [Bronze Medallion to his son
Donald in National Liberal Club, London.]
Queen Victoria 4th April, and ord.
14th May 1856 ; trans, to Applecross,
8th April 1857.
JOHN BARNETT, pres. by Queen
jgg^ Victoria 17th Sept. 1857 ; ord. 30th
Dec. that year ; trans, to Kilbrandon
16th May 1861.
5th Oct. 1832, son of John M., LL.D.,
min. of Kilmonivaig ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen; M.A. (March 1852);
sometime merchant in South America ;
pres. by Queen Victoria 24th July, and
ord. 27th Nov. 1861 ; dem. 18th May 1904 ;
died 30th Jan. 1909. He marr, Mary
Herbertson who predeceased him, s.p.
SAMUEL NICOInSON, trans, from
Gaelic Chapel, Rothesay, 30th Nov.
1904; trans, to Plockton 22nd Feb.
JOHN CURRIE, born Cullipool, Lairg,
^g^g 19th April 1868, son of Donald C,
and Elizabeth Fleming; educated
at Lairg School and Dunoon Theological
College ; lay missionary at Lochmaddy :
licen. by Presb. of Lochcarron 24th Sept.
1919 ; ord. (under Act IX., Ass. 1917) 24th
Sept. 1919. Marr. 24th Dec. 1908, Matilda,
daugh. of John MacGibbon and Matilda
Wallace, and has issue— Susan Campbell,
born 14th June 1910; Donald, born 22nd
Feb. 1913.
[A parliamentary church was erected
here in 1828 and declared a parish quoad
sacra by Act of Assembly 25th May 1833.
The parish of Ullapool was erected by the
Court of Teinds and disjoined from Loch-
broom 16th March 1859.]
ALEXANDER ROSS, born Inverness,
1829 ^'^^^ ' educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; M.A. (26th April 1813) ;
licen. by Presb. of Inverness 25th June
1818 ; ord. missionary here in 1819 ; pres.
by George IV. 14th May, and adm. 16th
Sept. 1829 ; died 22nd Dec. 1855.
CHARLES MACLEAN, pres. by Queen
1856 Victoria 4th April, trans, and adin,
from Kinlochluichart 24th June
1856; trans, to Harris 24th Sept. 1868.
PETER ROBERTSON, pres. by Queen
1869 Victoria 29th Jan., and ord. 21st
April 1869 ; trans, to Gaelic Church,
Inverness, 9th Feb. 1871.
JAMES GRANT, pres. by Queen
.g„j Victoria 21st March, trans, from
Glencoe and adm. 28th April 1871 ;
trans, to Kilmuir, Skye, 4th April 1878.
JOSEPH M'INNES, born about 1835,
1878 ^^'^ °^ Daniel M., agent, Skye ; edu-
cated at Univ. of Glasgow ; app.
missionary at Ardrishaig in 1857 ; adm.
min. of RothesayGaelic Chapel, 1862 ; assist-
ant at Portree, 1862 ; ord. missionary at
Arisaig, 1870 ; trans, and adm. 19th Sept.
1878 ; died at Dingwall 18th Oct. 1883. He
marr. Jane (died at Dunoon 25th Nov.
1903), daugh. of George Graham, excise
officer, and Jane Shearer.
ANGUS MACDONALD, ord. 18th June
1884 ■'■^^^ ' ^^^^^- ^° Killearnan 27th Nov.
ANGUS MACDONALD, ord. 2nd Sept.
. Q, 1891; trans, to Small Isles 13th
May 1913.
Aug. 1913; trans, to Arisaig 24th
Sept. 1919 ; dem. that charge 18th May 1925.
1920 ^^^^ ^^°' ^^y^' ^'^^^ March 1885,
son of John M., schoolmaster, Kil-
muir, and Evangeline Mackay ; educated
at Kilmuir and Kingussie Schools and
Univs. of Edinburgh and Glasgow ; M.A.
(1911); licen. by Presb. of Skye Sept.
1918; ord. 28th Sept. 1920; served in
Royal Navy in European War. Marr. 6th
Feb. 1925, Mary, daugh. of William
Bannatyne, Ledaig Farm, Oban.
[Is first mentioned 3rd Aug. 1642, when joined by the General Assembly to the Synod
of Argyll. The Register begins with only two leaves, 14th Dec. 1699, folios 31, 32, from
which there is a chasm till 13th March 1712, and from that is contained in three volumes,
besides some of the Scrolls, having chasms from 15th Dec. 1722 to 15th April 1726, 10th
Oct. 1728 to 10th May 1731, 8th Aug. 1737 to 9th Aug. 1742, 5th March 1755 to 4th July
1757, 29th Nov. 1757 to 9th April 1762, 26th April 1775 to 4th April 1781, 4th July 1781
to 4th Dec. 1786, 1809 to 1823.]
[The old church of Bracadale was dedi-
cated to St Malrubha. It had an ancient
stone font, finely carved. This is now in
Edinburgh, in the Museum of the Society
of Anti(iuaries of Scotland. At Carbost, in
this parish, there is a mission chapel.]
JOHN M'COLGANTmin. in 1614.-
1614 [JVat. MSS., pt. ii., 84.]
JOHN MACKINNON, educated at
Univ. of Glasgow; M.A. (1630);
pres. by John Leslie, Bishop of the
Isles, in 1632. — [Orig. Paroch. Scot., ii.,
LACHLAN FRASER, son of Alexander
F., min. of Petty ; educated at Univ.
^^^ of St Andrews ; M.A. (1631) ; adm.
before 7th Oct. 1641 ; still min. 7th Oct.
1648. The Presb. were ordered by the
General Assembly, 12th Aug. 1648, to pro-
ceed with excommunication against him ;
became min. of Kilmallie before 2nd June
JOHN BETHUNE, born about 1642,
son of Angus B., one of the
physicians of the Isles ; educated
at Univ. of Edinburgh; M.A. (31st July
1662); adm. before 1689; was received into
Presbyterian Church at or before 21st May
1692; died 12th Jan. 1708. He was "a
learned divine and an able physician," and
the first in the Island, it is said, who dis-
pensed the communion in the Presbyterian
form. He marr. Marion, daugh. of John
Macleod of Drynoch, and had issue —
Farquhar of Kilellan, died 1762 ; Kenneth,
min. of Kilmuir ; and two daughs., one
marr. Neil M'Eacharn of Kilellan, Kintyre,
the other M'Leod of Gesto. —[Genealogy/ of
the Bethunes, 33 ; Isles l^ests.] Q
1674, son of Donald M. and grand-
son of Angus M. of Braenish, who
fell at Auldearn in 164^ ; educated at Univ. S'l
of Edinburgh; M.A. (12th April 1692); ord. '
to Kilmuir in Trotternish 22nd Feb. 1700 ;
trans, and adm. in 1708 ; died 3rd March
1748.^ He marr. Aug. 1702, Katherine
Macqueen, who died 26th July 1774, and
had issue — yEneas, min. of Applecross ;
Donaldf Archibald ; Alice. r ^.|7«i
Norman Macleod of ]\Iacleod ; trans,
and adm. from Barra 4th May 1749 ;
trans, to Campbeltown 28th Jan. 1767.
Presb. of Skye 1st May 1763; ord.
to Harris 14th May 1765; trans, and
adm. 6th Oct. 1768 ; died 8th Nov. 1812,
having been "eminently zealous in the
work of his Master." He marr. 11th April
1771, Janet (died Jan. 1817), daugh. of
Donald Macqueen, min. of Kilmuir, and
had issue — Christina ; Margaret ; Janet.
Publication— Account of the Parish (Sin-
clair's Stat. Ace, iii.).
^AjU^^But^^ %„r^ «tf
(OU^A^^^^L.^ ''^^^^ipatej.
JOHN SHAW, born 29th Feb. 1784,
third son of William S. of Dalnaglar
^^^^ and Margaret, daugh. of John
Robertson of Cray ; educated at Univ. of
Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of Dunkeld
7th Oct. 1805 ; ord. to Duirinish 21st Sept.
1811 ; pres. by John Norman Macleod of
Macleod in April, trans, and adm. 26th
Aug. 1813 ; died 16th Jan. 1823. He marr.
14th July 1818, Mary (died at Edinburgh,
22nd July 1866), daugh. of Malcolm Colqu-
houn, min. of the Gaelic Chapel, Dundee,
and had issue — Margaret, missionaiy of
the Church of Scotland, Bombay (marr.
James Mitchell, missionarj' of Free Church,
Poona); Agnes (marr. 1846, William Brown,
Free Church min. at Cray) ; Joanna Mary,
born 1st Aug. 1823 (marr. 1846, Alexander
Garden Eraser, D.D., Principal of the
Parsee College, Bombay, India).
Norman Macleod of Macleod in June,
^^^^ and adm. 24th Sept. 1823. Having
refused or delayed to administer baptism
to a child on account, as he alleged, of the
ignorance and immoral conduct of the
parent, the matter was brought before the
Presb. when he was ordered to baptise the
child, and this on appeal was confirmed by
the General Assembly 29th May 1824.
Disobeying these instructions he was sus-
pended from the ministry 5th May till 18th
July 1826, which sentence was confirmed
by the Assembly 23rd May same year ;
trans, to Snizort 9th Feb. 1838.
1804, eldest son of Robert G., mer-
chant, Greenock, and Rebecca, daugh.
of John Robertson, min. of Kingussie ;
educated at Univ. of Glasgow ; licen. by
Presb. of Forres ; ord. to Insh, Kingussie,
25th June 1829 ; trans, to Duirinish 22nd
June 1836 ; trans, and adm. 27th June
1838. Joined the Free Church in 1843 ;
min. of Free Church, Musselburgh, 11th
July 1843-55; died 29th Dec. 1855. He
marr. 6th Oct. 1830, Louisa (died 15th
Aug. 1881), daugh. of Donald Macnab,
Kingussie, and had issue — Donald Macnab;
James George Henry, CLE., secretary to
Government of Bengal, born 1st Feb.
1843, died 21st April 1911; Catherine
Shepherd ; Henrietta Jane (marr. David
Brown, Penang).
NEIL MACKINNON, ord. 22nd Sept.
1843 ; trans, to Creich 27th Sept.
1«*3 1855.
trans, and adm. from Strontian 28th
^^^ Feb. 1856 ; trans, to Contin 1st July
leod of Macleod ; ord. 18th Feb.
^^^* 1864 ; trans, to Tarbert, Inveraray,
17th Dec. 1874.
JOHN MACLEAN, born 1841, son of
John M., tacksman of Greentote,
North Uist, and Annabella Mac-
donald ; educated at Univ. of Glasgow ;
licen. in 1863 ; ord. to Knoydart 25th July
1867 ; trans, and adm. 4th Jan. 1876 ; died
16th March 1904. He marr. 7th Sept.
1880, Barbara Dickie (died 6th Sept. 1920),
daugh. of Robert Cruickshanks, grocer,
Kirkcudbright, and Margaret Osborne, and
had issue — Mary Ann Osborne, born 11th
Aug. 1881 ; Annabella Macdonald, born
7th Jan. 1883, died 27th Nov. 1900; John
Ewen, born 30th Sept. 1889, died 2nd Jan.
1900; Ewen Kenneth, M.D., U.S. Army,
born 24th May 1892 ; Malcolm Alexander,
2nd lieut. Cameron Highlanders, born 9th
May 1896, killed in action in France 13th
Oct. 1915 ; John, Eastern Telegraph Co.,
Cape de Verde Islands, born 22nd May
1898 ; Barbara Arnot Cruickshanks, born
10th March 1902.
KENNETH ROSS, ord. 28th Sept. 1904 ;
1904 trans, to Sleat 21st April 1915.
DUGALD BELL, adm. 4th May 1916;
1916 trans, to South Uist 30th July 1919.
HUGH BLACK, born Colonsay 5th Oct.
1888, son of Alexander B., min. of
Portree ; educated at Portree School,
Dingwall Academy, and Univ. of Glasgow ;
M.A. (1910) ; licen. by Presb. of Skye in
1920 ; served in Royal Navy in European
War ; ord. 13th May 1920.
X /;ii:^<t£..o.v^ .'
[The church of Duirinish was dedicated
to St Mary. Withiu the bounds there
■were two chapels, 8t Coan's at Glendale,
and St Mary's at Dunvegan. At Glendale
there is a Well of St Coan.]
a grant or presentation from Archi-
bald, Earl of Argyll, in 15G6 ; was
coll. by John Carswell, Superintendent of
Argyll and the Isles, which was confirmed
by Queen Mary in 1561.— [Orig. Paroch.
Scot, ii., 358.]
ALAN O'COLGAN, min. in 1609;
1609 witnessed a contract of friendship
between Donald Gorm Macdonald
of Sleat and Rory Mor Macleod of
Dunvegan, 24th Aug. 1609, and a contract
of marriage between John Macdonald of
Clanranald and Marion, daugh. of Rory
Macleod of Dunvegan 15th Feb. 1613;
was min. of Kilchoan 9th Nov. 1626. —
[Dunvegan Charter Chest ; Collect, de Reb.
Alban., 205 ; Inverness Sas., ill., 306.]
EWEN MACQUEEN, min. in 1626;
jg26 Still in the charge 7th Oct. 1643.
He had issue — Archibald, min. of
Snizort ; Angus, min. of South Uist. — [Col-
lect, de Reh. Allan. ; Nat. 3ISS., ii., No. 84.]
1661 *^outh Uist. Having been obliged
to leave that parish in 1658 under
fear of assassination, he found a refuge at
Dunvegan ; pres. by John Macleod of
Dunvegan, and adm. before 25th June
1661. He i)etitioned parliament that year,
narrating his sufferings and losses in South
Uist, and obtained Letters of Horning
against John Macdonald of Clanranald for
payment of the decree against him ; at the
same time he received a grant of £150
sterling out of the vacant stipends in the
Presb. of Skye and Uist- died in 1662.
He mariTS^aTighToP^lnnCTAi^ Macqueen
of Orinsay, North Uist, and^adissue— ^
f Dugald,^gjig^^ this parish ; Zvna -Sod
daugh/!^ [Hfeylair's Bart., ii. ; Acts of
Pari., vii., 282, App. 79 ; Lord Alacdonald's
Charter Chest.] \_Tc^'i, i Vt-tV . J 3 5" j
1684 ■^^'*^' H»i^ son of preceding; edu- 9/
cated at TJniv. of Glasgow ; M.A.
(1661) ; adm. before 1684. He was received
into Presbyterian communion by the Synod
of Argyll at or before 21st May 1692 ;. died
16th March 1717. During his incumbency
his corn, while drying on the kiln, was
twice consumed by fire, notwithstanding
his precautions, and a warning by a servant
claiming to be gifted with the second
sight. He strenuously opposed the progress
of Popery, was a friend of the Earl of
Islay, had a fine poetical vein and was
exemplary in the discharge of his oflicial
duties. He marr. (1) Christian Berry,
Edinburgh, and had issue — Martin, min. of
Strath ; John, schoolmaster of Orbost, and
others : (2) Margaret (died 1715), daugh. of
Alexander Macleod of Drynoch. — [Martin's
Western Isles.]
-^-^ Bracadale, brother of Donald M.,
min. of Strath; licen. by Presb. of
Skye 25th April 1712; ord. to Strath 4th
Feb. 1715 ; pres. by the Tutor of Macleod ;
trans, and adm. 11th Dec. 1717; drowned
crossing the Minch between Skye and
Barra before March 1739. He marr., and 9=1 1
had a son — Roderick. — [Miscell. Scot., iii.]: '"i
JOHN MACLEOD,^educated at King's
1741 College, Aberdeen; M.A. (29th
March 1722) ; ord. to Uig 30th Aug.
1726; trans, and adm. 21st July 1741;
died 29th Dec. 1752. He claimed possession
of the second sight and was reckoned
a man of ability and piety. He marr.
17th July 1732, Elkabeth Macleod* and
had issue— RodericlS; John ; Alexander ;
DONALD MACLEOD of Grishernish,
1754 ^*°''" about 1698, son of Norman M.
of (Jrishernish and great grandson of
Sir Rory Mor M. of Dunvegan ; educated
at King's College, Aberdeen; M.A. (9th
April 1718) ; was missionary in Benbecula ;
ord. to South Uist 8th Oct. 1725 ; trans, to
North Uist 4th May 1736 ; called 2nd Jan.,
trans, and adm. 13th Aug. 1754 ; died after
having been warned by a notable woman
seer 27th Dec. 1759. An obituary notice
in the Scots Magazine describes him as
"a gentleman who adorned his profession
not so much by a literaiy merit, of which
he possessed a considerable share, as by
the constant practice of the most useful
and exalted virtues. To do good was the
ruling passion of his heart." He composed
many Gaelic poems ; one of the best,
Beannachadh Baird, to his newly wedded
bride begins
" Mile failte dhuit le d'bhreid,
Fad do re gu'n robh thu slan ;
Moran laithean dhuit le sith,
Le d'mhaitheas 's le d'ni 'bhi fas."
He marr. 6th Sept. 1728, Anne Maclean,
who died 25th Dec. 1774, and had issue —
Norman, fourth of Grishernish ; Alexander,
colonel Madras army, died 1805 ; Catherine
(marr. Alexander Macdonald of Balranald ;
Mary (marr. Hector Maclean of Trumpan) ;
Alexandrina (marr. Donald Macleod of
Bernera).— [6'co<s Mag., xxii., 106 ; Lord
MacdonakVs Charter Chest.']
JAMES NICOLSON, pres. by the
1762 P^'ssb. jure devoluto 9th April, and
ord. 12th May 1762 ; trans, to
Halkirk 24th Sept. 1766.
WILLIAM BETHUNE, born 1738, son
1*767 °^ Kenneth B., min. of Kilmuir ;
licen. by Presb. of Gairloch 8th Oct.
1766 ; ord. 30th Sept. 1767 ; died 13th May
1814. He marr. 11th April 1777, Janet
Mackinnon, who died at Waterstein 18th
Jan. 1821, and had issue — Kenneth ;
Christina (marr. Captain Duncan Macrae,
Inverinate). Publication — Account of the
Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, iv.).
JOHN SHAW, pres. by John Norman
jgjj^ Macleod of Macleod Dec. 1810 ; ord.
21st Sept., and adm. by a committee
of the Presb. 3rd Oct. 1811 ; trans, to
Bracadale 26th Aug. 1813.
1814 -Aberdeen about 1785 ; educated at
King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A.
(29th March 1805); licen. by Presb. of
Lochcarron 3rd April 1811 ; pres. by John
Norman Macleod of Macleod in April, and
ord. 6th Sept. 1814. He was sometime
factor on the Macleod estates and died
unmarr. 8th March 1839. His knowledge
of Gaelic, which was acquired, was so
deficient that he often committed the most
ludicrous mistakes in the pulpit and his
hearers were frequently at a loss to know
which language he was speaking. This is
given expression to by a local rhymster,
thus —
" Nuair theid thu do'n chVibaid,
Ni thu urnuigh bhios gleusta;
Bidh cuid dhith 'na Gaidhlig,
Is pairt dhith 'na Beurla ;
Bidh cuid dhith 'na Fraingis ;
'Na Laidinn 's na Greugais,
'S a chuid nach tuig each dhith,
Bheir e gair air Fear Gheueto."
from Inch, Kingussie, and adm.
(assistant and successor) 22nd June
1836 ; trans, to Bracadale 27th June 1838.
ARCHIBALD CLERK, trans, from
- ^ Acharacle, and adm. 20th March
1840 ; trans, to Ardnamurchan 25th
Nov. 1841. Publication— Account of the
Parish {JS^eiv Stat. Ace, xiv.).
ANGUS MARTIN, ord. 5th May 1842 ;
1842 trans, to Snizort 18th Jan. 1844.
1808, third son of Colin M., farmer,
Argyllshire ; educated at Univ. of
Glasgow ; M.A. (1827) ; licen. by Presb. of
Dunoon in 1836 ; assistant at Greenock ;
ord. missionary at Raasay 12th July that
year; adm. 9th April 1844; died 11th
June 1888. He marr. 10th Dec. 1856,
Catherine (died 13th March 1916), youngest
daugh. of Thomas Heweit, solicitor and
provost of Lanark, and had issue — Colin,
M.B., CM., born 15th Oct. 1857, died 6th
Dec. 1891 ; Henry Vary, solicitor, Inver-
ness, born 29th Oct. 1859, died 9th Feb.
1917 ; Edward Duncan, born 18th Aug.
1861 ; Thomas Heweit, born 10th June
1863, died at Edinburgh 30th Oct. 1918;
Richard Vary, born 14th Aug. 1865, died
at Liverpool 8th Nov. 1917; John Vary
(twin), born 14th Aug. 1865; Margaret
Isabella Anne, born 19th May 1868 ; James
George Hunter, born 8th March 1872.
DONALD MACLEAN, born Greenock,
20th March 1856 ; educated at Tiree
School and Univ. of Glasgow ; licen.
by Presb. of Mull; ord. 14th Feb. 1889;
"f^ a^-^^Ji -iV-^
died at Glasgow, 24th Dec. 1917. The large
Gaelic library which he had collected was
purchased in 1910 by the Marquess of Bute.
He luarr. 4th June 1896, Harriet (horn 20th
March 1870), daugh. of Joseph Hopkins, and
had issue — Donald, medical practitioner,
born 20th April 1897 ; Jane, born 29th April
1898 ; Harriet, born 24th July 1901 ; Alex-
ander Hector, medical officer in Uganda,
born 17th Sept. 1902 ; George, born 27th
May 1905, died 16th March 1906 ; Francis
Hopkins, born 7th Feb. 1907, died 12th Oct.
1918; Evelyn Maud, born 18th Nov. 1909.
Publication — Typographia Scoto-Gadelica.
Books printed in the Gaelic of Scotland,
1567-1914 (Edinburgh, 1915).
Glasgow, 1st Sept. 1888, son of
^^^^ Malcolm M. and Marion M'Donald;
educated at Kingussie and Univ. of
Glasgow; M.A. (1911); licen. by Presb.
of Edinburgh May 1915 ; assistant at St
Oran's, Edinburgh ; lieut. in Anti-Aircraft
Battery, R.A., in European War; ord. 28th
Sept. 1918; trans, to Kilmartin 11th April
1923 ; trans, to North Bute 25th Nov. 1927.
[A parliamentary church built here in
1828, was constituted a parish quoad sacra
by the General Assembly 25th May 1833.
The parish was disjoined from Duirinish
by the Court of Teinds on 14th July 1847.]
RODERICK REID, pres. by George
1829 ^^- ^^*^ ^^y' ^^^^ ^^^- ^^*^^ ^*^P*-
1829; trans, to Lochs 18th April
JOHN LAMONT, born Glasgow, 1802,
1845 ^°" °^ Duncan L., tailor, educated
at Univ. of Glasgow ; missionary at
Lochaber, 1835-8, and Amulree, 1838-41 ;
assistant in various charges, 1841-5 ; pres.
by Queen Victoria 10th Dec. 1844 ; adm.
17th April 1845; died 21st May 1869.
He marr. Jean (died 20th Feb. 1882),
daugh. of Adam MacEwan, master tailor,
Glasgow, and Annabell Hcwet, and widow
of Andrew Macfarlane, wright, Glasgow,
and had issue— Annabella Victoria, born
1837 (marr. Peter Macdonald, schoolmaster,
Kiidochbervie), died 4th March 1928 ;
Christina Jane (marr. James Duxberry),
died 20th April 1927 ; ]\Iary Helen (marr.
Angus M'Innes, Coorg, Madras), died 23rd
April 1919 ; Jeannie Duncan (marr. 24th
Feb. 1880, John Jackson Tweedie, Polmont),
died 21st March 1919 ; Emily Andrina,
died at Limoges, France, 26th Aug. 1917 ;
Joanna Elizabeth.
DONALD MACAULAY, pres. by Queen
Victoria 12th Nov. 1869 ; adm. 3rd
^^'^° Feb. 1870; trans, to Eddrachillis
11th May 1871.
DAVID JOHNSTONE, pres. by Queen
Victoria 5th Aug., and ord. 9th Nov.
^^'^^ 1871 ; trans, to St Columba's Gaelic
Church, Paisley, 4th July 1883.
March 1884 ; trans, to Hylipol 22nd
1««* Dec, 1887.
1890 °^^' ^^^^^ '^^^^ ^^^^ ' *^''^"^- ^° ^^^^
10th May 1892.
NORMAN MACLEAN, M.A., brother of
preceding; ord. 7th Sept. 1892 ; trans.
^^^^ to Glengarry 10th Feb. 1897 {cf.
Vol. III., 471) ; app. chaplain to the King
24th Aug. 1926; elected Moderator of
General Assemby 24th May 1927. His wife
(lied 1st May 1927. Publications (addi-
tional)— The Message of Bethlehem (London,
1926); Be of Good Cheer; Life Stronger
than Death (Assembly Closing Address)
(Edin. 1927); The Future Life (London,
brother of preceding ; ord. 7th July
^^^'^ 1897; trans, to Duncansburgh 28th
June 1899.
NEIL ROSS, M.A., B.D. ; ord. 27th Sept.
1899 1899 ; trans, to Glencoe 6th Aug. 1902.
trans, from Gaelic Church, Rothesay,
^®°^ and adm. 10th Dec. 1902 ; trans, to
Strath 20th July 1904.
10th March 1870, son of Archibald
M. and (Catherine Macinnes ; edu-
cated at Univ. of Glasgow ; licen. by
Presb. of Mull 7th May 1901 ; assistant
at Strachur ; ord. 16th Nov. 1904 ; died
unmarr. 14th May 1922,
JOHN STEWAKT, trans, from Tiree
and adm. 20th Oct. 1922; trans, to
^^^^ Kilmuir 9th May 1923.
ford, Skye, 1st March 1884, son of
John M. and Mary Anderson; edu-
cated at Royal Academy, Inverness, Free
Church College, and Univ. of Edinburgh ;
licen. by Presb. of Skye 2.0th June 1924 ;
ord. 9th July that year. Marr. 30th April
1925, Marion, daugh. of Alexander Mac-
Askill, Kirkibost, Noith Uist, and Christy
[The old church of this parish vv^as dedi-
cated to St Luag. In or near IGOO the
parish church was taken from Kilmaluaig
to Kilmuir, where it replaced an ancient
chapel. Within the bounds are the remains
of two small monastic houses. One of
these was at Monkstad, called of old
Mugstad. The other was St Columba's
Monastery of Kilcholmkill. It was built
on an island in Loch Cholmkill, a sheet of
water now drained away. There were a
number of chapels in this parish, including
that of St Mary at Kilmuir, one of St Bride,
and two dedicated to St Columba, one of
them on the island of Troda, and the
other standing on the more distant island
of Fladda Chuain.]
1662 Fodderty.
1663 ^^^^ ' ^^^^^^^^ lii^ charge (probably
outed)in 1C96; died 1697. He marr.
(1) Miss Robertson : (2) Margaret Morrison,
Lewis,^ and had issue — Margaret (marr.
her cousin, William Nicolson in England) ;
Malcolm, served heir to him 7th July 1702 ;
Donald ; Alexander, intruded here in 1715 ;
Patrick, min. of Kiltarlity, born 1092 ;
George ; James ; Jane (marr. Lachlan
Mackinnon of Corry) ; Rachel (marr. 1710
John Macdonald of Culnacnock); Maiy
(marr. Alexander Macqueen, tacksman of
Brunistat) ; Neil ; Margaret (marr. Norman
/IH-^wJ* %r5dyfc=-,550
Macdonald of Totscor) ; Donald "of Sten-
scholl " ; Margaret (marr. Donald Macdonald
of Scuddiborro) j- a daugh. (mar/. Alexander |s:hev«»i
Macdonald, Balranald) ; John, died young ;
and others. — [Martin's Western Isles ; *S'e7'-
vices of Heirs; P. C. Acta,l3th. July 1697.]^
jQ^Q 10th May 1670.— [P. C. Beg., 3rd ser.,
iii., 648.]
j,yQQ in 1699 ; ord. 22nd Feb. 1700 ; trans,
to Bracadale in 1708.
j^jg Donald N., min. of this parish ;
Episcopal min. of Stenscholl ; in-
truded here in 1715. He became tacks-
man of Aird in Sleat. He marr. Florence
Macdonald, widow of Edmund Macqueen,
min. of Sleat, and was the grandfather of
Alexander N., min. of Barra in 1813.
.^j„ 1693, son of John B., min. of Braca-
dale ; licen. by Presb. of Skye 23rd
June 1714 ; pres. by the Presb. jure
devoluto 16th Nov. 1716; ord. 7th Feb.
1718; died 1739. He marr. Christian,
daugh. of William' Macleod of Oze and
Waterstein (she marr. (2) John Munro,
min. of Eddrachillis), and had issue— John;
William, min. of Duirinish^[&e«ea/. of the ^ -v* .iAiu^ '*'«»*
Jkthimes.] jIa..^ ^ \4^,JL^JU^
DONALD MACQUEEN, son of Archi-
1740 ^^^^ ^■' "^^"* *^^ Snizort; licen. by
Presb. of Skye 4th June 1737 ; ord.
9th May 1740 ; died suddenly at Raasay
1st Feb. 1785. He was probably the beat
known and most distinguished minister
in the Highlands in his time. Thomas
Pennant, who had a previous correspond-
ence with him, visited him during his tour
in Skye in 1772, and to the English traveller
he gave much of the valuable information
used by him in his Tour in Scotland (1772).
In 1773 when Dr Johnson and Boswell
made their tour of the island they were
accompanied by M. Boswell writing from
Armadale says, "Being informed that the
Rev. Mr D. M. was the most intelligent
man in Skye, and having been favoured
with a letter of introduction to him by
the learned Sir James Foulis, I sent it to
him by expi-ess and requested him to meet
us at Raasay." The minister informed
Boswell that he had " Macgillechalum's
carriage, made in Norway, ready to bring
the party tliither." He afterwards joined
heartily in the chorus of a Gaelic song,
raised by the rowers, composed on the
Rising of the '15. Johnson had the highest
opinion of his ability. " This is a critical
man, Sir," he said, "there must be great
vigour of mind to make him cultivate
learning so much in the Isle of Skye where
he might do without it." He held his own
in the discussion with Johnson over the
Ossianic controversy. M. supported the
Evangelical party in the Church and is
mentioned with honour by Dr John Erskine
in his Sketches of Church History. He was
employed by the General Assembly in
translating the Pentateuch into Gaelic. In
connection with this work he wrote learned
and interesting papers on the customs
of primitive nations. He was admitted
a Corresponding Member of the Society
of Antiquaries on 13th Feb. 1781, and
contributed to the Transactions of that
Society. There is a beautiful Gaelic elegy
composed to his memory in which his
attractive personality, his social qualities,
his mental attainments and accomplish-
ments are enlarged upon. He marr. (1)
25th July 1744, Betsy, daugh. of John
Martin of Flodigarry, chamberlain of
Trotternish, and widow of James Mac-
donald of Cuidrach, and had issue — Isabel ;
Jane (marr. Rodei-ick Macleod, min. of
Bracadale) ; BetsyT (2) 13th June 1749, Ann
(died Dec. 1756), daugh. of Alexander Mac-
donald of Glentaltin, and had issue — John,
min. of Applecross ; Archibald, tacksman
in Skye (died 17th Ai^ril 178G) ; Donald ;
Christian ; Mary. Publications — Disserta-
tion on the (Jovernment of the People
in the Western Isles (Pennant's Tour in
Scotland) (1772) ; Letters on I/vme's His-
tory] Letter to the Author of a Treatise on
the Second Sight in 1756. — {Miscell. Scot.,
iii. ; Pennant's 7'our ; Lord Macdonald's
Charter Chest ; Boswell's Johnson, i., 605 ;
Johnson's Tour to the Western Islands of
Scotland) Boswell's Tour in the Hebrides.']
DONALD MARTIN, pres. by George
j^gg III. 20th April, and ord. 5th Oct.
1785; trans, to East Church, Inver-
ness, 2nd Oct. 1808.
DONALD ROSS, M.A.; pres. by George
1809 ^^^' ^" ^larch, and adm. 12th July
1809; trans, to Golspie 26th April
1820, but settlement annulled by General
Assembly 23rd ^lay that year on the
ground there was no vacancy there ; trans,
to Rogart 7th May 1822. ^
1822 Univ. of Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb.
of Dunkeld 4th Sept. 1798; ord.
missionary at Tullich, Glenmuick and
Glengairn 2nd July 1799 ; pres. by George
IV. ; adm. 27th Sept. 1822 ; died 24th July
1846. He marr. 18th Dec. 1804, Janet
Menzies, and had issue — Alexander, min.
of Second Charge, Inverness, born 26th
May 1806.
1844 preceding ; ord. (assistant and suc-
cessor) 23rd April 1844 ; trans, to
Gaelic Church, Edinburgh, 28th Aug. 1850.
JOHN MACIVER, born 27th Dec. 1788,
jg_- son of Colin M., min. of Glenelg ;
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen ; licen. by Presb. of Lochcarron 14th
April 1829 ; ord. to Harris 3rd May 1832 ;
trans, to Sleat 8th May 1844 ; pres. by
Queen Victoria 18th Sept. 1850 ; trans, and
adm. 28th Jan. 1851 ; died 2nd Sept. 1869.
He marr. 1st Oct. 1840, Jane Finlayson
(died 21st Feb. 1898), youngest daugh. of
Dr Alexander Macleod, Batone, North v/
Uist, the well-known "Dotair Ban," and
had issue — Colin John, born 1843, died
2nd Dec. 1855 ; Mary, born 1846, died 17th
March 1855 ; Anne Mary (marr. 1871, the
Rev. Allan R. Andrew, rector of Milne's
Institute, Fochabers) ; Alexander, indigo
planter, India ; Somerled ; Fergus ; Ewen ;
Donald, born 1861, died 1863; Margaret;
Jessie ; Alexandrina ; Anne Jean. Publi-
cation — Account of Harris {Xew Stat.
Ace, xiv.). — {^Hist. of the Macleods, 394.]
1870 missionary at Kyleakin ; ord. 28th
Sept. 1870; trans, to Gigha 2nd
Aug. 1877.
Co- Vi«« It>i2-l 1 Vljiv*ty.vx<.f ^'-C^c^-y
JAMES GKANT, born Abernethy, 1837,
^otjo son of Donald G., clothier, and Jane
Eattray ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; M.A. (1858) ; ord. to Glencoe
in 1870; trans, to Ullapool 28th April
1871; trans, and adm. 4th April 1878;
died unmarr. 10th May 1906.
NEIL MACPHAIL, ord. 25th Sept.
1906; trans, to Cumlodden 4th
June 1914.
JOHN MACLEAN, born Ardow,
Kilninian, Mull, 27th April 1876, son
of John M. and Sarah j\Iacnnllan ;
educated at Tobermory School and Univ.
of Glasgow ; M.A., B.D. ; licen. by Presb. of
High Kiver, Canada, 14th July 1908 ; adm.
to Poolewe 19th July 1911 ; trans, to
Truraisgarry 13th Feb. 1913; trans, to
Kilfinichen 5th Nov. 1914 ; trans, and adm.
31st Oct. 1916 ; trans, to St Luke's, British
Guiana, 10th July 1922 ; trans, to Strontian
2nd Sept. 1924; trans, to Appin 1927. He
marr. 16th Aug. 1915, Betsy, daugh. of
John Campbell, Bunessan Hotel, and Sarah
JOHN STEWART, formerly of
2 Tiree (q.v.); trans, from Hallin-in-
Waternish, and adm. 9th May 1923 ;
trans, to Small Isles 21st April 1926.
[These two parishes were united in the
sixteenth century. For a time this union
included also Snizort and Uig. They were
disjoined again by the Court of Teinds on
26th February 1726. In that year too the
parish church was taken from Kiltarlagain
to Portree.
Portree. — The old church at Kiltarlagain
was dedicated to St Tarlagan. At Portree,
where the parish church now stands, there
was of old a chapel of St Malrubha, and
there the Saint's Fair (Feill Mhalrtdhh)
was held. There are mission chapels
within the bounds at Sconser and the
Raasay. — The church of Piaasay was
dedicated to St Moluag. The ancient
building, now ruined, is nearly fifty feet
long. There was of old a chapel in the
island of Bona.]
HUGH MACDONALD^born 1703, son
.^yj^yj of Hugh M. of Glenmore and Glen-
haltin and Katherine Macdonald,
and grandson of Sir James Macdonald,
Bart., of Sleat ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen; M.A. (2nd April 1719); called
21st Nov. 1726; ord. 18th Jan. 1727; died
17th Feb. 1756. He marr. 11th April 1729,
Elizabeth (died 23rd July 1767), daugh.
of John Macdonald of Balconie Castle,
Kiltearn, and had issue — Major Alexander
of Courthill, Lochcarron ; James ; John,
went to North Carolina ; Janet ; Alice,
marr. (cont. 2nd Dec. 1787) Alexander Grant
of Corrimony ; Margaret, and other nine
children who died young. — \Clan Donald,
iii., 524 ; Lord Macdonald' s Charter Chest.]
JOHN NICOLSON, born 1707; edu-
jiygg cated at King's College, Aberdeen,
1726-31 ; licen. by Presb. of Skye 16th
July 1743 ; ord. by Presb. of Abertarff
missionary in Lochaber 14th June 1751 ;
adm. here 7th Dec. 1756 ; died 9th May
1799. He was a man of primitive manners
and exemplary life. He left £140 for the
poor of the parish.
._gg son of John C. of Carnlaroch, Skye ;
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen; M.A. (29th March 1788); appointed
schoolmaster of Portree 17th May 1791 ;
licen. by Presb. of Skye 15th Aug. 1792;
ord. catechist 20th May 1795; pres. by
George III. 26th June, and adm. 20th Nov.
1799 ; killed by a fall from the top of his
stair 15th Feb. 1811. He was a learned
divine and conscientious pastor, much loved
by his parishioners who lamented his tragic
end. He marr. 4th Oct. 1803, Margaret
(marr. (2) 6th Dec. 1816), daugh. of William
Macleod of Luskentyre in Harris, and had
issue— John, officer in Indian army, born
21st July 1805 ; William ; Alexandrina ;
Isabella. Publications— "Lamentation for
a Son, and a Love Song " [trans, from the
Gaelic] (Scots Mag., Ixxxi.) ; Account of
the Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, xvi.). —
{Scots Mag., Ixxiii.] O «/*••''« C«r//<c«|ii
COLL MACDONALD, born 1773, son
of Archibald M., Grianan, North
^^^^ Uist (of the Macdonalds of Eigg and
Balvicquean) ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; M.A. (30th March 1797) ; licen.
by Presb. of Uist 15th July 1803; ord.
by Presb. of Lochcarron .as missionary at
Strontian 15th Feb. 1804 ; pres. by George,
Prince Kegent, 16th April, and adni. 13th
Nov. 1811; died 3rd Nov. 1854. He was
a man of sterling integrity, of clear and
discriminating mind, and of a most friendly
and amiable disposition. By his exertions
schools were erected, one in the parish and
another at Snizort. He marr. (1) 5th Jan.
1814, Margaret (died 2nd July 1840), daugh.
of Captain Norman Macleod of Bernisdale,
and had issue— Margaret : (2) 2nd Nov.
K 1847, Barbara Macdonald, Stornoway, who
died 6th April 1895. Publication— Account
of the Parish {New Stat. Ace, xiv.).— [CVan
Donald, iii., 515.]
HUGH MACARTHUR, born 1815, son
of Peter M., manufacturer, and Mary
1854 ]\i'p}iedrine ; adm. (assistant and suc-
cessor).17th May 1854; died 27th Nov. 1866.
He marr. 23rd July 1857, Mary Macgregor.
JOHN DARROCH, born Jura, 1829,
son of Neil D., Largiebreck ; went
to Virginia, U.S.A. ; educated at
Princeton Univ., M.A. (1854), Columbian
Theological Seminary (1856-7), Princeton
Theological Univ. (1857-9) ; ord. by Presb.
of Luzerne to Withesley, Pennsylvania,
1859; trans, to Lochiel, Glengarry, Canada,
1861 ; dem. in 1867; pres. by Queen
Victoria 16th Jan., and adm. 2nd April
that year; dem. 19th July 1893, died at
Musselburgh, 17th Sept. 1916. He marr.
2nd Nov. 1871, Mary Jessie (died 20th
Sept. 1876), daugh. of Donald Jackson,
min. of Kilmartin, and had issue— Neil
Donald, M.A., teacher, born 27th June
1873, died at Gla.sgow, 29th May 1920;
Campbell Lamont (daugh.), born 11th June
1874 ; John Alastair, born 24th Aug. 1876.
Pulilicatiuns — Discourse on the Life of tlie
late Rev. Norman Macleod, D.D. ; A Sermon
on the occasion of the lamented death of Mrs
Ross of the Royal Hotel, Portree (1878).
ALEXANDER BLACK, born Ardluss,
Bunessan, Mull, 6th Jan. 1855, son
of John B. and Lucy Lamont ; edu-
cated at Bunessan School and Univ. of
Glasgow ; licen. by Presb. of Islay in 1892 ;
missionary at Lawers, Perthshire ; ord. 4th
Jan. 1894. Marr. 3rd Nov. 1887, Margaret,
daugh. of Ronald Macdougall, and has issue
—Hugh, min. of Bracadale, born 5th Oct.
1888 ; John Lamont, electrical engineer,
born 21st June 1890 ; Anne, teacher of
domestic science, born 15th Dec. 1891 ;
Isabella M'Phie, born 1st June 1893; Alex-
ander Ronald, medical student, born 31st
Jan. 1895 ; Donald Archibald, medical
student, born 24th Nov. 1896.
[The church of Sleat was .dedicated to St
Mary. About 1662 the parishes of Sleat
and Strathswordale or Strath were united.
They were severed again on 16th Feb. 1726.
At Isle Ornsay in the parish of Sleat there
is a mission chapel.] ^
pres. and adm. by Andrew, Bishop of
the Isles, including Trotternish and
Small Isles. A question was raised before
the Court of Session alleging that the
benefice had been conferred on another,
but the Lords, 4th July 1627, preferred him,
he being long in possession. On 19th of
that month he " gave his grite and solemne
oathe that he sail treulie according to his
knowledge, gif up to the Clerk of Counsell
the names of all the Papists whom he knew
within the Isles." He marr. , daugh.
of Roderick, son of Kenneth Mackenzie of
Kilchrist, and had issue — Mary (marr.
Colin, second son of Alexander Mackenzie
of Davochmaluag.— [Durie and Morison's
Dec, xvii. ; Collect, de Reb. Allan. ; Hist.
of the Mackenzies, 523; P. C. Reg., 2nd
scr., ii., 20.]
NEIL MACKINNON, nephew of Sir
Lachlan M. of Strath ; educated at
^^^^ Univ. of Glasgow; M.A. (1626);
adm. to Strath about 1627 ; trans, and
adm. before 4th Aug. 1633, when he
entered into a contract of fosterage with
John Macleod of Dunvegan ; still min.
29th May 1661. He marr. Janet Mac-
leod, and had issue — Lauchlan of Torrin ;
Donald, min. of Strath; Hector of Borreraig;
John, captain in France ; Neil, tacksman of
Borreraig. — [Madeod Charter Chest; Beg.
of Deeds, ccccvii., Mack., xvii., 605 ;
Lament's Strath, 72 ; Collect, de Reh.
Alhan. ; P. C. Reg., 2nd ser., v., 421.]
ANGUS MACQUEEN, son of Archibald
M., min. of Snizort ; min. before 1669 ;
he was deprived by the visitors of
the Synod, 1694; vras still in the charge
19th May 1709. He marr. and had issue —
Edmund, min. of this parish ; Donald, min.
of Small Isles; Margaret (marr. Roderick
Macleod of Gesto) ; Mary (marr. Alexander
Macleod of Greshornish) ; James.
EDMUND MACQUEEN, son of pre-
ceding; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; M.A. (2nd April 1719) ;
adm. before 6th July 1726; died before
1742. He marr. Florence Macdonald (who
marr. (2) Alexander Nicolson, min. of
Kilmuir) and had issue.
JOHN MACPHEESON, born 1st Nov.
„ 1713, son of Martin M., min. of
Strath ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; M.A. (1728) ; licen. by Fresb. of
Uist 12th May 1734 ; ord. to Barra 28th Sept.
that year; trans, and adm. 14th Jan. 1742;
D.D. (King's College, Aberdeen, 20th Nov.
1761) ; died 5th April 1765. He was dis-
tinguished above all his contemporaries in
the Highlands as a man of talent and
learning. His son, in his preface, to Critical
Dissertations, says of him : "Excluded by
the peculiar situation of the place of his
residence from the society of the learned,
he indulged his singular passion for litera-
ture among a few good books. Being master
of the Celtic in all its branches, he took
pleasure in tracing other languages to that
general source of all the ancient and modern
tongues of Europe." He composed several
pieces of Latin poetry. Of one of these Dr
Samuel Johnson in the course of his tour
in the Isle of Skye said, " It does him
honour, he has a great deal of Latin and
very good Latin." He was a stout defender
of the authenticity of Ossian and wrote
many letters on the subject to Dr Hugh
Blair. He marr. 25th Feb. 1740, Janet
■ -So /< — 1^ /U/o^.'
(died 1748), daugh. of Donald Macleod of
Bernera, and had issue— John, Governor-
General of India, 1785-6, created a Baronet
10th June 1786, born 1744, died 12th Jan.
1821 ; Martin, min. of this parish ; Isabel
(marr. John Macpherson of Uvia,Badenoch).
Publications — Critical Dissertations on the
Origin, Antiquities, Languages, Government.
Manners, and Religion of the Ancient Cah
donians, their Posterity, the Picts, arid the
British and Irish Scots (London, 1768)
Latin Ode to the Memory of Norman Mac
leod, min. of Duirinish (Scots Mag., 1739)
The Song of Moses paraphrased in Latin
verses (Scots Mag., 1747) ; Letter to the
Author of a Treatise on the Second Sight
in 1759 (Miscell. Scot., in.).— [Scots Mag.,
xxvii. ; Macnicol's Remarks on Johnson's
Journey ; Report on Authenticity of the
Poems of Ossian ; Diet. Nat. Biog. ; Hist,
of the Macleods, 'ib\ ; Tombst.].
jiygg Sept. 1743, son of preceding; edu-
cated at King's College, Aberdeen,
M.A. (2nd April 1764), and Univ. of Edin-
burgh ; licen. by Presb. of Skye 7th Aug.,
pres. by George III. 1st Sept., and ord.
9th Oct. 1765 ; D.D. (King's College, Aber-
deen, 27th April 1803); died 25th April
1812. He was spoken of as a man of
ability and culture. He entertained Dr
Johnson and Boswell in 1773. He marr.
19th Nov. 1766, Mary (died s.p. 26th Dec.
1808), daugh. of Lachlan Mackinnon of
Corry. Publication— Account of the Parish
(Sinclair's aS'^^. Acc, xvi.).
JOHN MACKINNON, M.A. ; pres. by
1812 ^^°^'S®' Prince Regent, 14th May,
and ord. 3rd Dec. 1812 ; trans, to
Strath 19th Oct. 1825.
jggg 26th April 1826 ; trans, to Dornoch
22nd Nov. 1843.
JOHN MACIVER, pres. by Queen
1844 ^i^to^'i* 16th Dec. 1843; trans, from
Harris, and adm. 8th May 1844;
trans, to Kilmuir 28th Jan. 1851.
JOHN FORBES, born Strathglass, 1818 ;
1851 educated at Univ. of Edinburgh ;
licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh;
became schoolmaster of Fort Augustus in
® a
1843; one of the masters of the Normal
Institution, Edinburgh, 1848 ; assistant at
St Stephen's, Edinburgh, 1849-51 ; pres. by-
Queen Victoria 13th March, and ord. 14th
May 1851 ; died 21st Jan. 18G3. He was
among the best Gaelic scholars of his time
and made many translations into Gaelic.
He marr. Jane Smith (died at Edinburgh
1st Aug. 1874), daugh. of Robert Thomson,
M.D., and Elizabeth Overing Thomson,
and had issue — Alexander Robert, assist-
ant-keeper of the Court of Session Minute-
Book, Edinburgh, author of Gaelic Xamcs
of Beasts, Birds, Fishes, Insects, Eeptiles,
etc. (Edinburgh, 1905), The Place-Names
of Skye and Adjacent Islands (Edinburgh,
1923), died 4th June 1924. Publications
— A Double Grammar of English and
Gaelic (Edinburgh, 1843) ; The Principles
of Gaelic Grammar (Edinburgh, 1848);
The White Ship (Gaelic), a spiritual poem
(Edinburgh, n.d.) ; An Lochran, The Lamp
(Edinburgh, n.d.) ; The Clergyman on the
See-saw (Glasgow, 1853)-; Catechism on
Baptism (Gaelic) (Edinburgh, 1857); The
Tvjo Servants (1858) ; " Comhradh nan
Cnoc, no Fead air na Fithich '' [a retalia-
tory poem] (n.d.). He translated into
Gaelic Blakeney's Protestant Catechism
(Edin. 1859), Baxter's The Saint's Ever-
lasting Rest (Edinburgh, 1862), and into
English Dugald Buchanan's " Laoidhe
Spioradail " [Spiritual Hymns] (1844). He
left in MS. a translation of Ossian into
1868 ^^^*' ■^^'^^' ^°'^ °^ Donald M. ; edu-
cated at Univ. of Edinburgh and
Queen's College, Canada ; min. of Lochiel,
Canada, Sept. 1856-9 ; adm. to Trumisgarry
15th Sept. 1859 ; pres. by Queen Victoria
4th Ai)ril, trans, and adm. 6th Aug. 1863 ;
dem. 30th Sept. 1869 and returned to
Canada ; died 28th Oct. 1878. He marr.
Harriet Ann Macphei-son, who died 23rd
Sept. 1910, and had issue — Lowtlier ;
Donald Ewen ; William.
-g^Q Inverness-shire about 1836, son of
Archibald M., farmer, Gigha, and
Margaret Macdonald ; educated at Univ.
of Glasgow ; missionary at Kilbride, Kil-
finan ; pres. by Queen Victoria 10th Dec.
1869 ; ord. 4th May 1870 ; died unmarr.
1st Nov. 1880.
1881 ^^^' 1^"*^' ^^"^ °^ William C, min. of
Lochbroom ; ord. to Glengarry 11th
May 1871 ; trans, and adm. 27th Sept.
1881 ; dem. 2nd Dec. 1914 ; died at Perth
24th July 1923. He marr. 17th April 1884,
Grace Macleod (died at Perth, 13th Feb.
1927), daugh. of Archibald Clerk, LL.D.,
min. of Kilmallie, and had issue — William,
army officer, born 30th May 1891, died
of wounds in European War 27th Oct.
1915; Jessie Sophia Macleod, born l7th
July 1892 ; Mabel Grace, born 18th March
1894 (marr. 19th April 1921, Thomas David-
T. lytn Api
lin R.A.f).
son, captain
KENNETH ROSS, born Gairloch
jgjg 1st May 1870, son of Angus R.
and Anne Macgregor ; educated at
Auchtercairn School and Univs. of Glasgow
and Aberdeen ; licen. by Presb. of Aber-
deen 1902 ; assistant at Duthil ; ord. to
Bracadale 28th Sept. 1904 ; trans, and adm,
21st April 1915. Marr. 1st June 1906,
Margaret, daugh. of James Macfarlane,
Partick, and Margaret Inglis.
[In the sixteenth century the three
parishes of Strathswordale, Eigg, and
Canna were united. On 16th Feb. 1720
the Court of Teinds severed from the
two others the parish of Strathswordale,
called also Strath. There are still parish
churches in both Eigg and Canna.
Eigg.~ln early times the island of Eigg
became the seat of St Donan's teaching.
There he and his missionary comrades
were murdered about the year 617. To
St Donan the later church of Eigg was
dedicated. The island of Muc [or Muck]
forms part of this i)arish. In Eigg there
are Wells of St Donan, St Columba, and
St Katherine.
Canna. — The church of Canna was dedi-
cated to St Columba. Having fallen into
ruin, it lay waste for generations, but of
late years it has been beautifully restored
by Mr Alan G. Thorn of Canna. In its
churchyard stands an ancient cross of
carved stone, about seven feet high. The
islands of Canna and Eum together make
up this parish.]
by the Presb. jure devoluto 16th
^''^'^ March, and ord. 19th April 1727;
trans, to North Uist 29th Sept. 1755.
1723, son of M. of Rhuandunan,
Skye ; educated at Univ. of Edin-
burgh ; app. to Duncansburgh in 1744 ; ord.
to Kilmallie 7th Aug. 1751 ; trans, and adm.
14th Jan. 1757; died 15th April 1787.
He was reputed to have been a man of
" splendid physique and great strength ;
was called Am Ministear Laidir ("The
strong minister") and wore a shepherd
tartan kilt. He marr. (1) Anne Macleod,
and had issue — Kenneth ; John ; Jean :
(2) 21st July 1761, Mary Maclean, Coll,
and had issue — Hugh, born 2nd July 1762,
died 18th March 1763 ; Donald, M.D., born
4th Dec. 1763, drowned crossing from
Arisaig to Eigg 28th Oct. 1817 ; Allan of
Calgary, Mull, captain of an East Tndia-
man, born 14th Dec. 1765 ; Hugh, born
10th June 1767, died 30th Aug. 1798;
Janet, born 5th July 1769, died 25th March
j 1771 ; Christian, born 22nd April 1771
k«J(marr. Ronald Macdonald of Laig); Mary,
' born 9th March 1775, died 1868 ; Marion,
born 15th Sept. 1776, died 3rd May 1812;
John Donald, born 11th May 1779 ; Hector,
oflScer ou East Indiaman, born 11th April
1781. Publication— Zei^er to the Author
of a Treatise on the Second Sight in 1763
{Miscell. Scot., iii.).
DONALD MACLEAN, born 12th May
1752, son of Neil M. of Crossapool
and Julia Stewart ; educated at
King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (29th
March 1773); licen. by Presb. of Mull
18th Dec. 1779; ord. missionary at Salen
and Kilfinichen ; pres. by George III.
5th June, and adm. 3rd Oct. 1787 ; app.
chaplain to Reay Fencibles and Deputy-
Lieutenant for Inverness-shire. He was
a man of sincere and unaffected piety.
He marr. 25th Sept. 1777, Lilias (died 1st
July 1814), daugh. of Alexander Maclean
of Gott, Tiree, and had issue — Margaret,
born 16tli July 1780; Alexander, surgeon
64th Foot, born 19th Aug. 1782, died 5th
March 1818 ; Neil, min. of Tiree, born 11th
July 1784 ; Hector, min. of Lochalsh, born
3rd June 1786 ; Julia, born 5th May 1788.
Publication — Account of the Parish (Sin-
clair's Stat. Ace, xvii.). — [James Mac-
donald's Hebrides ; Scots Mag., Ixxiii. ;
Clan Gillean, 390.] l^ ■ i >
NEIL MACLEAN, M.A.;^res. by/,
1811 Grsorge, Prince Regent, 13th Feb.,
and adm. 20th June 1811 ; trans, to
Tiree 7th March 1817.
WILLIAM FRASER, born 1754, son
of John F., farmer, Kiltarlity ; edu-
cated at King's College, Aberdeen,
1768-72 ; licen. by Presb. of Mull 18th Dec.
1779 ; ord. missionary in Mull, afterwards
in Moidart and Arisaig ; pres. by George,
Prince Regent, and adm. 13th Sept. 1816.
He (with Dr Donald MacCaskill of the
island of Eigg) was drowned on their way
from Arisaig to Eigg by the sinking of
the boat, 28th Oct. 1817. — [-S'co^s 3fag.,
DONALD MACLEAN, born 1793, third
son of Allan M., farmer, Kinloch-
Scrisort, and Margaret Macdonald ;
educated at King's College, Aberdeen ;
M.A. (1790) ; licen. by Presb. of Skye 25th
July 1817 ; ord. missionary in Rum and
Canna 16th Sept. 1818 ; pres. by George,
Prince Regent, 17th, and adm. 28th Nov.
1818 ; app. Deputy -Lieutenant for Inver-
ness-shire in 1824; dep. by the Commission
of Assembly for intemperance 21st Nov.
1838; died on steamer between Greenock
and Glasgow 6th Oct. 1839. He marr. 5th
Feb. 1822, Isabella (died 13th May 1881),
daugh. of Charles Maclean of Gallanach,
and had issue— Charles Donald, born 1826,
died 23rd Nov. 1846; Allan; Lachlan;
Margaret; Breadalbane'; Marion, went to
M5i.|- i^iiJU^^
Melbourne. Publication-Account of the
Parish {Neiv Stat. Ace, xiy.). — [Clan
Gillean, 396.]
JOHN SWANSON, born Gravesend,
Kent, 10th May 1804, son of William
^^^ S., captain of the Hero, a vessel
plying between London and the North, and
Isabella Gallic ; his parents, both Scottish,
removed to Cromarty in 1809 ; educated at
school there [Hugh Miller being a fellow-
pupil]. Tain Academy, and King's College,
Aberdeen, 1824; had for two years a
grocer's business in Cromarty but gave
it up- became schoolmaster of Nigg ;
licen. by Presb. of Tain in 1833; ord.
missionary at Fort William in 1835 ; pres.
by Queen Victoria 26th March, and adm.
27th Aug. 1839. Joined the Free Church m
1843; min. of Free Church, Small Isles,
1843-7 ; min. of Free Church, Nigg, 1847-74 ;
died 14th Jan. 1874. He marr. 1839,
Isabella Smith, who died 8th Aug. 1887,
and had issue— a son and daugh. Publi-
cations—^ Leisure Hour in the Floatiwj^
Manse (Edinburgh, 1844); Aideachadh «'
Chreidimh Chatholaich agus dtultadh
Teagasg-Phapa [Popery Rejected] Inverness,
l8i^).—[Disrtiption Worthies of the High-
lands (portrait), 127-36; Miller's Cruise of
the "■Betsey"]
HENRY BEATSON, pres. by Queen
Victoria 29th July, trans, from
1^3 Stenscholl and adm. 28th Sept.
1843 ; trans, to Barra 6th May 1847.
PETER GRANT, born 1796, son of
George G., writer, and Christine
^^^ Roy; schoolmaster at Glenlivet ;
pres. by Queen Victoria 12th Oct. 1847 ;
adm 20th April 1848 ; died 4th June 1864.
He marr. Isabella Smith, who died 16th
Nov. 1865, aged 54, and had issue— William,
CE born 1841, died 28th Oct. 1894;
Christian, born 1837, died 17th Nov. 1922 ;
George, brigade surgeon, lieut. -colonel in
the Indian Medical Service ; Isabella (marr.
John Grant Robertson, I.C.S.).
JOHN SINCLAIR, born 1825, third son
of Patrick S., merchant, Kilninver ;
^^^ educated at Univ. of Glasgow ; ord.
to Muckairn 18th Aug. 1852; dem. 31st
July 1859 on app. to Roger's Hill and Cape
John, Nova Scotia ; pres. by Queen Victoria
29th July, and adm. 1st Nov. 1864 ; died
5th Nov. 1908. He marr. 1st June 1865,
Sarah, daugh. of Dugald Campbell, mm.
of Glassary. and had issue- Sarah, born
6th March 1866 ; Patrick Campbell, mm.
of Urquhart (Elgin), born 16th March 1868 ;
Johanna Margaret, born 1st Sept. 1870,
died unraarr.
9th June 1909 ; trans, to Salen 11th
^^ July 1911.
son of Donald M., lona, and Mary
^^^^ Macgregor; educated at Univ. of
Glasgow; M.A. (1887); ord. to Ullapool
2nd Sept. 1891 ; trans, and adm. 13th May
1913 ; died at Glasgow 9th June 1917. He
marr. 11th Dec. 1894, Jessie, daugh. of
James Murdie, shepherd, and Jessie K
Sutherland, and had issue-Mary Jessie,
born 6th Sept. 1895; Muriel lona, born
23rd Sept. 1896; Selina, born 9th June
1899 ; James Donald, born 9th April 1902.
[Parish vacant three years.]
ord. 10th May 1920; trans, to Kil-
^^^° coman 8th Sept. 1921; trans, to
Kilmore and Kilbride 28th Sept. 1923.
HECTOR CAMERON, born Tiree, 10th
March 1893, son of Archibald C. and
^^^^ Euphemia Mackinnon ; educated at
Cornaig School, privately, and Univ. of
Glasgow ; licen. by Presb. of Glasgow 20th
Dec 1922 ; ord. 7th May 1923 ; trans, to
South Knapdale 12th Nov. 1925. Marr.
6th Nov. 1925, Mary, daugh. of John Mac-
Kinnon, Tiree, and Annie MacLean.
JOHN STEWART, trans, from Kilmuir
and adm. 21st April 1926. He has
^^^^ issue-Euphenua, born 22nd April
1893; Margaret, born 12th Jan. 1895, died
Gth March 1919 ; John, born 23rd Dec. 1897,
died 12th March 1901 ; Agnes (twin) born
23rd Dec. 1897 ; Janet, born 21st Oct. 1900.
[These parishes were united in the
sixteenth century. For a time this union
took in also both Kaasay and Kiltarlagain,
now called Portree. In 1726 the two latter
were again severed from Snizort and Uig.
Snizort. — The old parish church was
dedicated to St Columba. It was built
upon an island in the River Snizort, a
large building, the ruins of which still
remain in the centre of a burial-ground.
At Skeabost, within the bounds, are the
remains of a monastic house of small size.
Uig. — At Uig, where the parish church
was of old, there is now a mission chapel,]
Ewen M., min. of Duirinish; edu-
^^^ cated at Univ. of Glasgow ; M.A.
(1636); was prohibited by the Presb. 12th
May 1642 from proceeding any further in
collation and institution "till he have it
from the Presb., as the due and lawful
patron " ; adm. before 7th Oct. that year ;
dep. for marrying Macdonald of Clanranald
who had been excommunicated, but reponed
before 28th Oct. 1657 ; still min. in 1660.
He had issue — Donald, min. of this parish.
— [Clanranald Charter Chest.']
GEORGE MUNRO, adm. to Urquhart
and Logie-Wester before 4th Oct.
1642 ; trans, and adm. before 15th
April 1656; died before 18th April 1657.
He marr. Christian Munro, who applied
for the vacant stipend of his former parish,
and had issue — a daugh. (marr. John
Mackenzie, Sand, grandson of John M. of
Gairloch.— [//?'sf. of the Mackenzies, 416.]
1657 mentioned.
DONALD MACQUEEN, son of pre-
j-g. ceding ; educated at Univ. of Edin-
burgh ; M.A. (27th July 1663) ; adm.
archdeacon before 3rd Dec. 1684 ; deprived
for non-jurancy but in the Case of Green-
shields he is stated to be still in possession
of the benefice in March 1710. He marr.
Margaret, daugh. of Hugh Macdonald of
Glenmore, son of Sir James M. of Sleat, and
had issue— Archibald, min. of this parish.
ARCHIBALD MACQUEEN, born 1671, _ ^
y- „ son of preceding ; educated at Univ.
ol Edinburgh ; M.A. (6th July 1699);
ord. 17th March 1706; died 24th Sept.
1754. He " was a person of uncommon
abilities, distinguished as well by his
erudition and extensive knowledge as by
his piety, zeal, and other virtues." He
marr. a daugh. (died 5th Feb. 1718) of
Alexander Mackenzie of Applecross, and
had issue — Donald, min. of Kilmuir : (2)
3rd Oct. 1719, Florence (died 13th April
1791), daugh. of William Macdonald of Aird,
Tutor of Macdonald, son of Sir Donald M.,
Bart., of Sleat, and Catherine, daugh. of Sir
Ewen Cameron of Lochiel, and had issue —
William, min. of this parish ; Alexander,
tacksman of Brunistat ; Angus ; John,
officer in army ; Murdoch ; Archibald ;
Kenneth ; Margaret (marr. Donald Nicol-
son of Aird, Sleat).— [i¥isce^/. Scot., iii.]
j^_„ son of preceding ; educated at Univ.
of Edinburgh ; licen. by Presb. of
Skye 3rd Sept. 1746 ; app. assistant to
his father in June that year ; pres. by
Norman Macleod of Macleod ; ord. (assist-
ant and successor) 11th April 1753; died
17th Sept. 1787. [The Macqueens of four
generations were thus mins. of the parish for
144 years.] He was an excellent classical
scholar versed in all branches of learning
and greatly beloved by his parishioners. He
marr. 2nd May 1753, Alipe Macaulay, who ^ -/»■
died 15th July 1795, and had issue— Archi-
bald ; Donald ; James, min. of North Uist ;
Kenneth ; Alexander ; Angus ; Florence ;
Catherine ; Mary ; a daugh. (marr. Alex- ^
ander Macleod of Bay). Publication —
Letter to the Author of a Treatise on
the Second Sight in 1162.— [Miscell. Scot.,
iii. ; ]}fotes and Queries, 10th ser., x., 389.]
1761, son of Malcolm M. of Raasay
and Janet Macleod; educated at
King's College, Aberdeen; M.A. (1779);
pres. by Norman Macleod of Macleod and
by George III. 15th Jan., and ord. 7th May
1788; died 17th Nov. 1832. He marr.
Mary (died 2nd Feb. 1821), daugli. of
Donald Macleod, tacksman of Swordale,
and had issue — Malcolm, in army, died
young in India ; John, captain 27th
Regiment, afterwards a police magistrate
in Ireland, where he was assassinated 29th
Jan. 1845; Christian; Donald, officer in
R.N., perished at sea; Charles, surgeon
H.E.I.C.S. ; Roderick, niin. of this parish ;
Anne (marr. M. Cordoniere) ; Janet ;
Christian ; Isabella Margaret (marr. John
Finlayson, min. of Free Church, Braca-
dale). Publication — Account of the Parish
(Sinclair's Stat. Ace, xviii.).— [^(7m. Christ.
Inst., ii. ; Mackay's Memorials oj R. Mac-
leod ; Hist, of the Macleods, 374.]
pres. by William IV. 15th Feb., and
ord. 26th Sept. 1833; trans, to
Cawdor 28th July 1837.
March 1795, son of Malcolm M.,
min. of this parish ; educated at
King's College, Aberdeen; M.A. (31st
March 1815); licen. by Presb. of Skye
16th Sept. 1818 ; ord. missionary at Lyn-
dale and Arnisort 13th April 1819; while
here a decided change took place in his
religious views through reading Bellamy's
Christian Religion Delineated ; adm. to
Bracadale 24th Sept. 1823 ; pres. by Queen
Victoria 8th Sept. 1837 ; trans, and adm.
9th Feb. 1838. Joined the Free Church
in 1843 ; min. of Free Church, Snizort,
1843-68 ; elected Moderator of Free Church
General Assembly 21st May 1863 ; died 20th
March 1868. He marr. 18th Oct. 1823,
Anne Robertson (died 19th June 1854),
daugh. of Donald Macdonald of Skeabost,
and had issue— Donald ; Malcolm ; Lilling-
ston ; Roderick ; James ; John ; Mary ;
Margaret; Anne; Susan; Christian; Jessie.
Publication— Account of Bracadale {New
Stat. Ace, xiv.). — [Mackay's Memorials;
Hist, of the Macleods, 274. [" Cuid do nithe
air an toirt fanear ma'n breith a thug Ard
Iphoinneamh li^aglais na h-Alba aim an
cuis an Urraniaich Ruaridh Mhi4 Leoid,
ministeir Bhracadail " — Disruption Worthies
of the Highlands, 25-30.]
ANGUS MARTIN, son of John M. of
Marishadder and Mary Nicolson ;
educated at Univ. of Edinburgh ;
ord. to Duirinish 5th May 1842 ; pres.
by Queen Victoria 19th Oct. 1843; trans,
and adm. 18th Jan. 1844 ; died at Husa-
bost 15th Oct. 1887. He marr. 18th Jan.
1844, Margaret (who predeceased him),
daugh. of Alexander Nicolson, min. of
Barra, and had issue— Alexander George,
born 13th Sept. 1845, died 20th Oct. 1907;
John Lachlan, born 10th March 1847, died
in India ; Susan Nicolson, born 20th Nov.
1848 ; Samuel jNIacdonald, went to Australia,
born nth Nov. 1850; Martin, born 3rd
Sept. 1853, died in India; Donald Archi-
bald, went to British Columbia, born 3rd
Aug. 1855 ; Mary Isabella, born 11th April
1857 ; Margaret Grace, born 7th Oct. 1859 ;
Nicol of Glendale and Husabost in which
he succeeded his uncle, officer in Lovat
Scouts, born 26th July 1861. — [Clan
Donald, iii., 569.]
JOHN MACRURY, born 2nd May 1843,
1886 ^^^ ^^ Norman M., Torlum, Ben-
becula, and Catherine INIacpherson ;
educated as Benbecula School^and Univs.
of Glasgow and Edinburgh ; licen. by
Presb. of Islay and Jura in 1877 ; assistant
at Islay, 1877-9; ord. to Hylipol 4th
Aug. 1879 ; trans, and adm. (assistant
and successor) 30th Nov. 1886 ; died 23rd
April 1907. He marr. 16th Feb. 1881,
Flora Elizabeth, daugh. of Colin Brown
and Catherine Cromarty, and had issue —
Catherine Macpherson, born 31st Jan.
1882 (marr. 1908, Francis Macleod); Mary
Ann Brown, born 25th Jan. 1884 (marr.
1908, Robert Maclnnes); Colina Brown,
teacher, born 5th May 1887 ; Norman,
born 9th Aug. 1890, killed in action at
Gallipoli 4th June 1915 ; Johanna, born
5th June 1893 ; John Brown, Eastern
Telegraphs, Aden, born 29th Sept. 1895 ;
Mairi, born 13th Oct. 1900 ; Donald Archi-
bald, ord. assistant Buenos Ayres 1927, born
29th Dec. 1902. 'Puhlicsitiona—Eachdraidh
Beatha Chriosd ann am hriathran a'
Bhiohhuill (Glasgow, 1893) ; " Sgeidachdan
Arahianacli" {Tales from the Arabian
Nights) (Inverness, 1897) ; translated into
Gaelic The Church of Scotland (by
William Mair, D.D.) (Edinburgh, 1902) j
Robinson Crusoe (in Gaelic) (Inverness).
A Collection of ^inpuhlished Gaelic Poetry
{Trans. Gael. Soc. Inverness, xv., 140-51) ;
Old Gaelic Songs, ivith Historical Notes
and Traditions {ibid., xvi., 98-116, 1891).
Many contributions to MacTalla, a Gaelic
journal published in Gape Breton. Edited
the Gaelic Supplement to Life and Work
1887-1907.— [Maclean's TypograjMa Scoto-
Gadelica, 285.]
JOHN STEWART, trans, from Ben-
becula; adm. 6th Nov. 1907; trans,
to Ulva 19th Dec. 1913.
j^gjQ Melness, Tongue, 16th June 1873;
son of Hugh M. and Ann Mackay ;
educated at Kingussie and Royal High
*T School^, Edinburgh, and Univ. of Glasgow ;
M.A. (1899), B.D. (1901) ; licen. by Presb.
of Glasgow 1st May 1901 ; assistant at
St Columba's, Glasgow ; ord. to Coll 31st
Aug. 1908 ; trans, and adra. 5th April
1916 ; app. clerk of Presb. 1920-7 ; trans,
to Clyne 23rd Nov. 1927.
[The old parish church was dedicated to
St Martin. In the sixteenth century the
parishes of Stenscholl and Kilmaluag, now
called Kilmuir, were united. A parlia-
mentary church was erected here in 1828,
and the district comprising the old parish
of Kilmartin was constituted a quoad sacra
parish by the General Assembly on 25th
May 1833. The parish was disjoined from
Kilmuir and Snizort by the Court of
Teinds, 14th July 1847.]
JOHN NICOLSON, born 1780, son
of Alexander N., Kylerhea ; educated
at King's College, Aberdeen; M.A.
(30th March 1810) ; licen. by Presb. of Skye
5th April 1815 ; app. 6th March 1816, and
ord. as missionary at Minginish 17th April
1817 ; pres. by George IV. 1st April, trans,
and adm. 23rd Sept. 1829; died 4th Jan.
HENRY BEATSON, pres. by William
1838 ^^- "^^^ ^^^- 1^^"^ > ^^™- ^^^^ March
1838; trans, to Small Isles 28th
Sept. 1843. ^
son of James M., Torlum, Benbecula,
and Christina Macdonald ; educated
at King's College, Aberdeen ; pres. by
Queen Victoria 20th Jan., and adm. 24th
April 1844 ; died unmarr. 5th July 1855.
1816, son of John M., Benbecula :
pres. by Queen Victoria 8th Feb.,
and ord. 30th April 1856; died unmarr.
17th June 1881.
trans, from Glencoe and adm. 14th
^^ Feb. 1882; trans, to Lochalsh 5th
May 1886.
NEIL BRODIE, born 1832, son of Peter
B., merchant, Lochgilphead ; edu-
cated at Univ. of Glasgow, 1853-7 ;
probationer in Glasgow in 1861 ; app. by
Colonial Committee ord. missionary in Cape
Breton 1863 ; adm. min. of Gairloch, Nova
Scotia, Sept. 1868 ; min. at Lochiel, Ontario,
1874 ; adm. to this charge 14th Sept. 1886 ;
dem. his status as min. 31st Dec. 1890 ; died
21st April 1907.
son of Alexander M., fisherman, and
Janet Murchison ; ord. 13th May
1891 ; dem. 7th July 1909 ; died unmarr. at
Lochcarron, 27th Feb. 1910.
JOHN MACAULAY, born Shawbost,
Lewis, 1857, son of Angus M., mer-
chant, and Margaret Macleod; edu-
cated at Univs. of Glasgow and Aberdeen;
missionary at Carinish, North Uist, Melness,
Isle Ornsay, Carradale, and Birnam ; ord.
to Rapness 24th July 1907 ; adm. 8th June
1910; died 2nd Jan. 1913. He marr. (1)
Sarah Campbell : (2) 25th Sept. 1912, Jane
Maria (died 30th j\Iarch 1922), elder daugh.
of James S. Sheirir, Orphir, Orkney.
dale, 4th May 1853, son of Alexander
M. and Isabella Campbell ; edu-
cated at Free Church Training College
and Univ. of Edinburgh ; was a school-
teacher for twenty years ; ord. min. of
Reformed Presbyterian Church, Penpont,
1895-1907 ; adm. to Church of Scotland in
1908; adra. 24th Sept. 1913; dera. 16th
May 1922. Marr. 23rd Aug. 1904, Caroline,
daugh. of James Macfarlane and Margaret
Inglis. Publication — Fifteen Bible Nuts
opened and proved Sound (Glasgow, 1904) ;
The Dismissal of a Free Church Teacher
(Anon.). Edited Letters of Joseph Jfackay,
John Grant, and Alexander Gair (n.d.).
NORMAN LAING, born Knockin-
torran, North Uist, 6th July 1865,
son of Malcolm L. and Catherine
Macdonald; educated at Univ. of Glasgow;
licen. by Presb. of Uist in 1898 ; ord. to
Trumisgarry 3rd May 1904 ; trans, to
Barvas 2nd May 1912 ; trans, and adm.
14th May 1924.
[In earlier times this parish was called
Strathswordale, and often Strath Mhic
Fhibnyhainn (" Mackinnon's Valley "). This
latter name it got from the Chief of the
Clan Fiongan, to whom most of its area
belonged. For the last 150 years it has
been usual to style it Strath. The parish
church stood of old at Cill Chriosd, and
was dedicated to Christ. Within the
bounds stood various chapels. These in-
cluded St Coan's at Boreraig, St Malrubh's
near the ferry at Cill Aiseag, St Bride's
at Cill Bhride, St Mary's at Cill Mhairi,
St Francis' at Teampul Fhrangaig in the
island of Scalpa and the chapel on the
island of Pabbay. There were also three
holy Wells, St Coan's at Boreraig, St
Clement's at Tobar Chleamain, and St
Malrubh's at Cill Aiseag. There are
mission chapels at Kyleakin, Breakish,
Strathaird, Dunan, and Elgoll.]
NEIL MACKINNON, M.A. ; min. in
1627; "gave his grite and solemn
oathe," 19th July same year, "that
he sail treulie according to his knowledge
gif up to the Clerk of Counsell the names of
all the Papists whom he knew within the
Isles "; trans, to Sleat before 4th Aug. 1633.
Farquhar M., min. of Lochbroom ;
^^^^ adm. to Fodderty before 1645 ; dep.
for malignancy in 1650; adm. to Loch-
broom 6th April 1656 ; adm. to Kilmuir
before 1662 ; trans, before 1663 ; was Arch-
deacon of the Isles ; died Feb. 1675. He
marr. Margaret Mackunzie. and had issue —
Anna (marr. Janus, lirother to John Mac-
kenzie of Ord). -"^ , ' . -• '
jg^g M., min. of Sleat ; educated at Univ.
of Glasgow ; M.A. (1664) ; pres. by
Charles II. (there being no Bishop of the
Isles) 7th July 1675, with Sleat also in the
charge. He does not appear in the list of
ministers in 1689.
1672, son of Dugald M., min. of
Duirinish ; educated at Univ. of
Edinburgh; M.A. (^th March 1693); licen. Z\
by Presb. of Dunoon 7th Jan. 1696; ord.
that year; died 10th Sept. 1712. He was
a good scholar, an able minister, and a
mild, good-natured, well-bred gentleman.
He marr. Mary, daugh. of Lachlan Mac-/,-ig
kinnon of Corry, and had issue — John,( ,'
min. of Sleat.
NORMAN MACLEOD, pres. by the
j„,g Presb. j«re devolnto 30th Dec. 1714 ;
ord. 4th Feb. 1715 ; trans, to
Duirinish 11th Dec. 1717.
[Parish apparently vacant for twelve years.]
DONALD MACLEOD; born Ose, Skye,
1729 I'^'O'^^ brother of John^'M., min. oi
Duirinish ; educated aft King's Col-
lege, Aberdeen; M.A. (25th March 1723);
recommended by the General Assembly for
a bursary 26th May 1724 ; became mission-
ary at Barra; adm. here 17th Sept. 1729 ;
died 12th July 1749.
1750 ^^ Presb. of Inverness 15th Sept.
1738 ; pres. by the Presb. jure
devoluto 23rd Jan., and adm. 8th Feb.
1750; died unmarr. 4th Jan. 1779. "A
man of uncommon probity and goodness."
He was tacksman of Torrin, Kinlochslapin
and Kilchrist, and other lands, and a notable
sportsman. — [Jardine's Nat. Library, x.xyi.;
Lament's Strath, 92.]
t Cf
son of Lachlan M. of Ceann Uach-
darach, Strath ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen ; MA. (2nd April 1764) j
became missionary at Benbecula; ord.
missionary at Strontian 4th July 1770;
pres. by George III. 24th April, and adm.
17th Sept. 1779; died 23rd Oct. 1831. He
marr. 14th Feb. 1780, Catherine, daugh.
of John Maclean, and had issue — Ronald ;
John, min. of this parish ; Flora ; Isobel. —
[Lamont's Strath, 93.]
JOHN MACKINNON, born 26th Aug.
1786, son of preceding; educated
at King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A.
(2nd April 1804); ord. to Sleat 3rd Dec.
1812 ; trans, and adm. (assistant and
successor) 19th Oct. 1825 ; clerk of Presb.
to 1834; clerk of Synod to 1855; died
16th Feb. 1856. Sir Archibald Geikie
described him as " the best example of a
Highland clergyman I ever knew." He
marr. 28th April 1815, Anne (died 12th
Dec. 1868), daugh. of Lachlan Mackinnon
of Corry and Letterfearn, and Anne, daugh.
of Farquhar Macrae of Inverinate, and
had issue — Donald, min. of this parish ;
Lauchlan of Melbourne, latterly of Duis-
dale House, Skye, and Elfordleigh, Devon,
born 1817, died 1888 ; John Murray Mac-
gregor' of Ostaig House, Skye, born 1818,
died 1887 ; Charles Farquhar, Melbourne,
Australia, born 1820 ; Anne Susan, born
1822, died 11th Dec. 1838; Mary Jane,
born 1824, died 1840 ; Catherine Charlotte,
born 1825 ; Louisa Hopetoun, born 1826
(marr. 27th Dec. 1851, John Henry Lydiard),
died 24th Jan. 1915 ; Sir William Alexander,
born 27th June 1830, K.C.B. (1891) LL.D.
(Glasgow 1891), Director-General, Army
Medical Department 1889-96, Hon. Surgeon
to Queen Victoria 1893, founder of the
Mackinnon Scholarship, Univ. of Glasgow,
served with distinction in Turkey, the
Crimea, Indian Mutiny, Maori War, New
Zealand, and the Ashanti, died at London
28th Oct. 1887 ; Flora Downie, of Duisdale
House, died 1901 ; Colin Macrae, student at
King's College,Aberdeen (1846-9), born 1831,
died at Elfordleigh, Devon, 6th May 1882 ;
Godfrey Bosville, Melbourne, born 1834,
Publication— Account of the Parish {Neiv
Stat. Ace, xiv.). — {^Family of Mackinnon,
7; Geikie 's Scottish Beminiscences, 53-7;
Lamont's Strath, 95.]
1856 ^'^^ ^^ preceding ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (March
1834); licen. by Presb. of Skye in 1839;
assistant at Melbourne, Australia, 1840-5 ;
ord. to Fearn 7th Aug. 1845 ; pres. by Queen
Victoria 27th Feb., trans, and adm. 10th
July 1856; D.D. (Aberdeen, 6th March
1886); died 3rd Jan. 1888. The Mac-
kinnons were thus mins. of the parish
for 109 years. The Mackinnon Memorial
Hospital at Liveras was erected in memory
of Dr Donald M. He marr. (1) 10th June
1846, Flora (died s.p.), daugh. of Dr
Farquhar Mackinnon of Kyle : (2) 18th
Feb. 1858, Emma Flora (died 15th Nov.
1890), daugh. of Colonel William Macleod
of the Madras Army, and had issue — John,^
planter, born 8th Nov. 1858, died 17th Oct.
1907; William Macleod,! C.E., born 30th
Nov. 1859, died 10th Jan. 1901 ; Lauchlan
Kenneth," solicitor, born 25th Dec. 1861 ;
Donald Lewis, born 3rd March 1863, died
in Calcutta 12th Feb. 1888 ; Charles John
in Pthodesia Civil Service, born 27th March
1864 ; Major Archibald Donald, M.D.
(Aberdeen 1892), C.M.G. (1900), O.B.E.
(1919), medical officer, Uganda Protectorate,
1894-7, Director of Transport, 1898-9
(twin), born 27th March 1864 ; Godfrey
William Wentworth, mining engineer, born
5th March 1866; Emma Flora, born 4th.0ct.
1867; Anne, born and died 1868; Anne
Emily, born 11th Oct. 1870 (marr. 1900,
Elphinstone Cleland. — [Lamont's Strath
(portrait), 96 ; Family of Jlackinnon, 7.]
THOMSON MACKAY, born Durness,
jggg 19th April 1848, son of Donald M. ;
educated at Univ. of Aberdeen ;
M.A. (1871), B.D. (1875) ; ord. to Ulva 4th
May 1875; trans, to Tongue 30th Dec.
that year ; trans, and adm. 15th Aug.
1888 ; died unmarr. at Kilbride House
5th Feb. 1904. — [Lamont's Strath (por-
trait), 104.]
^ t^<^'tt. St ,A"*<., 1^7 V c^^is) ,
1904 *'"*"^- ^^^^ Hallin - in - Waternish,
and adni. 20th July 1904; trans,
to North Knapdale 24th Feb. 1914 (cf.
Vol. IV., 17) ; min. at Charlottetown,
Prince Edward Island, 1925. Publications—
Seven Great Questions (Inverness, 1904,
1921); Strath in Isle of Skye (Glasgow,
1912, 1913) ; Our Friends after Death.
Argyllshire, 10th July 1877, son of
Hugh M. and Christina MacLean ;
educated at Kingussie Public School, Glas-
gow High (School, and Univ. of Glasgow ;
M.A. (1901) ; licen. by Presb. of Islay and
Jura, 10th May 1904 ; assistant at Dal-
whinnie ; ord. to Kilfinichen and Kilvickeon
28th Sept. 1904; trans, and adm. 9th July
1914. Marr. 26th Feb. 1908, Alice May
M.A., daugh. of William Ewan, M.A.,
min. of U.F. Church, Fyvic, and Elizabeth
jNIorrison Ramsay, and has issue — Elizabeth
Ramsay, born 4th Jan. 1909 ; Hugh, born
27th Nov. 1910 ; William Ewan, born 2nd
Dec. 1912; Alastair Donald, born 3rd March
1916; Ena Mairi Ishbel, born 15th Feb.
1919; Mairi Matilda Ewan, born 3rd Dec.
1921 ; James Curdie Russell, born 7th Dec.
[The General Assembly severed the Presbytery of Uist from that of Lewis on 8th May
1742. The Register of this Presbytery begins at 17th February 1768. The records of its
twenty-six earlier years were sent off to the bookbinder in 17G8, but they did not reach
the mainland, the boat which carried them upset, and all on board being lost. The
ordinary meetings of the Presbytery of Uist are held at Lochmaddy.]
[Barra was annexed to South Uist,
Kilpheatair, and Benbecula in the latter
half of the seventeenth century, the reason
being that there were hardly any Protestants
in it to minister to, and the great body of
the parishioners still adhere to the Roman
Catholic Church. The parish was disjoined
from South Uist and erected by the
Commissioners of Teinds 14th Feb. 1733.
The church was dedicated to St Barr.
Beside it lay St Barr's Well. On the
island of Barra there were chapels of
St Breandan at Borve and St Mary at
JOHN M'NEILL, parson and min. of
,_-_ Barra, was slain by Ranald M'AlIan
vie Ean or Macdonald of Caisteal
Bhuirigh, in Benbecula, brother of Clan-
ranald, in June 1609. — [Indictment in
Argyll Charter Chest, 5th Oct. 1631.]
^,^3^ 28th Sept. 1734 j trans, to Sleat
14th Jan. 1742.
WILLIAM MACLEOD, pres. by George
yj.^ II. 8th April, and ord. 12th June
1742; trans, to Bracadale 4th May
j^^gQ licen. by Presb. of Uist ; became
missionary at Laggan ; adm. to this
parish 3rd May 1750 ; died 24th June 1760.
He marr. 11th June 1751, Marjory Macneill,
who died 16th Feb. 1816. vr>;*k t.-5> '^s^^a.
JOHN MACAULAY, M.A. ; ord. 19th
j^gg Sept. 1763; trans, to South Uist
16th April 1772.
ANGUS MACNEILL, born 1727, son of
j,y„j Donald M^of Vatersaytand grandson®
of Roderick M. of Barra ; educated
at King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (2nd
April 1747) ; ord. to South Uist 8th March
1756 ; pres. by the Presb. jure devoluto
25th July, trans, and adm. 9th Aug. 1771 ;
died 7th April 1773. He confessed himself
"half convert to the notion of the second
sight." There is a letter from him to
Dr Hugh Blair on the authenticity of
Macpherson's Ossian, dated 23rd Dec. 1763.
He marr. 17th Dec. 1764, Anne (died 26th
March 1838), daugh. of William Macleod,
min. of Campbeltown, and had issue —
Marion, born 18th Sept. 1765 (marr. John
Murray of Greshornish) ; Isobel, born 5th
Sept. 1766, died unmarr. ; Donald^ Deputy
Inspector General of Army Hospitals, 1794-
1820, born 9th Nov. 1767, died at Jersey,
1824 ; Anne (marr. John Maclntyre, Inland
Revenue officer), died l8b3.—[Miscell. Scot.,
iii ; Clanranald Charter Chest ; Clan
Macneill, 96.]
son of Donald M., min. of North
Uist; educated at Univ. of Edin-
burgh ; licen. by Presb. of Uist 17th Dec.
1769 ; pres. by the Presb. jwre devoluto 30th
March, and ord. 18th June 1774; died 15th
June 1812. James Hall represents him
as "having an easy life and not having
half-a-dozen hearers on Sunday." Kenneth
Ia^ ^v t-ft<r) .
J//«Ji>l<-".''T Via.
.^juOj'. ot.V?~c_
Macaulay, author of History of St Kilda,
says that M. kept a school at Portree and
was a "lively young man."'* He marr.
(0/ /^21st Aug. 1788, Maryf(laug]i,_aLJIaclean
r oMBorera, and had issue — Marion, born
iSth June 1791 (marr. Murdoch Macleod,
M.D.); Donald, surgeon, Jamaica, born 3rd
Jan. 1794 ; Ewen, born 13th Sept. 1795 :
(2) 20th May 1801, Isabella (died 26th Nov.
1832), daugh. of Charles Maclean of Scour,
and had issue — Charles, born 1803. Publi-
cation— Account of the Parish (Sinclair's
ff^ Stat. Ace, xiii.). — [Hall's travels, ii. ; 67a?/.
Gillean, 321.] * H***t«»^H fi*i ,
1818 Donald N. of Aird and ^Margaret Mac-
queen, and great-grandson of Donald
N., min. of Kilmuir ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (30th March
1790) ; licen. by Presb. of Skye 31st May
1794 ; ord. 19th Dec. 1796 as missionary
at Benbecula ; pres. by the Presb. jure
devoluto 6th Jan. [Donald MacGillivray,
missionary at Strathfillan, afterwards min.
of Kilmallie, was pres. by George, Prince
Regent, 21st Dec. 1812, and hurried in the
depth of winter to attend the Presb. to
lodge his presentation, but only arrived in
the afternoon to find the meeting had
dissolved after a presentation had been
given]; adm. 9th April 1813; died 6th
April 1846. He marr. 6th June 1820,
Susan (died 31st Jan. 1877), daugh. of
Donald Nicolson of Scorrybreck and Mar-
garet Macdonald, and had issue — Margaret,
born 20th July 1821 (marr. Angus Martin
min. of Snizort) ; Donald Norman, born
28th Nov. 1822 ; Janet, born 3rd Feb.
1825; Archibald, born 2nd July 1826;
Susanna, born 24th Oct. 1829; William
born 26th Feb. 1831. Publication— Account
of the Parish {Neiv Stat. Ace, xiv.). — ■
[Morren's Annah, i., 92.]
HENRY BEATSON, born Greenock,
184*7 1^11' eldest son of Henry Dundas B.,
captain R.N. (and uncle of Sir
George Stewart B., K.C.B., M.D.) and
Margaret, daugh. of Roger Stewart, Green-
ock ; educated at Univ. of Glasgow ; licen.
by Presb. of Kintyre 22nd Oct. 1834 ; ord.
to StenschoU 29th March 1838; trans, to
Small Isles 28th Sept. 1843 ; pres. by
Queen Victoria 22nd !May 1846 ; trans, and
adm. 6th May 1847 ; died at Glasgow 20th
March 1889. He marr. 29th April 1842,
Christina, eldest daugh. of Hugh Mac-
donald, factor to Colonel Macneill of Barra,
and had issue — Hugh Colin, died young ;
Henry Dundas, died young ; Margaret
Stewart ; Elizabeth Catherine. — {Family
of Beatson, 25.]
1843, son of Archibald M., tacksman
of AUasdale, Barra, and Catherine
Macdonald ; educated at Barra School
and Univ. of Glasgow ; licen. by Presb. of
Uist 14th June 1865 ; ord. to mission
at Boisdale, South Uist, 19th June 1867 ;
adm. (assistant and successor) 3rd May
1871. He marr. (I) 5th July 1899, Mary
Boyd, who died 26th July 1899 : (2) 25th
June 1901, Catherine, daugh. of William
Macaulay, tacksman of Trumisgarry and
Clachan, and Wilhelmina Lauder, and has
issue— Archibald John, mercantile marine,
born 19th April 1902 ; William, farmer,
born 6th Oct. 1903 ; James Donald, born
10th Sept. 1906 ; Angus Roderick, born 9th
July 1908.
[The ancient parish of Benbecula was
united to South Uist, Kilpheatair, and
Barra in or before the sixteenth century.
The church of Benbecula, known as
Teampull Chaluimchille, was dedicated to
St Columba. Its remains were almost
entire fifty years ago and stood on an islet
at Balvanich called Loch-na-cille. It is
said to have been built and endowed by
Aniie MacRuari, proprietrix of North and
South Uist, and wife of the Good John of
Isla, Lord of the Isles, in the middle of
the fourteenth century. It is of a very
early type, built of undressed stones. Its
total length of fifty-six feet includes a
chancel added to the older nave, but
not bonded into its walls. The very low
doorway of the church has a flat lintel,
and the jambs slant towards one another,
growing closer as they go up. A similar
Ki -X7
M Ci ,1' c 5 o i^
doorway forms the entrance 'to the chancel.
On Benbecula are the remains of a nunnery
of Benedictmes or Black Nuns at Nunton.
The island, formerly a mission station
under the Koyal Bounty, was erected a
parish and disjoined from South Uist by
the Court of Teinds 31st May 1895. The
present church was built in 1888.]
DONALD MACLEOD, missionary in
„ 1724; ord. to South Uist 8th Oct.
1767 Strontian.
ALLAN MACQUEEN, ord. 29th March
,^„- 1769; trans, to North Uist 28th
"^^ Sept. 1770.
GEOKGE MUNKO, ord. in 1771 ; trans.
1771 to South Uist 2nd April 1773.
JOHN MACLEOD, adm. about 1773;
1778 trans, to Harris 10th April 1779.
,« Dec. 1796; adm. to Barra 9th April
RODERICK MACLEAN, app. in 1813 ;
1818 adm. to South Uist 11th April 1816.
1819 ^^P^- 1819 ; trans, to Gaelic Chapel,
Dundee, June 1822.
DUNCAN MACLEAN, ord. 2nd May
1823 1823 ; trans, to Salen 4th Sept. 1828.
DONALD MACRAE, ord. 23rd Dec.
1829 ; trans, to Poole we 13th May
1884 Knoydart 1834.
jgg^ in 1837 ; ord. to Trumisgarry in
HUGH MACDONALD, ord. in 1848;
1848 trans, to Bernera 1st April 1852.
DONALD MACKAY [afterwards min.
1853 of Stoer].
1855 min. of Daviot].
■to l-7'=t e jac<.^or I?v<v^tc<v, H*ci.w,t
^U.it^-, ( S>'-<-l(? S«--«Ll»a ■
EWEN CAMPBELL, ord. in 1857;
1857 trans, to Knock 28th Sept. 1864
DUNCAN CLARKE, son of Robert C,
jggg medical practitioner, Harris ; edu-
cated at Univ. of Glasgow ; app.
in 1865 ; died in Australia.
JOHN MACPHAIL, ord. 27th Nov.
1884 1889 ; trans, to Uig 22nd April 1890.
in 1891 ; ord. to Barvas 13th April
l^^l 1893.
MURDO MACPHAIL, born Shawbost,
jggg 30th June 1851, son of Malcolm M.^
and Ann Macleod ; educated at
Univ. of Glasgow ; licentiate of the Free
Church; ord. 25th Sept. 1895; died 31st
July 1905. He marr. 21st Nov. 1900,
Johanna Christina, daugh. of Norman
Morison, postmaster, Stornoway, and Isa-
bella Macdonald, and had issue — Ann,
born 25th March 1902 ; Norman, born
17th March 1904.
JOHN STEWART, adm. 15th Feb.
1906; trans, to Snizort 6th Nov.
[Parish vacant seven years.]
jgj^ Tullich, Dunlichity, 22nd Aug. 1864,
son of Archibald M. and Barbara
Macpherson ; educated at Dunmaglass
School and Univs. of Glasgow and Edin-
burgh ; licen. by Free Church Presb. of
Edinburgh 4th July 1907 ; assistant at
Govan ; ord. to Free Church, Tobermory,
24th March 1909; trans, and adm. 25th
March 1914 ; trans, to Hutchesontown,
Glasgow, 19th May 1921. Marr. (1) 28th
Aug. 1894, Margaret (died 22nd July 1900),
daugh. of John Parlane, and had issue —
John Archibald, engineer, born 9th March
1897; Ebenezer Duncan, engineer, born
22nd Dec. 1898: (2) 5th July 1907, Isa-
bella, daugh. of Thomas Alexander Webster,
f ^/r7-,| (VI.
and has issue— Isabella, born 12th May
1908; Mary, born 20th May 1909; Alex-
ander (twin), born 20th May 1909 ; Barbara,
born 7th Fob. 1911 ; George, born 7tL Feb.
1913 ; Christina, born 11th June 1917.
jg22 29th March 1922; tran.s. to Loch-
carron 4th Sept. 1923.
1928 ^0^^^ Uist, 11th Sept. 1890, son of
Donald M. and ]\Iary Campbell ;
educated at Kingussie School and Univ.
of Glasgow ; M.A. (1913) ; licen. by Presb.
of Uist 3rd May 1916 ; assistant at
Scots Church, Buenos Aires; ord. 12th
Dec. 1923; trans, to Killean 29th Dec.
1926 ; died 13th Feb. 1928. Marr. 18th July
1924, Rachel, daugh. of Gilbert Mackinnon
and Margaret M'Nab, and has issue— a son.
[The island of Bernera formerly a part
of the parish of Harris was erected into
a parliamentary charge in 1827, declared
to be a quoad sacra parish by the Act of
Assembly, 25th May 1833, and erected by
the Court of Teinds 11th June 1845. On
the island of Bernera there were of old
chapels of St Columba and St Asaph.]
JOHN BETHUNE, born Inverness-
jg29 sbire, 1725 ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (30th March
1816) ; licen. by Presb. of Uist 15th Jan.
1820; ord. (by Presb. of Skye) missionary
at Rum and Canna 4th April 1821 ; app. to
mission at Tarbert, Harris, 7tli Oct. 1831 ;
pres. by George IV. 27th April, trans, and
adm. 4th Sept. 1829; died 26th June 1851.
He marr. Janet Grahaml^dangh. of Alex-
ander Simpson, min. of Lochs, and had
issue — Alexander Simpson, min. of Knock.
HUGH MACDONALD, pres. by Queen
Victoria 2nd Dec. 1851 ; adm. 1st
April 1852 ; trans, to Trumisgarry
14th May 1878.
DUGALD GILLIES, born 1830, eldest
son of John G., farmer, Kilmartin,
Argyllshire ; educated at Univ. of
Glasgow ; ord. missionary at Glens, Ard-
chattan, 1855 ; trans, to Gaelic Chapel,
Rothesay, 1864 ; trans, and adm. 19th Sept.
1878 ; died unmarr. 28th Dec. 1894.
JOHN MACNIVEN, ord. 19th Sept.
1 895 ; trans, to St Columba's, Paisley,
^^^^ 21st Oct. 1903.
ALEXANDER GRANT, trans, from
Trumisgarry 9th Feb. 1904; trans.
^^°* to Hylipol 20th March 1913.
NORMAN MORRISON, born Braenish,
Uig, Lewis, 14th Jan. 1874, son of
Ewen M. and Christian Morrison ;
educated at Braenish School, Glasgow
High School, and Church of Scotland
Training Institute, Edinburgh ; missionary
at Obbe, Trumisgarry, and Bernera for ten
years ; licen. by Presb. of Uist 13th Aug.
1917 ; ord. 21st Sept. 1917 ; trans, to Farr
15th Sept. 1927. Marr. 1st Feb. 1917,
Annabella, daugh. of John Macdonald and
Jemima Thomson, and has issue — Jemima,
born 4th April 1918; Christina, born 2nd
Dec. 1920; Johcon, born 8th May 1923;
Moragann, born 24th Aug. 1924.
[These two parishes were united not later
than the sixteenth century, but most likely
before that.
Harris.— The church of this parish was
dedicated to St Bride, and of old was
known as Kilbride. At Rodel there was
an Augustinian Priory, dependent on the
Abbey of Holyrood. Of its buildings no
trace now remains. Its church, dedicated
to St Clement, still remains entire, with
a scjuare tower sixty feet high, known
locally as Tin- Mor Chliamain, of much
older date than the church itself. It was
restored in the end of last century by the
late Earl of Dunmore, and divine service is
held in it occasionally. It contains fine
old carved monuments, and was of old the
burial place of the Macleods of Dunvegan.
i' <>-^^ 7/.
uistI (A-i** ■-i^'if:* <:o5Mr.:» Tpj^
iV wiccl f '-V**.*. * wt
CU«Cvqv) vt W
There are still in the parish traces of the
old chapels of St Luag, on the shore of
Loch Seaforth, of St Taran and St Keith
on the island of Taransay, and of St Luag
and St Mary in the island of Pabbay.]
1566 ^^ Archibald, Earl of Argyll, in
1566, the parsonage and vicarage of
St Bride in Harris for life, which was
confirmed by Queen Mary in 1567 ; coll.
by Bishop John Carswell, Abbot of lona,
and styled parson of Harris in 1568. —
[Collect, de Reb. Alban, uf.]
1625; dep. 28th May 1656 for
scandalous carriage and unchristian
conversation, but was apparently reponed
as he was still min. 27th May 1657 ; was
alive 29th May 1661, when he was again
under suspension for similar offences, and
is stated to have been " a man inattentive
to his character and duty."— [Co/^ec<, de
Reh. Alban., l|4 ; Scots Mag., xxviii.]
JOHN CAMPBELL, is styled min. of
St Clement's in Harris, 13th May
1670, and according to Martin held
Barra in conjunction with this parish. —
[P. C. Reg., 3rd ser., iii., 648.]
JOHN CAMPBELL, born 1655, son of
preceding ; probably educated at
Univ. of Glasgow ; M.A. (20th July
1675)i adm. before 1689; died Oct. 1707.—
Clj^lf [Martin's Western Isles, ^f ; Macaulay's
U St Kilda.] Hc.'^r. Av\^Q.^c'\i'A\ (J^^ i xlT^ .
AULAY MACAULAY, born about
1673, son of Dugald M. of Braenish,
Lewis ; educated at Univ. of Edin-
burgh ; M.A. (1693); ord. to Tiree and
Coll 24th July 1704; called July 1712;
trans, and adm. 11th Jan. 1713; died 20th
April 1758. He marr. Margaret (died 7th
March 1771), daugh. of Kenneth Morrison,
min. of Stornoway, and had issue — ^neas;
John, min. of Cardross, bornl720; Kenneth,
min. of Cawdor, born 1723.®
13th Aug. 1762; trans, to Assynt
^^^ 13th Feb. 1765.
1765; trans, to Bracadale 6th Oct.
ANGUS BETHUNE, M.A. ; ord. (by
Presb. of Gairloch, there being no
quorum in the Presb. of Uist) 28th
Aug., and adm. 28th Sept. 1768 ; trans.
to Alness 25th Sept. 1771.
JOHN BETHUNE, brother of preced-
ing ; M.A. ; pres. by Macleod of
Macleod in March, and ord. 13th
May 1772; trans, to Dornoch 16th Sept.
preceding; ord. (assistant and suc-
cessor) 20th Nov. 1751 ; trans, to
Ardnamurchan 15th July 1761.
JOHN MACLEOD,^ M.Ayfj pres. by Kc^^U Cm^U
commissioner for Norman Macleod ai . ^^^^^^v
of Macleod 24th Feb., and trans. ^ ^
from Benbecula 10th April 1779; D.D. ^'"^ '^*' /
(Aberdeen, 18th May 1795); trans. toL'^S'-t*. frU-^ c
Kilmodan 16th April 1806.
1766, son of Neil B. of Orbostfand
Janet Macleod ; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen, M.A. (30th March 1785);
licen. by Presb. of Skye 9th July 1789;
ord. missionary at Duirinish 2nd Feb.
1790; pres. by Alexander Macleod of
Harris in Aug., and adm. 26th Dec. 1806.
He stated, 1st April 1811, that "in the
parish there is a population of three
thousand and among them there are not
two hundred that can read English, and
none capable of reading Gaelic alone." He
died 26th June 1831. He marr. 4th Nov,
1802, Isobel, daugh. of Sheriff Macdonald,
Greshornish, who died 31st March 1858,
and had issue — Neil, born 13th Oct.
1803; William, born 20th Dec. 1804;
Isabella, born 17th March 1806 ; Helen,
born 22nd July 1808 ; Donald ; Janet,
died unmarr. V. l^^tu u..^^:. /'Vi.j
JOHN MACIVER, pres. by Alexander
Norman Macleod of Harris 7th Oct.
1831 ; ord. 3rd May 1832 ; trans, to
Sleat 8th May 1844.
y-isy ,' A.
1844 ^^P^" ^^^'* '' trans, to Laggan 24 th
Sept. 1846.
1847 ^'"tor of the Earl of Dunmore ; ord.
16th April 1847; trans, to South
Uist 28th Dec. 1854.
Benbecula, 1 830, third son of Roderick
M., Cunambuintag, Benbecula, and
Catherine Ferguson ; educated at Univ. of
Glasgow ; licen. by Presb. of Kintyre in
1854 ; iires. by the Tutor for the Earl of
Dunmore 9th Feb. 1855 ; ord. 10th May
that year ; died 14th ^March 1868. A man
of outstanding ability and culture, an
earnest preacher and faithful pastor, he
devoted much of his spare time, both in his
student days and afterwards, in collecting
the floating traditions and poetry of iiis
native Uist.
CHARLES MACLEAN, born Coll, 18th
1868 "^^^^ ^^"^^f ^°" '^^ Donald M. and
Catherine Macphail ; educated at
King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (March
1850); licen. by Presb. of Mull 27th Dec.
1853; ord. to Kinlochluichart 27th Sept.
1854 ; trans, to Ullapool 24th June 1856 ;
trans, and adm. 24th Sept. 1868 ; died 4th
June 1880. He marr. 16th July 1857,
Catherine Robertson (died 21st July 1900),
daugh. of Alexander Mackenzie, merchant,
Ullapool, and had issue — Alexander Mac-
kenzie ; Lachlan, died in infancy ; Isabella
Mackenzie (marr. Donald Campbell, mer-
chant, Tarbert) ; Lillias Catherine Mac-
phail ; Margaret Symona Mackenzie, died
28th July 1921 ; John Mackenzie, died in
infancy ; Mary Macrae ; Charlotte ; John
Lachlan, assistant cashier. National Liberal
Club, London, died 26th May 1912 ; Donald,
died while a student of divinity ; Thomasina
Mackenzie, died in infancy.
DONALD MACLEAN, born Tiree ;
1881 t^ducated at Univ. of Glasgow ; ord.
to Trumisgarry 13th May 1809 ;
trans, to Colonsay 5th March 1873 ; trans,
and adm. 4th Jan. 1881 ; dem. 7th Dec.
1909 ; died 4th Sept. 1914.
JOHN KER^born Harris, 25th Oct.
1910 1^^^' ^°" ^^ Roderick K. and
Christina Kerr ; educated at Borve
School and Univ. of Glasgow ; licen. by
Presb. of Dunoon July 1892 ; assistant at
Greenock ; ord. to Shurrcry 28th Feb.
1904; trans, and adm. 14th Sept. 1910.
Marr. 30th April 1918, Adele, daugh. of
Elie Le Couvey, s.p.
[When Donald Monro, Dean of the Isles,
visited North Uist prior to 1549 the island
was divided into two parishes, that known
locally as Kilmorie and the district of
Sand where there was of old a Columban
Establishment. At the Reformation the
parish of Sand was united to Kilmorie.
It is now included in the parish of Trumis-
garry. The church, in which worship
continued to be held, was dedicated to
St Columba. The church of Kilmorie was
dedicated to the Virgin Mary. At Carinish,
in the south of this parish, stand the ruins
of an ancient Chapel of the Holy Trinity
still bearing the name of Teampull na
Trianaid. It is nearly sixty-five feet in
length, and the traces of other buildings
set about it point plainly to its importance
in times past. Teampull na Trianaid was
founded, according to MacVurich, the
historian of Clanranald, by Beathag,
daugh. of Somerled, Lord of the Isles, first
Prioress of lona. There were also within
the bounds chapels of St Martin at Baile
Mhartain, St Olaf at Kilaulay, St Ultan
on the island of Vallay, St Clement's at
Hosta, St Peter's at Balelone, and Teampull
Chriosd at Balishare. There are mission
chapels in North Uist at Balishare and
Carinish. Of the ministers, if any, who
served in this parish during the latter
half of the sixteenth century there is no
. „ Thomas Knox refers to him in his
report on his diocese in 1626, as
" ane verie auld man," then serving in both
®a. UN&U 17
^ MA C£^-- )
North and South Uist. The population of
South Uist being almost entirely Koman
Catholic the minister had his residence in
North Uist, which was entirely Protestant.
There is no further reference to him. —
[Collectanea de Rehus Alhanicis ; Craven's
Diocese of Argyll and the Isles, 49.]
ANGUS MACQUEEN, ^ adm. before
26th May 1642; trans, to South
Uist in 1662.
DONALD MACLEAN, born 1638, son
of Neil M. of Borera ; educated at
King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A.
(1656); adm. about 1662; still min. in
1673.— [ZorfZ Macdonald's Writs.']
ALAN MORKISON, adm. in 1688, was
accused of simony and outed in or
before 1692. He returned to Lewis
and succeeded his father as min. of Barvas.
ALEXANDER COOPER, passed trials
1692 ^^^"^"^^ ^^® Presb. of Long Island ;
licen. by Archibald, Bishop of the
Isles; called 17th June 1690; ord. by
James, Bishop of Ross and three presbyters
(Marr, late of Bathgate, Farquhar, late of
Edinburgh, and Ramsay, late of Preston-
pans), 16th July 1692 ; intruded that year ;
submitted to Presbyterianism 12th June
1699 ; drowned Aug. llOOT-iArgyll Synod
! Reg. ; Lord Macdonald's Charter Chest.] *
!® ^ JOHN MACLEAN/ son of John M. of
' j^Qg Borera; ord. April 1708; died in
1735. He marr. Mary, daugh. of
Alexander Macdonald of Morar, and had
issue— John, bookbinder, Glasgow ; Alex-
ander.—[.Jco^s Mag., Ixxx. ; Lord Mac-
donald's Charter Chest.]
^,^3Q South Uist 4th May 1736;
to Duirinish 13th Aug. 1754.
jiygg 1700, son of Angus M., min. of
Sleat; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen; M.A. (2nd April 1719); ord.
to Small Isles 19th April 1727 ; trans, and
adm. 29th Sept. 1755. He was a believer in
second sight, declaring he had known so
many incidents of it that " I have no manner
of doubt of the existence of such visions."
He died 28th March 1770. He marr. 13th
Oct. 1736, Marjoiy (died 13th Feb. 1801),
daugh. of Lachlan Maclean of Torrestan,
cadet of Coll, and had issue — Allan, min.
of this parish ; Edmund, min. of Barra, o
Publication — Letter to the Author of a st'-^-"'^^-^
Treatise on the Second Sight, Theophilus >T^/ .
Insulanus (pseudonym of Macleod of
Hamera (1763). — [Miscell. Scot., iii ; Clan
Gillean, 412; Lord Macdonalds Charter
ALLAN MACQUEEN, born 1742, son
of preceding; educated at King's
College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (2nd April
1764); licen. by Presb. of Uist 9th Dec.
1768 ; ord. missionary at Benbecula 29th
March 1769; pres. by George III. in Aug.,
and adm. 28th Sept. 1770 ; died at Tigheary
8th Dec. 1801. He was a man of ability
and deep piety, and was much loved and
resnected. The friend of Johnj!^Codrum Mac/
(17Jp-1779), the North LTist bard, it was on o/
the occasion of his induction that the bard '
composed the felicitous lines, " Faillte do'n
Chleir." He marr. 15th Feb. 1783, Mary
(died 19th April 1833), daugh. of William ':
Macdonald of Vallay, and had issue — Mary,
born 19th Dec. 1783 (she was the subject
of the popular song, "J/aM•^ Bhoidheach,"
by Alexander Stewart, joint editor of
Stewart's Collection of Gaelic Poetry) ; ^
Donald,/_captain in the Royal Scots, 1814, '=''''V
born 23rd Dec. 1784. Publication— Account
of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, xiii.).
— [Clan Gillean, 412 ; Lord Macdonald's
Charter Chest.] U_C_it KcC-<- B>oc U jV . -^7 .
JAMES MACQUEEN, born 1762, son
of William M., min. of Snizort ;
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen; M.A. (30th March 1782); ord. 19th
Dec. 1792 as missionary in Harris ; pres. by
George III. 21st Jan., and adm. 22nd Sept.
1802; died 10th March 1815. He marr.
15th Oct. 1796, Susanna (died 28th March
1851), daugh. of William Macdonald of
Vallay, and had issue — William, min. of
Truniisgarry, born 23rd Sept. 1797 ; Alice,
born 13th Feb. 1801 (marr. Captain Alex-
ander Maclean of Hosta, 79th Highlanders) ;
Alexander, officer of the Macqueen, East
Indiaman, born 11th Aug. 1802.
-v\ c^ U >")
UiLw^ pet p^ ITS ^Vcl iWSjf (.7)
jgjg son of John A.f farmer, Baleloch,
and Mary, daugb. of Donald Mac-
aulay, Baleloch ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen; M.A. (28th March 1794); licen.
by Presb. of Uist 17th Aug. 1798 ; became
schoolmaster of Stornoway ; ord. missionary
at Sand and Sollas in 1806 ; trans, to South
Uist 23rd Sept. 1813 ; pres. by George,
Prince Regent, 2nd May ; trans, and adm.
14th Sept. 1815 ; died 27th Jan. 1818. He
marr. 18th Aug. 1797, Flora (died 11th
June 1852), daugh. of Dr Murdoch MacLeod
of Kilpheder, North Uist, and sister of the
well-known Dr Ban MacLeod, and had issue
—John, born 1st Aug. 1798 ; Marion, born
18th Jan. 1800 ; Maryf born 24th June
1801 ; Neil, born 1st Aug. 1803 ; Norman,
born 31st July 1806 ; Murdoch, school-
master of North Uist, born 12th Dec. 1808 ;
Alexander, born 1st July 1810 ; Donald,
born 14th Sept. 1812 ; Harriet Julia, born
9th April 1817 (marr. Archibald MacleHan,
merchant, Tigheary).
FINLAY MACRAE, born 1792, son of
Donald M., Achintee, Lochcarron,
and Mary Macrae ; educated at
King's College, Aberdeen; M.A. (12th
March 1812); licen. by Presb. of Uist 8th
April 1815; ord. missionary at Sand and
Sollas 23rd Nov. that year ; pres. by
George, Prince Regent, 2nd June, and adm.
24th Sept. 1818 ; sometime clerk of Presb. ;
app. J. P. (13th May 1831). He was accused
of maintaining erroneous opinions in a
sermon preached at the opening of the
Synod of Glenelg, but was acquitted by
the General Assembly 31st May 1841 ; died
15th May 1858. He marr. 10th July 1824,
Isabella Maria (died 15th Sept. 1882),
daugh. of Colonel Alexander Macdonald
of Lynedale and Balranald, and had issue
— Donald! tacksman of Luskin tyre, Harris,
born 23rd Aug. 1825, died 1893 ; Alexander,
M.D., surgeon in army, born 3r(l May 1828,
died May 1862; Duncan, born 16th Nov.
1829, went to Australia, died 1866; John
Alexander, min. of this parish ; James
Andrew, major, Inverness-shire Militia^
and tacksman of Vallay, born 4th June
1834, died 1873; Jano Anne Elizabeth,
/4 vV*vv*--«J»-y
born 13th Feb. 1837 (marr. Captain
Edward William Hawes, R.N.), died 1916;
Godfrey Alexander, M.B., CM. (Aberdeen,
1864), born 1st Oct. 1840, died 20th May
1884. Publication — Account of the Parish
{New Stat. Ace, xiv.). — [Hist, of the
Macraes, 226.]
jggg Vallay, 27th March 1832, son of
preceding ; educated privately and
at Marischal College, Aberdeen, and Univ.
of Glasgow ; licen. by Presb. of Uist ; ord.
to Truraisgarry 19th April 1855 ; pres. by
Queen Victoria 26th Oct. 1858 ; trans, and
adm. 3rd Feb. 1859 ; dem. 11th Nov. 1886;
died at Manse of Logierait 30th Dec. 1896.
—{Hist, of the Macraes, 228.]
jgg,- Feb. 1855, son of Alexander M., and
Catherine Macdonaldflvnockintorran,
North Uist ; educated at General Assembly
School, Bayhead, and Univ. of Glasgow ;
licen. by Presb. of Mull 5th May 1885;
assistant at Tiree, 1885-7 ; ord. (assistant
and successor) 30th March 1887; D.D. (Glas-
gow, 1923) ; app. clerk of Presb. in 1900.
[The island of Hirt lies fully sixty miles
west of any part of the coast of Harris.
Its parish church, which exists no longer,
was dedicated to Christ, and was known
as Cill Chriosd of Hirta. A writer, who
visited this island in the middle of the
eighteenth century, tells us that the church
was " twenty-four feet long, built of stone
without any cement, and covered with
thatch." In Hirt there were of old
chapels of St Columba and St Breandan.
In 1710 a mission chapel was built on the
island. It was formerly a part of the
parish of Harris. It belonged to the parish
of North Uist, and was one of the charges
originally constituting the Presb. of Long
Island erected in 1724. The island was
visited in 1697 by John Campbell, min.
of Harris, accompanied by Martin Martin
t'^fc-^^ l^c
who, in 1698, published A Late Voyage to
St Kilda. A catechist was proposed to be
sent there by the General Assembly, March
1703 and March 1704, supported by private
contribution. In 1733 Alexander Macleod,
advocate, lodged in the hands of the
S.P.C.K. £333, 6s. 8d., the annual interest
of which was to be employed in support of
the minister, catechist, or missionary. The
directors of the Society in 1739 increased
the yearly sum to £25, the patronage to
be vested in Macleod of Harris and his
heirs male. In consideration of the Society
doubling the yearly payment, John Norman
Macleod of Macleod relinquished his right
of patronage to the Society in 1821, they
" having still a special regard to persons of
the name of Macleod in terms of the original
mortification." In 1843 the congregation
joined the Free Church, and the succession
of missionaries labouring there have been
supported by that Church, and by the
United Free Church since 1900. The first
minister of whom there is any record was
a member of this Presb. The name of St
Kilda is of eighteenth century origin and
is not that of any saint, and its meaning
is quite uncertain.]
the Gaelic district of Aberdeenshire,
and described as "an old veteran,
who had spent his time in the army from
the Restoration to the Peace of Utrecht,
a poor stranger, who had been reduced to
frailty and want, and suffered much for his
good aflfection to the Church and State " ;
licen. by Presb. of Edinburgh and sent as
catechist by the Commission of Assembly in
1705. In the following year the Assembly
allowed him 400 merks out of the public
money, and a letter was ordered to be
written to Macleod of Macleod to give
him due encouragement. The Presb. of
Edinburgh, 24th March 1708, recommended
" that a contribution be made for his
encouragement in propagating the know-
ledge of Christ and rooting out the pagan
and popish superstitious customs so much
yet in use among that people"; ord. by
that Presb. 15th March 1710; died of a
fever in the beginning of 1730, having
established a kirk-session and on several
occasions dispensed the communion. He
had a reputation for deep piety, and being a
strict disciplinarian and Sabbatarian. In
a letter of 11th June 1711 he describes the
state of the people, and complains bitterly
of the oppression of the ground officer who
was reckoned a rich man in St Kilda, but
according to the minister " a godless man
anywhere." He had his revenge in fining
the officer's wife two merks, and causing her
"stand in sack-cloth for inducing two women
to sell a dog on the Lord's Day." " When
any one breaks the Sabbath," he relates, "I
cause them stand in sack-cloth dipped in
the filthiest gutter in the toun." He marr.
Katherine Campbell who survived him, and
who being in destitute circumstances, con-
tributions were made from time to time for
her support. They had issue — Helen (marr.,
pro. 25th Nov. 1753, Henry Derby, soldier
in City Guard, Edinburgh) ; Margaret ;
Jean ; and ten others. Publication — A
Description of St Kilda, the most remote
Western Isle in Scotland (Edinburgh,
1727, 1732) [reprinted by his daughter Jean
(1774)].— [il/isceZ/. Scot, ii. (Glasgow, 1818);
Macaulay's History of St Kilda; Society
Sermons (1822); Monro's Description of the
Western Isles (Edinburgh, 1774); Glasgow
Council Min., 19th Oct. 1719.]
RODERICK M'LENNAN,' educated at
King's College, Aberdeen, M.A. (2nd
April 1719), and Univ. of Edinburgh;
ord. after May 1730. During her stay
on the island to which she was forcibly
abducted, Rachel Erskine, wife of Lord
Grange, experienced much kindness from
both M. and his wife, which "helped to
preserve her life and make it comfortable."
She describes M. as "a serious and devout
man and very painfull in the discharge "*■
of his duties." /jle was app. missionary W"
in the Presb. of Tongue Feb. 1743.— [ii>«'s^^e
from Lady Grange (London, 1798).]
Skye^ educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; app. in 1743 ; died about
1755. He marr. Barbara Macphersoi^who
died at Greenock, 21st July 1817, aged 97,
VI1-.V ^th^ <^'^->±itLr ,^^^)
and had issue— Colonel Donala^f Achna-
goyle and St Kilda, died 22nd April 1813
[father of Sir Jo^t^M., K.C.S.I., and Major-
Generals Donald and Alexander M. of the
Madras Cavalry].
1755 in 1755>
DONALD MACLEOD, a native of
Skye ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; catechist in 1774.
ANGUS MACLEOD (known as Mac-
Dhonil Oig), son of Donald Oig M.,
Bracadale; studied law in Inver-
ness, and was afterwards a small farmer in
South Uistl^ app. catechist in South Uist
in 1768; transferred to be missionary in
St Kilda before Dec. 1780. In 1785 he
petitioned the Presb. that owing to his
decline in health, old age, and infirmities,
his position might be taken into serious con-
sideration. The Presb. recommended the
appointment of his son Lauchlan. He died
shortly thereafter, probably in 1788. He
marr. Margaret Mackinnon of Glasnakill in
Strathaird, Skye, and had issue — Alexander {
in Royal Navyf, and present at the Battle
of Copenhagen'^; Lauchlan, his successor.
Kilda, 1762, son of preceding'^ edu-
cated at a parish school in Skye,
but never attended a University ; licen. by
Presb. of Skye ; ord. Dec. 1788 ; dem. 1830
and resided at Bernera, where he died in
1832. He marr. Marion (died at St Kilda,
1821), daugh. of Neil Maclean, tacksman of
Kinloch Dunvegan, and had issue— Angus,
ftdmimpi.N., born 1797, diedl837 ; Donald,
born 1798, died 1813; Norman, born 14th
Feb. 1800, died 30th March 1877 ; Flora,
died young ; Roderick, died young ; Alex-
ander, died in San Domingo ; Roderick,
disappeared from a ship at Liverpool in
1836 and never heard of again.
PETER DAVIDSON, app. in 1829 ; ord.
jggg missionary at Dirlot in 1830 [after-
wards min. of Stoer {q.v.)\.
NEIL MACKENZIE, ord. in 1830;
trans, to Duror in 1844. Publica-
tion— Episode in the Life of N. M. at
St. Kilda. [Edited by his son, p.p., 1911.]
^4^ A**JU.*^'
[South Uist included of old the parishes
of Kilpheder, Howmore, and Benbecula.
Kilpheder embraced the district known
in old charters as Kendess and extended
northwards to Locheynort. Its church was
dedicated to St Peter. Within the bounds
were at least two chapels, St Bride's on
Loch Boisdale, and St Donan's at Cill
Donain. There are mission chapels at Loch
Boisdale and lochdar.
Iloivniore extended northwards from
Locheynort to lochdar and the South
Ford. It appears as Skirhough in old
records. In the old burial ground are the
remains of two churches, Teampull Dhiar-
maid dedicated to St Columba, and Team-
pull Mhuire dedicated to St Mary. There
were also chapels of St Kenneth at Kil-
choinnich, St Michael near Aird Mhicheil,
and others at Kilvandin, Kilaulay, Kilbride,
and Kildonan.
Benbecula was disjoined from South Uist
on 31st May 1895.
The present parish church was built in
1854. Previous to that date there had been
none for many years, the population being
largely Roman Catholics. There is no
trace of a resident Protestant minister in
this parish for many years after the
Reformation.]-^ , -^c ^2 ■
JOHN MACKINNON, rector on 3rd
1633 '^^"'^ 1633. — [Cr. B. Sas., xxxvi.,
viving son of John Bain M. (a
renowned warrior in his time, who
fell defending Macdonald of Sleat in an
attack by the Macleods, near the Castle
of Ruaigh in Sleat); educated at Univ.
of Glasgow ; M.A. (1632) ; adm. before 6th
May 1642. In 1644 the men of South Uist
at the instigation of their chief Clanranald
raided his lands and carried off fifty-four
cows, sixty sheep, twenty-eight lambs and
thirteen horses. He was obliged to seek
refuge at Dunvegan under protection of
Macleod. An action was raised against
\LjU^^,4j^ . It4rl
(^f^O) lli W<^v» ^ >o
WCi^.^* 1 1»
UIST] (^-r^i/ Ut.^^^''
the raiders before Sir James Macdonald
of Sleat, the sheriff of the Western Isles,
and John Maclean of" Borera, sheriff-
depute, and on 22nd July 1658, judgment
was given in favour of the minister.
During his incumbency he gave shelter
to General, afterwards Earl Middleton,
while in concealment in the Isles in 1655,
after the Glencairn Rising ; adm. to
Duirinish in 1661.
£wi^/ ANGUS MACQUEEN, son of H«gh(
M., min. of Duirinislr*' adm. to
North Uist before 26th May 1642 j
trans, and adm. 22nd Aug. 1662 ; dep. after
1668. On 9th May and again on 16th Oct.
1649, the Synod of Argyll resolved to
have the Shorter Catechism translated into
Gaelic and printed. M. completed a trans-
lation before 19th May 1652, which was
referred by the Synod to a committee to
compare with the originals. An edition is
believed to have been printed at Glasgow
about 1652, but no copy has been dis-
covered.— [Maclean's Ty2wgraphia Scoto-
Gadelica, 69.] " ' I -
M. of Griminish, North Uist, and
Flora, daugh. of Ranald Macdonald
of Benbecula ; educated at Univ. of
Glasgow; M.A. (1674); ord. to Killean,
Kintyre, with Gigha also in that charge,
some time before the Revolution ; adm.
min. here in 1689 without being translated ;
died at Campbeltown in Kintyre, 1724, while
on a visit to his friends at Largie. He was
known on account of his great bodily
strength as Am Ministear Laidir, or the
" Strong Minister," and tradition tells how
he had frequently to make use of the
strong arm. A man of talent and great
force of character, he was both respected
and feared and left behind him a fragrant
memory. He marr. a daugh. of Angus
Macdonald of Largie, and had issue-
Archibald of Dunskellor, factor in North
Uist for Sir Alexander Macdonald of
Sleat ; Allan ; Marion (marr. (1) Ranald
Macdonald, tacksman of Milton, and was
mother of the celebrated Flora Macdonald :
(2) Hugh Macdonald of Armadale) ; Mary,
died unmarr. in North Uist lIQb.— [Charter
^%^t cp.TOM x'^y^^'t^
Chests of Clanranald and Lord Mac-
donald ; Diet. Nat. Biog. ; Clan Donald,
iii., 281.]
DONALD MACLEOD, ord. 8th Oct.
1725 ; trans, to North Uist 4th May
JOHN MUNRO, ord. 14th Jan. 1737;
,^„», trans, to Eddrachillis 21st June
JOHN MACAULAY, M.A. ; called by
the Presb. jure devoluto and ord.
before 9th May 1745. The General
Assembly reversed the settlement, but he
was re-adm. in 1746. From a petition to
the Assembly in April 1745, by the con-
gregation (headed by Mrs Macdonald of
Clanranald, her husband being a Roman
Catholic), it is stated that the Presb. had
"thrust upon them their favourite J. M.,
contrary to the inclination of the heritors,
elders and people, notwithstanding a royal ^
presentation," dated 21st Aug. 1744, "ini ^
favour of Neil Macleod, the chosen of the'r
congregation. This," the petition says, " will
render M.'s ministry useless and perhaps
his life uneasy." They prayed the Assembly
to settle Neil Macleod among them who
had already laboured as Royal Bounty
missionary for six years within the bounds.
The Presb. found him unqualified although
they had annually certified his qualifications
as a missionary. Further, they evaded
Macleod's presentation by a measure most
people would have considered not very
correct by holding their meeting at a
different time and place from usual, so that
the presentee was not able to find them.
M. rendered himself highly unpopular by
his persistent efforts to betray Prince
Charles when the latter was in hiding in
South Uist; trans, to Lismore 30th July
ANGUS MACNEILL, M.A. ; ord. 8th
,^„ March 1756; trans, to Barra 9th
'^^^ Aug. 1771.
JOHN MACAULAY, born 1737, son of i
^ John M., tacksman of Baleloch;!
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen, 1754-8 ; licen. by Presb. of Uist ; ord.
to Barra 19th Sept. 1763 ; trans, and adm.
16th April 1772 ; dem. 7th Aug. that year ;
went to America ; died 29th July 1776.
He marr. 3rd Sept. 1771, Mary (died 5th
Dec. 1830), daugh. of Alexander Macdonald
of Balranald, and had issue — Margaret. —
{Lord Macdonald's Charter Chest.^^Crhi lH
GEORGE MUNRO, born 3rd J
son of John j\I., min. of this parish
^^^ (1737); educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; M.A. (30th March 1767) ; licen.
by Presb. of Uist ; ord. missionary at
Benbecula in 1771 ; pres. by George III.
17th Nov. 1772; adm. 2nd April 1773;
suspended 11th April 1780, but sentence
removed 16th Dec. that year ; app. J. P.
in 1818 ; died 5th Nov. 1832. He marr.
28th Nov. 1778, Marion, daugh. of Angus
Macdonald of Milton, and had issue —
Penelope, born 29th Sept. 1777 ; John,
born 25th Nov. 1778 ; Alexander, lieut.-
colonel 16th Foot, died at Edinburgh, 1863 ;
Angus ; Marion (marr. John MacEachen),
Publication — Account of the Parish (Sin-
clair's Stat. Ace, xiii.). — [Uist. of the
Munros, 354 ; Tomhst.']
by George, Prince Regent, 2nd May,
and adm. (assistant and successor)
23rd Sept. 1813 ; trans, to North Uist 14th
Sept. 1815.
1772; educated at King's College,
^^^® Aberdeen, M.A. (30th March 1797),
and Univ. of Edinburgh ; app. schoolmaster
of Portree 15th Oct. 1800 ; licen. by Presb.
of Skye 2nd Dec 1801 ; ord. missionary at
Hallin-in-Waternish 8th April 1807; re-
moved to Carinish, North Uist, about
1810; pres. by George, Prince Regent, in
March, and adm. (assistant and successor)
11th April 1816; app. J. P. in 1818; D.L.
in 1831 ; died at Drimisdale, 4th June 1854.
He marr. Elizabeth, daugh. of Ca])tain
Norman Macleod (Cyprus), and had issue
—Donald, born 5th Sept. 1810; a child,
born 13th March 1812; Norman, born Uth
Oct. 1814, died in Australia ; Alexaudrina,
born 19th May 1816 (marr. Alexander Mac-
donald, Peninirin); Charles, tacksman of
Milton, born 2nd Feb. 1818; Roderick,
medical officer of the parish, born 7th Oct.
1819; Jessie, born 19th June 1822 (marr.
Norman Macdonald, tacksman of Nunton
and Vallay), died at Broadraeadows, New
South Wales, 16th March 1924, aged 102 ;
Margaret, born 27th May 1824 ; Flora, born
4th April 1826 ; Marion, born 1st July 1827
(marr. Roderick Macdonald, min. of this
parisl^; Christina, born 11th Feb. 1836
(marr. Archibald Pearson, M.D., Govan),
died 17th March 1919. Publication —
Account of the Parish {Neio Stat. Ace,
Vallay, 1820, son of Archibald M.,
tacksman of Kirkibost, North Uist,
and Susan Mackinnon ; educated at North
Uist School and Univ. of Glasgow ; licen.
by Presb. of Uist; ord. to Harris 16th
April 1847 ; pres. by Queen Victoria 25th
July, trans, and adm. 28th Dec. 1854 ; died
31st March 1900. A man of high attain-
ments and of varied culture, he excelled
as a preacher in Gaelic and in English. He
marr.30th Oct. 1851, Marion (died 13th March
1914), daugh. of Roderick Maclean, min. of
this parish, and had issue — Archibald,
D.D., min. of Kiltarlity ; Elizabeth Pringle,
born 7th Aug. 1855 ; Roderick, died while
a student at Glasgow, Aug. 1871 ; Alastair,
farmer, born 4th Oct. 1859 ; Susan, born
4th Feb. 1861 (marr. Archibald Maclachlan,
M.B., CM.) ; Flora Alexandra, born 16th
May 1863 (marr. Roderick Maclean of
Gometra) ; Harriet Christina, born 26th
May 1867.— [C/a/t Donald, iii., 373, 506.]
DAVID DUNCAN, ord. 17th Oct.
1900; trans, to St Thomas's Parish,
Glasgow, 11th Aug. 1908.
ALEXANDER BOYD, ord. 16th Dec.
1908 ; trans, to Glencoe 22nd Nov.
DUGALD BELL, born Glenorchy, 15th
Sept. 1873, son of Dugald B. and
Margaret Sinclair; educated at Loch-
nell School and Univ. of Glasgow ; licen.
by Presb. of Winnipeg, Canada, 21st April
1899; ord. to Fairinede, ('anada, 31st Oct.
that year ; adm. to Bracadale 4th May
1916; trans, and adm. 28th Aug. 1919;
trans, to Kilninver and Kilmelfort 30th
July 1925. Marr. 11th Dec. 1902, Emily,
daugh. of John Soulby Sykes.
MALCOLM LAING, born North ULst,
7th May 1888, son of Konald L.
and Anne Macdonald : educated at
Kingussie School and Univ. of Glasgow ;
M.A. (1912) ; licen. by Presb. of Uist Jan.
1917; ord. to Applecross 3rd Sept. 1917;
served in 14th Argyll and Sutherland High-
landers in European War, trans, and adm.
31st March 1926.
[In or before the sixteenth century the
ancient parish of Sand was united to North
Uist. Its church was dedicated to St
Columba. In 1828 a parliamentary church
for the district of Sand was built at
Trumisgarry. On 11th June 1845 this
parish was again disjoined quoad sacra
from North Uist. From the site of its
modern church, it was then named Trumis-
garry. There is a mission chapel within
the bounds at Lochmaddy.]
WILLIAM ARBUCKLE, ord. missionary
in 1806; trans, to South Uist 23rd
^^°^ Sept. 1813.
FINLAY MACRAE, ord. missionary
23rd Nov. 1815; trans, to North
^^^ Uist 24th Sept. 1818.
JOHN LEES, app. missionary in 1819
1819 [afterwards min. of Stornoway].
Sept. 1797, son of James M., min.
of North Uist ; licen. by Presb. of
Uist 27th Dec. 1812 ; ord. 15th Dec. 1824 ;
pres. by George IV. 21st April, and adm.
2nd Sept. 1829 ; app. J.P. in 1831 ; died
29th May 1834. He left a widow.
NORMAN M'LEOD, born 5th Dec.
^ggg 1801, son of Kenneth M. of Ebost,
Skye, and Margaret, daugh. of Dr
Murdoch Macleod of Eyre ; educated
privately and at Univ. of Glasgow ; licen.
by Presb. of Skye in 1833; missionary at
Saltcoats, 1833-5; pres. by William IV.
16th July 1834; ord. 27th March 1835.
Joined the Free Church in 1843 ; min. of
Free Church, Paible, North Uist, 1843-81 ;
died 5th March 1881. He marr. 21st Feb.
1838, Julia (died 11th June 1901), daugh.
of Dr Alexander Macleod, chamberlain for
Lord Macdonald in Skye, known as An
Dotair Ban, and had issue — Margaret
Anne, born 30th Nov. 1838, died unmarr.
at Tenby, Pembrokeshire, 20th Aug. 1900 ;
Kenneth, M.A. (Marischal College 1857),
M.D. (Edinburgh 1861), LL.D. (Aberdeen
1892), colonel R.A.M.C, Professor of
Anatomy at Calcutta Medical College, Hon.
Physician to King George V., born 23rd
July 1840, died 17th Dec. 1923; Mary
Anne, born 1st April 1842, died unmarr.
at Appin, 12th April 1892; Alexander
Norman, born 18th March 1844, died 13th
Feb. 1910 ; Annie Christina, born 25th
Feb. 1846, died in infancy ; Malcolm, born
8th July 1848, killed by accident at Sydney,
N.S.W., 25th Sept. 1882; Ann Campbell,
born 24th Sept. 1850 (marr. 17th Sept. 1872,
Duncan Campbell Ross, M.A., min. of the
U.F. Church, Appin); Murdoch Donald,
M.D., medical superintendent. East Riding
Asylum, Beverley, Yorkshire, born 31st
Aug. 1851, died 3rd March 1908 ; Donald
Murdoch, Edinburgh, born 12th Nov. 1853 ;
Jessie, born 15th Jan. 1856 (marr. 15th Oct.
1884, William Large Laurie, Appin), died
at Oban, 11th Nov. 1900; Sir Charles
Campbell of Fairfields, Cobham, Surrey,
born 19th June 1858, knighted 4th May
1917, created a baronet 22nd Jan. 1925;
Norman, major 7th Cameron Highlanders,
born 29th Nov. 1860.
Queen Victoria 30th Jan., and adm.
2nd May 1844 ; trans, to Alvie 29th
Nov. 1854.
by Queen Victoria 15th Jan., and ord.
^ 19th April 1855; trans, to North
Uist 3rd Feb. 1858.
Queen Victoria 19th March, and adm.
^^^^ 15th Sept. 1859 ; trans, to Sleat 6th
Aug. 1863.
South Uist, 1823, sou of Donald M.,«^
teacher, and Catherine Black ; edu-
cated at Univ. of Glasgow; licen. by Presb.
of Uist in 1858 ; ord. to Carinish Mission
25th Nov. that year; pres. by Queen
Victoria 20th Nov. 1863 ; adm. 18th Feb.
1864 ; died unmarr. 20th Nov. 1868.
DONALD MACLEAN, pres. by Queen
Victoria 17th Feb., and ord. 13th
^^^ May 1869; trans, to Colonsay 5th
March 1873.
by Queen Victoria Stli Sept., and ord.
26th Nov. 1873 ; trans, to Skipness
19th Sept. 1877 ; afterwards of Torosay ;
died 11th June 1927.
becula, 1822, son of John M^Torlum;
■^^"^^ educated at Univ. of Glasgow;
became schoolmaster of Barra ; licen. by
Presb. of Uist 8th Dec. 1847; ord. to
Boisdale Mission 5th I\Iay 1848 ; trans, to
Bernera 1st Ai)ril 1852 ; trans, and adm.
14th May 1878 ; died unmarr. 31st Jan.
FARQUHAR MACRAE, ord. 26th Sept.
1888 ^^^^ ' ^^^^^- ^'^ Glengarry 30th Dec.
ALEXANDER GRANT, ord. 10th Sept.
1890; trans, to Bernera 9th Feb.
^^^ 1904.
NORMAN LAING, ord. 3rd May 1904 ;
1904 trans, to Barvas 2nd May 1912.
JOHN MACLEAN, trans, from Poolewe
and adm. 13th Feb. 1913 ; trans, to
^^^^ Kilfinichen 5th Nov. 1914.
[Parish vacant since 1914.]
At sundry times during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries we find the
Ecclesiastical Courts striving after some reform in the disordered religious life of the
Outer Hebrides. For long these efforts were attended with little success. It was not until
the eighteenth century that efficient Church government could be set up in these islands.
For the better ordering of the civil administration, King James VI. granted a Charter
to a company of adventurers, hailing mostly from Fife, giving them power to found a
settlement in Lewis by force of arms, after the fashion of the Spanish Colonies beyond
the seas. These " Undertakers," as they were called, set forth on their expedition in
Oct. 1598, and Robert Durie, minister of Anstruther, was commissioned to go with
them as a religious teacher. This first attempt of theirs to seize the island proved
a signal failure. Many of the invaders lost their lives, and Durie, sharing their
defeat, escaped alive with difficulty, and returned to Fife.
When the same company again took in hand an invasion of Lewis, the minister of
Anstruther was once more found willing to join it. A petition was therefore laid before
the Presbytery of St Andrews craving that he be again set free to go to that island
" to plant ane kirk." To this that Court agreed on 2nd April 1601. In December of the
same year the Lewismen routed the Undertakers with great slaughter, and their minister
was glad to get safely back to his own parish of Anstruther.
In 1610 Farquhar Macrae, minister of Gairloch, was sent on a special mission to
Lewis. From his report we learn that he found the people there very ignorant and
"strangers to the Gospel." Few of them, he tells us, who were over forty years of age ,
had even been baptised. - ' ' ' • ;..
On 19th May 1724 the General Assembly severed from the Presbytery of Skye the
whole district of the Outer Islands reaching from the Butt of Lewis on the north to
Barra Head on the south. Of this insular region a new jurisdiction was then formed,
called the Presbytery of The Long Island, or of Innis Fada. On 8th May 1742, Harris
and the islands lying to the south of it were disjoined from Lewis and erected as the
Presbytery of Uist. The remaining territory to the north has since then been known
as the Presbytery of Lewis.
The Register of this Presbytery begins in July 1742. There are gaps in the Record
from 16th March 1766 to 15th July 1767, from 22nd Nov. 1768 to 18th Aug. 1772, and
from 14th March to 27th Nov. 1804. The Presbytery holds its ordinary meetings at
1 Barvas and Ness, now named Cross, were
BARVAS, OF OLD AN CI.ADACH j long united, but Cross was severed again
(" THE SHORE "). I *^'^^^ ^^'^'''^ ^^ ^^^^-^
gg parson in 1566. — [Highland Papers,
ii. ; Dunvecjan Charter Chest.]
[The church of Barvas was dedicated to
St Mary. There were a number of chapels
in this parish. Among these were St
Bride's at Borve, St Peter's at Shadair,
St Kiaran's at Lionashadair, and St John
the Baptist's at Bragar. The parishes of
^2 MORRISON], adm. before 26th ^ ^^
May 16^2.— [Argyll Synod Reg.] T_ . :i -' .
199 '-y,lili'lC^. ,W|.)
l^u^^X MeA2
DONALD MOKRISON, of the Brieves
164S ^^™^ly (judges in the Lewis) ; edu-
cated at Univ. of St Andrews ; MA.
(1640) ; adm. before 11th Feb. 164^ ; still
min. 28th May 1G5G.^ He marr., and
had issue — Kenneth, min. of Stornoway ;
Denaldf— [.goo^ of the Letvs, 164.]
1684 preceding ; adm. before 1684 ; died
in 1699. He marr. Jean Lauder,
and had issue— Alan, min. of this parish ;/
a daugh. (marr. George, son of Murdoch
^Mackenzie, chamberlain of the Lewis). —
[Geneal. of the Mackenzies ; Inverness Sas.,
vi., 45, 2nd Dec. 1695 ; Martin's Western
ALAN MORRISON, son of preceding ;
1692 educated at Marischal College, Aber-
deen ; MA. (1677); adm. to North
Uist in 1688, but outed in 1692 ; intruded
here that year during his father's ministry.
He denied Uig to be part of his charge,
24th July 1707, and stated, 31st Aug. 1716,
that he "never undertook the charge of
that parish, nor the Isle of Bernera, though
he preached there, and that the latter is
distant from his residence at Ness twenty-
four miles and the former twenty-six."
On submitting to Presbyterianism, he was
referred to the Presb. by the Synod 17th
July, and received into communion 18th
Sept. 1722; died 5th July 1723.
about 1700; educated at King's Col-
lege, Aberdeen; M.A. (24th Feb. 1718);
ord. 3rd Sept. 1726 ; died 3rd Feb. 1767.
He marr. 1st Nov. 1736, Margaret (died
7tb Sept. 1772), daugh. of John Mackenzie
of Gruinard and Catherine Mackenzie, and
had issue — Allan; Donald; John; KennetU;
Katherine ; Margaret*! Colin ; George,
born 5th Nov. 1745 ; Baby, born 2nd April
1747; Roderick^ born 4th Dec. 1748;
Marion, born 30th June 1750 ; Norman,
born 31st July 1752.
licen. by Presb. of Dingwall 19th
June 1750 ; ord. missionary at Strath-
glass 25th March 1755 ; adm. to Lochs
15th Feb. 1760; pres. by George III. 6th
® ^a4U.«,-. J» /HUtJl**.
f jW.Kh^
(>w nc^
June, trans, and adm. 29th Oct. 1767 ;
died 12th Sept. 1789. He was totally blind
for eight years before his death. He marr.
17th July 1760, Magdalen (died 3rd Dec.
1830), daugh. of Alexander Mackenzie of
j^QQ May 1790; trans, to Urray 16th
April 1812.
WILLIAM MACRAE, born in the
1813 -^''^^^ ^^^^y 1776, son of Alexander
M., farmer, and Elizabeth Mackay ;
educated at King's College, Aberdeen ;
M.A. (26th March 1796); licen. by Presb.
of Lochcarron 7th April 1801 ; ord.
missionary at Fort Augustus 25th Aug.
that year ; pres. to Killearnan in 1808, but
patronage was found after much litigation
to belong to Mackenzie of Croniartie ; pres.
to this parish by George, Prince Regent,
24th Nov. 1812 ; trans, and adm. 12th IMay
1813; died 9th July 1856. He was much
interested in education and encouraged the
establishment of Gaelic schools in the
parish. He marr. 29th March 1809, Mary
Macdonald, who died 21st Jan. 1869, and
had issue— Margaret, born 10th Nov. 1811
(marr. Evander M'lver^; Elizabeth, born
6th March 1816 (marr. 3rd June 1834, JohntAjt^zv
Mackenzie^ of Tirhoot, Bengal, and oftC-vi**.
Melbourne,/^Canada), died 13th Dec. 1915 ;^''-'«''f
Charles Mackenzie,n'medical practitioner,
Stornoway, born 17th Feb. 1818, died 3rd
May 1909; Mary* born 14th Nov. 1819;
John, born 28th Sept. 1820 ; Jean"J" born
11th Sept. 1823; Anne*born 20th July
1825 ; Janet^born 9th Sept. 1827 ; William,
born 7th Nov. 1828, died 4th March 1850 ;
Alexander, born 22nd July 1832. Publica-
tion— Account of the Parish (Ifeiv Stat.
Ace, xiv.).
JOHN REID, born Ross-shire, 1811, son
1856 ^^ Donald R., shoemaker, and
Christina Macdonald ; educated at
King's College, Aberdeen, 1824-8 ; ord. to
Ajtplecross 25th July 1844 ; pres. by Queen
Victoria 9th Oct., trans, and adm. 18th
Dec. 1856; died 26th March 1858. He
marr. 18th Jan. 1849, Matilda (died 20th
Nov. 1897), daugh. of Alexander Maclver,
M.D., Stornoway.®
JAMES STEACHAN, born Cromarty,
1827, eldest son of James S., ship-
captain, and Ann Sutherland ; edu-
cated at Grammar School, Inverness, and
Univ. of Glasgow; M.A. (1850); licen. by
Presb. of Aberdeen ; pres. by Queen
Victoria 27th April, and ord. 15th July
1858; died 22nd Sept. 1892. He raarr.
15th July 1856, Christina (died 16th April
1920), daugh. of Eoderick Reid, min. of
Lochs, and had issue — Jemima Margaret,
born 23rd May 1857 (marr. Charles Mac-
quarrie); Annie Mary, born 15th May
1859 ; Christina Jane, born 23rd Jan. 1861
(marr. Alexander Macdonald, H.M. Inspector
of Schools) ; James, born 15th Oct. 1862 ;
Helen, born 16th Oct. 1864; Eoderick
Eeid, M.A. (Glasgow), assistant Inspector
of Schools, born 14th Jan. 1867, died 4th
Sept. 1902 ; Catherine Alice, born 26th Sept.
1869 (marr. Donald MacGillivray, min. of
Petty); Peter Donald, M.D., born 5th
July 1872; Joan Agnes (twin), born 5th
July 1872 ; William, born 26th Jan. 1874.
1893 ^P'^i^ 1^^^ > trans, to Lismore 20th
July 1911 ; died 10th Sept. 1927.
NOEMAN LAING, trans, from Trumis-
1912 S^rry ; adm. 2nd May 1912 ; trans,
to Stenscholl 14th May 1924.
[The ancient parish of Ness was united
to Barvas in the sixteenth century, or
probably as early as the fifteenth. Its
old church was dedicated to St Peter. It
seems to have been a building of some
dignity, and its ruined fabric is well over
sixty feet in length. The modern church
is on another site, near the remains of an
old chapel of the Holy Eood, whence is
derived the name of Cross now given to
the parish. A parliamentary church for
the district of Ness was built in 1828.
The parish of Cross was again disjoined
from Barvas on 27th May 1857. In various
parts of this parish there were chapels in
times gone by. Two of these stood at
Eorabie, near the north end of Lewis.
One of them was dedicated to St Malrubh
and the other to St Eonan. Near the
latter was St Eonan's Well. In the same
part of the island were St Peter's Chapel
at Suainabost, St Thomas's at Habost, and
St Clement's at Dail. On the eastern
shore of this parish, at Dun Othail, about
ten miles from the Butt of Lewis, are the
ruins of a chapel seventeen feet long, built
in a very primitive style, of dry stone,
without any kind of mortar. Of the same
early type, but even ruder in form, are the
dry built hermitages that still stand on
lonely rocks lying off the coasts of this
part of The Long Island. Such a place
of solitary devotion is to be seen on the
bare isle of North Rona, sixty miles beyond
the furthest point of Northern Lewis, and
forty miles west of Cape Wrath. The chapel
of St Eonan there is perched upon the
rock that rises up from the sea to a height
of 350 feet. It is entered by a low doorway
with a flat lintel, and, to get in, one must
creep on all -fours. Thus the nave is
entered, and, by another similar low open-
ing, the tiny chancel is reached. In the
small burial-ground around this hermitage
chapel are several, quite plain, standing
crosses, the highest of which rises only
about two feet and a half above the ground.
On the solitary rock of Sula Sgeir, ten
miles west of North Eona, stands another
hermitage of the same old-world type.
Moreover, there is in this parish yet a
third fabric of the kind. Its site is on
the north-east side of Lewis, on Eilean cj
Mor, the largest of the Flannan Isles. This '
hermitage is called Teamj^ull Bheannachaidh
(" The Temple of Blessing.")]
FINLAY COOK, pres. by George IV.
21st April, and adm. 29th July
^^^^ 1829 ; trans, to East Church, Inver-
ness, Nov. 1833. '^
JOHN MACEAE, pres. by William IV.
12th July, and ord. in 1833 ; trans.
^^^^ to Knockbain 26th Sept. 1839.
JOHN FINLAYSON, born Mugare,
Portree, about 1814, son of John F.
and Marion Finlayson ; educated at
Univ. of Edinburgh ; pres. by Queen Victoria
11th Dec. 1839 ; ord. in 1840. Joined Free
Church in 1843; niin. of Bracadale F.C.
19th Dec. 1843 ; died from effects of an
accident 17th Sept. 1844. He marr. 1840,
Isabella Margaret, daugh. of Malcolm
Macleod, min. of 8nizort.
JAMES GUNN, ord. 5th May 1853;
185S trans, to Uig 25th March 1857.
RODERICK FRASER, pres. by Queen
Victoria 14th Aug., and ord. 23rd
Sept. 1857 ; trans, to Uig 3rd Feb.
JAMES BAIN, pres. by Queen Victoria
10th June, and ord. 27th Sept. 1859 ;
^^^^ trans, to Kilfinan 2nd Sept. 1860.
DONALD MACKAY, pres. by Queen
1861 Vi^toJ"^* l^t^ ^^^-J ^^^ ^^^- ^^^
May 1861 ; trans, to Knock 7th Aug.
M'RAE, born 1854, son of John M.,
schoolmaster of Sleat, and Catherine
Macrae ; educated at Univ. of Glasgow ;
licen. by Presb. of Glasgow ; ord. 24th Sept.
1879; dep. 16th Nov. 1887 ; sentence recalled
by General Assembly 28th May 1888 ; dem.
10th March 1889 ; died at Edinburgh, 10th
Feb. 1914.— [Dr Mair's M;/ Life, 150.]
JOHN MACKAY, trans, from Gaelic
Chapel, Rothesay, and adm. 16th
^^° Jan. 1900; trans, to Plockton 4th
April 1905.
JOHN M'PHAIL, born South Shaw-
bost, Lewis, 25th Sept. 1843, son
of Malcolm M. and Anne Macleod;
educated at Shawbost School and Univ.
of Glasgow ; licen. by Presb. of Uist 30th
Nov. 1887 ; ord. to Benbecula 27th Nov.
1889; trans, to Uig 22nd April 1890; trans,
and adm. 5th Oct. 1905.
CILL {Q.S.).
[In the sixteenth century the five
parishes of Stornoway, Gress, Ey, Lochs,
and Uig were all united. The church of
Ey, now roofless, was dedicated to St
Columba. About the year 1828 a parlia-
mentary church for the district of Ey was
built at Knock. On 27th May 1857 this
ancient parish was again disjoined quoad
sacra from Stornoway, Lochs, and Gress.
The name of Knock was given it from the
site of its modern church. At Garrabost,
within the bounds, there was a chapel of
St Constantine, and beside it lay St
Constantine's Well.]
George IV. 21st April, and ord. 23rd
Sept. 1829; trans, to Lochs 15th
June 1831.
DUNCAN MATHESON, born Plockton,
1831 ■^^^'^' ^^" °^ "^^^^ ^^'^ f^rnier^^du-
cated at Univ. of Glasgow ; licen. by
Presb. of Dornoch 23rd Nov. 1830 ; pres.
by William IV. 15th Aug., and ord. 27th
Sept. 1831. Joined the Free Church in
1843 ; min. of Free Church, Knock, 1843-4 ;
min. of Free Church, Gairloch, 24th July
1844-73; died 12th Dec. 1873. He marr.
1832, Annabella Mackenzie, and had issue
— Ebenezer, student of divinity, died 1857 ;
John, banker, Madras ; Mary ; Katherine ;
Anne ; Annabell (marr. Finlay Graham,
min. of Free Church, Sleat) ; Margaret
(marr. Speirs). VubMcation— Sermons
(p.p., 1912).— [Hist, of the Mathesons, 79;
Disruption Worthies of the Highlands
(portrait), 69-78.]
1849 ^^'^ *^^ John B., min. of Bernera ;
educated at Univ. of Edinburgh ;
ord. 19th April 1849 ; died 14th Nov. 1860. ,
JAMES MACDONALD, ord. 26th Sept.
1861 ^^^^' ^^^- ^^^^ "^""^ ^^*^'*' ^"*^
went abroad [afterwards min. of
Glenelg, q.v.l.
^^vyjtiL^jJLi ^ l^ cv-wA CcjJL^i^'^^ ^Mj9HA*^^}^y^
EWEN CAMPBELL, pres. by Queen
Victoria 23rd July, trans, and adm.
^^ from Benbecula 28th Sept. 1864;
trans, to Lochs 18th Jan. 1870.
COLIN MACDONALD, pros, by Queen
ifi'rn Victoria 15th June, and ord. 7th
Sept. 1870; trans, to Rogart 24th
July 1873.
1874 ^y Queen Victoria 3rd Dec. 1873
ord. 2nd April 1874 ; trans, to Foss
19th Nov. that year.
JOHN GILLIES, ord. 28th Sept. 1875
1875 trans, to Appin 2ist Aug. 1877.
DONALD MACKAY, born 1st Feb
1811, eldest son of Hugh M., farmer
Druimliath, Bonar Bridge ; educated
at Univ. of Glasgow ; ord. to Tarbert
Mission, Harris, 1850 ; trans, to Cross 8th
May 1861 ; trans, and adm. 7th x\ug. 1878 ;
dem. 1st Oct. 1891 ; died at Stornoway
6th July 1893. He marr. 21st Feb. 1859,
Mary (died at Nigg Manse, 7th Sept. 1925),
daugh. of Roderick Macdonald, Cuna-
buntag, Benbecula, and had issue —
Catherine Hughina, born 11th Feb. 1860
(marr. William Robertson, naval engineer) ;
Jessie, born 11th Jan. 1862 (marr.
Newall, tacksman of Aignish, Lewis) ;
Jemima, born 24th May 1864 (marr.
Kenneth Mackenzie,'*^ Provost of Storno-
way) ; Roderick John, medical practitioner,
Halifax, born 3rd Oct. 1866; Norman
Donald, min. of Nigg, Ross-shire, born 28th
Dec. 1871 ; Elizabeth Isabella Mary, born
23rd Dec. 1817.— [Clan Donald, iii., 389.]
1892 S°^' ^ ^^^ ' ^<i^cated at Univ. of
Glasgow and Free Church College
there; ord. to Free Church, Rousay, 1880;
dem. 1889; adm. to this parish 11th May
1892 ; dep. 1st June 1895, and went to
ANGUS MACLEOD, born Swainbost,
1895 -'^^•^^' J^^y 1850, son of Kenneth M.
and Henrietta Campbell ; educated
at Cross School and Univ. of Glasgow ;
licen. by Presb. of Halifax, Nova Scotia,
27th April 1892; ord. 19th Sept. 1895;
died 17th Feb. 1926. He marr, 15th Jan.
1878, Mary, daugh. of John Matheson, Aird,
Uig, and had issue— John Matheson, min.
of Erchless, born 18th May 1880 ; William
Campbell, engineer, born 26th April 1882 ;
Henrietta, born 15th Jan. 1884 (marr.
Peter Smith, engineer) ; Christina (twin)
born 15th Jan. 1884 (marr. James Coull,
surveyor); Anne Stuart, teacher, born 23rd
Feb. 1887 ; Peggie, born 8th June 1890,
died 15th Nov. 1892 ; Coinneach Bard,
lieut. R.G.A., born 12th Dec. 1894.
[The church of Lochs was dedicated to
St Columba. In the sixteenth century
the parishes of Stornoway, Gress, Ey,
Lochs, and Uig were all united in one
charge. On 19th Dec. 1722 the Lords
Commissioners of Teinds disjoined the
Parish of Lochs from Stornoway, Gress,
and Ey. On Eilean.Chaluimchille, an island
in Loch Erisort, there was a chapel of St
Columba. At Carloway in this parish there
is now a mission chapel.]
COLIN MACI^NZIE?schoolmaster at
Dunvegan jXord. 22nd Jan. 1724;
^ died>5th July 1759. He marr. and
had issue — Anne ; Annabel
Feb. 1760; trans, to Barvas 29th
1'^^° Oct. 1767. ^
JAMES WILSON, pres. by George III.
il ; Daniel, JU**^^ «L.A*tew«*L,n-5l,.;
vAY. flflm. Tilth 4 f •-
• Cwvw^vwv^N vj'k»oiv^«.ve4v,
14th Jan., and adm. 11th Aug. 1768 ;
trans, to Crathie and Braemar 4th
Aug. 1784.
JOHN ERASER, born Inverness-shire,
1752 ; educated at King's College,
^"^^^ Aberdeen ; M.A. (31st March 1772) ;
licen. by Presb. of Chanonry 28th Nov.
1781 ; ord. missionary at Stornoway 13th
Oct. 1784; pres. by (George III., and adm.
1st Dec. that year; died unmarr. 22nd
Sept. 1792.
1793 *°^^' ^ '^^^ ' educated at King's Col-
lege, Aberdeen ; M.A. (30th March
1780); licen by Presb. of Dingwall 30th
Aug. 1786; ord. assistant in this parish
28th March 1789; pres. by George III.
in Jan., and adm. 12th March 1793; died
23rd June 1830. He marr. 15th Nov.
1786, Janet Graham, and had issue-
Colin Graham, born 30th Aug. 1787 ; John,
born 23rd May 1789 ; Anne, born 21st
Jan. 1791 ; George ^Munro, born 21st June
1793 ; Alexander,rborn 30th April 1795 ;
Janet Grahan^'born 13th Aug. 1796 (marr.
John Bethune, min. of Bernera) ; Jess
Graham (marr. 4th Oct. 1824, Duncan
MacCuaig, clothier, Edinburgh).^ Publica-
tion—Account of the Parish (Sinclair's
Stat. Ace, xix.).
^^-^-^ "T' "^ ROBERT FINLAYSON, born Clyth,
Latheron, 1793, son of Robert F.,
schoolmaster ; educated at Kings
College, Aberdeen, 1816-21; became school-
master at Lybster and Dunbeath ; licen.
by Presb. of Caithness May 1826 ; mis-
sionary in the East Parish, Aberdeen ;
assistant in the Gaelic Chapel there ; ord.
to Knock 23rd Sept. 1829; pres. by William
IV. 29th July 1830 ; trans, and adm. 15th
June 1831. Joined the Free Church in
1843; min. of Free Church, Lochs, 1843-56,
and Free Church, Helm.sdale, 8th Oct.
1856-61; died 23rd July 1861. His tall,
portly figure with brown hair, fair com-
plexion, large features, and meek eyes ;
his sonorous voice, deep at first, as if it
almost came out of the ground, but which
rose by and by to tones of silvery sweet-
ness ; the smiles of joy which played on
his features, the words he uttered, and the
vast audiences he was accustomed to
address, bespoke a personality of singular
attractiveness and strength. He was a
master of allegory and was known as the
"John Bunyan of the Highlands." He
l?*!,! marr. 28th June 1813, Lilias Macaulay,
who died 30th July 1887*and had i.ssue—
Donald, born 28th Sept. 1832, drowned in
1849, while fishing in the loch in front
of the manse ; Robert, born 22nd Nov.
1835, drowned with his brother in 1849 ;
, Catherine, born 6th Sept. 1837 ; Margaret,
%. 'L bornjsth Nov. 1840; John, bornisth Dec.
1842. Publication— Account of the Parish
{New Stat. Acc.,xiv.). — [Disruption Worthies
of the Highlands (portrait), 145-52 ; Brief
Sketch of the Life of Rev. R. F., by Rev. J.
Macpherson, Lochalsh (1870).]
RODERICK REID, born Ross-shire,
1785, son of Donald R., shoemaker,
and Christine ^lacdonald ; educated
at King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (25th
March 1808) ; became tutor in the family
of Clark of Glendow ; licen. by Presb. of
Tongue 3rd March 1813 ; ord. missionary
at Lynedale 8th Dec. 1813; adm. to Hallin-
in-Waternish 28th Sept. 1829; pres. by
Queen Victoria 2nd Jan., trans, and adm.
18th April 1844 ; died 27th July 1869. He
marr. 26th Jan.^1832, Jemima, daugh.
of John Nicolsoi^ merchant, Stein, Skye
(died 24th Aug. 1878), and had issue-
Christina, born 16th Jan. 1833 (marr. James
Strachan, min. of Barvas) ; Margaret Mac-
leod, born 16th Oct. 1834; Donald, born
2nd March 1836, died in infancy ; Donald,
born 13th April 1837 ; Jessie Macleod, born
31st Dec. 1839 ; John Nicolson, born 27th
Jan. 1841 ; Mary Simpson, born 20th Nov.
1842 ; Norah Nicolson, born 30th March
1844; Roderick, born 5th March 1846;
Malcolm Nicolson, born 15th March 1848 ;
Alice, born 2nd Feb. 1850 ; James Charles,
born 3rd May 1852 ; Agnes, born 19th
Jan. 1854.''^ «,
EWEN CAMPBELL, born 1830, eldest
son of Archibald C, farmer in Nova
Scoti^ educated at Univ. of Glas-A^-<
gow ; ord, missionary at Benbecula in^"-''*"-
1857 ; trans, to Knock 28th Sept. 1864 ;
pres. by Queen Victoria 3rd Nov. 1869 ;
trans, and adm. ISth Jan. 1870; died
unmarr. 9th Feb. 1889. A man of high intel-
lectual attainments and goodness of heart.
In Benbecula his name is to this day a
household word.
jggg Baravulin, Craignish, 9th Oct. 1849,
son of Malcolm ]\L and Mary Mac-
farlane ; educated at Craignish School and
Univ. of Glasgow ; licen. by Presb. of
Lochcarron in 1880 ; assistant at Morven ;
ord. missionary at Arisaig 22nd May 1882;
adm. to Hallin-in-Waternish 5th March
1884; trans, to Hylipol 22nd Dec. 1887;
trans, and adm. Hth Aug. 1889 ; dem.
29th Sept. 1920. He marr. 14th Aug. 1894,
fMary, daugh. of Ih, Angus Macaulay, and
Flora MacEachen.T Publications — " Sop as
gach seid" (Edinburgh, 1883); An Dara
Boitean (Edinburgh, 1884) ; Highland
Patriots (1909) ; ''An Tur Laidir" (1910) ;
The Tiree and Lewis Crofters (1911) ;
Poems, (Oban, 1913); Odes (Oban, 1913).
way, 24th Dec. 1866, son of John
^^^^ M. and Barbara Macleod ; educated
at High School, Free Church College, and
Univ. of Glasgow ; licen. by United Free
Church Presb. of Lewis 2nd Sept. 1902;
assistant at Carloway Mission ; went to
Canada and Australia, where he preached
in Presbyterian churches ; adm. to Church
of Scotland by General Assembly May
1920; ord. 11th May 1921. Marr. 26th
Oct. 1923, Mary (died s.p. 12th Dec. 1924),
daugh. of John Mackay.
[In the sixteenth century the parishes of
Gress, Ey, Lochs, and Uig were all joined
to the charge of Stornoway. Since then
all of them except Gress have been severed
Stornoway. — The church of Stornoway
was dedicated to St Adamnan.
Gress. — The church of Gress, now ruinous,
was dedicated to St Olaf. At Tolsta in
this parish stood a chapel of St Michael.]
EGBERT DURIE, min. of Anstruther,
1598 accompanied an Association of Fife
Adventurers to the Lewis Oct. 1598,
and was a second time app. by Presb.
of St Andrews, 2nd April 1601, at the
request of the Society of Gentlemen going
to the Lewis, "to plant ane kirk." On
their extrusion and slaughter in Dec. that
year, he made his escape and returned to
his parish.
FARQUHAR M'RAE, min. of Gairloch ;
went on a mission to Lewis, " as its
inhabitants were strangers to the
Gospel," few under the age of forty having
been baptised till that time.— [Mackenzie's
The Book of the Leivs, 55-68 ; P. C. Peg.,
2nd ser., vii., 13.]
^ •/
FARQUHAR CLERK, educated at
Uriiv. of St Andrews ; M.A. (1626) ;
^^*^ a/m. before 26th May 1642 ;^ still
min. 7th Oct. 1643. ^ He marr. Jean
DONALD MORRISON, trans, from
Ness and adm. before 16th Oct.
^^*® 1649; still min. in IGIQ.— [Peg. of
Deeds, Mack,, 25th March 1679, 18th June
1647, son of Donald M., min. of
Barvas ; educated at/King's College,
Aberdeen; M.A. (2nd Ji^lyjl667)^ adm.,
before 168#!l died b'otoraoth'^ov.'' 1720 '
He is described as a highly gifted man
and well suited to repress the turmoils in
Lewis between Papists and Protestants,
He carried a sword by his side when
walking from his manse at Tong to the
church on Sundays, and the church door
was guarded by two men with drawn
swords. After he had administered baptism
to a child, a woman dipped her hand into
the water which remained in the vessel,
and threw as much as she could lift in her
hand on the face of a female servant to
prevent her seeing visions. He had some
reputation as a Gaelic versifier. He marr.
and had issue — Alexander*; Murdoch,
merchant, Stornoway p Margaret (marr.
Aulay Macaulay, min. of Harris)./-[Martin's C\n<r^^t<.^^
Western Isles ; Services of Heirs'PT'homsis'iiit^'^-^^'- ^^^'^''*'^
Traditions of the Morrisons.'] \/tf /^^^w ^a-^^^J
DANIEL [or DONALD] MORRISON, o--^pV^ll). l"-*-,
born 1678, son of Donald*^ M. Mac t s .'\
■^"^^^ Angus Mhic Allan Mhic a Bhrei- ^ q
theamh; educated at Univ. of Sfc AudrRw/; ll<9<vi^b<^«Q'h
ord. to Kilbrandon and Kilchattan 19th Sept. (HA,. '^ct:h
1705 ; pres. by William, Earl of Seaforth, and A p ^ », I |(»<^ .?
called in 1721 ; trans, and adm. 5th Jan. '' '
1724; died 23rd April 1746. At a visita-
tion of the parish 3rd Aug. 1743, "the heads
of families showed an entire regard and
love to their minister, but regretted very
much his low condition in the world, and
the economy of his family, and that his
wife was an habitual drunkard." She
became a changed woman, and "strove
daily toadd to the comfort of her husband
^ ifei^CKf^T^
pi^y^icjUfc^y •^P«^«IH f4^t9mhc^^ jt^/<?*iU^,; 1^,-7 t
[press, of
and family." He marr. 4th May 170^,
Christian , Moiiaoi/ who died 17th Feb.
175^, and had issue— Isobel ; Anne (marr.
Donald ISIackenzie of Loggie).— [Thomas's
Traditions of the Morrisons ; Proc. Soc.
Antiq., xii., 524.]
JOHN CLARK, born Inverness-shire,
1713 ; educated at King's College,
Aberdeen ; M.A. (29th March 1732);
ord. missionary at Strathglass ; adm. to
this parish 19th Feb. 1747; died 10th
Aug. 1772. He was tacksman of a large
farmin the parish. He marr. (1) a lady, who
died before his admission, and had issue
—Alexander, born 27th Dec. 1746 : (2) 28th
Jan, 1754, Anne (died Jan. 1789), daugh. of
John M'Intosh, bailie of Inverness, and
had issue— James, born 29th Nov. 1754;
Christian, born 16th June 1756 ; Margaret,
born 21st April 1759 ; John, born 22nd
Aug. 1762, died 10th Aug. 1772.*
JOHN DOWNIE, trans, from Gairloch
and pres. by George III. 2nd Oct.
1772 ; adm. 22nd July 1773 ; app.
chaplain to 78th Seaforth Highlanders 6th
June 1778 ; trans, to Urray 25th Sept.
licen. by Presb. of Dingwall 28th
Jan. 1775 ; ord. missionary at
Sconser, Skye, 4th Sept. 1784 ; removed
to Strathconan Mission ; pres. by George
III. 12th March, trans, and adm. 27th Aug.
1789 ; died 7th Feb. 1815. He stated, 9th
May 1811, that his parish was very desti-
tute both of religious and secular instruc-
tion ; that out of about three thousand
five hundred of a population only about
seven hundred can read English and about
thirty Gaelic, while the remainder can read
neither Gaelic nor English. He marr. 21st
Aug. 1794, Jean (died 25th May 1866),
daugh. of Colin Mackenzie, miii.of Fodderty,
and had issue — Colin, min. of Shieldaig,
born 11th July 1795 ; Mary, born 3rd July
1797 (marr. John Mackenzie, min. of
Resolis); Elizabeth, born 2nd Oct. 1799;
Alexander, born 21st June 1801 ; John,
born 27th Nov. 1804 ; Ninian Macfarquhar,
born 24th Feb. 1807; Una, born 1811
d^^dr fi'^**i '*'^-t^ ,
(marr. 19th March 1835, Francis Edmond,
advocate, Aberdeen), died 29th May 1876.
—[Gaelic School Report, 1811 ; Tombst.]
SIMON ERASER, born Ross-shire, 1773,
son of Thomas F. ; educated at
^^^^ Marischal College, Aberdeen, 1790-4;
licen. by Presb. of Chanonry 23rd July
1799; app. missionary at Glenmoriston in
1799; pres. by George, Prince Regent, 6th
May, and adm. 20th Sept. 1815 ; drowned
while crossing the Minch Nov. 1824. He
marr. 9th Feb. 1816, Mary (died at Penryn,
Cornwall, 30th July 1868), daugh. of Dr
John Millar, Stornoway, and had issue —
John, born 11th Jan. 1819; Elizabeth, born
20th Aug. 1820 ; Donald, born 21st May
1822 ; Simona Johanna, born 29th Aug. 1824.
JOHN CAMERON, M.A. ; pres. by
George IV. 7th Jan., and ord. 18th
Aug. 1825 ; trans, to Edderton 28th
March 1844.
JOHN LEES, born Stornoway, 1793,
son of James L. (whose forebears Lad ^^
come to Lewis with the Fife Adven- ' (
turers in the reign of James VI.); educated
at King's College, Aberdeen ; M.A. (25th
March 1814) ; missionary at Sand, North
Uist, 1819, and Carinish in 1822 ; app.
schoolmaster ■ to the Caledonian Asylum,
London [a school for the education of the
sons of Scottish soldiers and sailors], 28th
Nov. 1822, and entered on his duties Feb.
1823 ; app. secretary to the Asylum 6th
May 1824 ; was Gaelic lecturer in London,
and chaplain to the Highland Society ;
pres. by Queen Victoria 16th April, and
adm. here 21st Aug. 1844 ; died 17th Nov.
1846. " If there was one virtue more than
another that my father possessed," says his
son, Dr Cameron Lees, "it was the precious
one of charity. He would never allow an
unkind word to be spoken of those who
differed from him. . . . His favourite
theme was that the whole gospel is compre-
hended in the word love. When he died,
he was lamented by the whole island.
Free Church ministers have said to me
when a young man, ' Be like your father :
he was a good man.' " He marr. 1833, Mary
Isabella (died at Oban, 3rd March 1885,
|X.(-J— ^i-^~-j
aged 84), second daugh. of Captain Allan
Cameron, Lochmaddy (afterwards in Mull)
factor for Lord Macdonald of the Isles
in North Uist, and great-grandson of Sir
Ewen Cameron of Lochiel, who took part in
the wars of Montrose and in the Rising of
1715, and styled by Macaulay the "Ulysses
of the Highlands," and had issue — James
Cameron, K.C.V.O., D.D., LL.D., min. of
St Giles, Edinburgh, born in above Asylum,
24th July 1834 ; Colin, born at London ;
John, in New Zealand ; Allan Cameron, in
New Zealand ; Donald.— [Maclean's Life of
James Cameron Lees (Glasgow, 1922), 1-29.]
JOHN MACRAE, born 1802, son of
Donald M., farmer, and Isabella
Young ; ord. 1827 min. of East River,
Pictou, Nova Scotia ; adm. to Killearnan
5th Feb. 1845 ; trans, and adm. 30th Sept.
1847 ; died 10th Nov. 1877. He marr. (1)
10th July 1829, Julia MacDougall, and had
issue— Isabella William, born 19th March
1832 (marr. James Macdonald, min. of
Glenelg); Donald, D.D., born 26th Nov. 1833,
M.A. (King's College, Aberdeen, March
1851), min. of St Stephen's, St John's, New
Brunswick {q.v.) ; Archibald MacDougall,
born 3rd June 1835 ; Alexander, born 25th
July 1837; John, born 18th July 1839;
William, M.A., Madras, born 11th May
1841 ; Elizabeth Anne Campbell, born 11th
Feb. 1843: (2) 20th Aug. 1868, Elizabeth
Swanston (died 27th Feb. 1889), daugh. of
Robert Forsyth, Juniper Bank, Thurso.
Publication— 2^/ie Tivo Churches are One
after all (1860).
from Hylipol, Tiree, and adm. 27th
Sept. 1878 ] trans, to Logie-Easter
4th March 1881.
Aug. 1881; trans, to Daviot 18th
^^^ May 1894.
froin Tiree and adm. 21st Sept.
1894 ; trans, to Campbeltown 13th
March 1897.
jgg^ July 1897 ; trans, to Glengarry 30th
Sept. 1903.
from Kilchoman and adm. 29th Jan.
1904 ; trans, to Gaelic Church,
Greenock, 16th May 1913.
from Skipness and adm. 29th Oct.
1913 ; trans, to Tobermory 4th Nov.
MURDO MACLEOD, ord. 4th May
1921 1921; trans, to Uig 18th Jan. 1922.
ALEXANDER ROSS, M.A. ; ord. 9th
1922 ^^^^ ^^^^ '' '^^™' °^ being app. as
army chaplain {q.v.) 11th July 1924.
1924 ^°'^° Edinburgh, 18th Aug. 1885,
son of Allan M., min. of Rogart ;
educated at Inverness High School and
Royal Academy and Univ. of Edinburgh ;
M.A. (1913) ; licen.- by Presb. of Lewis in
1913 ; assistant at Dean Parish, Edinburgh,
1914, and West St Giles, Edinburgh,
1919-20; ord. to Cranshaws 20th Feb. 1920;
trans, and adm. 20th Nov. 1924. Marr.
22nd April 1920, Murilla, daugh. of John
Kennedy Cameron, M.A., Professor of
Systematic Theology, Free Church College,
Edinburgh, and Catherine M'lvor, and
has issue — Alan Cameron, born 9th Aug.
1921 ; Katherine May, born 20th Aug.
1922 ; Etta, born 27th April 1924.
[The church of Uig was dedicated to St
Christopher^. In the sixteenth century the
parishes of Stornoway, Gress, Ey, Lochs,
and Uig were all joined in one charge. On
19th Dec. 1722, the Lords Commissioners
of Teinds severed Uig again from the other
four. On Gallon Head, within the bounds,
there stands, somewhat ruined, a chapel of
very ancient form, built of dry undressed
stone . It bears the name of Tigh Bhean-
nachaidh ("The House of Blessing"). At
Kirvig there was a chapel of St Michael,
and on the island of Great Bernera stood
chapels of St Donan and St Michael.
There are now four mission chapels in
the parish of Uig. One stands on Great
Bernera and the others are at Vsiltos,
the Aird, and Braenish.]
RONALD ANGUSON, adm. before 3rd
June 1572 ; subscribed an obligation
from Roderick Macleod of Lewis to
John, Bishop of the Isles, 16th April 1573,
at command of the said Roderick, "because
he could not writt himself.'— [CW/ec■^ de
Rehus Alban., 7 ; Highland Papers, ii.]
JOHN MACLEOD, M.A. ; ord. 30th
Aug. 172G; trans, to Duirinish 21st
July 1741.
NORMAN MORISON, born about
lio/, son of John M., min. of Urray;
educated at King's College, Aber-
deen, M.A. (1728), and Univ. of St Andrews;
licen. by Presb. of St Andrews 21st Feb.
1740 J called 2nd Nov., and ord. 1st Dec.
1742; died 11th Feb. 1777 He marr. (1)
12th April 1746, Ag?ie*^aaugli. of William
M'Vey, merchan^, Edinburgh, and widow
of William Hart^ierchant, Edinburgh, and
had issue-^William, born 23rd July 1748,
apprenticed to a W.S., 1774 ; Theodore,
born 5th Aug. 1750; Ann M'Vey (twin),
born 5th Aug. 1750, died 9th Sept. 1772 ;
Agtres/(marr., pro. 19th April 1767, Neill
Carmichael, , merchant, Edinburgh) : (2)
2nd Jan. 1773, Jean Mackenzie,fwho died
M4»,*.lvAr fc*«.fc,*' 25th May 1802. Publication— Contributed
w»t *f t5UJ«».*.'«/'° Treatise on Second Sight (1763).—
*^ J^Afiscell. Scot., iii.]
HUGH MUNRO, born 16th April 1747,
son of John M., min. of South Uist ;